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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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the names of those responsible for the crimes in olenivka in the new film investigation olenivka - curators of evil on the espresso channel on may 6 at 9:15 p.m. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format with even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front. society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. on may 8, wednesday, the espresso tv channel will broadcast a special project dedicated to the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. about the role of ukrainians in the second
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world war, about 10 years of the european tradition of commemorating the day of remembrance, about the red poppy and the first minute of peace, about the rejection of may 9 with parades and immortal regiments, about 10 years of decolonization, separation from tsovk and how it helped our stability in the modern war, the day of remembrance of the second world war through the prism of history, sociology, politics, culture in to our special broadcasts, your favorite presenters, extremely interesting guests, respected and respected experts, during the day on espresso. a new model of memory, a new symbolism, a new us. may 8, a special espresso project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. poppies of memory. 10 years. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, let's add nazar voloshin, the spokesman of the operational-strategic group, to our broadcast now. lieutenant colonel of
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the armed forces of ukraine. glory to ukraine. mr. lieutenant colonel, christ is risen. studio. good day viewers. well, we understand that despite the greatest christian holiday, the enemy did not give permission. yes, more than 120 assaults by russian interventionists. well, accordingly, we would like to ask you to tell us where it was most difficult now, in which areas of the front. yes, of course, in the area of ​​our responsibility. this is the operational-strategic grouping of khortyts troops, currently there were and still are the hottest, hottest directions, these are bakhmutsky, avdiivskyi and novopavlivskyi. of course, the enemy, not neglecting even the easter holidays, continues actively to carry out hostilities, but the situation, although aggravated, is controlled by the defense forces. vorokh usually tries to seize the strategic initiative by breaking through the front line. and to concentrate the main effort in
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several directions, in such a way as to create a significant advantage in forces and means. actively, of course, he recently attacked along the entire front line, in some directions he had certain tactical successes. however, there was a dynamic change in the situation, because the russian army does not stop trying to continue assaults after assaults on our positions, the positions of our defenders, using tanks, artillery, and infantry. drones of various types, well, of course, the russian aviation became more active, which damages civilian infrastructure and buildings with missile and bomb attacks, well, during the past day there were 125 combat clashes, for the previous day there were 103, this is somewhat less compared to today's day, but the main the mass and main part of all clashes took place precisely in our zone. on
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- is, of course, bakhmut, avdiiv and our destinations, therefore the hottest today are the novopavlivskyi destinations. mr. nazar, allow me to ask, the ukrainians very much, you know, expected that the enemy would fight during the easter holidays, yes, yesterday, today. if we are talking about the front line, is there a certain revival of the enemy during these holidays, yes, which we are celebrating now, or if we are talking about some... certain trend, then it has not changed these days, well, let's say that the enemy was raging this easter weekend in such a big way there was no, the shelling did not stop, compared to the previous days, for example , there were fewer, more attempts in the bahamud direction this day than in the previous one, 36 attacks were enemy attacks, there was also a plus-minus in the lyman and avdiiv directions. the number in
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terms of percentage is not too large, but the enemy does not police attempts and is actively both conducting assaults and shelling the civilian population. civilian towns and villages and settlements, enemy artillery, mortars, and of course aviation also works non-stop, that is, to say something that is somewhat less or somewhat more, well, this is relative, there are attempts, and attempts and attempts to carry out their assault actions in the future, the goal of the enemy is one and unchanging, it is to reach the borders of donetsk and luhansk regions, of course, and of course seize territorially seize. well, our defenders, despite the fact that there were even easter holidays, do not allow the enemy to try to advance further and do everything possible so that the enemy does not capture this or that territory, this or that settlement . mr. lieutenant colonel, respectively the avdiiv direction would ask you
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to tell us what is happening there now, how difficult the situation is, if we talk about the enemy's offensive initiatives, where the enemy is trying to deploy the most actively there, then... that is, novooleksandrivka, arkhangel, arkhangelske, bakhmutivka, semenivka and so on. what is happening now in the avdiyiv direction? in the avdiiv direction, our defenders repulsed all the enemy's attacks, but his attempts did not stop. the occupiers rush out of the reeds, well straight towards the pokrovsk highway kostyantynka, here there was a certain total advantage in the live. styles of equipment, and using this , the enemy conducts round-the-clock assaults with the aim of capturing the pokrovsk vital road to kostiantynka, there the battles continue in the pokrovsk and kurakhiv directions, the enemy
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deployed about four brigades of the armed forces of the russian federation in these directions, and is also trying to develop an offensive west of from avdiivka and maryinka and making their way to pokrovsk and'. well, in general, the enemy has achieved in these directions certain minor tactical successes, but he could not gain an operational advantage there, because we are also strengthening the defense in these directions, we replaced, the units that suffered losses were replaced, the brigades that restored their combat capability were moved, that is, we are also taking measures, to hinder the enemy's plans and intentions. sir i would also like to ask you about the direction of bakhmut or even shasiariv, because now we see how the enemy is intensifying its efforts towards this city, what is happening now there and where the enemy is now trying to push through our defense line as much as possible, well, the situation
