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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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but what you are asking as a question , i was asked how zelensky changed, it is difficult for me to say, because zelensky was largely absent during the election campaign, he was engaged in other issues, the boards were their property, but semantic loads, the president was not globally involved in them, so we did not communicate much, we started communicating more when he became the president, and i became... the head of the verkhovna rada, changed, i think yes, i think that changed , isn't it better if you leave mine personal opinion, no, we have these approaches, probably different from his, in general, i would always believe that it is necessary to attract people who can be smarter than me, and because this is strengthening me, strengthening the team, not from five - six managers, but simply strengthened teams, the president probably still has different approaches, but everyone chooses for himself. the path
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has changed, you know, any government is a wreck, absolutely the government is a wreck absolutely, i think that this is how to characterize what is happening today, well, but it is clear that the presidential elections are not on time, it is clear that the parliamentary elections are not on time, well, this means, well, considering the fact that we see that, uh, whatever the presidential team does, in principle, it will be their responsibility, no one from... society there from the civil society cannot abandon them, because when journalists come to power there, they get evasion notices on their doors and summonses, politicians also get some criminal cases, something else, that is, it means that the more, the further away we are there will be no elections, the more there is a threat that we will slide into authoritarianism, c dictatorship, is there, is there such a threat?
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any complete power concentrated in one hand is bad, but monopolies are immune responsibility, yes, but the office has learned to translate it very well, but today they are trying to translate it, i know that they do not like the deputies and, for the most part, many of colleagues, if you can call them that, it is true, but what is happening today is the transfer of responsibility from the office to the verkhovna rada or the cabinet. today there is no verkhovna rada, today there is no cabinet of ministers of ukraine, there is a department attached to the office of the president for the approval of legal or legal decisions made in the president's office, and there is a department for their implementation, one is called the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the other is the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, no more. today, these two key bodies for the existence of the state are not decision-making points, you know, we are already joking, why nothing comes to the verkhovna rada, because... the russians
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said that they would be decision-making centers, but neither the verkhovna rada nor the cabinet such centers are not today, but it would be funny if, this is very black humor, but if you and i are talking about approaches in general, so i believe that today's elections cannot be held objectively, because someone in our country, stefanchuk , talked about the fact that he is studying international experience, how it should be conducted. elections during the war, something he had already stopped studying, apparently he had studied, or after the president said that everyone who talks about elections during the war is treasonous and working for russia, stefanchuk decided that he no longer needed to work for russia, but seriously, i am to all those smart people who tell that they know how according to the current system, it is precisely according to the current system that the elections should be held today, i propose to go to them, it is possible for stefanchuk, including, to organize them in temporary yar, or in new york, and... or even in konstantinovka,
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if they do it there, if they will still be alive, after the elections, well, i will shake their hands, say well done, but to be honest, i think that it will not work out for them in the first place, because they are afraid to go there, it is very easy to tell from kyiv how the homeland should be love how elections should be conducted, but people who have never done it and do not understand what kind of process it is, they can do it only... on paper from tv screens, and not directly with pens, this is the first thing, but regarding the holding of elections, it is really impossible to hold them today, neither from an organizational point of view, nor from a legal point of view, but the only authority to which there are no questions today is the verkhovna rada of ukraine, it is clearly stated that its authority continues until the end of martial law, it is clearly stated in the constitution and laws, and based on this ... the council will not work in
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independence from anything until the end of a full-scale invasion until the end of the war. well, if the council will work a. someone is questioning the powers of the president, and it is russia, i will emphasize these powers once again, why, why then the zelenskyi team, how can you understand the logic, why they did not receive the opinion of the constitutional court and did not put all the dots in two, because the constitution can be interpreted maybe in ukraine there is only a constitutional court, and they would have this verdict constitutional, they would also say to the europeans, we have a higher the legislative body that treats. laws to the constitution and said, listen, this moscow is doing something of its own propaganda there, but we have such a conclusion, all the answers, all the answer options that i will name now you will not like, the first one, they did not
