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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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judge ukraine is a democratic and legal state, this is a person who directly participated in the organization of war crimes, violations of the law, rules, and laws of warfare. he, the blood of ukrainians is on his hands, and actually, what happened is completely natural. and, in the collection, another russian vessel is destroyed, this time it is a speed boat, destroyed by its magura v5 attack marine drone. the forces of the russian federation draw conclusions, particularly in the occupied areas. crimea, are they somehow improving the protection of their ships? yes, of course they are draw conclusions and try to build new fences, in different ways on different ones. we hear you, we see you, mr. andriy, yes, yes, they definitely try to take it into account, but in the end, both magura operators and gur special forces do not repeat themselves every time, they act non-linearly, so despite the fact that they...
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try to hide ships, bring to hide them, to build new barriers, there are new and new ways to show that gur and magura work extremely efficiently, and another 3 million dollars, well, actually this is real estate, which is already on the sea, on the seabed, and another context for the discussion of the kerch-crimean bridge has appeared, because according to the analysts of the ukrainian private intelligence agency molfar, which was written by the publication: indepent, russia no longer uses the kerch bridge to transport weapons, but tell me the details, or is it really so, do you confirm this and does it make sense to destroy the kerch bridge or disable it in this case? it is very good that the analytics are working well, the analytics assint is an important component, but if we look at the information for the last six months and in principle statements , including official representatives of ukraine's security and defense sector. then this information to one
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degree or another has already been heard, the enemy has really reduced the intensity of the use of the bridge, including from the point of view of military logistics, military logistics, this way malfar confirms this information, regarding whether the bridge remains a target, well let's not now to give answers to this spicy, let's say so question, all goals are determined by the general staff, the command, military and political leadership and will achieve accordingly. but the new railway from russian rostov through the occupied volnovakha, mariupol, melitopol and so on, this is a new goal, and as much as there is, well , there is such a large supply right now via this railway, it is not new, because it is well known and also already it was publicly discussed that regarding the scope of supply, in general, for the aggressor's army, the railway remains the main logistical artery, therefore, wherever possible, the enemy uses it effectively, the enemy actively uses it. exactly
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railway connection, well, it is clear that this is naturally of, let's say, a lively interest for the ukrainian security and defense forces, we will not talk about the details, but the enemy also understands that just sitting and watching how they introduce new logistical routes is unlikely ukraine will be. mr. andriy, this is a new logistical way, this is a reaction and plan b, in case the kerch bridge is destroyed or significantly damaged, are these the plans of the russian federation that were in principle, because it is logical for them there, that those supplies on areas front, what they were doing, these are the plans that were, because actually only the bridge and the sea connection by definition were not enough to provide for such a large group, yes, plus one target for the ukrainian defense forces, and as i understood, thank you, who joined, andriy yusov, an employee of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, was a guest, freedom of the morning, thank you. meanwhile
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, the ratings of right-wing political forces are growing in europe. surveys show that their representation in the next convocation of the european parliament can get close to the record. as a rule, it is eurosceptics who are determined to restore mutual relations with, you would think, russia. what can the european elections in june change for brussels, kyiv and moscow, what is the threat to the european parliament of a probable increase in the number of right-leaning votes, which is the danger. of this trend, zoryana stepanenko, correspondent of radio liberty in the eu, found out. the holiday season is still far away, but the european parliament building is already closed. there are no plenary sessions, no committee meetings, no meps themselves busy with election campaign when it ends, the european parliament will return to work, accordingly, in a renewed composition. the european elections are preceded by a stormy political life that is currently raging in all the countries of the european union.
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politicians of a wide variety of ideological directions seek to win the favor of voters. eurooptimists criticize eurosceptics, who are rapidly gaining popularity. these european elections are also aimed at opposing right-wing populists who want to destroy our coexistence and against those who believe that the future can be won by going back to the past. in the current european parliament, the right-wingers control 128 seats out of 705. in the next convocation, according to polls, they can improve the result and get almost a quarter of all mandates, half of which can go to the far-right identity and democracy. whose rating is increasing. this political force unites the national parties of germany, italy, and france, known for their pro-russian narratives. in fact, sanctions hurt us more than russia. finally, put an end to this farce and ensure peace and prosperity in europe.
