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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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that the circle is narrowing and in russia, well, there is less and less leverage or deterrence, and therefore, on the contrary, all our friends and partners should condemn, condemn this rhetoric, you know, but still not only make statements, but also not limit ourselves to statements , after all, too, well, accordingly, we should have their results on the battlefield of our... armed forces, and therefore, you know, there is no need to be silent, again, it is necessary to simply emphasize and remind the russian federation that they should take their troops, to de-occupy our territories, and to prepare, indeed, to answer according to international law for your war crimes, and therefore, frankly, you and i know that the west has a lot of such tools, they can change behavior. and the russian federation, and
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their strategy can be changed, that is, i think that right now everything is just beginning, that's why the fact that, well, in general, russia threatens so much, well , even with such strikes, and on military facilities, to be honest, britain is a nato country, and that's why such, you know, these statements, they sound very soviet in just such rhetoric of the soviet school, of diplomacy, that is... it is clear that we expected, yes, such sharp statements, like tooth for tooth, so russian, but again, i think that we just need to remind our partners that even more weapons, on unfortunately, i believe that we have an insufficient sanctions policy, and secondary sanctions work, so these declarative scarecrows of the kremlin should simply state quite strongly that such rhetoric is unacceptable and once again confirm with actions that... that our, our
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democratic countries , they are interested in the fact that russia loses, and we, as a civilized one the democratic world won. by the way, these statements are today's, they were made in parallel with the meeting of the chinese leader xi jinping with french president emmanuel macron, and emmanuel macron said during the meeting with the chinese leader that... the coordination of positions between them regarding ukraine and the middle east is crucial. let's listen to what the french president said. it is clear that we need this european-chinese dialogue more than ever. i spoke about this recently when i spoke about our europe. we are at a turning point in our history, and for us you need to overcome the structure. mrs. maria,
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can france and china, and not only france, but also germany, and the countries of the european union together with china, overcome these so-called structural difficulties, or simply put, the difficulties that arise in communication with the russian federation in absolutely all of them, except perhaps shijin ping himself. mr. seri, let 's face it, china is really... a very important side of this war, and the fact that the visit happened, it's really very important, and again the picture is much bigger, which is a multi-layered defining visit just between relations, in first of all, between france and china, ah, between the european union and china, and in principle for the european continent, and for such a further, further development of the situation in our war against the eu against the kremlin, and this
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visit proves, well, in principle, what we heard, ah, again cie, he recognized macron as the leader of the european union, that is, that, ah, with him he can solve pan-european and global issues, and well , we realize that the prominent place, of all these lists issues, but... the ukrainian dossier takes up, and it is very symbolic that, well, actually in the last few days, well, not the last few days, you and i have heard what statements macron has intensified in the mass media, that is, he publicly issued such a series of very clear and important signals specifically regarding support for ukraine, and he also stated that if france was ready to fight putin. such
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a threat in europe, that is, he has already clearly stated that putin is a threat to europe, and let's put it that way, and also emphasized that he intends, well... to play a more independent role precisely in the relations between the united states and china , europe, that's why it's undeniable the results of this meeting, and they will determine such trends of the war in the near future, in particular, as far as china is concerned, you and i know how much china helps the military-industrial complex of the russian federation, this war machine and... but still china is interested in peace processes, and this implementation of macron's initiative regarding the olympic truce, this is also what china is interested in, and i think we can only join
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our friends from the european union when they clearly state and rely on the fact that china will use its influence. to end the war, and they can do it, and that is why we are also talking to those countries that, let's say, can also advocate for china, you and i also heard the statements of ursula fonderlein today, ah, where she also clearly said that we are counting on china to use its influence to get russia to stop. its aggression on the territory of ukraine, and by the way, interestingly, she praised the chinese leader precisely for the important role of de-escalation, de-escalation of such irresponsible nuclear the threats of the russian federation, so by the way,
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if i'm not mistaken, she added by the way that she is sure that xi will continue to do this, so i think that i have, well, we have the most important thing. the question of whether you are in switzerland in the peace summit, that is, it is very important for us that china is present there, and at what level it will be, and again it is interesting what china's position will be, because you and i know that the russian leader, he warned all other countries against participating in this event, and therefore there are interesting prospects for the participation of the chinese... of the people's republic at the summit, that is, this is such a question of extreme importance, i think that negotiations will be held there and negotiations will be at such a level, where, let's say, we will understand what the future prospects of this
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russian aggression will be, and i conclude interestingly, and what do you personally expect from the global peace summit, it is clear that there will be about 100 participants or participants from 100 countries. the pope of rome has already been invited, so what should be the result of this meeting? mr. sergey, well, we understand that this is just your question not to answer, because it depends on what level, when we will be, even with you diplomatically, we will already be able to predict some results, when we will understand who the participants are and at what level these participants are, that is why our goal and purpose with you and... questions, well , it is clear what should be decided at this peace summit, but again, this will not mean that the war will end the next day and the threat of the kremlin will disappear, because unfortunately, the threat is long-term, and it is important for us to be ready and ahead some
