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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, 2 hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to be informed. of economic news and sports news for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, espresso in the evening. we are coming back, thank you for espresso, how everything changes in kyiv from this legend in three days, to this morning's message. if you haven't read it, then
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we'll tell you, they wrote that the armed forces of ukraine are preparing a massive attack on the territory of russia from 6 am, well, that is, in connection with the so-called inauguration, that 50 drones are waiting for a good visit, and then when they exhaust it is good that there are no analogues of the russian air defense forces, then with dozens of long-range missiles, they are already intimidating themselves, kyiv in 3 days, well, now they begin to threaten already in great britain, they say that we will get to you now, i wonder how many days they will allocate for this, this is information noise, but what will actually be learned on the battlefield now, we will ask oles melyarevich, the deputy battalion commander , about everything of the achilles air defense system of the 92nd separate assault brigade, mr. olesya, we welcome you to our airwaves, i wish you health, glory to ukraine, heroes, you know what we read on facebook on your page, and we want our viewers to know too, because maybe... maybe not everyone rummages and
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finish reading, i will tell you briefly that actually in april you worked, your brigade, you worked in two very difficult directions, these are the outskirts of the chasovoy yar, these are the outskirts of ochereteny, that is, what we talk about every day, and the results are simply fantastic, a huge amount of destroyed equipment , damaged, destroyed engineering facilities of the enemy, we ask that you, in fact, summarize your work in just one month so that people understand the scale, well, this is primarily the result of the fact that we have created a very reliable, highly intelligent, productive the team, 29% of which is made up of civilians, gathered from all sectors of the economy, you could say, and did it from the first day of the war, we moved like tereoshchinki, then six months later we had the honor of joining the 92nd brigade. and thanks
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to the command, which believed in us and gave a full development card, that is, the military believed in the civilians, we did it and continue to increase and develop there one by one, one by one from the dry pieces of the country, we gather a team, april, yes, we publish this every month report because in we have many partners, and these are ordinary ukrainians who will donate to us, and private companies, ukrainian, international partners, we do it in ukrainian, in english so that everyone can see that... done, destroyed is when it is completely destroyed and is not subject to restoration, damaged - it is possible that it was then destroyed by another unit, but we were the ones who damaged and immobilized this equipment, and it no longer runs, but it can be restored in theory, here, well, i can see the infographic so very badly now here from my phone, but the result on the scoreboard, as valery said vasiliovych labanovskyi, 412, is alive and well. by the way, when we destroy equipment,
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we don’t know what’s inside, we don’t write, conditionally eight occupiers could go there, we just write minus the equipment, or maybe there was a full landing party in theirs or something else, i don’t know, that is, you you take this lower limit, or in fact it could be much more, well , theoretically yes, but we are very good that we record everything on video and our result is always recorded, mr. olysyu, is it actually your work, brother? yours and yours in this in on an industrial scale, any such liquidation, even in such quantities, during the second world war had a very strong psychological effect, whether on the same chinese or on the same japanese, i simply read a lot of memoirs about it, especially by the military, and how about russian -fascist occupiers, your work makes an impression, that is, is it further the same about advancing as a zombie between corpses and between burned equipment or? somehow affects, well
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, of course, they emphasize the fact that bapola works, ukrainian is very active, effective, and does everything to protect their very tanks, turtles, as they are called. this is the result of fpv activity, they are trying to protect themselves as much as possible, but from fpv there are infantrymen or, well, light automotive equipment, you can see now, it is almost impossible to hide, so our task is always on the front line - to make the life and movements of any equipment impossible manpower, this was now happening under the chasm of time, also so that they did not enter the city, they were destroyed on the approaches. and their behavior, it makes them more nervous, they move faster, they attacks are more chaotic, on the contrary, more concentrated, how does this all affect them? well , first of all, first of all, they are actively developing their rap systems in order to protect themselves and personal equipment from drones,
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we do the same, this is such a technological development that is taking place, now it is getting to the point that every fighter on the battlefield there will be such a device that will notify or protect him... from fpv activity, of course, it is impossible to equip everyone with this and it is still unknown what radio-electronic effect it will create on the body, but at the moment you you won't die there, that's why they defend themselves, well, our enemy is very powerful, unfortunately, they are also intellectually developed in places, and they throw everything at the war, they have a full bet on the war and the entire economy works for the war, they do not count on manpower , when you say that... intellectually developed in places, what do you mean, i.e. what do they really have at a high level, what should be reckoned with, what kind of equipment, what achievements, where actually one cannot take lightly and must be very treat it all seriously and accordingly fight back, well, you can talk about it for a long
