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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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in memory of 10 years, we told so much operational information and so much so much alarm and repulse that we forgot to do the most important thing to congratulate our infantrymen, today is just this festive day for those who, well, so that you don't shoot, don't repulse, don't did not make the coolest weapon, the infantry should go there. otherwise the territory will not be returned, these are our defenders who directly give battle and see the enemy in the face, so we bow to you and thank you for your service, for your service we also thank all our other defenders and likewise aerial scouts, why aerial scouts, because mykola volokhov, commander of the tera aerial reconnaissance unit of the third separate assault brigade, mr. mykola, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, please tell us, in
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your opinion, according to your observations, whether you see you see such a situation at the front, and you predict that an escalation may occur, there is a lot of talk about it, there is a lot of panic from sumy oblast, kharkiv oblast, starting in the afternoon, or do you observe that something like this is possible at a time when aid is coming from states, in particular? well, the first thing i want to say is that you should definitely not panic in any case, worse. than what was at the beginning of the war, when we actually had no armored vehicles, no artillery, no western aid, well, probably some minimal part, and we were able to resist, kharkiv did not fall, kyiv did not fall, it will definitely not be worse, therefore, in any case, there is no need to panic, i personally do not know, it is very difficult to know how it really is, what is happening there, it is very difficult to fully understand the capabilities of the enemy, because the enemy leads very actively. well, a propaganda
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campaign in order to mediately increase their capabilities, to tell that they have super drones, a lot of infantry, super equipment, and this is not always the case, but i personally always proceed in my planning of combat operations from the maximum capabilities of the enemy, the enemy is accumulating forces , this is true, this is what we know, the enemy accumulates for a reason, he wants to do something, it doesn't work out the way he wanted, it didn't work out at first. war, he will try, it will definitely happen, and he will use the opportunity that that for a certain time we did not receive supplies, in sufficient quantity, and pulled, so to speak, on character and initiative, the desire to defend our own land, whether he will use it, so he will use it, i think that the enemy will carry out active offensive actions with the resource that he concentrated that he has accumulated over a certain period, let's start from his maximum capabilities, russia is a big... a country with a large resource, which
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is helped by some, unfortunately, countries in the world that also have large resources, let's assume that the worst case scenario will happen, prepare for it, let's concentrate resources, and if it is not the worst case scenario, for example, the one that is desirable for us or the most probable, then we will be happy, and if the worst happens, then we will be ready, mr. mykola, did it work you and your brothers can see in action... the advertised russian drones with artificial intelligence, did they work on your site, or does it still live on russian tvs? a lives in russian televisions, ah, short answer lives in russian televisions, a detailed answer, i will return to the previous thesis, the russians are trying very hard to show that they are so technological, that they are so innovative and powerful, and they show a lot of technology. and they talk about them in public,
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probably trying to create the impression that you know, like one in the wild, like an animal that shows a huge tail or some other part of its body to scare the opponent, it very often happens that something is shown cool, i 'm watching, and sometimes it comes across as, you know, a random leak, you see you think, it's okay, cool, will it appear now, at the front you don't see it later, or... it is there somewhere, or, but in such a small volume that it does not affect the real picture in any way, so i have not seen this yet, in theory, if drones with artificial intelligence will start directly, we are now talking about fpv drones, because in lancet this technology has been implemented for a long time, the capture of target tracking, it has been there for a long time, in fpv drones kamika small, well, come on, here are these drones, these drones do not have this, if it appeared, then we would received on site. areas of one's
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responsibility, much more effective work of the enemy, we do not see such an increase in efficiency, accordingly, i conclude from this that these are all some narratives, again, it may appear when... and let's return to the thesis of starting from the maximum of the enemy's capabilities, let's think that they will one day have it or already have it and they are accumulating it, but at the moment we do not see it, but they also tell that they have such slaves who are so smart that they allocate the frequencies on which it flies ukrainian fpv drones, and they can silence everything so that there will actually be one-way operation of drones, they have such stories, something like that happened, have you seen it? well, come on, the thing that can tell what frequencies are present in the radio field is not a very technological thing, it has probably existed for exactly 50 years, it is called a spectrum analyzer, who is interested, there is no nano-technology here, let's