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events and already give those challenges, answers, which we understand will be not only for ukraine, but also for nato countries, so again for... for me it is very important, it will be such a very important signal, when the participation of the people's republic of china will be at a fairly high level, i think well , we understand what we are talking about, and a very short question, you said a long-term perspective, ukraine will probably be next to russia for centuries, well , geographically, god gave us such neighbors, does this mean that this.. .will be forever between russia and ukraine and one way or another for us it is necessary to prepare not for tens of years, but for hundreds of years of this confrontation. mr. serhiy, russia has been a threat to ukrainian independence for centuries. we have to do our part,
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we need to strengthen our security and defense sector, we need to implement those reforms as soon as possible to meet those criteria. countries and become a member of the eu and nato, but again , take your domestic homework very seriously, and especially the army, that is, ours... must also understand that without ukraine, we are a deterrent to the russian federation, on this ms. maria, let's put an end to it, give me time on the air, it's coming to an end, thank you for participating in the program, maria ionova, people's deputy of ukraine, friends, during this program we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether peace negotiations with russia are possible , let's look at the results of the television poll on the screen, please display 15% and... yes 85% no, we put an end to it, it was a program of the verdict of sergei rudenko,
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i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, be healthy, orders have been issued in moscow about the increase production of weapons and ammunition, this happened after the approval by the president of the united states of america, joseph biden, of a package of military aid worth 61 billion dollars. this is the same famous package that has been blocked in congress for months. un investigations are ongoing in an effort to confirm whether north korean weapons were used by russia, which is already actively launching iranian missiles to strike ukrainian cities. so, russia is already getting supplies, and now it looks like it wants to effectively double its arms spending. we invite you for analysis. jacob, congratulations and thanks for being with
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us, how do you interpret the news that russia is increasing its defense spending. well, putin has decided to move in a totalitarian direction. he is trying to put the entire russian economy on the military rails, significantly increasing spending on weapons and neglecting the economy and the standard of living of russians. and that's just one of the points, because there will be people who will work in manufacturing plants, and they can get paid well, but in general, as you just pointed out, this approach takes a lot of money from the general public, doesn't it? this is indeed the case, and the russian economy, although it has been able to drag on much longer than i think the biden administration originally predicted, however... i think that over the next year or two, russia will have to reap the rewards of its actions, as the number of deaths among russians
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continues to grow, and more and more russian resources are being invested in what is essentially a colossal waste. it is obvious that this is a race against time, because the money that was blocked in the congress, let's call it its faction trump, we are talking about 61 billion dollars of military aid, which is currently going to kyiv from washington, it is clear that they are still... wait, right, such resources do not arrive overnight, russia is also awake and trying to increase everything that you can now it's practically a race against time to arm your troops and make progress on the battlefield. certainly, we see that the russians are trying to go on the offensive as quickly as they can, but the ukrainians are already using long-range missiles that they have received from the us and other countries to strike at the rear of the enemy. daily losses of russians amount to more than 1,000 people.
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just imagine 1000 a day, that's an absolutely mind blowing number. lloyd austin, the us secretary of defense, a few days ago called on countries that have, strangely enough, patriot missile systems to hand them over to ukraine. the question is why this did not happen earlier, and whether it will be enough. it's never enough, but it's absolutely life. important, because ukraine has been neglected for months, especially by the united states, and by the russians systematically attacked ukraine's energy sector, and definitely harmed the ukrainian economy and morale. i think that with the new aid package from the usa, ukraine can regain both its morale and its lost territories. the other day, ukraine hit the energy sector in russia's kursk region. the arrival of the post office in odesa, which, judging by everything, was without victims. there's really not much information about what 's going on, because as we speak, the war is going on. i suggest returning to
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what volodymyr zelenskyi said, namely that nato rushed to help israel when it was attacked by iran. no one hesitated whether it was right or not. zelensky points out why not help ukraine in this way. can nato act like this? no, i think we should show some. caution, because we are talking about potentially getting into a direct conflict with russia, this is a red line that joseph biden will never cross, but he continues to step on it more and more and send long-range missiles. however, there is evidence that with on the russian side , north korean missiles could be used, the un investigated this issue back in january, and only a few days ago odessa was hit by an iskander with a cluster munition. it turns out that on one side of the
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dividing line, some rules are followed, and on the other - others. putin is a dictator who stops at nothing, we are shocked by the figure of a thousand, but he is ready to throw as many people into this meat grinder as he deems necessary. i think that biden managed to unite nato, he managed to provide ukraine with another package of weapons, while putin has brewed the kind of mess that could ultimately jeopardize his own administration of power. jacob heilbran was with us, thank you very much for joining us on franz 24, we appreciate your time and your analysis, jacob heilbran, editor of the national interest and fellow at the atlantic council. thank you. we will, of course, keep an eye on the development of events in ukraine.