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germany should follow common sense and repair nord stream 2, and the unnecessary mass death of ukrainians and russians can be blamed. not only with the voice, but also with the hands of the kremlin, who rarely press the green buttons during the votes for resolutions condemning the actions of the kremlin, however, there is another wing of the right in the european parliament, which mostly supports ukraine. a victory for putin would be a catastrophic victory for the world's leading dictatorships. we must do everything we can to prevent this. at conservatives and reformists, among whom, for example, the former prime minister of poland and italy's foreign minister have a lot in common with the radical right. both forces are in favor of strengthening the national role of the eu countries and a tougher migration policy, but this is still not enough, analysts believe, to unite in a strong union.
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there is no single right-wing bloc in the european parliament, it will be several groups and they will remain divided for a long time because they cannot agree on key issues such as china and especially. russia at the moment, as well as on issues, for example, austerity versus budget deficit. scandals can spoil the result of the far right in the european elections. an alternative for germany, which is considered extremist, recently fell into the queue. the assistant of the mep, who heads the party list in the elections, was arrested on charges of espionage for china. but even if the vote in june confirms the current ratings, analysts do not foresee a global upheaval. they have a platform where they can repeat the theses of russian propaganda, this is part of democracy, it must be accepted, but this does not mean that these policies will influence the formation of european policy towards russia and ukraine in the future, i would predict a large degree
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of continuity after the elections. the european parliament will remain one of the eu bodies that supports strengthening anti-russian sanctions and increasing military and financial aid to ukraine. come to power in the upcoming local and national elections in the countries of the european union. from brussels. zoryana stepanenko, marek hayduk, radio liberty. write in the comments which of which of the topics we discussed so far touched you the most and what do you think about it. well
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, let's talk about the music contest, although it is not without politics, we all know it, today in the swedish city of malmö the first eurovision semi-final will be held, in which, in particular, the representatives will perform. alyona alyona and jerry hale of ukraine. the day before, during the rehearsal , a small curiosity happened. alyona alyona fell off the stage. the singers themselves showed this episode in their social networks and laughed at the situation. they remembered how jerry hale had been two years ago, too fell off the stage into the orchestra pit. at rehearsals and concerts, things are different. the main thing is to correct the situation in time. we fall, but we rise, and we go on - wrote alyona lona on her instagram. the semi-finals will begin. in the evening kyiv time, you can write in the comments whether you will watch it and cheer for ukraine, although we know that it is impossible to vote for your country, if you are directly in ukraine, if abroad, then you can support, and join our broadcast music producer, songwriter, evgeny
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triplov, mr. yevgeny, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining, good morning, katerina, will you watch eurovision today, of course i will, who will you vote for? well , of course i will cheer for ukraine, and for whom else, but you can't help but write for ukraine, you can't vote for your own people there, so you have to support someone, well... look, from today the first semi-final, i think, well, i like luxembourg the most, probably from our semi-final, i will support luxembourg and ukraine, but tell me, here is the preparation for eurovision, we even saw fragments of the rehearsal on social networks, there are many of them, it is something new, it is interesting, and what are your impressions of alona alona and jerry hale and in general from the preparation, from the participants, from the level, you know , i really like the song, i think it's a very strong song, it's not only a eurovision song, but i think that even after
