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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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he breathes there himself, he has shrapnel, shrapnel, serious damage to the abdominal cavity, and he has damage to an er artery, and to this day it is attended by the employees of the state emergency service, because everyone's fire flares up from time to time, because it is very... the amount of products there and everything, and already on the second day there the fire was finally unsuccessful, it was not possible to liquidate, the losses at the enterprise there amounted to simply 100%, it all burned to the ground, absolutely absolutely to zero, and for the people of kharkiv and for our region, this a serious loss, because in our company is in the top five taxpayers in the region and is... one of the largest
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employers in our region, well, what can you comment on, when it is really simple, just purposeful, on a civilian object, where everyone knows that we have a very large number are working, everyone knows that we do not have any, any military infrastructure, or anything related to this, this is simply terror against the ukrainian people, against kharkiv. by the way , yesterday in the middle of the city , three guided air bombs arrived in the shevchenkiv district in the area, which simply fell on the territory of the center, completely civilian buildings, the zoned yar, the district of kultury street, even yesterday we, just yesterday we could not pass because the road was blocked, 15 victims, thank god there were no victims, and 20
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civilian houses were practically smashed to pieces, windows, and to live there, to live there is impossible. this morning, we received information that at night the village of zolochiv, bogaduhiv district, was beaten with enough precision, approximately 250.50 people were killed, the village council and the city center were destroyed there, and a wonderful sports complex was built there. recently, where the children were playing sports, it was destroyed, and practically the entire village was destroyed, we still do not have enough information, but there is serious damage and serious, serious losses for the infrastructure of this village and for and for uh, well for this for for in general for our for our city for ours. region,
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so i want to say that the rashists, well, they are just beasts, what easter holidays, non-easter holidays, for them there is simply nothing, there is nothing holy, their, their strategy is intimidation, intimidation of kharkiv residents, intimidation of all people, ee for that , in order to only only this they have, only this they have, remained in theirs. arsenal in order to fight with the civilian population in kharkiv region. we are incredibly sorry that this is actually happening and that kharkiv-kharkivshchyna is suffering so much, do you have the feeling that they are somehow trying to aim precisely at such objects, you say not military infrastructure, but an industrial enterprise, important for the region, a large taxpayer, residential development, shevchenkivskyi district, children's sports, sports ground,
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such places of shelling, which are actually sown and panic among people, and in fact such a very pessimistic mood, definitely, definitely, this is their strategy, because clearly today we are tracking information, everyone is talking about it, that first of all, chaotic, chaotic explosions, chaotic shelling, precisely... by cities with a population concentration, because if all kharkiv residents there know that sargen yar is one of the most favorite places where our people rest, where a large number of children, where a large number of elderly people rest, it is so iconic the place where especially on a day off, when, well, everyone , after church, everyone went eh... somewhere
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to rest, somehow, somehow to be with their families, busy, spend time with their families, industrial enterprises, sports complexes, and there it is... central parts, central parts of the city that are being shelled, for example, in zolochiv, today there are already damaged villages, the place where the village council is located, and there is the police, and the fire department, and everywhere, where there are people, everywhere where there are people, where there is civilian infrastructure, they strike clearly, their strategy is clear, intimidate, no matter what, intimidate the population. it was under constant stress and made a decision to evacuate from one or another region, it is obvious, and there are no military facilities , they wrote in their comments, for example, about
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the company i manage, they wrote in their telegram channels there and on television, they said that they got into a military industrial plant, but in reality it is not so, because everyone knows, because we have a large number of people and everyone knows that... we are there, what we are doing there, and during certain time, they, of course, tell their population that they are clearly taking and hitting military facilities, but the truth is completely different, they are hitting civilian infrastructure, killing kharkiv residents, killing ukrainians, intimidating the population , but i wanted to ask you, mr. oleksandr, because there is such a different reading here, it turns out that budan's deputy, kibitskiy in you in the economist says that kharkiv is sumy. offensive operations and tells about its russian troops, how many servicemen there are, then the head of the kharkiv regional military of the administration, says: no, eh, they don't have the opportunity and strength to attack, that's why they beat