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greetings, i'm andriy yanitskyi, gulsum khalilova, today with me in the bereber program, which in ukrainian means together, we tell the main news of crimea together, this a joint project of the crimean tatar tv channel atr and the espresso tv channel. silya maliyko, we congratulate you on the air of the atr tv channel, on the air of the tv channel in a joint project. my colleague andrii told me, it is indeed a name, it was chosen for a reason, because we know, and history knows, history shows that only together, only beraber can win and overcome the enemy, and today all of ukraine is doing this, today , all citizens of ukraine and
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indeed, first of all, our military, the armed forces of ukraine, in particular the 48th oshb. noman's name chilibikhan is now in the southern direction overcoming and defeating the russian invaders, so you can always support them by the qr code that you will see on your screens, and our directors will show it, now our guys need drones for the fpf, so you can support them really now by qr - the code that you see on your screens, well, we continue within the framework of this program. talking about crimea, we continue to tell about the most relevant events that happened this week on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula and indeed about the actions of the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of crimea and against russian military strategic objects, because this week we know that the ukrainian armed forces
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attacked russian military objects at the airfield in dzhankoya, and there were also explosions in the sak region, in the yevpatoria region, that is, in kezlev and in the region terkhankuta yes, gulsom khanum said on the air that she was not ready to say much, but immediately seized the initiative. we are still not the main characters in this program, we invite experts who know more than us, and traditionally the first block is devoted to military actions. oleksii hetman, national guard reserve major.
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constructions in crimea, does it mean that they are waiting for something, or is it just money laundering, corruption, as is customary in russia? well, first of all, they steal in russia, yes, we know in one word, if we describe what is happening there, some of the buildings they build there, they cause, well, what is less surprising, when they started on the southern coast a year ago, to build some fortifications right somewhere near the beach, well, that's me... i think it was money laundering and in order to somehow keep the tension inside crimea should be supported in the sense that readiness to repulse our offensive. they had, well, at the maximum level, to hope that these fortifications, which we are doing, will be able to influence the actions that we are going to take there, well, it is not worth it,
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i think that we all understand this perfectly, and if crimea we after all, we will make a decision to liberate, well, we would like the beginning of the liberation this year, so that crimea can be liberated, i'm sorry for being a little slow. we need to destroy the kerch bridge, one of the logistical routes of the russians and of course, the first one in which the road goes to jonkuy via melitopol via volnovakha via the russian federation and the plazderem that we have near krynyk, it is not actively expanding yet, but we have been holding it for more than six months and i am sure that it will. .. the fact that we, the knowledge that we acquired , gained more experience, how it should be done, as our special units of the main
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intelligence agency, which, well, they are called teams that know how to conduct combat operations from the water, they trained from great britain, which is no less six months, they were already experienced people, they are not those who are newly mobilized, but nevertheless, they underwent additional training, therefore... we expect that after krynyk we will be able to move towards skidovsky, towards armyansky, well, the main thing cut off crimea from external supplies, turn it into a conditional island, destroy the anti-aircraft defenses that are there, the means of communication, which we are actively doing, destroy the airfields that jinko and saki, about this too, you just said, then and any fortifications that will be built there, they will not matter, then that military group... will be left without anything and any supply from the battery part of the russian federation, will be largely doomed. the patients understand this very well, they were preparing for it, but
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to do something substantial, they even wanted to convert large landing ships into transports to bring something under, realizing that the logistical arteries could be blocked, but i think that our and the main intelligence management, and the security service of ukraine, especially the general staff, well rates of the supreme head. what needs to be done and these actions are already gradually being done, you know, mr. oleksiy, i really like reading the russian occupying, crimean telegram channels, well, i like it, because they are panicking there, especially after the strikes of the armed forces of ukraine with weapons attacks on crimea and on the russian military objects, and you know, they write there that ukraine's tactics are now like this, it destroys the russian and weakens the russian anti-aircraft defense. defense in order to hit the kerch bridge during the inauguration of the russian leader putin, this is how
