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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EEST

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we summarize the informational morning in ukraine on espresso news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. more than 90 towns and villages of sumy oblast are still without electricity due to the night russian. attack, energy workers are working on restoration and promise to restore the power supply by the evening. in total, more than 400,000 subscribers in the region were left without power supply due to enemy shelling, the ministry of energy reported. the occupiers attacked the area at night with strike drones, damaged buildings and equipment of critical infrastructure facilities. there were also power outages in the kharkiv region in the region, due to damage to corpses , gas supply to more than 200.60 houses was stopped.
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one dead and three injured in donetsk region, due to enemy attacks. one person died in the uchasovoyarsk community. one more local was wounded, said the head of the region, vadym filashkin. in the pokrovsky district , two civilians were injured in the villages of krasnohorivka and georgiivka. in just one day, the russians shelled populated areas of the region 20 times, damaging more than 20 houses. they evacuated from the front line 50. seven residents, including two children. night attack on kharkiv region. the occupiers dropped a controlled aerial bomb on the village of zolochiv, a 59-year-old woman received a shrapnel wound and a contusion, - announced the head of the region oleg senigubov. the bomb destroyed the boiler room of the children's sports school and two private houses with a direct hit, the blast wave damaged the building of the educational institution, the village council, the children's and youth school,
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the cultural center, the social security department, the court and 10 private residences. and in the village of monachynivka in the kupyan region, the occupiers destroyed an entire street. the day before, a high-explosive aerial bomb weighing 1.5 tons was dropped on the houses. an 88-year-old woman died. a 50-year-old volunteer was injured in an enemy attack in the kherson region. the day before, the occupiers struck the outskirts of the village of lviv, which... is in beryslav oblast. the man sought medical help only in the morning. he was diagnosed with an explosive injury and a shrapnel wound to the shoulder, the regional military administration reported. during the day , the occupiers set fire to more than 20 towns and villages in the region, targeted residential areas, damaged five high-rise buildings and six private houses. details of a successful special operation in crimea. a ukrainian naval drone hit a russian speedboat. in
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the occupied peninsula. this was confirmed in the main intelligence office and a video was published. a marine drone of our scouts flew into a russian ship at night in the area of ​​a narrow bay. the band adds that the fear of ukrainian attacks forces the occupiers to hide their large ships away from the peninsula. let me remind you that previously the russian ships caesar kunikov, ivanavit serhiy kotov, and the akula and serna naval boats were destroyed by naval attack drones. and. damaged ship ivan khurs. he shot the invaders. a ukrainian who was forcibly mobilized in the temporarily occupied territory killed six russian soldiers. they served in the artillery and shelled kherson, the center of national resistance reported. according to propagandist publications, a 50-year-old man served as a telephone operator, entered the position and, waiting for the right moment, shot the occupiers. himself. ran away the russians are trying
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to find the man, but in vain, they add national resistance in the center. at the same time, local fake ones the military suspended the mobilization campaign in the region. the security service of ukraine detained enemy agents who were preparing massive air strikes on ukraine on the eve of easter. one of the collaborators is a 28-year-old unemployed man from lubny, the other from uman. according to the task of the kremlin curators, they had to find out. coordinates of energy-generating enterprises and fuel and lubricant storage warehouses. both were arrested red-handed, near kyiv, where they were conducting preliminary intelligence. both face life imprisonment. almost $42 for the lease extension and privatization of land. in vinnytsia, the police kidnapped officials who demanded a bribe from a local farmer. for a long time, the husband rented plots of land where he would grow crops.
