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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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it cannot be to achieve a specific goal of changing power without politics, but the question of changing power is absolute, it is a question of the timing of this protest, they will necessarily, due to certain actions of the government, the protest will come to the point that it will no longer be satisfied solely with the cancellation of this same bill, which the authorities are not going to cancel, when it will happen, no one knows at the moment, it's interesting, that is, the most massive protest is planned for may 11, absolutely. there is a clear organization, i repeat, the network is centric. they work with circles of athletes, they work with circles of activists of culture, there are theaters and so on, foreign institutions, there are already, let's say, volunteer lines of the organization for collecting financial assistance, private as well as state medical institutions, trade centers regarding means of protection have joined, that is, the process is alive and developing. a unique situation for tbilisi. the local residents did not
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release him on easter, but some left, but as such, let's say, the period of the easter holidays, i think that there in kyiv and not only in ukraine , the city will understand that the city is full, that's why the process is only will develop and the situation will only escalate, but tell me, in principle, can the situation change in such a way as to lead the georgian dream to defeat in the elections, is this actually a real development of the pid? the georgian government will not lose, you see , by trying to pass this draft law for the second time, the georgian government completely broke its winning strategy in the elections, its main political capital inside the country was the complete impotence and dispersion of the opposition forces, in short, they absolutely won without options and honestly, unfortunately, and even in your program, it seems that i have already emphasized this, now what will happen about that? you understand what
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the matter is, it would seem that they made a fool of themselves, because those people who protested a year ago, the youth canceled this very russian draft law, she does not go and she would not come to the elections, she lived according to the principle of plague on both of your hut, you understand, but now artificially and completely deliberately, the georgian authorities did what they did, and these people will go to the elections, but they still do not know by what force they will vote, you can look at wikipedia for a long time, i will say very... briefly, the georgian authorities made such legislation already without majoritarians with a five percent barrier and with a ban on registering blocs, you understand, knowing that georgian oppositionists, as frunzyk brchan said , they have such personal dislike for each other that they will never come to an agreement, but now the authorities are making assumptions with their own hands that either they will come to an agreement or the protest will bring to the surface some political figure from below, this is also not possible. let's say so, exclude, sir
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vladimir, we understand that the kremlin has its own interests in this game itself. in your opinion, what is the goal being pursued in moscow in this case, specifically in relation to georgia, in moscow they are now very satisfied, you understand what is the matter, now why did vinzin ivanishvili do this, there are two, let's say, versions , which i like, that's what. one complements the other, that is, it looks banal, banal, that he, these steps, this is the second time to adopt this bill, he made deliberately from submission from moscow. his problem is that now that there is no question whether it is true or not, i know what i am talking about in this belief in brussels and in washington. now people who are on the eve of granting georgia a candidate for membership, it was recently.
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absolutely, i know them personally both in europe and in georgia in fact, they are currently circulating in brussels who lobbied for the candidacy of georgia under this government, this is what the situation looks like, the second situation that binziyno ivanishvili led to this decision in terms of political technology , again from moscow, or according to moscow political technologies, political technologies, when he made such a nervous decision, based on a thesis, now here is yeraklii kabakhidze, the prime minister, who is completely independent in his theses and declares from every iron that the west, well, western and so on, during the 20-23rd year tried to make two attempts at a revolution in georgia, well, it did not happen, it absolutely did not happen, if we talk about the logic of the protest and support it, then its problem is that there is no such help from abroad, but it may appear, no, that is why technologically russia is now very advanced satisfied, because she has... she
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feels quite comfortable, or the georgian government will stand up, being absolutely toxic, there, i don't know, i don't like absolute analogies there with belarus or with someone, and will fix its power, putting already.. . officially a barrier on the way to the eu to nato under all these pseudo-analytical conversations about commitment to the global south, from the same opera, by the way, the georgian authorities had active contacts with china, with hungary, with orben, all this is one and the same the line itself, it continues quite a while ago, not the last few months. on the other hand, if these processes in georgia will be chaotic, and in the future, that is, beyond my control. scenario, well they, i absolutely do not rule out some harsh actions there from the currently occupied territories of the tskhinvali region or abkhazia, and there will be analytical petrushkas here in the field who will tell us that it is not russia's fault, that it is not theirs, let's say, a proxy
