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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EEST

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and i think that it is important to understand that it must be done in time, but on the other hand, i understand that it is a communist country, and you yourself remember that it was communist throughout the 90s, and until actually 2010, well to the sixth, yes, when yushchenko was already president, no matter how he was, he was definitely not a communist and definitely knew the ukrainian language, but this is still a big, big time, so my question then is, culture will endure, you said , there is a european level, you understand, that nutcracker and that chekhov that you mention, they sit not only among russians and ukrainians, people like me, but also europeans, if we don't go to see tcheikovsky for the new year, i 'll tell you, so they need to somehow see that there is culture in ukraine, and here there is theater, and here there is music, and here there is this and so on and the like, two generations already born in ukraine. no, many of them
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do not know the nutcracker and do not know chekhov, well, the truth is they do not know shevchenko and franko, but that is another matter, well, at least they have heard of franko and shevchenko , but they do not know when he was born, i know my students, and i have eyes on my forehead it crept up when i suddenly found out that my those who are already going to be bachelors, they don't know this, it seemed to me that these are ordinary things, and then i already started to pedal and pay attention to it, and that's why it's the same as we said that there is no need to compete with the communists. especially those who prove it to you, they will soon leave anyway, let them have their own interests, so to speak, and it doesn't matter, because you are just wasting your energy on them, and one of my acquaintances said it best to me, who says: mr. bohdan , everyone try create a ukrainian-speaking environment near you, and you will not spend a lot of effort on the fact that you will compete with someone, prove someone, and so on, and that is why the logic in this is true, because you, they are the same.
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people like me want to live, but they adhere to other opinions on the territory of that state called ukraine, there is only one way, either to re-educate them, or expel them, resettle them, or do something else with them, but then we will look different, like they, and that's why this question, it's rhetorical for now, but it, i left in 22 to present a new film, my carpathian grandfather, and i am in spain, where... where they said that this is the capital of russian business, there are quietly no russians, because the money was blocked, they quietly hid there, and ukrainians with blue and yellow the flags give the impression that there are a lot of ukrainians, that's all, but when you hear the russian language, my instinct kicks in, yes, i do too, i do too, and in kyiv it's just really happening right now, and that's why it's very important we have to learn to teach again, ukrainians teach again, ukrainians teach again, as they say... let's not touch this
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crimea, yes, we will roast them there in the ukrainian language, they, they separated, they left first, then there is sumyshchyna, the problematic places, donetsk region, where is resettlement, kharkiv they said, where is svatovo, what these are russian territories, no, there the villages died of famine, the russians were resettled and everything, here, here look to the west, look at what the hungarians are doing, look at how they are now demanding what, and what they want, and that's why we all the time we have, well, ukraine has such... a treat to tear away the will of many states from ukraine, but still i am an optimist in the sense that the new generation, here i am, i can still, i hear some russian, i have foreign friends who studied russian, well, in soviet times, i can switch to the russian language, but my younger and older daughters, not a single word, for them it’s, well, it’s like chinese, for them it’s chinese, they don’t understand, they don’t want to know, they don’t, they cover their ears, they and them, they they don't know what it is... russian cinema, it's all
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modern and soviet, and i think that this, this, this is a serious inoculation of anti-russianness in ukraine now, but we still have russia, and when i talk to different people, i say, you know, the germans changed from fascists to germans, the japanese from imperialists to japanese, but when a foreign army was stationed there, when you just don't... we have freedom here, we don't have freedom here, and no one is conquering russia, so if that's all, don't say oops until we move chop, okay, that's it, on an optimistic note we end interview with mr. bohdan benyuk, i will not tell. national,
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well-deserved, the best, you all already know that he is popular, and the best, and well-deserved, and well-deserved, and so on, everyone, happy easter, happy holidays, all the best, and i... i say goodbye to you, and bohdan benyuk will now say goodbye. christ has risen, and the state of ukraine will also rise. i congratulate you on the holidays, let's stick together, honor our culture, honor all our understandings of ukrainianness, and we will definitely be under god's grace. tired of heavy and bulky... saws , then unzipped strong tv saws are just for you, they will cut trees and bushes with ease, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 999. choose a basic model or a model with
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format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday. 22:00 professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, highlights, emotions, a project for both experienced fans and and just for people who appreciate a non-committal view of football, the football format every monday at 10:00 pm on the espresso channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about... the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart
