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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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help from russia, i also made a choice, i am for peace, for friendship, i am for the fact that fascism will never happen again on the territory of the kherson region. for his pro-russian choice, he received dividends in the form of positions. at first, fire fighters appointed him as one of gauleiter volodymyr saldo's deputies. and already on august 17 , 2022, vitaly bulyuk became the temporary executor of both. of the fake head of the military-civilian administration of the kherson region. planting trees is timed to the day of reunification with the great motherland russia, that is why we are starting and continuing such events and we will continue. bulyuk has now been given a new position. now he is the first deputy head of the illegal government of the kherson region for finance and economy. but the betrayal did not go unnoticed. ukrainian partisans arranged for him a big... was right next to
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his house in temporarily occupied skadovsk. bulyuk miraculously survived, but his driver died. an attempt was made on our associate, our friend who works in the government. there was a specific attempt on his life. as he was leaving his house, an explosion rang out, the device was hidden across the street. fortunately he is remained alive. bulyuk did not have long to live. i am sure that our law enforcement officers will arrest him soon. the question of choosing one's future destiny, life with a great powerful country. that's why i'm in a great mood. the case of this seller is already under consideration in the kherson city court. but who knows, maybe before the verdict in bulyuk's yard, one more woman will happen, spring thunderstorms are so unpredictable. in
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the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region, the russians completed the formation of the local the so-called public chamber. what is this body and who manages it? the public chamber is a body without powers, which should create the illusion of public society in russia. in fact, the chamber issues a certificate of a public figure and gives an assessment to legislative initiatives. the leadership of the chamber is appointed by the president of the russian federation, putin. you might think that someone influential is being appointed to the position of speaker of this house. or famous, but not, he became a shoe seller. i would really like it to be felt on the other side, not only in ukraine, but preferably there far away, where the puppeteers are sitting, controlling everything that is happening, felt the explosions of rockets, artillery strikes, the smell of fires and pain, this is kachur ihor vadymovych, a native of the kherson region, about his biography until february 24 from ukrainian
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sources it is only known that he was a private an entrepreneur and sold shoes, but here is what he tells the propagandistic russian media about himself. kacher positions himself as a journalist, activist and defender of the russian language in ukraine. apparently, since 1992, he began to publish regularly. these were articles on military and political topics published, in particular, in the central editions of russia. for a long time, the man was a member of the worldwide search service for the people of zhedimin. in the territory of the kherson region, and in 2014 , the security service of ukraine charged kacher with separatism and anti-state activities for his articles in russian publications. as a result of the maidan coup, the legitimate government in ukraine was overthrown, and from that moment a series of events started, which eventually led to the beginning of the svo. a perfect biography to occupy a high place.
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a chair in russian institutions, they say, i am for mother russia, i waited for you for a long time, defended the russian language, wrote laudatory articles about the kremlin, got tired of selling shoes, well, give me at least some position, it is not surprising that when a full-scale invasion began, kachur ran to hug the killers . it was not possible to remain in the same life and state in which the people of kherson lived for the past 30 years, and finally such an opportunity appeared. at first, he helped the occupiers in holding a pseudo-referendum, was a member of the territorial election commissions and counting votes, and engaged in pro-russian agitation among residents of the kherson region. well, then he went on to a significant promotion, he was made the head of the occupying public chamber of the kherson region. this chamber has a telegram page with 300 subscribers. photo reports of kachur's activities are regularly posted there, for example, how he attends a conference of his master putin. sees ukraine shelling
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civilians and tells children in schools who to vote for when they grow up. kachur hopes that the botoxed scarecrow will sit in the chair for a long time . a star, well, pure shizuha, with such mental disorders would not have prevented him from running in a completely different chamber, rather than leading the public chamber. the school of young voters is designed as a way to involve young people in electoral processes. but, of course, if rational processes are unattainable, one must engage in electoral ones. kachur also spreads russian propaganda and agitations on his personal telegram page. it is called "private zone". we will emphasize the poverty of the channel of idiots with the symbolism of russian murderers, but the word zone is encouraging, i am sure that soon this salesman will learn about alternative interpretation of this noun. and finally , i will tell you about the head of the russian defenders of the fatherland foundation olga
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volodymyrivna simanova, born in 1983, originally from the luhansk region. one of the priority directions of our fund is the perpetuation of the memory of the participants of the special military operation. olga graduated from luhansk dali university with a degree in political science. until 2014 , she worked in various projects and was even the head of the social partnership charity fund. when in the 14th year the russian army began the occupation of donetsk and luhansk oblasts, olga and her son went to the temporarily occupied crimea to soon return home to luhansk region. i would like to express my gratitude to president vladimir vladimirovich putin. i have been practicing for many years. voluntary activities, and all these years i feel the support of the government and the president. in this way, olga explained what she had been doing in recent years in the temporarily occupied part of luhansk region. it seems that her climbing was not appreciated there and no money was given. so with the beginning of a full-scale war , the woman decided to move to where russia is
