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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EEST

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for the fact that she wrote on the ballot: we are waiting for the armed forces, that is, for such cases, people are detained, prosecuted to varying degrees, either administratively or criminally, and fined, and, if i am not mistaken, recently there have been a lot of fines against the activists of the crimea solidarity, and not only because of this article regarding the discrediting of the russian army, and it even began to happen that they come from the administration. in the house of the person who is being searched, there are some weapons, or just some cartridges, artillery or other, and then they open a criminal case again case, we recorded about 780 such facts in administrative proceedings for discrediting the armed forces of the russian federation. these are exactly the fines you are talking about
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. side of the detention of the crimean tatars, muslims, and whether slavs and muslims are equally detained , including ukrainians? well, look, i would say that there is no specific selectivity or there is no ... logical approach, because the actions that are taken are yes, as i said before, it is for anything that they consider a threat to themselves. of the political prisoners, about 130, we count 218 political prisoners, 135 of them are crimean tatars, these are the ones who have been detained and held in places of detention since 2014.
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well, if, for example, we talk about administrative cases, then here we conducted for ourselves, it is quite such an interesting statistic that about 40% of those who are brought to administrative responsibility, for example, are women, that is, this means that almost every second detained, or the one, with respect to which it is composed administrative protocol, is a woman, er, regarding some other disagreements there, we did not collect such information, er... with the general position that detainers can detain anyone and for anything. well, the situation with political prisons is really difficult now, because we see how the russian occupiers are phasing out the crimean tatars, not only those detained there under the articles of terrorism and so on, but simply to other colonies, for example, it became known yesterday that the russian occupiers had transported rustem sheikhaliyev. to the siberian colony and
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political prisoners talk about the fact that the conditions of detention there are very difficult, and we know that, for example, last year, dzhemil gafarov, yes, a crimean tatar political prisoner, simply died in a russian prison, because of this inhumane , simply the attitude of the russian occupiers, how is the situation with these issues at... for example, is the issue being discussed with the turkish side regarding the release of our political prisoners, because we see how the russian occupiers, jailers simply treat our political prisoners and it can already be said that they are simply in they kill in prisons, such as dzhemily gafarov. yes, i think that it is worth explaining here, including why they are staged, so far, because the russian federation actually follows several. e goals, the first is the goal
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of severing any ties with relatives or those who can support these political prisoners, since it is very far and it is necessary to get to these places of detention by plane and agree this meeting with the head of this institution in advance, this is the first, second, for that, the articles for which they are detained and then convicted people, provide for very long terms, in accordance with the legal reality of the russian federation. people who receive such significant terms, special places of receipt are provided for them, which are usually very far away, so here they apply such articles specifically to them in order to send them as far as possible, regarding the negotiations, i do not know this information at the moment, i think , that this is more a question of those of our bodies that deal with exchanges or take care of... these issues, for my part,
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i can say that we are constantly conducting an information campaign related to the violation of rights'. in the temporarily occupied territory, including these illegal detentions, we constantly communicate with our international partners and talk about including these people in various resolutions, so that these voices and these people are heard, regarding places of detention, we constantly communicate with relatives for of making such information about what horrible conditions it is to receive. and including so that the international community can react to it, knowing about it, because the situation with the gaffer is simply extremely egregious, because this was a person in his old age, he had chronic diseases even before his arrest, and it was just the conditions
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of the reception that really led to the fact that he died, uh, well, it was just, you know, the situation with sheriff malkoch and the cobbler, by the turkish ombudsman who was coming... and even he took part in the iftar with the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, and then had a meeting with representatives of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people and directly with the permanent representation of the president, and how it is known that they talked about the possibility of negotiations between the russian shoemaker and the turkish shoemaker regarding the release of our political prisoners, because we already have such experience with akhtemm cheygoz and ilmi umerov. and now a lot of questions are coming to our editorial offices from the families of political prisoners regarding these negotiations? i understand that ms. olga does not take part in these negotiations, so she cannot clarify this story for us, but thank you
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ms. gults for telling me in more detail, ms. olga, if we are talking about washing the buckets of crimeans, especially children, crimeans, about how the russians make ukrainians the bearers of the ideas of the russian world, how it happens, where this propaganda is sewn, we saw some completely wild photos about how children kneel and in the shape of a pentagram of some kind, and to celebrate or mark the day , as now the russians are trying to do the genocide of the russian or? what kind of people from the german-fascist invaders, well , these, well, this is not the same as a scoop, well, it’s just some stalinist times, it seems to me that even in stalin’s times there was no such thing, such propaganda and washing of cities, what innovations in this direction the russians use, well
