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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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stjeg, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 999 with the possibility of free delivery, powerful saws, strong, what you need, call. 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. details of a successful special operation in crimea: a ukrainian naval drone hit a russian speedboat in the occupied peninsula. this was confirmed in the main intelligence office and a video was published. a marine drone of our scouts targeted a russian vessel in the area at night.
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bays gur adds that the fear of ukrainian attacks forces the occupiers to hide their large ships away from the peninsula. let me remind you, previously, the attack naval drones destroyed russian ships. tsezer kunikov, ivanov, sergey kotov, and the akula and serna naval boats, as well as the damaged ivan-khurs vessel. and to operational news from the regions: one dead and three wounded in donetsk region. due to enemy attacks in the temporary. community, one person died, another local was wounded, said the head of the region, vadym filashkin. in two civilians were injured in the pokrovsky district, in the villages of krasnohorivka and georgiivka. in total, the russians shelled the populated areas of the region 20 times during the day. more than 20 houses were damaged, 57 residents, including two children, were evacuated from the front line. night attack on kharkiv region. the occupiers dropped a guided
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aerial bomb on the village of zolochiv. a 59-year-old woman received shrapnel wounds and contusions, - informed the head of the region oleg synygubov. the bomb destroyed the boiler room of the children's sports school and two private schools with a direct hit houses the blast wave damaged the building of the educational institution, the village council, the children's youth school, the cultural center, the social security department, the court and 10 private residences. and in his village... chinivka in the kupyan region. the occupiers destroyed an entire street. a high-explosive aerial bomb was dropped the day before. weighing 1.5 tons per house. an 88-year-old woman died. a 50-year-old volunteer was injured in an enemy attack in the kherson region. the day before, the occupiers struck the outskirts of the village of lviv in bereslav oblast. the man sought medical help only in the morning. in he was diagnosed. an explosive injury and
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a shrapnel wound to the shoulder, the regional military administration reported. over the course of a day , the occupiers set fire to more than 20 towns and villages in the region, targeted residential areas, damaged five high-rise buildings and six private houses. the security service of ukraine detained enemy agents who were preparing massive air strikes on ukraine on the eve of easter. one of the collaborators is a 28-year-old unemployed man from lubny. the other from umani. according to the task of the kremlin curators, they had to find out the coordinates of the energy generators enterprises and fuel and lubricant storage warehouses. both were detained in the act near kyiv, where they were taken to intelligence. both face daily imprisonment. a ukrainian who was forcibly mobilized in the temporarily occupied territory shot the invaders, killing six.
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russian soldiers. they served in the artillery, shelled kherson, - reported the center of national resistance. according to propaganda publications, a 50-year-old man, who served as a telephone operator, entered the position and, waiting for the right moment, shot occupiers he himself ran away. the russians are trying to find the man, but in vain, they add national resistance in the center. at the same time, local fake warlords suspended the mobilization campaign in the region. it's hot again in russia, drones attacked the belgorod region. the local governor claims that the drones hit the minibuses, which were allegedly transporting employees of one of the pig farms. according to him, there are seven dead and more than 30 wounded. an explosion at a bank branch in chernihiv. around four in the morning, a detonation took place in the room explosive device. it became because of this.
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destruction of building structures and a fire broke out on an area of ​​140 m2. three cars parked nearby were also damaged, local rescuers reported. there are no casualties, the reasons are being investigated. drizzled monday. our defenders poured lead and destroyed forever another 1040 invaders. and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russian army has already lost more than 475 thousand of its soldiers of darkness. also yesterday, our soldiers turned half a dozen tanks and more than 30 armored combat vehicles into scrap metal. apart from almost fifty of them landed. drones, one cruise missile, nearly 40 artillery systems and one russian air defense system were hit. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and i remind you about our collection, the means of communication and security are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of
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special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 72,000. with your help we have already made the down payment and we have 40,000 left to raise uah so, let's not delay. the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. they meet the enemy in the trenches. infantry day is celebrated in ukraine. these soldiers are the basis of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine. the holiday was launched in april 2019 by the fifth president, petro poroshenko. today we honor the courage and heroism of soldiers, mechanized, motorized infantry, mountain assault, military units and units of the ground forces. he congratulated the ukrainian defenders on the holiday