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with all their fury, well, when one says it will, the other says it won't, how kharkiv residents perceive all this, to what extent... manage to start the panic mechanism? unfortunately, it is possible to start the panic mechanism, and some, some people are of course very nervous, begin to change plans for their future, because in the mode of constant constant tension of information, it is quite difficult to endure, because from absolutely all channels we hear about that information channels, we we hear that there will be an attack on kharkiv, that they will attack, that they will capture and so on, this is all fueled by constant shelling, and even so, if you analyze it, it looks like, well, really a feeling that something will
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happen, but i think it's very difficult for experts to be here because we don't know, i personally don't know the intelligence data about the number of intentions. tactics against our enemy, what we see is terror against the population, everything else, everything else, in my opinion, these are ipso elements that are constantly being pumped up, well, practically from both sides, not only are there constant accusations from the russian side, but also some of our specialists in quotation marks are also starting, starting to act as experts in this matter, we, i want to... say that we are definitely for we have decided that we will defend kharkiv and the whole of ukraine, no one will surrender, and for any development of events, we are ready, for sure, kharkiv is infamous, and we will, we will resist
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in any event, in any event , whether kharkiv residents or residents of the region, maintain communication, if somewhere there are still some family ties, friendly ties with russians, residents of... countries of the neighboring aggressor, do they actually convey information that they are actually attacking civilian objects, killing the civilian population, that in fact is happening, or after more than two years of the war , connections are still being cut off and there is no point in reporting anything to them, because there is no understanding of what the situation is with this, from all of all such cases, from those that i personally know, then for this period lost even connections. at the level of father, father, son, daughter, mother and so on, at the level of the first link, kinship there, because, well, they are simply filled with propaganda, constantly, constantly, this very professional, i
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want to say, by the way, that they are very professional the question of the pagans was raised, and today they have practically cut off all ties, because all the people who... communicated during this period, they practically do not communicate anymore, because they do not find common, common topics, because they believe , that they have... their own truth, that their television, their television tells, tells the right things, and they are exclusively about military objects, they are here protecting the rus, russians or russian-speakers, or there they have their own parameters, and we, when we try to convey the truth to them, they simply do not hear us, that's why practically, the connections are broken, these are those acquaintances that, for example, i have, then practically by a hundred. communication is interrupted, but we have a category of zhduns, who, probably, i
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believe that their communication takes place in such a gentle way, they wait here, and others tell them that soon they will be captured from there, that's why, unfortunately, such a situation is also present, in conclusion, simply because the video went viral, it is difficult for us, and you, as a kharkiv resident, identify him, there are shellings, but there is also a company... people are celebrating there, barbecues are being cooked directly literally under the arrival of unknown projectiles, we will show it now, tell me, it’s simple, i don’t know if it is kharkiv, confirm or deny, we are interested in this video, the second thing, i looked at it and thought, oh this is it, this is it so in the yard, there will now be houses visible, and you to us tell me whether it's just a kharkiv video, that's it. mr. oleksandr, tell us that this is a kharkiv video, absolutely, absolutely 100%,
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this is a kharkiv video, this is the saltivka district, if i'm not mistaken, and i'll tell you that it really is, it actually looks a little unnatural, but when when there are arrivals in kharkiv, no one, no one runs anywhere, no one, no one, well, does not panic, well , it has arrived, it has arrived, if we have also arrived... and there is no explosive wave, then it is very good, it is us it is far from us, we, we understand, so how many times have i seen the reaction people, for example, in a coffee shop there, or in a store, the reaction, you know, the main reaction is not a centurion attack in the direction of our enemy, everything is clear, yes, mr. oleksandr, there, if there is an opportunity, then you can. to tell the salttvky company that they can sell this video for an election
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commercial of an uncle who said that there will be barbecues in may, unfortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, the situation with my company, i didn't want to say this, but the situation with my company, these are kebabs, kebabs in u na may holidays, when 500 tons of meat and meat products burned, unfortunately, that's how it is, mr. oleksandr. thank you, hold on, oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council on the situation in kharkiv oblast, and we will take a short break, but before the break i can say something important, because i confused something, in fact , regarding the collection, we are not collecting 2 million, we are collecting 4 million, and we are collecting for what, we are no longer collecting drones for fpv, because this collection is closed, thank you for that, now we are collecting quad bikes, and these are the kind of quad bikes that are needed for fast medical evacuation, for evacuation. wounded qr codes you can see on the screen now, we also know that atvs help