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put it another way question, they also fly on radio communication, so how do they, if they put our purity, if they put everything, then they will put their purity and no one can. they say that they have such wise slaves now, who distinguish their own from others, that's what fairy tales we hear, but alas, physics, but oh well, maybe the russians have changed physics a little, i don't know, but if they are physics, the laws of physics have not changed, then well , let’s imagine some kind of cleanliness there, if they put it, then they put it for everyone, and somehow highlight on this cleanliness, where they will create an obstacle, they will, well, it already looks like some technologies, maybe with movie dune or something more. cosmic and futuristic, again, the russians love to talk about the fact that they have something like that there , just remember the lancets, when they showed the factories and said that now they will hit every infantryman with lancets, we the front was not seen , but, but with regard to the reb, the whole world recognizes that
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russia is one of the leading countries in the means of radio-electronic warfare and radio-electronic intelligence, and the fact that we manage to work in these conditions is not because they are somehow weak, stupid and... and the like, despite the fact that they tell tales and legends about their so-called futuristic power, but they are not weak, and why we manage to work is because we are constantly adapting, we are very flexible and spend a lot of time and resources on this, the biggest time, which is spent on impressing a unit of russian armored vehicles - this is time for r&d, for research and development, that is, the search for technologies with which we can fly to this equipment and the preparation of drones, so i did not think. it takes the most time, and only because we actively oppose it their technologies, we manage to work with a high level of efficiency. mr. commander, let's not talk about them, but more about us, because we know that we also have a lot of developments, have you already encountered, could you analyze how these ukrainian smart drones work, which
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are able to determine their own targets on the battlefield and have you ever seen such clever detonators that can wait and explode. the right moment, yes and yes, regarding the technology of artificial intelligence, i will explain in simple terms so that everyone understands, what is this, when you take your phone and point it at a person, the phone knows where that person's face is, many phones are unlocked in this way, knowing where your face is and recognizing which face is yours and which is not yours, that's why this is the principle of how this artificial intelligence in drones works, it is able to distinguish between targets, it... is able to understand what an object is and is able to accompany this object, understand that the object is moving, so turn on the phone, let your a friend will move his face and the phone will see, he will show you the frame and where it is the face is located, the same is implemented in drones, there are, let's say, two degrees of this technology, the first, when the operator himself
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decides what is the object, he directly says: look, look drones, this is an object, follow it , and when i lose the picture, hit him yourself in the last phase. so it's like this, let's say stage one, step one, this is step one, step two is technology, when the drone can distinguish that there is technology, that is, it will tell the pilot itself, look, friend, the pilot is a tank, it's a tank, here you go decision, because there are conventions that forbid robotic systems to make decisions on their own based on impressions, so that we don't have, you know, like in terminator, the machines stand up, the pilot... say yes, that's the goal, and the drone will work, we've encountered such, i'll be honest, no i will tell you whether it is massive or not, and where it is, but we have it, and this is actually the future, because in the last phase of the impression through such a phenomenon as the radio horizon, in
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communication with a drone, video communication is lost and the operator does not see what is happening there, good cool operators know how to choose such the trajectory so that the drone will fly without instructions. but it will be much better if the artificial intelligence, let's say the will, the machine will take control of the drone and lead it to the target, the lancet has such technology implemented, so even if, if it has already fixed... the target and even if the operator has lost from communication with him, he flies to her, reaches quite well, on board equipment, that is, no means of radio-electronic warfare is an obstacle to him anymore, only physical destruction, and this is about artificial intelligence, mr. mykola, and we have seen whole stages like this, first means golf carts, then atvs, then motorcycles, now the latest in the russian-fascist occupiers. although something from this
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entire list can escape from our fp bucket? nothing can escape, nothing can escape and nothing can escape, which we were not impressed by, both motorcycles and buggies, we had a whole bugit, that is, the enemy tried to use light, well- passable equipment for... logistics, and we destroyed a very large number of them, we have a whole selection of pesticides, that's how many of them burned, i don’t know anymore, it’s even hard to count, and i don’t want to say that off the top of my head, they are trying motorcycles, by the way, i haven’t seen electric scooters yet, but i would like them to know, they rode such monocycles, it would be especially interesting , you know how rare, rare game would be, if they rode, in all sense of the word, if they rode unicycles, that's why i'm waiting... if the russians are watching, then come on, try to run away from us on a unicycle, all
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and the technique you listed is impressive, it's not a problem, really fpv the drone can fly very fast, as a rule , we do not fly very fast, because the priority is accuracy, after all, the charge fixed on the drone is not that big, but the drone can hit much more accurately than artillery ammunition, by the way, of these new technologies, what's now... yes, let's say it's already there, which is a lot, it's drones with thermal video cameras, by the way, for target acquisition, for artificial intelligence to be able to acquire a target, the perfect combination is thermal imager plus artificial intelligence, so in particular javelins are working, a thermal imager is needed there just for that, i hope that i will not reveal any secret technologies now, in principle, this is public information, on the contrast of the color of the pixels, that is, he understands that the equipment there is white, everything around is black, or vice versa, and artificial intelligence is easier. to record such targets, but with thermal imagers , we have better things, and recently we conducted
