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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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and every day at 9:00 a.m. we honor and remember all those who died because the russians came to our land, both military and civilian. a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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russian special services are already preparing diversions throughout europe in order to put pressure on the west, f-16 fighters will be perceived by moscow as carriers of nuclear weapons. nuclear exercises and putin's inauguration. today's topic is interesting. serious, join, this is svoboda ronok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, we start with the situation at the front. russian forces have advanced near novopokrovsky, northwest of avdiivka, analysts of the deepstate project report this, but the american institute for the study of war has not yet confirmed this information. instead, they talk about the advance of russian forces in netaylovo, which is southwest of avdiivka. the general staff of ukraine reported 31 recaptures. in the avdiyiv direction, and
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the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi says that the main strike forces of the russian army concentrated in the direction of kurakhovo and pokrovsk. syrskyi said this after he announced his two-day stay in the units that hold the defense in these areas, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces says that he decided to strengthen the defense there with reserves, as well as to allocate an additional number of missiles, ammunition, means of radio-electronic warfare and drones. having from the very beginning a numerical advantage in personnel, weapons and military equipment, the enemy attacks the positions of our troops on a daily basis. our task in these conditions - to hold the occupied lines and positions with artillery fire, uav strikes and by all means to inflict maximum losses on the enemy, exhaust him, thereby disrupting the enemy's plans and gaining time for the formation and preparation of our reserves. but the russian ministry of defense the day before... announced the capture of the village
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of solovyovo northwest of avdiyivka, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine has not yet commented on this information, but analysts of the deep state project wrote about it as early as april 27. the russian ministry of defense also says that it repelled seven counterattacks by assault groups of the armed forces of ukraine on this site direction serhii tsykhodskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. congratulations. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. commander-in-chief sirsky says that the russian army has concentrated its main attack on the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions, how intensively are they now operating and by what means? act intensively, act, let's say, around the clock, both day and night, try, let's say, yes, precisely these settlements, such as netaylové, krasnohorivka, nevelske, directly, this is the direction of the passage there to... karlivske reservoir and
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further on there is already room for advancing towards pokrovsk, but despite this intensity, i will directly say now for the unit of our brigade, we are holding the line of defense in the defined smuzi, i repeat that the enemy also uses armored vehicles in order to transport his personnel, the enemy used a large number of... artillery, mortars, the enemy uses tanks from closed positions, and the enemy used a large the number of these unmanned systems, various modifications in order to say, well , advance, but their tactics have not changed, they destroy everything they can, wherever they can reach, and after that, well, the presence of personnel in such positions that at all... it doesn't make sense, then we
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are forced somewhere, let's say, to move to more prepared positions, in this, in this plan as well, we are constantly working to make it impossible. and always have a place to retreat to, that is, it is not their operational or strategic success, it happens such tactical successes are small, well, they cannot be called successes, what they are talking about is a destroyed, let’s say, territory, he said with his head about strengthening with drones, rebs, missiles, bpel, supplies have now increased, no... yes, there is a little here , let's say this, we, we will always say that this is not enough for us, because the more means of impression we have, the more we will destroy them, i will not say, probably the secret, but if the intensity of their assaults will be the
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same , then probably in two weeks we will reach the figure of half a million destroyed liquidated occupiers, half a million, and this is a very large number, and even for such... in the brackets of great russia, half a million liquidated occupiers, well , we don't count, we don't count the equipment, and everything, everything else. mr. serhiy, but in the russian ministry of defense they say that in a day they repelled seven counterattacks by assault groups of the armed forces of ukraine in this direction. including pervomaiske, and some units directly, but they carry out such raids already in those places where the enemy came in, it's such a populated place,
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they throw explosive grenades at them from a raid and in the same way they left, that is, they don't even have time to react to such things, that's our tactic. it was also conducted, let's say, from the kherson direction, when we passed even there deep into the territory occupied by the enemy, we took prisoners, and then we left, these are heroic deeds, courage, and first of all professionalism, of our soldiers, and mr. serhiy, the reserves , people, ukrainian soldiers with experience, there is a lack of it, a need and to what extent it is... sharp, if there are, people are constantly needed, because, you know, that is, to be directly on the battlefield, directly, well, practically, at a distance of contact combat with the enemy, well , even if it does not want to, the body must rest,