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you move faster and more efficiently on the battlefield, and thanks to atvs you can sometimes escape from the same russian drones, so this is exactly the reason why you need to collect, you need to report on them, evacuation and rapid movement along the front line, please join the collection, because 4 million is a lot, but together we can handle it all, and actually... for a short pause, time to zadonatit, then we return to our conversation about sumi and sumy region, we will talk, stay with espresso. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then unpack tv strong saws are for you, they will easily cut trees and shrubs, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 999. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic
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see this week in the collaborators program, millions of hryvnias in state income, anyone? traitors have already said goodbye to their property. i think that russian lands should go to russia. but how the war reduced the number of kremlin sellers. these people became much less. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on espresso tv channel on tuesday, may 7 at 5:45 p.m. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from zero we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from scratch to life on a quad bike for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yap. christ is risen. this
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cheerful easter song, what a day. fills the sky, the earth and the depths of the underground, today fills our heart with joy. christ is risen and demons fall. christ is risen, death is destroyed. christ is risen, and we find the meaning of our suffering, our life, our hope. i congratulate you all on that great holiday, may the resurrected christ restore all ours. strength, heal our wounds gives us victory over our enemy, because christ is risen, truly risen, and we are returning, gathering information for you, you are gathering information for the quad bike for our defenders, and we are gathering information for you, and that is about sums and sums, first about the communities
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around region, there under shelling during the past. that day, there were six communities, and the shelling was quite powerful and traditional, for example, for khotynsk, bilopolsk communities, but also yunakivsk, krasnopilsk, velikopyserivsk, yasmansk communities, the entire border area, and the city itself heard four explosions, and these are energy facilities, in particular, yes, because after that the light and water disappeared in some areas, in fact there was a large-scale blackout in sumy, but we are talking about it now and... we ask our colleague alon yatsyn in connection with by us, ms. alyona, well, i can't say good morning, i'll say, christ is risen? he is truly risen, and this is probably the only good news this morning in sumy, it was airstrikes, so good, we understand, it was bombs going off in the city, no, it was all shahket, whoop and yesterday from somewhere at
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midnight these attacks started , maybe a little later, uh, in total, the air force counted 13 shaheeds, but last night it felt like there was just a whole swarm of them, you know, like a bee, they were all flying towards the city, they were all flying over the city, they were also shot down over the city, so there those the four explosions you mentioned were the most powerful, probably those were the explosions we heard, but in general there were many more, they were heard differently in different areas of the city. actually, we definitely have at least one hit on a critical infrastructure object, after which the light disappeared, completely in the entire city in sumach, the candle also disappeared. in trostyanka, in okhtyrka, in lybodina, these are district, former district centers of the sumy region, in many settlements on the border
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, the power also went out, that is, we are still waiting for the full picture from the energy experts, what will be the official information, in total 12 shaheds, at least 12 were shot down , but you know, sumi is a small town, and 12 downed shaheds is just... on the one hand, a good night, and on the other, a terrible one, that is, uh, it was three waves, these shaheds were flying, and all this time people ran then in corridors, then to a shelter, then somewhere else, and it was all extremely loud, many people were scared, in the morning water appeared here and there in some areas of the city, it flows very poorly, but still it is there, and ... i drove around the city before the broadcast, in at least two areas there is damage from debris in the downed shaheds, now there
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were people on the spot in one of them who were already cleaning up, in the other i saw rescuers approaching, helping, working, that is, the picture is like this, whether those institutions that need it the most have succeeded already provide electricity and water supply, i am talking about the doctor... in particular , i am talking about some such places where there are actually elderly people, children, those who need help, they were revived and started to be revived last night, switched to backup power, turned on generators, similarly , the sumy city military administration has announced that it will deploy security points, we will see how serious it will be, but judging by the fact that yesterday... the light will be lost in half of the region for sure, then the destruction will probably be a pity , huh
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ms. alyuna, i am looking at the message from the sumy regional military administration, where it says about the region and that these were air strikes, then in a word, it was a combined attack, and that is, both shahed and aviation, these drops on energy objects ektyakh, i.e. there was a warehouse. plan to make a blackout on the scale of the region, in this case , is there a counter-plan, because, for example, in kharkov, we saw different plans developed at one time, and to increase the number of generators, to supply, and disperse, and gas, gas hubs this generation in german, in particular , to launch such complexes, that is, the authorities there somehow collect everything in a heap in a large capacity, as in sums with such a counterplan, in order to get out of the blackout, faster, yes, a little trailer, in our country, ova calls the shahed attack also aviation, yes, well i.e. that's what they reckon, it was all