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opens new illegal ministries, creates state organizations, throws millions of wooden rubles into the kherson region for russification. having experience working with. tatami simanova received the position of head of the branch of the russian state fund defenders of the fatherland in the kherson region, and later became putin's confidant as a candidate for the presidency of the russian federation in the kherson region. since february 23, congratulations. here you go. as the head of the fund of black garbage bags, well, or as they say , defenders of the motherland, she takes care of the fact that chums receive holiday gifts, medical help, so that you, who became fertilizer... would not be forgotten, and their families would advance in line to receive a fur coat or zhigulis. the optimism of the residents of the kherson region is certainly visible, and i am very happy to see it too. it would be better to deal with the wholesale purchase of garbage bags. it would be much more useful. olga highlights her work in
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the telegram channel, where she has 770 subscribers. i advise this traitor to conduct it more actively. this way , our law enforcement agencies will have more evidence to declare a sub. the verdict in this case will not be taken away, i am sure of it. it there was a program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the krymniv sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. there are discounts, koko presents may discounts on voltaren forte 20% in psarynsky, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts represented by may's coco discounts on valeriana bolgarska pills, 10% in podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. greetings, this is
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svoboda live on radio svoboda. we are already they approached zmiiny himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene live, drone attacks, kamikaze, political analysis, objective and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda life - frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl. in winter we start two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world is, now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please have a word, two
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hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company favorite. hosts, thank you very much to elinia chechenna for the information about the news culture, presenters, which have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the advent day, as well as the distinguished guests. studio andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. big air, vasyl zema. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. may 8, wednesday. on the air of the espresso tv channel, a special project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. about the role of ukrainians in world war ii. about 10 years of the european tradition of celebrating the day memory the red poppy and the first minute of peace, about the rejection of may 9 with parades and
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immortal regiments, about 10 years of decolonization, separation from the scoop and how it helped our stability in modern war, the day of remembrance of the second world war through the prism of history, sociology, politics , culture in our special broadcast. your favorite presenters, extremely interesting guests, respected and respected experts, during the day on... new model of memory, new symbolism, new us. may 8, a special espresso project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. poppies memory 10 years. christ is risen. this cheerful easter song, with which the sky, the earth and the depths of the underground are filled on this day. today fills our heart with joy. christ is risen and... demons fall? christ is risen, death is destroyed. christ is risen, and we
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find the meaning of our suffering, our life, our hope. i congratulate you all on the great holiday. may the risen christ restore all our strength, heal our wounds, grant us victory over our enemy, because christ is risen. truly resurrected congratulations, friends, with you is vitaly portnikov, ours interlocutor oleksandra matviychuk, human rights defender, head of the organization center for civil liberties, awarded with the nobel peace prize and laureate of the vasyl stus prize. greetings, ms. aleksan. good evening. let's start with the report
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of the state department of the united states, which is dedicated precisely to human rights in ukraine. there are a lot of serious remarks about russia, which could have been predicted, but there are also remarks about ukraine, but it seems to me that these remarks need to be sorted out, that after all, the most important thing is how we have to do this, if you will, work on mistakes, because it is just a statement of facts, wants. is visible, and we must do this work on errors, understanding the context. we are trapped between two logics, the logic of war and the logic of democratization, and it is difficult to balance between these logics, so the facts presented in the report should be viewed not as mere criticism, but as something that needs to be corrected. for example, considerable attention is devoted to the topic of freedom of speech, and it is clear that freedom of speech is not absolute. right, it can be limited during war due to security considerations, but it can be limited only
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proportionally, and when at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, for example, a number of tv channels were turned off the air and deprived of the right to broadcast, our human rights organizations, and the center for civil liberties, the kharkiv legal group, and a number of others have made the claim that this is a disproportionate interference with freedom of speech. therefore, it is not surprising that in this report there is criticism of the telethon, because the decision that was adopted in the 22nd year could have been relevant for that context, well, with the change of context in the 24th year, it needs to be revised. well , here it is very important to understand, you know, where decisions are really made, which are justified by the needs of the war, which can also be right, which can be wrong. and where is the solution, where war is used to strengthen the monopoly of power, how to tell the difference? and this
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is not distinguished by the fact that we climb into the heads of the executors or adopters of these decisions, which is impossible to do, we conduct a test, for example, when we talk about freedom words, there is a three-step test that is used in practice, for example, the european court of human rights, it talks about three components, whether there is a legitimate goal, and here they will say, yes it is... for security reasons, whether these are achieved limitations of the protection of this purpose and the last, extremely important and component of this text, whether these limitations are necessary. in a democratic society, and here quite often there is this proportionality, that yes, the state can pull the blanket over itself, but not more than necessary, even in war conditions, it just fails, here very it is important to realize how fundamentally we are now in a situation of, if you will, a selective right, and how society
