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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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wrapped them with tape and beat them very hard. journalists found those involved in the crimes. names of those responsible for crimes in alenivka in the new film investigation alenivka, curators of evil. on the air of the espresso tv channel. may 6 at 9:15 p.m. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more. important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. what to do when there will be rest, hello? and for
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the gallbladder that alohol, it protects both the liver and the gallbladder, the alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder, good evening, we are from ukraine, thank you for waiting, the great ether continues, i remind you that my name is vasyl zimaya, i am not alone in the studio, oleksandr morchyk joins in, he will talk about money during wars, oleksandr, good evening, please, good evening, vasyl, i congratulate the audience, you will learn about new taxes in the next few minutes. for farmers, the verkhovna rada is preparing a new initiative, and we are also preparing for winter with you, it will be difficult, what must be done now, wait for the details in a moment, i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i start the column with an important such figures today: more than 3,400 citizens have already received since the beginning of the year. loans under the preferential state
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housing program. this was reported in ministry of economy. most often, a loan was taken to buy housing on the secondary market. the largest number of mortgage loans are for residents of kyiv region, the capital, rivne region and lviv region. therefore, loans at a preferential rate of 3% were primarily received by military personnel, security forces, teachers, doctors, and mortgages were taken at a preferential rate of 7%. people, those who do not currently have their own home. the program is active, and not only state, but also private banks are increasingly joining it. prepare documents, if you need them, they will definitely be considered. well, but they also continue in ukraine economic reforms, in particular, it concerns road transport, bus transport. the first six carrier companies are already testing the portal of official... shruts
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, the ministry of community and territorial development reported. here we see such a test interface. after the full launch of this portal, the passenger will be able to check his route, schedule and purchase a ticket directly on the carrier's website. companies can join this portal for free, after which they become partners of this state registry, state resource, and all the routes recorded here are easy. and the government hopes that this will make the trips of ukrainians safe, as well as simplify access to tickets, and make the bus transportation service so convenient. well, this is a test mode for now, hopefully it will be fully functional soon. well, the introduction of a 14 percent value added tax on the export of agricultural products is an unjustified and discriminatory step. well, this is the opinion of the representatives of all ukraine. of the agrarian council,
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they reacted harshly to the deputy council innovation, they want to tie the rate to the return of foreign exchange by agricultural producers. after this procedure. parterre grain will be able to reimburse vat from the budget, so here is the rate of 14% and then in the perspective of reimbursement, well, farmers say that this is unacceptable, it is an excessive burden for agricultural producers, and it does not at all solve the problem of shady sales of grain abroad, and also gives preferences to sellers oil, nuts and honey, the value added tax remains for such exporters. zero, and farmers who deal with grain wheat, they are going to attract such a tax of 14% per annum. vasyl, well, we can see that something is not going well for our grain sellers, in particular abroad, for our grain exporters, sometimes
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the border with poland is blocked, then we have problems with the grain corridor, to which russia once joined. the federation and in this way obstructed in the bosphorus by checking on certain days these bulkers that simply did not reach the customers on time, now we see that even the deputies are trying under the pretext of fighting the shadow export market somehow raise value-added tax rates for grain exporters, well, here they either really want to overcome the shadow market, or they may want to cut something, on the other hand, my only hope is that in this difficult situation... the ukrainian agricultural market, it will really strengthen , will find many different options, and somehow modernize and maybe really become more competitive, well, that is, what does not kill, makes stronger, this market is alive, and i hope that, well, but of course, there cannot be unfounded decisions , i.e