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eurovision, it's going to be trending and people are going to listen to it, so i'm not sure, that ukraine will win, but that it will be a successful song, i'm sure, but the main topic of discussion is the quality of the performance, because there are various videos from the rehearsal, there are some personal performances by alon lon and jerry hale, and where, sometimes, they seem to sing very badly. there are times when everything is fine, everything is okay, and accordingly the comments range from everything gone and shame for ukraine to admiration for girls, performers and admiration for their level, are you professionally ready to evaluate their performance? well, look, what i've seen, yes, and you say, there was a performance where they didn't really sing, but i think they'll get together and will demonstrate their best qualities, that is , i am not worried that they will not sing well there, i think that everything will be fine. good for eurovision is the performance quality more important or the show or maybe some political context? you
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know, i think it's all going to have an effect in general, and so i think ours should be in the top five, probably, but i'm not sure they're going to win, because there are still a few strong contenders. , there is, for example, who i would note is switzerland, it is very interesting there. dude i think he's going to claim israel u he, in principle, they also have this, well , the political context, let’s say, is present, that is, i think that these are contenders for victory together with ukraine, huh, and you as a professional in this matter, so tell me, eurovision, it is such a standard saber the show, after all, it changes every year and has some new trends, by the way, you also took part in the preparations for... the national selection for the eurovision song contest with the performer wellboy, then that year the kalezh orchestra went from ukraine,
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that is, your such impressions and observations for the last ones, as i see it, as i see it, wins either some very soulful composition, for example with a song for eurovision, or some freaks, and both of them are basically present, there is finland, it’s still very strange, i don’t know, have you seen it or not performance, but i think that it will be remembered by everyone, that is, either they will win. some, or with some very strong message, ugh, eurovision viewers throw such different sides from year to year, so it turns out, well, well, well, well, look, yes, the performance itself will be important here, if a person can touch to the heartstrings, let's say so, of people in that particular period of time, then he will win, relatively speaking, how do you generally feel about such a thesis, the idea that during the war it is inappropriate to take part in entertainment...shows , it is inappropriate to spend money on it, well you know, i
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actually support it somewhere, you yourself even create a music show on youtube, and you think that i don't participate in youtube, okay, i think, well, i don't spend anyone's money, i think that's also important , but ukraine should be represented there during eurovision, or when war, we don't take everything, it's not, it's right. after all, i just now thought about it, i think that it is right after all, because we need to draw attention to ukraine, to our problems, and i think that it is probably right after all, but looking at where they went money, let's put it this way, but it is necessary to control it, well, as far as we know, there is a lot of sponsorship money and it is often used, we will count other people's money, i think that if the contest has already passed from... we need to support our country and draw attention to her, well, attention
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attracts, it should be noted, i wish the girls victory and well, in principle , all the best, i thank you yevgeny for joining, about the attention to ukraine , it must be said that both alyona lona and jerry hale in many performances have keys on their clothes, during easter, they talked about ukrainian traditions, that is, attention to ukraine at a non-political competition, where it is not possible to speak openly. there about the war in fact and according to the rules, they attract in this way, we will follow the results. evgeny triplov, music producer, songwriter and singer, was a guest of freedom morning. dear viewers, write in the comments whether you will follow eurovision, who you will support, also share your opinion, write, thank you for being with us, for supporting our project with your likes, subscribing to the channel radio liberty, this is really important, you can also share this video with your friends and acquaintances, take care, have a good day and see you tomorrow.
