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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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let's not give any chronological framework or predict how long it will be, the main thing is that it should be calm, peaceful, voluntary, and gradually it will happen, tell me, do you personally receive any threats, for example, from believers in the pcmp? no, it didn't happen, i often communicate with different people, i will go somewhere to the regions, to places, i often communicate with people who are parishioners of the uocmp, and that's what... perhaps this is a very subjective experience, as a rule , they believe that they are being persecuted in ukraine, that they want to take the church there and god, and i have often heard that you are such an image for them of all this persecution and evil that they suffer from, i do not come into contact with them directly, that is, maybe there somewhere on social networks and so on, but i do not follow social networks, so directly on... they even
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try not to read that negativity, because why do it, if we have chosen the right path, then there will be many obstacles on this path, and there are many who do not perceive it, but they are wrong if they are in this difficult openly support aggression during the war, support the aggressor, pray for him, then what to say, of course, that when we choose the path of truth. so there are a lot of obstacles along the way and a lot of people who now they don't realize what they are doing wrong, but in time i think they will see the light of day and get on the right path. and many people say that yes, i understand that ukraine should have its own independent church, yes, i understand that we have the ocu, but not all local churches have recognized it, you are answering that, hey, we have the recognition
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of part of the local churches , well, together we make up with 15, five, five, and this, and this, and this movement, when it was immediately recognized, yes, it seems to me, well, for two or three years, and in recent years , no one recognized it, you see, with at the time of the full-scale invasion , many expect how this war will end, seriously, because russian propaganda is working. that is, they put in the ears of others that wait, don't admit it, the time will come when we will win, and there will be no ukrainian church, and therefore why should you make any decision that will not have an expression in the future, and that's why we hear it, and many expect though such drastic changes are taking place. and we
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see it in other churches, but recently i was at the funeral of the bulgarian patriarch, and i saw that uh, the bulgarian society has changed and changed quite a lot, that is , during these last two years there have been quite serious changes, that is, the majority of the population now.. . from bulgaria supports ukraine, although until now there was no such majority there before the full-scale invasion, and my presence even at the funeral of the patriarch of the bulgarian neophyte testifies that gradually we we receive the recognition of other local orthodox churches, because delegations of all local churches, almost all local churches, were present there. and no one expressed
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indignation either after or during, that is, this process is gradual, and i am convinced that soon, especially when the war will end with our victory, the majority of local orthodox churches will certainly recognize the autocephaly of the ukrainian church, about the prohibition of churches that are connected with moscow, let's talk, because this issue is already... considered at the legislative level, in the first the relevant bill was passed during the reading, in an interview with radio svoboda, the speaker of the parliament ruslan stefanchuk said that there were no votes for it, when the opposition heard this, they forced him to put it to a vote, we saw that there were votes, but after that some of the deputies , including from the ruling faction, even appealed to the venice commission, they are trying to appeal there, because they believe that this is again oppression of the rights of believers, so far this issue is hanging in the air, we... we do not know when they will be for it
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vote, and can you explain why in the 10th year and in the second year of the full-scale war of the 10th war, ukrainian deputies are still hesitating whether it is necessary to ... ban a church that has influence from moscow, this is not about banning , in this law, in the draft law, there is currently no talk of banning any church, there is never a word or mention of the moscow patriarchate, but potentially this law could lead to something, there is talk of banning it... to have connection of religious organizations with the aggressor country, and this refers to any church, may refer to the moscow patriarchate, may refer to both orthodox and others or muslims, or anyone who, whose communities, religious
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communities may cooperate with the aggressor country, or have this institutional connection, that is, this is not about... banning the church, this is not about a ban on religion, this is about spiritual security, generally about the security of the ukrainian state, and therefore the state cares about its interests, about the interests of the ukrainian people, cares about security, and therefore should be the adopted law, but it clearly prescribes mechanisms and very complicated mechanisms that cannot be taken and prohibited. and there you need to get an appropriate examination, then go through the relevant courts, that is, it takes a long time, this law does not prohibit any religious organization, it only creates