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what kills you, it should not kill you, now everything should be to support the ukrainian exporter, here it is necessary that the representatives of the agrarian sector, the people's deputies really listen and possibly adjust this tax rate for... value, but let's move on to a topic that is important today, namely energy. you spoke with your guest and sumy oblast today, the enemy continues to attack critical infrastructure, well, not only sumy oblast, but also kharkiv oblast, donetsk oblast. and there is a figure from the minister of energy herman halushchenko. so, over the past two weeks, the losses to the energy system of our country amounted to more than 1 billion dollars, and this is only in the last two weeks, which are really significant. thermal generation, hydro generation, and what we will face in winter, how ukrainians should prepare for the next cold season, we will talk with volodymyr omelchenko, director of energy programs of the razumkov center, he joins our conversation, i congratulate you,
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i also congratulate you, mr. volodymyr, well this figure is really scary, but we know that the government has long reported that the latest attacks enemy on critical infrastructure. the most difficult, despite the fact that in 2022-2023 we also experienced certain blackouts, but now the losses are borne directly by the assets of energy companies, thermal power plants, thermal power plants that produce light are destroyed. in your opinion, will it be possible for ukraine to completely change the energy system, reorient, rebuild, maybe make a dam during the summer period. on renewable energy sources, please tell us what vector the ukrainian energy industry currently has? well, first of all, i would like to note that blackouts in we weren't, we just had scheduled and emergency outages, and as far as
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the reorientation of our energy, for the summer season, certainly the direction chosen, it seems to me, is correct, it is something that can be repaired. in large-scale generation in thermal, first of all it is necessary to repair, and also deal with decentralized generation, this is primarily the construction of wind power plants, which has already begun, which has already begun with solar power plants, bioenergy projects, and probably another very interesting direction, these are systems accumulation of energy in order to er... ensure the stable work of energy workers in peak, peak modes, well, i think that we will definitely not be able to completely rebuild the energy sector in such a short period of time,
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it is simply not theoretical, not practical, absolutely it is impossible, but what can really be done, then this is exactly what i will do. to react the system so that it can normally respond precisely to peak loads, i.e. for this, the appropriate ones are imported. mini power plants, primarily ha, primarily gas-piston ones power plants, gas turbine power plants, as well as cogeneration plants that simultaneously produce electric energy, thermal energy, and thermal modular plants, that is , work is underway in this direction, and there is also an opportunity to repair somewhere around 40-50% of... the damaged thermal plant, which means , thermal generation, in this direction, i
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think, and we are preparing for winter, well, in addition, we need to deal with such an important issue as the management of the demand for electric energy, it depends primarily on consumers, here we need to conduct a certain advertising campaign, how to do it correctly, mr. volodymyr, here is an interesting initiative from the energy-efficient fund. the department has approved an interesting program, it’s called green dem, it’s for condominiums and housing cooperatives, so grants will reimburse the partial purchase of solar power plants for high-rise buildings, pumps that will pump heating and water supply for residents of condominiums, in your opinion, is it really high-rise buildings can be saved in case of such... really critical problems with attacks on the energy infrastructure in winter, if they install
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solar panels and thus have at least a certain share of current for the residents, well, solar panels definitely will not save us in winter, because there is not enough sun in winter, but to deal with heat pumps, specifically geothermal, means heat pumps, this which use the heat of the earth, this... it is necessary to do it, it is quite a promising direction, it has proven itself well, for example, in a country like sweden. thank you for the recommendation, really interesting an initiative from the energy efficiency fund, the program will start, and i think that condominium owners will find out in detail how to get compensation. i would like to thank volodymyr omelchenko, director of energy programs at the razumkov center, and i will keep an eye out. according to the situation in the economy, the week is just beginning, a big broadcast is going on, and i will