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in the type of government in georgia is to blame, and those who went out to protest and did not foresee something there, that is why now in russia in its current strategies for promoting the transcaucasia project, even about... on the ukrainian front, they feel absolutely normal. thank you, thank you, mr. volodymyr. volodymyr kovchak, the head of the south caucasian branch of the army research center, was with us from tbilisi, and now with us is major general manda, the executive director of the institute of world politics. congratulations , mr. yevgeny. mr. yevgeny, good evening, please tell me that we are now talking about the difficult situation at the front, we are talking in general about... about these forecasts from the main intelligence agency, this is how it sounds mr. skibitsky, in particular, he says that the situation will be worse in the near future, and russia will
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apply this so-called, so-called three-layer, relatively speaking, hybrid version of pressure on ukraine, in your opinion, what could it be, and why will it happen right now? in my opinion... mr. skibitsky obviously has more information than you and i due to the specifics of his activity, but we also have to show that we have certain information, so i personally came to the conclusion that russia is implementing the kremlin spring in several directions, various, and i think that this spring will not end in june, because in june there is a meeting, well, a peace summit in switzerland, until then, on the one hand , switzerland, sorry, russia will try to achieve maximum success on the front, this correspondingly corresponds to the pace
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of providing ukraine with american, specifically american weapons, because they are, at the moment, the most powerful of all. types of weapons that are provided to us, but this is one moment, the second moment is definitely, uh, an attempt to discredit of the ukrainian political leadership and the military leadership, for example, yesterday's, well, i would say completely unrepentant fake about the resignation of oleksandr syrskyi, this is one of the elements. such pressure, of course, that people who closely follow the information field could not believe this nonsense, but there are people who use russian-language telegram
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channels, which are anonymous, who write about ukraine, as a source of information for themselves, and they could believe in these things, i have repeated it more than once or twice, and i'm sorry... i have to repeat it today, that people who use russian-language anonymous telegram channels as a source of information, they consume informational crap, sorry, that's what it's called, mr. yevheni can make a ukrainian-language channel next, you have to give him credit, you know, mr. vitaly, in 800 days they did not like it, and i think that... my personal assumptions are that the source of the activity of such channels is the so-called transnistrian-moldovan republic. i will not now reveal why i do such things conclusions, but i think they will be
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confirmed when we have additional official information. the next element of the kremlin spring 2024 - this is definitely an attempt to show that western aid is ineffective, in different ways, and at the moment it is an exhibition. of trophy equipment in moscow, in the so-called victory museum, there is a lot of stuff there, including hitler’s cap, i think that you can also throw shoigu’s cap in there or something else, i don’t know, putin’s mauser, well, that’s it, but i think , that next week we will watch the culmination of this spring in the form of. the outbreak of victory frenzy against the background of putin's inauguration to the post of putin. this
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is due to the fact that the russian authorities absolutely clearly position that the terrorist attack in the next step, according to the russian leadership, is a ukrainian affair, and they will absolutely powerfully broadcast it to russian citizens and citizens. other countries for what? they will broadcast it to the european union, to the states, so that the next wave of aid is less effective, spends more time on it and, in general, does a lot more, well, let's say complicated, that is, they want. uh, this merger taylor green scale, well, to put it completely simplistically. these
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elements, unfortunately, also include executions of ukrainian prisoners, which even international human rights organizations have already recorded, which , frankly, do not spoil us with an adequate approach quite often, for the simple reason that it happens so massively, unfortunately, and ... it is not covered up so much that it is impossible to go through everything, it is also an element of destabilization, and of course, the discrediting of the future peace summit, i have nothing to do with he has inflated expectations, but for russia, the possibility of dozens of countries, the leaders of dozens of countries, to gather and find a common language about how to defeat russia, how to... put russia in its place, this is an obviously unacceptable scenario. actually, today, by the way,
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russia declared zelenskyi and poroshenko wanted. mr. yevgeny, does this also include, conditionally speaking, this frenzy in the conditional destabilization plan that you are talking about, or in the conditional victory frenzy until may 9? i think it's just a slightly different context, it's related. with by involving ukraine, it is connected with involving ukraine so that it actually believed, the citizens of our country believed, and as many leaders as possible... states believed that on may 20