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commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr serskyi. i want to thank you for your courage, steadfastness, heroism, and exemplary performance of your military duty. for loyalty to the military oath, for the fact that you keep your boundaries, position, marriage, for what you do every day. we also join in the greetings of our infantrymen, courage to you, may the enemy's bullets pass by, and return home with victory as soon as possible. he left three small children at home and went to the front, and when he lost his health, he became military chaplain. now priest volodymyr is back on at the front, but already without weapons. he supports defenders and their families. he told our journalists about his journey. god must always be trusted. god does not help the strong, god helps those whom he chooses. and
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we can see from this war, because in terms of resources, physically, russia is much stronger than us, but it can't do anything with us, it's just god's help. to god, says volodymyr, he was pushed by the service. after participating in ato, he says, he began to change. the man turned to a psychologist, sought solace in a drink, and in the end found peace of mind in the word of god. i was working at the ingul mine at that time. i was an underground electric locomotive driver, mobilized in the 15th year, in february. at some point, i decided that, well, let's say, god called me, i had my first repentance in my life, as i later read in the bible, this is exactly the foundation of the foundation. subsequently , volodymyr served in the church and studied at the theological academy, and from the beginning of the great war he returned to the front again. there he received a concussion, and the miners'
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diseases worsened. when he was on treatment, he received an offer to become a chaplain. he agreed without thinking, because he knew from his own experience the need for spiritual support. when you communicate with them, when a person comes, they do not see anything, you explain to them such simple things, religious, church, how to continue living, a person finds himself, and here are these eyes, when they begin to glow, when life ignites in them , again, you realize that you are doing what you have to do. the mission of the chaplain is to provide spiritual support to the soldiers, the relatives of the soldiers turn to the priest, mostly those who have survived the loss. when it happens that a person dies, and his family and friends lose him, well, we all go there so that our relatives and friends live, we don't have to die together with the soldiers, we have to take from them the courage that they had to go
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defending their state, and live, even if they no longer have the strength to live there, then live for that person who... has gone and is already looking down on us from heaven. volodymyr does not leave his work when he is in tylo. support circles were started in the volunteer space with the chaplain's participation. they are held for families of defenders and the soldiers themselves, he is a combat chaplain, he used to fight, so he can freely talk to returning soldiers on various topics, and they will not have this barrier that a person has not fought and therefore does not understand him, that is, in support circles we have meetings and we discuss various topics, from some everyday to religious issues. a chaplain says in war: people turn to god more often than in peacetime. volodymyr explains to the army... that they are defending their own, so destroying the enemy is not a sin, but the will of god.
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from kropyvnytskyi for the tv channel. we will summarize the morning at 12:00, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, then my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, will continue the show, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. here we are back and you don't have to turn over your tv like that, because according to feng shui oksana and i switched places, because we have a guest. yes, about who our guest is in a moment, let there be intrigue, we ask you to inform us, because actually there will be an interesting conversation, and during such a conversation we need to collect as much as possible for atvs for our defenders, 4 million is a lot to collect, qr codes, card numbers. so you know what to do with all that, but now we open all the cards.
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volodymyr tsybulko, political expert and poet, is with us in the studio. and now we will talk about everything that is really important. and let's start with our neighbors. let's talk first about the bnr, so-called. do you remember, that night the good drones attacked the bnr, the russians write that 30, more than 30 were wounded, six were killed. and that it was a gazelle that was transporting workers, yes, two gazelles, which she was transporting, workers of the pig farm, 35 russians write, so who are the workers of the pig farm in reality, there are iranians, there are iranians who teach the russians to use shaheds, because obviously they don’t like it there, i think that the iranians the village is eating, mr. volodymyr. we want to ask you about all these super-complicated legends of theirs, and this morning we spoke with oleksandr
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skoryk from kharkiv oblast, he told us that in fact, ukrainians in kharkiv oblast have cut off all contacts, this is his circle of acquaintances with their relatives, and there children and parents, parents and children do not communicate, they are not just divided by the border, they are divided by prima, it is some kind of russian policy to lie, to lie to everyone. about everything and not let people communicate to see the truth? well, first of all, to what extent the russian authorities have overshadowed the population, and especially in these areas where hostilities are taking place or adjacent to hostilities , everyone is really scared there, and considering the fact that russia alone dropped 12 aerial bombs on these areas, one can imagine that in my opinion, ukrainian strikes on this the territories are not compared to the russian ones. well, they say that all this is in ukraine, air defense is working, in russia some