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perceives it, because by and large we talked about it even before the war, that of course the state can adopt some measures, very often such , which do not correspond to the current legislation, the constitution, against people we do not like. obviously, and this is a very dangerous thing, and i always remind, as a human rights activist, that even those people who support it, saying, now is a war, and we have to use any methods, they think they are using these techniques against what they call enemies, they don't understand that if you... break the rules of the game, tomorrow these techniques will be used against you. well, the question arises, how to explain this, a society that is already traumatized by this long war and the realization that, relatively speaking, the dictatorship that is opposite, it is very often effective, precisely because it does not care about any right, and she can change the law, change the constitution, do anything that
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will replace, i would say, patience needed, but here i will add some, probably very great love... for people who will come to you in the comments, who will find you in social networks and start writing to you that you are not in the trenches, that you are a human rights activist, that you in his rose-colored glasses, well, this is the mildest of what i actually read when i wrote about such violations, which seem to me, even during the war, disproportionate and threatening, well, on the other hand, the incidence is understandable, but there is another side. the medal that creates such obvious problems for law enforcement is that logic itself war, it somehow calls into question our usual norms by which we treat human rights, and here, even if we are not talking about the russian-ukrainian war, but more broadly, we see how human rights organizations are now
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condemning the israeli army, israeli forces for actions in the gas sector, demonstrations, reports, demands, not to give military support, which are heard in the united states, i can just quote senator bernie sanders, who says: "no, we are not against the state of israel, we not antisemites, we just are we talk about the fact that you violate human rights, but along with that there is a need to destroy terrorism there, to fight terrorist organizations there, and the very activity of the security forces when they do this, and this also applies to us when we..." let's say we act there in the de-occupied territories and fight with the occupied territories, it actually undermines the human rights we are used to and what to do about it? it is difficult to speak in broad strokes here, because the approach to the protection of human rights requires an analysis of each specific case, that is, each specific one case, to what extent do
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both international human rights law and international humanitarian law come into force during war? right, to what extent these two fields, superimposed on this specific example, on this specific context, say there that the actions of this or that state correspond to these norms or not, because unfortunately, during war, people die, civilians die, and here is this proportionality, it is what we just talked about about freedom of speech, it is also present here, and it protects the civilian population, and it establishes norms and... rules for waging wars and protection of one's legitimate interests, therefore one must go into each case, and not look in broad strokes, analyze, although i, on the other hand, i say this and catch myself thinking that when i talk about the russian federation, i just use broad strokes, but we have factual confirmation for these broad strokes, we
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have a database of public organizations in which we documented 70,000 episodes of war crimes in just two years. throughout the territory of ukraine, and i can definitely, using these facts, with wide masks, say that this is a conscious policy of the russian state to use war crimes, that these are not some excesses of specific actors or some army unit, that this is the method by which russia is trying to win this war, inflicting pain on civilians and breaking their resistance. well , russia itself, when you talk to your foreign colleagues, you don't think that it has gone... along this palestinian path, relatively speaking, when it replaces the aggressor and the victims, says that the ustrous ukraine is committing crimes against the civilian population there, the ukrainian the army conducts it like this, and so, here we see how they show the suffering of people in the belgorod region, as if it were simple, well, by chance they got into this situation, that
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ukraine wants to destroy the peaceful territory of russia there, as it was before with the donbass, with this meme that you did for eight years, when ukraine bombed donbas, it was heard not only in russia itself, it was always discussed in the right-wing environment, i just returned from a very long trip. in the united states of america, and i saw how widespread the narrative is that ukraine persecutes christians, well, here is a good example, and to be honest, that is, this zayavzherim was not accidental, she is not accidental, and unfortunately, she is not, not only she thinks so, many are convinced that ukraine persecutes christians, and you know, there is a special the cynicism is because we have been documenting war crimes for 10 years, of course, a full-scale war is a completely different size and intensity, but the trend has been clear since 2014, russia considers
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freedom of religion exclusively as a collective category, there should be only one church or loyal churches, for example, this is the transformation and taking control of the muftiat on the crimean peninsula, and all other churches, denominations, religious organizations, both their leadership and their beliefs. are they being persecuted, and everything that we recorded during these 10 years, all this i heard, as if ukraine is doing it, kidnapping, killing and torturing priests in the occupied territories, and i, when i heard this, i just told these cases that i personally documented, for example, i said that the protestant pastor oleksandr khomchenko told me, i mentioned the abduction of stepan podolchak from the village of kalanchak , kherson region, but to be honest, i am really thinking about what to do with it, because our
