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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EEST

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in total, four times per night, only per night, not even per day, and in fact, as is usual for this region, residential buildings and an outbuilding, a shop, a gas pipe were also damaged, this is the story, more news from khrystyna parubiy and the editors of our journalists, literally in a moment, khrystyna, you have a word, thank you, colleagues, about the situation. in the regions of ukraine, i will tell you in the issue, as well as about the losses of the enemy, don't miss it in a moment. khrystyna parubiy works in the eteriso news studio. the russian occupiers fired at nikopol four times in vain. on
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dnipropetrovsk region. artillery was also used in the marganets community. fortunately, there were no casualties, but three private houses, an outbuilding, a shop and a gas pipeline were damaged, said the head of the dnipropetrovsk region serhii lysak. the occupiers shelled the zaporizhzhia region 291 times. eight cities and villages of the region came under enemy fire. the enemy fired artillery, anti-aircraft guns and drones, the regional office reported. wax administration. 10 private houses were damaged, fortunately there were no casualties. they are afraid of attacks. russia stopped to use the crimean bridge to supply weapons to their military. the independence writes about this with reference to satellite images and analysts of the private intelligence agency molfar. journalists believe that the occupiers have changed their logistical routes after the number. attacks on the bridge and instead
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use land routes through the occupied territory. 20 eu member states will boycott the so-called inauguration of russian dictator vladimir putin. however, seven other eu countries are allegedly planning to participate in the event and will send their representatives. reuters writes about it. the head of foreign policy of the european union, josep borel, opposed the eu's participation in the baltic countries, which do not have ambassadors in moscow, categorically refused to attend the so-called inauguration. france decided to send its ambassador to the usa, recognize putin as the president of russia, but will not participate in the west. the varied diplomatic response from western powers underscores the differences over how to deal with putin after he launched a full-scale invasion of ukraine. power
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china has undertaken not to sell any weapons to russia and will strictly control the export of dual -purpose goods, french president emmanuel macron said after meeting with the leader of the chinese people's republic of china xijin pinn. macron stressed that this allows to determine whether china wants to move towards a lasting peace that respects international law. he also added that he and sijin pinnem agreed to contribute to the efforts aimed at. to achieve peace, and the chinese leader noted that beijing and paris should jointly prevent a new cold war. we we call on the parties to resume interaction and dialogue, gradually build mutual trust and support an international peace conference at the appropriate time, with equal participation of all parties and honest discussion of all peace plans. we support balanced, efficient and sustainable development. the
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european security system. we agree that europe and china have a common interest in peace and security. we expect that china will use all its influence on russia to put an end to aggression against ukraine. the president played an important role in de-escalation irresponsible nuclear threat from russia. i am sure that he will continue to do so against the background of constant nuclear threats from russia. brilliant work of our troops, our defenders eliminated another 1,160 invaders in a day. and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russian army has lost almost 476 of its terrorists. and their armor burned with them. only yesterday , the defense forces burned 25 tanks, 14 armored combat vehicles, 37 artists, 32 cars, one anti-aircraft vehicle and... nine
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units of special equipment. 34 were shot down for the ages enemy drones and one cruise missile. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 97 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest is in the avdiyiv direction. there, the enemy tried to attack our defenders more than 30 times. the armed forces are also maintaining defense in the bakhmut direction. 17 times the russians stormed the positions in the area of ​​bilogorivka, klishchevka and andriivka. another 15 attacks were repelled on novopavlivskyi in the krasnohorivka area. constantine the great and fruitful kharkiv region is also restless. 14 times the russians attacked in the kupinsky direction. seven more times on lymanskyi and six times on orihivskyi. also, three times the occupiers tried to knock out our troops from their position on the left bank of the kherson region.