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have enough sense for this , secondly, the answer that the constitutional court would give does not suit them, well... there are various conversations, experts talk about the fact that they went to talk to the constitutional court, we received such an answer that did not suit either zelenskyi or him office i don't know to what extent it is true, it is difficult for me to say about it, well, what powers, for example, should, yes, emerge and it is necessary to transfer the powers to stefanchuk on a voluntary basis, that is, there really is no clearly written norm in the constitution, how the president should act, this is a unique situation , but there is no continuation. authority, what the circles say, and again, this could be my opinion, this could be your opinion, and by and large, what would be mine, what would be yours, if there was, there would be a solution of the constitutional court, where it was written: the president's mandate continues until the end of martial law in ukraine, period, and it
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doesn't matter what razumkov thinks, what ivanov thinks, what petrenko, siderenko or someone else thinks, there are decisions, we may have different opinions, but they do not carry any.. . , but it had to be done next in a way, it had to be done last year by the 23rd president on his own, so as not to create some kind of political game out of this, so that later it would not be said that someone was playing into... moscow's hand or not playing into moscow's hand, to go and appeal to the constitutional to the court, you asked the question correctly, to get the answer as it is, well, it would be logical that he extended his powers, or made another decision and said that look, such and such decisions should be that the president
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voluntarily must transfer the powers of the chairman of the verkhovna rada, or to extend their powers until the end of martial law and that's all, it doesn't matter, i repeat once again... they are always afraid of losing power, but they are afraid of it from the wrong side, i repeat once again that there is neither poroshenko nor there tymoshenko, no group, no voice, no intelligent politician will go to the square there and say: that's it, this tsar has gone bad, bring the following, it won't happen, it's logical and understandable, but it will definitely be used. russia is outside the borders of our state, where the influence of the president, and where internal censorship does not work, and they will do it shake up, and unfortunately, today's situation, which is taking place against the background of the upcoming elections and
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in the european parliament and the upcoming elections in the united states of america, taking into account those candidates who will take part in the elections and who can win with... taking into account their personal relations with the current president of the president of ukraine can lead to serious negative consequences. unfortunately, russia has this resource, which they will definitely use, but our government, it always concentrates on the smallest problems, but which are right under their noses. they do not know how to see how it will unfold in world geopolitics. it's a problem, it's a problem. not for them, it is a problem for the state, for the state in which you and i live, and for whose existence the armed forces of ukraine are fighting today, well, maybe, maybe volodymyr oleksandrovich is thinking that if he leaves this post, then without him
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state institutions will not work, that will not work, the army will not work, because he is the supreme commander, and well, this can be explained by the fact that a person thinks about more. about the state in this situation, rather than about their interests or vice versa? it is possible to explain, but not to accept, i will explain why, there is a law, there is a constitution, there are consts. court and you must not proceed from what you believe, you may believe one thing, he will believe another, i will believe a third, but contrary to what we believe, there is a law which is clearly to be observed by every public servant or every political figure, everyone, even if you think that you are the most, the most, the most necessary for the state at the moment, and you have and you... think that you will do as you you want, because then it may not turn
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against you, again, these are the political ambitions of any politician or political figure, these are his personal problems, this can change the attitude towards the country, the attitude towards the government that exists in the state on the part of international partners and lead to negative consequences, this cannot be allowed, but... for the most part, ukrainian politicians continue to live in the i-want-or-i-think mode, and not as defined by the law, and this will be good for the country. well, when you were dismissed, you weren't they did not resist there with their hands and feet and did not say: no, no, i will not leave my post, because i was elected, i will be the chairman of the verkhovna rada for as long as necessary. no, and i, i always said that i will not hold on to the position, i will tell you more, if it was important for me to stay in this position, i would stay in it. but then you had to be more flexible to no, you have to be able to give in to
