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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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word, please tell us briefly what we managed to learn about, thank you, thank you, marta, truly resurrected and i congratulate all our viewers with easter holidays, i will tell you about the most important events literally in a moment, so wait. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and already four residents of kherson were injured due to enemy shelling since the beginning of the day. the city's dnipro and ship's districts were targeted, the head of the region informed oleksandr prokudin. a 44-year-old woman was hit at a bus stop. she was hospitalized with explosive and shrapnel injuries. two more men, 48 and... 51 years old, were also
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outside at the time of the shooting, and now both are in the hospital in a moderate condition. in the temporarily captured avdiivka, the russians are looting the destroyed coke-chemical plant and taking the scrap metal to the port of mariupol. this is reported by the center of national resistance. the income from the delivery of scrap metal from the avdiiv coke plant is received by the treason laying companies and collaborator denis pushylin. all that the so-called liberators did was to cynically set up only a venerable cross in a completely destroyed city. the russian occupiers are trying to land on the island of nestryga, which is at the mouth of the dnieper. this piece of land was in the gray zone and was recently taken under the control of the ukrainian military. this was reported by dmytro plytenchuk, head of the strategic communications center of the defense forces of the south. according to him , the russians
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are trying to use boats under the cover of... aviation and other means of destruction approach and invade the island, but incur significant losses - the spokesman emphasized. the russian army also continues to storm the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the krynyk area. this morning , the russians dropped already six cabs. air defense forces shot down a missile in dnipropetrovsk region. serhii lysak, the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, stated this. information about the destruction and victims is being clarified. and large-scale military exercises. a spring storm is beginning in estonia. according to estonian tv, they will last until may 17 in the western part of the country and on the islands. the training is divided into three stages: the first week will be the formation of units and practice cooperation, then the main training battles will take place, including the islands. about 14,000 military personnel from 15 countries will be involved in the exercises.
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this year, for the first time, the spring storm is involving the local population in the exercises, in particular to raise awareness of the dangers. a citizen of kyiv found the warhead of a missile in a forest in the holosiiv district. it has already been neutralized by specialized services. this was reported in state emergency service. according to their data, the sappers removed the warhead of the high-precision missile "69 and transported it to the blasting site, since it is the newest weapon, it took more time for the specialists of the state emergency service to safely remove it from the ground. they will also talk about ukraine. a tripartite meeting of french president emmanuel macron is taking place in paris , the head of the european commission , ursula funderlein, and the leader of china , reuters reports
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chinese counterpart to ensure more balanced trade between the prc and the european union, and also plan to discuss common interests in ensuring peace in various regions. from kyiv to boryspil on a prosthesis. veteran of the armed forces serhiy hrabko, who lost his leg in the war, went on a one-day walking marathon brother for brother. in this way. the defender collects funds for the treatment of military officer oleksandr nattochy. since last september, the father of three children has been undergoing treatment after several serious operations. the treatment will cost uah 650,000. so we we urge our viewers to support the collection for the recovery of the warrior. details from the kolo charitable foundation, you can see on the screen now. i really hope so. oleksandr will return to
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a full-fledged life, i will repeat it again, because individual work with such wounded is very individual, it is worth a lot, it is... it is necessary to bring a person back to full life, and this is what rehabilitators do individually. a story that really wants to be told about english seart presented a performance about ukrainian runners in the stand-up format. about how managed to tell tragic rescue stories with jokes, see below. what's the smell? well... so fun, but sad. english-language theater
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in kyiv pro english theater staged a play once in ukraine. the director says that he tried to create a ukrainian odyssey. a retrospective journey is underway. by road to germany, then to lviv, and from there to the basement in mariupol, all mentioned in a stand-up format. our play, too, it does not, does not aim to burden the viewer with the fact that uh, war, how terrible it is, we all know that war is it's terrible, but the point is how we overcome our moments of crisis, our mental traumas, experiences. where we find an outlet for our emotions, our feelings, and so on. in the center of the plot are four heroines, these are collective images of ukrainian women, created on the basis of real people's stories. tragedy and difficult life circumstances from the stage are shown with jokes.