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around the city of chasiv is such that the defense forces are in full control of the situation, for that week, for the past week, most likely this will be correct, the situation near the time of yaru has not changed. active combat continues, battles continue both during the day and at night, russian propaganda periodically makes certain insinuations that their army has already entered the city, the enemy has not had any territorial gains in recent days, the enemy russian army has been in the city no, and of course the enemy has attempts and efforts, and it forms, carries it out, to destroy the ivars and the surrounding settlements, both with artillery and aviation. well, it's probably that the aviation is preparing the groundwork for the next waves, maybe assaults, and so that there is nothing to cling to, so that our defenders have nowhere to defend themselves. the occupiers, of course, are trying to gain commanding heights there and continue the struggle for territory, shelling
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kostyantynivka, druzhkivka, slovyansk, and kramatorsk from there. therefore, they do not count on the loss of their personnel, techniques, throw. for an assault, both freshly mobilized and contract workers, and well, professional military, well, they save some equipment, however, we destroy everything, for them the goal is to take the city into an operational environment and to go head-on, where is the channel, where is ours, well, where their artificial obstacle, and they fail to do so, the assaults are carried out on mobile groups, in small numbers, as i have already ... previously reported on golf carts, and atvs, and even motorcycles, they take place partly, both during the day and at night, and they need the ivar time to create conditions for the future advance to the kramatorsk agglomeration, and over the past day
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, 104 mortar and artillery attacks were recorded in this direction, two airstrikes in this direction, this compared to the previous day has increased somewhat, also six assaults have already been recorded in the morning, the enemy tried to storm , however, the artillery of the russians does not subside, but the enemy's bmp tanks and personnel in this direction have significantly decreased. mr. lieutenant colonel, accordingly, you mentioned the mariyan direction, i would like to ask you now to describe the situation there in more detail, in particular, when we talk about novomykhaivka, there is also enemy activity there. well, the enemy does not stop trying, i repeat, to advance and carry out assault actions in different directions, so they are currently ongoing. battles in that direction as well, and it is necessary to understand that the enemy
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is throwing all forces and means, even freshly mobilized and even those prisoners, all of them in a row, in order to have a certain perspective, certain achievements in different directions. in short, we cannot now talk about a certain hot direction, some less hot directions, i.e we understand that now the enemy is somewhere around one. stepped up in several directions, right? yes, of course, well, he uses not too active hostilities and the efforts of the enemy for this, but in all directions differently, let’s say, he conducts hostilities, because in one direction there may be less hostilities in a day, in the other more, so in terms of percentage, it can be said that the enemy attacks along the entire line of combat engagement, but there are also cases... where he puts more effort and his personnel and equipment, and there is less space, so you
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should compare like that, well, for now it is not worth it. thank you, we heard you. nazar voloshyn, spokesman for the operational-strategic grouping of khortets troops, lieutenant colonel was in direct contact with us. we are now going on a short break, but by the way, before it, i would like to remind you that our fundraiser for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade is currently ongoing, we are collecting 4 million for atvs to evacuate the wounded, you see. now there is a qr code in this corner, in order to join our gathering, it is convenient to do this by holding your smartphone to screen, and in just a few clicks you can top up monobank, where we collect these funds. now a short break, and after it we continue, stay with us. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then strong saws from rozpak tv are just for you. they are easy. will cut trees and bushes, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or
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brothers and sisters, christ has risen, under the cathedral of st. sophia of kyiv, a thousand-year-old spiritual center of the local ukrainian orthodox church, from the shrines of the kyivopechersk lavra, which is freed from the fair world and returns to its of a true spiritual vocation, from the st. michael's golden dome cathedral, a symbol of the spiritual indomitability of our people and grateful memory of ukrainian heroes, i send my heartfelt happy easter. let this bright greeting be a reminder for us that light always overcomes darkness, and life is unbreakable and eternal. easter is not just a victory of life over death, it is also an anniversary of our faith. believe in the possibility of changes for the better, in our common strength and invincibility of the spirit. this holiday emphasizes the victory of life over any trials, reminding that
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the greatest value is not only the ability to endure, but also the opportunity every new day with... find the strength to continue the journey forward, keeping hope and love in your heart. may the risen christ bring hope and comfort to you and your family. i give strength and inspiration to continue to go forward, despite all the obstacles, because christ is truly risen. we tirelessly repeat to you, christ is risen, dear. espresso tv viewers. the second day of the greatest christian holiday. ilya yevlash, spokesman, is in touch with us air force of the armed forces of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. yevlazh. we welcome you. christ is risen. glory to the heroes he has truly risen. well, i would like to start with a certain, with a certain dangerous message, which we today, er, about which we learned today.
