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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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above all, if there will be some elaborate joint document, some which all countries, so to speak, will confirm, that is, some kind of framework position regarding the end of this war, well, if it does not succeed, no, we, we understand that russia has already started its destructive steps, it works directly with many countries that are economically dependent on them in order to torpedo there when... making a joint decision, well, it is possible that there will be some joint statement or declaration and so on, if there are blurred positions, it is possible , what else will happen one such summit to specify the position, and then the summit, of course, with the participation of russia, because it will end the war without russia, well , that is impossible, extremely important messages, we heard, there is something to talk about, there is something to discuss, oleksandr levchenko an extraordinary diplomat was in touch with us.
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ambassador plenipotentiary in the republic of croatia in the years 10-17 and in bosnia and herzegovina in the years 11-17, we say goodbye to you today, thank you for being with espresso today, without a doubt, without exaggeration great monday our colleagues will continue to work for you. take care, all the best. news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. the russian occupiers are trying to land on the island of nestryga in the mouth of the dnieper. this piece of land was in the gray zone and was recently taken under the control of the ukrainians.
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military, this was reported by the head of the strategic communications center of the southern defense forces, dmytro pletenchuk. according to him, the russians are under the cover of aviation and other means damage, they are trying to approach and attack the island in boats, but they are suffering significant losses, the spokesman emphasized. the russian army also continues to storm the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the krynyk area. this morning , the russians dropped already six cabs. leads. boat, satellite images appeared from the site of the impact of ukrainian intelligence on the russian speed boat. schemes have established the exact location and are publishing satellite images. they show the place of impact near the uzka bay in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea. the photo also shows the damaged pier to which it was attached a moored russian boat. the defense forces blew up the bridge over the siverskyi donets-donbas channel. this means. that
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, unfortunately, there are no ukrainian forces on the other side. the occupiers are trying not only to attack the enemy head-on, but also to advance on the flanks. the line of ukrainian defense is being built in the direction of covering the temporal gap. this was stated by the head of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, ivan tymochko. according to him, the siverskyi donets-donbas canal in itself is a serious obstacle for its assault and movement of enemy forces. president volodymyr zelenskyy submitted draft laws to the verkhovna rada regarding the continuation of martial law and mobilization. this is stated on the website of the parliament. according to the documents, it is proposed to extend martial law and mobilization from may 14 for another 90 days, that is, until august 19, 2024 . it is currently being considered by a committee. i would like to add that the new law on mobilization comes into force on may 18. the ministry
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of foreign affairs of ukraine does not recognize putin's presidency and calls on the world to do the same. this is stated in a statement published on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs. in the document noted that ukraine sees no reason to recognize the head of the kremlin, putin, as the democratically elected and legitimate president of russia. after all , during the so-called elections in the russian federation , the provisions of numerous international documents, which are the basis of modern ones, were violated. system of international relations, in particular, it is about voting in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. they defrauded 273 people of almost uah 3 million, offering work in europe. the kyiv city prosecutor's office reported that it had detained four members of a criminal group. according to the investigation the men created a website that allegedly offered mediation services for the employment of ukrainians. in
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european countries, in fact, there are no opportunities to employ someone, the suspects did not have and did not intend to do so, the participants of the scheme face imprisonment for up to 12 years. a drone attacked a military unit in the tver region of russia. as a result of the impact , a fire broke out there. as russian media reported today, on may 5, a drone attacked a military unit in the city of toropets. after the drone strike on the territory of the unit a fire broke out. there are no previous victims. and i want to remind you about an important one. collection from the espresso tv channel, let's unite as much as possible and close the collection for communication and security equipment needed by the intelligence unit of the 3rd regiment of special operations forces, they choose our independence in hard battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and learn. our
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goal was uah 720,000. with your help, we were able to make the advance payment, and i want to say that we still have to collect. less than uah 5,000, i i am sure that we can do it today, the help of each of us is very important, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, all the details are on the screen, so join the collection. thank you to everyone who informs, you will see the next news release already at 6 p.m., read more, as always, on our website, follow us on social networks and watch. our content on youtube,