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time, after all, it’s about the military in general, but if you talk about us, it’s rap, their rebspecialists are very powerful, these are all drones, eagles, lancets, how they do it, develop it, it’s well.. .also, we are also motivated to move faster than them, and we have no other choice, they are really very powerful and have the staff to develop this component. we just talked with serhiy chaus from time yar, uh, what did they come up with, because we see, about trying to take the time yar into the ring, but a strong promotion no, there is some kind of upgrade that you are watching, they have planned something new, some kind of new. tactics, look, i can't comment on the time right now, because our brigade is a little on the maneuver, i can't say more, but what happened a few days ago is happening there, it continues, they are moving from all possible directions, trying
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to surround, you are also watching, everyone is watching the movement from the side of ocheretyn, arkhangelsk, they are trying to get on the road and move towards konstantinovka, er, you can s... from the south in order to create an encirclement there too, this is a tactic of small encirclements, analysts say a lot about it now, so the situation there is very difficult, all the brigades that are there, the command, see and understand all this and everything is being done to prevent an encirclement , not to lose the time gap, currently the situation can be said to be a time gap with no changes, ugh, they are trying to advance in small groups, are they still forming larger groups and from whom... are these groups formed, these are all in a row, that is, all those military personnel who were on the front line, or some more elite units are they now pointing in the bakhmut direction? you know, it was different there, there was such a day that 31 of the vehicles were moving by fat power,
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and they were there, when they lost nine units, they were forced to turn around and return, that is, they lost one-third, they realized that something went wrong so they went back, sometimes there are just two or three... infantrymen are moving, maybe in order to find out where they are coming from for counter-battery fighting, where small artillery is coming from, our mortars are there, the artillery is more powerful there, the 155th i.e they had such a case that right in the forest somewhere there maybe less than a kilometer to the canal, the canal, two, two of their fighters were just digging, digging at night, we dropped a few mines on them, it did not detonate, but it was a few kilograms fuck them... well , they didn't stop their movements, so they were digging something there, i don't know what drugs they were under, then the second one detonated, they sat there, then they started digging, and the third one was already there with these two two lights and began to fade after that on the thermal imagers, but that's it
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even things are like that, they send their power like beacons in order to see where they are coming from, i don't know what they did there to blame those orcs there, or are they brainless at all? to do, and here you are, recently we too , with your colleagues who work against the enemy with drones , talked about the night, he even showed us more powerful ones. drones with thermal imaging cameras and showed, we showed videos of how they work at night, who can see more at night in duels, us or the enemy, well, we don't know what they see, sometimes it blinks we can usually intercept their signals, the same way they do it, this is such a signal replacement, when you see through the eyes of the occupier, which is on yours, this is technologically possible. but we understand that they can see
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a lot, that's why we do everything not to reveal our position, not to move our equipment, that is, our intelligence first works in order to move correctly in this or that place, it's not easy so that you have to prove something there to point b, well i went, no-no-no, you understand, there are there are maps, there are intelligence, you communicate, where you can go, where there can be remote mining, where... where some positions are illuminated, where the drone is flying, all this must be taken into account, a lot of factors now generally affect not only there , you need to have a thermal imager to be there gods of war on a long distance, you need to have a whole range of means in order to work effectively, survive and make the maximum impression. mr. vulisyu, thank you for your service, give combative greetings to our defenders oles malyarevich, deputy commander of the 92nd akhiles attack drone battalion. assault of the brigade was with us, we are taking a short break, a break, after that serhii
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zgurets will be with us, we will talk about, in particular, the new british bombs that they promise to hand over to us, it will be interesting and important to wait, respect traditions and be proud of your culture together with unpack tv. we present a collection of modern embroidery. unique ukrainian embroidery combined with the comfort of your favorite t-shirts at an incredibly pleasant price of only uah 299. men's and women's options - current trendy colors and double sizes from the 44th to the 62nd. embroidered shirts are always fashionable and always presentable. every day, in any situation, you will look amazing and feel incredible. our embroidered shirts are perfect both for the holiday and for every day. and all thanks to real embroidery in the national style, just look at the neat work, it is
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years of the european tradition of commemorating the day of remembrance, on the red poppy and the first minute of peace, on the rejection of may 9 with parades and immortal regiments, on 10 years of decolonization , breaking away from the scoop and how it has helped our resilience in modern warfare, the day of commemoration of the second world war, through the prism of history and sociology. cultural politicians on our special broadcast, your favorite presenters, extremely interesting guests, respected and respected experts throughout the day on espresso. nova memory model. new symbols, new us. may 8, a special espresso project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. poppies of memory. 10 years. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved
