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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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a politician and i will not say that they support russia, but they hesitate, they are poorly informed, and here what should be done, you asked, yes, it is necessary to actively promote true information about ukraine, it is necessary to have sources of this information, it is necessary to strengthen communication towards this is very important for france, in particular the french language, and i would take advantage of this opportunity to encourage my colleagues to communicate more in french, to open french-language pages, this is important, this is the country that can... become our friend, but we must give it the information about us which will help this friendship to emerge and strengthen. thank you alla lazareva, the deputy editor-in-chief of the ukrainian weekly magazine from france, was in direct contact with us. we thank her for the information she gave us. well, it's news time for the espresso, the time to find out the most important events is right now, so we'll pass the floor to our colleague irina koval and ask ira you. briefly
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tell what you managed to find out about. thank you, marta, well, in just a moment i will tell you about the tripartite meeting during which will talk about ukraine, and also about the exhibition that is taking place at the kyiv railway station, wait for more details in a moment. news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and we start with the situation in kherson. four residents have already been injured by enemy shelling since the beginning of the day. the city's dnipro and shipel districts were targeted, oleksandr prokudin, the head of the region, informed. a 44-year-old woman was hit at a bus stop. she was hospitalized with explosive and shrapnel injuries. two more men 48 and 51 years old
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were also on the street at the time of the shooting, now both are in the hospital in a moderate condition. in the temporarily captured avdiivka, the russians are looting the destroyed coke-chemical plant and taking the scrap metal to the port of mariupol. this is reported by the center of national resistance. income from the delivery of scrap metal from the avdiiv coke plant is received by the laying companies of the traitor and collaborator denis pushylin. all that the so-called liberators did was to cynically install only a venerable cross in the completely destroyed city. they will also talk about ukraine. a tripartite meeting between french president manuel macron, european commission president ursula fondern and chinese leader xi jinping is taking place in paris. this is reported by the reuters agency. as noted, the european leaders urged their chinese counterpart to ensure a more balanced relationship between china and
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the european union, and also plan to discuss common interests in ensuring peace in various regions. both china and the european union share a common interest in peace and security, as well as in the effective functioning of the rules-based international order, especially against the background of a very turbulent environment. either in europe, or in the middle east, or in south asia. medical mission: plastic surgeons from the united states of america once again came to lviv to consult and operate on our defenders and children with maxillofacial injuries. our correspondents will tell you how the international team worked. the injury reminded him of the war, the military. from the rivne region, viktor
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gandzilevsky was wounded by a mine explosion in august 2023 in the zaporizhzhia direction. the man was operated on jointly by the american and ukrainian plastic surgeons. doctors cut out a scar on his pike and restored the aesthetics of his face with special stitches. viktor is currently feeling well and recovering after surgery at the lviv regional hospital for veterans of vin and the repressed. mine 120 from a mortar exploded not far from me, my leg was hit by this wound. face, there were so many scars here, doctors said, all here are girls, orderlies, nurses, they say, scars decorate a person, i say, why do i have so much beauty alone, i want to be like everyone else. as part of the reconstruction mission to lviv an interdisciplinary team of seven american narrow-profile specialists arrived. we have already seen many wonderful people with facial deformities, we came here not only to... operate on children and everything, we
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work in collaboration with dr. roman, with ms. khrystyna, with ms. natalya, and we came here to teach them and to learn something from them. hears, then it is my duty to come back to my country, besides the fact that i am really an american, and somehow help. plastic surgeons from the usa helped patients in two medical institutions, as well as in the lviv regional hospital. specialists consulted and treated defenders with jaw injuries. such a mission, it was carried out for the first time in our hospital, i would like to emphasize that it was carried out. thanks to the foundation of the christian medical association with razom for ukraine and the american organization global leap missions. in one day, we performed five operations, they were quite difficult,
