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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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good evening, we are from ukraine! well, the second hour of the big ter starts and a lot of interesting and important information awaits you yuriy fizar, the world about ukraine, money during the war with oleksandr morchivka, sports news with yevhen pastukhov, and also the weather from natalka didenko, will the cold weather come to ukraine, well, it actually came a little like that, but you will find out exactly where and to what extent. well, now let's talk about what happened. already four residents of kherson were injured due to enemy shelling from the beginning that day, the dniprovskyi and ship districts of the city came under the crosshairs. the head of the region, oleksandr prokudin, informed about this, a 44-year-old woman was hit at the bus station and was hospitalized with explosive and shrapnel injuries. two more men, 48 and 51 years old , were also on the street at the time of the shooting, and now both are in the hospital.
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the hospital is in a moderate condition, we wish the victims a speedy recovery. submarine, satellite images appeared from the site of the impact of ukrainian intelligence on the speed boat of the russian federation, the schemes established the exact location and publish satellite images. they show the place of impact near a narrow bay on the territory of the crimean peninsula temporarily occupied by russia. it is also visible in the photo. the pier to which the russian boat was moored. here the key word, which is very pleasant for us, was a big thank you to the defense forces for continuing to destroy the russian fleet. the russian occupiers are trying to land on the island of nestryga in the mouth of the dnieper. this patch of land was in the gray zone and was recently taken under the control of the ukrainian military. it was reported head of the execution center.
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according to dmytro pletenchuk, chief of communications of the defense forces of the south, the russians, under the cover of aviation and other means of attack, are trying to approach and invade the territory of the island by boat. however, they are suffering significant losses, the spokesman emphasized, the army of the russian federation also continues to storm the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the krynyk area. this morning, the russians have already dropped six guided aerial bombs. well, the defense forces blew up the bridge across the siverskyi donets-donbas channel. it means that on the other side unfortunately, there are no ukrainian forces anymore. the invaders are trying not only to attack chasiv head-on, but also to advance on the flanks. the line of ukrainian defense is being built in the direction of covering the temporal gap. this was stated by the head of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, ivan tymochko. according to him, the siverskoye donets donbas channel itself is a serious obstacle to its assault and displacement. enemy forces and in
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avdiivka, temporarily captured by the enemy, the russians are engaged in their usual business. they are looting this time the destroyed one coke-chemical plant and take out scrap metal to the port of mariupol, also previously occupied by the enemy. this is reported by the center of national resistance. the profit from the delivery of scrap metal from the zavdiiv coke plant is received by laying companies. the traitor and collaborator denys pushylin, he is there, he is still alive, and all that the so-called liberators did, they cynically installed only a venerable cross in the completely destroyed city. see, get motivated, get involved, under this slogan , an exhibition devoted to blood donation was opened at the capital's central bus station. exposition includes 12 portraits of people of different ages.
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professions that are not familiar with each other, they are united by one thing, the desire to share blood and help people. the photo project about donation takes place within the framework of the rozkvitay campaign, also today visitors to the exhibition will be able to find out their blood type. you can see the pictures and read the stories of the donors until may 15, so if you are in kyiv, visit. everyone can choose an example for donation from this exhibition. there is, let's say, maria's student, who just recently turned 18 and started donating for the first time, there are people who persistently sought to become donors, and despite the fact that they were turned away and turned away, they still persistently came and returned to donation and now already have the status of merited, that is, there is a very wide range of people, each of the stories is very inspiring, donation is one of the methods , well, let's say... that's why each person does what he
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wants, what he knows, what he likes, and i hope that the same, the same donation. any, it will save at least three lives. serhii, a veteran of the armed forces of ukraine, on a prosthesis from kyiv to boryspil hrabko, who lost a leg in the war, started a one-day marathon on foot, brother for brother. in this way, the defender collects funds for the treatment of military man oleksandr natochy. since last september, the father of three children has been undergoing treatment after several serious operations. the treatment will cost uah 600, so we call on our viewers to support the collection for the recovery of the warrior, you can now see a qr code that you can go to and donate the necessary funds, plus, if you watch us on youtube, or you have a multi functional plasma, you can just
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rewind this moment a little, or take a screenshot to keep this qr code for yourself, we kept it on the screen for a while, and make this important donation, help a person who actually gave his... health i believe that they will be able to restore him in the fight for our freedom and for our lives, so the props from the kolo charity fund, you are now seeing on the screen, i say once again, please join and support the warrior. i really hope that oleksandr will return to a full life, will be repeated again, because individual work with such wounded, individually, is worth a lot, it... it is necessary to bring a person back to full life, and this is what rehabilitators do individually. they defrauded 273 people of almost uah 3 million, offering work in europe. the kyiv
