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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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day of hope and comfort, i give strength and inspiration to continue moving forward, despite all obstacles, because truly christ is risen. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers, and now to the most important events. in the temporarily captured avdiivka, the russians ransacked the destroyed coke-chemical plant and took it away. metalol to
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the port of mariupol, the center of national resistance informs. income from the delivery of scrap metal from the avdiiv coke plant is received by the laying companies of the traitor and collaborator denis pushylina all that the so-called liberators did was to cynically install only a venerable cross in the completely destroyed city. the russian occupiers are trying to land on the island of nestryga in the mouth of the dnieper. this piece of dry oak. in the gray zone and has recently been taken under the control of the ukrainian military, dmytro pletenchuk, the head of the strategic communications center of the southern defense forces, reported on this. according to him, the russians, under the cover of aviation and other means of attack , are trying to approach and attack the island on boats, but they are suffering significant losses - rechnyk emphasized. the russian army also continues to storm the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the krynyk area. this morning, the russians dropped already six ka. turned out to be negative,
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the main intelligence agency released a video of the destruction of a speedboat of the russian federation, according to their data, the boat is now scouting the seabed in the area of ​​the narrow bay on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea. business during the war, fifty. ukrainians from all over the country received grant funds to create or develop their own business, lviv regional partnership helped them in this employment with the support of international donors, the organization advises and finances those who dare to start or expand their business, as well as helps the unemployed and displaced persons find work. at the final conference, the participants of the programs shared their personal success stories, we have more details about it here. lviv
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regional employment partnership oblich launched a program to support small, medium and displaced businesses. 25 winners of the selection received up to 10 thousand dollars. another 27 contestants received up to 300 dollars to create your own enterprise. representatives of the oplich organization also founded a school for the development of purely female startups. among the participants are military wives... the economy and, in particular, becoming economically independent. kateryna glowachova from melitopol received support for her own business. in zaporizhzhia, she had a craft workshop for making furniture. due to the russian occupation of the city, kateryna left and was left without a job. which
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these organizations conducted for us, i started my own small craft family workshop, which called hollywood, we make mobile tables for standing and sitting work, from plywood, we make decor, and we plan to make furniture for people with disabilities, that is, for people who, as a result of military aggression, have some kind of damage. bodies may have lost arms, legs, and are uncomfortable working at large tables or even just eating. taisia ​​grigorieva founded the production of natural snacks eight years ago, in the chernihiv region. homemade croutons are sold all over ukraine. during the russian offensive in february 2022, a woman and her enterprise were under occupation. after her dismissal, taisia ​​moved her business to the lviv region. resume production.
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she was helped, in particular, by the support of local authorities and public organizations. it's a huge amount of work, they made it easier there what should have taken six months of time with... with their help it literally took a month and a half there, we were able to find a place to move to, they helped us transfer, negotiate with landlords, they helped us get financial relocation assistance, this was also very important, therefore that at that time the situation was such that financial flows completely stopped, it was very difficult. the lviv regional employment partnership oplich has already helped more than four hundred ukrainians. business support. russian missiles were aimed at kherson. the security service of ukraine detained the ex-deputy and his accomplice. according to the investigation materials
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, a former deputy of the kherson district council and a hospital employee secretly recorded the locations of the bases of the armed forces of ukraine. the suspects also collected information about the consequences enemy arrivals. all data was transmitted to the occupiers through another agent. the enemy group included a total of four people. all were informed of the suspicion. the street named after the white angels will appear in kostyantynivka, donetsk region. the regional police reported. the city's longest street will be renamed in honor of the police unit that daily evacuates people from the frontline areas. the name was proposed by the townspeople themselves to celebrate heroism and sacrifice. dmytro plytenchuk became the new head of the press center of the southern defense forces, he informed the page about this departments it should be noted that before his appointment , plytenchuk was the spokesman of the naval forces of ukraine. let me remind you that before this position of head