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a certain mechanism so that the aggressor country does not use religious organizations for its own purposes, and that was a year ago. .. we had a meeting with the speaker of the ukrainian council of churches and religious organizations and had a meeting with the speaker before the presentation by the cabinet of ministers, respectively bill, and we made a consensus decision that we all support this initiative, the council of churches, including the moscow patriarchate, which is part of the all-ukrainian council of churches, that is, we unanimously supported this decision that... we are against for the aggressor country to use religious organizations for its own purposes, we are talking about this, it is not about a ban, here it is about faith, about a ban on religion and so on, here we are talking only about security, and so that putin does not
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use in his purposes ukrainian religious organizations, so what happened later, what do you think, why then the deputies themselves started to talk like that. the adoption of this draft law, if it is all about security, we see that certain processes in our country take a long time, i am convinced that over time this law, the draft law will also be adopted as a law, because the process, why is it taking so long, because it was a law was submitted, a draft law from the cabinet of ministers, then the verkhovna rada had up to a dozen more projects... almost every faction in the verkhovna rada developed its own draft law and each wants this draft law to include certain points taken from their draft laws, and that is
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why such a discussion and debate is taking place, i.e. there are those who oppose, there are deputies who openly defend the interests of the moscow patriarchate, there are... several dozen of them, they oppose, persuade and so on, it's a struggle. and if this law is not passed in the end, what will this tell you? will it be approved? why are you so sure? i'm convinced because it passed the first reading, now it's in the second reading, i'm convinced because there's a crazy request ukrainian society, and the verkhovna rada is forced to react to the mood of the ukrainian population. we have seen the survey. of the razumkov center and other sociological surveys, which prove that the absolute majority of ukrainian society supports this draft law, there even directly supports the banning of the russian church in ukraine, although
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this is not written in the law, well, let's be frank about this law, if all the examinations are carried out, yes all the necessary paths will be taken there, in the end it can potentially lead to the fact that in... cmp in ukraine will be banned, or they should be called the russian church there, as you say, but they, they deny that they are the russian church, they disguise themselves, they deceive people, because there are many. people don't really understand, they say, and we go to the ukrainian church, well, of course, and it's not a ukrainian church, it's a russian church masquerading as a ukrainian church, and that's why we 've been talking about what's needed for a long time, but aren't all the priests there followers of russia, patriarch kirill and putin, not all, not all, there is a large part of those who are, but you generalize now they are hesitating, but they must make the appropriate decision: are they on the side of ukraine, or are they on the side of the aggressor? that is, it is
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a collective responsibility, if many priests have made a decision, many communities have made a decision to join the local ukrainian orthodox church, they have this opportunity, no one denies it, that is, it is a voluntary choice of each priest, faithful or in general. communities, they make decisions and join our local orthodox church. i don't know how many priests joined the last two years, let's say , maybe there are hundreds of priests, i won't tell you the exact statistics now, about 200 communities, over the last time, let's take 5 years, it's about 200 temples, real communities, because we know that there are... many communities that have just been registered, entered in the register, but in fact they are paper, here
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too it is necessary to understand that the number that is declared is not real, and we are talking now about 2000 communities, real communities and temples , who joined our local ukrainian orthodox church. we we see that during the last two years, again, ukrainian security forces very often present suspicions or searches of representatives of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate. and i have, because i followed, both according to the news, how it all unfolded, so until the fall of 22, in principle, the topic of the cooperation of priests in the pcmp with the russian troops or russia, there are adjustments or something else or some kind of propaganda activity, she did not light up. in the fall of the 22nd year, something suddenly happened, and the sbu, as, which one among the people, do you know? to people call things, i don't know, god's service, i don't know why so, but yes, yes, i heard
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about this, yes, the sbu, the sbu began to actively report that they are exposing priests who are russian agents there, or they suspect them of this, what happened , what do you think, where was this turning point, there was a certain expectation, and it is clear that the authorities were waiting for the fact that the moscow patriarchate in ukraine would still... make some decision, they gathered in in the month of may in feofania, this is in the 22nd year, and they allegedly announced that they were leaving the russian church, but in fact this did not happen, because until this time they had not even published their statute, that is, they adopted some statute at this meeting in theophania. but until now they have not published it, two
