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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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the first year of the co-leader of the ukrainian-ukrainian-chinese business council was on the air of espresso, we are moving on, it is already time for news on the espresso tv channel, so we pass the floor to our colleague iryna koval, who is already ready to share with us all the most important information, we will stop at this moment . iro, we congratulate you, give you the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out. thank you, marta, you will hear about the most important thing, what exactly will happen, in the release, wait. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine and the release is for your attention news on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. they tried to remove zelensky before putin's inauguration. the security service detained two. colonels of the state
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security department on treason. the attackers were part of the russian intelligence network, which was managed directly from moscow. the colonels were looking for bodyguards close to the president who were supposed to take zelensky hostage in order to later kill him. they also planned to liquidate the head of the security service, vasyl malyuk, and the head of the main intelligence department , kyryll budanov. continuation of martial law. and mobilization for another 90 days. the committee on national security of the verkhovna rada supported two bills of the president. tomorrow, they must be approved by the parliament during the meeting. let me remind you, this will already be the 11th decision regarding the continuation of the mobilization and martial law of the first full-scale invasion. it will be valid until august 11 this year. in chernihiv oblast , the police detained a suspect in the murder of her father. according to the investigation materials. at home
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, a 21-year-old girl and her father had a conflict. subsequently, the suspect fired six shots from a gun into the father's back. on at the scene of the crime, law enforcement officers found a murder weapon, and the girl was detained and placed in a temporary detention center. currently, the police are establishing all the circumstances of the crime. stysis recovered the bodies of three drowned people. a local fisherman informed the border guards about the find in the water. rescuers and the police were called to the scene. the deceased was a 28-year-old resident of ivano-frankivsk region. during the inspection of the shores, the border guards became aware of the discovery of two more bodies of men. one of the dead was only 20 years old. hit the child. in zvyagel, zhytomyr oblast, a driver bus ran over a nine-year-old boy. this was reported to the regional police. as a result of the accident, the child was injured. her.
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hospitalized. the police are currently investigating the circumstances of the accident. centuries-old trees were cut down for sale. in the khmelnytskyi region , an official was exposed who organized illegal logging . this was reported to the state bureau of investigation. the head of the department of one of the law enforcement agencies involved his brother and the employees of the utility company in the illegal scheme. the perpetrators cut down the hundred-year-old trees and sold forests. since january alone, they managed to destroy more than fifty valuable trees worth about uah 15 million. a man who ran over a cyclist was found fleeing the scene of an accident in volyn. this was reported to the regional police. the accident happened in the village of rovantsi. as a result of the collision, the 38-year-old cyclist was hospitalized with serious injuries. the culprit of the accident was arrested a few hours later.
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he was intoxicated. didn't get there. in the voronezh region of russia , a car wreck involving military personnel occurred. previously, the bus with the occupants collided with a car. one person died, nine others were injured. three russians are in serious condition, the propaganda media reported. the bus was transporting 32 military personnel of the russian army. officially extended his reign. the long-time leader of the kremlin, vladimir putin, was sworn in for a new six-year term. this is the fifth time that he has assumed the post of the head of the russian federation. the united states and a number of other western countries boycotted the inauguration of the russian chapter because of russia's aggressive war against ukraine. previously, the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs urged not to recognize putin as the legitimate president. in particular, numerous violations
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during elections and voting in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. military tsaha. entered in droves, reports the bloomberg agency. the israel defense forces said their main goal of the offensive was to put pressure on hamas regarding the peace agreement. it is noted that the israeli army completely stopped the movement of people and humanitarian aid at the checkpoint. the idf changed the palestinian flags there to israeli ones. let me remind you that tzahal entered rafah the day after israel ordered the residents of the eastern part of the city not to... leave immediately because of a possible offensive. the de-occupied kharkiv region is demined. the national police reported that explosives technicians discovered a minefield near the dam in the izyum district. law enforcement officers from zhytomyr region managed to successfully