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such a rather large study in the third separate assault brigade and even found the best ones, by the way, i have him lying here, look how healthy and beautiful he is, by the way things, for comparison, what does an ordinary camera look like, here it is from the front, here it is, and here is the thermal imager that we found, you see, there are no special markings on it so that no one understands what kind of thermal imager it is, but it gives such an amazing picture, you can see everything clearly without... prizes with high fps, and soon our non-friends from russia will have big big surprises, by the way, i see your video, what should i say, it works the third separate assault brigade anti-tank battalion, it works, guys in fpv they have probably reached real heights, see how they are clearly fly into small cracks, it is actually very difficult to do, but... friends, by the way, i urge everyone, find in the telegram channel, the channel of the anti-tank battalion
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of the third separate assault brigade, subscribe, and the working crew, i just these guys i know, the group is called paskuda, i want to say hello to them, damn it, it’s really one of the top crews of the third separate assault brigade, and the jewelry work between the branches and trees to fly right into the target, it’s fantastic, mr. mykola, thank you for the story, thank you for service, transfer greetings or... to all mothers and sisters from the third assault brigade, with us was mykola volokhov, the commander of the tera air reconnaissance unit as part of this third separate assault legendary brigade. next, we will actually try to summarize all these technologies, everything that happens on the battlefield, but we will talk about this in a few minutes with serhiy zgurets, wait. petrol trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable. and you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, kors garden trimmers unpack the tv,
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from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more... important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. pick up bc suspension boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, a quad bike is the best solution for evacuating wounded soldiers. we invite everyone to join nato in collecting from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd cold river brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. and this is our collection.
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you donate while we collect for you professional analysis and information with us. christ is risen. sunday, i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers. yes, this is joyful good news from rhine metal, about these kilo art projectiles with a range of up to 100 km. it's just the maximum that can be heard about them, what kind of projectiles they are, what we can shoot them from and in what quantity. indeed , we have now chosen the most interesting news, which was almost yesterday and the day before yesterday, it is about the statement of the management of the red metal company that experimental projectiles with a range of 100 will be transferred to ukraine km, this is a rather optimistic statement, because there is still no ammunition with such
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a range, and in fact now it is ukrainian. the army was already using high-precision ammunition for artillery with a range of about 70 km, these were precisely the ammunition that - were developed by the germans and italians, these are ammunition there in the volcano, which are controlled on the final section of the web, and we then, if you believe the data from the financing on the part of germany, it was germany that financed it. project, then we received 255 such shells with a range of up to 70 km. now we we are talking about a completely new model, which we do not have, do not know, neither looks nor possibilities. but we see that rain metal is trying to move in such a promising direction, and i hope that the manager of rain metal knows what he is talking about. i also hope that such samples
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are developed by rendmetal, although i repeat, i have not yet found any previous information about such ammunition in redmetal's arsenal, but there is a more important component of red metal's help, it is precisely the manufacture of ammunition, we know that red metal should by the end of the year... reach the figure of 700,000 155 mm projectiles, this is actually the left part of what will be produced by the countries of the european union and nato. we also know that red metal is opening a new plant in saxony there, which will produce another 200,000 rounds of ammunition from the 25th year, and we also remember that in february the leadership of the ministry of strategy and industry announced that together with red metal arrangements are simple. creation of an ammunition factory in ukraine, which will produce a six-figure amount of ammunition, i.e. over 100,000 that i understand per year, so i hope that these things with the manufacture of more
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common ammunition are perhaps even more necessary and realistic for us than waiting for ammunition at 100 km. while scholz is giggling about the transfer of all weapons to ukraine, other german manufacturers. they also promise us certain supplies, but by the end of this year they say that they will deliver trml 4d radar systems, which should strengthen our air defense. how they work, because we only know that they can simultaneously detect a huge number of very different ones goals, do we have something to combine them with, what to apply them with, and actually, is this exactly what ukraine needs now? well, let me remind you that the company. is actually a world leader in the manufacture of electronic equipment, rotary equipment, this is a highly technological product that