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so the more there is an opportunity to replace people directly, but this primarily concerns our infantrymen, so it will be better for everyone. more concentration, more attention and so on, that is why we say about people that it is necessary, it is necessary constantly, there are people, but they are needed even more, it is necessary, well, to supplement the divisions, unfortunately, this war, and there are, there are, there are various circumstances, including combat injuries, there are contusions, which a person should go on vacation, rest somewhere, let's say, gain strength there, just lie down and dream. about something good, that ’s why we need people, we have ammunition, but we constantly need a large number of drones, the same half drones, we just desperately need them, now there is such a war, which today, let ’s say, allows us to destroy
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the enemy from a distance, and so this is primarily including such means that see where they are flying, where it is necessary to impress, and including. reconnaissance targets have opportunities, that is, we, we can practically see everything that the enemy is doing on the battlefield, well, the enemy is also not sleeping and is also watching us, in order to make this impossible, we need more means of reb, and also we are working on this, by the way , i want to say, literally 30 seconds, well, i said, yes, what i wanted for, i thank you for joining in, for telling me the details, what the situation is. tsekhotsk officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk was a guest on saturday morning. russia will accept f-16 fighters, which will be transferred to ukraine from allies as carriers of nuclear weapons. this is stated in the statement of the russian foreign ministry. in addition,
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the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation said that moscow could strike british military facilities and equipment in ukraine, or from... outside its borders, this happened against the background of british foreign minister david cameron's statements about granting permission to strike with british weapons on the territory of russia. moscow regards this as a serious escalation. putin also instructed conduct training of russia's non-strategic nuclear forces to prepare them for combat missions. this decision seems to have been taken in response to the provocative statements and threats of some western officials against the russian federation, this is how the ministry of foreign affairs of russia explains it. the position of the russian authorities was also reacted to in the usa, moscow's statements about the training of tactical nuclear forces are irresponsible rhetoric, which the russian federation has already used before. this was stated by the representative. joins our broadcast.
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ivan, congratulations, thanks for joining. good a.m. f-16, in your opinion, poses such a serious threat to russian forces that they even threaten and compare, in fact, these fighters with nuclear weapons. you asked a question here, we should be looking for some rational answer there, but they, well, the russians... will be extremely irrational, because on the one hand, well , you can't say that in 16 it's just such a thing, which for the russians should mean, well, approximately, that they were dropped on their troops, well, also, well, let's say , special equipment for tactical nuclear weapons the american atomic bomb b-61 tre-12, which is currently being modernized there, because they will not give us atomic bombs, but on the other hand, you know, when they say, we accept f16, but whatever. .. their propagandist machine has already repeatedly stated that somewhere in odesa they destroyed them in 16, well, we say
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that we are now trying to find a rational grain in the actions of mentally ill people, on the other hand, how even if f16 rationally does not meet the expectations there, that it is directly on this nuclear weapons, it's still a good plane, which we need in any quantity, that's why it's a strange picture in principle, huh, that is, it looks like it's more or intimidation or some such political... statements, and if we talk about another statement, the information that was heard these days, about nuclear exercises, and what they are for in russia, well, i see that there the institute for the study of war writes that this is, again, as part of the intimidation of the statement, but if we talk about the technical component and the part, how often should such training be conducted, so that everything is done it was set up and worked there, you know, i would hate to even talk about the military-technical component there. component, but you just know, evaluate their actions, they are actions, their actions, please, in that cartoon about the capitoshka, so that
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everyone is afraid, so that they don’t mock, well, because on the one hand, really, if you count purely by numbers, then there begins to loom such a very gloomy the picture is that the russians have 150 nuclear warheads for the iskanders, plus another 400 to 600 nuclear warheads aimed at the russian strategic aviation, which there are tu-22m3, tu-95 ms and tu-160 , and there it is for the first time... a grim comparison of the numbers shows that there are only tactical nuclear weapons where there are several times more warheads for russian missiles than, for example, in of one and the same taken france or great britain, but who is preparing to use weapons, you know, by proxy, in principle, given the way the russian federation has applied and prescribed the use of nuclear weapons there, the doctrine that there is an existential threat and so on and so on. there in in principle, for any nuclear weapons, only the 12th main