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so, in the near future, russia will conduct training to increase readiness. non-strategic nuclear forces to perform combat tasks. yes, well, i am quoting the enemy now, his official message, the enemy started training exercises with the missile units of the southern military district with the involvement of aviation and naval forces. and during the exercises, a set of measures will be implemented to practice the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. we understand that the situation... is serious, we can expect anything from the enemy, but on the other hand, we understand that the enemy tried to intimidate us more than once, and precisely in this way, when they hinted at the possibility of using non-strategic nuclear weapons. dear mr. spokesperson, we would like to ask you to comment on this matter business? yes, absolutely, that the enemy
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is trying to raise the stakes, even in this way, informationally, of course, that... even such exercises where nuclear weapons are likely to be used, of course, that they are psychologically intended to affect both us and our allies, since we already see in the background of all this the statements of the president of france emmanuel macron and the statements of the highest military officials of the international plan, i am referring now to the statements of permission to use british weapons on the territory of the russian federation. of course that russia must somehow respond, and usually their trump card is brandishing their nuclear weapons, of course, we cannot underestimate these risks, but we understand that in the conventional sense, russia has already reached the maximum of all its capabilities and is not able achieve some results directly on
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the frontline, it is now focusing its attention on our civil infrastructure, energy. in particular, it attacks daily with guided aerial bombs in order to destabilize the situation, the socio-political situation in the country, yes, the main purpose of these measures is to make life unbearable and to try to prove to people the hopelessness of the situation and to demonstrate the alleged omnipotence of russia, so that this will last forever, but we see that for the third year in a row we are holding on, we effectively resist quite a lot, and mainly... the number of the invader, both in aviation and in personnel, so of course these threats, they are quite serious, and of course our allies are following suit. them, they watch closely them, and of course, i think there will be an appropriate reaction to this, and we also need more weapons in order to repel these attacks, including missile attacks, we
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are now standing as a shield, so reliable for everything, all of eastern europe and of the entire civilized world, so we are ready to continue, but for this we need weapons so that we can destroy the enemy as efficiently as possible. mr. rechnyk, alarming information came from... kharkiv russian federation hit this region for the first time with processed beans, a whole street was destroyed, do you have more information on this, anything that can be voiced please share. yes, we have seen this information that the enemy allegedly used the fab 1500, but we still have no confirmation and are waiting for more official data from our experts, since we cannot establish for sure, as the air force, which exactly... it was bomb, we only see it as a dot on the radar, of course it has certain indicators, but what kind of bomb it was, what exactly was its tonnage, that
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should be established by experts, experts who will be directly on site and determine its exact characteristics. dear mr. speaker, it's just that in the message that martha just voiced, the word recycled fab was indicated, is there an understanding in general, is it not ... specific information , yes, how the enemy recycles fabs, how they differ from non-recycled fabs ? well, most likely we are talking about the so-called cab, since the cab is a fab, just with a control system, but we have to understand that they use 250 and 500 kilogram cabs, here we are talking about 15 tons, of course, which, well, it is almost the same as launching, relatively speaking, a car from... such a height, of course, that it is quite difficult, because the distance, the heavier this bomb, the shorter its distance flight, and of course it is quite difficult to do technically, this
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causes the aiming to drop very, very much, and of course, if they, for example, launch cabs from a distance of 80 km there, conditionally, somewhere up to 30 km without reaching the collision line , then what distance did they need to work out, well, now this issue needs to be studied, i would not rush to do it... that in the conditions of a shortage of air defense, the most effective is the fight against their su-34 and su-35, which are the carriers, yes, these bombs, which cover the planes , who drop these bombs,
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because we cannot allow the situation that was at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, when their planes, tactical aviation, felt free enough and dropped these bombs literally on the heads just on our peaceful cities, such as chernihiv, for example, so and others, therefore the russians, of course, are... counting on it, and of course we have to rationally use the existing, already scarce, weapons that we already have. mr. speaker, allow me, i would still like to, because you warned our viewers and ukrainians in general, that the enemy may prepare some provocations, may prepare shelling during the easter holidays, but in one of your last interviews, you said that the enemy can now withstand a certain pause, because he... can prepare a shelling of the ukrainian energy sector, can you elaborate share the actual information that you currently know about it? look, during the last few months, the enemy has been actively carrying out its
