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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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yes, of course we have had this frozen conflict since '92, and i mentioned to you that we were very insistent on neutrality because we wanted russian troops out. in 1992, at the osce summit in istanbul, russia undertook to withdraw its troops, but it never did. now we see a very interesting kind of balance, because now, you know, moldova and ukraine are also contributing. there is a very small russian contingent in transnistria, and you know, now we see that the border is closed. the transnistrian region is highly dependent on trade with the eu, because now the majority of their trade is also with the european union. the power of a kind of
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economic pull factors, so we see on the one hand this kind of more extremist formation, but then we also see economic needs. and we understand that actually the advantages over... for the people living in the region of transnistria may actually be more moderate and head west, but a lot will depend, and we are of course aware of this from the outcome of the war in ukraine. and probably the final decision and conclusion troops must be part of a larger deal. from the point of view of the gagauz autonomous region, it is an autonomous region. i believe that... our
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challenges here are more related to working with people there so that they understand how things really are. and there is a larger russian-speaking population there, so you know, they are very dependent on the content they see in russian, and we need to create better content in russian, but pro-european, to explain the values ​​that european civilization stands for.
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so i'm sure, and i hope, because of the improved communication, there's increased resiliency to these instruments of hybrid warfare, we will be able to make sure that we maintain our pro-european path. by the way, the eu ambassador noted that there are options for the development of events, when moldova will become part of the union, while without these regions. what do you think about this? well, we saw the example of cyprus, i think, also during the european political summit (epc). at the european political community summit in bulboat, mr. borel even said that we must not let this stop us. but
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at the same time, of course, we want reintegration country and the support of all people in joining the eu, because this is actually a project of peace, it is a project of democracy, it is a project of human rights and freedom. so, along with these values ​​comes economic prosperity, so we must persevere and be sure that such... do you see the possibility of a conflict between moldova and the russian federation, is moldova ready for such a conflict and do you have the resources to fight it? as i have already mentioned, we are in a hybrid war. and the real problem is. our resistance to these methods,
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because if moldova changes course political means, then in fact no rocket needs to be prepared. so this is one. dangerous, so the next few months are going to be very important to explain to people what 's going on and make sure that even though, you know, there's heightened anxiety, and you know, there's this frustration created by the russian propaganda, you know, we need to stand up, and we must ensure that we continue our pro-european path. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational
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project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. inclusion live we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 a.m. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also the reverse connection, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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congratulations, the real front and z program is on the air i am you, taras berezovyts. today in our program. the situation at the front is worsening, what did the secretary general of nato bring to kyiv? china is trying to destroy the unity of the european union and the united states. should ukrainians wait for the destruction of the kerch bridge? and also an international network of whistleblowers, which secrets the website of the belarusian kgb hid. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general oleksandr syrskyi, explained that the situation at the front has really worsened. he announced this in his telegram channel. but according to the american institute of studies war, the stabilization of russian positions to
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the north-west of avdiivka presents the russian command with a choice. or continue to advance west to the stated operational goal of pokrovsk. or try to advance north to conduct possible additional offensive operations around the temporal chasm. more on this situation in our next story. despite the fact that the ukrainian wars destroy about a thousand occupiers every day, the situation at the front remains difficult. commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi stated that the situation at the front has worsened. russia. is operating along the entire front line, the hottest now in the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions, where the defense forces have retreated to other positions, he wrote about this on sunday, april 28, in his social networks. the situation at the front escalated, trying to seize the strategic initiative
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and break through the front line, the enemy concentrated the main efforts in several directions, creating a significant advantage in forces and means. actively attacks along the entire front line in some directions. has tactical success, is happening a dynamic change in the situation, individual positions change hands several times during the day, which creates an ambiguous understanding of the situation. the institute for the study of war said that now the russian command is faced with the choice of continuing to advance westward to pokrovsk or advancing northward to the time of the yar. ukrainian expert oleksandr kovalenko believes that in the near future the russian troops will refrain from offensive actions in pokrovsk. direction, let's say, the russian occupation troops are really the last sometimes they try to advance in the pokrovsky direction, but this is a long enough length with its own, its own specificity of relief, landscape, as well as the line of defense, as well as