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noble people are landing ukrainian drones, well, in fact, it all looks absolutely comical, because russian propaganda is for her, well, the more logical, the more correct, it does not build logical chains, she counts on... that new information interrupts the previous one, and people don't even compare the causes of the consequent connections, but it must be said that when the connections are broken, it's not only, well the result of hostilities, this is still a huge work of the special service of russian propaganda, people just lurked and that's all, they want to show that in those areas, by the way, ukrainian partisans are working, but ukrainian partisans may exist, but... well, believe in the fact that these former ukrainian territories, kurshchyna, belohorod region
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have some humanitarian dimension for us, but our local experts from sumy region, from kharkiv region, said that no, they are already so russified that in fact, we may not be interested in it as lands ukrainian national republics that lenin recognized in those borders, exclusively as a buffer zone, that is, these people have long been lost to ukraine. as such in fact yes, well, they are lost because, first of all , even the soviet state itself did not work for these areas, that's why. the problem, well, secondly, in connection with the war, well, russia has mobilized a lot of ethnic ukrainians, whom it has rewritten as russians, in order to create, well, such a conflict on a personal level, when
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an ethnic ukrainian dies in your family in the war against ukraine, you will start, being ethnic a ukrainian on... is expected to curse ukraine , what the world stands on, or when russia bombs, it is necessary, to which i introduced, that russia bombs these territories, the population of these areas, which received bombs from russian planes, curse ukraine, not russia, this, this is quite logical, in general, i'm thinking now, when we talk about buffer zones, about the restoration or return of ethnic territories, in... will we have the potential to rework even those territories that lived 10 years under occupation? we don't know, we ask a lot of people with this question, and i, for example, always do i studied and analyzed very carefully, well , the sociology of the former german democratic republic and the federal republic of germany, and fusion,
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how the fusion of these territories works, i want to remind you that after... 40 years after about after 30-plus years after the fall of the wall and unification into a single country, these two territories are still different from the point of view of the world, so we understand that we still have hard work ahead of us, and actually all these projects for reintegration, for the restoration of those territories that are currently under temporary occupation, it will be a difficult and long process, we also conscious, but what there will be consequences, look at what... volodya says, this is exactly what i observed more than once in germany, if this is east germany, then they love adolf hitler terribly and they are carriers of hitler's fascist ideology, and when you go to zahirism is effective, but when you go to the west in some freiburg, this guy with marijuana and dreadlocks is sure to come with a volume of karl
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marx, and in this case there is such a paradox, what kind of paradox will we have when we return people and territories? they were re-examined, re-examined in putin's style, that's still something different than in germany, and what will we get? i am afraid that they will change to bohdan khmelnytskyi, to the pereyaslov council, but it is not for nothing that the occupiers in the occupied territories formed, for example, the battalion of bohdan khmelnytskyi, well, or there are still some similar formations, and most likely, that is easier . if we return these lands, it will be easier to cultivate some such, well, comfortable symbol for russia, a symbolic series of ukrainian identifiers, such as bohdan khmelnytskyi, that is, those persons who were comfortable for russia, i think that
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some kind of political project will be based on this, but there is no alternative. it will be impossible for germany to build an alternative for ukraine in this form after 10 years after the reintegration of all ukrainian lands, because the general hatred of russia is at least four generations old, you think so, but now we will not show these footage , because they are with their mothers, they are from kovel, kovel is volyn, temporarily displaced persons refused to go to kovol yesterday exclude. they were blaring and playing russian music, the locals made remarks to them, it came to a fight and fights, we don't show this video, but we can't, it's not necessary to show it, because here there is no option for destroyed houses, nor for you to be kicked out of your house you kicked rusnia out of your territory, it does not stop them in love and changed to russians, in general, what is
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the logic in the behavior of people who go to the russian orthodox church, well , to the ukrainian orthodox church. to the temples that actually blessed putin for the murder of ukraine and continue to bless the security service recorded 59 only the collaborators who fall under, not to mention the weapons in the temples, not to mention, well, these are the direct collaborators who there blessed the russian troops to kill ukraine, or voiced the locations where the checkpoints are located, where the ukrainian military is, where i survived war, for example, in lizhovitsa and borodyanka, there was, well, in gostomyl, the uoc mp, and people simply exploded after the end of hostilities. the most difficult was in borodyanka, in borodyanka, the occupiers almost made a headquarters there in the temple, by the way, this tsar ended up there on march 26, oh february already
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there was a tsarov there, that is, they were going to make some sort of proto-government of the kyiv region in borodyanka as occupiers, but the people after the war simply insisted and squeezed out, now mykola knyazhytskyi submits a bill , we... compromised the bill so much that there is, in principle, the experience that mykola wanted to conduct in ukraine, that is, the baltic countries, an approach to the church of the occupier, similar in the baltic countries, the committee halved, well, even in this form the law has already been passed, they are still afraid of the second, why, mr. volodymyr, this is how it happens, so everyone sees everything, everyone all they understand, but...
