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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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return the attitude towards the country, the attitude towards the government that exists in the state on the part of international partners and lead to negative consequences, this cannot be allowed, but for the most part, ukrainian politicians continue to live in the regime, this is what i want or this is what i think, and not this is defined law and it will be good for the country. well, when you were dismissed, you did not resist with your hands and feet and said: no, no, i will not leave my post, because... i was elected, i will be the head of the verkhovna rada for as long as necessary. no, i always am said that i will not hold on to the position, i will tell you more, if it was fundamental for me to stay in this position, i would have stayed in it, but then i had to be more flexible to no, i had to be able to give in to my principles, and i don't want to give up my principles, they are worth much more to me than the position, because i really
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do n't want to... i will not compromise the principles with which i walked in the 19th year, unlike many who want to stay in office, want to keep it, it is their choice, i think that we will be judged, history will judge us and put everything in its place and we will see glimmers of hope, but as of today, it really is ... i did not hold on to any position, including the position of chairman of the verkhovna rada, i did not file a lawsuit, i did not play with the fact that i was removed from my position in violation of the law, in violation of the regulations, many other things, the decision was made, i took another path in order to complete all that was promised in that including zelenskyi in the 19th year, but it was not implemented, and i will work on it even after.
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victory, now they just didn't want you to be the acting president, well, suddenly what? no, they did not really want me to be the chairman of the verkhovna rada, it happened by chance, to be honest, and it happened by chance for them, they simply did not even understand the importance of the position of the chairman of the verkhovna rada, objectively, this should not be surprising, i i see that your eyes are widening because of your glasses, but this is a fact, and i think that... i did not have an easy job as the chairman of the verkhovna rada, i i will not now, in order to understand who the chairman of the verkhovna rada is, you need to read the constitution of the authority, especially there some things that concern the authority are quite serious, yes, but, but, i liked this, i, i liked this job, no looking at the fact that i constantly had conflicts with the president's office, well, it was just something to talk about at that time. wrong, you are part of
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the power structure and it was not correct to point the finger at someone, i have always taken a principled position in this regard, but less, everything that doesn't happen happens for the better, and for me, i'm basically satisfied today that i'm not part of the government, because to look at everything that's happening today, i wouldn't be ready, silently, i wouldn't sat, and... moreover, it would not have supported those wrong things, which unfortunately are happening today, so you know, because we had easter yesterday, so i think that the lord god helped in this matter, and sent everyone in his own way . another short topic, we don't have much time on the air, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine officially announced today that no see good grounds for recognizing putin as president. federation, on may 7
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the so-called inauguration of the so-called president putin, so-called putin, i would say so, and that during the so-called elections in russia, the provisions of numerous international documents were violated, in particular through the organization of the election process in the occupied territories of ukraine, based on as stated, as well as taking into account the current warrant of the international criminal court for putin's arrest, ukraine does not see the right grounds for his recognition the democratically elected and legitimate president of the russian federation, well, this topic. which appeared today in the form of a statement by the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, it is late, that is, this topic should have been discussed earlier, as you say, before the elections, even before the elections, and everything should be done so that ukraine was the first state to initiate this is not recognition of the legitimacy of president putin, not after the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe adopted a resolution and recommended not to recognize the legitimacy. putin, why, why in this
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situation, here, right away it is obvious, on whose side the truth, that is, the part of the ukrainian state that is occupied... elections are taking place, and it is absolutely obvious that the votes that were supposedly cast for putin in these territories already testify to his illegitimacy, even this very fact, yes well, there are no violations of the law a little, it happens either it is violated or it is not violated , international law is violated in the same way, it is either violated or it is not violated, it is violated a little bit , this one lost it, and first of all, i think it is necessary to start with what you started the program about. .. negotiations, this is the first, i think it is just an indicator of how some kind of communication was conducted or is being conducted, otherwise it is possible to explain it, well , it is possible only with the absolute lack of professionalism and the lack of an opportunity
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to build a plan for at least two steps, that is , there are children of eight or ten years old sitting there, although no, i do not want to offend children, i think that in 8-9 years they can draw us a better plan than... what we see today at the level of government actions, and on the other hand, i think that this is an attempt to shift the informational emphasis that today occur in space, starting there from horde, well, from the wanted announcement, including those events that are taking place at the front, from the point of view of the media, representatives of the office very often work qualitatively from the point of view of the state. planning and strategy, it seems to me that we have constant miscalculations, including regarding the elections in the russian federation, we did not finalize this topic before the elections and we should have worked right here to ring all the bells before the elections, and use