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agricultural crops, however, when he decided to privatize the land, the rural council first refused him, and then offered a scheme to solve the issue, named specific amounts that he should pay so that everything would be successful. the investigators of the national police announced that they were suspected of extorting and receiving illegal benefits by officials in a large and especially large sizes. the sanction of the article provides imprisonment for a term of eight to 12 years, with the right to hold certain positions for up to three years, as well as confiscation of property. they meet the enemy in the trenches. infantry day is celebrated in ukraine. soldiers are the basis of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine. the holiday was launched in april 2019 by the fifth president, petro poroshenko. today we honor the courage and heroism of the soldiers of the mechanized motorized infantry, mountain assault, military units and units of the land forces. ukrainian
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the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi congratulated the defenders on the holiday. i want to thank you for your courage, steadfastness, heroism, for... fulfilling your military duty. this is loyalty to the military oath. for the fact that you stick to your boundaries, positions, marriage, for what you do every day. a mournful siren sounded in israel. today , the day of the disaster and heroism of the jewish people is celebrated there. for two minutes , transport in the country stopped, and people stopped working. this is how the memory was commemorated close. 6 million jews who were exterminated by the german nazis under the time of the holocaust. and i remind you about our assembly: the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs means of communication and security. they fight for the independence of our
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country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000, with yours. with your help, we have already made an advance payment and we have less than uah 40,00 left to collect, so let's not delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us is very important, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, you can see all the details on the screen. they are threatening nuclear weapons again. russian dictator putin instructed to conduct training on the use of tactical nuclear weapons, the ministry of defense of the aggressors reported. it was clarified there that preparations for attacks and the use of non-strategic weapons will be worked out. the invaders are sure that such training is needed allegedly to respond to provocative statements and threats of western officials against russia.
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they have been waiting for a return for 33 years. the religious community of the roman catholic church still has not received legal ownership of the holy church nicholas in kyiv. the ministry of culture and information policy of ukraine was supposed to hand it over by may 1 this year, but the church still does not belong to the parish. what is the problem, tatyana golonova found out. there are keys, but no rights. on may 1, the religious community of the roman catholic church was supposed to take possession of the church of st. nicholas. ever since the declaration of ukraine's independence , believers have been promised right in front of the church door that... very soon it will be returned to the parish, the president also promised, president kuchma personally promised st. john paul ii, who was in to this church, that the church is already being handed over, even our president zelensky in 2020
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personally wrote a letter to pope francis that the church is already being returned, but we see, unfortunately, this has not happened yet, the official name. the temple is a house of organ music, because of this the institution is subordinate to the ministry of culture and information policy. in june 2022 , the ministry of culture and the parish signed a memorandum according to which the church was to be handed over to the religious community. however, on may 1, at the viryan liturgy for the return of the temple, representatives the ministry of culture did not appear. a month ago, we sent a request to the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, which... obliged the ministry of culture to return the church to the parish no later than may 1, 2024, with a request to identify responsible persons for the preparation of this event, but so far we have not received any answers. on september 3, 2021
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, a fire broke out in the church of st. nicholas, and then the organ suffered the most. the fire drove the house of organ music and the parish into the street, but the faithful still perform... services in the open air under the church. after russian after a full-scale invasion, the parishioners were finally given the keys to the building, only a guest without documents. from the beginning of the full-scale invasion. when many people left kyiv, we stayed in this building, and the keys remained with us after 84 years, when they were ee somewhere else in the state, here was an archive, here was a warehouse, and for the last 40 years the house of music, the organ hall, eh, and we still have only the keys, and no document, due to a fire in... the general condition of the building has deteriorated significantly, by the parishioners' own efforts the walls were cleaned of fungus. according to