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and caring people, in the evening at espresso. christ is risen, this... cheerful easter song, which on this day fills heaven, earth and the depths of the underworld, today fills our hearts with joy: christ is risen, and demons fall, christ is risen, death is destroyed, christ is risen, and we find the meaning of our suffering , our life, our hope. i congratulate you all on the great holiday. may the risen christ restore all our strength, heal our wounds, grant us victory over our enemy, because christ is risen, truly risen. greetings to the viewers of the tv channel, my
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name is kateryna galko, and this is our exclusive conversation with ex-prime minister of the republic of moldova. ms. natalya, you held the position of prime minister at the exact time when a full-scale invasion began in ukraine, so how do you remember the mood towards moldova at that time. but did you see a threat to moldova then? of course, from the very beginning, we believed that this russian invasion of ukraine was a flagrant violation of international law. we supported ukraine from the first day, we knew about the intelligence, we knew the information that the war could start, so we prepared for the unexpected. but in
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at the same time, until the last minute, we did not think that such a large, full-scale war, the largest in europe after the second world war, could happen very close to ukraine. therefore , of course, we mobilized the whole society in support of ukraine, first of all we helped the influx. also, of course, we had to focus on minimizing the impact of the war on our citizens, even though we don't have an actual war, we are engaged in a hybrid war. we observed quite tragic economic consequences, therefore, at the same time as helping
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the ukrainian people, we also focused on help moldovan. how did the attitude and scope of assistance change during your tenure. first of all, let me mention people-to-people contacts, because i think that's the most important thing. i think that there were many ukrainians who discovered moldova and many others. dovan, who discovered ukrainians for themselves, and i know very beautiful stories about how people get closer, about how people start cooperation, whether it's mayors or local authorities or businessmen, i know that ukrainians started a business here, started a new life , and i think we saw a high appreciation of how moldovan society responded to the refugee crisis. you know, before the war at the unhcr, the high commissioner for refugees, you know, thought...we could take a maximum of 25,000 people, but as the whole society
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mobilized and we saw people taking people into their homes, we saw many volunteers, we saw how the private sector contributed, we saw how almost all sectors of society were involved, thanks to this we were able to host 125 thousand at the height of the crisis refugees that is, five times more than our total estimated capacity. and you know, we've seen a lot of these human stories. of course, this affects society as a whole. you know, i think a lot of people are starting to wonder about our real risks. in addition, our security strategy, for example, was updated for the first time. the threat from
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russia was mentioned in an official document of this kind, and we saw, we saw how people, for example, began to doubt our neutrality, maybe showed more support for, for example, joining nato. all of them even less than 50%, because neutrality has been around for a long time. consequently, we are observing deep changes, both in contacts between people and in the attitude of society. moldova and ukraine simultaneously started their path to the european union, how difficult was this path for your country, and what... the biggest challenges. i believe that this was a natural path, both for
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ukraine and for moldova. you know, we have a majority in the parliament, and if you look at the election program, we said that we will apply to join the eu by the end of the mandate in 2024, actually the 25th year. so you know we felt that applying for candidate status was... a natural next step to our association agreement and the association process itself. and we have always spoken with... the eu that our neighbors should not mean our exclusion from the status of a potential candidate. now we have seen that the war in ukraine has brought us very close to our european partners, and this applies to the architecture of the entire european project. that is why
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it is important for europe that ukraine wins. so we didn't consider it the hard way, we didn't consider it by changing course. and we are grateful that our european partners saw, saw our point of view, and when i say why, i mean ukraine and moldova. the russian federation still has a significant influence on life in moldova. how can its impact be reduced? so, one thing i would like everyone to understand. this is what you know, it's like 2014 in ukraine. "you know, we need time to change some of these situations, and you know, i talked about the attitude of society, but we see now a lot of instability, we see steps then in one direction, and then steps back, so we're still, i mentioned a little bit about hybrid
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warfare, because we're still seeing a lot of disinformation, propaganda, hybrid means. cyber attacks, etc., and we know, and our people know, what russian propaganda is, how it works, makes people disillusioned with democracy and how democracy works, or disillusioned with the speed of european integration, or disillusioned with, for example, the speed of economic growth , or the speed of advancement on the front line. we still have to fight it, and we have started strengthen our resilience, and our tools to combat this disinformation, only after a full-scale invasion of ukraine in 2022 . we were supposed to start in 2014,
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unfortunately we didn't have the political will then, so now we are working. we're also working on our tools to fight disinformation, to fight these hybrid approaches and hybrid warfare. so, we look forward to continuing ours. the regions of transnistria and gagauzia remain a major unsolved problem. how do you assess such a threat and which ones do you see the way things are going? yes, of course we have had this frozen conflict since '92.