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directorate of the general staff is responsible for them, and there the counter-intelligence of the fsb is also responsible for the provision, there, of course , there is a simple mechanism, starting from the president of the russian federation, ending with ordinary executors on the ground, who have to press the same button with a missile, or to raise an atomic bomb there, but this is not the kind of event that is being prepared on behalf of, you know, it looks like that, if putin decided to be ignored at... his inauguration events, he decided to remind himself of himself like this in a way that is there, look, i will show you now, give me some cinematography, because on the other hand, otherwise, you know, it is not necessary to simply look for exclusively military logic or exclusively technical logic in these actions of his, because there is none there, it is purely political logic, just in case, let's make another saying like this for the future, you can't put an inconspicuous nuclear warhead under any missile, because it will be like, you know, a very... bit procession from a satellite, there are just nuclear warheads lie in separate warehouses, they must be delivered to there separately
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by special vehicles, to missile launchers or airfields there, and even if by accident somewhere there could be such an option that the russians would be able to covertly launch, well, put a warhead on any missile, launch it on the territory of ukraine. there is no contact detonator on any russian missile, there is a detonator that works there on command from the computer, if the missile misses, then quite often... yes, the warhead does not work in principle, i will talk about it now on a fit, when there might be, you know, let's say this, the audience's reaction is that here, the expert says that in principle there is nothing to be afraid of, but what... somewhere there they will definitely say by telegram that somewhere there the russians may be covertly preparing to use nuclear weapons, well, you need to discuss this just in terms of what is hidden from the russians in terms of preparations for a nuclear attack, nothing will come of it just in case, it is impossible to hide it, at the same time to announce such training formally, it is made possible for such a person in
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order for it to really be or intimidation, or simply got into the information space, but here is another such statement by moscow that... that there may be strikes on military facilities and equipment of great britain in ukraine or outside its borders, strikes on ukraine is understandable, we see it, but strikes outside ukraine, what does this mean, and in your opinion, are such strikes really possible, technically, by what means, and what does the russian army have for this, and are foreign partners of ukraine ready to repel such blows? i will explain the reason now. in a very good mood in this case, because, judging by everything, the strikes of british weapons on russian territory, they did not even take place a few weeks ago, several months ago, and it just comes out here that cameron, when he made this statement, but for the british themselves, it could have taken the form, well, what you give in soviet terms is called a grand piano in the bushes, well, that is, a person is just walking around a broken piece of equipment in a landmark city of the capital of ukraine,
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a reuters journalist just approaches him and he makes this statement just like that, and here the russians are just trying to react according to the principle after... more precisely, even ignoring his principle that he does not wave his fist after a fight, well , now i will explain why the blows with british weapons could even begin even a few months ago, and the nuance is that when you remember, there was in in may 2023 , the story, when ben volis promised a lot of hit drones, but this story went silent for half a year, well , roughly in 2024, all of them began to fly over the russian territory around belogorod . jet drone designs are similar to british banshee target drones and jet, but you know, improved and even with a very powerful warhead in january, with the suspicion that these were actually british drones of the komicacy with full regularity, they successfully fly there, so it turns out that we have january, we now have may, that is, only about four months and it turns out that the british decided
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to finally say it in the bush, and the russians finally decided to wave their fists, saying how formidable we are, we will threaten you now. well, on the other hand, there is another nuance here, that why are the russians so afraid, because the permission to strike with western weapons is not just about, you know, using something reactively, it can apply to everything, the entire nomenclature of weapons, starting with small arms, well, let's remember, there were such strange episodes, or rather statements from some of our western allies, when, for example, the rdk visited the territory of the belograd people's republic, there were complaints, and why are our automatic weapons there, well , in relation to the recent raid there , for some reason, poland... the audience began to express complaints, and what are they doing there there are two types of pt-91 tanks, although in principle it was difficult to see on those videos what type of tank, that is, the permission to hit with a weapon, this is in particular what you know, it’s not just to hit conventionally, there is shadow or reactive drones, but it is obviously possible to use ordinary infantry weapons to begin to influence the enemy who may threaten us in the border areas, well, for
