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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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poison, these are wounded guys, you know, there should be some minimal respect for them. yurik mykartchan, a military medic, is one of the volunteers who agreed to deploy in a helicopter to mariupol surrounded by russians. together with his colleagues, he rescued the wounded in an improvised military hospital on the territory of one of the metallurgical plants, later in polona. without special equipment and medicines, we had a boy who was also wounded in the leg, and we, being there just on the concrete, our surgeons were able to visualize the vessel that was bleeding, yes, tie it up, why is it important, yes, this manipulation allowed us to save the leg, you understand, that is, we, being on the concrete, still tried to provide the highest quality medical care, why am i telling this , because this guy in a week. they returned us
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to the colony with an amputated limb, that is , we did our best to save it, and the russians simply cut it off and that was all, this is a demonstration of the quality of medical care, wounded servicemen were kept in under the same conditions as the rest of the captured defenders of mariupol. they gave us the rest, but later i can’t even remember how many, it’s just the wounded... they throw themselves on the concrete, and we’re there like doctors, we walk, and i see that, for example, this wounded man has a mattress, i see another one that’s the same a guy from a blanket, i push them together and put another guy between them, we not only treated, despite everything, we still somehow managed to take care of them, our presence there showed the russians that besides here, as they thought, nazis, fascists.. . here is banal
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home, fathers, mothers and devoted yourself entirely to one great cause. you have the honor and the duty to win freedom for ukraine. may the lord god bless the holy work. christ is risen. ukraine will rise. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav, understands it, prepares, treats assembles, winds kilometers of roads, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land, we keep the line together. we had several
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dozen photographs of people we identified as olenivka workers. to confirm their identities, our team met with...
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here, the volunteers almost immediately recognized kyril shakurov, the same warden whom the former olenivka prisoners accuse of systematic abuse of the military. konstantin and yevhen also identified another person in the photo who may be involved in the torture. here he took part in beatings, here he was still running, he was still so short in height, he was still bragging that i was so small, but i had such a blow... he wound the belt on his arm and stood with the belt. vasyl bakalinsky, a 33-year-old supervisor from olenivka, is also a local. later we sent his photo to another person who was in captivity.
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it has been confirmed to us that he participated in the bullying from the captives the volunteers also recognized the head of the prison serhiy yavsyukov. yes, yes, that's him. 100%, there he is, this is him. the head of the colony is probably the only person who will be remembered for the rest of his life, besides being a completely inadequate friend. a man valued his garden on the territory of the colony much more than people. when the empty puppet from the cassettes flew to the territory of olenivka, the first thing he rushed to look at when he arrived was whether his cabbage was whole. and the fact that she is... 10-15 meters away from the girls who were working, did not bother anyone at all. serhii yavsyukov, a former ukrainian police officer who betrayed his oath and in 2014 switched to the side of the occupation regime. a few months after our
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meeting in germany, the ukrainian prosecutor's office announced suspicions against supervisor kyryl shakurov and the chief. the head of this institution, who in fact provided such conditions of detention, without a doubt, all this happened with his knowledge, at his behest, we are convinced that this person could not have been unaware of what was happening on the territory of the so- called institution, which he led, and therefore he of course should be held accountable for everything that happened in that period, another person is the inspector who held the position of the so -called inspector in the colony, and who was noted for the greatest brutality towards our boys, but no one knew the last name of kirill shakurov's partner. our team continued the search. in the documents from olenivka, only
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one yuri happened: yuri oleksandrovych dmitrienko. we were looking for a person with such a name among the citizens of both ukraine and russia, but there was none. no matches the only thing that former prisoners remembered olenivky, that this person's last name was really associated with the ukrainian name dmytro. and that he is also supposedly from horlivka, a ukrainian city that was occupied by russian-controlled forces in 2014. we assumed that the documents were drawn up by russians and could be mistaken. our team compiled a list of all possible variations of the surname. and then, with the help of russian databases and social networks, they began to identify people who would fit our criteria. there were several dozen of them. we found out that in gori'. a registered man named yuriy dmytrenko, however, with a different patronymic. he
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did not have social networks with his name, and the pages of close relatives were closed, but we still found some old photos on the page of his mother-in-law. three released prisoners confirmed that this is the same yuri from olenivka. we have identified another supervisor. i was a very good example for manipulation, you sit in a cell, so you are constantly told that no one needs you, no one will exchange you, ukraine is no longer ours, half was given to poland, half to somewhere else, that is, it is all russia, no one you it won't be taken away, they told me that what are you in ukraine for, and women were told, well , don't take her away, how do you want to be... taken away from you, think about who needs you, nobody needs you, us civilians were held there for more than 100