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the audience in the capital is diverse, both ukrainians who are trying to improve their english, and foreign guests who sometimes did not even expect to meet. it's about recent history, so there's a lot to it tragic, a lot of trauma, and i want to see it, i mean, being here in the theater also adds such an artistic aspect to that trauma, so i'm very interested in seeing the play, and you know it's a comedy? i didn't know it was a comedy, really, it's such an extra twist. this performance has already been seen in germany, there it is. performed for the anniversary of the full-scale invasion, the actors admit that sometimes it is difficult to tell foreigners about our grief with humor, but the audience understands, wants and perceives everything differently, they look at people like this in they say we are at a serious borscht, they come with such faces, we are watching a play from
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ukraine about refugees, it is a comedy, well, in short, it is very, very difficult to get them to some kind of real live reaction, because they are used to what ukraine is. you have to keep it like that with a petrified expression on your face. our viewers, i see from experience, focus more on funny moments, on funny stories, and first of all, because we already have too much negativity in our lives. pro english seat was founded in 2018. during this time, 15 english-language plays were staged, five of which are still shown to the whole world the founder tells that from the beginning of the great. the war is reshaping the audience , because domestic viewers started watching everything ukrainian, besides , the main task now is to convey ukrainian voices to foreign viewers. we now work much more abroad than in ukraine, because now it is very important to speak with
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foreign partners in a language that they understand, and now you can't surprise with news, you can still surprise and make your way through art, but art doesn't. the play once in ukraine in kyiv will be shown at june, then the play will be taken around the world, in particular to spain and the canary islands. a spoiler in the sad story of ukrainian refugees is the happy ending, which you will find out after watching. kateryna galko, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. that was the news for this time, as always you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social media. networks and watch unique content on youtube, then my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskiy continue the broadcast, we will see you at 4 p.m.
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thank you, dear tv viewers, that on this festive day you and the espresso tv channel are working live. we now include odessa, odeschyna and not only them in our broadcast, serhiy bratchuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy, christ is risen. glory to the heroes, glory to the armed forces, the truth is risen. congratulations! well, first of all we would like to ask you how the easter holidays went. so, in particular, we understand that recently the enemy has been inflicting vile and bloody blows on odesa. what happened over the last couple of days? well, we had an air alarm signal constantly, because the activation of tactical aviation in the sea, over the sea, it is constant, and actually. today the enemy is showing such activity again, air reconnaissance is working, it is clear that the enemy is accumulating relevant
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resources, will prepare for further attacks, this is also clear, this is not about treason, not about scaring someone, but about the fact that the enemy is trying to continue to attack civilians the infrastructure of the south of our country, including odesa in particular, and i say once again, now are preparing, the more we see that there is a certain operational pause that occurred with the attacks. with kamikaze drones, we also understand that there is an appropriate moment for the accumulation of such weapons, so we are preparing and hoping, of course, to strengthen our air defense system, because this is the most painful issue there is, because the enemy continues to use precisely ballistics now and in fact, well almost every day it tries to attack odesa, in particular the odesa district, and unfortunately, there are also dead and wounded. there are hits on infrastructure objects, and i want to do it again to note, these are purely civilian objects that
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the enemy is trying to attack as much as possible, that is, to reduce the economic potential of the region first of all, because it is clear that odesa is one of such hubs, probably economic today for our state, which support the defense capability of ukraine, and actually work actively at the front, well, like other regions, including. mr. serhiu. i would also like to ask you about such a rather scandalous situation that happened in odesa, where one policewoman was suspended because she published a video about duty near the church, if you can, please share with us in more detail this story and how it actually ended, well, how it ended, as far as i know, accordingly, an official investigation was conducted by the main department of the national police of ukraine in odesa region, accept... the corresponding decision, it was published by the representatives of the national police,
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as far as i understand, it is about the dismissal of this policewoman, who, as it is emphasized, began to perform her official duties about a month ago, of course the situation is shameful, i don’t understand at all, to be honest, at first, when i saw this video, it seemed to me that maybe someone from under-bloggers decided to hype on the relevant topic, although... the topic is about the fact that churches can be attacked there too, no god forbid, kill people or injure, i thought it was some kind of, well, quite unhealthy in my opinion, just a joke, well, i usually take this word in the benches, but then it turned out that this is really an official person, which is true in private, but that's it doesn't change the situation really, in a private chat over there posted this video, i honestly don't understand what was there? because, well , i don’t think it’s necessary to explain it somehow
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, today, the leadership of the national police in the odesa region made the absolutely right decision, we can only thank you for reacting extremely quickly and we need to get rid of such nonsense, it’s shameful, and i would not like to say that, in such situations, they, well, let's say, stand in line with the good work that is carried out, including in... by the police of odesa. mr. sergey, look at this story - this is a kind of anomaly, or the same question has never been there before. that is, it is not a question of, you know, morals taken separately, but with a kind of normal kaluzy or some, i don’t know, smolensk pronunciation, a girl in a uniform and so on, that is, there is some control over what kind of people enter the various power structures and how loyal they are in general. not only the delivery of one's specific official duties, but also loyalty to the ukrainian state as such,