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the abbot, the repair crews, in order to report on emergency work, simply hid it with slabs. the believers have already developed a plan for restoration works. in order to implement it, an official handover of the building is required. more than 600,000 liters of water were poured on the walls of the church, we can see the consequences of this... we can still see the cracked columns and walls of the church, but first of all there was a terrible flu here, because these 6,000 liters of water penetrated into the basement, there is no ventilation operated since 2000. roman catholic church saint nicholas was built by roman catholics. we are fighting for justice, and this is justice, which is already promised for the first time, and just so that you... that what was built, that it was built, was a church, so that it would be a church. on august 24, ukraine
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will celebrate its 33rd independence day. the roman catholic religious community hopes that by this time the church will already belong to the parish. tetyana golunova, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. such was the morning in ukraine. read more on our website, also on our social networks. join, bet. my preferences, i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow, my colleagues will tell you more, stay with us, congratulations, friends, with you vitaliy portnikov, our interlocutor oleksandra matviychuk, human rights activist eyes... organization center for civil liberties awarded with the nobel peace prize and laureate of the vasyl stus. greetings, mrs. a, good
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evening. let's start with the report of the state department of the united states, which is dedicated precisely to human rights in ukraine. there are a lot of serious comments on the address russia, which could be predicted, but there are also remarks about ukraine. it seems to me that these comments need to be analyzed, what is the most important thing there, how? we have to do this, if you want to work on mistakes, because it is just a statement of facts. obviously, and we have to do this work on mistakes, understanding the context. we are trapped between two logics, the logic of war and the logic of democratization, and it is difficult to balance between these logics, so the facts presented in the report should not be viewed as just criticism as something that needs to be fixed. for example, considerable attention. is devoted to the topic of freedom of speech, and it is clear that freedom of speech is not an absolute right, it can
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be limited during war due to security considerations, but it can be limited only proportionally. and when at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, for example, a number of tv channels were turned off the air and deprived of broadcasting rights, our human rights organizations, and the center for civil freedom, the kharkiv right-wing group, and a whole... others made a statement that this was disproportionate interference with freedom of speech, so it is not surprising that this report contains criticism of the telethon, because the decision that was adopted in the 22nd year and could be relevant in that context, well, with the change of the context in the 24th year, needs to be revised, well , right here it is very important to understand, you know, where the decision is really made, which is justified. the needs of war, which can also be right, which can be wrong, the decision goes, where war
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is used to strengthen the monopoly of power, how to tell the difference? and that differs not in that we get into the heads of the executors or adopters of these decisions, which is impossible to do, we conduct a test, for example, when we talk about freedom of speech, there is a three-step test that is used in practice, for example, the european court of human rights , he talks about... components, is there a legitimate goal, and here they will say: yes, there is, this is war, this is security considerations, are these limitations of protecting this goal achieved? and the last, extremely important and component of this text, are these restrictions necessary in a democratic society, and here quite often this is proportionality, which is how the state can pull a blanket over itself, but no more than necessary, even in the conditions of war, it just fails, here it is very important to realize
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how fundamentally we are in the situation now, if you want, selective right, and how does society have it... because by and large we talked about it even before the war, that of course the state can adopt some measures, very often those that do not correspond to the current legislation, the constitution, against people we don't like, obviously, and that's a very dangerous thing, and i always remind you as a human rights activist that even those people who support it, saying it's a war and we have to use any methods, they think: what they use these methods against what they call enemies, they don't understand that if you break the rules of the game, tomorrow these methods will be used against you. well, the question arises, how to explain this to a society that is already traumatized by this long war and the awareness that relatively speaking, a dictatorship, which is the opposite, it is very often effective precisely because it
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does not care about any right, and it can change the law, change the constitution, do everything that will be replaced, i would say... patience is needed , but here i will add, some, probably very great love for people who will come to you in the comments, who will find you in social networks and start writing to you that you are not in the trenches, that you are a human rights activist, that you are in your pink glasses, well, this is the softest of what i actually read when i wrote about these are the kinds of violations that seem to me to be disproportionate and threatening, even during the war. well, on the other hand, randomness is understandable, but there is another side of the coin that creates such obvious problems for human rights activities, which is that the very logic of war, in one way or another, calls into question our usual norms by which we treat rights person, and here, even if we are