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say goodbye to you, watch us! thanks to oleksandr morchavka, thanks also to the guest volodymyruchenko, who joined, indeed ukraine in a very short time, in very difficult conditions, is becoming the maximum energy saving ukraine, at least that is how it should become, in fact this war is making ukraine big changes, and painful changes, and we are not ready for some changes, but we must be ready, because in order to win here, you need to change very quickly, sometimes make very painful decisions for ourselves, for the state, for certain institutions, for certain bodies, to act outside the standard, well, war is, as we see, very difficult, it is actually very difficult, it is blood. of our defenders, our defenders, our warriors, warriors, tako, but this is the blood of civilians, but in addition,
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these are painful changes in the economy, in politics , there should also be, in principle, and in trade, in many things, and what has not been done for many years, unfortunately, with with blood, with pain, with great risks, it is done now, so you have to be effective, but definitely always effective, serhiy rudenko, at 8 p.m. the verdict program starts. what will be discussed today. sergei, please tell me. good evening. congratulations to vasyl. we go on air in 15 minutes. today we will have one hour of verdict. in it will have two guests: people's deputies of ukraine dmytro razumkov and maria ionova. dmytro zumkov, the former chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, we will talk with them about who and why volodymyr zelensky was wanted in... russia, and actually what is behind this, is the russian federation trying
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to do everything in the current situation to in order to delegitimize president zelenskyi, after may 20, 2024, 5 years from the day of president zelenskyi's inauguration, what can and should the ukrainian state do in the current situation, in what way should it to convince their western partners? not to recognize the powers of putin, whose inauguration, by the way, will take place tomorrow, may 7, and many more topics for conversations with mr. razumkov, with maria. ionov and let's talk about the threats made today by the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, they summoned two ambassadors in russia, france and great britain, and stated that if their weapons are used on the territory of ukraine and will be struck on the territory of the russian federation , then in
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return they will receive, and not only on objects that are located on the territory of the ukrainian state, as well as outside the borders. ukraine , against this background, putin announced that military exercises with nuclear non-strategic weapons will be conducted, and in this way the russians want to convince our western partners that the more weapons ukraine receives, the more likely they are to use nuclear weapons . tactical weapons, they say about it in direct text, what maria iona thinks about it. and what does xijin pin, who is in paris today on an official visit, say about it, let's talk in literally 14 minutes, i myself, frankly, wonder how maria ionova will interpret putin's current threats, and actually, whether this can be perceived as an escalation, another escalation on the part of the kremlin in
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a rather difficult situation, when the world finds itself, well. .. literally on the threshold of the third world war, when western europe can also become a participant in the war that russia has unleashed against ukraine. in short, there are a lot of questions, a lot of topics, stay tuned to our channel, i will be on the air in 13 minutes, the great broadcast of vasyl zima continues. vasyl, to you word. serhiy, at 20:00 we are waiting for serhiy rudenko and his guests in the verdict program and yevhen pastukhov with news. we have already waited for sports, yevgeny, good evening, please speak to you. congratulations to vasyl, i also congratulate the viewers of espresso, well, the sports column is on time, and in a moment we will talk about the most interesting events in the world of sports. victory for the coach. dnipro-1 beat kryvbas in
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the central match of the 27th round of the ukrainian premier league. the game took place at the dnipro arena and the match. interrupted by an air alarm on quite a long time, but the fourth and third teams of the ukrainian premier league met at the moment, and the match was interesting, in particular, the fact that yuriy maksymov said on the eve of this game that if his team did not win in kryvbas, then he will leave his position, the position of head coach of dnipro-1. actually, that didn't happen, because the 18-year-old scored the only goal in the meeting at the beginning of the second half. ramik hajiyev, the striker of the cold-blooded hosts, clearly punched an accurate shot into the corner of the mid-range goal, kryvbas could not escape defeat. now kryvyi rih are behind the second place by nine points, on the eve of the match maksimov talked a lot about some troubles in the club and even talked about his resignation, but it is quite possible that the 18-year-old hajiyev