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voices are single, and russia has used a powerful machine, hired lobbyists in the same washington, they bypassed all congressmen and told how ukraine is being persecuted, and what is meant by the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate first of all, as an organization that is being persecuted? it means that... when speaking as an average american, they do not make a distinction, for them there are christians, but they do not know whether it is the moscow church or some other, and these christians are persecuted by russia, and how they package it for specific congressmen, then this is a question to which i do not know the answer , well, in the united states there is an american orthodox church, which is recognized by the russian orthodox church as autocephalous, its truth is not recognized by anyone else, practically in world orthodoxy, but it is a whole organization, whose representatives can still go to congressmen, to representatives of local legislative bodies to talk about all these sufferings, this is
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a whole church, but the situation, the situation is more complicated, even evangelical churches, which are persecuted by russia in the occupied territories, they believe that ukraine is persecuting christians, and something must be done about it, because it is the a narrative that is actively promoted and... is used, among other things, to not give ukraine the support we expect from the united states of america. and in general, how do you feel that public opinion has changed during this time? i felt that people, and that's enough typically and naturally, they are already thinking about other things than the russian war in ukraine. and i felt, and by the way, it was a surprise for me, because i was on such a tour by invitation. we are from american universities, that is, in different parts of the country, that we still have a huge reserve of empathy, because wherever i spoke, it was always a very warm reception,
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people responded to what i told, well , actually human pain, it has no borders , these are very clear stories, and i came to the conclusion that if someone were in america all the time had a focus on this, it would be much easier for us, because people, they are not bad... they are just busy with a thousand other things that are happening in the world at the same time. in principle, what do we need to do to maintain this interest, primarily in the united states, but in european areas, because what you say, empathy is understandable, but the level of interest is also very important, we see it in the columns of the world media, the middle east, in the center of events for 200 days in a row, and this is a strategic region for of the united states, and it is clear, and it is clear, ukraine. this is not the only part of the world where tragedies are happening, where people are suffering, that is, there is a lot going on in syria, which has also left
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the world press. in sudan, in iran, well, that is, there are various points that needed respect, and our question, despite this change of attention, is to ensure our interests, because it is difficult to fight such a powerful military force as russia without international help, and if the west tells us that you fight not only for yourself, well, we wanted accordingly, so that it is always confirmed not just by words, but by concrete actions, that is why i have to... your difficult question, such a simplified answer, it seems to me that if russia enters the stage of a long exhausting war, then we have to move to a long-term strategy, we have to to build communities in these countries, and this, we have something to start with, we have 7, i don't know how many millions of ukrainian refugees now, we have a super active diaspora that became active after the 22nd
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year, we have.. . indifferent artistic circles, right-wing circles, we need to expand these communities so that they are not purely ukrainians or people of ukrainian origin, and constantly involve these people in some actions, that is, we need to start work on building such an international network, if russia builds on money, on propaganda, on some kind of corruption or political influence. then we need to build it on values ​​and on such very basic things as human solidarity and empathy and a sense of personal responsibility for everything that happens in the world. after this story with the termination of consular services to conscripted men, will there not be cracks in the diaspora itself? it is obvious that they will go. it seems to me that, in general , this question of mobilization is very complicated,
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and different parts of ukrainian society have different interests in this regard, and here the ukrainian state looks like this to me from the side, it takes mutually contradictory steps, on the one hand it seems emasculates this draft law, not until and not, and those norms demanded by the part of society that is fighting against this law disappear, on the other hand a completely different signal, that we are now in... let's take on those ukrainians who are abroad, maybe this is a struggle not for mobilization, but for justice, it's just different , different, different struggles, well, in any case, it should be to have any real implementation mechanisms, it looks like these are different conflicting signals and it 's hard for me to understand what our public policy is on mobilization, again, i'm not a military expert, i can only look at it from a human rights perspective, but back to your question, me
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it seems... that despite all this, a huge part of people abroad understand that this is a war for survival, and feel a responsibility to ensure that their country survives, even while they are safe abroad, they do something. in every state, i meet such people who tell me how many charity actions they have done, how they have carried something themselves, how they carry out some kind of information work, these people should become. more, not less, which means they should be campaigning to get other people into the job, not just rely solely on your own strength. we have already used the word survival several times in our conversation, and here is an important point, that we had the impression, at least after the maidan of 2013-14, that the entire 20, 20 , 20th century. we are moving to
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such values ​​of the civilized world, which require a completely different attitude to human life, to solidarity, to mutual understanding, to respect for the state and for the state's respect for the person, and now we again, logically, after the beginning of this great war , they moved to the value of survival, as far as it affects human rights in general and on the perspective of the perception of human rights as a value by the citizens themselves, it means a lot. because war is poison, war is poison not only for ukrainian society, for any society, when i was studying at tenfer university, i specially took a course on wars and on international settlement, in order to understand these patterns and be ready that awaits us, both during the war and after the war ends, however it ends.


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