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because they touched the plastic of the face in different areas. other surgeons from the american-ukrainian team worked with by young patients in the children's medicine center of the ohmadit hospital after. consultations, surgeons from the usa operated on more than fifty children with congenital facial defects and those who suffered as a result of military operations. these are children from the eastern regions, directly, these are donetsk, kharkiv, mariupol, kherson, who did not have the opportunity to receive qualified highly specialized assistance at their place of residence, who lost relatives and parents. this mission is special because doctors have come to train our doctors, this is already the sixth. that is, many operations are performed by our doctors, and our american colleagues advise and point out nuances during the operation. american surgeons have planned their next visit to ukraine for the fall, when doctors will operate on military officer viktor gandzilevsky for the second time, and they plan to
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reconstruct the wing of his nose. kateryna oliynyk, vitaly kolekha, espresso tv channel. see, get motivated, join. under such a slogan on the central car'. an exhibition devoted to blood donation was opened in the hall of kyiv. the exhibition includes 12 portraits of different people age and profession, who are not familiar with each other. one thing unites them - the desire to share blood and help people. the svitlin project on donation takes place within the rozkvitay company. also today, visitors to the exhibition will be able to find out their blood type, see photos and read the stories of donors until may 15. everyone can choose for themselves some example of donation from this exhibition, there is, for example, student maria, who was just recently 18, and she started donating for the first time, there are people who persistently sought to become donors, and despite the fact that they were taken away and taken away, they
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still persistently came and returned to donation, and now they already have the status of merited, that is, there is a very large spectrum of people, each for... donation is one of the methods of, well, let's say volunteering, so every person does what she wants, what she knows, what she likes, and i hope that the same, the same donation, any, she will save at least three lives, from kyiv to boryspil, on a prosthesis , veteran of the armed forces serhiy hrabko, who lost his leg in the war, started... a one-day walking marathon brother for brother. in this way, the defender collects funds for the treatment of military man oleksandr natochy. since last september, the father of three children has been undergoing treatment after several serious operations. the treatment will cost uah 650,000. so we're calling on our viewers
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to support the warrior recovery fundraiser. details from the kolo charitable foundation, you can see on the screen now. i really hope that oleksandr will return to a full-fledged life, i repeat once again, because it is individual work with such injuries is individual, it is very, well, worth a lot, it is necessary to bring a full-fledged person back to life, and this is what rehabilitators do individually, and our dear viewers, and now let's unite as much as possible and... close our collection for communications and security equipment needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they will choose our independence in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal was
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uah 720,000. with your help we were able to contribute advance payment and we have to collect, attention, less than uah 10,000. so, let's not delay, we can do it. it's today, i 'm sure of it, the help of each of us is very important, and every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, you can see all the details on the screen now. and we thank all those who support the armed forces of ukraine and donate. such were the news at that time. we will see you at 5 p.m. you can read more on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our social networks and watch unique content on youtube. next, martha oliarnyk and antin barkovskyi. well, today ukraine celebrates the day of the infantry of the armed forces
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of ukraine. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr syrsky , congratulated the military and thanked them for their steadfastness and loyalty to the oath. well, due to a difficult situation, oleksandr syrskyi has been in the east for the last two days. he says that the russians are now trying to put pressure on the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions in order to reach kurakhiv and pokrovsk. the situation is not easy, we will now talk about military topics together with valery ryabikh, military expert, director of development of the information consulting company defense express. mr. valery, christ is risen. glory to ukraine. glory. well, now we are quoting from syriac. the enemy is trying to break through the defense of our troops and get to kurakhovo and pokrovsk. i quote, now the direct speech of syrskyi. our task in these conditions is to hold the occupied lines and fire positions. artillery, attack uavs and all means to inflict maximum losses on the enemy, exhaust him, thereby disrupting enemy plans and
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gaining time for formation and preparation our reserves. the situation at the front, as far as you think, will be enough for the enemy of the so-called offensive impulse. well, it should be noted that the enemy took a considerable risk, continuing active offensive operations, for a long time since... since the beginning of october, and it should be recalled that this is precisely the main phase of the offensive operation of the russian troops that began exactly when the main efforts were diverted to avdiivka, and then the enemy threw his most ready reserves there, and as a result of this avdiivka the enemy of the operation was the ukrainian defense forces, well, the full-time army corps. both in the number of personnel and in the number of equipment. now we see that