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this topic as much as possible immediately after the elections, and not now for how much per day, but tomorrow already on... people's deputy of ukraine maryana bezugla made a number of claims and accusations against the public broadcaster. let's see how it all happened and what it actually can lead to, we'll talk later. a telethon for your own. community, one of the six producers of the national marathon of single news this week found itself between two fires. colleagues announced their intention to take away prime-time slots from him, which are watched by the largest number of viewers. and people's
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deputy from servant of the people maryana bezugla published several posts on social networks with accusation against the broadcaster. experts immediately connected these two events. and they remembered the story of the dismissal of the head of the armed forces valery zaluzhny, which resembled a special information operation and was started by maryana bezugla as well. this time, the deputy blamed the public for the seemingly small reach of the audience, for the high salaries of the management and even the organization of employment schemes for men with the aim of their reservation, but the main message was a call to reduce the state funding of the broadcaster. so, currently we have defacto a6 state channels, public with in all its branches, rada, dom, freedom, telethon, army media holding. i believe that the six state broadcasters should be made one, and the funds should be redirected to
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the creation of information and cyber forces of ukraine. create information and cyber forces of ukraine. but the public has long ceased to be state, thanks to the support of western countries after the revolution in this respect, the once truly state channel was reformed and became public, the office of the president, the cabinet of ministers and even the verkhovna rada do not have direct mechanisms of influence on its editorial policy. monitoring shows that the public is the only participant in the telethon that allows itself to give different points of view, for example, to invite people's deputies from different factions, in particular from european solidarity. maybe there are some stoppages for other channels or something. something is there, as the opposition often says, they are forwarded and established, they agree on specific speakers in the marathon, we do not have such a thing, and maybe this is what worries the representatives of the authorities that they cannot interfere in our editorial policy, the telethon is the only news
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was launched on february 24, 2022, leading media groups and tv channels united to participate in it, at the beginning of a full-scale... invasion, the telethon fulfilled its function: to prevent panic and promptly inform ukrainians about the progress of the war, but now, according to many media experts , he also became... an informational relic, trust in him continues to fall. according to the kmis survey conducted in february 2024, only 36% of ukrainians trusted the marathon, while 47% did not. the telethon was also mentioned in a recent report by the us state department, regarding the violation of human rights in ukraine in 2023 , as an example of the restriction of freedom of speech. however, the government does not plan to give up. from the format controlled by it, serhiy
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leshchenko, adviser to the head of the president's office, andriy yarmak, said about this, in particular, on the air of the same telethon. part of the russian information war against ukraine is being waged by discrediting the marathon, realizing that if there is no marathon, then a media house will emerge. in the conditions of a media house, it is extremely easy to create provocations that will enrage society and glorify ukraine internally in the face of russian aggression. the telethon is not the only example of a wish. the authorities will fully control the information space, introducing not only military, but also political censorship. on april 4, 2022, an unprecedented event occurred in the ukrainian media field, without any formal decisions or even explanations, the authorities illegally removed three national tv channels from digital broadcasting at once. espresso - direct and fifth channel. this decision has not yet been overturned. obviously not talking about what have completed these three channels, to say: no, you will leave public affairs, well, we will quietly
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forget about them, because we are ashamed, we understand that we will not convince them, because this is power, well, this is hypocrisy, then why do we need public affairs and everything else , where then the truth, the truth is that the public needs to be definitely protected, the telethon definitely needs to be closed, on the other hand, even before the war, from the first days of the full-scale invasion , the authorities helped ukrainians get hooked on the information needle. telegram messenger, which was launched by the russian pavlo durov, and which, as it is assumed many experts, may be connected to russian special services. in particular , representatives of anonymous telegram channels were invited to president zelensky's press conference. now it seems that even the banking industry has realized that this is a threat. head of gur kyrylo budanov directly called the messenger with russian roots a problem for national security. and it has already been registered in the verkhovna rada. the project on the regulation of this and other social networks in the part related to
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information activities. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on ours platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether peace negotiations with russia are possible, yes no, either please vote with the appropriate buttons on youtube. if you 're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if yes 0800-211-381 no 0.800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free please vote and we should be joined in a minute maria ionova, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation. let's talk with her, in particular , about russia in the near future. will conduct training to increase the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to carry out