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well, maybe, maybe there are some other situations, well, what concerns our units, you yourself understand who comes to them, what the motivation should be, because all the soldiers of our units, they are ukrainian nationalists, here we need to put a full stop, then everything is clear, well, nothing else is given, if someone wants to strengthen his ukrainian nationalism... then please, we will also be happy to see how to actually strengthen the schools, and it is possible to destroy the enemy at the front, today our units are working in all directions, without exception. no, mr. sesha, there are no questions about subdivisions, that is, we are talking about specifically state ones officials, so it comes down to the fact that , of course, the relevant structures should carry out such work and identify, i don’t think you know, the person manifested himself only in this scandal, in any case, of course , the representatives of the national
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police should comment on this, but as a simple person, a citizen, first of all i must say that i think such things are visible, and they manifest themselves quite quickly, well, it is immediately visible that a person imagines himself, exactly what, as in this case, and what he actually breathes, so i guess they didn't finish it, so to speak, they didn't look at it, huh maybe there was no such desire, well, there is a full-time unit there, well, let him go and guard the temples, although it seemed to her a very bad thing, well... to go to the temple, maybe some auspicious fire would come down, although, if it was near the moscow patriarchate, i think maybe something was reflected in this video, including, mr. serhiy, there is some disturbing information from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi, he says that it is difficult at the front, russia is trying to get to pokurakhovo and pokrovska, he spent the last two days on
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the front line, and this leads to the fact that you can share with us what the situation is in the... direction, because the head of the armed forces says that the situation in the east is very, very serious , i actually quoted where the enemy is trying to advance now, if we are talking about the southern direction, are there any key certain directions now where the enemy is trying to activate and press? well , as for the southern areas, of course, there are two such directions that are the main ones kherson, i.e. the left... things, i will talk about it in particular, and this is the zaporizhian direction, that is, the orichov direction, more so we will define it as robotino, staromaisky, and it is here that such tough and brutal battles take place, the enemy is really trying to attack and robotinsky plasdarm, and the so-called old may, vremiv protrusion there, that is, there is activation, the intensity
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of battles, it has become higher, as for the left bank, then it is clear that those plas... arms, which have been on the left bank of our temporarily occupied kherson oblast since the fall, do not give peace to the enemy, but of course the attacks and assaults continue, the enemy also attacks and tries to do it every day, including with the use of air weapons, we are talking about cabs, which refer to such a location as the island of nestryga, which was liberated, as you remember , a few days ago, and is the last in the line of those islands that rest against the dnieper sluice, then i understand that i need to explain... especially the sluice and control over it is not necessary, it is clear that there is also enemy pressure in this direction, but and to immediately remove the question there offensive on kherson, something that is widely spread by russian propaganda, the pso is also actively working in this direction, there are no signs today that appropriate strike groups are being created there to force the dnipro,
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continuing offensive actions on the regional center, if we are talking about kherson or on... . closer territorial communities, because i say once again, there is a left bank that performs its tasks in extremely difficult conditions, and those islands that we are talking about, they perform their tasks, our brothers today 1000%, not even by 100, restraining such an armada, so the situation is also difficult, as in other directions of the front. mr. sergey, the bridgehead on the left bank of the dnieper, krynka, maybe there is an additional one? information, we understand that our fighters are holding the defense there, the fighting is tough, and in general , the situation with military logistics is extremely difficult, share, be kind, well, we can celebrate our successful counter-battery fight, because the ukrainian artillerymen work extremely efficiently, i hope they will not have any problems with artillery in the near future
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projectiles, let's say so that the intensity of these blows to the enemy was even greater, of course. but we note our drone troops, which are also maximally effective, the enemy cannot use, in particular, heavy equipment on the left bank, because it is immediately destroyed by our troops, and the actual assault groups formed by the russians, they are formed there, including the naval there is infantry, for example, there is russian airborne troops, of course these are motorized rifle units, these assault groups, they usually return, to put it mildly. not all back in their burrows, but also drone troops work even in burrows, and from plasdarms, well, well, we can say, this is what remains in the memory, because of the settlement. as you know, it has been gone for a long time. by what miracle they manage to hold these bridgeheads, to be honest, until now, it is difficult for me to answer these questions, only the courage and heroism of our
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soldiers is what we can say and what we can determine, and the enemy's equipment, i still once i say, it is not used now in assault operations, so the enemy again began to use aviation, including, as i already said about cabs, mr. sergey, you touched on the topic of drones, i would also like to talk about our naval drones and the latest news that was made public in the main intelligence office, that in crimea, the gur special unit destroyed a speedboat of the russian invaders, and succeeded to do this thanks to the magura v5 marine drone, the mission was carried out in the narrow bay, you as a person who knows this location better, maybe you can explain to our viewers where it is, and actually, what do you know about this special operation, is it already there? hear some violence from on the part of the russian interventionists regarding what they got in the teeth, well, actually , more can and will be said about this operation, i think
