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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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at the beginning of the year, that is, when few people talked about the shortage of ammunition, and it was then that ryne heard, well, he felt that ammunition production should be bought, and the fact is that expal is developing ammunition, it is officially stated that it has a range there of 60 or 80 km, depending on the version, it is quite possible that and if we are talking about prototypes, then they have reached the indicator of 100 km. and in contrast to, for example, a projectile such as the ramg 155 mentioned there, which has a rather complex, properly jet-propelled engine, or, for example, a project from leonardo, that is, where german diehl also participates, then very complex aerodynamic shapes are used there, as well as accelerators, then the spanish expal decided to combine already existing things that are well known. but to achieve at the expense of
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a new approach and a combination of other technical solutions, new indicators. the fact is that the traditional bolt for increasing the range of an artillery projectile is the so-called active-reactive principle, when the projectile is equipped with a small solid-fuel jet engine, it is reported that it will used and will also add an added gas generator that allows for reduction. atmospheric fluctuations, turbulence behind the projectile during its flight, which also positively affects the range, how exactly they will be combined, how exactly they will look, there is no information yet, but the most important thing is that these developments make it possible to turn standard 155 mm ammunition into extremely long-range, and one would like to hope that it is precisely this direction of the company's work that we are talking about. exactly which
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is included in rerain metal and for which reign metal may well say that it will supply prototypes of such ammunition. in the end, ukraine became a very convenient testing ground, and with regard to the prototypes, it should even be mentioned that great britain is ready to send its combat laser dragonfire, against the background of the choke correction of artillery ammunition, even if it is extremely new, it definitely looks like a completely pragmatic solution that will simply prove their realness combat effectiveness. well, while britain... is preparing to send combat lasers, the russian federation is now experimenting with superstructures, above tanks, and such a king of barns, we saw a tank literally today, yesterday on video, i would like you to comment on what theoretical and practical conclusions should be drawn from these innovations that the russian federation is currently practicing on the basis of the conditional modernization of its tanks , a video about which we will now show. yes, we are talking about the fact that this is no longer... the sample is far from the first,
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in my memory it is already the eighth or ninth, which is built according to standard patterns, when the tank itself is taken, and in a circle it it is sheathed with such metal sheets, in this particular case they are also reinforced with some kind of metal nets, usually a complex of radio-electronic warfare and minneutral is also installed on top, in this case it is roller-bladed, knife trawls were used for this. in this way , the car must have a fairly high mine capability, i.e. anti-mine, i.e. it is such a weapon that is damaged, it simply causes a premature detonation, well, a mine, and clears the way for the tank further, at the same time, this is a construction made of metal sheets, it allows you to actually protect the tank itself from fpv drones and only from them, the fact is that the combat part of the fpv drone is usually. we
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are talking about a grenade from a shot to an rp-7, it is cumulative, and in order for it to effectively hit a tank, so that it loses its tamchi, well, for example, a move, in order to damage it and make it immobile, it is necessary to achieve several hits and hit not just the tank itself, but a specific one there, for example, the motor-transmission department, in the case of such a design, do it with a semi-drone already... already difficult, objectively very difficult, and at the same time such a design does not protect in any way from a full-fledged anti-tank defense, which should consist not only of fpv drones, it is a full-fledged anti-tank defense, it consists starting from engineering barriers, the same anti-tank hollows, ditches, anti-tank mines, anti-tank missile complexes, the tank reserve is mobile, after all, semi-drones are...