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years have already passed, since that time, the question arises, according to which statute they live, that is , once again, they misled ukrainian society, misled the ukrainian authorities, which had expectations that they will still make a decision and break off relations with the russian church, they are forces, but in fact, this did not happen, we can see that they are an integral part of the russian orthodox church, the recent events, the annexation of dioceses in the occupied territories, crimea and donetsk, luhansk, now kherson, zaporizhzhia regions, there was some reaction, there was no, eh, the last decisions. of the so-called ee world russian 25th
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council or whatever, he clearly prescribed that, that this is a holy war, er, ukrainians are part of russia, like there, yes, there, yugo, the southwestern region of russia, there is some reaction , of moscow of the patriarchate to these statements, there is already a reaction... of the world community, but they do not react, that is , they cannot react, because they are an integral part, i understood that the ukrainian authorities, the ukrainian security forces were probably waiting for the clergy of the uocp to come to their senses, will break all ties with moscow, when they found that they are not breaking anything, they decided to pack them, sorry, no, it looks like there was a wait, and since they refused to work for ukraine, that is, from leaving the russian church, then society demanded
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because there were a lot of examples, we talked about it from the first days of full-scale secondment. the mass of clergymen of the moscow patriarchate openly cooperated, were openly adjusters of the fire and so on, that is , it was in the mass media, and it is logical that the security service of ukraine began to monitor it and make appropriate decisions, and the leadership also changed, that is, there were many different moments , many... note that this may be due to a change in the leadership of the sbu, because the former the head of the sbu, ivan bakanov, was a member of the uocp, in the office of volodymyr zelenskyi there was, for example, serhii trofimov, who was the deputy head of the president's office, who was close to the uoc, perhaps the change of leadership also had an effect. by the way, how would you now evaluate or describe the evolution of volodymyr zelenskyi, because when he became president, he did not
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position himself too much as a president who protects ukrainian orthodoxy. what is happening now? and if we analyze. historically all presidents of ukraine, starting with the first from kravchuk, he may not have understood it either, but then even this was his slogan, that there should be a ukrainian church in ukraine, and kuchma at the end of his term spoke about a single ukrainian orthodox church. let's not take yushchenko for granted, he even came close to a certain extent and there was the arrival of the ecumenical patriarch in 2008, then let's not talk about yanukovych, although in the end he also began to speak and understand these processes to a certain extent, about poroshenko too, he
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was a parishioner of moscow patriarchy on beginning during his tenure, when he became president, he was preefenin of the moscow patriarchate, and then he changed, radically changed, and even contributed to the fact that the ukrainian church received tomos. in the same way , we see now that president volodymyr zelenskyi has also changed, he understood that the church also plays an important role in the life of ukrainian society, that is... in the life of state formation, because the church is the spiritual foundation on which we build the body of the ukrainian states, it is invisible and not everyone sees it immediately, not everyone understands it, but over time are coming to their senses, and we see that the president has well understood what role
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the church plays, if the church is the only strong one, then it will reflect on those... processes that we currently have in the ukrainian state, and the one church will contribute the approach of our joint great ukrainian victory. and i have one more question, i know that priests do not like this question very much, but i cannot help but ask, is the ocu ready, are you ready to allow your priests to bless same-sex couples? no why because it is contradicts christians'. according to which doctrine we made a corresponding decision at the last local council of the orthodox church of ukraine, we even have a declaration that clearly confirms that we will not do this, but how, for example, to take an example from the pope of rome, who in december of last year allowed to his priests
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to bless couples, he said the truth there, the question is very rhetorical there, you know, sometimes the pope will declare, and then... others interpret that he meant something completely different, it is not a blessing, and we know that the greek catholic church categorically this rejected, stated that they do not support this and will not implement it, even if it is an appropriate decision, because it is contrary to a christian act, but there was even an electronic petition on the website of the president regarding the legalization of same- sex marriage in ukraine, it gained 25 thousand votes , the president said that for this we need to change the constitution, during the war the constitution is not changed, but this shows that there is a request from the society, if the church does not respond to the request from the society, does it fulfill its function, of course it fulfills its function, so that... we cannot violate what is established, what is our teaching, we
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cannot violate it, because there are certain norms, and if we violate, then we will no longer be the church, what will you be , we, what will you be, because we have no right to violate those norms, canons, teachings and what is prescribed. but in the holy scriptures, it is clearly all declared, and therefore we will not violate it, i think that all people, regardless of age, sex, gender orientation, will celebrate easter in any case, therefore i'm asking everyone here to wish them a happy easter, we welcome everyone, we just don't accept what is sin or evil, so we talk about it, it's us... and call a spade a spade, that is, if it contradicts, we we talk about it, we do not support it, and we cannot bless it, but we do not reject
