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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EEST

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they know what this neighbor is and they are doing the right thing, now is really news time, khrystyna parubiy already knows much more of the latest information, she is ready to share it with us. thank you, colleagues, ukrainian soldiers destroyed another important target of the black sea fleet of the invaders, what exactly you will learn in the issue, as well as where it explodes in russia and the losses of the enemy , don't miss it in a moment. news on the air espresso, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll talk about the most relevant at the moment. night attack on kharkiv region. the occupiers dropped a guided aerial bomb on the village of zolochiv. a 59-year-old woman received shrapnel wounds and contusions, the head of the region oleg senigubov announced. a direct bomb. training
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destroyed the boiler room of the children's sports school and two private houses, the blast wave damaged the building of the educational institution, the village council, the children's youth school, the cultural center, the social security department, the court and 10 private residences. and in kharkiv , the number of victims has increased, 16 are already known. on easter sunday, the occupiers hit the shevchenkiv and kyiv districts of the city with batons, - reported. regional government. apartment buildings and private houses, cars, a medical facility, a dormitory, office buildings, garages and a coffee shop were damaged. hits on noses by guided air munitions on mpb. only three hits, all in the shevchenkiv district. as a result of the explosions, 20 apartment buildings were damaged. according to the fact of this war crime, criminal proceedings have been opened, for a part. the first article 438
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of the criminal code of ukraine, this is a violation of laws and. the russians attacked energy facilities at night with missiles and drones sumy oblast, launched 13 missiles in the region, the air defense forces failed to shoot down only one drone. the enemy damaged the high-voltage facility of ukrenergo. in the regional center, as a result of the hit , critical infrastructure facilities were switched to backup power and... deployment of security points, - said the head of the city's military administration, oleksiy drozdenko. energy companies have already begun to eliminate the consequences and will gradually return the light to consumers. a 50-year-old volunteer was injured in an enemy attack in the kherson region. the day before, the occupiers struck the outskirts of the village of lviv, which in beryslav oblast. the man sought medical help only in the morning. he was diagnosed with explosive. trauma and a shrapnel
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wound to the shoulder, the regional military administration reported. during the day, the occupiers set fire to more than 20 towns and villages in the region. they targeted residential areas, damaged five high-rise buildings and six private houses. an explosion at a bank branch in chernihiv. around four in the morning , an explosive device detonated in the room. because of this , the structure of the building collapsed and a fire broke out in the square. 140 km. three were also damaged cars that were parked nearby, local rescuers reported. there are no casualties, the reasons are being investigated. a ukrainian naval drone struck a russian speedboat in occupied crimea. this is reported by ukrainian pravda with reference to sources in the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense. a marine drone of our scouts targeted a russian vessel in the area. ska
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bay. operation gur was carried out tonight. he shot the invaders. a ukrainian who was forcibly mobilized in the temporarily occupied territory killed six russians soldiers they served in the artillery and shelled kherson, - reported the center of national resistance. according to propagandist publications, a 50-year-old man served as a telephone operator, entered the position and, waiting for the right moment, shot the occupiers. he himself ran away. the russians are trying to find the man, but in vain, they add national resistance in the center. at the same time, local fake warlords suspended the mobile mobilization campaign in the region. 10th anniversary of the establishment of the azov subdivision. the association of families of azov steel defenders organized a charity event in kyiv race it was dedicated to the establishment of a brigade to commemorate the fallen and support prisoners.
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the participants ran four distances of 1, 3, 5 and 10 km. more than a thousand people took part in the run for azov campaign, and the collected funds will be donated to support the military. the purpose of the race, of course, is to support our soldiers, well , it is difficult for them there in any case, that is , psychologically, if they know that we support them, i think they will be much better off, and of course financially, and their families to support them, because we are ukrainians after all, we have to support and be with each other a single family, as they say, for me it is a personal matter, because my father is also a military man, he serves, and for me it is... as support for him and in general for all our military men, because they need to know this, if we feel that we are here, we still take care of them, we think. it's hot again in russia, drones attacked the belgorod region.