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city prosecutor's office reported that it had detained four members of a criminal group. according to the investigation, the men created a website that allegedly offered employment brokerage services. ukrainians in countries of europe, in fact , the suspects did not have any opportunities to get a job, or to get someone to get a job, and did not intend to do so in principle. participants of the scheme face imprisonment for up to 12 years. and another irreparable loss: ukrainian weightlifter oleksandr pelishenko died at the front. he is a two-time european champion and a participant of the 2016 olympic games in rio de janeiro, and from the first days of the great war , the man led the ukrainian ranks, replenished the ranks of the ukrainian army, he was only 30 years old, he noted that from the beginning full-scale invasion, russian
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terrorists have already killed more than 400 of our athletes, eternal and bright memory of the hero. they have been waiting for the return for 33 years, the religious community of the roman catholic church has not received the legal ownership of the church of st. nicholas, the ministry of culture and information policy of ukraine had to hand it over by may 1 of this year, however , the church still belongs to the parish. our journalists know exactly what the problem is and what the catch is, they will tell you more. there are keys, but no rights. may 1 religious community the roman catholic church was to acquire the church of st. nicholas, even after the declaration of independence of ukraine , believers were promised right in front of the church door that it would be returned to the parish very soon, the president also promised, president kuchma
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personally blessed saint john paul ii, who was in this church , that the church is already being handed over, even our president zelensky in 2020. this year personally wrote a letter to pope francis that the church is already being returned, but as we can see, unfortunately, this has not happened yet. official name the church is a house of organ music, because of this the institution is subordinate to the ministry of culture and information policy. in june 2022, the ministry of culture and the parish signed a memorandum according to which the church was to be handed over to the religious community. however, may 1. liturgy of believers for the return of the temple, representatives of the ministry of culture did not appear. a month ago, they sent a request to the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, which obliged the ministry of culture to return the church to the parish no later than may 1, 2024, with a request
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to designate persons responsible for the preparation of this event, but we still haven't received a response. on the 3rd of 2021 , a fire broke out in the church of st. nicholas, and then the organ suffered the most. the fire forced the house of organ music and the parish into the street, but the faithful still celebrated. outdoor services under the temple. after the russian full-scale invasion, the parishioners were finally given the keys to the building, only without documents. from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, when kyiv, many people left, we stayed in this building, and the keys remained with us after 84 years, when they were elsewhere in the state, here was an archive, here was a warehouse, and during the last 40 years , a music house, an organ hall, and we still have
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only the keys and no documents. due to the fire, the general condition of the building deteriorated significantly, the parishioners cleaned the walls of the fungus with their own efforts. according to the abbot , the repair crews simply hid it with slabs in order to report on emergency work. believers have already developed a plan for restoration works, in order to make it real. you need an official handover of the building. more than 600 were poured on the walls of the church 000 l of water. we can also see the consequences of this in the cracked columns and walls of the temple, but first of all there was a terrible flu here, because these 6,000 liters of water penetrated into the basement , where the ventilation did not work. year the church of st. nicholas was built by roman catholics. we are fighting for justice
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, and this justice is already promised for the first time, and simply so that what will be built is a church built, so that it will be a church. on august 24, ukraine will celebrate its 33rd independence day. roman catholic the religious community hopes that by this time the church will already belong to the parish. tetyana golonova, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. well, we continue, and now it's time to talk about what happened outside the borders of our state. yuri fizer is already with me. yury, good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today. the rubric "world about ukraine" breaks into the broadcast of the tv channel. after the weekend news, i will try to tell you everything today. in particular, about this. weapons for ukraine should be made in ukraine, he says. borel, the main european diplomat in ukraine, needs to be helped to win, this was said in the congress
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of the united states of america, but russia is preparing large-scale sabotage in the west, about this and other things in a moment in the column world about ukraine. well, i'll start with the main news of the last few hours. rigi kogu - this is the parliament of estonia passed. a decision that condemns the activities of the moscow patriarchate due to its justification and support of the aggressive war in ukraine, and also announces the moscow patriarchate is an institution that supports the military aggression of the russian federation. rigi kogu clearly emphasizes that this concerns the moscow patriarchate as an institution and a governing body, and not people who receive and adhere to the tradition of orthodoxy. voted yes in the highest legislative body of estonia for 75
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deputies, there were eight who voted against. it would be interesting to hear those eight, and how they motivate their vote against recognizing the russian patriarchate, well, if not a terrorist organization, then at least as announced here, as an organization that supports and justifies russian aggression. russian aggression against ukraine, well, they see well that this is so, why did they vote against it, but the decision was adopted by 70-75 deputies in favor, so tanantei dvaga, thank you very much in estonian to our estonian friends, well , let's move on, we we hope that peace and stability will soon return to europe and we intend to work with france and the entire international community to find ways to resolve it. the crisis that is now on territories of the european continent. chinese leader xi jinping said this today