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is in demand all over the world and the most technological samples, to which we are now referring, and this radar is in extraordinary demand, we get there within six of these rls, they actually ensure the operation of various anti-intelligence systems. of defense, these are digital rls radio stations that can be integrated into the provision of the same nasams, patriots, aristi and other samples of western air defense systems that we will receive, in fact, this is one of the important components of the digital air defense system, where these radars provide detection of various targets, at a distance it says 125 km, but in fact there are indicators there. for certain purposes much larger, and in fact this is what we are actually moving in the direction of creating an integrated air defense system that allows
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to combine our radars, american radars, and german radars into a single information field, which then enables our air defense systems or other western-made air defense systems on our territory to destroy enemy targets. mr. serhiy, we used to watch movies for ourselves somewhere. to the american about how they work with strike drones against some of its arab terrorists, or in afghanistan or something else. now we are told that the armed forces of ukraine can get attack drones, moreover, they say here that they are not only with a missile, there with they will fly with spikes, and they will also have a 5.56 machine gun, well, this is the maximum that is possible from short messages and videos from ee defense industry europe. see, can you tell us a little more about how quickly this can get into the hands of our defenders? well, actually, when we talk
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about the situation on the battlefield, there are now a lot of american companies and young companies trying to make some profit from the war and offer solutions that they think will be needed on the battlefield. when we speak about this sample you mentioned, it is indeed one of the. when either a machine gun or a spike missile is attached to the copter, i will say that in fact we have powerful copters called baba yaga, which, by the way, also used machine guns to destroy the enemy both day and night, and these baba yaga copters actually drop there various means of impressing the enemy, mr. serhiy, and explain how a machine gun works in the air, it is still not an effect. returns, and it flies, how it works, how much exactly, and we have seen such videos, but we understand that it is quite
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complex use. a machine gun from a copter, and this is not the most, not the most frequent use, it is rather a rather limited use, it is more of an advertising trick that this american company now wants to enter the information field and has entered, including reaching the espresso channel, as i see it, and but in any case , i repeat that now ukrainian drones, from the point of view of resistance to rebs and to the tactics of use, are dominated by those samples of western american european production, which we sometimes find...have or our partners want to supply us, so far we are in fact trendsetters in terms of the use and design of these quadcopters and various drones, our experience allows us to be ahead of our western partners, so i think that if this sample comes to ukrainian territory, we will partially use it and we'll see how well these american models work in rap conditions, because a number of drones and american
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european production have actually been pre... chosen after they faced the realities of combat, that actually exist on the battlefield. mr. sergey, we have 3 minutes until the minute of silence . dievelt writes about dragons, about such a terrible new destructive weapon, launchers, russian ones that can destroy whole neighborhoods, in fact they are thermobaric, thermobaric weapons, do they have a lot of them now, actually, how is it works, tell me please, and how can we counteract them, or only destroy? well, when we talk about various thermometric systems, there is a sundial, others that are equipped with the russian army, they are really used by the enemy for the destruction of buildings, protected structures, using the advantages of the structure, the creation of a certain mixture, a thermobaric mixture, which ensures the complete destruction of such
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buildings and losses. of manpower that is located and defends these houses, but we know that these are all sunspots, there are other systems, they have a range of up to 6-7 km, and in fact this 6 km zone is already the one where our strike drones dominate have a range of up to 15 km, in the left part , the largest number of our drones have just such a range, so that this strip is up to 15 km, it is also clearly tracked by ukrainian reconnaissance drones. sides and all samples are destroyed, we know what is happening with russian tanks, which are even protected there, trying to move in this area, so at any time these statements of the european press about new samples of russian weapons, they have a certain meaning , but again, in the area up to 6 km, when you can use the sunspot, it is actually quite a vulnerable weapon under the influence of our drones, so i hope that any appearance of new samples of russia on the territory of ukraine in
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the war zone will have one... the result of the destruction of these weapons, mr. serhiy, half a minute literally updated the date when we will see the f-16 in the ukrainian sky? well, as ilya yevlazh said, after easter, i think that this countdown has started, i think that in the summer for the first places, the first samples should be in ukraine. ugh, to atakamsa for a long distance, when will we see it in action on the front line? well, we're actually already seeing individual samples. attack robots, they were in a previous package that was not announced, and in the first package, that’s for sure, yes , jankoy, that’s for sure atakams, that’s for sure, that’s for sure, thank you, mr. serhiy, serhiy sgurets was with us, the director of the information and consulting company defense express, actually, as you said, we are now waiting for the distance 300 km, somewhere a little further than the jankoi action of the atakams, the main thing is in large numbers so that it gives an effect, 9:00
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is approaching. it is the time when we honor all those who died because the russian invaders came to our land. a minute of silence let's honor the memory with a moment of silence ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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