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days, at that time i was sure every day that i would be released, not today or tomorrow, but they should be released, it was a shock to me that i was held there for 100 days, but in fact now, following the telegram channels that related... to the fawn, i can still see the people who sat in the cell with me, they were also civilians, and it’s been a little over a year, in the morning it’s definitely a prayer, i’m there, i honestly don’t know much about them, i have two prayers, one of them wants ours, i ate and thanked god that there was bread, thank you for that, i prayed, i was baptized , it is not that some fear, but that such faith was spiritual. this faith gave, i always highlighted it, i always said, everything will be fine,
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we identified more than 10 employees of olenivka, including the shift that was engaged in torture, but the question of who supervised the work of the prison remained unanswered, june 8 2020. year. russian media reported on the strengthening of cooperation between the prison systems of the occupied part of donetsk region and the russian federation. but they published a photo from donetsk. it shows the head of the so-called penitentiary service yury doroshenko, the so-called law enforcement officers and a man in uniform who is called the commander of the group of the federal penitentiary service of russia in the donetsk people's republic. right-wing sources told us that this man looked like a high-ranking official from moscow, kirill
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popov, but we needed more evidence. there are certain difficulties at work, first of all, it's a schedule, as one of my bosses said, if i'm not on vacation, then i'm at work. kyryll popov was the acting head of the federal penitentiary service in moscow. we were able to get a list of phone connections and geolocations. an official such information is often traded on the black market by russian law enforcement officers themselves. on may 14, 2022, two days before the mariupol defenders left azovstal, kirill popov left moscow for the russian city of rostov-nedon. the same day in he had telephone conversations with the so-called minister of justice and the so-called head of the prison service of the occupied part. daughters olenivka was officially subordinated to this illegal body. on the evening
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of may 16, the day the ukrainian military withdrew from azovstal, kyryl popov arrived at the ukrainian border. on the border with the occupied region, the official's geolocation data was interrupted for more than a month. on june 17 , 2022, he appeared again at the border and from there went to moscow. it is very likely that kirill popov was in the occupied territory for more than a month. during this period, we recorded his contacts with representatives. of the prison system of the occupation regime, the top management of the federal penitentiary service of the russian federation and the management of the prison special forces of the russian federation. we called kyryll popov to ask about his role in managing olenivka. for this, we used a russian phone number and communicated in russian to get
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at least some information from him. about the camp for prisoners of war olenivka, i'm a journalist, i would like to talk to you about what you supervised. who you are? my name is zhenya, i am a journalist. give me your area code and who are you talking to? give us your city number. city ​​number, let's go, russian, i 'm calling you from a russian number, we know the number of kirill popov, registered in telegram under the nickname fodor konyukhov, it was under this pseudonym that he published a photo of
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the bloodied chevron defender of mariupol in the propaganda telegram channel with the signature of azovstal. may 2022. also three ukrainian servicemen confirmed that they saw kyryl popov in olenivka. he gave orders and coordinated the work of other prison employees. the totality of these facts allows us to conclude that kiril popov could be one of those responsible for capturing the defenders of mariupol. july 27, 2022. almost two hundred servicemen of the azov brigade were transferred to a separate barrack in the industrial zone of the prison without any explanation. this barrack was located in the so-called industrial zone, it was a little far from the other barracks, there somewhere 100-200 m. in the evening, a new introduction from
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the russian services, which guarded us, that after ... 10 p.m. those towers that were there were also guarded, they were not there, no one was there, that is, they were somewhere in one specific place from hiding and somewhere, well, approximately at 23 there we heard, well... an explosion, glass fell in our barat, we went outside and after a few minutes they started to hear a wild ref. the russians, i understand, have started to panic, there, all the guards fled somewhere, and
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the explosion continued for about an hour. sounded between 23 and 24 at night on july 28. in the same barracks, where the servicemen of the azov brigade were transferred a day earlier. within an hour , yurik makerchan and several other captured military medics were allowed to the site of the explosion. we collected everything we had, all bandages are minimal, there are a couple of solutions, a couple of painkillers. at that moment , i didn't... put in my head that there would be so many wounded, in my entire life, i think not no doctor will encounter such a one-time mass influx, we don’t have light, so we cross the threshold of this fence, and i see several guys lying, i see one with a punctured head, the other with a wound on the extremities, from bleeding, i