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unsuccessfully. our aircraft struck 11 areas of concentration of personnel of the occupiers, and rocket launchers and gunners hit two artillery pieces and one manned aircraft. the kh-59 missile. chasiv yar under the control of the armed forces. the spokesperson of the khortytsia operational group, nazar voloshyn, denied this information about the capture of the city by the russians. during the last week, the situation there has not changed. the enemy has no territorial gains. nazar voloshyn stated that our military did not blow up the bridge across the siverskyi donets-donbas channel on the outskirts of chasovoy yar. and we announce a new collection. with your help, we raised funds for cars and equipment for our defenders. two off-road vehicles for the hor air reconnaissance group and air defense forces - a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator
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for the transportation of fallen heroes have already arrived in ukraine. but they need training for military service. our goal is uah 120,000. don't be indifferent, even the smallest donation makes a huge difference. you can see all the details on the screen. the situation at the front: the supply and production of weapons. president volodymyr zelenskyy held a meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief. he told the details in the evening video message. the report of the hylavkom, he was on the front line, directly in the brigades, he reported. about key challenges and needs, we are preparing. there was also a report on our own production of weapons and equipment of our brigades. we are doing our best to give more weapons to our soldiers. separately, they discussed supplies from partners, delivery terms
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, and the possibility of speeding up the actual arrival of weapons and ammunition from partners. real, factual. political solutions should be real logistics, real receiving of weapons by our soldiers. in the carpathian region, american dan engel helps immigrants plant victory gardens. my carpathian colleagues will tell you why i decided to do it. dan engle, a former military man, came to the village lion wars in prykarpattia recently. he is an active volunteer of an american charity organization. thanks to her projects. in ukraine, in particular in the carpathian region, hundreds of displaced people were able to get a roof over their heads. near one of these shelters, an american with immigrants planted a garden of victory. we are in one of our victory gardens. the idea to create them came about two years
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ago, on march 20, 2022. and i and shmorguns from our foundation, who are currently working in ukraine, said that it would be a good idea to plant. victory gardens because it allows people in shelters to socialize just by working in the garden. gardens of victory will grow here in this yard from now on. immigrants from donbas plant flowers and water trees here. they say they worked on the land at home. now and here they are not sitting idly by. potatoes were planted in the neighboring village, and 18 trees and 108 flower bushes were planted near the shelter with dan's help. the flowers will be marigolds, roses, what? petunia was the boss, this is den, our american friend den, who helped us in this purchase, flowers, trees, and is involved in this, take care of it, we will constantly water it, we will know that he has a quince, he is going to come in two months, and we
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must show him the results of this work, by the way, in addition to flowers, volodymyr and his family planted more and vegetables, we planted everything, including potatoes and... we planted onions there and carrots all over the world, we just arrived yesterday, so we planted everything, we are busy, mrs. lyudmila, isn’t it the oldest housewife who lives in the shelter, planting flowers - she says the enemy has taken away our native land so far, so we have to work here. i can't do without the land, i grew up on the land, i worked all the time, there was a garden, everything was, and now everything remains. well, nothing, we hope for victory. meanwhile, dan worked well with the settlers and became friends. he calls new friends a loyal team. he promises to personally check how the gardens of victory will grow this year. in autumn plans to come again from south carolina to voynylov. we planted the fruit trees yesterday
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and have been working on it for about three or four days. i love people in ukraine, i love these two people. from the carpathian region. ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk, espresso tv channel. see you at 10. stay with us.