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winter two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news and new. sports for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, about... a project for intelligent and caring people in the evening at espresso. greetings to the viewers of the tv channel, with you natalya stareprava and today in our studio a special guest vyacheslav, the head recruiting in the 47th separate mechanized brigade, and we will talk about this process of recruits. vyacheslav, i congratulate you, good day, and i know, and in general
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, we see in society how recruiting is gaining new momentum in recent months, when people become more motivated and choose this recruiting path and apply to recruiting centers, how does this happen process in your team? yes, it's a very important event, actually, because it's a very important communication between the state and the civilians, in order to... to present and understand what the army really is, what war, what are our needs, what are our opportunities, in our case, recruiting looks like this: we first look for our target audience, we understand who exactly our person is, we are looking for that person to whom we know what we can offer, what are the criteria from our side, then we analyze the criteria of this person, asking what exactly he wants, what... needs, having analyzed it, agreed it with
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the commander of the specific unit in which the candidate wants to enter, we are already directly engaged in escorting, escorting is on at every stage, absolutely call the rtcc, agree with the rtcc that our person will come, prepare a written consent, hand it over, our representative starts directly at the rtcc, the supervisor at the stage of registration of the vlc, when the person has registered at the training center, left... then this is already direct escort, every week we call, ask how things are going, how is it going, is it interesting there, is it possible for some time to learn some additional knowledge so that a more competent person comes to his position, we deliver to the part of the center and life begins there within the limits of the part, an equally important component, in fact, is moral and psychological support, many people, i am sure, who themselves... choose the path of recruiting for themselves, they are motivated, but not always, perhaps this motivation corresponds to constructive
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factors, how do you train your soldiers, how do your military prepare candidates, how do you communicate with them, well, first of all, it is clear that people do not have motivation when they do not understand where they are going and what they will do, and they all want to understand, that their lives belong to them and that they will be safe. that is, our task is to teach them, to provide them, and moral support is the truth, it is coordination, it is communication with the command, it is communication with the command directly in the environment, with the unit, and i think that in this process understanding, competence and confidence in so how to move forward. speaking of, shall we say, positions, what inquiries do you currently have from? covered and what combat specialties does your brigade need in particular
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at the moment? frankly speaking, our priority is always the infantry, because we are a mechanized brigade and the priority areas planned were assaults, which we were engaged in, that is why the infantry is our priority, but you must understand that we have a very large body, and it is like a small country within our state, because each assault plane needs at least six people . who provide his livelihood, and these are lawyers, financiers, a cook, this is also included, if we talk about combat positions, then it is not only infantry, there is a machine gunner, a grenade launcher, a shooter, this also includes fpv, because our the company of uavs has literally grown to battalion, vacancies are open, by the way, and this includes escort artillery, this is atgm, this includes repair and restoration, that is, a reminder. has the maximum number of positions, it seems to me that they are possible, and we
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need specialists for all of them, but just recently it became known that the 19th recruiting center of the ukrainian army was opened in ukraine, and when we talked about the record, we said that you are now you are planning to open your first recruiting center in kyiv, correct, is it possible to somehow return through, for example, these ukrainian recruiting centers. to get into your brigade in particular? yes, 100% there are actually many ways and we are currently working on recruitment centers, specifically from the ministry. defense, for example, they are very positive about the fact that we could bring our representative and conduct some kind of interview with the person there, we have already practiced such an approach of a generally informal meeting in order to make the person as comfortable as possible, within certain limits, following the example of my current business trip shared common space, we are looking for some a coffee shop, we just walked around lviv with one
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of the candidates, and it relieves the psychological situation more when a person understands that... she did not come to some place where a bunch of military people will rush her, that she will be stolen now, but will receive a really competent consultation from a serviceman with long experience, and therefore the recruiting center is not a panacea for us, it is like one of the communication tools so that civilians have the opportunity to communicate in comfortable conditions for them and learn more information about the brigade, about the armed forces in... are you there? agitations, for example, for some positions, when requests are already closed, but people still want to get this particular specialty, for others, for closed ones, how in this case do you explain that, for example, no, well, we can’t, in fact, it as in civilian life, there are criteria by which a candidate must pass an interview and get into that other position, but