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raise my head , i see my senior officers, the commander of the hospital, i see that they are already starting to... there is no light, i say to the russian, give me a flashlight, he says: i do not give it, and at the same time he directs the beam of this flashlight in this direction, and i just see that this is so until the end of how that flashlight is shining, it's just all strewn with bodies, you see, all night long a team of captured medics was rescuing wounded servicemen of azov, the russians did not provide either... medicines, or means for reanimation of the seriously wounded. employees of the colony did not even try to save the prisoners of war. since 12 midnight, i see that it is already dawning. they do not take anyone, at this moment the fathers are already seriously ill, whom we could not help in anything, they begin to die, and one by one, we gathered them like this under
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the fence, the russians set up such beautiful flashlights and watched how we work there, and i got the impression that people are watching some such blockbuster, commenting, laughing, performing resuscitation, i hear how... screams, another one approaches, i see that this one, if it has already stopped, i won't help him, i leave him again, i go to the next one, in the hope that maybe i will do something with him, that's exactly the minus, well, how can you sit at midnight and watch people die and not do a damn thing, well, how can it be to justify at all, more than 130 servicemen were injured, only dawn, some of them on trucks were brought to the hospital, 57 defenders of mariupol died. russia has not yet
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allowed any independent group of experts, including representatives of the un, on the territory of olenivka. your investigation. the mass killing of prisoners of war is being investigated by the ukrainian prosecutor's office, we, in turn, are also trying to recreate the entire picture of the event, despite the fact that we do not have physical access to the place where it happened, we believe that a reactive thermobaric grenade launcher was used, but of course these conclusions are not yet final, we are also considering the version regarding... the possible planting of explosives there, we have refuted the version that was immediately put forward by the representatives of the law enforcement officers of the russian federation regarding the shelling by hymars.
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the russian propaganda media also announced that barak was fired upon by the american haimars system, which is in service with the armed forces of ukraine. however, this version was also denied by un experts. they did not establish the exact type of weapon, but according to the version of independent experts, the trajectory... of the supply ran from east to west. according to ukrainian intelligence, before the mass murder of ukrainian prisoners of war, the wagner group was involved. after 100 days of illegal detention, volunteers konstantin and yevgeny were taken outside the prison gates and released. the men had a long one. from the occupied territory to the eu, it's great, now they live in neighboring
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apartments in germany and have become close friends, the features of people are very well manifested in the prison, it goes away very quickly, we have a group of people who are doing volunteering here, we are collecting funds , we help our people to the front, do you want... i sat down, so beautiful. tatyana eldiab was exchanged. she returned to her hometown in the north of ukraine, recovers her health and is looking for a doctor who can cure her leg. yurik makardchan was transferred to another colony in the occupied territory and later exchanged. he works in one of the military hospitals of ukraine and prodov'. this is my new team, with whom we work, yes, but every time i come here and remember my own, you see, there are many of us here, and there were units, and these units continue
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to be in prison, doctors, not combatants, not military, who do not participate in armed conflict directly, freedom to his colleagues and the seriously wounded who are there. there should be some minimal respect for the doctor, at least in the form of freedom, just release these people. serhiy shevchuk was transferred from the deer park to a colony in russia, where he was brutally tortured. i had eight broken ribs, chest, tear, liver, hematomas of all internal organs, well, knees. during all this time, he was saved by thoughts about his family. he spent three months in russia, he was exchanged for the new year. themselves
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more for my daughter. you see, she is the youngest of mine, she is four years old, the girl is so blue-eyed, i was waiting for her so much, it's just that i never thought that i would have a daughter, i was afraid that she would not be recognized by me. maryana mamonova was nine months pregnant and was transferred from prison to a donetsk hospital to prepare for childbirth. but at the last moment, along with several hundred other ukrainian defenders... the russians still gave her up for exchange, she overcame the path from the occupied territories through russia and belarus to the ukrainian border. the door opens and i don't remember who from the ukrainian military says that mariyash needs to get out now, here, well, he will have to get out of the car, all that at home that is the ukrainian language, can you imagine? takes off
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this bandage about the yellow and blue chevrons, the armed forces of ukraine, ukraine, i just wanted, you know, to fall on my knees and cry from the happiness of my home. in a few days, maryana mamonova gave birth to a completely healthy baby girl, whom her parents named her.
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christ is risen, we ukrainians, even in the conditions of war, try not to forget about secular days, well, they also try to play football ukrainian footballers, and the championship of ukraine is already coming to an end, today we will talk about it, i, oleksandr vashchuk and andriy malinovskyi, andriy, congratulations, congratulations, sashko, he has truly risen. in fact, the holidays are also festive for football, after all, the intrigue that arose after oleksandr shovkovskyy asked for the main position of the head coach of dynamo kyiv, we see that it will last until the last round, although it seemed that yesterday easter is playing dynamo kolos, kolos has changed the coach, such ambitions, i i don't talk to anyone, they say it will be something...


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