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the local governor claims that the drones hit the minibuses, which were allegedly transporting employees of one of the pig farms. according to him, there are six dead. and more than 30 wounded. poured over monday. our defenders poured lead and destroyed forever another 1040 invaders. and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russian army has already lost more than 475 thousand of its soldiers of darkness. also, yesterday our soldiers turned half a dozen tanks and more than 30 armored fighting vehicles into scrap metal. in addition, almost fifty bezpi's were landed. one cruise missile, nearly 40 artillery systems and one russian air defense system were hit. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and i remind you about our collection, means of communication and security, which the unit needs intelligence of the third regiment of special
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operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front, and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. on our goal - 720 00 hryvnias. with your help , we have already made an advance payment, and we have 40,00 hryvnias left to collect. so let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. they meet the enemy in the trenches. infantry day is celebrated in ukraine. these warriors - the basis of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces. the holiday was launched in april 2019 by the fifth president, petro poroshenko. today we honor the courage and heroism of soldiers of the mechanized, motorized infantry, mountain assault, military units and units of the ground forces. ukrainian defenders were congratulated by
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the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces, oleksandr seritsky. i want to thank you for your courage, resilience, heroism, and exemplary performance of your military duties. duty of loyalty, military oath, for the fact that you stick to your boundaries, positions, marriage, for the fact that you do daily. we also join in the greetings of our infantrymen of the village of courage to you, may the enemy's bullets pass by and may you return home with victory as soon as possible. and according to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, 125 combat clashes took place. at the front during the day. the heaviest battles continue in the bakhmut and vdiiv directions. there, ukrainian defenders repelled 67 enemy attacks. in the novopavlovsk direction , the defense forces continue to hold back the enemy near kostyantynka krasnohorivka and vodyanyi, where the enemy tried to break through the defense 27 times.
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another 14 attacks were stopped by our defenders in the kupyansk district of kharkiv region and six near staromayorskyi and robotyny in orihiv. direction the russians attacked three times on the left bank of the kherson region without success. during the day , our aircraft struck 13 areas where enemy personnel were concentrated. and rocket launchers and gunners hit three radar stations: two anti-aircraft systems, two artillery systems and three other important russian objects. joe biden can star with presidential elections in the usa in favor of the former first lady of the country. michelle obama, the german weekly spiegel writes about it. according to the publication, the democratic party is actively discussing this development. they even included such a question in a public opinion poll. and bookmakers see obama as one of the most promising
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potential candidates. interest in the wife of the 44th president of the united states, barack obama. experts explain that voters have reservations before a respectable age. and trump. ratings of the latter are also decreasing criminal cases instead, michelle obama is quite popular in the us. malmö took place in sweden. the representatives of ukraine, the singing duo jerry hal and alyona alyona were in costumes with hanging keys, a symbol of lost homes due to the war in ukraine. also, the singers came to the opening with an easter basket and showed how to fight with krashenka correctly. already on tuesday, may 7 , the first semifinal of the competition will take place, where participants from ukraine will present their performance. see you at 11, read more on our website, also on our
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social networks, join, put your preferences, my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika will continue the discussion with analytics, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. we're coming back, thanks for watching, and if you haven't , please do, i'm talking about donating atvs to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield and to make it easier for our defenders to move around . 4 million hryvnias need to be collected for atvs, a considerable sum, but we are convinced that it is possible, and we are collecting all these atvs now for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the cold ravine, we show their footage more than once on our broadcasts. works, that is, you can see with your own eyes how effective
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your donations become, much more effective than somewhere else, if you pay with these funds for coffee or something else, meanwhile we will collect information for you from our guests, with us our serviceman and the head of the council of reservists of the ground forces are in touch of the armed forces of ukraine, ivan tymochko, mr. ivan, we congratulate you, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, we congratulate you on all the holidays, and we congratulate you on all the holidays, oksana and i want to ask you about front-line affairs, but i can't help but start with a video, which i'm watching right from the center of the capital at eight in the morning, and there's a queue , here is the dnipro tsk, more than 50 people are waiting until at 9 o'clock it will be possible to go to the territorial picking center, go through and update the data on... vlk, in a word, that the information company is failing, remember, yauchiland,