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a shaheed attack, there were no bombs or anything extra, as for the plan, we can only hope that our authorities have it, at least until we know about it, or there are any assumptions that are actually on the intelligence maybe they are based on the fact that... in the near future days, namely tomorrow on the day of the inauguration of their self-proclaimed putin, there will be some intensified strikes, we expected, for example, in odesa, at the beginning of may 2 , they are tied to their decisions, we know about their victory day, that they are also preparing something, that in sumy oblast, are you somehow preparing, are you taking any additional security measures, since last week we have had additional ... the authorities urged to leave urgently
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residents of the five-kilometer zone, as well as not to go to the central part of the city and generally behave very carefully, the coming week, these are bilopolska and khotyn communities, there they directly organized an organized evacuation, that is, people were taken away by buses. they were told that there was a place to accommodate them, however , all the people we saw and questioned during this evacuation were all going to some of their relatives for a very short time, in terms of other security measures, in principle , there is nothing more like that, according to forecasts, nothing either no, the authorities reassure the residents of the region every day that there will be no offensive in the near future, but here... you confirm, viktor boberenko and i spoke a week ago, he also says that they managed to start
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a chain in sumy. of this informational panic, which is about to advance the offensive, and in kharkiv, for example , of course, there are also these panicky moods, but it was not possible to start this, this informational domino effect, why in sumy it worked to start a panic in russian, but not in kharkiv, the bigger threat is real or just different from others did you know that they worked with informational throws? here, let's put it this way, our informational defense, the official one, has given way a little bit, that's why it actually worked out for the russians. firstly, at the same time as all these messages and incitements that took place in social networks of russians, the message that the police, military and so on, and actually many people, began to spread through the city.
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it was precisely this information that she most falsified about the fact that allegedly, allegedly everyone are preparing for the offensive, and so are official sources, our official authorities very late, after all these attacks, after all these panicky moods that began to prevail, very late came out with any official messages, and of course we did not receive any explanations except that everything will be fine, don't panic, but from the authorities'. tion, or from the military itself, we would like to see and hear a little more, so we can simply see the authorities of kharkiv and kharkiv region on examples, firstly, they have a little more in the information field trust, much more, in terms of the consequences of the shelling, in terms of threats, because they are constantly reporting what is happening, how it is happening, as
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well as reporting the consequences and... bring a little more clarification and understanding for the residents of the city and oblast, we already don’t have such a thing, that is, it is very difficult to find out even about the consequences of shelling, that is, what should have calmed down more patrols, on the contrary, it makes people wary, we have literally one and a half minutes more and i want to ask, we understand that their, their reconnaissance, they fly deep enough to us style, and actually along. the front line and from the side of the borders up to 50 km, are those fortification structures that are now being actively built, in particular in the sumy region, are they flying there, are they looking in, looking for something, and is this actually active, we hope that the construction somehow calms the locals, you know, on the one hand , it is reassuring that someone is doing something, and that people are worried about them, and on
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the other hand... they are worried that preparations are really underway, that is, something is really happening it will be, such structures, as people say, they would not be built if they were not needed, that is, here, who looks at it, yes, someone, for someone the glass is full, for someone the glass is half empty, the same here, regarding drones , the observations of the russians, actually, unfortunately, we see how they use them, how they then report about it in their social... networks, then of course they see all of us, as in the palm of their hand, and the city of sumy, as well is located 30 km from the border, actually i am now standing 30 km from the border in the center of the city, and of course they are all they see perfectly and, unfortunately, everything is watched, that is, they fly over the city, scout with drones, hang high in the air, and then, and then what happened, ms. alyona, thanks for
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the information. hold on, alyona yatsyna, journalist, our colleague from sumy, where in the region and in the city, there is still a blackout, but , as we learned, some of the residents have already started receiving at least a little water, but our colleagues know more news, khrystyna probi i am ready to share this information, khrystyna, we give you the floor. greetings, colleagues, thank you for the situation in ukrainian cities, after the night shelling, i will tell you in the issue, as well as about the situation at the front. just a moment, wait. news on espresso. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. 13 shaheds were launched by the russians at night in sumy oblast. objects were attacked.


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