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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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nothing happened, and about helping russia, well , it is not, it is not an option for today, in any case, these conversations will be present and they will affect the relations between the bloc and between china. another thing is that in the european union, we will take europe, because a visit to serbia, which is not a member of the european union, but is in europe, right? hungary, which is a member of the european union and nato. these are countries that are absolutely loyal to china and help promote chinese interests on the european continent. there is france - it is a heavyweight, on which china is trying to place its bets, let's say, on germany, because in the understanding of china, you need to talk to the stronger, and with that in mind, germany and france are stronger, well, obviously, because they are one of the leading economies in the european union , that is, to offer some gingerbread.
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to offer some ideas and encourage more active interaction, china is trying with all its might and through heavyweights, offering some economic dividends for them, and through countries that can block these decisions, such as hungary, and then also offer them dividends, in particular, for example, xi is taking a lot of such investment projects to hungary, and what... the most interesting thing is that they concern precisely the automotive industry, concern lithium batteries, and this is exactly what is currently a problem in relations between china and the european union, that is, in the moment when european countries are trying to protect their market, their producers, china is trying to place factories of its producers on the territory of the european union, which will not fall under tariffs, let's say, and will be able to promote their own goods. on the territory of the european union,
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according to those market conditions that exist within the european union. ms. natalie, the financial times writes that the us and us allies are becoming, quote, more intransigent, because of china's refusal to stop supplying russia with technology that helps rebuild its industrial base, from chips to engines there to cruise missiles, and on the one hand, it looks tense. with sharp statements and relations between the us and china, meanwhile the leader of china is coming to europe, and again from the media we heard that at this moment the president macron of france, he wants to try to convince china, to help with the settlement of the war in ukraine, what are the arguments, can macron have any other arguments than the united states, for example, and whether, in your opinion, they can somehow interest or maybe convince everyone or not help. russia there, or
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not so much to help russia? given that china is a major global power, given that european states are as dependent on interaction with china as china is on european states, to exclude it from neither the europeans, nor even the americans can ignore the negotiation process, or break ties with it, that is, we hear about the removal of risks in relations, but not about a break, and this indicates that china cannot be ruled out. accordingly, china, like these states, has its own levers of influence, and the fact that macron is trying to introduce such a european, let's say, line in relations with china is an attempt on the one hand to engage its diplomatic capabilities, to influence russia, to engage its diplomatic potential , to influence russia, that is , to speak once again about the need to support the efforts of european countries, in particular france, and... the questions that
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the french president addresses to him, in order to end this war, and as we see , sidzen pin, he said in his conversation that he understands the need of the european continent for peace, yes, he understands, but on the other hand, er, the french side, for example, according to the available sources that i came across, he does not trust very high hopes for china, that china will agree to the european, to the western version, the maintenance of this... peace process, that is, there were obviously too many diplomatic dialogues and conversations, and you mentioned that scholz spoke with macron the day before, that was their tete-tete conversation, apparently he also conveyed ti tu the available information that he brought to china, in order to understand that, unfortunately, we will not be able to drag china to the side of western countries, but we will not be able to ignore it either, because china is not the only country that has a strong influence. on
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putin and obviously at some point after all his diplomatic flair and perhaps his capabilities will be used , well, i... i will say that this option is more, you know, not very favorable for ukraine, because we would like to, after all, through the global summit, through the promotion of our vision went on, and this war ended, because of understanding, a just peace, china has its own understanding of a just peace, as we can see from their proposal, i will turn to our viewers, you can write in the comments, and do you think that emmanuel macron can convince xi with something, some arguments. to move to the position of western countries there in support of ukraine, to you, mrs. natalya, thank you for your participation, for your analysis, nataliya butyrska, expert on east asia, master of foreign policy of ukrainian prism, was a guest of svoboda ranok, and today is the second day of the easter holidays , which in
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the ukrainian tradition is called watered monday, on the eve of the resurrection of the lord, which was celebrated by christians of the eastern rite, in the ukrainian army they showed how the military... saw easter where it was possible, of course, here, for example, such photos with the consecration of easter baskets with festive treats in the dugouts were shown at the general headquarters of ukraine, on the official page of the ground forces, in addition to the official greetings with easter, they also posted a music video from the cultural landing force, it is called because the military does not like easter very much, probably this is some kind of irony from the military for mass deliveries. volunteers of easter goodies on the front line text, which , according to the video, was written by the military themselves, put to music the songs of vv. the day is setting and easter is approaching, the stormtroopers are tired of