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not talking about the russian-ukrainian war, but more broadly, we see how human rights organizations are now for... reports, demands, not to give military support that is coming from the united states, i can just quote senator bernie sanders, who says: no, we are not against the state of israel, we are not anti-semitic, we are just saying that you are violating human rights, but at the same time, there is a need there to destroy terrorism, there to fight against terrorist organizations, and... the very activity of the security forces, when they do this, and this also applies to us, when we act, say, there in the de-occupied territories and fight with the occupied territories, it actually undermines the usual us human rights, and what about that do? here it is difficult to speak in broad strokes, because the approach to the protection of human rights requires the analysis of each specific
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case, each specific case, to what extent... during war , both international human rights law and international humanitarian law come into force, to the extent that these two branches, superimposed on this specific example, on a specific context, say there that the actions of this or that state correspond to these norms or do not, because unfortunately, during war, people die, civilians die, and this proportionality, we were just talking about freedom of speech, it is also present here... and it protects the civilian population, and it establishes the norms and rules for waging wars and protecting one's legitimate interests, so you need to go into each case, and not look with broad masks, to analyze, although i, on the other hand, say this and catch myself thinking that when i talk about the russian federation, i just use broad strokes, but we
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have factual confirmation for these broad strokes, we have public organizations base. in which we documented 70,000 episodes of war crimes in just two years throughout ukraine. and i can definitely say, using these facts in broad strokes, that this is a deliberate policy of the russian state, using war crimes, that these are not some excesses of specific actors or some army unit, that this is the method by which russia is trying to win this war by inflicting pain on civilians people and breaking them. opposition, well , russia itself, when you talk to your foreign colleagues, it does not seem to you that it has followed this palestinian path, conditionally saying, when she replaces the aggressor and the victims, she says that... ukraine there commits crimes against the civilian population, the ukrainian army carries it out this way and that way, but we see how they show the suffering of people in the belgorod
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region, as if it were just a coincidence they got into this situation that ukraine wants to destroy the peaceful territory of russia there, as was the case with donbas before, so this meme that you made for eight years when ukraine bombed donbas, it was heard not only in russia itself, it was always in .. the right-wing environment too were discussed, i just returned from a very long trip to the united states of america, and i saw how widespread the narrative is that ukraine persecutes christians, this is a good example, and to be honest, that is, this statement was not accidental, it was not accidental, and on unfortunately, she does not, not only she thinks so, many are convinced that ukraine is persecuting... and you know, there is a special cynicism in that, because we have been documenting war crimes for 10 years, of course, a full-scale war is a completely different scale, intensity , but there was a trend
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understood since 2014, russia considers freedom of religion exclusively as a collective category, there should be only one church, or loyal churches, for example, this transformation and taking control of the muftiate on the crimean peninsula, and all... churches, denominations, religious organizations , both their leadership and their believers, they are persecuted, and all that we recorded during these 10 years, all this i heard, as if ukraine is doing it, kidnapping, killing, and torturing priests in the occupied territories, and i, when i heard it, i just told them cases that i personally documented, for example, i said that he was telling... me the protestant pastor oleksandr khomchenko, i mentioned the kidnapping of stepan podolchak from the village of kalanchak in the kherson region a month ago, but to be honest, i really think about
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what to do about it , because our voices are single, and russia used a powerful machine, hired lobbyists in the same washington, they bypassed all the congressmen and told how ukraine is persecuted, and what does the ukrainian orthodox church mean by moscow? patriarchy primarily as an organization which persecuted? it means that when you talk to the average american, they don't make a distinction, for them there are christians, and they don't know if it's the moscow church or some other, and these christians are persecuted by russia, and how do they package it for specific congressmen, this is a question to which i do not know the answer, well, in the united states there is an american orthodox church. which is recognized by the russian orthodox church as autocephalous, although no one else recognizes it, practically in world orthodoxy, but this whole an organization whose representatives can go to congressmen, to