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of the press center was headed by nataliya gumenyuk. she was fired on april 19, because journalists complained about problems with obtaining permits for filming in the operational sector. in the presence of funding , oleksandr kamyshyn, minister of strategic industries of ukraine, stated this at the defense industry forum in brussels. according to him, the most important task at the moment is to find additional funding for our defense forces. there are additional non-contracted capacities in ukraine that can be... financed by europe, that was the news at the moment, you can read more on our website esreso tv, also a summary of the main ones on our social networks and of course watch our unique content on youtube, we will see each other in less than an hour at 3 p.m.,
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then my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin barkovskiy continue the broadcast. christ is risen, dear tv viewers, we congratulate you on the second day of the greatest holiday of the great day, the resurrection of christ, so we work for you live, inform you about all the most important things, in the spresso studio , marta olyarnyk and antin borkovskii. well , for sure, we will occasionally remind you that on such important, so majestic days, we need to act in such a way that there is no shame for ourselves, for our actions, and how can we do it in a way that helps in the army, so now i i want
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to remind you once again that we are currently collecting 4 million hryvnias, a large enough amount to purchase evacuation atvs for the 93rd kholodnyr brigade. we understand that evacuation - this is a very, very important component, and it helps, quality evacuation, it helps to save lives, so if you have the opportunity, please join the collection, qr codes and bank card numbers you see now on your screens, and remember remember that there are no small contributions, and in the meantime we will inform you about the main events of today and not only. yes, well, now we are adding to our broadcast pavlo lakiychuk, the head of security programs of the center for global studies strategy 21. christ. risen and glory to ukraine, christ is risen, glory to the heroes, yes, yes, yes, mr. pavle, well, let’s not go far, so a couple of hours ago in russia, they announced training with the use of tactical nuclear weapons, so
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a number of resources have already reported about it, russian dictator putin gave instructions, the russian general staff began preparations exercises with missile units, the southern military district with the involvement of aviation, as well as the forces of the navy, and it is said that during the exercises, a set of measures will be carried out to practice the issues of training and the use of non-strategies. chnoi nuclear weapons, as far as we understand, putin has only two unused trump cards left, so-called, and he puts them on the table, these are tactical nuclear weapons and strategic nuclear weapons, that is, the enemy just starts to rush. it's up to you, mr. pavle, how you see this threat and how seriously we should take such a training plan. we talked to you two years ago that uh... tactical nuclear weapons are the only trump card that russia has, really, in terms of
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strategic nuclear weapons, its probability of using a nuclear triad, the probability is quite low, but the enemy can use nuclear munitions, tactical nuclear munitions, and it is quite possible in the course of the war with ukraine, and what is the difference. between strategic nuclear munitions and tactical nuclear munitions. strategic nuclear munitions are specially designed warheads for which there are specially designed carriers. tactical nuclear weapons are, strictly speaking, special combat units for conventional weapons. for example, there a large-caliber cannon can fire projectiles, er, with... nuclear tactical ones shells, torpedoes, mines, rockets, anything,
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actually, even anti-aircraft missiles with a nuclear part can be, and here, this is such a trump card of russia that no one has broken yet, we are talking about the fact that russia was there through china warned that if she tries to use tactical nuclear...weapons, it will end very, very badly for her, however, no one has officially spoken about it, and the fact that the russians are currently conducting uh-uh such exercises in the southern military district, again, this does not mean that training will take place with the use of tactical nuclear weapons, tactical nuclear weapons are warheads of conventional types. weapons, i.e. the algorithms for the use
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of the weapons they have in service in the same land components, the navy, the black sea fleet of russia will be worked out, special attention should be paid to aviation, including tactical aviation, those su-24s, and stuffing warheads , where they will be and whether mr. pavle, and whether at all, for example, the western one. development can reflect and control the like processes, it is possible to control such processes, because a nuclear warhead, even a tactical nuclear warhead, is a radioactive substance, and it always leaves a trace if it is not on a storage base. this chain of the satellite can even be tracked, and it is certain that the world is watching this, and