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using these political efforts to achieve some results by a certain date there or by the same re -enthronement of putin or by other sacred dates, they are also trying to develop success and throw more and more reserves. trying to achieve at least certain successes and in certain areas they succeed, of course, that in these conditions the enemy's impulse is similar, he well, it is also reflected not only in the state of the state of the ukrainian troops, but also this kind of unlimited throwing of reserves and equipment, it leads to the fact that, in recent weeks, the indicators of the destruction
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of the russian army have increased significantly, but of course it is not, let's put it this way , does not remove from the agenda the complexity of the situation at the front, and in these conditions, too, the ukrainian side is forced, has to find reserves and correct solutions in order for these... efforts of the enemy to fulfill their immediate task, which is to capture of the entire territory of the donetsk region and creating conditions for further advancement, and this task is now for the ukrainian troops, namely preventing the enemy from solving the task, well, the most basic one, especially against the background of such a transitional period, when the vanguard unit comes to... help and more approach, only on the approach, the main part of the help and
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the arrival of more effective means on the battlefield, which can be western aviation and other means promised by the enemy, in that promised by our partners, including and those that no longer have restrictions on launching strikes on the enemy's territory, and that's it... this period determines both the complexity of the situation and the importance of keeping the enemy from realizing his plan. mr. valery, look. today our intelligence reported that our special services destroyed an enemy speedboat in crimea, this operation was carried out thanks to magura v5 naval drones, and there is actually some information on the defense ua website that this special operation is not only about a sunken boat, and about combined
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blow, and from this place, as they say, you can tell in more detail, eh? well, it should be noted here that this is a journalistic version, and it is prompted by the analysis of those videos that were made public by the main intelligence agency, we see that in the video there is an unmanned boat that is similar to the magura v5, and it is maneuvering, eh -er, and we can see that there is, in addition to er... the fact that the very end of it hits the enemy's impenetrable boat, there is also an alleged introduction of enemy fire on our boat, but there er, our analysts analyzed that the fall of some large parts may also resemble the fall of anti-aircraft
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missiles from the panzer complex, and this may already indicate that in the course of this operation , in addition to naval unmanned systems, unmanned aviation systems could also be involved, and this already indicates the fact that, for similar operations , a similar grouping of means can be formed to achieve certain goals, so the essence of the matter is what we see. confirmation of damage to a small boat, this is not yet final information, and here i understand why the intelligence does not say now, i will correct you here, the intelligence already specified that the russian high-speed patrol boat of project 12150 mongoose was destroyed, boats of this class are used by the enemy fleet and special services as
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multi-purpose high-speed vessels for patrolling water areas, combating saboteurs, as well as search and rescue operations. mongoose. has been produced since 2000, the boat is up to 20 m long and up to 5 m wide, the maximum speed is up to 50 knots, it is already known, well, this is about the boat, so it is known, but the fact that in the course of this combined operation they also used air drones, this may also indicate that other targets, besides this one, could have been hit, so i do not rule out that in the near future... in the future, after checking and receiving clarifying information , some more clarifying information about destruction of other objects besides this boat. got it? mr. valery, we would like to ask you about the so-called modified fabs 1500. we received information from kharkiv,
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from the kharkiv police, that they dropped a modified fap 1500 in the kupinsky district. so what are these modified fabs, how serious is it and in what approximate number can the enemy launch them? here it should also be noted that this is a rather significant weapon and, although this is the first use of such a weapon against opponents in the kharkiv region, we previously saw its use back in march in the krasnohorika region, and it is... quite powerful, such a weapon is destructive and such that can cause a lot of damage, and this is determined by the fact that the main part of this bomb, it contains 675 kg of explosives, so seven centners explodes and with the total weight of these
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of the set together with the umpk, is almost 1700 kg there, and this bomb was developed on the basis of a soviet bomb that was put into service in the 50s, this is the fab 1500 m54, and after the enemy's attempt to install such wings, the bomb is smaller. 250-caliber and half-ton bombs, they scaled this project with the umpk and made an attempt to install it on these bombs, and it should be noted that they are now producing quite large quantities of such kits, and
