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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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somehow even more inspired, at least for the audience, something, something can happen around, now in our country, probably it was the war that primarily played such a theater boom, where the theaters are enormously popular, a number of very good young directors of the european level appeared , who make goods for the stage, who make very high-quality performances, who are already invited to festivals abroad, but it is difficult to get abroad, and also... this theatrical boom that exists, it has removed this feeling of saturday and sunday being potatoes to plant, potatoes were planted, i i planted on may 1-2, because it was a weekend, when the parade was held in the yard, and i was on the mountain , we had such steps in the beds, and my mother forced me to help her plant potatoes there, i only watched the buses with red parporas that drove down the serpentine hills there in the yard on this parade, but when i am now we... feel
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this theatrical boom, all the theaters, and the municipal theaters in kyiv, and the franko theater, and the theater of lesya ukrainka, and the opera houses, people can be seen, everything - still there is a desire to forget about these problematic things that exist for two or three hours around, and it was even two years ago, when the theater, well, with such proboxovkas, but started these performances again, which ran from may, i remember the year 22, it was very difficult, we were not allowed into the theater named after ivan'. because it is directly under the administration of the president and we, the ministry of culture , allowed us to divide lesya ukrainka's theater for three days, three days they, three days, well, what were they afraid of just shelling, that they would shoot at the president, and so at you, and the performances, which slowly spiraled, they brought to today's state, where we are came because of the power outage and everyone bought their energy supplies, there were patrons who helped the theater to exist, i remember that there were people who came. an english
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english television group came to us for a performance of 100,000 and the light developed in us and we and we could not even open the curtain and so the audience in the hall was full we stretched the curtain on one side and on the other side the artists tied this curtain with their hands i began to tell the plot of what will happen here now, i say here are eight of us, we are playing this is my wife this is this this is my son this the daughter-in-law that i will have, this is banaventura, who runs and looks for the charms that are buried in the ground, it will be day and night here now, we will not be able to show you this, but you will feel it from our mood, and after the performance, we did not know , what are the english, they are simply, they are simply stunned by the fact that there is an opportunity for such open communication, this kind of was such an open master class, but you can do it once, the second time you will already prepare for it, and it can already to be uninteresting, improvisation it can happen and it happened we were patching those holes, and when
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the actors are so powerful that they can take responsibility for how this play goes, or how it goes on, or we literally end up playing richard ii twice, all his sons , all his sons performed the play and twice there was an air alarm, we played the first act normally, we started the second act, we are just starting the second act, people are returning to the hall, the air is alarming. we played for 25 minutes, there was an air alarm again, but people are not leaving, people arrange applause and listen to the material, then even when they feel that the drama, which was written in 1947 and is absolutely adequate for today, business problems, problems of making money in the war, how it all happens, just silence in the hall and everyone listens to these incredible words that get into our hearts, because the same things happen in us, be there... and
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the audience has changed, you've already seen so many audiences and such and such communist and anti-communist if the audience comes to a drama, tragedy, comedy , she does not choose comedy, they say, now we have a war, and the audience would like to see a lyrical drama there, no, they go for anything, only because when they see that life is born on their, on their sheep, and it is born every time in a different way, because they are avid theatergoers, they come to every one. they can come to the performance not once or twice, but several times they see a completely different performance, and therefore this is the birth of life before their eyes, this is the most important thrill, where they sail with you and sail with us and forget about those problems, what a mass of them we have, that's how it is, and that's why it's very important that this moment, which you mentioned about what happened during the soviet union, when potatoes were planted there, and even in may, no one went to the theater anymore, because potatoes are needed it was time to plant, and we were all going on vacation. june,
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july, or tours went, now there is no such thing, and this is a great positive for artists who have the opportunity to feel the audience and in this way, well... how can you not thank and or play tricks on the audience when he spends his money , he takes risks, comes to the theater, he wastes his time and he sits with us when there are air alarms, he doesn’t leave, he watches until the end, but it’s just gold, he’s the person who supports the theater, well, the state supports us, gives us a salary fund , but the rest of what we earn is for costumes , for decoration, for utilities, this is a huge amount of money that the theater has to earn, and this is without the help of the audience, who are also... supporting the army, or we play the play for the army, and it is extremely important that such an internal push there is a theatrical one, well, you can't get tickets, there's the franko theater has a performance called the witch of konotop, where it is impossible to get in, and they call to see if performances are sold two months in advance, both in the theater in podil, where i work there, and in the