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my good friend and acquaintance, andriy yusov, from the main intelligence department, i can only say that group 13, it is to me very close, because i was born on the 13th, here on the 13th, well, god himself ordered them to perform such specific tasks and so successfully, and... the bay is narrow, the enemy considered it impregnable, let's say so, and until now, i also understand, that today there is an investigation into the circumstances, how to get there at all the ukrainians could infiltrate in order to carry out such a task, and in fact there is another nuance here that literally a couple of months ago , the head of the main intelligence department , general budano, said that precisely our magura naval drones, they... are being improved and the enemy, well will have to, let's say, first of all feel for yourself what has been modernized, you see, only two months have passed, and it was possible to conduct such
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a highly effective operation, i hope that the holiday season will be like this, and we can already talk about it on these bays , in these bays, in our ukrainian crimea is open and it will be quite specific for the enemy, well , as far as i understand... we are talking about the russian mongoose boat, in general, the russians have a lot to do with the mongoose, because they believe that their troops make the same jumps , as effective as the mongoose, we see, against the ukrainian magur, this mongoose could not do anything. it will be further, the holiday season is open. well, actually, mr. sergey, we would also like to ask you about the specifics of the enemy's use of certain missiles, the way the enemy used them. now in odesa on civilian objects iskander ballistic missiles, in particular with a cluster warhead, right? on the other hand, we understand that they still,
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a few months ago, actively used onyx, here there was a certain shift, so to speak, to the use of iskanders. perhaps this is somehow due to the fact that they are heard in the sky, in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine it is not too certain, perhaps because they have some advantages. the same iskanders that they launch from the crimea rather than anything else. accordingly, what is happening to the enemy in the sky now, how do they have control of the sky, and in general, regarding the prospects for the coming days, in particular, when we talk about the use of certain missile systems. well, actually, that is why enemy air reconnaissance and tactical aviation are active every day, including monitoring the algorithms of our defense, first of all air defense, with which... it reacts, although here we can say, for example, about the russian the su-57 fighter, which, by the way, carries on board the same x-69 missiles, it seems to me that
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the warhead of this missile has now been found in kyiv, this projectile, which, thank god, did not explode, will be destroyed in the holosiiv forest. actually, we are talking about the fact that the enemy is using ballistics, because it is difficult to intercept it today, well practically. it's impossible, well , that's the way it is, well, for now, firstly, and secondly, why are the iskanders used and the onyx were used at one time, because the onyx is a coastal complex, that is , we understand that it, well, to be clear to our viewers, it's stationary, it's standing there on the shore, it's used for these firings odesa, as for the iskanders, these complexes, they are anti-aircraft missiles, they are more mobile, that is... they can be moved to a place, there they can be rolled up faster and avoid a possible response already from our side, because the enemy is trying to maneuver around
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the territory as much as possible temporarily. occupied crimea, but i am sure that first we will have, well , let's say new complexes, well, it will be patriot, for example, i don't know if there is an italian analogue of patriot, let something appear, as they say that intercept ballistics, and what directly concerns these anti-aircraft missile systems that are in crimea, the air defense system in crimea, it will be a lot of work now for that . and not only for them, because this sky, which, well, conditionally, is a window over our crimea, it should expand, become bigger for what and why the air defense systems are being destroyed, to give the opportunity to the defense forces to work on military projects on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea. of course, we are talking about launchers, of course we are talking about warehouses, arsenals, and actually command
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posts, logistics. and so on and so on, i.e. the process of demilitarization of crimea, it is happening today, and i hope it will be even more active. thank you, serhiy brachuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, was in touch with us. i would like to remind you that due to the difficult situation in the east , the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi spent two days on the front line, and he noted on his facebook that due to the difficult situation in the east , during two actions part that lead defensive actions in the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions, that is, in the direction of the enemy's main attack, it is here that the main striking forces of the enemy are concentrated, who are trying to break through the defense of our troops and, developing success , reach the large settlements of korakhove and pokrovsk. ugh, let's go now, yes, and there is another important message, we understand that the chinese leader xi jinping has started his big tour of the european continent, and
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he arrived in france, met with the president... macron, and here is an important signal from the french president . macron believes that the european union should conduct a dialogue with china, i am quoting now from macron. coordination with china regarding major crises in ukraine and the middle east is absolutely crucial. it is obvious that we need this european-chinese dialogue more than ever, the french president noted. i spoke about it recently. we are at a turning point in our history, we need to overcome. structural difficulties, that's what i was quoting the president of france, macron. and we are going now for a short break, after which we will continue ours such a festive, i would say, easter ether, so be with us, and don't forget, please donate, now you see a qr code in the corner, which you can go to and make your contribution in order for us to collect from you funds for atvs to evacuate the wounded. join in, please. well,
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