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combat missions, this is stated in the message published this morning by the ministry of defense of the russian federation, which informs the shoigu department, the regime in kyiv and its western masterminds should finally realize that their reckless steps are increasingly bring the situation closer to the accumulation of explosion danger. safe critical mass, we expect that this event will cool the hot heads in the western capitals, will help to realize the possible catastrophic consequences of the strategic risks generated by them and will prevent them both from supporting the kyiv regime, its terrorist actions, and from being drawn into a direct armed confrontation with russia, well, the fact is that today russia made a number of statements and threats, announced threats. in the direction of great britain, in the direction of france, ambassadors in great britain were summoned
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and france in and told them that the british were told that if british weapons fly over the territory of the russian federation, then in response great britain will also receive a blow not only on objects on the territory of ukraine, but obviously we are talking about the british embassy, other institutions that work in... on behalf of the state of great britain, and the french were also told that if french troops appear there, we will also respond, and these are not training of strategic nuclear forces, obviously they have... to demonstrate the determination, the so-called determination of the so-called president putin, who, by the way, on may 7, 2024, will once again hold the inauguration, and no one recognizes the authority and no civilized country, but hey, he decided to put on such a show, and
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we have maria ionova, people's deputy of ukraine, is already in touch. lady mary, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, christ. resurrected, come out on resurrected, ms. maria, i already told our tv viewers that today russia is trying to thunder with nuclear weapons, and threatens everyone, and representatives of great britain, france, and have already agreed that the russian foreign ministry said that russia will perceive the appearance of f-16 aircraft in ukraine as carriers of nuclear weapons, regardless of them. modifications, how to perceive these statements? this means that the kremlin is once again trying to get hold of the nuclear suitcase, and who in the end will give that kremlin grandfather a hand so that he does not touch that nuclear suitcase at all and remembers that nuclear weapons are a weapon of deterrence in the world, and not an assault weapon. well, mr. serhiy,
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explaining something to a criminal is not even a matter of fact worth the time. you and i know that... well, this is the last straw, when we hear such and such blackmail from putin, and he constantly grabs for it just when we hear quite decisive statements from our partners, who have already reconsidered as well as our politics, and you and i, let's put it this way, we also hear the statements of the leaders who say that this or that... weapon will be delivered, but every time, well, when we hear this blackmail, we understand , that somewhere, probably, somehow it hurts moscow, and they start to get nervous, it seems to me that this last statement, well , to be honest, it is such a very bluff, it reminds me, because we are seeing with you such non-standard steps from our
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british friends, after all, and show, and putin already can't survive, he needs to... also show his society that everything is going according to plan for him, so this indicates that the allies are acting correctly and decisively, but again, it is necessary that these statements become even more potentially effective , and also i think that definitely, you know, we felt, ot when russia talked about nuclear blackmail at our various international meetings, what about our friends. let's put it this way, they perceive these statements, well, not nervously, but with fear, and i would really like to, and now we will work in the same way so that they are definitely not nervous, that is, the civilized world definitely should not be nervous, because putin understands that the circle is narrowing and in russia there are fewer and fewer levers of influence or deterrence, and therefore
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on the contrary, all our friends and partners must condemn it. to condemn this rhetoric, you know, but after all, not only to make statements, but also not to be limited only to statements, after all, too, well , accordingly, we should have their results on the battlefield of our armed forces, and therefore, you know, we should not be silent there, again, we should just to emphasize and remind the russian federation that they should take theirs. troops to de-occupy our territories and prepare to really answer according to international law for their war crimes, and therefore frankly, you and i know that the west has a lot of such tools, they can to change the behavior of both the russian federation and the strategy can change them, that is, i think
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that right now it is just beginning, so the fact that, well, in general, russia threatens so much, well , even with such strikes, yes ... military facilities, to be honest, britain a nato country , and therefore, you know, these statements, they are very soviet, they sound like the rhetoric of the soviet school of diplomacy, that is , it is clear that we expected such sharp statements like tooth for tooth, so russian, but again still, i believe that we simply need to remind our partners that there is more weapons, unfortunately, i... that we have an insufficient sanctions policy, and secondary sanctions work, that's why these declarative scarecrows of the kremlin, it is simply necessary to state quite strongly that such a... storica is unacceptable, and again , to confirm with actions that that ours, our democratic countries, they are interested in
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russia losing, and us, as a civilized democratic world, winning. by the way, these statements are today, they were made in parallel with the meeting of the chinese leader xi jinping with the french president emmanuel macron and e macron during the meeting with the chinese leader stated that the coordination of the position between them regarding ukraine and the middle east is crucial. let's listen to what the french president said. it is clear that we need this european-chinese dialogue more than ever. i spoke about this recently when i spoke about our europe. we are in we are at a turning point in our history and we need to overcome structural difficulties. ms. maria, can france and china, and