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they take care, they cling to it with pincers, so that it is about the propaganda network that they , well... they think in this way, well, to sell something more, i think that they perfectly understand that this is a danger for the country, well, the security service , by the way, she emphasizes that this is not a matter of freedom of conscience, that it is a matter of national security, and not at all... well, don't get me wrong, but stefanchuk is sitting in the verkhovna rada, there is such, in my opinion, an artificial surname leader device, which, in my opinion,
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they are a couple and fulfill all the requirements yermak, so far the bank, let's remember, even the lobbyists of the ukrainian orthodox church of mp were removed from the bank, trofimov and smirnov were there, they are the main, so the main parishioners, it's as if they cleaned it up, but... why don't you take the next step? and here we will benefit from a fresh survey of the initiative of ilko kuchalev, and you are here now, we will show it now, we were asked how much you agree with the statement that the people are much wiser than politicians, therefore politicians should only follow the will of the people. in total, 51% of us think so wise people we fall into a mystery. which volodymyr tsibulko solves, because if the people think that they are wiser than their politicians, then what other people chose these stupid politicians that now consider
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them to be more stupid than themselves. let's go back to our recent past, to the era of fingertips in bazaars. if a peasant, a peasant, was made into a thimble in the bazaar, he will go around and tell that he did not have enough. one ruble to win back, yes he did, he won, well, but one ruble was not enough, now let's look at the behavior of zelensky's voters, they, when they used to say that i am not for zelensky at all, i am against poroshenko, now they either pretend that they are at all, what are the elections, there were no elections, that is, people do not like to admit that they have been fooled. and zelenskyi and his henchmen, so to speak, really warmed up their voter in the first place, let's remember where under where 90 percent or more precisely
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voted for zelenskyi, is there at least something left about ternopil oblast, or frankiv oblast , is there even one left there? a living building in those... that's the story of the olaposhils, let's go a little from the other side to the traditional question of peace negotiations, switzerland is preparing, the pope of rome has already been invited, and what's next, we invited the pope of rome, sit down, and here is the sacrifice from the constabulary, sit down together and correctly, the question is whether they want to screw us over again, as there used to be a very, very strange story on the way of the cross. because in ukraine there are a total of 8 million faithful of the roman church and greek catholics, and what?
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there are not as many flocks in russia, there are not as many flocks of the roman church in kazakhstan as there are in ukraine, and at least once there was a roman pope in ukraine, ivan paul ii was there, well, because he also has some ukrainian roots there, but this pope bergholiv , a pupil of a ukrainian greek catholic priest in argentina, and what, but he is in argentina, well, well, i think that... pope bergoglio never left argentina, and that, not not, not the current argentina, which voted for the very controversial , but it seems to me, well , that's right, right now everything is fine with them, but but in general, we know this background, this south-latin america, these are marxists, trotskyists and other maoists, leftism multiplied by catholicism and chegivara, chigivara was also a believer, although... that is
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, well, but let's return to that idea , to that peace, but look, the pope is obviously taken hostage by the big seven, because he is supposed to give a report on artificial intelligence at the summit of the big seven, that is, john paul only apologized for the victims of the inquisition of his time, here already about artificial intelligence , somehow so it is... very skipping, i would i would like to know how many believers there are, the main area is believing catholics, where is india, latin america, how many people know how to use a computer in general among modern believers, well, but still , they carry geneva and geneva like a golden key. to peace, and we do not see a single component in that golden key. this requires
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some minimal desire in putin to consider any of the ways to enter into a peaceful dialogue, on the contrary, he gives the task of training non-strategic nuclear weapons, this is what he is doing now, i guess will upset our viewers, because this global peace summit, it is a continuation of joseph biden's previous projects, it is... the world forum of democracy, he held such a virtual forum in december 21st, and in march 23rd, they also held such a , well, almost virtual, but still with the participation of delegations, with a connection, there were also more than 120 countries, as at the first, but the resolution, well, for the first time they risked signing a resolution, the final resolution was signed
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in my opinion... 56 countries, so, well, you can definitely predict what will be concluded by analogy the resolution of this peace forum will be signed by countries, well, no more than 80, and what, what is the difference, 83 or 100, i would say, we understand that there will be such meetings before the idea, look, among zelenskyi’s initiatives, territorial integrity, in my opinion, there sixth place, that is, if in order. this is eco-nuclear security, eco-security, so it seems to me that these first three points will be the end of everything, and, the question, well, everything rests, frankly, on the presence of china, if china will be there, because it is precisely to the summit of the g7 that some of the invited the brics countries, and argentina, and brazil are invited, and in my opinion, egypt is invited, eh,
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or not... that is, there is such a wide range of countries, and it seems to me that precisely at the summit of the big seven on the sidelines, this issue of theirs voice will be formed, but if a package and a final resolution are formed, it will give an opportunity to agree on the instruments of pressure on russia, this, this is the only thing, and here it is important whether china will stick its horns and... well, it will defend russia to the last, here is a kind of trap prepared by the civilized part of humanity, that is, if the majority of countries recognize, well , the un charter and the supremacy of international law, then they must agree to ukraine's right to restore territorial integrity, this is what we need.


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