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your principles, and i don't want to give in to my principles, they are worth much more to me than positions, because i am very i don't want to be ashamed of myself, and even more so that my children are ashamed of their father, so i will not give in to the principles that i followed in the 19th year, unlike many others. who wants to hold on to the position and wants to keep it, it is their choice, i think that we will be judged, history will judge us and put everything in its place and we will see glimmers of hope, but as of today, i really did not hold on to the position , i did not file a lawsuit for any, including the position of chairman of the verkhovna rada, i did not played with the fact that i was removed from my position in violation of the law, in violation of the regulations, and many others. the decision was made, i took a different path in order to complete everything
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that was promised, including to zelensky in the 19th year, but was not fulfilled, and i will work on it even after the victory, now they just did not want, for you to be acting president, well suddenly what, no, they didn't really want me to be the chairman of the verkhovna rada at all, it happened by chance, to be honest, and we... it happened by chance for them, they they simply did not even understand the importance of the position of the chairman of the verkhovna rada, objectively, this should not be surprising, i see that your eyes are widening through your glasses, but this is a fact, and i think that i did not have an easy job as the chairman of the verkhovna rada, i do not i will now , in order to understand who the chairman of the verkhovna rada is, you need to read the constitution and the powers, especially there are some things that concern... uh, the powers are quite serious, that is, yes, but, but, uh, i
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liked , me, i liked this job, despite what i constantly had conflicts with the president's office, well , it was simply wrong to talk about it at that time, you are part of the power structure and it was not correct to point the finger at someone, i always took a principled position in this regard, but eh... nevertheless, everything what is not happening is happening for the better, and i, in principle, am satisfied today that i am not part of the government, because to look at everything that is happening today, i would not be ready, i would not sit silently, because it would no longer support the wrong things that unfortunately happen today, therefore you know, because we had easter yesterday, so i... think that the lord god helped in this matter, and sent everyone in his own way.
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another short topic, we don't have much time on the air, today the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine officially announced that they do not see the right grounds for recognizing putin as the president of the russian federation, on may 7 the so-called inauguration of the so-called president putin, the so-called putin, i would said so, and that during the so-called elections in russia were violated. numerous international documents, in particular due to the organization of the election process in the occupied territories of ukraine, based on the above, as well as taking into account the current warrant of the international criminal court for the arrest of putin, ukraine does not see the right grounds. for his recognition as the democratically elected and legitimate president of the russian federation, well, this topic, which appeared today in the form of a statement by the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, is late, that is , this topic should have been discussed, as you say, earlier, before the elections, even before elections, and do everything to ensure that ukraine is the first state to initiate this non-recognition
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legitimacy of president putin, not after the parliamentary assembly... of the council of europe adopted a resolution and recommended not to recognize putin's legitimacy. why, why, in this situation, it is immediately obvious, whose side is the truth, that is, the ukrainian state, on which part of the occupied territory the elections are taking place, and it is already absolutely obvious that the votes that were supposedly cast for putin in these territories, they already testify to his illegitimacy, even this very fact. there is a little violation of the law either violated or not violated, international law is the same, it is either violated or not violated, a little bit violated, this one lost it, and first of all, i think it is necessary to start with what you started the program about the negotiations with, this is the first thing , i think that this is just an indicator of what kind of
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communication was conducted or is being conducted in another way to explain it, well, it is possible only absolutely. the essence of professionalism and the lack of an opportunity to build a plan for at least two steps, that is, there are eight -nine-year-old children sitting there, although no, i do not want to offend children, i think that 8-9 years old they can to draw a higher-quality plan than what we see today at the level of government actions, and on the other hand, i think that this is an attempt to shift the informational accents that are happening today in... in the space, starting there from the orde, well, from the announcement in search, including those events that take place at the front, from the point of view of the media, representatives of the office work very often qualitatively, from the point of view of state planning and strategy, it seems to me that we have constant miscalculations, including with regard to the elections in the russian federation , we