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saved the coach from his resignation with his goal and also warned him. for this next resignation in ukrainian football. dnipro-1 remains on the fourth step despite this victory, and kryvbas loses almost all chances to play in the champions league, because it is unlikely to claim the second position. here are the leaders donetsk shakhtar and kyiv dynamo won simultaneous victories in the 27th round of the championship of ukraine. dynamo in kyiv very confidently crushed the kovalivsky colossus. all five goals of kyiv were scored in the second half. half, actually in the first half, it didn't look like the match would end with such a score, but after the break, the dynamo team simply ripped apart their opponent. shakhtar also confidently beat odesa chornomorets for the second time in a row with a score of 3:0. also on sunday, polissya shared the points with zore 1:1. on saturday, oleksandria and rukh played
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in a draw 2:2, obolon beat lnz 1:0, and metalist 1925 won the first victory. led by viktor skrypnyk, kharkiv beat vorskla 3:2. today at 18:00 the veres minaj match started, and before the start of our broadcast the score was 3:1 in favor of veres. it seems that shakhtar and dynamo are approaching the face-to-face confrontation in good shape, and it is even more interesting already in the next round on may 11 in the 28th round, on saturday shakhtar and dynamo will play the ukrainian classic. at the lviv-arena, and even in the event of a victory over shakhtar, dynamo will still be one point behind the miners. instead, shakhtar has a chance to claim the championship directly in the match with the main one. and a principal competitor. after all, the intrigue in the fight for gold will live only in case of defeat of shakhtar. so on may 11 , one of the key matches of the season awaits us for the ukrainian
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giants. but in the women's football championship of ukraine, the winner has already been determined. poltava worldklass won the trophy. it happened ahead of schedule, as a result of 18 rounds in the championship. poltava fighters defeated the main pursuers. kryvbas with a score of 6:0 and secured a nine-point lead three rounds before the end of the championship. the won title is the fifth championship trophy for vorskla and the second after the rebranding of the team. in the next season, vorskljanka will play in the champions league, where they will start from the first round of qualifications. and last weekend andriy lunin became the two-time champion of spain, precisely. his real madrid were celebrating their 36th national championship title. madrid defeated cadiz 3:0 in the 34th round of the championship. and in
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the same round, barcelona, ​​the main pursuer rala, lost to gerona 2:4. there, by the way, we saw the goal of the ukrainian artem dovbyk. the galacticos became unattainable for their pursuers and won their 36th title in history with four rounds to go. in the current season. lunin played in 20 la liga matches, although he did not take part in the match with cadiz, but he was preparing and is preparing for the second leg of the champions league semi -final against bayern, because this very week andriy lunin will defend varshkov's goal in the champions league semi-final match, we wish him success and definitely going to the finals, and there may be another trophy. and then we move on to tennis, historical figures for ukrainian women's tennis. for the first time in history , two ukrainian women are in the top 20 of the wta ranking at the same time. marto kostiuk is having a very successful season so far and she has updated her
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personal record in the wta ranking and now occupies exactly the 20th place. marta started the current year in the 38th position, but thanks to reaching the two finals in san diego and stuttgart , she significantly improved her position, too. for the first time in her career she reached the quarterfinals of the grand series at the australian open, and now kostyuk is one of the top three female tennis players in the entire history of ukraine. the second ukrainian in the top 20 is elina svitolina, who is in 19th place, compared to the previous rating, the first racket of ukraine lost one position. vasyl lomachenko spoke about the end of his career, the former world champion in lightweight boxing said that he does not know exactly how many more years he will be able to enter the ring, in fact, i suggest listening to the direct speech. at
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the age of 36, many weightlifters can only start, but of course, my career is almost over ended the question is how much longer will it last, one, two, three years, that's all, but i think i still have some strength, i don't know exactly how many years i have left. fight, it's a difficult question, at this age every fight is hard, it's hard to recover from fights, i don't know what will happen to my body after the fight with george kambosos, so i can't answer that question. on may 12 , 36-year-old lomachenko will fight for the ibf lightweight title, the opponent of the bilhorodnistrovsky native will be an australian george kambosos. the match will take place in the australian city of perth. his previous duel. lomachenko held last may against devin gainey, and then vasily, as lomochenko calls himself, was defeated by decision of the judges, but this