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it should only be in reserve, if only as an additional element, on which drones it is very dangerous to create the entire anti-tank defense, at the same time due to delays in aid of ukraine. , due to the fact that the usa actually provided it since the beginning of the year, created a certain deficiency in the anti-tank capabilities of ukraine and in some areas, in particular, there is a rather eloquent video using such a structure as the sirai tank in the settlement of krasnohorivka, where this the tank just travels 3.5 km in one direction and returns, undamaged, and for this whole, for this whole time, for this whole route, while there throughout the inhabited area. drove, the artillery worked on it once, when he stopped by the second time, where i left, so now, mr. auger, thank you very much for the explanation, in any case, we understand that we can fight this new defense of the russians with anti-tank defense and more artillery, we hope that our soldiers will have it and
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is already on the front line. let me remind you that it was oleg katkov, military expert, editor-in-chief of defense express. these were the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news later on the big air. slams, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. i am very grateful to serhiy zgorets, and i thank his guest for this important and interesting conversation. we will continue and now we will talk about the situation in sumy oblast. the enemy this night delivered a powerful blow to the energy and civil infrastructure of the sumy oblast, causing quite serious damage. the situation with the supply of electricity in the region is quite difficult, and even as of now, well, the enemy has done other evil, we will talk about all this with andriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences, mrs. andriana, congratulations, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glad see and hear
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well, actually, let's start with the night attack and precisely with the fact that the enemy struck the energy infrastructure, 400 thousand borders. remained without electricity, well, as of today, this was the information, maybe something has already changed, and local residents were also urged to save electricity at least during peak hours, it is already known why the enemy struck, please tell us how serious the damage is and what, what negative consequences it will have, first of all, for the population, for security industry, in general for the region, so actually i would say that it is... such an unprecedented attack on the energy system of our region, the sumy region, the attack was carried out by the shahed, in fact three districts, quite large such districts of our region, sumy, romansky and okhtyrsky, suffered, and as of the morning of this day, in
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the official, in the official information it was reported that 90 more than 90 settlements remained without voltage, and also significant. part of the regional center remained without water supply during today, it is gradually being restored, but significant such organizations, in particular educational institutions, in particular medical institutions, so somewhere they switched to a backup supply of electricity and water supply, and somewhere actually, well... they could not work to the full extent, in particular in the regional center significantly part of the organizations, well, they worked remotely today at home. in fact, the main, main such strike was aimed at first intimidating the local
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population, because we see that during this past week , fakes were launched en masse in the sumy region in public on social networks about a possible outbreak. about the possible occupation, the possible occupation of a certain territory of the region, and in fact, along with such information attacks, information attacks that work to exhaust, the enemy is also trying to physically exhaust people, because a large part of the population, in fact, could not rest normally today , sleep, spent the night in shelters, spent in safe such... places at home, that is in fact, the enemy is trying to physically and morally exhaust the residents of sumy oblast, is trying to hit the critically important infrastructure, hit the economy, because actually those organizations that may
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have switched, or enterprises that may have switched to backup e-e energy supply, so they are still forced to work in such an economical format and... this will, of course, additionally put a blow on the economic capabilities of those organizations that remain today and on those businesses that remain operating in the region today. we... see that the enemy is doing in kharkiv, in the kharkiv region, where people have to cook, eat in the open air, use fire and so on, it is clear that the situation is very difficult, and actually this is an attempt to depopulate and actually kill life in an individual place, in a separate region, especially if we are talking about the borderlands, we do not see an offensive yet, god forbid that there should not be one, but this preparation is also for magnetizing the situation. intimidation of the population, attempts to displace it as far as possible from those territories that
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the enemy may be planning to attack in the future, i absolutely agree with this, what is the prospect for recovery, recovery, i understand that you will not be directly involved in this, and there are people who are sitting now, thinking, what is going on to connect, where to change, where it is possible to replace some parts in order for it to work, in principle, what they say, how will the region continue to live, well, except for this statement , which is mandatory in this situation, what... let's save electricity, at least in peak hours, this is the same as we heard in kharkiv, well in addition, what information messages are given, if they are given by the local authorities , perhaps local communication channels, please, what we as scientists observe, firstly, for two years work is systematically carried out to secure critical infrastructure and in in terms of physical security, that is, a certain part. well, through anti-aircraft defense systems,