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strikes, combined, quite powerful with the use of aeroballistic missiles, such as daggers, with the use of large numbers of guided missiles, anti-aircraft missile systems s-300, and cruise missiles, of course, causing quite serious damage. inflicted by the enemy on our energy, but it is most likely that he will not stop there, we will continue to see these drone attacks, which also aimed at damaging our civil infrastructure, including, therefore, the enemy can generate new missiles, of course he cannot use them all to zero, since there must still be some intact reserve, this is mandatory, this is their strategic reserve, which must be ready to be used in the event of... some emergency situations, however, we cannot rule out that the enemy will not resort to further attacks on our energy infrastructure and other critical facilities
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that are located. we have on the territory of ukraine, regardless of the dates, there is may 9, whether it is easter or any other day, the enemy does not, of course, he also uses these slightly manic such bindings of dodat, but we must understand that on any day a this attack, if he will see the expediency, is the moment to use his means of air attack. we, as the air force, in our turn are ready 20. to repel these attacks and ensure maximum security for our citizens, dear mr. speaker, all ukrainians are grateful to our fighters, which manage to regularly neutralize all the enemy's tricks, well, but we understand that there are still border regions, this is the north in particular, so chernihiv, sumy oblast, and we understand that the enemy regularly fires at the same sumy oblast, yes, insidious strikes, we... say about
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a few extreme days, we would like to ask you now about the specifics of enemy attacks, in particular in the north. well, you see that this tactic does not differ at all, for example, from the one used in the kharkiv region, the only thing is that they have now taken the main emphasis on this very place, so they decided to turn it into an absolute desert, a lifeless zone, as unfit for life as possible, but we see how the people of kharkiv are showing. quite the opposite, and it completely disrupts their plans and kind of freaks them out, so of course they continue to strike other cities, unfortunately, front-line cities somewhere around a 30-kilometer zone near the border, so with the russian federation, they, unfortunately, remain accessible to the blows of the cabs, russian bombs, and of course that this is a continuation of the same terror tactics that we we see it in other front-line cities as well.
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thank you, ilya yevlash, the air force of the armed forces of ukraine was on the live air of the espresso tv channel. we still have time to inform you about important messages from our european friends before the news. therefore, the european union reacted to the plans of the russian federation to conduct exercises with the use of nuclear weapons. the spokesperson of the foreign policy service of the eup of peterstan spoke about russia's intentions to conduct training in the near future, which will include the implementation of measures to use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. he believes that this is... one proof that the aggressor country is interested in further escalation of the situation, he said at the forum in brussels. according to stan, the kremlin's plans for such exercises are a continuation of russia's irresponsible behavior. the eu representative also called on russia to stop escalation, irresponsible rhetoric and behavior, as well as stop aggression against ukraine. and about the weather, so to speak, thunderstorms are approaching kyiv, the west and north of ukraine. forecasters announced the first level
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danger i'm quoting now. ukrhydrodcenter. in the next two hours, until the end of the day on may 6 , a thunderstorm is expected in the capital, kyiv. kiyans are urged not to be afraid of the sounds of thunder, to go down to the shelter in case of an air alarm. the first level of danger has been declared in the capital. yellow. well, weather forecasters warn of threats in the coming hours with protection until the end of the day in the western and northern regions of the country. so, dear tv viewers, be careful, but if there is an air alarm, immediately go to the shelter. yes, well, we are ready to pass the word on to our colleagues from the news editorial office, yes, because it is important to know what is happening most importantly at the moment, and we are ready to pass the floor to our colleague iryna koval. we congratulate you, iro, happy easter, christ is risen, we are glad to see you, and we pass on the word, please
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tell us briefly what they gave. thank you, thank you marta, truly resurrected and i congratulate all our viewers with easter holidays, i will tell you about the most important events in a moment, so wait, in ukraine. and to your attention the news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and already four residents of kherson were injured due to enemy shelling since the beginning of the day. the city's dnipro and shipel districts were targeted, oleksandr prokudin, the head of the region, informed. a 44-year-old woman was hit at a bus stop. she was hospitalized with explosive and shrapnel injuries. two more men are 48 years old.


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