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decision was criticized by experts and well-known figures in the world of boxing. and that was the last news in our sports column, but the big broadcast on espresso continues. very soon, vasyl zema and natalka didenko will continue it. well, thank you very much yevhen pastukhov for the information about sports and before that we will meet natalka didenko here in the studio, i will call on you to join the collection for the needs of our military, which they voice to us, and we are already voicing it for you in order to jointly collect the things necessary for our soldiers, and therefore we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works
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mainly on the contact line or in such a way. in the open air, in any weather during the day and in the so-called gray zone, that is, neither your own nor someone else's, at night, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumatic hydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of foreign equipment , our goal this time... uah 63,000, i know that together with you we will be able to close this collection and move on to new ones. i am very grateful to you for not neglecting these appeals of ours, the appeals of our army, and thank you for together with you, we have already closed many, many meetings and will close more. thank you, our dear and respected viewers, subscribers and readers, well , in particular, of our site in social networks. well, i know for a fact that you were really waiting for natalka
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didenko, because you... maybe, first of all , to see, good evening, well, and secondly, he has really risen, well, and secondly, of course, to hear about , what will the weather be like tomorrow and this week in general, please, thank you vasyl, of course we will talk about the weather, about interesting omens for the big day, i am a little i looked and will share it with you, but it's all literally in a second, hello to everyone, son. tic and you and i talk about the synoptic situation of the next day, but this is at the end of my column, and today, since easter is still going on, we mark it, celebrate it, so i became curious, what are the signs, you know that in fact i am not i like to talk about omens, but since this topic is of interest to many people, how can i bypass it, and here i looked, of course i looked, wandered through the pages of our glorious internet and
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i found such... interesting omens, if it is warm and clear on easter, then the summer will be sunny and fruitful, well, it suits us, if there are frosts and cooling on the night of easter, then this also indicates that there will be a dry , sunny summer, well, sunny good, dry not knowing good, thunderstorm on easter, autumn will come late and will be dry, well, we will check this for sure, autumn is still far away, as they say, let god live. er, there are also interesting ones, well, superstitions, er, what to feed the birds with the remaining crumbs for spare parts, of course, this will help attract money home, well, god forbid, of course, i found a fantastic omen, if an unmarried girl has an itchy eyebrow on easter, she will soon get married, girls, check it out, and of course, if you give out ribbons and crayons to poor people, then their well-being will improve and
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in general it will have a great impact on the general internal and external condition, well, these are signs and superstitions, as we say, there are usually a lot of them in fact, well, but about the eyebrow of unmarried girls, i think it's just a top. we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, and now we will see, to your attention, as always, the forecast chart, and here you see that in the morning and at the end of the day, there will be a slight activation, so please listen to your feeling, it is worth listening to it now, because the atmospheric front has already arrived, rains, thunderstorms have begun , well, actually, from this geomagnetic activity, we will smoothly move on to the nearest synoptic situation of tomorrow, well, traditionally, we start our forecast from the western regions, so tomorrow in the western part of ukraine, actually, as in most regions, to be honest, there will sometimes be rains, sometimes thunderstorms, and attention
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will decrease there. tomorrow the air temperature, well, i can’t say that it will be as cold as you can see from the degrees, but nevertheless it will be a few degrees lower, in the north of ukraine tomorrow the air temperature is also expected to drop from 18-19° to 21 , i.e. today 26-27 there will be no rain and thunderstorms, i apologize, in the east in kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast, donetsk oblast, tomorrow... there will still be summer weather, i mean the temperature is 23-26°, rains and thunderstorms will reach there already in the evening, precipitation is unlikely in donetsk region. in the central part of ukraine tomorrow, well , since it is so large-scale, well, as you can see, in vinnytsia, for example, it will be 19, i.e. colder, but in dnipropetrovsk region, it will still be almost like summer weather, and tomorrow there will also be short-term rains and heavy rains.
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in the southern part of ukraine, thunderstorms and rain in places.


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