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they did not finalize this topic before the elections and... they should have worked right here, ringing all the bells before the elections, and using this topic as much as possible immediately after the elections, and not now , how much is there in a day, and tomorrow is the inauguration, in a day, in a day before the inauguration of the so-called president putin. thank you, dmytro oleksandrovych, for the conversation, by the way, about the media, about the media during the past week. the national public television and radio company of ukraine was at the epicenter of scandals. people's deputy of ukraine mariana bezugla nominated a number claims and accusations against the public broadcaster. let's see how it all happened and what it actually can lead to, we'll talk later. a telethon for your own. society, one of the six producers of the national
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single news marathon, found itself between two fires this week. colleagues announced their intention. to take away from him the prime evening slots, which are watched by the largest number of viewers, people's deputy from the servant of the people maryana bezugla published several posts on social networks accusing the broadcaster. experts immediately connected the two events and remembered the story of the dismissal of the head of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, which resembled a special information operation, and it was also started by maryana bezugla, this time a deputy. criticized the public for the seemingly small reach of the audience, for the high salaries of the management and even the organization of employment schemes for men in order to reserve them, but the main message was a call to reduce the state funding of the broadcaster. so, currently we have de facto a6 state channels, public with all ramifications, council, dom,
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freedom, telethon, army media holding attention that the six state broadcasters should be made one, and the funds should be redirected to the creation of information and cyber forces of ukraine, to create information and cyber forces of ukraine. but the public channel is no longer state-owned, thanks to the support of western countries after the revolution of dignity, once a truly state-owned channel was reformed and became public. the office of the president, the cabinet of ministers, and even the verkhovna rada do not have direct mechanisms of influence on its editorial policy. torings show that the public is the only participant of the telethon that allows itself to give different points of view, for example, to invite people's deputies from various factions, in particular from the european salt'. maybe there are some stop lists for other channels or something else, as the opposition says, they are often forwarded and installed, they agree on specific
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speakers in the marathon, we don't have that, and maybe this worries the government representatives that they can't interfere in our editorial policy. the telethon - the only news was launched on february 24, 2022, leading media groups and tv channels united to participate in it. early full-scale invasion, the telethon fulfilled its function of preventing panic and promptly informing ukrainians about the progress of the war. but now, according to many media experts, it has become an informational relic. confidence in him continues to fall. according to a kmis survey conducted in february 2024, only 36% of ukrainians trusted the marathon. while 47% did not trust. the telethon was also mentioned in the recent us state department report on human rights violations in ukraine in 2023 as an example
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of restrictions on freedom of speech. however, the government does not plan abandon the format controlled by it. serhii leshchenko, adviser to the head of the president's office, andriy yarmak, said this, in particular, on the air of the same telethon. part of the russian informational program is being conducted. war against ukraine by discrediting the marathon, realizing that if there is no marathon, then the media house will win, in the conditions of the media house it is extremely easier to create provocations that divide society and glorify ukraine internally in the face of russian aggression. the telethon is not the only example of the government's desire to fully control information space, introducing not only military, but also political censorship. on april 4 , 2022, an unprecedented event took place in the ukrainian media field: without any formal decisions and even without explanation, the authorities illegally removed three
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nationwide tv channels from digital broadcasting at once: espresso, direct and channel five. this decision has not yet been overturned. it is obvious not to talk about what these three channels threw away, to say: "no, you will leave the public", well, we will quietly forget about them, because we are ashamed, we understand that we won't convince them, because it's power, well, it's hypocrisy, then why do we need social ... everything else, where is the truth then? the truth is that the public must definitely be protected, the telethon definitely needs to be closed. instead, even before the war, from the first days of the full-scale invasion, the authorities helped ukrainians get hooked on the information needle of the messenger, a telegram launched by the russian pavlo durov, and which, as many experts speculate, may be connected to the russian special services. in particular, at the press conference of president zelensko... invited representatives of anonymous telegram channels, now it seems that even the bank has realized that this is a threat. head of the group kyrylo budanov directly called the messenger with