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, in fact, they deepen this story, because recently there was a youth event, to which they seemed to try to... bend the representatives of international foreign countries, the youth union, or something like that was called, then they are trying to include crimea in the all-russian context, including in communication with those countries that still somehow communicate with the russian federation, organizing joint events, in fact the situation is stable. bad, here we are we always talk about the army, about the militarization of education, now a lot of people are dealing with educational issues in the government, certain decisions were made in this regard, and we also studied the information that
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is taught there in the temporarily occupied territories, then propaganda permeates all education in any of its manifestations, these are educational hours, here is just another question... because those people who, for example, studied at school, in crimea, and then died in the war of russia against ukraine, on the territory of ukraine, open memorial plaques and demand so that children go directly to the parade ground and solemnly attend the opening of these boards, that is why various methods of influence are used here, unfortunately, really children... as the category that can perceive this story the most, and the russian federation has always bet on children they are, of course, very, very much under the influence of the reality imposed by the russian federation. but on the other hand, it
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gives us the opportunity to understand what challenges the state will face after the de-occupation of the territory, and what needs to be started now do, communicate, which. programs, what projects to implement in order to return young people, to return children from the occupied territories, and here, in fact, we can talk not only about crimea, because crimea was the territory where the russian federation made, implemented its project, and then simply began to spread it already to the new temporarily occupied territories, because the same story with passportization, the same story with, for example, coercion, yes, until you get a passport, and in that case you will be provided with some kind of medical or social assistance, that is, all of this it is repeated, they also started burning books and throwing them away in the newly occupied territories and... conducting their program, that is , they are simply what they did in crimea, they are now spreading to the newly occupied territories,
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that is, can we talk about the factor of the lost generation, because the children who were born in 2014 are already 10 years old, and those who were 10 are already 20, and this constant militarization of children's consciousness has very serious consequences, how are we going to fight it? you know, i wouldn't call it that a lost generation, i don’t know, maybe due to the fact that i have been working with this topic for a very long time and have been dealing with it since 2015, i don’t think it is a lost generation, i just have this idea that these groups of people , children, they should be exactly that group, when where should be directed state flight. these are people who need support, and in fact, every
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year i help with the admissions company, the implementation of the admissions company so that crimeans come, enroll in ukrainian educational institutions, i communicate with these people, and i see that they want, they can and they have the ability to adapt, including the issue of language, it concerns the issue of life here in general, because the child who comes, maybe she does not consider herself a child, but she a young person arrives, he already arrives without his parents and without the possibility to go home and see his relatives at any time, he is forced to adapt here, then it works out quickly for them, i see their successes, so i cannot draw conclusions that this lost generation mrs olga, thank you, olga koryshka, deputy permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, was with us about admission to... ukrainian universities for crimeans, we will definitely talk about them in our next issues, for today we are finishing up, this is
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the beraber together program, the program , which is jointly produced by two tv channels, the crimean tatar first crimean tatar tv channel atr and the all-ukrainian espresso tv channel, and i, andriy yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova, my colleague, were in the studio. thank you very much. goodbye. see in the verdict with serhiy rudenko. a successful mission in the bay is narrow. a naval drone of a special unit of the ministry of defense destroyed a russian speed boat near the coast of crimea. experts say that the successful strike could have been a combined one. european-chinese dialogue on ukraine. xi jinping flew to france to talk about trade and the so-called ukrainian crisis,
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will macron and von der leyen be able to convince him to restrain putin's aggression? investigative actions of chekists from lubyanka. the kremlin added a number of current and former officials to the list of wanted presidents of ukraine. why putin? burning bridges to the negotiations he supposedly dreamed of? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next hour, we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. zelensky is wanted, xi has flown to france, and putin is threatening great britain and france. we will talk about this and other things with the guests of today's studio, today we will have people's deputy of ukraine dmytro razumkov and
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people's deputy maria ionova as guests. however, the first rather than start our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how a unit of the main directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine destroyed a speedboat of the russian invaders with a magura v5 attack marine drone, according to the experts of defense express, the nature of the splashes around the drone. indicates that air defense could have worked on it for some air targets, that is, the strike was probably combined, let's see how it all turned out.