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storming, and now a volunteer bus is coming to them, there are 100 boxes, and in each one... and photographers kostya and vlada liberov showed how ukrainian military personnel deliver paskas even to the occupied bank of the dnieper, the left bank dnipro, in particular in the village of krynky in the kherson region, where, as is known, the armed forces of ukraine have their bridgehead, easter presents were delivered there to... this is the only way for them to experience something even remotely similar to the holiday, so the photographers write on their instagram page. let's see how it was. in this easter message, christ resurrected
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men. the day before, my colleague vlasta lazur had a conversation with the head of the orthodox church of ukraine, epiphanius, his... greetings with easter will now be on the air, and the longer version of the interview, it's interesting, can be easily found on the radio liberty youtube channel. i congratulate everyone in ukraine on this great holiday of the resurrection of christ, which we meet in difficult conditions, in conditions of war, when we suffer, but we understand that after this suffering and trials will be victory. for example. christ who suffered, who was crucified on the cross, but he defeated death, because truth, goodness, light and life always win, and in our case we will defeat the aggressor, we
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will defeat this evil that broke into our common home, we and in the future we must not give up, we must be spiritually strong, believe, put our hope in god, and the lord will continue to help and facilitate us and give us everything we need as needed, so i congratulate all ukrainians on this great holiday, especially those who are now in the occupied territories, those who are in temporary detention, those who are suffering. but we again put our hope in god and believe that soon we will celebrate together, celebrate our great ukrainian victory. christ is risen, truly risen.
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in the comments under this video, write how you celebrated this great holiday, easter, and how you did it in your cities, what were the conditions for... this, we understand that on the ukrainian border and it was reported there the day before that in to churches to come during the time of alarm, it can be a certain danger, so there were prepared certain ... such more protective places in order to consecrate easter baskets, so write in the comments, i wonder what the situation is in your region, how did you manage to celebrate, oleksandra andriyashyn, lieutenant of the chaplain service of the armed forces of ukraine, joins our broadcast. oleksandr, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. christ is risen, i congratulate you. he is risen indeed. tell us how this year at easter you, what you saw, what the military said, you were, as far as i know, in kharkiv oblast and... zaporozhye, what kind of meetings were these and was this day important for the military, you know, yes,
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it is especially possible to meet because there were such conditions, in fact, my trip is still ongoing, and indeed for the military it is very important to get a little such spiritual support, because christ's resurrection is a holiday of light, a holiday of hope, a holiday of victory, even over death, so this reminder is very important for the military. and of course, i brought consecrated pasochkas, which were made by the hands of our volunteers in the dnipropetrovsk region, and some gifts, but this year the gifts were minimal, and more than that, we bought a computer for our soldiers before the holidays, we bought modems there, we bought swamp rubber and all kinds of useful things that will be a great blessing for them. what mood are the military in? with whom you managed to communicate, in principle, you understand,
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the mood is generally difficult, we know that, and i will not come up with anything positive, so precisely because the mood is difficult, difficult, you know, there is a lot of work, you know that the military expects , that those who will join who will exchange them for zero and in those difficult locations, where our boys give their lives and health, so they expect support. but so far it's difficult, they expect support, which means that they don't feel this style support somewhere? they are sure that there can be more of it, they are sure of it, and that is why they really want people in the rear to understand that all of ukraine is defending ukraine, and that people really try to understand, especially men, and i, as a person of faith, say it's... also for people of faith that we all have to defend our country, it's regardless of
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how we interpret the bible, what other beliefs we have there or any things, we all have to defend our country, that's why i became an officer, and not just a volunteer chaplain. yes, it must be emphasized that you are the first ukrainian chaplain who officially joined the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. perhaps during this time, by the way, something changed and there were women colleagues. more in the army, and there were three of them almost immediately, there with a difference of a month or two, but women chaplains, you know, i always said that this was an exception, but yes, there is a lot of work, more work, work has changed a little, because if earlier we ourselves chose and agreed where we were going, where and how long we were staying, now of course we have to clarify all this with the commanders. look at the situation and we have deepened our work a lot, it has become
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deeper, i would say, and it has become more correct, taking into account also the psychology of the military, we were taught in england, in germany as well, how to do it more correctly, let's say , professionally , and i see that we are more effective, and the need for military chaplains is greater now is present, that is, there are such directions, for example, that there is a lack of... this resource, and the military needs it. i will tell you that the need is limitless, absolutely limitless, even according to statistics, let's say, we now have more than 100 full-time chaplains, and we need, according to how many people we have in the armed forces of ukraine, at least 500, that is, about 500 full-time chaplains are needed chaplains, there are not enough of them, and therefore, well, we work one for five, you can say so. i thank you for getting involved, joining our broadcast, more once again, i congratulate you on the holiday, thank you for your work and