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shape, call now and order an orthopedic mattress. instead of full cost mattress, pay only half. congratulations, thanks for being with espresso, subscribe to our youtube channel and don't forget to donate, while we collect information for you. officer and military historian oleksandr alfierov is in touch with us. mr. oleksandr, congratulations, glory to ukraine. great glory, greetings, friends. yes, first of all, i am not to blame for those who have not subscribed, subscribe to alferov in various social networks, you will have a good likbes, at least you will find an answer to the question of which one of the oldest cities on planet earth is it is in ukraine, what is it called, i won’t tell you, but mr. oleksandr will tell us whether now on the tithe, finally, this is an illegal mob of the russian fsb, they are already demolishing,
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as promised or not, this is a church, they call it suddenly... a wagon churches, in fact yes, it is indisputable that, as christ said, up to two in the name will gather, there is a church, yes, but it is clear that the situation is a little different here , because the place where a construction trailer was first built, which was trimmed with crosses , copals and infrastructure, and in the end it was obvious, even from before of the previous management of the historical museum, one way or another... polished, due to the fact that the electricity came from the museum, we must tell the truth, and what was, well, let's say this, there were documents to the effect that there were even some permits, but we today we are talking about the fact that the tithe church, which was built by volodymyr, and was the first stone church, which was then rebuilt by peter mohyly, then later times, has no relation to
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that mafu kiosk, which the russian orthodox church began to build, so of course it is itself... and of course, the building itself is located on a sacred place for ukraine and not just for ukraine, but for the whole of central eastern europe, because i will remind you that this place is sacred not even for orthodoxy, but for christianity in general, because this first stone church in eastern europe was built was in the times before the division into catholics and orthodox, so accordingly this place is sacred for christianity in eastern europe as a whole, where did it start? to the north, to the south, to the east, far away, all the way to where, 30 km away, in the future, in 200 years, moscow would begin, so this the place is very, very interesting and... it is clear that it is sacred, and at the same time it was raped by the russian orthodox church, er, by the penetration of its, let's say,
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pseudo-fathers, and i see that there are even reports that supporters the moscow order of lenin of the patriarchate was protested there today, it is from demolition, that is , by the end of the day it will be clean or what? and my question, in fact, i look again at these parishioners, that is, citizens of ukraine, parishioners of the moscow patriarchate, and a different term than obscurantists, i do not see why they are all so they look wretched and gloomy, i see orthodox of all rites, and greeks, and cypriots, and copts from egypt, they all somehow look light in a christian way, only these somehow look so that you immediately want to see... well, really here we are saying, if we evaluate the russian orthodox church, then it is oriented towards the needy, as well as a
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certain mystical mystical cult around people who, let's say, can swear, can there, let's say, present themselves instead of the will of god, who, who are actually without the difference that written in, let's say, in the gospel and... and here we are talking about the fact that this is the darkness, as you pointed out, mr. roman, then of course it is such an image of the whole of russian orthodoxy, because it is heretical, we know , that this church was created under stalin, people in epaulettes, really the order of lenin, the moscow patriarchate, and we are talking about the fact that it is something else, but actually one of the branches of the former kgb under stalin, now it is a branch of the fsb, and this position ... also reminds us of, say, public networks, which are disobedient with non-interference of force, but only with these canonical moments, therefore, regarding
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when this maf will be demolished, it should be noted that everything depends on our internal determination, because there were public actions, when they came, they wanted to demolish, but the museum management was weak, to somehow dig it up directly. their territory, and here he notes that, well, the public wants it, but the government has to demonstrate, in the end, who is the master in this state, people with ukrainian citizenship, but who profess absolute values of the russian federation, including the values ​​of the occupiers. i note that those who come to the defense of the russian orthodox church today must understand that, for example, the russian federation, today, through the mass media, putin, are they talking about amsterdam, who is the advocate of this ukrainian branch of the russian church,
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in to the same carlson, they built a line that there is a growing threat to christianity in ukraine, that's what they came up with now, their traditional way, because it's not the first time uses it like that, with lavra there was the same story, first with its supposed communities. organizations are dispersed, that they will demolish, that there is such and such a situation, and then suddenly neither sat nor fell, they organize a vigil and say, today there will be a night vigil, today at midnight the vigil begins, come, we will all pray together, and they point out, come until the curfew, of course, and they add, we will fight back, is it possible to do something with these religious services... yes, actually, but there is a court decision, a religious service they are organizing themselves, and if they are already coming, then somehow it is possible to take people out, not