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the same thing happens in our country, everyone wants a uav very madly, because it's something... new, it's very effective, i hear it, that's cool, there are positions, come, but you need to learn, have some experience, because we have a very powerful mechanism there, for example, when there are no vacancies there in some position, we offer something alternative, related to what suits them, or we keep a person there, he is ready to wait there for a month or two, for example, because they are positions, they are moving, they are. someone gets fired somewhere, someone is transferred, someone tried himself here, he didn’t like it, he wanted to transfer to another department, and we actually contribute to that, that is, we also conduct internal analytics, and in most cases it turns out that people are in the positions they are interested in. in society, we have now started to sound the alarm, because
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before, and now, recruiting caused trust among ukrainians, motivation to join the army. after all, people knew and were sure that they were choosing a brigade for themselves, they know that they will one hundred percent get into the position to which they want or to which they will be directed, however, now we see certain changes, because it is possible to get into the or another brigade for this or that position, only if it one hundred percent falls into the list of recommendations, that is, what i mean, there are cases when a person receives a so-called letter of recommendation, but goes to the tcc, he is refused, because there is no one or another brigade in this... list, because requests need to be closed somewhere else, what to do in such cases? and this is quite, i think it's an obvious situation, it's not a recent story, it really exists, and i think it 's right, it's right, because there is a priority, a priority, how we must hold our front line, which brigades are we, which are really effective
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, because our common war, our common task is to win this war after all and... that's why the command selects, well , prioritizes those brigades that need people in the first place, that's why these are combat brigades in the first place, you have to choose for yourself the one that dominates more, this does not mean that if we are there signed up, we're all going to war, then tomorrow we're an attack aircraft, no, as i said, for one attack aircraft, there are six or seven rear personnel of some kind of specialties that will provide it, so... nevertheless, we need to focus on that , that it is unlikely to be possible to say that i will go to help the country, go to serve and sit somewhere in the rear as a cook there under the border in poland, no, we now really have a priority on combat positions, and therefore we are moving to provide them, but this tool, which is being worked on, it
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guarantees that if you applied to the brigade yourself, the brigade carried out recruiting work with you . she leads you through rtc, you will definitely get into this brigade, you will definitely get into this position, and no one will steal you there on the way, this chaos that used to be, it is actually now neutralized, that is, there is a clear tool for choosing a position for yourself, who likes to get to her, although we see behind different stories of people that it doesn't always work, but look, there is a directive, too few people know about it, and in fact the executive. also, our apparatus is not all, unfortunately, knows this, there is a directive from the general staff of february 22, which obliges the rtcc and training centers to send the selected person to recruits. precisely to that part and precisely to that position, with which she applied already under the condition that the part is a priority and for replenishment, and the second is that
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the person entered the rtcc on her own with a relationship. in this case, there is a specific order which obligates we have had cases when a person did not go according to plan, somewhere they forgot to submit, it is not known in what framework, whether it is the rtcc or the training center, to the distribution. maybe they didn't hit, and the person went where he shouldn't. we contacted the general staff, we said: good afternoon, your directive, our situation, help, please, and every time we got a person back home, so to speak. is it possible to get into this or that particular brigade after a person has received a summons? ah, yes, well, in most cases, so, what is important to understand, i think that the government is now more... much more supportive than at the beginning, at the beginning we all did not understand how it would work and what we were supposed to do, so it was very chaotic, now he sees that the situation is not easy and that we are the kind of people who will not
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give up just like that, yes, we need specifics, we need an understanding of how we will enter, where we will end up, and here are these specifics, this is assistance from the authorities, it right now it is, that's why with adequate communication directly with a representative from... rtc representatives are there on the spot, and they contribute to the fact that they offer which teams in the assembly centers themselves, and the assembly centers, there are recruiting centers, when people come there, or they are brought there, they communicate, receive information on different teams, different directions , personally spoke with representatives of these recruiting internal ee centers and... and well , it works, it works, or if we are talking about recruiting and mobilization, when a person receives a summons, which is actually, is there this
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advantage in recruiting, is it really person who does she go voluntarily, is she more motivated, or is this still a stereotype? the essence of motivation, i say, it increases a lot when a person understands what he can get, what his pains he can cover, what his problems, problems, requests he can... solve, because the army is not just about some there is shooting, it is actually a very interesting organism, where you can realize yourself, just as in civilian life in some profession, as well as in the army, and in the army, well, it is a different psychological world, it is a different communication, internal, it is more high-quality, builds up faster with people, in fact, there are many moments that are very interesting, people do not know about it, and i think our problem is that they are just missing. communication, explanation, and that is why we, for example, involve businesses in recruiting, first of all it is marketing,