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not only france, but also germany, and the countries of the european union together with china, overcome these so-called structural difficulties, or simply put, difficulties that arise in communicating with the russian federation in absolutely everyone, probably, except sidzin himself. we recognize that china is really a very important side of this war, and the fact that the visit took place is really very important, and again the picture is much broader, that is, a multi-layered defining visit precisely between relations, primarily between france and china, ah , between the european union and china and, in principle, for the european continent, and for... such further, further development of the situation in our war against, against the kremlin, and this visit confirms, well, in principle, what we heard,
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ah, xi again, he recognized macron as the leader of the european union, that is, that with him he can solve pan-european and global issues, and well, you and i realize that the prominent bridge . this list of issues is occupied by the ukrainian dossier, and it is very symbolic that, in fact, the last days, well, not the last days, you and i have been hearing what statements macron has intensified in the mass media, that is, he publicly came out with such a series of very clear and important signals specifically regarding the support of ukraine, and also he stated that if france was ready to fight putin's threat in europe, that is, he already clearly stated that putin
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is a threat to europe, and let's put it this way, and also emphasized that he intends to play more such an independent role precisely in the relations of the united states, china, europe, therefore , the results of this meeting are indisputable... they will determine such trends of the war in the near future, in particular, as far as china is concerned, you and i know how much, to what extent china helps militarily - industrial complex of the russian federation, this war machine, and ah, but still, china is interested in peacemaking processes, and this is the implementation of macron's initiative regarding the olympic truce. this is also what china is interested in, and i think we can only join our friends in the european union when they clearly
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state and rely on the fact that china will use its influence to end the war, and they can, and so in the same way, we speak to those countries that, if we say so, can also advocate for china. we are with you also today we heard the statements of ursula funderlajen, where she also clearly said that we count on the fact that china will use its influence so that russia stops its aggression on the territory of ukraine, and by the way, interestingly, she praised the chinese leader, precisely for the important the role of de-escalation, these irresponsible nuclear threats of the russian federation, that's why and by the way, if i'm not mistaken, she added by the way that she is sure that xi will continue to do this. therefore
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, i think that i, well, the main issue for us is the participation of switzerland in the summit peace, that is, it is very important for us that china is present there, and therefore at what level it will be, and again it is interesting what china's position will be, because you and i know that the russian leader, he warned all other countries against participation in this event and... that is why there are interesting prospects for the participation of the people's republic of china in the summit, that is, this is such an issue of extreme importance, i think that there will be discussions and negotiations will be at a level where, let's say, we will understand what further will be the prospects of this russian aggression, i will conclude interestingly, what do you
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personally expect from the global peace summit. that there will be about 100 participants or participants from 100 countries have already invited father rymsky, what should be the result of this meeting? mr. serhiy, well, we both understand that it is simply not possible to answer your question, because it depends on what level, when we will be, even you and i will be able to predict some results diplomatically, when we understand who the participants are and at what level these participants are equal, therefore... we have a goal and goal and desire with you, well understand what needs to be decided at this peace summit, but again, it will not mean that the war will end the next day and the threat of the kremlin will disappear, because unfortunately, the threat is long-term, and it is important for us to be ready and anticipate some events and to give answers to those challenges, which we understand, will be not only for
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ukraine, but for... also nato countries, so again, it is very important for me, it will be such a very important signal when it is at a sufficiently high level equal participation of the people's republic of china, i think we understand what we are talking about we are talking, and a very short question, you said a long-term perspective, ukraine will probably be next to russia for centuries, well, we are geographically and... god gave us such neighbors, does this mean that it will be now from time immemorial between russia and ukraine, and one way or another we have to prepare for not tens of years, but hundreds of years of this confrontation. mr. serhiy, russia has been a threat to ukrainian independence for centuries, we have to do our part, we need to strengthen our security and defense sector, we need to implement them as soon as possible.
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reforms in order to meet the criteria of the countries and become a member of the eu and nato, but again to take our domestic homework very seriously, and especially the military, that is, our partners must also understand that without ukraine, we are a deterrent to the russian federation , on this ms. maria, let's put an end to it, give time on the air. thank you for participating in the program, maria ionova, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, during this program we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether it is possible to negotiate about peace with russia, let's see the results of the television poll on the screen, please display 15% yes, 85% - no. let's put an end to this, it was the program verdict of provia serhii rudenko, i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, be healthy.
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olenivka prison in the occupied territory of ukraine. from the beginning of the full-scale invasion. thousands of prisoners of war and civilian hostages were received there, it is a conserved, abandoned prison. it was uncanned just before the start of filtration. i think we were one of the first to get there. people with whom spoke to journalists for kyiv independent, they remember this prison from


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