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franko theater, where i also work, and this phenomenon, the war, she pushed creativity, because during the war it is for you to preserve our culture , the theater is a component of culture and it is very important that this component works on such a positive , cool, and i think, but how can an actor understand now, having some basic things that were taught in theater institute, school some, knowing the moments, how you can go there psychologically and find them, they say, how did you say such a word, how to play the mechanics later, no, the audience is everything, he sees through your eyes, either you work, or you tinker, and nearby, when there are three people with you in... they don't give themselves at the performance, someone is standing on the side, even they don't see him, and they don't know, and they don't remember who was next to them at the performance, you understand what energy the thing is going, and this moment is very important, and you can't change the theater for any movie, because the movie is temporary, it has been filmed
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as we have now shot the sequel to the movie khajain khajain-2, where the script is very good, it starts on february 20, 24, 22. where is the bubble, before that there were four series, where is the bubble, now in this series the russians are coming to his agricultural company, bringing equipment there, people to the basement for interrogation, taking money from the bubble, sending all the grain to russia, and this bubble from that , that he was accumulating, he then ends this film, that he causes a fire on his agricultural company, and i can say about myself and for the audience first of all, you can act in... movies, but don't act in the theater, it's so scary, you can make a mistake in the cinema, take two, take three, take 32, when i went to the theater, my legs were like 10, the 10th performance, i don't act much, but i have there is no such repertoire, i have two, two, uh, in my head, and i, i know that
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i am playing this this week, and the first day my legs tremble like that, and the second day they beat, i am afraid to forget, i will forget to stand. smile here, cry here, horror, yes, movie, i, hu, well, sorry, i'm here, well, i understand, that's all, i'm not you, guilty, let's do a second take, there are no theaters takes, but there is another side to the cinema, that you have starred in a movie, and you are not able to change anything, you would be fine to reshoot it, but it is no longer available, but the theater gives you the opportunity to play in a new way, and this thrill, what a novelty birth and all the time you live, but now i will have for... there will be 200 plays that i played 100, 200 plays, and every time the audience comes, an adult, this is not for schoolchildren , the play turns out to be our classic, and this classic ours, for example, the owner, who moved ivan orivsky moved the stage of the theater in podil, where all the characters of the beginning of xx
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centuries are transferred to the office, and the people who trade land, raise cattle live in the office, they only see on tv how the cattle move there, play golf in their office and do not leave it, and look, it turns out that the angle of vision can to change the classics, well, very powerful, i went to beijing with my group of actors for a theater festival, where 50 schools from asia and europe gathered in beijing, and there was one task for everyone, an hour-long performance of king lear, one task for everyone , and i was sitting in the hall and looked like from south korea to scotland. they showed shakespeare's king lear, and everyone added something national to it, it was like that, i think shakespeare turned over in his grave, probably a huge number of times, but the poles just shook me, where there were three daughters, king lear was not there, three di, three daughters king
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lear, the king was wearing a big beautiful inlaid crown, they were kicking this crown around the stage and completely disdainful of what the father had created, and it was a completely different image. opens, that is, this incredible things that happen to what people invented, 100, 200, 300, shakespeare 400, 500 classics years ago, and it goes round and round. in this life, the situation changes, the circumstances change, the cars change, the pens change, but genius, genius remains, nowhere, and relationships between people, this is the truth, and i will gradually pick up on such quasi -political topics, but you just said that they banned your theater because of security reasons, and then i had to play in the ukrainka forest, it is completely incomprehensible to me, i cannot understand how how to do it like this i'll be honest, maybe everyone will beat me and maybe you, as a nationalist , will kill me there somewhere, but i honestly want to listen to chekhov
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in russian, so listen to yourself, just don't say it out loud, i want what i want in the theater come to the theater, go to the theater in moscow, and that's it, that is, it's yours, it's yours too now, especially the russian language is an irritant, i'm not saying this now, i'm saying it in 5-7 years, but you 'll forgive them in 7 years, i'm in never for the rest of my life. to forgive when they cover themselves with this chekhov with all the literature, they they cover their sweet heart, in reality they are satanists, you see, and that's why you can't forgive them, in kharkiv they said very nicely, when a family and a woman in a car blew up , a bomb hit the gas stations and they burned there, and a polish correspondent asks a kharkiv , you will find such words that can be addressed to you, because you have forgiven them, they say, and she says in russian, now i can't find them. and how do you find it? now the important question, this is such a tricky question,