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during a meeting with french president emmanuel macron in paris, where he arrived on a two-day state visit. the leader of the celestial empire emphasized that he understands the problems that the war in ukraine creates for europeans, but china, says xi jinping, did not start the war and does not take part in it. at the same time, the leader of the people's republic of china also emphasized that... official beijing has always played and will continue to play a constructive role in terms of peaceful settlement on the european continent. well , it is also interesting that today, also during the tripartite meeting with french president emmanuel macron, the president of the european commission, ursula fonderlajen, was also there, and the issue of interaction and cooperation between china and the european union was also raised there, and all three agreed, even xi jinping said that this cooperation should not only
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be continued, but also deepened and strengthened. and by the way, tomorrow he is going to serbia, but only for one day, but the day after tomorrow he is going to hungary to meet with the prime minister of this country, viktor orbán. it is also interesting that sidzhen pin will not go to the so-called inauguration of putin, nor to the so-called victory parade to moscow, that is, neither on the seventh nor on the ninth, even though he will be territorially very close to moscow. well, this kind of spit on putin, i really don't know if fidzenpin was invited, i mean, but i suspect that he was invited, he is not going. moving on, it looks like french president emmanuel macron and german chancellor olaf scholz is playing a game of tug-of-war from leadership in the european union, but of course it is in our hands. the head of the bundesurad
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called on the governments of european countries to continue supporting ukraine, but to do so... with more military equipment and to take this equipment from their weapons depots. olaf scholz said this today during his visit to lithuania. according to the bundeschancellor, ukraine does not have time to wait for new weapons and new ammunition to be manufactured, therefore, he says, it is necessary to give what is already in the warehouses. and first of all, he says head of the german government, now ukraine needs air defense equipment, so germany is already providing the third system. patriot. ukraine has the right to self-defense, and this is the right to self-defense. thus, the official representative of the diplomatic service of the european union, peter stano, commented on the information about a possible attack by the armed forces of ukraine on the kerch bridge. according to him, brussels usually refrains from
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commenting on operational issues and issues of military strategy. but - says mr. stanu and continues his quote. "it is clear to us that ukraine is fighting for its survival, and ukraine has a legal and internationally guaranteed right to self-defense. that is, he made it clear that the weapons that the european union gives to ukraine can be used to fire at the so-called kerch bridge, a structure that should not have been in the place where it is now, and in the end it will be there, i really hope the nearest " . means for costs, that is, for logistics. the head of european diplomacy, josep borel , said this before the start of the defense industry forum of the european union and ukraine
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in brussels. according to him, this will make it possible to save on logistics costs. producing weapons where they are needed. at the same time, the chief european diplomat emphasized that the european union should jointly produce more weapons with ukraine and do it faster. but, mr. borel says, western arms manufacturers need to be persuaded to open their own factories on the territory of ukraine, and it is possible to convince only by providing a sufficient number of air defense systems to repel russian missile attacks. and by the way, during. work of this forum was included, but by video link also the european commissioner for internal market thierry breton, so he said during the inclusion that the european union expects, or at least intends to start producing 2 billion projectiles per year in 2025 in order to, if necessary, give them to ukraine at that time, well, at the same time he
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also expressed the opinion that the european union should also translate. its economy into martial law. representatives of 160 countries and organizations were invited to the peace conference on finding ways to settle the end of the war in ukraine, which is to be held in switzerland. among them are china, brazil, india, the republic of south africa and the vatican. confederation president viola amhert said this in an interview with bleek. it is currently unknown whether. all those invited will send their delegates, but mrs. president expressed hope for a quote: a good turnout, although earlier in beijing and the vatican they made it clear that they could... not come to switzerland if russia was not invited to the conference, russia was not invited, so three dots. well
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, it is also interesting whether pope francis will be there, or whether he will invite someone here and there, because he repeatedly emphasized before that that russia should be present at any conference on finding ways to peacefully resolve the war in ukraine. there is no answer from the vatican yet, really. i personally would like one of them to come. we fly through atlantic ocean. ukraine needs to be helped to win, because otherwise american troops may still end up on ukrainian territory. hakeem jeffries, the leader of the democratic minority in the house of representatives of the us congress, said this on the air of the american tv channel cbs news. according to him , russian dictator vladimir putin is not going. to stop in ukraine, congressman jeffries is convinced that putin dreams of reviving the soviet union and only then threatening nato member countries. therefore, logically, logically