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recover and neutralize the ammunition. farmers will now be able to safely cultivate the land in this area. the recruiting center of the ukrainian army was opened at the central station of kyiv. in it, you can get advice on available vacancies in the armed forces of ukraine. as of today, 20 recruiting centers have been opened in different parts of ukraine. the first point appeared on february 12 this year. since then , more than 3,000 ukrainians have applied for consultations. of them , 100 are already serving in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, or on leave. in the process of signing contracts. no summons will be served here, you can come here and ask what vacancies are available, how much they pay, who will be my commander, go and talk to that commander, find out if you are suitable for each other. more than 20,000
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people pass the kyiv railway station every day, the task is to interest, to tell about the possibilities of recruiting, about what you can choose today yourself, choose a specialty, choose a direction of service, choose. brigade, this is a completely voluntary, modern process initiated by the ministry of defense, we supported its advice. in ukraine, there are three national narratives: multicultural, civil unity and the struggle for ukrainian culture, these are the conclusions of the catuua research. also, experts note a change in the opinion of ukrainians regarding narratives compared to 2013. they note that in the ukrainian national. consciousness has changed, as all three views on ukraine are similar to each other. the research was carried out by the in-depth interview method. a total of 50 people were interviewed, these are politicians, doctors, scientists, businessmen, civic activists and soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. pro-russian narratives
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have disappeared from public discourse, although, of course, people who adhere to such opinions remain somewhere with us, but they do not speak up, and actually we have seen how it is possible to unite these people, what things they do not divide, which are common to them, respectively, it is precisely on these things that the authorities will be able to emphasize, the understanding that we must stand in this war, we must win, we must move as far as possible from russia, win and expel from our borders, and that we are a nation of strong, free, proactive people, so these are things that bring people together, and they're actually saying that these are...generalized things about all narratives. thanks to the outstanding ukrainian children's choir. today is 53 years old. she founded it back in 1971 in kyiv master of choral art iryna sablina. currently, the team is headed by her daughter mariana
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sablina. shchedryk's repertoire includes about a thousand pieces of renaissance, baroque, classical, spiritual, romantic and modern music. and. folk songs of different countries of the world. today, the choir has more than 150 children of various ages, about 55 of the best performers, and is part of the concert lineup. during its existence , shchedryk trained more than 2 thousand choristers. the children's choir has received at least six world awards and in total has given more than half a thousand concerts on different continents of the world. and i want to remind you about our collection, with your
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help we collected funds for cars and equipment for our defenders, two suvs for the air reconnaissance group and air defense forces. a pickup for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator for transporting fallen heroes. all of these have already arrived in ukraine, but they need preparation for combat. services our goal is uah 120,000. with your help, we have already collected over uah 50,000. you can now see all the details on the screen, so join the gathering. such were the news at that time. you can read more on our website espresso tv. also follow us on social networks and watch our unique content on youtube. our team is working to ensure that you see an updated news release already at 4 p.m. and literally in a moment ether will be continued by my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin
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barkovskii. thank you to iryna koval. thanks to the news editor. well, an extremely meaningful issue. after all, this is not news. forgive me for such a small pun. so, our journalists report all the operational information, see express. and stay tuned. well, we are now adding to our marathon natalia panchenko, head of the treasury museum branch of the national museum of the history of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mrs. natalia, christ is risen. ugh. glory to heroes. well, first of all , we would like to ask you about the dynamics of the demolition of a small architectural form near the tithe church. how is this case progressing now? the case is quite scandalous. well, we see that ours is too... powerful, both the state apparatus and the kyiv apparatus, well, they are dragging things along, well, you understand,
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dynamics and speed are such evaluative concepts, everyone has their own, according to me, taking into account the fact that this chapel has been standing for 20 years and there was no, well, no business to it, that is, in the center of kyiv, someone... came on someone's land, without permits, without approvals, without the conclusions of the building inspection, regarding the safety of operation of the object immovable, immovable, something was built and for 20 years using it, using it, ignoring it all and all, today you saw how it happened , well, there is a museum in which he insulted the world culture heritage, near its threshold some kind of bunker, who is there, what is there, there at
