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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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verdict by isergy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the day using the telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. a ride to bc, a ride to the boys. quad bike is a way from scratch to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of the cold ravine direction. the information
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day of the tv channel continues, well, there are quite a lot of events today, the central event remains what is happening on the front line, we understand that, on the other hand, the extremely important visit of the french president, shizenpina has become a vassal of the chinese suzerain, and she has leverage, means chinese republic in order to stop this... session, which was unleashed by the russian federation against ukraine in an absolutely illegal manner. there are some levers that macron and ursula fonden can use to ask mr. president of china, aka the chairman of the prc, to listen to the chinese people's request, because in fact they can offend. these are the chinese for big sanctions, and
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they are already exposed to such a situation when, say, in 3 years from 2020 to 2023 , russian-chinese trade turnover has doubled up to 240 billion dollars, and on the other hand, already in the first quarter of the 24th year, this turnover between russia and china fell by 15%, that is, there are... certain levers, for example, it is possible not to allow the chinese to purchase 50 airbuses, as were the plans under at the time of xi jinping's visit, there is an opportunity to conduct an anti-subsidy investigation against those products that are now entering the chinese market with dumping and subsidies, first of all, it is about electric cars, batteries for electric cars and other products that can...
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can they for chinese as an export the position is of great importance, because the super-production capacities that have developed now do not find, say, in the chinese market, such a domestic demand, that is why such economic levers are possible, military-technical cooperation is possible, of course , it does not... between nato and china, but at least it is possible to ask, for the time being , china, so that they militarily - technical cooperation with russia did not develop, although on the other hand, mr. sidzinpin too, he came to france and then to serbia, to hungary. not to
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give any positions, so i think that the negotiations and we already know the first results that they were difficult, ms. ursula fonderlajen, who is generally tougher towards xi jinping than president macron, who very much wants to develop personal relations with the chinese leader, that is , new approaches will be sought, and after all, china, we will, as a collective measure with the help of our ... western partners, will encourage to the point that he would at least, if not stop, then greatly reduce cooperation with the russian federation, especially with regard to dual technologies. mr. yaroslav, well, we understand that in order to reach a certain compromise, both sides have to make certain concessions, yes, because without concessions , compromises do not exist in nature, and here it is important to understand what compromises china is ready to make, from its side , and on the other hand, what... compromises is europe ready to make, so
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in order to ensure peace on the european continent, how do you think they might look these concessions on both sides? concessions can be, i think, minimal at this stage, because we have already seen how in may of last year mr. macron came to beijing and to gongzhou and also tried, as it were, to understand what is called to insert some cities to mr. xi jinping, who all one draws his line, and he insists on how after all... the leader now of the global south, indeed, other countries are gathering under him, such as his vassal russia, such as iran, which supports aggression against israel, china, with hamas and other organizations that
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the arab world against israel supports, the democratic people's republic of korea formed such a four-sided. the geopolitical block that will insist on this, now china, will hold on to the last and will demand from the western countries that they will organize a conference in switzerland in june about zelensky's peace formula, to which china very much wants to invite the russian federation, and the west and ukraine in this, for now... they are holding back, because until russia stops its aggression, there is nothing to talk about in switzerland, maybe when on the battlefield, we will have certain successes, and when the position of not only the west, but also the south is consolidated, perhaps even without the participation
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of china, although we very much want china to participate in this conference, then it will be clear what can be proposed to the russian federation ultimatums, i just don't see such levers... to which china would react. well, mr. yaroslav, there are two points here: the other day, the national security adviser to president joseph biden, jake sullivan, said that the key story now is for ukraine with the help of the american help to stabilize the situation on the front line, after that in the 25th year a major counteroffensive from the side of ukraine is possible, and at the same time... let's understand that this swiss summit will take place in june, yes, where they will try to outline, i don't know , to agree on a certain framework, well, and accordingly, how much do you think all the processes on the battlefield will be synchronized, well, because
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most likely, well, based on what jake sullivan said, there will not be any significant progress. so we lost contact with mr. yaroslav voydko, diplomat, expert, internationalist, it is important, we touched on the aspect, we would like to understand it, yes, mr. yaroslav, i hope you heard the question of my colleague antin, please respond, what do you think about this, yes, if you ask my point of view, the swiss conference, even though 160 different countries of the world have been invited to it, and... there is a collection of countries that may come, may not come, it is very important that china actually participates in it, and he is talking about that it is a neutral country, although we can see from our actions that it is is on the side of the russian federation,