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you have such a story, is it really possible to expect such a gift for vatashka from the russians, well , there are not many, the inauguration is scheduled for may 7, not quite legitimate, according to the european union, the president, well , that would be... very good, you know, to the russians, the russians like to adjust some actions to certain dates, this is characteristic of them, well, it is not quite correct from a military point of view, but sometimes for that, well, war is a continuation of politics by other means, and it necessarily has a political component, if on october 7 just in time for the inauguration to hit the kerch bridge, i think that the effect will be very, very serious, you can imagine. it is a holiday, when it is a holiday for us, when on the day of putin's inauguration there will be a message in all russian publications that the kerch bridge has already been destroyed,
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although i think that if we do it on this particular day, then the russian mass media will report about it , well, not earlier, somewhere after may 10-11, because for them the ninth is a sacred date, the seventh is also almost a sacred date, and so to speak... news these days, well, it will be almost impossible for them. well, as far as i remember, the first attack on the kerch bridge was also related to the date, i think it was putin's birthday there, it was plus or minus one day, and that's the birthday of october 6, or the seventh, wait, the seventh, regularly , regular greetings are given by our armed forces, and there are many such interesting dates, you are right that if not may 7, it is possible. may 9, not 9, yes, in the summer, but not only the armed forces are sending signals that the crimean bridge, the kerch bridge will be destroyed
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forces of ukraine, we saw. for example, how the ambassador of lithuania in sweden published a post on the internet with the hint that it is better to take photos near the bridge now, because in the future such an opportunity may not present itself, that is, the western partners of ukraine support such a development of events and know about such plans, and will not object anymore, lithuania a reliable partner, these are our friends, and when they make such statements, well, it's... you know, well, let's repeat that war is also politics by other means, but pressure, emotional pressure, political pressure on the enemy has to be, that moreover, if it is done by our partners, by those countries that are members of the alliance, then it is very good, and we can see this on the screen of another publication, a ukrainian diplomat has already hinted that the kerch bridge may disappear and has become visible...
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different forms of bridges, that exist in the world, where it is written kerch, there is no bridge there, so the signals are more than transparent, but the question is how it will be done, the russian newspaper kommersant published details about how the kerch bridge was blown up for the first time, that it was a piece of solid fuel , solid explosive or solid fuel from a rocket that was transported by a truck. is wrapped in polyethylene and the second attack was already by sea drones, what would be cheaper now, some kind of diversionary technique with trucks, with transport, or drones, or missiles? well, you know, there are only three options, how it can be done, this is an air attack, a sea attack and a diversionary attack, obviously one of them, if we say what
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will happen ... after all three, then we will guess 100% , because there cannot be others, most likely, a combined attack will be used, because it will be the most difficult for the russians to prevent it, and i am sure that it will be some kind of sabotage, and of course we are all waiting for the missiles that we have, but you can destroy the canvas on the bridge with missiles, but sometimes you still have to destroy it with explosives of water, well, although a rocket can definitely hit... hits the support and it will be some kind of powerful rocket, then it is quite possible, well, two or three more rockets, then the main thing is to cover the canvas, well, not what lies on top, it’s easier saying, and what it rests on, it must be destroyed, i am sure that when if they collapse, then rebuilding it, well , it will be extremely difficult, especially since these, well, the russians will most likely try to start some repair work, but, but destroy...
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there will be consequences for the russian occupiers, well, it is understandable from a political point of view and for the fsb and for putin very much. a powerful image blow, yes, when they say that crimea is an unsinkable aircraft carrier, and now such a blow as it was, for example, last time, it was really very powerful, but if we talk about the military point of view, what will it have the consequences for the russian occupiers, and how it can radically change the situation on the battlefield, both from the point of view of crimea and the southern direction, well, you know, we don’t warm the aircraft carriers, it might even agree,
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because really... it is impossible to sink the peninsula directly , but if such an aircraft carrier is left without everything necessary for its life for life support, then this aircraft carrier, as the russians say, will turn into a flying dutchman, that is, it will, as it were, not be sunk, but no, it will not function will be able to, how will it affect the course of hostilities, well, i am sure that he is unlikely to be able to host any hostilities in the east. even an almost sunken aircraft carrier is unlikely to be able to do the russian troops concentrated there, and the logistics that exist there, it will still remain, but here it is more, well, what will be the importance of the military, we will free a very large part of our territory, and then we will be able to build some of our strategic objects, tactical objects there.


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