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the beginning of the war, the security forces conducted some searches, maybe there were weapons there, but this is some kind of wild field in the center of kyiv, in the very heart of the historical area, not controlled by anyone , on the other hand, there is a court decision that has entered into force and has been at the stage of enforcement since last year, since october. in the bodies of the state executive service, well, the ocp, as far as we understand, ms. nataliya, very actively intervened in this case now, from the very in the morning, at 6 o'clock in the morning, the dismantling was supposed to begin, here i am already reading reports that the activists of the uoc -mp, so to speak, began to conduct their, i wanted to say, religiously, well, but it is with such powerful elements of the pro-russian campaigning party, which. .. activism, well, you know, for us this is not a religious issue, and i would
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call this nato powerful, according to the national police, about 30 people were there at night, well , if, everything is relative, as i said, but powerful support of the civil society was actually demonstrated when the museum announced the collection, closed the required amount in 16 hours, that is, public society supports the idea of ​​demolishing. of this building, i support the idea of ​​the rule of law as such, you see, all these collective agreements, as a result of which it appeared here, what are called political decisions, anonymous decisions for which, for which no one takes responsibility, now they are opposed to a legal decision in the name of ukraine, declared by the court, and we must fulfill it, it is about the rule of law, somewhere... everyone is equal before the law, in whether he wears a cassock or without a cassock, he must fulfill the court's decision. and by the way, how are the law enforcement officers
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reacting to this situation, are they going to somehow, well, i would say, intervene more radically in this, well, because it's not normal when there is a certain group of people who block a completely legal decision, and everyone is in favor well, look, in fact, today's executive actions were postponed, they did not take place, therefore there was no field for the law enforcement officers to... the executive, when he goes to the execution already, she attracts the support of the police, she, the executive group will work and security. what the proceedings, the state executive, the safety of the public, well, the environment and the people in this territory, of course, will be ensured by the national police, just that the execution has not actually started yet, well, it is a good thing that yesterday they took away some of their movable property, i really would not like it,
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that the objects of religious worship were, well , damaged and... we long ago called on the religious community to take care of their property themselves and ensure its dismantling by their own efforts, so we agree, mrs. natalie, but the court established that the building was built without any permits, it is located in the buffer zone of unesco monuments, where construction is prohibited, and now i would like to quote... a fragment of the statement of one of the representatives of this group, which prevented, so to speak, the de facto implementation the decision of the court, i am quoting now evening kyiv, a direct quote of this, by the name of mykola, a believer of the uocp, people, here is a direct speech, people who
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give the order to demolish the temple, obeyed the devil, satan will not wait for them to repent, he will lead them to. .. i am about to die, but such people have gathered there, and that's it accordingly, if we are talking about the implementation of a court decision, a legal court decision, when do you think we can wait for it? well, look, it's being done, it can't be done forever, it must be done and it will be done soon. for dear mykola, a constructive position would be to offer his garden. as a plot of land where this building can be moved, and let them pray to it and let guests come to it. on the territory of the museum, this is a non-professional, non-professional institution. m, one more time i emphasize, regarding safety, it is also unknown how it was built and whether it will fall on the head of the same mykola. therefore, it is safer to demolish it,
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conduct archaeological studies of the damaged cultural layer and decide the issue of further exploitation of the land plot in accordance with its intended purpose, these are lands of historical and cultural purpose, these are the most ancient lands, er, the core, the state was born here, and the tithe church, which was built here at the end of the 10th century, it is not only about religion, it is the beginning of statehood. uh, as such, this very multi-layered processes, and it is wrong to reduce them to religion and idolatry. for that, yes, thank you, mrs. nataliya, nataliya panchenko, the head of the branch of the treasury museum of the national museum of the history of ukraine
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was on our air, by the way, on this topic i want to remind you that the new polls. that 63% of ukrainians support the complete ban of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate in ukraine. such are the latest data of the kyiv international institute of sociology, well, actually representatives of this russian the fsb structure is now trying in every possible way to prevent this dismantling of the church, which we actually mentioned during the inclusion of natalya panchenko. now we are going on a short break and after it we will continue our broadcast, be with espresso. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution, kors garden trimmers from unpack tv. hurry up to order at a special price. only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful.