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and i mentioned to you that we strongly insisted on neutrality, because we wanted the russian... in 1992, at the osce summit in istanbul, russia undertook to withdraw its troops, but it never did. now we see a very interesting kind of balance, because now, you know, both moldova and ukraine are making some efforts. a small russian contingent, and you know, now we see that the border is closed. the transnistrian region is very dependent on trade with the eu, therefore that now the majority of their trade is also with the european union. and this is
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the power of a kind of factors of economic gravity. thus we'. and we understand that in fact the benefits, even for people living in the transnistria region, may actually be more moderate and go west, but a lot will depend, and of course we are aware of this, on the outcome of the war. with working with people there so that they understand how i believe that here our challenges are more connected
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, everything is in fact, and there is also a larger russian-speaking population there, so you know they are very dependent on the content they see in russian, and we need to create better content in russian, but pro-european. to explain the values ​​that european civilization stands for, because in the gagauz autonomous region there are many projects and investments also from our european partners, so the problem lies in the capture by certain oligarchic groups and in the hybrid means of war used by the russian federation. so i'm
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sure and i hope that thanks to improved communication, increased resilience to these instruments of hybrid warfare, we will be able to make sure that we maintain our pro-european path. by the way, the eu ambassador noted that there are options. well, we saw the example of cyprus, and i think, also during the european political summit, the european political community summit in bulboat , mr. borel even mentioned that we should not allow this. to stop us, but at the same time, of course, we want the reintegration of the country and
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the support of all people in joining the eu, because this is actually a project of peace, it is a project of democracy, it is a project of human rights and freedom. so, with these values... comes economic prosperity, so we must persevere and be sure that such an attraction will also work for european integration. do you see the possibility of a conflict between moldova and the russian federation, is moldova ready for such a conflict, and do you have the resources to fight it? as i have already mentioned, we are in a hybrid war. and the real problem is our resistance to these methods, because if moldova changes its course by political means, then in fact no
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rockets need to be prepared. so it's the same dangerously. so the next few months are going to be very important to explain to people what is going on. and to make sure that even though -- you know, there's heightened anxiety, and you know, there's this frustration created by russian propaganda, you know, we need to persevere and we need to make sure that we continue our pro-european path. fm: galicia. listen to yours. to feel
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wrote a children's poem here, listen to it. tractor in the field dir-dir, so why did we freeze? in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. will it be possible to operate the zas after its release, says energy expert olga kosharna. exclusive interview with valery peker. what should ukrainians prepare for after the war? which of the heads of regional centers earns the most? more details in the exposure section. read about these and other important topics in krania magazine. the new release is already at the points of sale. there are discounts, they represent coco may discounts on relief, 10% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. what to do when the liver hurts? hello hulk. and for bile what? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder.
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alohol with care and respect for the liver. zhovchnoy olenivka is a prison in the occupied territory of ukraine, where the russians held thousands of prisoners of war and civilian hostages. they wrapped them with tape and beat them very hard. journalists found those involved in the crimes. the names of those responsible for crimes in olenivka in the new film investigation olenivka, curators of evil. on the air of the tv channel espresso. may 6 at 9:15 p.m. see this week in the collaborators program. millions of hryvnias in state income. which of the traitors has already said goodbye to his property? i think that russian lands should go to russia. but how the war reduced the number of kremlin sellers. these people became much less. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on
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espresso tv channel on tuesday, may 7 at 5:45 p.m. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy. fire and returns our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. dear brothers and sisters, christ is risen. under the cathedral of st. sophia of kyiv, a thousand-year-old spiritual center of the locality ukrainian orthodox church from svyatyn
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kyiche. lavra, which is freed from the fair world and returns to its true spiritual vocation, from the st. michael's gold-topped cathedral, a symbol of the spiritual infamy of our people and grateful memory of ukrainian heroes, i send my heartfelt easter greetings. let this bright greeting be a reminder for us that light always overcomes darkness, and life is unbreakable and eternal. easter is not just the victory of life over death, it is also the cornerstone of ours faith belief in possibility. changes for the better, for our common strength and invincibility of the spirit. this holiday emphasizes the victory of life over any trials, reminding that the greatest value is not only the ability to endure, but also the opportunity to find the strength to continue the journey forward with each new day, keeping hope and love in the heart. may the risen christ bring hope and comfort to you and your family. i give strength and inspiration to keep going forward, despite all
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the obstacles. for truly christ is risen. 2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the tv channel espresso, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all the viewers, and now to the most important events. in the temporarily occupied avdiivka , the russians ransacked the destroyed coke-chemical plant and took it away.


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