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the russians, by announcing, announcing the holding of such exercises, are thus training, roughly speaking, or straining western intelligence so that they are in good shape, remember, that they have weapons, nuclear weapons, and have been tracking their movements. mr pavre, let me clarify, this is important because these exercises that russia is doing right now is to demonstrate, once again, muscle playing, are we talking about a real threat that russia could use tactical nuclear weapons under conditions , if she will see a certain threat for herself there, then they may see a certain threat for themselves, which they often say there, that conditionally, if they attack their sovereign territory, then this is a red line for them, that is... so what are these red lines that can force putin to use such a weapon? i don't believe in the red lines of the russians,
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the russians always raise the stakes, regardless of what red lines they drew or didn't draw, they use raising stakes in those situations when they lose, and of course, well, i'm sure that these exercises will game meat as you put it so beautifully, this will be her first demonstration of her training and powers. nuclear tactical forces, let's say, it's not quite correct and expressed, that's how it actually is, well, and any exercises, they, if they even aim to demonstrate to someone their advantages, to demonstrate some kind of threat, they are training after all, and the personnel
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practice during them the skills of using this or that weapon. and there is a danger in this. mr. pavle, what is one tactical nuclear warhead? well, in such a simple language for, so to speak, warning and understanding. that is, let's take one or another carrier, i don't know, maybe they will mold this whole thing for some hypersonic missiles, maybe for some x-series missiles, but roughly how much charge is there, and in general, what is it? from i don't know, there is a purely academic one or another tactical nuclear strike? well, you know, as a sailor, i can operate more with those naval tactics, well, for example, for an anti-submarine torpedo or a depth charge, well , it’s half a kiloton charge, it’s not a relatively
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small charge, but the hydrodynamic impact from it can be very... powerful exactly, for example, warheads can be of this order, well, anti-aircraft guided missiles, when there is not enough high-precision weapons, you can use one with a special warhead, the same s-300, which will make a half-kiloton explosion in the air, well some fairly wide territory, airy space. can it cause damage to flying targets, well, if the target is a group, it is justified in principle, for ground targets, well, at most it is up to two to two tons, but i already consider it not a tactical nuclear weapon, more. 2 kny, well
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, this is quite a powerful charge, which is intended for clearing theoretically. was intended for the clearing of the territory, for the actions of land cities, and in modern warfare, well, as far as it is possible to assume, the use of such weapons will not fail to give the expected result, but it will be very a powerful informational psychological influence, you have to understand that when you have a nuclear bomb exploding, it is a terrible thing, even if it is not of the order of magnitude, it can start a certain chain reaction, we understand that, but if you allow me, i would like to go a little bit to current affairs, what is happening at the front and those statements that are being heard now from our
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allies and partners, cbs news actually provides such certain information that has been voiced. the name of the leader of the democrats in the house of representatives of the united states hakim jeffries, and he's saying that they, they're the americans, they can't let ukraine fall, and maybe the situation, maybe it will get to the point where the united states will have to intervene in the conflict. we have seen the statements of emmanuel macron, who reaffirmed the fact that the french are very upset, if ukraine asks and the situation demands it, they are also ready to send their troops to... the country, what do you think, the question of foreign troops being involved in this war, it is a matter of time, whether we are still talking about such a war now diplomatic game? well, the first thing we, ukrainians, need to keep in mind is that neither the germans, nor the french, nor the americans will protect ukraine, protect, defend, seek out
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the enemy from our land, only ukrainians will, if there is any help from the outside. of our partners, it will be at least an order of magnitude smaller in relation to the number of our forces needed for defense, and well, this is already the vision that macron, president macron, has in mind when he talks about the presence of french troops ee on the territory of ukraine, they are already appearing there conditions are certain, but i would not pay attention to these. conditions, the main thing is that macron launched this issue into the conversation, into the discussion, before that it was a taboo topic, no, that's all, now... it is being discussed, and if the minister of defense of poland, the minister of defense of italy talk about the fact that poland, well, under certain conditions, troops can be sent
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to ukraine, and it can be done, well , poland's position is that russia should be, in the situation no no, no osvi'. message that our partners will act, such an advantage appears, the italian minister of defense says the same, that russia should be in the situation is unclear, but that is exactly why italy does not want to introduce its troops into ukraine in the future, that is, the statement is the same, the connotation is the opposite, there is a positive and a negative, and the fact that the discussion is ongoing indicates that ... there are no unsolvable issues, and sooner or later this issue may turn from purely theoretical to practical, mr. pavle, and also an academic