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russian roots a problem of national security, and the verkhovna rada has already registered a draft law on the regulation of this and other social networks in the part that concerns information activities. friends, we are working live on the tv channel. also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, take participation in our survey, today we ask you about whether peace negotiations with russia are possible, yes, no, please vote with the appropriate buttons on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if yes, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, and maria ionova, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the verkhovna rada committee on
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foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, should join us in a minute. let's talk with her, in particular about the following: russia will conduct training in the near future to increase the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to perform combat missions. this is stated in the message of the ministry of defense published this morning. of the russian federation, reports the shoigu office of the regime in kyiv and its western inspirers should finally realize that their reckless steps are bringing the situation closer and closer to the accumulation of an explosive critical mass, we hope that this measure will cool the hot heads in the western capitals and help to realize the possible catastrophic consequences of the generated strategic risks. and the regime, its terrorist actions, as well as prevents them from aiding in the kiev withdrawal into a direct armed confrontation with
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russia, well, the fact is that today... russia made a number of statements and threats, announced threats towards great britain, in side of france, summoned the ambassadors in great britain and france in and told them that the british had been told that if british weapons flew over the territory of the russian federation, then in response great britain would also receive a blow not only in terms of objects on the territory of ukraine, well , obviously we are talking about the embassy of great britain, other institutions that work on behalf of the state of great britain, and the french were also told that if french troops appear there, then we will too we will give an answer, and these trainings of non-strategic nuclear forces are obviously supposed to demonstrate the determination, the so-called determination of the so-called president putin, who, by the way, on may 7 , 2024, will once again be pro... enter
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the inauguration, and no one recognizes the powers, and no civilized country, but hey, he decided to put on such a show. and we already have maria ionova, people's deputy of ukraine, in contact. mrs. mary, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, christ is risen. truth has risen. mrs. maria, i have already told our tv viewers that today russia is trying to develop nuclear weapons. and everyone is threatening the representatives of great britain and france, and have already agreed to the fact that the russian foreign ministry said that russia will perceive the appearance of f-16 aircraft in ukraine as carriers of nuclear weapons, regardless of their modification. how to perceive these statements? this means that the kremlin is once again trying to get hold of the nuclear suitcase, and who will finally give him
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the hands of that kremlin grandfather, so that he does not touch that nuclear suitcase and remembers that nuclear weapons are a weapon of deterrence in the world, not an assault weapon. well, mr. sergey, explaining something to a criminal is really not even worth wasting time. you and i know that this is the last straw, when we hear such honor and such blackmail from putin and he constantly grabs for it just when we we hear you are quite determined. statements from our partners, who have already reconsidered their policy in the same way, and you and i, let's say so, also hear statements from leaders who say that this or that weapon will be delivered, but every time, well, when we hear this blackmail, we understand that moscow is probably getting hurt somehow, and they are getting nervous, it seems to me that this last
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statement in... well, to be honest, it is already such a very bluff, it reminds me, because but we see with you such non-standard steps from our british, after all friends, and show, and putin can't survive, maybe he also needs to show his society that everything is going according to plan, so this indicates that the allies are acting correctly and decisively, but again, it is necessary that more. .. the more these statements became potentially effective, and also i think that for sure, you know, we felt that when russia spoke about nuclear blackmail at our various international meetings, well, that our friends also, let's say this, perceive these statements, well, no nervously, but with fear, yes, and i would really like to, and now we will work in the same way to make sure they don't get nervous, that is
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, a civilized... definitely shouldn't get nervous, because putin understands that the circle is narrowing in russia as well, but there is less and less leverage or deterrence, and that's why on the contrary, all our friends and partners should condemn, condemn this rhetoric, you know, but still not only make statements, but also not limit ourselves to statements, after all, also, well... we should have their results on the field the battle of our armed forces, and therefore, you know, there is no need to be silent, again, it is simply necessary emphasize and remind the russian federation that they should withdraw their troops, de-occupy our territories and prepare to really, well, answer according to international law for their war crimes, and therefore...


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