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once again remind our viewers that oleksandra last year became the first woman to be a certified chaplain in the armed forces of ukraine, and you see, it tells about the fact that such a field of activity of chaplains is lacking in the ukrainian army. oleksandra andriyashina, lieutenant of the chaplaincy service of the armed forces of ukraine, was a guest of svoboda ranok. and in sweden, in the city of malmö, a ceremony was held. the opening of eurovision 2024, most of the participants of the contest, as the media write, passed the so-called turquoise corridor, representatives from ukraine, alyona alyona and jerry hale walked down the turquoise aisle in high-waisted outfits. keys, they symbolize homes lost due to the war in ukraine, the artists presented the presenters with a ukrainian easter basket and showed the tradition of fighting with crayons. ukrainian singers with the song tereza maria will perform in the first semi-final tomorrow. whether you will watch eurovision and support ukraine, write in the comments below this video. i thank you for being with us during this broadcast. my name is
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kateryna nekrecha, i and the whole team are freedom good morning, we wish you a peaceful day and see you tomorrow. thinking about a new mattress, but what's stopping you? have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress pad or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. both buy a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer at half price. call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress. instead of the full cost of the mattress, pay only half. due to the fact that our production is located in ukraine, we will be able to quickly manufacture a mattress and deliver
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and these details will help you make the account have a little more money, this is a project from zero to ... life, please be active. meanwhile, our colleague and political expert vadym denysenko is in touch with us. mr. vadim, congratulations, christ risen, glory to ukraine. glory be to geruv, i congratulate you. well, let's start with comedy, probably still farce, comedy is an interesting genre, because tomorrow it will be broadcast, from moscow to the very outskirts, i mean the so-called inauguration, it's chosen. putin, and what does this mean for us? does this mean that a new page in the russian-ukrainian war is beginning for us, or does it mean nothing? well, it will be difficult to call it a new page for sure, in principle it will be a continuation of everything that was, that is, if it existed at the beginning of the year, it was still there even in february
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months there were certain very, let's say so. small, but still, there was a small probability, but still there was the fact that this year negotiations, peace negotiations under the influence of other countries, could start, then as of now, every day, in fact, this probability is less and less, and the last decision on the one hand, the russian federation, which made a decision to send volodymyr zelenskyi to be searched, on the one hand, on the other hand, essentially. and what blinken failed in china, us secretary of state blinken failed in china could not agree on anything, and in fact, we can say that china did not take any more or less rigid. position says that, unfortunately, in principle, there is no beginning, shall we say, or hints even at the beginning of the negotiation process, in the near
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future, it is simply not necessary to speak, mr. vadim, but you also have a decree of the president of ukraine about , that there can be no contacts, no negotiations with the russian federation as long as putin is the president, formally tomorrow he will cease to be the president, this a self-elected, self-proclaimed dictator, and even he... european structures are told about this that we will not use the word president before putin, or does this mean that a window of opportunity opens, to choose some imaginary, i don't know there, some imaginary general lebed and, accordingly , start some kind of negotiations with him, as if putin is no longer there. no, well, it’s impossible, that is, in principle, whether it is possible to find some shayga with whom it would be worth starting negotiations, obviously, after all, history knew there are many positive examples of such separate negotiations, but as of now , imagine that someone from the immediate environment, or rather people who can make any decisions, or can
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organize people around them who would be able to make some decisions that would went to such negotiations, to be honest, well, for me it looks as of now, i repeat, life always makes its adjustments, but as of now it looks like a utopia and unrealistic, so i just wish we didn't start. to drown themselves in certain illusions, as it happened quite often during the last two years. mr. vadim, we see that in the world the russians are spreading more and more narratives that it is actually us, the ukrainians, who are persecuting the church, but they are simply conducting this, conducting such propaganda, and the worst thing is that there in the west they often believe that, but now there is still information, it is actually sources in the special services who informed the media that the russians, the fsb are planning a certain... series of terrorist attacks in churches, in the russian church in order to blame ukraine for this. i do i understand that the war against the background of religion is moving
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to some such new stage, and they are betting on it? well, we cannot rule it out, that is, the church has always been one of the most important, one of the most important parts of this war, and certainly, in principle, some money, judging by everything, they invest, continue to invest. in the maintenance of the church personnel of the moscow patriarchate throughout the country, that is, we understand that people even without parishes, just so that they are maintained in the russian patriarchate, i understand that they are not for a good word all this they do, they talk about how important the church is for them and how important it is for them that it is preserved, that the moscow patriarch is preserved, it is very important that yesterday they managed to pass without the easter service managed to pass without any-'. those terrorist attacks, yesterday was, well, yesterday was a peak day, of course, in terms of people coming to churches, but unfortunately, we cannot rule out something similar in the future. ugh. and