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that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots uavs understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. we are coming back, and actually, as promised, serhii zgurets, manager, director of information, joins our conversation. defense express consulting company. mr. serhiy, good morning, glory to ukraine. slava, good morning, i greet you, i greet our viewers. let's start with this drying c34. the russians said they lost the crew. we rejoice at any losses, but we ask you to clarify whether this is really the case, whether there really is a reason and whether there is confirmation that we can
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rejoice? well, if we look at the summary of the general staff, then there... in fact, the downed enemy planes are not listed, that is, in fact , there is still no confirmation from the ukrainian side that a russian su-34 was shot down, but really in the russian public, i also followed yesterday several reports that they lost this plane with its crew, and they said that it was the most experienced crew, it was over russian territory, that is, in fact, something must have happened. such that we will know a little later, for now, given the information that is available, to draw conclusions, well, for now it is quite difficult, but at least in their publications they say that the crew did not eject, that means, and this is the information about belgorod region so far, maybe there was no downing there at all, maybe it’s
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just a russian classic, well, in any case, we understand that there were... periods when our air defense complexes destroyed a significant number of 134s there, there were cases there , when up to five 34s were destroyed in a week using the patriot complex, we remember these periods when, during certain offensive actions of the enemy, the ukrainian side began to effectively use this roaming patriot, we know this history, perhaps this is some kind of continuation of these actions from the ukrainian side. but i repeat, so far the information, apart from the story in the russian public, that they lost this rather famous crew of the su 34, so far there was no other information, i wanted to go back to and to the f16, this is what we are most looking forward to, for the russians, it was the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs yesterday
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that any f-16 that the ukrainians have, they will consider as a carrier of nuclear weapons, so we are starting uh... tactical nuclear weapons training, this is from the russian side, and from the , for example, we already have our partners found out that the word summer is written as the word autumn, that is, the netherlands say that from autumn, maybe f16 will start transmitting, we already talked with you once about how the word spring turns into summer, and now here it is, is this some kind of trick game? well, in fact, we are talking about the fact that there are really three countries. the netherlands, denmark, belgium, which are the main suppliers of the promised f-16 aircraft to ukraine, the total number to be delivered there is more than 50 aircraft. the first group of aircraft is six units in view of pilot training, these pilots have completed 6+2,
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are finishing their studies just this month, if we consider the previous ones. publications in a number of foreign publications, and in fact these six planes were supposed to arrive in the summer, the remaining six were supposed to go by the end of this year, and then the 25th year is an increase in the number of planes in view of the number of pilots, and the process preparation of the resort and such other things, we really expected for a long time that the summer itself would be the period from which the arrival would begin. f-16 aircraft to ukraine in view of the need for these means for our defense and the message from the netherlands introduces certain corrective nuances, i would still... wait for certain other confirmations from other officials to determine when exactly these planes can actually appear in ukraine, but i do not rule out other options, if we
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remember, literally on easter , there were interesting greetings from the commander of the air force, general leschuk, where he showed an f-16 in the hangar with ukrainian markings, and then there were already certain assumptions, and maybe already ... certain f16s are in ukraine, so in any case now we have such a certain intrigue, which on the one hand is superimposed on the previous stage of preparation and the promised plans for the delivery of aircraft in the summer and certain nuances from the netherlands, i think the truth is somewhere in the middle, but the criterion of practice will be when our f-16s begin to destroy or russian shaheds, or russian cruise missiles, or ideally russian planes into the air. space and over ukraine, and maybe on mr. serhiy, but maybe a small , small, simple clarification, because ukrainians often live in a parallel youtube the world or other publics, only yesterday
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i accidentally came across a big beard of such an okhrimenko while blocking on youtube, he was an economic speaker who explained the genius of the azarov government and yanukovych's economic policy, now he is sitting, he has many subscribers and says: 16 are already in the hangars in ukraine, and i look at the number of likes and views, in a word, many believe, as they said in the soviet comedy, well, in any case, we understand that the pace of the supply of weapons, they are not such a step, which is announced unequivocally, that this is the number of planes tomorrow it will fly to ukrainian airfields , the day after tomorrow these planes will begin to perform combat missions, this is a process. which requires a certain degree of secrecy, and in any case, i think that both the suppliers and the ukrainian side are quite aware of this, and from the point of view of where, how and when, i think that i will repeat myself,