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i just follow, this is my profession, what people say, how, where, from different walks of life and actors, and politicians, and everyone in the world, and i see that today, february 24, 22 , showed that the nationalists were right when such people, i am a liberal rather than, i may be a nationalist liberal, but i am a liberal. it's warmer already, warmer, i'm not, no, look, and we would too, if we walked so arrogantly, and these russians are bad, well, no, well, well, not so bad, but people like you, god forbid, oleg , said, no, no, no, this is an existential enemy, this is not an enemy like today, everyone was looking at you, so what are you, what are you you say, but it turned out that the nationalists were right, that sooner or later the butcher will attack, huh? sooner or later he will open his face, he will read such a face, so putin opened the face of the russian
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people, and why is this, this was your feeling, you somehow felt inside that the russians are a problem, not because you love them or don't love them, not because i like it or don't like it, but this is such a serious problem, and all of us liberals turned out to be completely wrong in our thinking, all nationalists turned out that sooner or later we will have to face ... russian attack, from such, you know, he says in the kitchen conversation, grandfather said what he says, you can’t trust a horse or a dog, i asked the horse and the dog for forgiveness, but it’s true, and it’s not 100 years, not 200 years, not 300 , and a thousand years are now passing, this spain to ukraine, and therefore, if you read books and you understand, and know how to substitute and at least... at this time, which today exposed all pain points, and you are still in kharkiv today, when they bomb you, or they fly to the dnipro, and you
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say that the ukrainians are bombing themselves and living in ukraine, what is going on in the brain of one or another person, it is difficult to say what is happening there, and that is why those people who represent, for example, in our parliament, opzzh, and they are sitting there to this day, and the people who elected them are still citizens of ukraine, and they have passports, and to this day... if you suddenly imagine that the war will end in our favor, plus, they will still live in ukraine , they will not become ukrainians, because there will still be a whole, whole process, well, give them the opportunity outlive them, of course, if there are such people who do not like the country of ukraine and living in it, they should simply be deprived of the right to vote and that's all, because there is no other way, but there must be some levers of influence, and that's why this phrase , which you said... that you want to listen to chekhov in russian, well, listen
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to yourself, but only go to moscow, go to moscow, listen, by the way, but you will go to the theater where the big z is written, yes, no, i won't go, that's obvious, but still, if i take you personally, you say you should read books, and i, i just want to say, that’s how it was for you when you decided that you were a nationalist, no, no, no, you’re not ashamed, there were a lot of nationalists like that, well, i’m generally for ukraine above all else, but i can't say it so loudly, i'll say it quietly, bohdan beniuk didn't say it quietly, you're right. is it an emotion , you're right, yes, you're just, well , it was my subconscious, because i grew up, well, i was born in ivano-frankivsk region, i saw many people who suffered because they were in the liberation struggle on the side of ukraine, and against that empire and against that empire, and it was put off by certain layers, and then when i joined
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the freedom party, i already started trying there. to express one's thoughts out loud, because a paradoxical case happened when ukraine is an independent state, and it is absolutely an independent state, as it is now with us, for example, we are at war, we have a president, and we stand up, we want to join nato, and and the president is the first to announce that we are joining nato, but what is he doing to ensure that we join nato, because nato must go and to at least take away corruption, the judiciary, he does nothing, and in fact he slows it down, pronounces that... no, but physically they do nothing, especially those guys who came with him during the election waves, all this his team is a problematic team, and the team is problematic for him first of all , he is not getting rid of it, so we understand that we will still have a huge number of all kinds of things there, and you think that it can be done quickly, i will tell you , i'm not saying that quickly, i, for example, in 1992, i always give an example of how i
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the behavior of the pensioner victor in the 90s was infuriating ... because he was the vice-prime minister, he did not do anything, but now i understand that he was right, not when the entire communist country makes some kind of reform, remember it was cool even in the 90s that if baltserovych was a penzenik, yes, well, if a penzenik was a pelserovych, if there wasn’t a baltserovych, then it was like in poland, and if that was the case, you wouldn’t get anywhere, that is, in my there is no conviction that even the war changed something fundamentally, still , as you say, those who voted remained for opzzh and opzzhists and we are every day i turn on the phone and look in the sums found a former collaborator who was already directing rockets, it is no longer la-la-la, when la-la-la is one thing, but these are people sitting alive and he writes: hello, vasya, yes, come here, there are exactly 15 living civilians, and it's just me, my mouth is open