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, he asks a question, to which he immediately answers answer: should we believe that against the background of such consistent aggression, if we allow putin to succeed in ukraine, he will stop only in ukraine, of course not - says hakim jackris jeffries and adds that we are listening to him directly. we cannot allow ukraine to fall, because if it does, there is a strong possibility that america will have to intervene in the conflict, not just with our money, but with our troops. we can stop russia in ukraine by continuing to provide ukrainians with military and financial aid, or we will face a situation where putin can take over ukraine and start threatening nato allies. well, by the way, tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time, it now, by the way, coincides with kyiv, there will be the so-called inauguration of the so-called
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putin, as we talked about it today with colleagues, of course you will not watch it , i won’t watch either, i’ll just read diagonally, what will he weave there so that maybe, if there are any statements tomorrow evening, i’ll tell you, i ’m just for a second, and i... still would i watched it, do you know for what purpose, because, as i understand it, this is definitely the last one, like putin’s inauguration, there will be no more, well , i don’t know if it’s even worth watching because of that, well, i don’t know, honestly, but i i will read diagonally, i will not look at it, i support it, let’s move on, theoretically it is still possible, but only in two cases, nato countries have established red lines in a confidential form, when crossing which a direct collision of the north atlantic... alliance is possible and with russia and nato's intervention in the war in ukraine. about this on sunday, may 5 reports the italian publication la republica with reference to sources. in particular, the first red
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line refers to the threat of russia breaking through the army, the line of defense of ukraine, and the participation in the war of a third country, namely belarus. the second red line is a possible russian provocation against the baltic states, poland, or a targeted attack on moldova. at the same time , the publication's sources emphasize that nato is not developing any operational...plans, but if they are talking about such things, it means that they are still preparing somewhere. let's go further. peaceful it is obvious that in quotes russia is preparing numerous provocations in western countries. this was reported by representatives of european special services. according to the information they have. agents of the kremlin have already begun to more actively prepare various explosions, fires and damage. infrastructure on european territory directly or through surrogates, while intelligence representatives warn that such actions can be quite bloody, so
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all relevant european services are put on high alert, and it may happen sometime before the elections to the european parliament, which should take place in early june, well, you know how this information was commented on in russia, and... in particular , putin's spokesman dmitry pyaskov. in response to a question from a journalist who asked him about it. peskov replied with a quote. it doesn't look like any serious material, it's another, just such empty accusations against our country. yes, and in the 22nd year, at the end of the 21st, at the beginning of the 22nd, they were openly accused that they were going to attack ukraine, and about many things, that they were going to use weapons en masse there. damage and yes and no, no, they are just white, fluffy and they are not going to do anything, no, god forbid they do it, well , i really want the european special services to be ready for this, i do not regret my words
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regarding ... of russia, because he spoke on behalf of the people. thus, the speaker of the parliament in armenia, alen simonyan, explained the statement he made last week during a speech at the conference of heads of parliaments of the european union states, which moscow did not like very much. i didn't like it so much that even the upper duma chamber sent a letter to the armenian parliament with a request to explain the speaker's words. so he explained: this is how the people in armenia think, and what they think about the so-called... russian svo is an invasion of ukraine and that armenia protects the territorial integrity of ukraine, as well as moldova, georgia and cyprus. he also alleged the orchestration of a campaign of threats and disinformation by russia, russia's hybrid attack on azerbaijan and armenia, and russian government officials daring to dictate their interests in armenia. in a word, simple told the truth, true eyes when russia did not like it. but in hungary there was
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a mass. anti-government protest, tens of thousands of the country's residents took to the streets of debrecen, the second largest city, the night before. they were led out by the leader of the opposition party respect and freedom peter madiar during a speech from the podium in the main square of the city, he accused the current prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, of usurping power, corruption and spreading propaganda beneficial to him. in addition, mr. magyar told the current head of the hungarian government that this exactly he. led hungary to the point where it became the second country with the number of poor people in the european union. that is, such a struggle for the prime minister's seat. well, if any of you think that mr. madyar can be better at the post of prime minister of hungary, then here is one of his statements that he, how he will help ukraine. mr. madiyar said, we do not support war, we will not supply weapons to ukraine, and all hungarians stand for peace
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regardless of party affiliation. belonging, that is , that viktor orban is a mother, there is no difference. well well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, all for today only, because tomorrow there will be more, and there will be more in our further broadcast, so do not switch. joint problems are limiting. movement is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are bags with collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on bone health. dolgit joints - facilitates motor functions. stretch your joints and move freely. champions league semi-finals only on mego. two matches that will determine the finalists
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