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we will see it on the battlefield, but in any case, i would like us not to have too much hope for these planes, first of all in terms of numbers, six there or even 12 is not a decisive factor for the battle, also we have to understand that we have not yet... the list of the weapons that we will receive, and even we still do not clearly know certain modifications of these aircraft, we have a feeling that these will be aircraft that have an extended average cycle there , upgrades, that they can have radars that will not be inferior to modern russian radars on russian fighter jets and that we want to get the same anti-aircraft missiles there in ... in the version there, which actually have a range that allows you to counter russian planes, so what is this quite a complex, complicated process where
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we will see how the promises and real technical characteristics of the aircraft that ukraine will receive in the first batch of f-16s will be integrated. mr. sergey, f-16 is good, but it is also good when we have a little more bombs, so that... we can have fun together, because this is shelling of the territory, and here are the british, who have helped a lot and now want this to sign a 100 year agreement with us, they say they can give us pavway 4, they are such british cabs, they are very modern, in fact since 2008, only in service with their army, if we get them, how will we be able to use them, do we actually have them, i... do we have anything to hang them on? well, the issue of corrected bombs, it already has several versions, we know that we have the american
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jedam er glider bombs there with a range of up to 70 km, we have the french hamer eye bombs, which have rocket engines in their composition and various homing heads. now claimed to be a british pyway 4, in fact it is also a really corrected bomb, but unlike the american versions, which conventionally speaking, have as well as some french additional wings that allow you to hover at a greater distance, er, the british version, conventionally speaking, has an inertial homing head and has a homing head that can ... be guided by a laser beam , in fact, but there are no planning devices, that is, in fact, it has a shorter range than
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the french and american models, which... are already used by the ukrainian air force, so in any case, from a height, so to speak 9-10 km, this bomb can hit a target up to 30 km away, and this tactic is quite risky given the enemy's air defenses, so i think that if we get these bombs, we will use them quite sparingly using climbing tactics, when , relatively speaking, for... so it gains a certain height there, makes a hill, drops a bomb and immediately lowers the height, eh, but in any case it is necessary to adapt these bombs to our fighters and bombers, i think it will be quite simply because, relatively speaking, there are solutions that made it possible to adapt more complex american french solutions, but i repeat, this is not and this british bomb
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is not really ... the best option in terms of range and accuracy indicators, but in any in this case, we rather hope for an increase in the number of british shadow storms in our arsenal, or anti-aircraft missiles, which are also transferred in significant quantities in the package where pvi4 is also indicated. yesterday , the institute for the study of war, an american one, was there, he was calculating the time when it was actually on zero will appear most necessary from the first package of american aid. how will we know this, well, that is, we will see some changes in military statistics from the general staff, or how are we supposed to understand that bc and everything necessary is already on the front line, but today i am actually looking at huge numbers, more than 100 liquidated, and this is already the second day, and we sit and think, is it because something is already at zero, or do you expect somewhere in some
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terms? in fact, the supply of various types of weapons that were specified in those first packages of american aid, they have there's also the emergency nature, where they are taken from the stocks of the ministry of defense and quickly enough to be on the battlefield, but in any case even this fast pace means several weeks in general, but we remember that when the american military aid package was being prepared, it was said that certain samples are already there in poland or in germany, they can be quickly shipped to ukraine from those warehouses that are already concentrating these weapons, and this primarily concerned ammunition, because we all talked about the fact that we have a critical shortage munitions on the front line, and i think that these munitions and cluster munitions, ordinary caliber 155, 105, they are already on the front line and affect the nature of hostilities, because we see that in many areas the effectiveness
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of the use of the intensity... of using our artillery increased significantly. when we talk about such samples as bradleys, humers or patriot complexes, then here we are entering into longer supply periods and they will also appear on the battlefield, we understand this, but when we are talking about individual there are things that are from new packages, relatively speaking, in the same way, we are talking about the fact that they were transferred quite quickly, except for ammunition, weapons to the air defense complexes... transferred to ukraine, so in any case we understand that the time indicators are different, but in any case they really, well, they will appear on the battlefield or in our air defense systems that protect our peaceful city, and the spaniards are also just right so they tell each other that they have already handed over the missiles to patriots, and it is precisely on such grounds that we collect information, thank you mr. serhiy, serhiy zgorets, the director
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of the information-consulting company, was with us. and now , as every day, at 9:00 a.m., we will honor and remember all those who died because the russians came to our land, both military and civilians. a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia. yep.


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