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zelenskyi, were detained, the security service of ukraine reports. well, the enemy's plans had to be implemented by an agent network, which was exposed in advance by the security service of ukraine with the assistance of the leadership of the state security department. well, that network included two colonels of the state security department, who leaked secret information to the enemy, so they planned to kill in addition to the president of ukraine, the head of the sbu malyuk, the head of the main intelligence department, budanov, and other high-ranking officials, i am quoting the report now: the enemy's plan was as follows: at first , the recruited agent was supposed to observe the movement of a person under guard and pass information to the enemy. according to the coordinates of the house where the official was supposed to be, it was planned to launch a missile attack, then with... they tried to attack the people who remained at the site of the attack with a drone, after that the russians planned to target with another missile, including to destroy the traces drone use. and for information.
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the source of rbc ukraine in the special services of the detained one of the detainees is andrii huk. he is the head of one of the departments of the state guard. hook is suspected of collecting and passing on information about the persons being guarded. it is known that the two of them face life imprisonment. we will talk more about this topic with andrii osachuk, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on law enforcement. mr. andriy, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. good day. well what, sensational news. we understand that... this is not the first time attempts have been made to carry out attacks on the president and our military-political leadership, but this is a serious signal from the point of view that those who were supposed to implement this plan were state security workers, that is, they were exiled cossacks or recruited agents of the fsb of the russian federation, what do you think about this, why does the enemy,
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unfortunately, manage to rub in such a way in... the trust of employees and officials of such serious structures? well, first of all, we have all to understand, no matter how they treat the highest officials of our state, but our joint huge task of the entire law enforcement system, including politicians, is to protect the first persons of the state, because they personify the legitimacy of the ukrainian government, and the fact that, including the president ukraine constantly found... and is in danger, there is no doubt about it, it is not some kind of rumor, not some kind of propaganda, not some kind of ipso, there were indeed various attempts, and the publicized information of the security service of ukraine is the result of a very long work of our special service, literally 5 minutes before our broadcast, we finished a short meeting here with representatives of the sbu in our committee, and this indicates that they
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are... very effective, they took their time there for a long time, minimizing risks for top officials , but they collected information to eliminate any doubts, and the practice on their part actually took place, well, almost flawless, that is, it is about the fact that the russian federation wanted, wants and will want to liquidate top ukrainian politicians and leaders. in order to destabilize the situation in in ukraine, this is about the fact that we should strengthen the protection of key politicians and leaders, and this is about the fact that, of course, the fsb had a very extensive network in ukraine for decades, they were constantly engaged and probably still are engaged in recruiting, the security service of ukraine, if i am not mistaken , just the other day reported that during the great war eh... there were at
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least 3,000, if i am not mistaken, cases that directly or indirectly relate to treason , aid to the enemy, and so on, during the war, the security service uncovered a huge the number of networks that worked under the coordination of the fsb, therefore, on the one hand, the work already carried out was very large, but there is no doubt that not for a minute, not for a second , we cannot lose our vigilance, and here we all put... first of all, the security service of ukraine, to continue its high-quality work on identifying enemy agents, which i will repeat once again, wanted and wants to do everything to maximally destabilize the situation in the middle of ukraine, because the destruction of ukraine from the inside is probably the only chance for the russian federation to get some obvious advantage in this war. we agree with you, mr. andriy, and we would also like to move on to...
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an extremely important topic, in particular, when we talk about the punishment for those who have not yet updated their data in the tcc and spo, to be approved by the verkhovna rada committee on law enforcement activity, the version of the draft law numbered 10379 provides for a significant increase in penalties for violation of military records, we would like to ask you about the specifics of the current version, well, first of all, everyone should understand already after... long discussions at the parliamentary level committee and the parliament, the initial version submitted by the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, from the submission, as i understand it, by the ministry of defense and the general staff, this version has undergone very significant changes, very significant changes, the initiators initially proposed absolutely insane amounts of fines, there were almost 2000 hryvnias, the initiators asked to introduce
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criminal liability for refusal. passing the vlk, they asked to give.


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