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if we look at what russia is doing now on european soil, we can see that they manage to do as much as possible to carry out terrorist acts, there were fires, there were detonations, there was an attempt at liquidation. in a word, the question is whether the european nato countries can mobilize to repel this european espionage front, because so far, the number of such actions is in favor of russia, and fewer of them have been eliminated, as, for example, in the czech republic there were agent network, well here i still don't quite handle the situation with such an assessment of the situation that by... russia will win in this spy war, that is, in principle, in fact we must understand that there is no such country in europe now, even a country like
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slovakia understands this perfectly, hungary is a separate situation there, that the russian espionage network is actually a key threat to the existence of these countries in the form in which they exist today , so if we talk about the elites, then all the elites... of all european countries, they perfectly understand what is happening, they perfectly understand, they are aware of the threats, and they are fighting it, and what nato essentially did yesterday the statement, the first statement, it's very important, about the red lines, what might be the red lines for nato, it tells us what 's going on in this big bureaucratic machine, well really tectonic shifts, and it's all these things, of course , they are definitely working to address those issues. including those issues that have to do with the splods, actually those red lines that you mentioned, the measure that sees russia resuming offensive
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operations that prepare large numbers. sabotage in europe and a fresh statement by the leader democrats in the house of representatives hakeem jeffries that if ukraine is defeated, if this happens, then it may be that america will have to intervene in the conflict and it is no longer about weapons, but about people, this is something fresh, some fresh rhetoric from of the united states of america, does it lead to something, or is it just a repetition of the same different opinions, which may or may not be necessary. because previously the states did not declare the presence of their military contingent in ukraine, well , you know, in principle, what was done such a statement is already a huge step forward, because so far we have heard only one thing about what america will do, what america will not do, in relation to putin, let's remember joe biden's famous article, let's remember basically long, long negotiations about any kind of weapons
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and in principle what... we needed yesterday is given to us the day after tomorrow, let's remember that, despite everything, the states have not allocated us a single patriot yet, but the fact that there are already statements, so how at least one of the leaders of the democrats about such things, that's it a huge step forward, which means that they have definitely started talking about it in full seriousness, not just as a political statement of some second- or third-rate politician. this is a statement by a politician of the highest level, which means that similar things are already being discussed at the highest level, and this is, of course, a huge progress for us. here now everything is on the side of the diplomats, that is, our diplomats, and what they will do and how they will do in the near future will play a huge role here. mr. vadim, we hear you, maybe now the image will return, i still am i want to finish what i started to ask you about, because the financial times. once he actually
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says that the conferences were held, and in fact, the intelligence of the countries of the european union all their governments warn about a whole series of sabotages led by the russian ministry of defense and other units, so they are preparing and will be attentive, whether they know and are preparing, well, how in principle here i don't think that in the main mass they know about the place where the tract will take place, but the agency data is given, the agency data, in principle, show that there is an ongoing preparation, which in principle they understand that these or other things will happen, often they can even localize in which city, where exactly it can happen, well, let's remember, in principle , the russians are warned about the crocus, so
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they... of course prepare, and their agents work, now, i'm sure, in order to determine where the russians will try to attack, in order to preempt them, in order to prevent them, and let's not forget that france is actually the country that will host olympic games, i am very alarmed by the possibility of the appearance of russian terrorism, but russian terrorism under, shall we say, under the flags of other terrorist organizations, often... in general, locally incredibly distant from the russian federation, ugh, well, i have already experienced such terrorist attacks, so in principle, thank you , sir vadim for the comment, for the analysis of the situation, vadim denysenko, our colleague and political expert was with us, it is time to pass the baton to the colleagues of the news service, i will only add to what mr. vadim said, which is not in vain finland, too, now, focusing on what is happening in europe and on russia, is
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increasing. their fighting capacity, they know what this neighbor is like and they are doing the right thing, now is really the time for news, khrystyna parubiy already knows much more of the latest information and is ready to share it with us. thank you, colleagues, ukrainian soldiers destroyed another important target of the black sea fleet of the invaders, you will find out what exactly in the issue, as well as where the explosions occur in russia and the losses of the enemy, don't miss it in a moment. news on espresso, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i will tell you about the most relevant thing at the moment: the night attack on the kharkiv region. the occupiers dropped a controlled aerial bomb on the village of zolochiv, 52 people received shrapnel and injuries and contusions.


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