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as british gentlemen say about the weather: rain, rain, rain and thunderstorms. well, in the meantime, we continue to collect information for you. you donate, and we will learn the latest news from the head of the chasooyariv city military administration, serhii chaus, in touch with us. mr. serhiy. good morning, glory to ukraine, good morning, glory to the heroes, extreme
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information that we heard precisely because of your confirmation that in the city in there are no russian-fascist occupiers, but six hundred residents still remain, has something changed, well, let’s say this, on the one hand, thank god, on the other hand, no, there are no occupiers on the territory of our community, but the residents remain... 680 more people in the community, that's why the question is from two sides, that's why i answer that on the one hand yes, it's clear, but why and why people don't want to go, you know, i think i won't say anything new, the main argument remains that it's their home, if, well, it is difficult for old people to leave their property, where they were born, where they... lived their lives, it's really hard, and even when there's a risk to their lives, they still hold on to
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their land, but the option to leave still remains, at the moment, thank god, yes, at the moment we are also, as always , going into the city, dealing with humanitarian aid, and of course there is an option to evacuate, uh, but actually this option to evacuate is at any... time when people would wanted to know whether this window of opportunity is narrowing already or not volunteers dare to come to the city. well, we have volunteers sometimes quite a lot, how to choose the right word, sometimes without thinking about where they are going, so we try to keep in touch with all our comrades precisely as volunteers, i mean, and if they go without our... escort at least to recommend which areas can be visited and
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which cannot, but as usual we try to either go ourselves or accompany, because the situation in the city, well, when you know the situation, when you see and understand where more people arrive, where fpv works more drones, well is it still a little bit easier to work, or in those areas where you don't advise the volunteers yourself... there are still a lot of local people stumbling around? unfortunately, yes, quite a few, more than a hundred people, from the point of view of precisely that tactic. which they used before, leveling avdiyivka with kababs, or are they beating them in the same way through the time gap now, or did they even slightly reduce the intensity of shelling with guided bombs, you know, comparing it with avdiyivka, it will probably be
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correct on the one hand, but not on the other, i will say this , as i see, as i feel, they are really taken off my face land, and all means are used here, including cabs, ugh, do the most necessary pharmacies work in the city, some kind of flint, so that you can at least buy water, bread, do the emergency services arrive, unfortunately, from the fact that you listed, we have only one small shop, everything else... unfortunately, no, and for quite a long time, water is a well, if you don't need to buy it, there is an opportunity to come collect it, it's free, we have provided and with a generator and fuel for this base, they helped us at one time our comrades from kharkiv to build this well, found funds for it through international funds,
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and now we are using it, i say, it is for the people, it is completely free, there is even a question... it cannot be, we see that a little bit in the area ivanivskyi , the enemy advanced along the route, but this was far from an attempt to form an operational encirclement from the south and the north, but the task was before the inauguration of the russian fuhrer, that the russian-fascist occupiers will now have to pay for the fact that they did not fulfill the fuhrer's tasks, well, you know, i'll say that from the bottom of my heart, i'm not enough worries about what will happen to them if they do not comply, what will be, will be, the main thing is that they are not on the territory of our community, our district, our region and the country in general. mr. sergey, how do the locals see the near future, are people planning something, or is there just one desire to live until the evening,
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in the evening to live until the morning, and this is how weekdays look, are there any plans, any? thoughts, that is the perspective, how people imagine, how much i communicate with the locals, there are no plans, people live one day, not even one day, but for one hour, i lived normally, but with you, as for a person who has to wrap it all up, as they say, plan a, plan b, they are ready, of course, they are ready, but i would not like to ... , that is why we work according to plan and work in the community, provide assistance and try to maintain at least some kind of life in the city. yesterday there was quite a high-profile story around the news about the destruction of the bridge across siverskyi donetsk. and it is still not clear to
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the end what happened and to what extent the logistics for the time ravine are changing, if this bridge is not. let's put it this way, this bridge has been missing for a long, long time, huh, and it was broken then, clearly not our guys, not our defenders, then, there was a missile hit there, i mean, it was a long time ago, what is happening on the screen now, well, this is a slightly different topic, i won't comment on it, let's leave it to the military, uh, regarding the military, do you have such a... clear communication, because we understand that the military sometimes have certain needs, so that the civilians do one thing, or the rest, i'm talking about those civilians who are nearby or coordinate a little the city's activities, they suggest what they need, how, when it is needed, maybe so that fewer people somewhere witness something on the streets,