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representatives of local legislative bodies, to talk about all these sufferings, this is a whole church, but the situation, the situation is more complicated, even the evangelical churches persecuted by russia in the occupied territories, they believe that ukraine persecutes... christians, and something must be done about it, because this is the narrative that is being actively promoted and used , including, to not give ukraine the support that we expect from the united states of america. and in general, how did you feel what has changed public opinion during this time? i felt that people, and this is quite typical and natural, are already thinking about other things than the russian war in ukraine, and i felt, and it was, by the way... a surprise for me, because i was on such a tour at the invitation of seven american universities, that is, in different parts of the country, that we still have
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a huge reserve of empathy, because wherever i spoke, it was always a very warm reception, people responded to what i told, well , actually human pain, he has no borders, these are very clear stories, and i made them for myself conclusion that if someone in america would constantly... focus on this, it would be much easier for us, because people, they are not indifferent, they are just busy with a thousand other things that are happening in the world at the same time. in principle, what should we do to maintain this interest, primarily in the united states, but also in european countries, because what you say, empathy is understandable, but the level of interest is also very important, we we see it in the columns of the world media, the middle east, in the center of events for 200 days. in a row, well, this is a strategic region for the united states, and it is clear, and it is clear, ukraine, it is not the only part of the world where a tragedy is happening, where
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people are suffering. that is, there is a lot going on in syria, which also appeared in the world press, in sudan, in iran, well , that is, there are various points that needed respect, and our question is how, despite this change in attention, to ensure our interests , because it is difficult to fight such a powerful military force as russia without international help, and if we the west says that you fight not only for yourself, well, accordingly... i wanted it to be always confirmed not just by words, but by concrete actions. therefore, i have a simple answer to your difficult question, it seems to me that if russia enters the stage of a long, exhausting war, then we have to move to a long-term strategy, we have to build communities in these countries, and this is where we have to start, we have 7.5 or i don't know how many millions of ukrainian
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refugees now. we have a super active diaspora which became more active after the 22nd year, we have caring artistic circles, right-wing circles, we need to expand these communities so that they are not purely ukrainians or people of ukrainian origin, and constantly involve these people in some actions, that is, we need to start building of such an international network, if russia builds nagro. on propaganda, on some corrupt connections or on political influence, then we need to build it on values ​​and on such very basic things as human solidarity and empathy and feelings own responsibility for everything that happens in the world. but after this story with the termination of consular services to military men, will there not be cracks in the diaspora itself? it is obvious that they will go,
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it seems to me that... well, in general , this question of mobilization is very complicated, and different parts of ukrainian society have different interests in this regard, and here the ukrainian state, it seems to me from the outside, is making mutually contradictory steps, on the one hand it seems to emasculate this draft law, not to and not these norms, which demanded that part of the society that is fighting against this law. are disappearing, on the other hand, a completely different signal that we will now take on those ukrainians who are abroad, well, maybe this is not a struggle for mobilization for justice, it is a different , different, different struggle simply, well, it is a mother in any case should have some real implementation mechanisms, and this is how it looks like these are different conflicting signals, and it is difficult for me to understand what our state policy is in relation to mobilization, again,
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i am not a military expert, i can look it's... only from a human rights point of view, but going back to your question, it seems to me that in spite of all that, a huge number of people abroad understand that this is a war for survival and feel a responsibility to ensure that their country survives, even while they are safe abroad, they do something. in every state , people meet people who tell how many charitable actions they have done, how they... drove something for me, how they carry out some kind of information work, these people should become more, not less, which means they have to campaign to get other people involved in this work, and not just rely solely on themselves. we have already used the word survival several times in our conversation, and here is an important point, that we had the impression, at least after the maidan of 2013-14, that this is from this one. survival, which
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was on the territory of ukraine, we can say, the entire 20, 20, 20 century, we are moving to such values ​​of the civilized world, which there is a completely different attitude to human life, require solidarity, mutual understanding, respect for the state and respect for the state for the person, and now we again, logically, after the beginning of this great war , moved to the value of survival, as far as it affects human rights in general and on... the perspective in general, the perception of human rights as a value by the citizens themselves? it affects a lot, because war is poison, war is poison not only for ukrainian society, for any society, at one time, when i was studying at tenfer university, i specially took a course on wars and about international settlement in order to...


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