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question, how long would our foreign colleagues deploy on our territory in the event of a political solution, you can see that the deployment of its power and means, for example in... in the baltic states during exercises, international nato exercises, well, this is such a classic option there until the month of the transfer of troops, but i will remind you, it seems that in 2002 we had exercises with the french together , when the french landing planes, without engaging in long combats, carried out a quick transfer of a battalion, if i am not mistaken, or even more, of french troops during the day to a training ground in ukraine, where they began to execute hostilities
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therefore, it is not necessary to focus on nato as a whole each state, including a member of the alliance, can help ukraine in its own way, based on its capabilities. poland is next to us, france has powerful, modern landing gear, vehicles, other countries can simply go into the black sea, ignoring the principles of passage of the black sea straits that currently exist, everything is possible, so let's go ahead today, let's not look, let's not look , when the necessary conditions are met... military aid in ukraine, i think that such aid will be provided, but i really do not want such conditions to be met, it is necessary
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understand that such conditions will be an extremely critical situation for us, we understand, mr. pavle, we would also like to ask you, if we are talking about our operational situation, very briefly, then we see that now the most hot is the pokrovsky na... there, unfortunately, the occupiers manage to capture settlement after settlement, and do you think this will now be a key direction on the front, or could the enemy prepare some insidious plans and somewhere, well, you know, suddenly attack from some other direction from which we are not now we are waiting, well, i would say that the main direction of the attack is broad, it is a wide front in the donbas direction starting from... the southwest of bakhmut, avdiyivka and further to the maryansky direction, where the enemy is attacking very powerfully,
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the kupyan direction is also intensifying, this means that the expansion of the front may continue in the east, but everything will depend on how success will develop in the direction of the main strike, on the one hand, due to the fact that the enemy has minor successes and... he is forced to use those strategic reserves that have been accumulated for the development of success already after overcoming our defenses, spend, erase them now, if he is able to break through our defenses, then strikes on other areas of the front, both in the north and in the northeast, are quite possible, but the key direction... remains donbas. thank you, mr. pavle. pavlo lekichuk, head of security programs at the center for global studies strategy 21. about the tactical, operational and strategic situation. thanks
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to him, and an important message from the investigative department of the kharkiv region. so, russia hit the kharkiv region with a modified fab, destroyed an entire street, i am quoting, i am quoting serhiy bolvin, the investigative department of the police of the kharkiv region. so, for the first time, the russian occupiers hit the territory of the kupinsky district with converted fabas 1500. direct speech shuddered. it was as if an earthquake had started around, an entire street was destroyed with one blow, the inhabitants of the village of monachynivka had to feel and see this. the enemy launched a high-powered weapon, a high-explosive aerial bomb weighing 1.5 tons, at the people and their houses, well, in general , no more than a hundred local and there was no military. the russians equipped fap 1500 with a special module so that the bomb could glide in the air after takeoff.
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well, it is known that, unfortunately , an 88-year-old woman died as a result of this blow, her body was recovered from under the rubble after the blow, condolences to the relatives of this woman, condolences to all kharkiv residents and all residents of kharkiv oblast who suffered today. now we are going on a short break, after which we will continue our atp, so be with espresso. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and that's what you want to have beautiful a well-kept plot, there is a solution, garden trimmers from rozpakuy tv, order in time at a special price, only from uah 9,009. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mowing the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places near fences, along path lines, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trimming bushes and even branches is simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function. light and
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beat them very hard. journalists found those involved in the crimes. it's so small, but i have a stroke such a whip the names of those responsible for the crimes in olenivka in the new film investigation of olenivka. curators of evil. on the espresso tv channel. may 6 at 9:15 p.m. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion. the border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. on may 8, wednesday, the espresso tv channel will broadcast
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a special memorial day project. and victory over nazism.


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