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working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms live. please subscribe to our pages on these resources and take part in our survey. today we ask you the following: are peace negotiations with russia possible? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own , separate opinion, please write it in
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the comments under this video. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for the numbers. if you think so. that peace negotiations with russia are possible 0800-211-381 no 0800 211-382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's guest - dmytro razumkov, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine in 2019-21. dmytro oleksandrovich, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, thank you for the invitation. well, since we are asking our tv viewers about... is it possible for ukraine to negotiate peace with russia, let me ask you what you think about this? well, actually, it's a very difficult conversation because we understand that russia does not understand the negotiation process well, but based on what we see today, including statements from the office, statements from international partners, including statements
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related to the upcoming conference in switzerland, the so-called peace formula, which says zelenskyi, this indicates that one way or another the negotiations continue today, they may not be direct between ukraine and russia, but they continue with the mediation of other states, it was turkey, it was other countries that are trying to build negotiation lines or the lines of communication between ukraine and russia, plus there are... specific cases on which such negotiations are ongoing, they don't like to talk about them in the office or admit them, but in fact they exist, it's the exchange of prisoners and hostages taken hostage, which was captured by russia, these were the negotiations on the grain corridor, they continued one way or another, and the others that are being talked about today,
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we do not have confirmation or denial, but in theory they exist, you know, when i... i am asked about negotiations and any decisions there, i say that it is always war will end with the signing of some document, even germany, which was completely destroyed, destroyed and surrendered, she also signed the document, that is, it will be one way or another, but it is important that these negotiations and the achievement and signing of the surrender there by the enemy were real. in the interests of ukraine, in the interests of our state, and not in the interests of individual politicians or political goals, which very often play important roles, instead of those positions that should stand first, well, in this situation, i cannot help but remember the last decision yes
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called the ministry of internal affairs of russia, regarding the announcement of a wanted criminal case against. zelensky, that is , russia, judging by this step, is not going to sign any documents with zelensky and does not see zelensky as a person who will accept the capitulation of the russian federation? i think that these are public steps that are taking place in us, and the purpose, what is the purpose of these steps, including that they are laying a field of possibilities for themselves in this direction that you are talking about, that they will... pump , excuse the slang, download history in europe and in of the united states after the 20th, well, yes, here it will be about what for'. powers of the president, you saw the statement of the so-called president lukashenka, who said that russia will not sign anything with zelensky after the 20th. what is the problem, and it
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is not even a problem of russia, of our representatives, they, for some reason, believe that this can lead to some internal political upheavals, this will not happen, no one in ukraine will withdraw the maidans, no one will say that there zelensky is legitimate. or illegitimate because it would lead to the weakening of the country, the key problem will not be here, the key problem will be in the countries of europe and the countries of the world, where russia today invests enormous amounts of money in leaders of public opinion, in politicians, opposition politicians, because the pro-government in almost all countries have taken a pro-ukrainian position, and the opposition will choose some other, otherwise they will not... most likely, they will pursue either a neutral or pro-russian policy, and russia also finances them, they finance journalists, they finance sink tanks, yes
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called, and these are huge funds that they invest in their propaganda, in propaganda and planting their position. well done, not you and i, but the ukrainian government, which has to go at least one or two steps ahead, and we, unfortunately, will lose in this regard, that is , the internal, internal political case has played very badly, badly. a joke with the representatives of the current government, and unfortunately, i think that russia will use it, this a big problem for us, and because , i repeat once again, it will not lead to... any global changes within the state, but it will lead to the fact that the issue of the termination of the powers of the president of ukraine will be
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used by enemies and opponents of our state abroad. dmitry piskov, the press secretary of the so-called president of russia, said that the announcement of the separation of president zelensky and his predecessor poroshenko is allegedly the result. the work of russian investigators and other relevant agencies, our relevant agencies do what should be done - says piskov. there is a large amount of information that our investigators are collecting about the crimes of the ukrainian authorities, what it is about, so work is being carried out within this framework. well, today it became known that the ministry of internal affairs of russia declared a number of ukrainian politicians wanted on the list: former secretary of the national security and defense council oleksiy danilo, ex-prime minister volodymyr groysman, ex-minister of internal affairs arsen avakov. former commander-in-chief of the armed forces ruslan khamchak, ex-head of the anti-terrorist center at the sbu vasyl krutov, former minister of foreign affairs pavlo kiinkin and former minister of information policy yuriy stets.