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yes, yes, the russians dispersed it, for two weeks they drove it all over the internet, here every day there are such queues even before the opening. so, you know, we can immediately recommend to our citizens that they can send information about themselves, data to the procurement centers through. administrative service centers can also contact the picking center by phone and register themselves in the electronic queue, this is actually very good and very important, and besides, you should remember that the picking centers are working now 24 hours a day, that is, when it is convenient to come, citizens can always come and provide their personal data, what is the connection, well, we know that the current legislation or changes to the current
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legislation are coming into effect, which oblige are obliged to provide their data for inclusion in the single register of conscripts to provide information about the citizen, either clarifying, or actually new, again, it's a pity, it's true, that the citizens had the opportunity. it took three years to submit it, but, as we have, it has already happened, that is, now now there is some activity, there is also public, civic commitment, the position of ukrainians, now, unfortunately, simply, just explain to us, because there are things that we cannot understand, if the tsc works 24x7, then why, for example, here guys from the queue in kyiv they say that only from 9 o'clock they will be admitted to... the central committee, and secondly, how does tsk247 work if there is a curfew in all cities except
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uzhgorod? well, these nuances, and they may arise, but also individual procurement centers, if they do not comply with the decree of the commander of the ground forces on work 24x7, it's still worth contacting the hotline and reporting such a situation. again the curfew does not limit in the electronic version to provide what i say or prepare documents for remotely, of course, yes, yes, that is, you know, well, i always, i say now so that we, when in in the 22nd year, we stood in queues, near the military commanders and units, and knew that we would go to the front, we knew that after this queue we would not return to the house there, again comfortable conditions, but we went and we had no complaints were given, not voiced, we understood that it was a war, we understood that it was necessary already and now, well
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, who had the opportunity to update their data for three years, report about themselves and... cut, well, it’s a pity, of course, and of course, that now there are some difficulties in what they can submit, it's a pity, but i think that everything is leveling out very quickly now, we understood, because this is basically a new situation for the country, when such a large number of people at the same time can rush to the tsc, accordingly there may be nuances, report to the hotline, if anything fix, and we are convinced that in a very short time everything will be adjusted there and the system will work properly. everyone will have time to update their data, mr. ivan, we want to ask you about another video, about a video from under the time ravine, we saw footage of the destruction of the bridge over the siverskyi donetsk-donbas channel, this is the outskirts of the city of chasivyar, and we understand that there are ongoing heavy battles, that the situation is very difficult, the military themselves write in their telegram
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channels, in particular, that everything is not easy there, i ask you to comment on this destroyed bridge, i... how can it affect the course of hostilities and what, what further route can the russians take? well, in itself , the seversky donets channel is a serious obstacle for its assault, for the movement of enemy forces. on the other hand, this means that , unfortunately, our troops are no longer on the other side, that the defense line is being built. in the direction of already covering the time gap, of course, that the carriers are destroyed in order to prevent the movement of troops to the point of limiting their logistics, everything that is destroyed over time will be rebuilt, it is important to inflict as much damage as possible on the enemy and restrain
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him, you know, the enemy is now trying not only to seize the opportunity to attack, but also to advance. on the flanks, and if to the side, let's say, ivanivske and gomriivka are there, they do not succeed in pushing back our troops and, in fact, this is an opportunity to enter from the flanks, well, on the other hand, the requirements of fighting battles, unfortunately, lead to such situations when the front line has to be strengthened or hindered, of course, which is big... our allies have and have transferred to ukraine finally came as quickly as possible to the front line, we understand that in the conditions of active hostilities, it takes time to
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effectively lead and deploy and preserve, to avoid enemy strikes, that's the custom. the piyar for the enemy is now essential, since it is a bridgehead for launching an offensive on kramator, slovyansk, by the way, they tried to attack, let's recall kharkiv oblast in the direction of the oskyi reservoir, it is also them, by the way, there they tried to occupy this water obstacle for enemy because the channel the seversky melon also supplies branches and water. in kramatory slavyansk, in these settlements, in these cities of the donetsk region, of course it is never pleasant to see that there is destruction, but we must understand that our fellow troops are responding to those challenges directly on the battlefield, which are already occurring now. without this settlement, without capture, we hope