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zelenskyi's presidential powers will end. it is not true. and i believe that in ukraine, regardless of our political views, we should clearly state the fact that the powers of the ukrainian president will end with the inauguration of the next ukrainian president. it is absolutely obvious, as is the fact that the election to hold presidential elections in conditions of war is currently impossible, and any wishes of our partners in this sense seem sufficient, well, i would say naive, because we cannot transfer the american scenario of 1944 to ukraine, because in the united states there were no occupied territories, unlike ukraine. and tell me , mr. yevgeny, could this not be related
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to the fact that russia also wants to delegate the peace summit in this way, well, at least for the countries of the global south, well, there will be some kind of meeting, but you are coming to the meeting with the person we are looking for, there will be no negotiations with this person, well, you understand, this argument, i think, can be for... countries, a number of countries, perhaps of the global south, which do not quite clearly formulate their own vision of the current situation, i don't think that anyone... representatives, well, let's say, g20, even, with the exception of russia, can somehow be deterred by this. well, come on, let's be realistic, because everyone who understands the logic of international law, they understand that the warrant of the russian
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ministry of internal affairs is not worth the paper on which it is written prescribed, it is absolutely. clearly, well, let's go in a slightly different direction, let's remember another circumstance, that the international criminal court warrant issued against putin and lvovai bilova for the kidnapping of ukrainian children, he didn't completely stop communication with putin, right? and i think that the international criminal court is a little more weighty than the russian ministry of internal affairs. so in my personal system of values ​​and legal awareness, and i would very much like to hear from the west the position of the g7 countries, how they will treat putin, how they will treat he should apply after may 7, mr. putin, president putin, self-proclaimed president
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putin, this is a very serious matter, because the re-election of putin to the office of putin. took place , including on the occupied ukrainian territories, on the largest area of ​​an occupied european country after 1945, and if the world community is going to swallow it, then it is actually quite a serious challenge to everything that will happen in the future, after may 7 in the international arena. and tell me, mr. yevgeny, and... this situation is so with that, about what did you say about this international warrant for putin's arrest and other things, to what extent do you think it affects the perception of the russian leadership regarding all these pseudo-criminal actions, regarding the ukrainian karmanychi, i think that the russian leadership, first of all, it well,
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no matter how much we want the opposite, but it is consciously standing. on the position that ukraine is a temporarily lost territory, and it does not matter who is the president of ukraine, we, as a mirror, should approach somewhat differently, for us the position should be slightly different, we should realize that the physical stay of putin in power does not matter, there is a collective putin, and he is formed, and ideologically. collective putin, the ideology of racism, it strongly resembles the ideology of nazism. it is a paradox when the country, which is the legal successor, calls itself the legal successor of the soviet union, as one of the winners of nazism, promotes the ideas of racism,
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which are copied from hitler's ideology. i don't know why until now. in russia, they do not study property in schools. one more question, literally we don't have much time left, it concerns visits this week, we have jens stoltenberg and mr. cameron, minister of foreign affairs of great britain, were in ukraine. these visits, do they mean something to our country, are they somewhat symbolic? especially before this summit, do they not carry any geopolitical burden in principle? no, they bear the burden, and not only in the fact that jen stoltenberg apologized for the inefficiency of nato aid and promised that it will be better in the future, well, he will continue, literally from
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the fall he will no longer have to be responsible for it, because he is finally dying, forgive the title . the post of secretary general of nato, and accordingly, will move further on his personal path, and mark rutt will most likely become the obvious secretary general. i think that this shows that the west is giving russia a fairly clear political signal that ukraine is in the sphere of constant attention, that the west is not leaving ukraine alone with russia, no matter how much the latter would like, this is an absolutely clear awareness , a clear signal, and i don't think we should... doubt that. yes, stoltenberg made us understand that we are at the jubilee summit in washington despite ours waiting, we will not receive an invitation to nato. i
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wouldn't dramatize it. i would still be inclined to the fact that ukraine should eventually start to back up its loud statements with a demonstration of an adequate position. within the state itself, i.e. by strengthening the government as closely as possible to the government of national unity. thank you, mr. yevhen, yevhen magda was in touch with us, we will now take a break for just a few minutes, but you stay with us.