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boundaries on the part of the defense forces of ukraine. the russians had a temporary success in the area of ​​ocheretyn, and now they are doing what they do... providing security for their northern and southern flanks, but further progress along the 05:11 track is quite doubtful for them, given that to the west. from avdiivka, the defense forces of ukraine have concentrated the main lines of defense, as well as lines, that is, if they even advance on 0.511, their southern flank, it will actually be in constant danger of being cut off, because they will not be able to penetrate our defense lines as fast as they can advance on 0.511, that logic, this is rationalism, and therefore it is unlikely... they will concentrate in this direction for the next month or a half. according to oleksandr
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kovalenko, now the priority for the occupiers is the yar times. now we can observe that the russian occupation troops, a group of troops south, they are trying to cover chasiv yar from the northern and southern flanks, i.e. through bohdanivka, the exit in the north, the northern direction, and also through ivanovske, route 05. four in the direction of the mortar, and this is precisely the southern flank, so the main attack will be concentrated in the eastern suburbs temporarily yaru along route 05-06 through khromov, but these so-called ticks from the north and south will help them. it is necessary to concentrate more weapons in the direction of chasovoy yahor, this will help to better counter the russian troops, believes oleksandr kovalenko. i can lead to the restoration of the supply of appropriate weapons precisely
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at the time of the ravine, the time of the ravine is a height, it is a height, what is a height? height is the prerogative and dominance of the artillery, if the artillery has the appropriate ammunition, then from the heights it can completely neutralize and level any offensive actions by the enemy, in the case of a temporary ravine - this is exactly the option. which demonstrates that the russians can use six, 7-10 times the human resource component during assault operations, but if the artillery works as clock 24x non-stop, then they have no chance to break through our defense line, unfortunately, for now we still have a shortage, if... of ammunition, yes supply of artillery systems, this is due to the fact that yes recovery from the us , supplies have started,
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these are logistics chains, but they have their time of cumulative effect, cumulative effect, it affects how we can counter the russian occupiers, and so if we take them as a possibility, logistically as of today, we will feel... the difference between supply period and lack of supply only for the second half of may or near the end of may. on monday, april 29 , nato secretary general jen stoltenberg arrived in kyiv for talks with president volodymyr zelensky. the meeting discussed the state of the war and the future of support for ukraine. from nato. the two leaders discussed preparations for the july nato meeting in washington.
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also, according to the head of the north atlantic alliance, nato countries have already agreed on planning a broader role of the alliance in coordinating aid to ukraine. we will hear direct speech more support is on the way. mr. president. fell before the defense ministers of the nato countries at the nato council of ukraine a few days ago, where i chaired, and the members of the alliance clearly heard your call and they agreed to increase our support. i welcome the fact that the united states has already passed a major new package of more than $60 billion in aid, including critical anti-missile systems. hundreds
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of vehicles, thousands of missiles and millions of ammunition. germany will provide an additional patriot system. the netherlands is investing an additional four billion euros. other allies are also looking at what else they can do. and we expect new announcements soon, so we are seriously working to ensure the urgent, urgent needs of ukraine, and ... if the members of the alliance have a choice between achieving nato goals and supporting ukraine in terms of gdp, then they will support ukraine. and it is also planned to replenish stocks. stocks can and should be replenished. on the night of
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tuesday, april 30, in the occupied crimea, and it was in simferopol, gvardiysky and dzhankoy that explosions rang out. according to local residents, the kerch bridge was closed for about an hour as a result of the air threat. we will remind that on the eve of april 28 , the lithuanian ambassador to sweden and the former head of the lithuanian foreign ministry, linas linkevičius, hinted at a new attack on the kerch bridge. on his page in the x social network, the diplomat published an image of a bridge, a photo of a missile launch and a sad dictator putin. he also warned that if anyone has not yet had the opportunity to take a photo on kerschenskyi bridge, there is still time for this. more about the prospects of the image building symbolizing