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they have trypufat 1500 bombs ba in large quantities both in warehouses and recently they resumed the production of similar bombs at their enterprises, and here it should be noted that this winged bomb is from... it is launched from afar, for this, aircraft of the su 304 type are used, and such an aircraft can carry up to two such bombs, but as a rule , one is used for striking, and the main means of countering such means of the enemy is to increase our ability to strike. it is the planes that launch these bombs, because fighting the bombs themselves is an extremely difficult, difficult task, another one of
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ways, this is the destruction of the enemy's aviation equipment and warehouses with similar bombs on the enemy's territory, and just then a similar case opens with the arrival of western aviation. western-style aircraft in the form of the f-16 and with ukraine obtaining permission to use weapons on the territory of the russian federation. and from what approximate distance does the enemy launch the otti ot faba 1500, is it 40-50 km or further? the enemy claims that they are launched somewhere from a distance of 80-70 km, and according to some sources and... and this suggests that it is precisely from this distance that enemy planes do not achievable for the means that we currently have, and
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it is precisely with the acquisition of western aviation that we will be able to obtain similar tools, well, and accordingly combining with shock means, which can be the same, for example, storm shadow, which can be well there in the in connection with obtaining consent from britain to... apply to the bases of such aircraft and according to the stockpiles of such bombs, this could contribute to the solution of this problem. thank you, mr. valery, valery ryabykh, military expert, director of information and consulting company development defense express, was in touch with us. we would like to remind you that xi jinping is currently visiting the chinese leader in europe, in particular france, and the head of the european commission in... announced the brief results of the meeting with the president of china and french president emmanuel macron in paris, where they discussed the russian-ukrainian war . fondelein
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said this at a briefing on monday. this is reported by european truth. it says that all parties agreed that china and the european union have a common interest in peace and security. we expect that china will use all its influence on russia to put an end to the russian war of aggression. against ukraine - said funderlajen. she also noted that xi jinping played an important role in the de-escalation of russia's irresponsible nuclear threats. and she says she's confident president xi will continue to do so amid ongoing russian nuclear threats. according to her, the meeting discussed china's commitment not to provide any assistance with lethal weapons to russia. these are the results announced by the head of the european commission, ursula fonderlien after meeting with... chinese leader xi jinping and french president emmanuel macron. yes, and the news from sumy oblast, that is, they are already summarizing the strikes, in particular, the air strike on
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the energy infrastructure of sumy oblast. now i will quote the sumy regional military administration. therefore, the enemy carried out an airstrike on the energy facilities of the sumy oblast. relevant services are working on the spot, restoration work is underway, the regional military administration of the sumy region is clarifying the consequences. calls for calm, yes well, let me remind you that today the russian troops attacked the territory of ukraine with shaheds, in particular , the danger was declared in the sumy oblast. now we're going to take a short break, but before that i 'll remind you once again, our viewers, who are watching, who are watching us both on youtube and on tv, yes on television, that right here in this corner, you see a qr code that actually shows how you can join our fundraiser which is now... ongoing, we want to raise 4 million to buy atvs to evacuate the wounded for the 93rd of the cold ravine brigade, so please, to the best
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of your ability, please go to... to this collection, it's important, you can scan the qr code with your smartphone and in a few clicks make a contribution to help raise the amount on atvs to evacuate the wounded. we are now going on a short break, we will add an international expert after it, because there are many geopolitical events that require our understanding and analysis, so we will do it in literally four minutes. wait. honor traditions and be proud of your culture with unpack tv. we present a collection of modern embroidery. unique ukrainian embroidery combined with the comfort of your favorite t-shirts at an incredibly pleasant price. only from uah 299. men's and women's options, current trend colors and double sizes from 44 to 62. vyshyvanka is for... wait,
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plantain, bam and save in pharmacies. olenivka - prison on in the occupied territory of ukraine, where the russians held thousands of prisoners of war and civilian hostages, they rounded them up. with scotch tape and very hard beatings, the journalists found those involved in the crimes. the names of those responsible for the crimes in olenivka in the new film , the investigation of olenivka, the curators of evil, will be broadcast on tv channel on may 6 at 9:15 p.m., the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even
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more important topics, even more... top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. pick up the wounded. on time from the battlefield - it means saving his life, gave a lift to bc, gave a lift to the boys, a quad bike - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we are calling on everyone to join nato in raising from scratch to life atvs for the 93rd brigade kholodny yary in the direction.


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