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illustration, if we had complete freedom of action using all the weapons that were on display. by western partners , including in order to, let's say, harm the army the russian federation on the territory of the belogorod region, let's call it that, then we would have the question that the russians are planning some very vile, insidious attack there, the attack on kharkiv would not be worth it, the russians can choose a place to strike purely because we cannot choose a place for a strike, and so here is the formal permission that was announced there, that, for example, it is possible to be a british weapon there, but it may finally lead to those episodes when... well, here is the russian game of threats of attacks there on sumy oblast, on kharkiv oblast, that this will cease to be a one-goal game, and we are now we will be able to level up there when we can, and now we will go to belgorod, here is our counteroffensive in 2025, ugh, thank you, mr. ivan, for your opinion, for your time on our air ivan kyrychevskyi, defense express expert, was a guest of svoboda morning. and in the
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meantime, ukraine is looking for 10 billion euros for defense production, that's how much the country... this year is not enough to fully use its production, the ukrainian minister of strategic industries said at the open forum of the defense industry in brussels. representatives of 140 defense companies from 45 countries gathered there, and our colleague in brussels, olena abramovych, will tell what is being agreed upon. 140 defense companies from 45 countries gathered at the defense forum in brussels. the queue for registration is not the only opportunity to see journalists. participants of the event, they do not want to be in the frame, so as not to come under russian fire in ukraine, there are up to 40 ukrainian enterprises here, hundreds of foreign ones. i have a plan for... this show to meet with literally three or four companies that i expect we will be able to build fruitful cooperation. there are
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so many meetings that you can imagine, we had to split our team into several groups to make sure we could talk to everyone who was interested in working together. the main difficulties in the defense production of ukraine are currently financing, shelling and deficit. secret substances and gunpowder - explained the ukrainian minister of strategic production. at this conference, ukraine is trying to close the issue with finances. the gap between production capacity and what ukraine can finance independently this year - 10 billion euros. we are looking for an opportunity with european funds to finance the purchase from ukrainian manufacturers and leave these products manufactured in ukraine for our force defense. we are not competitive in many ways, but complement their defense industry, we make simple, inexpensive things that work, and for them this is an important element of increasing the defense capabilities of europe in general. according to
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the minister, canada and denmark have already joined the ukrainian initiative of gunsmiths regarding the development of the defense industry. supreme eu security representative josep borel called on other countries to follow this example and explained to the ukrainian media why it could be interesting for. for example, you are very skilled in the production of drones, maybe we should learn from you, in turn, we have potential that can be realized in ukraine, we produce in europe, but we also need the opportunity to produce in your territory to save money, reduce delivery time and be closer to your needs, ukrainian companies can launch projects for which the eu will need a year in... a few months, manufacturers say. western companies can invest in ukrainian production directly without the participation of the state, and private producers called this way of working as a guarantee
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of the absence of corruption. olena abramovich, marek hajduk, radio liberty, brussels. earlier on the air, we touched on this topic. 20 eu member states will boycott the inauguration of russian president vladimir putin, which is scheduled to take place today. however. representatives of six european states, according to zmi, will attend the ceremony. everyone became known six eu countries that will be present at putin's inauguration. radio liberty received this list, it is france, hungary, slovakia, greece, malta, cyprus. although the country has so far condemned the conditions of holding elections in the russian federation. the organization of such elections in the russian-ukrainian territories occupied by russia is considered by paris to be a violation of international law and the status of the un, the un charter, i apologize, but the german foreign ministry has said that it will not happen. will take part in the inauguration, and the baltic countries, which do not have representatives in the moscow. the head of european diplomacy, joseph
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borel, opposes the presence of representatives of the european union at putin's inauguration ceremony. this was stated by the spokesman of the eu foreign policy service, peter stanu, at a briefing in brussels. the ukrainian foreign ministry stated that there are no grounds to recognize putin as the legitimate president. these are the actions of russia. which federations, despite warnings from authoritative international institutions, once again prove that its leadership does not recognize its responsibility and is not going to stop the illegal, unprovoked and unjustified full-scale armed aggression against ukraine, which has been going on for more than two years and is causing numerous casualties and destruction. resorting to propaganda and manipulation, the kremlin regime uses voter participation and voting results. to justify the military invasion of ukraine and aggressive policy towards other states. i would like to remind you that on march 15 and 17