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individual objects of the critical infrastructure of the energy system are secured through air defense systems, on the other hand, enterprises are switching to autonomous power supply, that is, we are now noticing that a large part of businesses, a large part of the organization of institutions, educational institutions, including universities, which are in... sumy , in the sumy region, yes, they are trying to provide themselves with generators, to provide themselves with alternative sources of energy, to provide themselves with access to autonomy, to to water supply and so on. on the other hand, such an information campaign is really being carried out regarding a thrifty attitude to energy carriers, to energy, to water, and it is actually very important, especially at peak times. peak moments period, so that the population understood, each person
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understood his own responsibility for how responsible i am with the use of electrical appliances, the use of water, and the third important point, this is still a rearrangement, well, this process takes much longer, and it requires certain and strategic tasks and such... solutions, and it requires significant resources, this is the rearrangement of critical infrastructure, from the system that used to be in the sumy region, we know that the region is actually on the border, we are a significant period of time had very close relations not with the next-door neighbor, so i mean the business structure, and somewhere the energy system. logistics routes east to russia were tied up, and in fact this
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work has partially begun since the 14th year, but in the last two years, the rearrangement of electricity supply systems and so on is being carried out, but again i want to say that these are steps for the future. well, we couldn't ignore it, today there was another tragic story, in fact, you know, when a person dies - it's a tragedy, when the museum is dying - this is also a cultural tragedy, but this is a museum, maybe not of national importance, but of regional importance, the business card of velika pyserivka, the enemy struck today, i don't know if it was a bullet or a projectile, destroyed the museum of borscht and lard in the village a great writing, it was discovered at one time by a local enthusiast, desperate oleksiy skorkin, and now you see what remains of the building in which it was located. zey borscht and lard, well, if there is an opportunity, we can show what was there before that, well, i think we are now
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we will show it in the video, and you know, a lot has already been destroyed by the enemy, well, this is how it looked, and it was really unique, such a regional highlight, to a certain extent, cultural, ethnographic, well, unfortunately, it was all destroyed, i just ask for a few words to say, because in fact these are iconic things that, you know, little by little, but destroy this uniqueness of ukraine, and most importantly this regional uniqueness, it happens very often. and ms. adriano, the sound is just a little lost, i hope you can hear me now, actually, here are examples of such attacks, perhaps, it really is not a museum and not a national value, but ukraine is unique in that we value culture in its various
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manifestations, at the local level, when a person simply... knows how to decorate his own house with his own hands, then actually involve the local population in other neighboring communities of the population so that they either benefit from this, or exchange certain experience, at the national or regional level, that is, in fact, this is yet another proof that russia is not just fighting against our statehood, it is fighting against ukrainian identity, against ukrainian culture, and is at war with... the free population, destroying small towns, schools, destroying small museums that are made by people, simply and scaled, perhaps to the level of their community in order to show their own personal interests , one's passion, in fact, there is
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really such a cultural, cultural physical birthing of the identity of ukrainians. what distinguishes us is what we can once again prove, what distinguishes us from the country of terrorists, from the people who do not value their own and do not, and accordingly treat others, thank you very much, ms. adriana, andriana kostenko was with us, a doctor of political sciences from sumy oblast, about the consequences of the enemy attack on sumy oblast, especially the energy infrastructure, well , we will still mention this museum of lard today, but a little later, now to ... we will bring in a guest with whom we will talk about the political situation, there are many important topics that are significant and definitely worth discussing, igor chelenko, head of the center for analysis and strategy, mr. igor, i congratulate you, congratulations, good evening, let's get started from the european tour the leader of the people's republic of china, sizin ping, and tell me, please, if we should
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expect anything for ukraine, first of all, from this visit and what he went for. mainly for the conversation before the european union xi jinping? in my opinion, xi jinping went, roughly speaking, to trade his geopolitical influence on moscow in order to restore china's economic, precisely power, in bilateral trade with the european union. that is, we understand that now... precisely the topic of ukraine was one of the main ones at the time negotiations and meetings with macron and ursula funderlajen. and i would like to draw your attention to the fact that macron really played the role of such a respectful host, but ursula fonderlein, on the contrary , pointed out to sydney pinya that if he wants
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trade, he can even screw up his own exports a little. to the european union in the matter of electric cars or the same steel, and it is obvious that there is no single line in the eu regarding relations with china, but everything is the same. xi jinping is now obviously showing that he can influence the russian federation, i think , what will play the theme of the truce during the olympics in paris, this is macron's idea that from the middle of july there until the first half of august , a truce will be announced, but again , the russian federation has already said before that there will be no truce she is not going to go, that is why now this visit of sizenpinna to france, then we know that serbia will be there, and hungary will be there, respectively, plus, of course, china now wants,