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for now, i do not expect breakthroughs at this swiss conference, at the same time, the aid provided to ukraine is 61 billion. dollars, it will come gradually, now , first of all, we need air defense equipment, shells, attacks, which are now provided for by this funding from the american side, indeed, we really hope that ukraine is on the battlefield, even at the time of this conference, it will have some success with this weapon because... what's been going on for the last two months and more, it's clear does not indicate that ukraine can change the situation in any way this year, we really hope that those advisers who
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will appear in the american embassy 60 advisers on defense issues will advise our moyaks and... actually allocate those weapons to in such areas where it is most needed, and i have hopes, not for diplomacy, unfortunately, in the 24th year, for the fact that... our military sweat is ukrainian, it will be able to achieve such results that will be able to keep the country in this year, well at least without major territorial losses, in the 25th, as mr. sullivan hopes, and we all hope with you, there will be a counteroffensive and victory, uh,
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mr. yaroslav, look, the minister for... , that ukraine has the right to strike at military facilities of the russian federation, located not only in temporarily occupied territories, well , hysteria literally began in the kremlin, and they now announced the conduct of exercises, in particular, with the use of tactical nuclear weapons, well, but we understand that in any unclear situation the enemy begins to threaten the use of nuclear weapons, and the key story is how seriously david cameron will be ready to support ukraine when we, so to speak, unseal several russian military facilities. i think that the russians took this situation very seriously. there are reports that this morning in russian. the ambassadors of great britain and france were invited
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. will be provided by the western side on the territory of the aggressor, and france is in favor of the fact that president macron is talking about the possible use, so far theoretically, although someone says that... there are already such foreign soldiers of the french foreign legion in ukraine, and at least france does not object to its military personnel appearing on the territory of ukraine, that is, this is such a démarche on the part of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, and you are right in saying that there will be training by the russian federation with the use of tactical nuclear weapons, at least working out these points, its application. well, each side, so to speak, inflames the situation, we really hope that the same
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china, if it is also mentioned, it can remind russia, as it has already repeatedly said and warned, that russia should not use nuclear weapons in any case weapons, he can, but let's hope that he will just warn the russian federation from the fact that, well... they cannot stop, say, those exercises, but he can prevent russia from the actual use of nuclear weapons in china with your levers, that is, like this, yes, yes, please continue, in short, yes, so it will continue, as diplomatic efforts, the swiss conference, i think it will pass, although it is not necessary to expect any breakthrough solutions for its success. because we have seen somewhere around four preparatory stages for this conference, they took place once only
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with the help of china, and i do not think that there will be a large mass in switzerland in june this year, on the other hand i hope for military power and to the fact that the united states america, even though all their attention will now be diverted to... the election campaign, that they have not left us this year, and mr. biden also talked about this, even at the beginning of this year, realistically, thank you, thank you, mr. yaroslav, unfortunately, we have to go further now, yaroslav voydko, a diplomat, an international expert, was in touch with us, there will be a short pause, after which we will return in just a couple of minutes, wait for us. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on?
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from tsovk and how it helped our resilience in modern warfare, world war ii remembrance day through the prize... history, sociology, politics, culture in our special broadcast. your favorite presenters, extremely interesting guests, respected and respected experts, during the day on espresso. new model memories, new symbolism, new us. may 8, a special espresso project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. poppies of memory, 10 years. christ is risen, this cheerful one. the singing that fills the sky, the earth and the depths of the underworld on this day fills our hearts with joy today. christ is risen, and the demons fall, christ is risen, death is destroyed, christ is risen, and we find the meaning of our suffering, our life, our hope. i congratulate
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you all on that great holiday, let christ will restore all our strength, heal our wounds, gives us victory over our enemy, because christ is risen, truly risen. he is truly risen, well, the information day of the espresso tv channel continues, the second day of the greatest holiday, easter, the day of the resurrection of christ, we celebrate today , monday, but now we are talking about the politics of oleksandr levchenko. diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador in the republic of croatia in 10-17 years in bosnia and herzegovina in 11-17 years. glory to ukraine, mr. ambassador. glory to heroes. greetings from the studio and the audience. christ is risen, mr. ambassador. accordingly, we would also like to ask you about the visit of the leader of the chinese communists.