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the russian occupation of the ukrainian peninsula in our next story. ukraine has the right to destroy the kerch bridge in the temporarily occupied crimea. this was announced by the head of the strategic communications center of the defense forces of southern ukraine, dmytro pletenchuk. on april 30 on the tv channel fridom. letenchuk noted that the occupiers are protecting the bridge as much as possible, but with the support already provided, ukraine will be able to do it. last time they that is, marine drones played a key role. role in this process, and in fact only by a coincidence that our enemy was lucky that this bridge did not fall completely that day, this is only one of the options, one of the tools with which this can can be opened. again, we won't go into all the details, but as you can see, we have different options. and of course, this object must be removed, it is a competition of action and counteraction, and with what tool this
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object will be destroyed, we will find out after the fact, of course, but a set of tools certain in our hands. and let's hope that it will be implemented. on the night of april 30 , explosions were again heard in the temporarily occupied simferopol and dzhankoya, this was reported in telegram channels. in the crimean chats, local residents also reported that a lot was heard in dzhankoya, where the airfield and one of the occupying brigades are located. motor vehicle traffic across the crimean bridge was blocked. as previously reported by the guardian, the main intelligence agency of ukraine has almost all the components necessary for destruction. who bridge in the first half of 2024. senior officials of the ukrainian military intelligence agency gur indicate that they are planning a third attack on the bridge after two previous attempts to blow it up. arguing that its destruction is inevitable. gur believes that he can soon put the bridge out of order. we will do it in the first half
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of 2024, one official told zegardian, adding that kyrylo bodanov, head of the main administration. intelligence already has more means to realize this goal. ukrainian expert oleksandr kovalenko says that for the occupiers the kerch bridge is the main one a logistical artery that provides personnel with everything necessary. and the destruction of this bridge , even for a month, will cause serious problems for the occupiers. what does it say? this indicates an already critical situation with the supply of the corresponding component to the south. 200,000 just bodies, they will need. supply, which will not be, which they received every day, the same applies to the mechanized component, so the kerch bridge is really a very important logistical artery that continues to provide the russians with everything necessary every day, if it ceases
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to function, accordingly, the results will be not... not only will the russians not be able to carry out any offensive actions, they will not even be able to fully implement the defensive functionality of any of their units, any bridgehead. well, in fact, i think that this is really a very important object for further destruction, especially since it is generally, if we look at it from a legal point of view, an illegal development, and what should be done with an illegal development, it should be destroyed. oleksandr kovalenko as well notes that all the necessary conditions should be created for the destruction of the kerch bridge, so that this operation is really successful. everything depends not only on our westerners. partners, and it all depends on the conditions created for this, and there are many conditions, many factors, for example, air defense equipment,
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a large radio court, the same s-400 systems, if they will close and protect the kerch bridge, well, to put it mildly, to use a resource that they can score with 100% efficiency, irrationally, with the other side if there is no such component, we can use all the nomenclature that we have in order to strike the kerch bridge, both with a subsonic component and a supersonic component, as well as an air component, as well as surface, underwater, all together comprehensively, but the main thing is to create. appropriate conditions so that the russian occupiers had nothing to defend the kerschen bridge. in the occupied crimea
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, on the night of april 30, three military units of the russian air defense forces were attacked, the astra telegram channel from referring to own sources. the strikes were inflicted on the military unit in the village of dontske, simferopol district, and the facilities of the 31st air defense division of the ministry of defense of the russian federation. in the black sea region. it is also reported that ballistic missiles once again attacked the dzhankoy airfield, where the helicopter regiment of the fourth army of the air force and the air defense forces of the southern military district of the russian armed forces are based. the united states responded beautifully to russian fakes about rockets. yes, the coordinator is strategic. communications of the council john kirby of the us national security agency did not confirm the statement of the russian ministry of defense about the alleged shooting down of american missiles by attacks over crimea. recently, there has been
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real hysteria in the russian military regarding the transfer of long-range missiles to ukraine. "no, i cannot confirm reports that any of these atakam missiles have been shot down," kirby stated. he also refused to specify how many... long-range missiles of this type the united states transferred to ukraine. at the same time , he noted that it was a significant number. the ministry of defense of the russian federation said that russian air defense forces allegedly shot down six attack missiles and two french-made hummer guided air bombs during the day. russian propagandists created a real hysteria regarding preparations for the destruction of the kerch bridge. on the way. it is confidently stated that the 300 km long-range missiles handed over to ukraine will be used in the coming days to