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well, to make such a signal that the united states... is now losing its presence in european part of the world and accordingly such in this way, let's say that china is getting stronger as the other pole in the bipolar world, and by the way, i have already heard a conversation about how china will now buy the energy resources of the russian federation, it is primarily about gas there, but also about oil, actually russia will sell everything this is a... loss for itself, plus there are problems with logistics, because here is this leading power of siberia, there, well, in a word, china now has such... profit from russia and put it with this war in ukraine, which putin resolved such a position that he has only profit. well, but in in any case, i think it has been conveyed to
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the leader of the people's republic of china that all these profits can be reduced significantly if certain sanctions are imposed by china's main partners, which are the european union and the united states of america. well, ursula fondelein clearly said that sidney pin should use all his influence on putin. can it be used... is it not possible to ask this question differently, and tomorrow, but let’s not talk about putin now, let’s talk about the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, russia has declared a wanted chapter of our state, in addition to him, petro poroshenko, pavlyuk, koval, today they also announced wanted ex-minister of internal affairs arsen avakov, ex-minister of foreign affairs pavlo klimkin, ex-minister, in my opinion , of information policy, lawyer, as well as oleksiy danilov. forces are wanted, well, there is such a large number of ex-officials, but also active politicians, why did they declare the president of ukraine volodymyr
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zelenskyi wanted, what is the main reason, well, it was not done in order to do it? we must understand that this step is from the russian side ministry of internal affairs, it is aimed at fueling this topic about fasting. the maidan government, and we know that russia in its propaganda now puts an equal sign between zelenskyi and poroshenko, that that's all, there was supposedly a coup in the 14th year, and it actually continued, that is, now these arrest warrants are just right and aimed at showing the alleged illegitimacy not of zelenskyi alone, but of... this government since the 14th year in ukraine, that is , it will be now, well, obviously fueled by some statements of putin, tomorrow, respectively, during
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in his inaugural speech, he will say something in addition, that actually arguing for such actions, pay attention, as piskov commented, that acting in this way is the prerogative of their investigative bodies there. and so on, that is , in fact, russia is now trying to show in this way that they have their own jurisdiction over almost all of ukraine, which is completely absurd, but again, it completely fits into the framework of their plans to intensify the offensive at the end of may, at the beginning june, that is, they are now pumping up their own society and explaining why they should do it this new offensive, now these arrest warrants have been issued, well, plus the topic has been thrown in again... nato troops in ukraine is a continuation of the topic that they are not allegedly fighting with the ukrainian people, but that they are fighting with nato mercenaries here , and that is why we
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see such actions, to ask about the fact that tomorrow in russia, well, yuri fisel will talk more about this, but here precisely from a political point of view, and tomorrow in russia they should re-appoint putin as putin, i read an interesting idea today , in my opinion, in boberen. who said that on russia should introduce such a position as putin, that's how there was caesar and after that everyone became caesarems, caesar, kaiser, tsar, and, caesar, is the proper name of the dictator of the roman empire and tyrant, but it became like, it began to be called his own rulers, but i think that in russia it is time to call all rulers putins, here is medvedev, ex-putin, putin is putin, the next putin will be the next putin, well, let's call it patershev conditionally or not. some, but in any case, tomorrow putin will be reappointed to the position, it is called the inauguration in them, and the european countries do not recognize, do not send their
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representatives to this event, which will take place, how will the world continue to live and contact a person whom they do not recognize, and by the way, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine also does not recognize putin as the winner of the election, which in fact did not take place , because even according to the estimates of the russian opposition, which is quite loyal to putin, and, let's say, the maximum he could get is 30 percent, this is according to the most optimistic scenarios, it is realistic that this putin in this russia has now got 30 percent , plus he removed that hopeful candidate, who could actually give him real competition, how to live with this? it is clear that russia has completely slipped into a dictatorship and received a black label. not only from the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, but from the european parliament with relevant resolutions, if we remember from the 14th year, whatever elections were held, they were not
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recognized. detection in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, which is absolutely fair, now a political assessment is underway and is being scaled to the entire territory of the russian federation, recognizing that these so-called elections were completely unfree and undemocratic, therefore it is simply a question of the russian federation slipping away, this club of autocracies, it is clear that the ties are completely broken. with the west, well, the only thing is that we still have mediators, and it’s not for nothing, the same one, for example, orbán from hungary, who congratulated putin on his victory, or, for example, the pope of rome congratulated, that is, these are just such persons who defined for themselves the role of mediators between the civilized west and the autocratic russian federation, therefore...