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that chosivyar can advance further, is it strategically important for them and... they will not be able to continue, you know, at one time, when bagmut was holding, the psyrian command, i remember, how much criticism there was, it is meant, in general, in the direction, the bakhmet line of defense was included, how much criticism there was about what they are holding on to, why they are not retreating, and so we recall all those stories, yes, but actually at the expense of that. .. that then they managed to hold back the enemy behind the exit of bakhmut and to hold him back in the special direction of these andriivs, andriivanivskyi, in fact , now build the defense lines there, in fact, now they are a bunch of people and we cannot, in fact, seize the time and enter from the flanks, of course, what, how we see, the strategy after a year also gives
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results, this is it in fact, the enemy will definitely try to break through there, the enemy will try to advance, well, again, as we can see, for some large-scale, wide frontal offensive, they do not have enough forces, and they... also try to attack in narrow directions in order to change the direction of the attack or strike, they will have to first of all additionally accumulate forces, additionally build up logistics, and this is all the burden on their army, the russians are already at their peak opportunities that they have and attack, in fact they have pulled up strategic reserves, and to change the direction of strategic strikes or offensive, of course... they will definitely try and even these warnings that sound about kharkiv region, about the threat from kharkiv region, it does not arise on equal place, but all the same,
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even at a distant stage on the side of kharkiv oblast, the accumulated forces that are there now, the russians there are about 40 thousand, of course, cannot give them a guarantee that they can add another operational direction to delete offensive, but the fact that it can cause serious problems. to our armed forces, this is clear, because in counterbalance to the enemy, it is always necessary to raise our reserves, stretch our fronts, so that here is a two-sided situation, of course, that the enemy will also try to push in other directions where they currently have an accumulation and concentration of troops, this this situation will continue until, i repeat, until we still manage to use the required number. weapons directly on the front line, which will go from the allies, it is not only artillery, it is also air defense systems, which i have great hope will reduce the intensity
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of enemy aviation, in the main, the russians are only advancing now because they have the ability to strike our troops from behind their front lines with guided aerial bombs. mr. ivan, thank you for participating in ours. thank you for your service, ivan tymochko was with us, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine and the head of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine. and i thank you, especially those active viewers who in the last few minutes immediately 500 have been donated for atvs, let's continue, then it will be possible to accumulate all 4 million much faster. let's take a short break, then we will talk about aviation with our aviation expert. respect the traditions and be proud of your culture with unpack
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professional match analysis. exclusive interviews, goals, highlights, emotions, a project for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. we are coming back and, as promised, we will talk about the ukrainian sky. aviation
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expert kostyantyn kryvolap. in connection with our studio, good morning, christ is risen, good morning, easter is risen, maybe about these coming days, maybe about the seventh, because there will be putin's show on russia, then on may 8, when all civilized people will remember the victims of the second world war, and on may 9 , the battle for victory, these are the three days that the threat from the sky can be in volumes and in... consequences, anything can happen, the stockpile of missiles accumulated is enough, planes flew from engels to olenia, from alen and to engels, were loaded with kh101 missiles in wengels, x-22s, m3s took off from mozdok, x-22s were loaded, russian submarines entered
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parking lots where they can be equipped with calibers, so you have to be ready for everything, understanding that we are dealing with a country, a terrorist, and not only we are beginning to understand this, well, we understood this a long time ago, and europe is already beginning to understand this in full, is everyone there? intelligence reports reported that there is a high probability of various provocations, explosions, shootings, etc., that is, we need to be attentive, ready for everything, well, in fact, as always, only now we need to be more, more, more vigilant, than earlier, we agree with you that with such a neighbor you really need to be constantly ready, uh, about... i want something else
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to inquire, downed su-25th in donetsk region, our defenders, 110 brigade, we all see.


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