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dmytro oleksandrovich, there is not a single last name of a person who is included in the hundred most respected politicians, the most influential politicians in the world according to the version of time this year. there is no yermak, why? i don't know, this is probably a question for yermak, he is not in the sanctions either, well, that is, part of it. received a warrant today, yes, starting with president zelensky, poroshenko and all others, he is under sanctions by the russian federation, for example, i have been there since the 20th year, if not i'm wrong, i'm under sanctions, russia, and yermak is not there, i don't think they can't underestimate the influence that the head of the office of the president of the state has today, i don't know why, i think you'll... invite him, he will give a comprehensive answer to this. well, maybe they can't rely on zelensky, but they can rely on yarmak, well, that's the only way i can look at it, or at least i, you know, i
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try not to get into the heads of er russians, let them live in their regime, but the question is, indeed, it is logical, i think that it is better it was either to get this answer from them, maybe tomorrow they will file it, we'll see, or to get an answer from... the management of the office, what could be the reason for this, maybe because they were in constant communication with the representatives of the so-called russia before the full-scale invasion, maybe something else, i don't know, it's difficult for me to comment on this, because i, unfortunately or fortunately, am not involved in the processes that take place, or the lack of these processes that take place in the office of the president and in making decisions like this. called a team of five or six very effective or highly effective managers, by the way, they are also not in the list of 5-6, because he never
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named it, i mean the president. i know, i don't know, and i'm sure that the country can't be run by five or six managers, even super efficient ones, because that will lead to the fact that everything will fall apart and everything will move in the wrong direction that the country needs, yes it does not happen, there are no such unique people, it simply does not happen, what kind of people could fight, deal with the economy, fight corruption with their hands. build an independent judiciary system and introduce the state to a happy future. we have a small fragment of what zelensky said at the final press conference in 2023 about these five or six managers, let's listen. as for my team, if i get rid of my team, i have a small five or six managers, then we become weak with you. as for... well, in principle, one
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thing is key here, these are five or six managers, you know zelensky in october 2018, you came to the headquarters in october 2018, and you, in principle, well, i characterized your role in to this team, as zelenskyi's understudy, i was never anyone's understudy, including zelenskyi, well, you were on tv channels, went on tv channels and spoke on behalf of zelenskyi's team, when volodymyr oleksand. i didn’t go there and i was afraid to go there, yes, but i’m sorry to interrupt you, i wasn’t a backup, well, this, this, this may be too much said about us, but you were the main speaker of zelenskyi’s headquarters, correct, yes, you know zelenskyi and this team very well, as in these 5 years, that is five years zelenskyi, on may 20, as the president who was sworn in, how has
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zelenskyi changed, how has she changed? the team that promised to bring new faces, and well, you were also part of these new faces, how has everything changed from those new faces , no one, no one, absolutely, there remained some five or six managers, who under there was no election campaign time, and let's say about the understudy, i wasn't an understudy, because that's a role, i don't play a role, just like i wasn't a speaker, but uh... i went out and said on the air that , in which i personally i believe zelenskyi did not write the program, you were the face of zelenskyi’s team, i think so, but not only the face, because what i said on the air was not written by the writers, it was not prepared on the way out in sociology, it was not developed by technologists, i said what i believe and what i go with, and it was a situation where i had to go on the air, i would
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go on the air. the next day i talked with serhiy shefir on vasyletsky and we had an office there, i asked a question and said that seryuzh, look, i’m gone, look, if it suits you, say okay, if it doesn’t suit me, i just won’t go anymore, then i blushed when it was changed, that is, you were one of the ideologues, i think so, libertarianism is not mine, it’s stefanchuk’s, everything else , i think so, on the other hand, i am often criticized for having brought there... a rumor, you know, i did not lead zelenskyi's servants, i wanted the people's servants to be in the parliament, there was political power, but not in name , but essentially. did everything work out for me, no, that's why i remain in politics today and will work on it further, but what you are asking, i was asked as a question, how zelensky changed, it is difficult for me to say, because zelensky was largely absent during the election campaign, he was engaged in other issues. boards
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- it was their property, but the semantic burdens, the president was not globally involved in them, so we did not communicate much, we started to communicate more when he became the president, and i became the chairman of the verkhovna rada, it changed, i think that yes , very much, i think i have changed, is it not better, based on my personal opinion, no, in us in these, in general, probably different approaches from him, i... always believed that it is necessary to attract people who can be smarter than me, and because this is strengthening me, strengthening the team, not from five or six managers, but simply strengthened teams, the president probably still has different approaches, but everyone chooses his own path, whether it has changed, you know, any government is destructive, absolutely the government is destructive.


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