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people, that is, we must love everyone, and we love everyone, sinners who even do, sometimes evil, we must instruct them, understand them, for that they follow the path that will lead everyone to salvation, a especially in this period of great fasting, when we are preparing to meet the greatest of the greatest feast of the resurrection of christ, in these days of great fasting, we must change, as we say, transform, that is, become better, become kinder, rethink our lives, if we have done something bad is it bad to change, eh, and that's why i congratulate everyone, you can christians even in a cell in ukraine with this great holiday of the resurrection of christ, which
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we meet in difficult conditions, in conditions of war, when we suffer, but we understand that after these sufferings and trials there will be victory, following the example of christ who suffered, who was crucified on the cross, but he defeated death, because truth, goodness, light and life always win, and in our case we will defeat the aggressor, we will win this is the evil that broke into our common home. we must continue to not give up, we must be spiritually strong, believe, put our hope in god. and the lord will continue to help and facilitate us and give everything we need as needed, so i congratulate all
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ukrainians on this great holiday, especially those who are now in the occupied territories, those who are in temporary detention, those who are suffering, but we put our hope... again, we hope in god and believe that soon we will celebrate together, celebrate our great ukrainian victory christ is risen, truly risen. thank you very much, we are always glad to see you on radio svoboda. thank you. likych's semi-finals. two matches that will determine the finalists of the main european club tournament: psg, russia and real bayern. tune in on may 7th and 8th
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keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchuvka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news, presenters, which have become familiar to many. natalka dyadenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day to come, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. on may 8, wednesday, the espresso tv channel will broadcast a special project dedicated to the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. about the role of ukrainians in the second world war. about 10 years of the european tradition of commemorating the day of remembrance. about the red poppy and the first minute of peace. from may 9
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with parades and immortal regiments, about 10 years of decolonization, breaking away from the tsovka and how it helped our stability in modern warfare, world war ii remembrance day through the prism of history, sociology, politics, culture in our special broadcast, your favorite presenters, extremely interesting guests, respected and respected experts during of the day on espresso. new model of memory, new symbolism. we are new on may 8, a special espresso project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. poppies of memory. 10 years. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect own the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. anyone
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who pilots a uav. understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. a ukrainian program is broadcast from washington voice of america services chas time. i am maria prus. congratulations. the united states is considering a response from hamas for a ceasefire and the release of hostages. israel has said it continues military operations in the gaza strip, but studies every response and seeks to return the hostages home. the hamas group, recognized
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as a terrorist group in the united states and a number of countries around the world. announced that it had accepted a ceasefire agreement proposed by egypt and qatar. however , it is not known what conditions the militants agree to. the state administration stated that they cannot to communicate the details of the response to hamas, but are discussing it with partners in the region. i can confirm that hamas has responded. we are currently reviewing it and discussing it with our partners in the region. as you know, the director of the cia works in... we are working on this in real time. we remain convinced that the hostage deal is in the best interests of the israeli people as well as the best interests of the palestinian people. it would lead to an immediate ceasefire. this would increase the delivery of humanitarian aid, and that is why we are going to continue to work, to reach an agreement. also, during the briefing , matthew miller said that the us ambassador to moscow will not be present at
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the inauguration of the russian president. putin miller did not answer the voice of america journalist's clarifying question whether it was a boycott of the ceremony. he also said that washington does not consider the presidential elections held in russia to be free and fair, but putin is the president of russia and will continue to be in that role. miller also commented on the kremlin's statements about training with the use of tactical nuclear weapons. russian nuclear rhetoric was reckless and reckless. responsible throughout the conflict. however, we have seen no reason to adjust our own nuclear posture in response to these statements, nor any indication that russia is preparing to use nuclear weapons in ukraine. chinese president xi jinping began his visit to france by saying that beijing wants to promote peace in europe and ukraine.


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