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and i don't need a mechanism to close it from such a thing. everything will still remain one way or another, but it will decrease, but it is clear that we are still the trials that you speak of, mr. mykola, and that i mention, and we are all suffering with you, these are the five obstacles that we must pass with the great blood that we now have on our hands, and it is very important that we overcome them, because we understand what we have to do there is nowhere to go, and the territory is conquered. only so that there are no ukrainians there, and the nation will be destroyed, this is clear, and we, well , there can be no other support, how to stand and stop and prevent this from happening, those who left, those who are there, those who helps abroad, well , some money is transferred there, i remember when i transported cars for military units in 22, 22, then crossing the border,
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the head of customs there, she told me, mr. bohdan, i will never forget february 27, 22, because on this day, she says, he it was so cold, snow, rain, rain, cold, people from ukraine along the perimeter from romania to volyn, 240,000 of our refugees crossed that day, mothers, children, cry, tea is distributed, men hide in boxes, who how, well, who is honest, who is not honest, and she says, and on this date, february 27, from that side, 80 went 00 workers to defend ukraine, the billboards are hanging, stop, help in any way you can, you don't necessarily take a machine gun, but it is very important, this moment of choice, it is now very clearly evidenced, and very clearly evidenced with those who now want to join the army, who does not want to go, and why is it made so that the army is such a scarecrow, and why do these things arise,
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it will become its own, it is the lord god on our side and it will lie down as it should, just as i did in... in odessa said that march-april 2.5 months in the 22nd year the sea was stormy in odessa, then they could not there was no such natural phenomenon, listen, and you are right, god for ukraine, because when i watched the last revolution of dignity, the wind, from us, this smoke was always coming at them, i think, when will this rose of winds change, all, all for three... months, the wind blew where the truth needed to go, and the lies never led where the truth, fiction, i remember, and this and the women. i told nyschenko nyschuk that he was on the maidan at that time, he was standing where very, well, there were different moments like that, but he had some such words, such an impression,
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that he had some information from the disk, the hard disk of god, he told people that, this is this miracle, there are some people who are in a responsible moment, who simply drag the whole nation along with them, they are not many, but they do exist, and it is very it is important that the eyes of the phenomenon of light. which shines in the darkness, they were always with us, and apparently what is happening with the theater, with the cinema, with politics, these are important things, freedom, thank god, all the boys went to fight, stopped political activity, they pinched me when i found out, i came she helped me, just as the party of freedom was taking me out of kyiv, and these are the passwords, by the way, two ukraines, here you are from halychanska, two ukraines, so ukraine is central. these are the trenches, that’s what it means, everything is like that, that’s how it’s being prepared, you get closer there to the west, mr. mykola, we’ll show you the password
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, it’s underground here, that’s how ukraine is, there’s experience in the underground, we’ll tell you the password, you tell me this, there say this, don’t trust anyone there, on the contrary, trust there, i say, here, here are two ukraines, ukraine is where the checkers are ahead, and ukraine is like that, those, we fought so much here, against the bolsheviks, we have to, we know how to fight here, well, i must say that central ukraine, it showed itself in this full-scale invasion, extremely positively, and is showing now, this such an explosion of national consciousness, and we, well, we all thought that the center of the ukrainian spirit to the west was still there, but no, it turns out that there is a great work of blood, the seventh knee it works, whether you want it or not, and it is this resistance gives, and what we are starting... to understand that this war is such that you cannot hide anywhere, because rockets are flying everywhere, we understand that here we will have a changing attitude towards that, and we will slowly alienate all people from insults, from what
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we currently have, we will move on to another, well , why do we not have a military state, to this day, mykola, i still cannot understand why it does not exist, why our state will not stand on the rails of the military, which would all work at the front for victory, as they said, well, we have to do it, and then... well, it's strange when you suddenly sewed no no no no in hide it in a bag and the president's government has slipped a needle and we suddenly find out that this is happening by the millions, well , it's insulting for the country, there is no magic switch that turns on, off, on, everyone is good on the surface, everything has died somewhere, it won't be and so-and -so, and you know that i am a corrupt person, don’t you, already being a deputy... councils after the verkhovna rada, our powers of freedom in our country did not elect freedom for another term and stopped in december in november, and since november , from the beginning of the year to november must
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i had to submit a declaration, well, about my income, and i submit the declaration annually, as a public person, i submitted it for a year, and not for 10 months, so for that i did not submit it for 10 months, i was sued , i was initially fined uah 2,400, and they did not announce on the court website that they made such a decision, the judge, it is obvious that she will not like me, such a beautiful young woman, but she looked at me so suspiciously when i asked her, for they consider the order there, and you may read so that i may understand, and she just did, you know what, she read like that and like that, and you understood, and no, she looked, that is, she had a purposeful look, and i read her a hundred...