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to take them out, curfew, certain rules, i will say who should be taken out, the nit from ukrainians, this ukrainian nit, well, how is it to perform a divine service during the curfew without the permission of the military-civilian administration, well, you will laugh at me, well, we are all military, well, we took it. and kicked out, what kind of problems are these? the problem is that among ukrainian officials there are still a lot of ukrainian beggars who sit and pray to gundyaev, saying that everything is ambiguous here, yes it was ambiguous in 14th year, it was ambiguous in 1992 for someone, everything is clear, there is an enemy and there is a ukrainian state, but the officials who still remain loyal to the russian orthodox church are the same occupiers, occupiers, but it is obvious. well, in a softer propaganda situation, but which kills more, because russian weapons entered donetsk region, crimea, through propaganda,
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through the same russo-orthodox propaganda. the church, for whom, what services at night, curfew, away, and that's all, this is the law, the law of privilege in a secular state, in our country the church is separated from the state, and today we have to talk about such cases as the demolition of the mafu, well, we can call it a building with a church, sorry, we know what the occupiers did, for example, with evangelical churches in donetsk region or in crimea. what they said, you, satanists, evangelists, they were baptists, jehovah's witnesses, so many different things that were done to them, they didn't ask anything, they even destroyed the ukrainian church wherever they went, no one asked anything, but we, sorry , we say about the fact that some ukrainian weasel is there, whether in the police, or in some other office, or in a state institution, sitting and saying, well , everything is ambiguous, it's the believers, sorry, the believers do not carry other people's weapons into the state.
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because the believers belong to the church of christ, if he is talking about the moscow patriarchate, and you know, when you find prayer books with an interpretation on these baskets lying in the fields, then i will tell you that one of the interpretations struck me, the 10 commandments are not kill, but it says, but if you protect the family own beyond its borders, it is not, it is not, it is not a sin, you understand, they even interpret the sacred writing. existed for 2000 years without them and will continue to exist, mr. alexander, we have literally two minutes, let’s move a little to another place, once upon a time when navalny was alive, his stormtroopers opened a super palace in gelendzhik, for putin, in this palace there was everything that normal for a normal führer is necessary, that is, there was a cryo sauna, there was a strip bar, and now everything has been demolished instead
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. built a chapel right there inside the chapel and there, among other things, they made a large frame and there was the holy prince vladimir, here they write, well, we understand that what prince vladimir of kyiv has in common with the führer, but they put the royal throne there and, in addition, placed the largest part of there is, of course, nevsky, and here is this game with nevsky's exploits as a historian, tell us, because i have the feeling that we are dealing with cascaras, what is real in terms of history from what they cover, what is true, and what is a lie? i will immediately summarize pronevsky, who is really one of mental yahors of the russian orthodox church, let's look at the facts, where, say, the prednevski worship of peter i began, because they even had it
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before the birthday of peter the first. pulled up the non-existent date of alexander nevsky's birthday. alexander nevsky lavra is peter i. in other words, it is the scratch of the beginning of peter the first, his great russian imperial statehood. second, what did alexander nevsky do? at the same time, 1240, when the mongols began killing kyiv, and the man who owned kyiv at that time, the future king danylo, danylo romanovych, or as they call him moskovite, danylo galyatsky, he goes west to... gather an army of crusaders to fight the mongols, in the same year 1240, alexander nevsky, using the support of the mongols, begins to fight the crusaders in the north. in our country, in 1240 , danylo romanovych soyu is looking for allies in the west against the attackers, in the same year , alexander nevsky and the attackers beat the christians, that is, with his native mongol.
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by the polish horde in that is, it is the same horde, as all the rest that were taken later they called themselves orthodox slavs for some reason. in a word, the continuation of this story of the horde, i think that oleksandr alferov knows that we have no more time, so he will definitely be on his channel, he will make a count for you without a video, under oleksandr, thank you, oleksandr alorov, our military historian , the officer, was in touch with us, time to pass the baton to the espresso team of journalists. yes, because khrystyna parubiy has already waited, but she knows a lot and is ready to tell about it all. thank you, colleagues, there are wounded in kharkiv region and kherson region from russian shelling. all of them i will tell you details about the situation in the ukrainian regions in a moment, and also how did the usa react to russia's nuclear threats? further in the release, please wait.


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