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marketing that separates where is our target audience, who are they, what are you, what do we want to tell them, what is the message, so that we, for example, do not hire everyone in a row, it is important for us that our people are convinced that we have personnel, they are motivated, they are trained so that people who perform combat tasks were confident in their comrades... with whom they are going, and for that we need to find those people, that person who will meet our requirements , including, and whom we can interest and come to to fill out some position, marketing contributes to this, marketing is something that was not done in the army, just like recruiting, so we think it is a good example of how today the military world is becoming more modern from the business side, we really need this in order to ... we won laina not with a small soviet army, but with a large soviet one the army, already a modern technological, psychological, managerial approach, and it
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really works, a conscript who enters the army, either by summons or voluntarily, one way or another seeks to receive these guarantees, guarantees about what is conditionally will not violate his dignity, the fact that he will perform the work, but... which he either wanted, or actually, well, he was given, but it will all take place, well, in human conditions, in your opinion, are there any such violations in the army, which generally needs changes today the ukrainian army, this is a very difficult issue, a very difficult issue in the sense that we have an army, it was not strong before the start of the war, and we are gaining this experience, we are developing, we are all learning. we make mistakes, we learn from these mistakes, and accordingly we develop, there is a tendency, of course, there may still be some, so to speak, army, saldophon, etc., but
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what is important to understand is culture, values, they change, because we see that it is not effective, and especially the example of our brigade, it was created precisely on the basis to show that in the modern world it is possible to win a war not only with the old soviet methods, let's try something modern, a modern approach, psychological, technological, and that's what we're working on, talking about the values ​​of your brigade, what are they, well, first of all ... the life of every soldier is important to us, that is why we contribute to the maximum support psychologically, materially, that is why we develop as an organism, very actively, and this is evident to us, the command helps us in this, eh, these are the principles, i think, of great motivation, dignity , values, and a lot of care and work.
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work on yourself, there are also stories in the army when, for example, they are transferred from another, from one specialty to another, for example, the same operators, drone operators or gunners get into attack aircraft, that is, how does this happen and is there any advice on this? in fact, in most cases such cases occur purely on voluntary basis, i do not personally know such cases. in that a person there did not want to go to some cook and tomorrow they would be sent to stormtroopers. i understand that such a thing can, in principle, be somewhere in the army, i i understand why, a critical situation has arisen, we need to strengthen the infantry there, i cannot answer whether this is an effective humane approach, eh, but nevertheless, i know that we work more to find a person,
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study and put him on the ... the position, so that she is competent there, because if a person studied for drones, she did her job well, worked there, we are a foot soldier, he is an ineffective income earner, so since our value is the life of our people, we are such we don't do it, at the beginning i also mentioned that in general there is already the 19th the recruiting center of the ukrainian army, but they also contain units and in general several military groups, do you know what this number is in general... units are independently engaged in recruiting centers? well, i’ll be honest, i didn’t conduct an analysis of the entire recruiting market, and i analyzed the teams that are most interesting there, which give results, and almost all of them have recruiting centers, which i think is very good, very cool. and i believe that everyone should strive for that, or at least like me
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said, the recruiting center is... not so much more than that, uh, to give this communication, you need to work on communication in principle, that is , the recruiting center is only a tool for communicating with people and conveying information to them, so saying about this communication, according to sociological surveys, a large percentage are ready to join the armed forces of ukraine, but they are frightened by the uncertainty of where they will serve, this was also said, as i have already mentioned. this guarantee, and whether their profession will be taken into account in civilian life? 100% and how to improve this process? 100%, this is just about the fact that we talk to a person and ask what he wants, who he was in civilian life, what are his strong skills, and according to his skills we select a candidate for him, it cannot be that a person just wanted something, but she doesn't meet the requirements, then we can't hire her for such a position, so
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from... accordingly, how to meet these skills, is to train, prepare, be ready for work, directly, each a person comes without military training, basic general military training, but we have a very powerful training center within ukraine, if you go for contract service, then it’s a trip abroad, it’s generally very cool, and with this bzvp, well, the candidate... gets a very strong skills, directly to which he already goes to a further position, he either undergoes an additional professional specialty, well , he receives training, or directly he comes to the part and our instructors, our specialists teach there, respectively, as i said, there are arrival in part of the period coordination, where we also check what the person has learned with the team, and in the process we have field trips.


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