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, the so-called voting in the presidential elections of the russian federation took place in russia, in which opposition politicians did not participate. on march 18, the central committee of the rrf announced that putin won more than 87% of the vote and became president again. and in order to put pressure on the west , the russian special services are already preparing sabotage throughout europe, about this... writes the financial times newspaper, it says that russia can carry out explosions and arson on the territory of europe, while, as the publication writes, the russian special services are preparing strikes as independently and through intermediaries. the russian federation does not seem to be concerned about the death of civilians. at the same time , the finnish security police notes that a few months ago they warned that russia was planning sabotage attacks, as objects of possible strikes. russia is interested in infrastructure and logistics. are related precisely to the support of ukraine, the national broadcaster of finland reports. andrii yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, joins our broadcast. mr. andriy,
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welcome to our broadcast. thank you for joining. i congratulate you. today is the inauguration of vladimir putin. mr. andrii, should ukrainians expect shelling, mass attacks, sabotage because of this? well, you see, we have a full-scale invasion going on, and every day when we hear alarm signals, they must be taken seriously. therefore, of course, this day is no exception. if we talk about the inauguration day itself, well, rather the opposite. putin is interested in showing a certain stability and controllability of the situation, so today the russian special services, in particular, are very tense and focused on what is happening inside the russian federation, but the war continues, and of course, the frontline cities, especially, continue to be in the zone of great risk, and this should be taken into account. well, you know how in social networks
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respond to such dates. it is clear to everyone that these dates are symbolic, they are important for russia and at this moment in ukraine they are waiting for the worst, so to speak, and the ministry of defense of russia announced that on behalf of the same putin in the near future it will conduct training on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, this nuclear blackmail or really some kind of preparation? well, preparation for what? well, actually, what else does grandfather have left besides nuclear blackmail, well , that's what you have, the mibryaza. after all, this is a permanent practice of the kremlin, something new especially not here, there are already official statements from the international community, so we have much more interesting and important things, what is happening directly on the battlefield, and there the enemy continues to implement and plan things against our statehood, and as for nuclear blackmail, well, of course, this is
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a question for the free world, for the west... i think that the reaction will be adequate and correct. about the fact that russia is allegedly planning sabotage in the countries of the european continent, and this is the information of the financial times. can you, or is it possible that gur knows something about this, is it unknown whether such diversions can really be prepared? well, i don't think it's appropriate to comment on individual reports in the media, but what can be said that the russian special services continue to build. own network, continue active activities abroad, they have not stopped it, and so the purpose of this activity is to destabilize the situation in the euro-atlantic community, in individual countries, influence the governments of states, discredit ukraine and weaken the pro-ukrainian coalition, but also weaken the free of the democratic world as the only entity that today opposes putin's aggression in the global context, of course
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, only... these are ukrainians, so this kind of work is not news, it is implemented by the putin regime, and ukraine itself is also informed about it. i want to go over some important news: in occupied berdyansk, zaporizhzhia , the organizer of katyvna was killed, his car was blown up, this was reported in gur. can you tell me the details of who it is, what it did, and what happened? yes, this is, in particular, information that officially placed on the resources of the main directorate of intelligence. of the ministry of defense of ukraine and, although it is not specified who exactly carried out this act of justice, but this is a good signal for all war criminals, for all war criminals and traitors, either you surrender, well, or one way or another justice will be established, surrender surrender is normal in the hands of ukrainian justice, ukraine is a democratic and legal state, this is a person who directly participated in the organization
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of war crimes and violations. driving laws of the war, he has the blood of ukrainians on his hands, and actually, what happened is quite natural, in the collection there is a group of destruction of another russian vessel, this time it is a speed boat, it was destroyed by a magura v5 attack marine drone, the russian forces draw conclusions, in particular, in the occupied crimea, they somehow improve the protection of their ships, yes, of course, they draw conclusions and try to be... put up new fences in different ways in different places, we hear you, we see you, mr. andriy, yes, yes, they are definitely trying take into account, well, but in the end, and magura operators and gur special agents do not repeat themselves every time, they act non-linearly, so despite the fact that they...


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