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businessmen are pinched, this, this, i always, why not just call the tax office, hello, viktor ivanovich, listen, you have a problem there, let’s work together, if we are one state, one society, we will help you pay taxes, but yes, yes, it is more normal, no, you have to sit quietly and wait for horn, yes, 10 months, 2,400, caused insane losses to the state. i just didn't pass, but passed a year, well, well, you violated it there anyway, that’s the terrible one, well, what’s it worth just, hello, mr.
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biniuk, there... understanding, we understand that you could do that, but let’s meet, we’ll explain to each other where we are here, and we will forget, no, we have to, yes, we are in court, and we are there, and we are there, and we are here, this, this is the unkindness of me very, very, very much, but i don’t want propaganda, but i want this , such a question, there is such a version that when the war ends, it will end in ukraine, the war will end in ukraine, but... when the war ends, it will begin in russia war, do you agree that all the troubles we are going through now, after the war they will start, they will start, and i, i, i will be honest, this was crocus city hall recently, and if i, i listen a lot to what the russians say, because such a profession, and i was looking for a kind of sum for myself, i didn’t find any kind of people, and if tomorrow
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there is a civil war in russia, and there will be somewhere... it should be such that it is adequate, and they themselves will understand it, the most important thing is for this monster to break up into small states, and this is our peace, because the border everything will remain the same, and the border will be a dead zone, if it is 200 km on one side and on the other side, then this will be a continuation of the future war, but we understand that we must do it in this way so that this monster
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is not for nothing the japanese help. ugh. let it be, because they are also waiting for that moment to take it all and divide this country, which exists in a crooked way like this. and that's why there's a lot, we can't, we'll just be with you now as dreamers, this is it someday, someday it can happen it is not known, the most important thing for us right now is that we survive this may of ours and survive this beginning of a big, large-scale one. strong offensive of the russians and for us to get the weapons that need to be given, if, as one of my characters says, if the americans gave us as many weapons, even half of what they show in their films, then we would have won this war a long time ago , but i think that sooner or later it must necessarily be against it, because its borders are not far from theirs, but bohdan, i would say the same as i quite often i just discuss there on the street or in a cafe
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, people come up to me, i say: and you all demanded to join nato in 2004, 99, 95, because for some reason estonians, who are no less residents of kyiv, in estonia everyone, they are sitting quietly, my daughter just studied at the estonian university, boom-boom, they know that there is such a power behind them, and we were sitting, i still remember march 22, i tell everyone, and they say that i i brush let's find these speeches on tv, half of ukraine shouted: weapons, let's not join nato, march is already war, that's it, already near kiev, they are already standing, but we won’t go to nato, i ’m sitting, thinking, listen, let ’s start over, if we were in nato, we wouldn’t need any special weapons from the americans, we should have thought and scratched the back of the neck earlier, and i i think it is important.
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understand that everything must be done on time, but on the other hand, i understand that it is a communist country, and you yourself remember that it was communist throughout the 90s, and actually until 2010, well until the sixth, yes, when the president there was already yushchenko, no matter how much he was not there a communist and definitely knew the ukrainian language, but this is still a big, big time, so my question then is, will the culture endure? you said there is a european level, you understand, that nutcracker and that chekhov that you mention, they sit not only with russians and ukrainians, such as myself, but also with europeans, how can we not go to tchaikovsky for the new year, i i'll tell you, it means that they need to somehow see that there is culture in ukraine, and here there is theater, and here there is music, and here there is this, and so on and so on, two generations already, which are born in ukraine.


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