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we understand that croatia, bosnia and herzegovina are not serbia. well, but relatively speaking, if you take. geographically, i think you have covered and analyzed what is happening in serbia, xi jinping should implement after france his visit to serbia, what do you think to expect, what are xi jinping's interests in serbia, what can they achieve? well, we must admit that china and serbia have very old relations, since the beginning of the 90s, and it must be said that china actively to... helped serbia in the situation of 1999, when nato bombed serbia, so to speak, because of its reluctance. to withdraw his troops from kosovo with the fact that there was an expulsion of almost 2 million people, well , actually, a huge incident happened, exactly
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25 years ago, the chinese embassy was bombed in belgrade, and actually, it was half destroyed, no no no not seen in history diplomacy, this happened at night, but nato apologized, said that it was an accidental misfortune, but everyone understood well that the chinese embassy was a new building, on which modern at that time, late 90s antennas and different ones were very actively built on top. electronics and it seemed too much that with the help of these antennas and data data was transmitted to the general staff for
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the serbian army in order to repel the bombing of nato planes, and it seems that this is how they gave a signal to china, that's what... there is no need to interfere in particular, it is necessary to say that after some time the federal chancellor of germany went to beijing to apologize for this unfortunate incident in quotation marks, but china then remained silent, well, you must understand a historical distance of exactly 25 years, well, in today's history, this could not happen, we simply cannot imagine that somewhere... the chinese embassy was bombed, so this will be an excuse to stop by, and it must be said that serbia traditionally has relations with china
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such close relations, economic, political, you know that serbia is not joining nato, therefore it is oriented in many ways, not only on russia, but also on china, politically and economically. studio. ugh. mr. oleksandr, i wanted to ask you. there are certain such messages from western analysts that the chinese the leader will somehow try to deepen the differences in the western bloc, bearing in mind that this visit to france, serbia and hungary is intended for china and xi jinping to advance their narratives and actually provoke certain differences in the european union itself. do you think that all this should be done by sijin pin within the scope of this visit, yes, if we are talking about hungary, we understand that viktor orban does not hide his anti-ukrainian and
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pro-russian positions, china somehow covertly helps russia, but we understand on the side whose country is he in this war, so in general, do you think it will be possible to sow discord, well, it must be said that if he goes to hungary next, then orbán is going... the only european leader who went to the summit at the end last year, one way, one belt, and in fact, among the leaders of the european union, he was actually the only one of the prime ministers of the countries, he has long shown affection for china, building relations with it, and we noticed that countries that have good relations with russia , usually have good relations with china, this also applies to serbia. this concerns and hungary, as far as france is concerned, this is the reason for 60 years of establishing diplomatic relations, and i think that france is in a certain way the mediator
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of the g7 countries, that is, the big seven and china, regarding, regarding how relations will develop in the future, and obviously macron should have voiced certain theses concerning the politics of france itself. these, but also the politicians of the western world, regarding the vision of ending the war in ukraine, and probably some things to involve china in the process of ending this war, given that beijing has a very serious influence on russia, like no other country of the world, and of course, in this regard , china's policy and its position will be very important, and i think macron. wanted to use this opportunity to convey certain signals that should not be made publicly in zmi, during the meeting of theta tet, that is, in the four
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ook, studio. dear mr. ambassador, well , in a little more than a month , the swiss peace summit will be held, there will be discussed the possible framework of certain, i do not know, visions of our future, in particular , certain, i do not know, joint instruments of pressure on russia will be developed federation and so on and so forth, the russians will most likely not be there, the presence of the chinese is questionable, perhaps as observers, if we talk, for example, about the prospects of this... summit, how it will differ from previous summits, where the g7 countries or the g20 raised a deep concern, so to speak, and formed one or another financial assistance. we understand that now there is a feeling of some fundamentally new diplomatic, perhaps not only diplomatic novelty. well, first of all, there were no peace summits, yes, so this is the first summit, the twenty are going to
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your program. the big seven in their own way, it’s just that the issue of ukraine in the seven is always on the agenda, the twenty is only fleeting somewhere, and that’s why the g7 on ukraine always make some specific decisions based on the situation in ukraine, but the twenty usually do not make a consolidated decision maybe, because china is there, russia is there, and brazil is there, that's why... that's why there is a common position developing there regarding the assessment of russian aggression, regarding the summit in switzerland on june 15-16, we know that switzerland as the venue , the country that the provo on the territory of which the summit is being held, a quite influential country, a neutral, historically country sent invitations to 160 countries of the world, as
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you can see, not all of them were invited, russia was not invited, belarus was not invited, well, actually speaking, the idea of ​​holding the summit is that so that the 10 -point peace formula proposed by kyiv finds confirmation, if not by 10 points, then at least by three or four points, a common position of the countries of the world that want the end of this war based on the norms and principles of international law in force. the system of the united nations organization with the fact that a common position was fixed after the end of the war and uh, how ukraine and these countries that will arrive, it is expected that there will probably be about 100, maybe 120, so that they act as a united front in negotiation process with russia, that is, strictly speaking, the task of this summit, its success, if there is
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some kind of worked out... some kind of joint document that all countries, so to speak, will confirm, that is, some framework position regarding the end of this war, well, if there is not it will work, no, no, we, we understand that already russia has started its destructive steps, it works directly with many countries that are economically dependent on them in order to torpedo the adoption of a joint decision there, well , maybe there will be some... joint statement or declaration and so on, if there are blurred position, it is not excluded that there will be another such summit to specify the position, and then the summit will be held, of course, with the participation of russia, because the war will end without russia, well , that is impossible, extremely attentive messages, we heard there is something to talk about, there is something about to discuss, oleksandr levchenko was in touch with us, an extraordinary diplomat.


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