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exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that cause resonance in our. in society, drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country
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should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up, they help to understand the everyday and forecast future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project. for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. saturday politclub, live broadcast, we are back after a short break and we already have a new driver, this is artis pabriks, minister of defense of latvia in 2010-2014 and in 2009.
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let's start with the elections to the european parliament, in which you are participating now again once you can say french president emmanuel macron called. europe needs to wake up now, he said about the deployment of right-wing forces that can win in the elections to the european parliament, there are many pro-russian politicians among the candidates, you too, you know that ms. tetiana zhdanok, who for many years represented the republic of latvia in the european parliament, was exposed for cooperation with the federal security service of the russian federation. you and i are not surprised, but the audience is certainly surprised now. what should responsible politicians do to stop this populist march?
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people can definitely choose politicians according to their taste and choice in latvia, we also have quite a lot of citizens, ethnic russians by origin, and while... and we are talking about this, she was connected with the russian special services, she had the right to run for any positions as well, but, okay, so when we now we hope... new elections to the latvian parliament, there will be nine candidates for the european parliament from latvia, by the way, now there is no ms. zhdanok, and i
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would say. that it is not at all clear which candidates will come from my country, but i can say that the next european parliament from one on the one hand, it will be crisis and war-like, and on the other hand, it will be scattered quite a bit, and thirdly, it will be polarized, so we can be sure that it will also be in the european parliament. there will be many members who will sympathize with kremlin putin russia, this is an established fact, it is not a question of whom latvians like, a question of the so-called western europeans, because russian agents are, let's say, people, in parties, in public organizations, in
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mass media. have been working with moscow for a long time, there are such people all over europe and also in america. mr. artis, we we receive information from latvia, from the latvian media, from latvian officials that latvia is also preparing for a possible war with russia, a shelter is being built, relatively speaking, some fortifications are appearing near the border, how about yours? opinion, whether such a threat is real, relatively speaking, for the next few years, for now, but i would be lying to you if i said that there is not a certain nervousness in certain parts of our latvian society, not only latvian, by the way, we can see all
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border countries. from finland to poland and, of course, the baltic countries, but you have to understand, this is correct, we get knowledge from history, we had it already in 1939, and for 40 years of occupation, we now have to do everything necessary in the event of some kind of war, even if it is a hybrid one. whatever, god forbid, something happens on our borders, we have to be 100% ready, and this is our role, because the best way to fight back, let's say, reject any aggression, to discourage them from aggression is our power, and we hope that we will be strong, we will not let anyone break ours border, and that's why we protect it and... and in
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the worst case scenario, there won't be a war, well, if there is, then we have to be ready, this week the minister of foreign affairs, latvia, mrs. baiba braje, was in our country, and she was the first of the western diplomats to say that there is a possibility of using western weapons for attacks on the sovereign territory of russia, this is what i would say is an unexpected fact, it was from riga that it first sounded, and then from london. do you think this approach will change the situation with the war? but you see, our current one mrs. minister, she recently became a minister, but she has been in diplomacy for a long time, and we can see. already here, that
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ukrainians have every right to defend their country by all available means, and from this point of view, we are doing what we can to encourage and call on our western allies, from germany to the united states, to provide ukraine needs all weapons systems, and i... we see no reason for ukraine to refrain from any actions, from any rank, if your commanders, your the leadership considers it necessary, because we understand, at least this is our perception, that you, compete for your existence, if so, then who are we to limit the ukrainian ability to defend itself, that is, it is your right.


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