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destroy the kerch bridge, or, as it is also called, the crimean bridge. if this actually happens, and the propaganda is convinced, it should happen by may 9, sacred date in the russian calendar, the so- called victory day. in the end, we must state that ukraine has already won, even if this attack on the kerch bridge will not happen in the end. after all, all this looks like one of the most successful informational and psychological special operations, which, by the way, the russians fanned and carried out against themselves. the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china reported that in may, the five-day trip of the chinese leader zijinping to france, serbia and hungary will begin. as reported by the agency bloomberg, during this trip the chinese
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leader will try to drive a wedge between the european union and the united states. more details about china's international activity in our story: sitting on two chairs will not work. secretary of state. u.s. secretary of state anthony blinken said that china cannot find ways to end the war in ukraine and improve relations with europe while supplying russia with goods that are the biggest challenge to european security since the end of the cold war. blinken said this at the world economic forum forum in saudi arabia, - reports the public, referring to the guardian. we have cooperated with china since the beginning of russian aggression against ukraine and urged them not to provide. weapons to russia, weapons that fuel aggression. anthony blinken also reported that although china did not directly supply russia with weapons, missiles and ammunition, it still
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supported the russian federation. however, china provides invaluable support to russia's defense-industrial base, which helps it cope with the enormous pressure exerted by sanctions, export controls and other measures. how is it managed to do? because russia receives massive inflows of machine tools, microelectronics, and optics, mainly from china. these are dual- use items now, but we know very clearly where a lot of them go. on the eve. on april 6 , the us secretary of state had a meeting in china with xijin pin, during which he called on china to refrain from helping russia. according to nbc news, blinkin said that he is currently providing moscow with dual-purpose goods, such as machines and microelectronics. it would be difficult for russia to sustain its invasion to ukraine without china's support. blinken also reported on the possible expansion of sanctions
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against beijing with help. moscow. earlier, he stated that china is the main supplier of the russian defense industrial complex. in the case of the us, we have already imposed restrictions against over a hundred chinese export control organizations, etc. and we are fully prepared to take additional measures. and i made that very clear in my meetings today. in early april , the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation also visited china lavrov to strengthen the strategy. cooperation the meeting took place in beijing on april 9 with the chinese colleague wang. and the country's leader sidzen pin. the chinese minister emphasized that moscow is one of the key partners. and china intends to strengthen this union - reports korespondnet. both sides consider each other as priority partners and set an example of friendly exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation between large neighboring
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countries. current good relations. china and russia have achieved with great difficulty, and they deserve that both sides appreciated and supported them. in turn, lavrov noted that relations between the russian federation and china have reached a new high level, and they will continue to improve further. our strategic partnership is built on the principles of respectful, equal, trusting dialogue, mutual support on issues affecting the fundamental interests of our countries. this week, the cybertizana hacking group announced that they managed to break into the kgb network of belarus and gain access to the personal files of thousands of employees. as proof that they really hacked the department's network, cyber guerrillas published the list of administrators and the site's database.
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40,000 were publicly available. denunciations that the belarusian kgb received from well-wishers from all over the world for the period 2014-2023, with the names, e-mail addresses and countries of residence of the contributors. residents of berlin, warsaw, barcelona, ​​as well as ukrainian citizens were among those who informed the belarusian special services about the activities of lukashenka's enemies. at the same time, some of the denunciations were written after the beginning full-scale invasion. credibility the bases of these denunciations still need to be verified, but the fact is obvious that the autocreations have an extensive network of voluntary helpers around the world. more details about this espionage scandal in our story. hacker groups in belarus said that they infiltrated the network of the main security department of the kgb and obtained the personal data
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of more than 8,600 employees. organizations and 40,000 denunciations from poland, lithuania, berlin, ukraine and other countries. the corresponding information was published in the telegram channel cyber ​​guerrillas. the list of admins and the site database were published there. if you suddenly did not notice, together with the database of the kgb website, we also posted on the network the denunciations that were sent to chekists through the portal from september 2014 to august 2023. during the occupation of kyiv region, kolesvit. saw the atrocity of the occupiers in buch and other cities of the region. ukrainians also monitored and anonymously sent information to hackers. cyber-partisans received one of these messages from a ukrainian citizen on march 12, where the woman denounced an opposition blogger in belarus who took participation in anti-government protests after the presidential elections. in the message of the hackers on april 26.


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