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in this situation it is clear that certain contacts will be, but rfitko showed that this is simply a path to the decline of civilization, and as long as they have putin, whether it will be volodymyr volodymyrovych, or volodymyr vasylovicha there, or someone else will be appointed, you know, there is only a part of the joke in your joke, because do you remember, the same piskov, he said that they need putin, maybe not others or something else, but they... riben putin, it is quite possible that they will even be formatted like that somewhere, and the successor will completely parody the current one the head of the kremlin, but it is clear whether he is a dictator or not dictator, but the first is responsibility, he must bear full responsibility for those crimes, and secondly, this is a question of a further change of power, and now it is necessary to strengthen as much as possible the forces capable of overthrowing putin, it is obvious that these are
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inter-ethnic issues , which are taking place, is the support of russian volunteers who oppose the putin regime, i do not believe in good russian today, which in europe are actually competing for the next grants, but we must look at those points that will bring an end to the current kryvli regime, and very briefly, we have literally one and a half minutes, but i cannot help but ask denys shmehal, the prime minister of ukraine, expressed such restrained optimism about the fact that ukraine. will be able to receive an invitation to join the north atlantic alliance already in washington in the summer of this year, after the visit of jens stotenberg, for some reason such words did not sound, they were somewhat different, as they say, summaries after the visit, please, i think that our prime minister - the minister, he voiced the maximum plan and our common desire to become members of the alliance, but really in the alliance from... no
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the decision is made by consensus, yes, there are countries that directly speak out, it is hungary, it is slovakia, they oppose ukraine's membership in nato, there are stakeholders, the same germany and the united states, and therefore we need to continue our diplomatic work here, and if we do not even get appropriate invitation, we should get something clear, practical in return, maybe this is stoltenberg's idea should be implemented about 100 billion. dollars of aid for 5 years, possibly an ally, the main us ally outside of nato, and the signing of a corresponding security agreement agreement, but all the same, we need to strengthen cooperation with the member countries of the alliance. thank you very much for your comments, thank you for joining our conversation, ihor chelenko, head of the analysis and strategy center, was in touch with us, and in a moment i will tell you in detail about the most important news, as of this hour.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, well, the second hour of the great ter begins, and a lot of interesting and important information awaits you yuriy fizar, world about ukraine, money during the war with oleksandr morchivka, sports news with yevhen pastukhov, and also the weather from natalka didenko, will the cold weather come to ukraine, well, it is already a little bit like that ... but where exactly and to what extent you will find out, well, now let's talk about what happened. four residents of kherson have already been injured by enemy shelling since the beginning of this day, and the dniprovskyi and ship districts of the city have been targeted. oleksandr prokudyan, the head of the region, informed about this, a 44-year-old woman was hit at the bus station and was hospitalized with explosive and shrapnel injuries. two more 48-year-old and 51-year-old men
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were also on the street at the time of the shelling, now they are both accounted for.


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