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well, i can't say witness something, but i will say that, well, our administration... is a military one, well the name speaks for itself, we work in full cooperation, like a betrothed hand, but do you see anything that the enemies are strengthening in your direction, that is , they are pulling something up, transferring reserves, what the scouts say, is it the maximum right now and it looks like they have more fresh ideas no, well... i'm probably repeating myself, it's more of a part of the military, but i'll say it as i feel when i'm in the community, i guess it's already a mess. our community is on the brink of shelling, when there is no silence in the city, silence can prevail there for a few minutes, and then
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everything starts again, and at night they also shoot, and at night it does not matter here, it is day, morning, night, constantly, or the drones are buzzing , or hear the sounds of pouring in mr. sergey, thanks for the conversation, hang in there, hopefully next time, maybe some better news you will have, it will be a little easier for you at our next meeting. serhii chaus , the head of chasovoyarsk city military administration, was with us. we will now talk about what concerns the whole country. because there are forecasts that by 2050 , the population of our country may decrease from more than 35 million to about 25 per 10 million. the trend is here. quite simple, low birth rate, high mortality, about other causes of population decline, and whether it is possible to overcome them, how to overcome them, in the plot of our
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dmytro didora. my eldest son goes to in kindergarten in september, yes, i imagined how we would collect some, you know, outfits for him there , we need pajamas, we need to collect some stationery set, well, an album, paints, brushes for them to paint, we were given a list, you have to collect the child has an alarming backpack. maria recently became a mother for the second time. she gave birth to her first child on the second day of the great war. then a boy appeared to the sound of sirens and explosions. less than a month ago, the family had a baby girl. the couple decided to take such a step with the thought: if not now, then when? of course, this is a heavy load, it is difficult, in general, yes, motherhood and parenthood, when there are two small children, in the conditions of war, well, it is a hundred times more difficult there, but... nevertheless, well, so far we are coping. the young mother continues to work remotely. this allows you to combine care for a newborn and a career, besides, it is additional money. it is also important for me
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to stay active, to pay taxes, which are not what, right? to have some extra income of my own, because i understand, well, we have a father who provides for us, but well, today, tomorrow, he can be mobilized any day, and it will be my responsibility. feed the children, put them on their feet, and so on. last year, 187,000 babies were born in ukraine, a third less than before the start of the full-scale invasion, and this is a record low. however, demographers are wary of statistics: a quarter of ukraine's territory is under temporary occupation, and about 7 million citizens have been forced to leave the country. how many little ukrainians were born abroad and under occupation is unknown. the most important factor for parents is safety their child a war started by russia. brought threats to life and financial instability to ukraine, which is why most citizens are now afraid to give birth to even their first child, danger, right now, that is
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the first thing, this sense of danger and this stress from danger, it is the first to affect, especially since in our society there is such a positive trend as responsibility, increasing responsibility, and every family, it tries not just to give birth. child, but create all the necessary conditions for this. to increase the birth rate is a challenge future, but already today we have great difficulties in providing for the elderly population. today, we have 10.5 million people who pay a single social contribution, this is a contribution that is immediately transferred, let's say, to a pension, and 11 million pensioners, so that each pensioner is paid at least uah 500 in pension. everyone who works, only the euv in the part of the pension contribution, everyone who works, only the euv in the part of the pension contribution, must
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pay at least 5 00, you see, to each other, to increase social benefits for those who who are already on work leave, at least 6 million citizens must be attracted to the labor market. the ministry of social policy plans to return those who left. today we defined tasks and goals, a plan. we still need to develop measures, because this is the first draft, the first discussion, and such a plan of measures is quite complex, and it is not necessary to wait for victory in order to understand that we need to improve services, that we need to develop very quickly medicine, ukraine, due to understandable circumstances, has the lowest birth rate in europe, however, a baby boom should not be expected after the end of the war, demographers emphasize. we have certain hopes that when the war is over, we will have. a small increase in the birth rate precisely due to the fact that delayed births will be implemented, but
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how much it will be... how big it will be, a lot depends on the extent to which the measures for measures will be implemented and the tasks that are currently prescribed in the strategy will be carried out demographic development. for there to be more ukrainians, conditions for future parents, it is necessary to create now, to continue economic and social reforms, because if this is not done, then according to the forecasts of the ministry of social policy , in 25 years there will be half as much in ukraine. population than at the beginning of independence. dmytro didora and dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. fm, galicia. listen to yours. to feel
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society , and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a telephone survey, turn on and
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turn on, the verdict from' every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. we are coming back, thank you for espresso, how things have changed, from this legend kyiv in three days, to this morning's message.


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