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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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of documents significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine and for your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval and just now about the most important events: they tried to remove zelensky before putin's inauguration. the security service detained two colonels of the state guard for treason. the poachers were part of the russian intelligence network that they managed directly from moscow. the colonels were looking for bodyguards close to the president to take. taking zelensky hostage in order to later
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kill them, they also planned to eliminate the head of the security service, vasyl malyuk, and the head of the main intelligence department, kyryll budanov. he set me the task of probing the mood of the employees who were guarding the president's office, the task was to find people who would be able to. during any transition, or going to the office for an evening address, or to the square in front of the office to block the president, the curator had to hand over the task to the person who, in my opinion, would be ready to carry out this operation, namely the employees of the ninth department of the department of operational information. of the fifth service oversaw
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the organization of the terrorist attack, these are maksym mishusstin, dmytro perlin, as well as oleksiy kornev. in particular, perlin in january 2022 became the curator of the moles, which were recruited even before the full-scale invasion of russia. the government has approved the procedure for the maintenance of fortifications, it is also about their maintenance and record keeping, said prime minister denys shmehal during the meeting. according to him , it is important. so that the defensive lines were always in proper condition. this will be done by the local government. continuation of martial law and mobilization for another 90 days. the committee on national security of the verkhovna rada supported two bills of the president. tomorrow, they must be approved by the parliament during the meeting. let me remind you that this will already be the 11th decision regarding the continuation of mobilization and martial law since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. it will be valid until august 11 this year. official
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the official's negligence led to millions of losses. investigators of the national police reported the suspicion of an official of the sumy city council. the woman signed a contract with a private company to purchase equipment for a children's hospital, but later the contract was terminated without reason. instead, a tender was announced for the purchase of the same equipment. the equipment was purchased from another company at many times more expensive. this is for. caused damage to the community budget of 5 million hryvnias, the person involved faces up to 5 years in prison. the de-occupied kharkiv region is demined. near the dam in explosive technicians discovered a minefield in the izyum district . this was reported to the national police. law enforcement officers from zhytomyr region managed to successfully recover and neutralize the ammunition. farmers will now be able to safely cultivate the land in this area. french president
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emmanuel macron went with chinese leader xi jinping to the south of the country to the pyrenees mountains. they have an informal dinner planned there. this is the second day of the chinese president's visit to france. during the trip , xi showed no sign of being willing to offer serious concessions on trade or foreign policy. the day before, the leaders also held tripartite talks with the head of the european commission ursola fondeyan, discussed trade between countries and security in the regions, and the war in ukraine was discussed. china should make more efforts to establish peace in ukraine, said german chancellor olaf scholz during a speech at the international forum on global solutions. european leaders are convinced that it is xi jinping, who... is currently touring europe,
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who is able to convince vladimir putin to stop aggression against ukraine. the more countries like china, india, brazil and many others make it clear to russia that enough is enough, that this war must end, and that russia must withdraw its troops, the greater the chances of a quick peace, it also increases the chances of diplomatic efforts on the horizon those that switzerland has made with its planned peace conference to bring us even one small step closer to a just peace. officially continued his reign. the long-time leader of the kremlin, vladimir putin, was sworn in for a new six-year term. it this is the fifth time he has assumed the post of head of the russian federation. the united states and a number of other western countries boycotted the inauguration of the russian chapter because of
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russia's aggressive war against ukraine. earlier, the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs urged not to recognize putin as the legitimate president. in particular, due to... numerous violations during elections and voting in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. a prison, not the kremlin in the hague during the so- called inauguration of the dictator putin took place protest action. opposite the un international court of justice, the figure of the illegitimate president was installed in shackles and in prison. protesters believe that another re-election of putin to the post of the head of the russian federation. violates international election law, the tzahal military entered the rafahs, the bloomberg agency reports. the israel defense forces said their main
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goal of the offensive was to put pressure on hamas for a peace deal. it is noted that the israeli army completely stopped the movement of people and humanitarian aid at the checkpoint. military. tzahalu replaced palestinian flags there with israeli ones. i will remind you that the tzahal entered rafah the day after israel ordered the residents of the eastern part of the city to leave immediately because of a possible offensive. in the village of pylypcha, an unusual photo exhibition was opened, keep the hugs. its author is oleksandra pavlovska, a ukrainian photographer who tries to convey through the lens the emotions of people in the first months of a full-scale war. what is the special feature of the exposition, my colleagues will tell. the exhibition dedicated to hugs was opened in the village of pylypcha in 20 minutes drive from bila tserkva. its author
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was the artist oleksandra pavlovska. the woman works with photo projects that break the themes of loneliness, emotionality and physicality. as the author shares, the photos were taken at the beginning of full-scale. invasion, then 20 complete strangers lived in the artistic residence of nazar voytovych in ternopil oblast and became a real family in a difficult time. 20 people, four dogs, seven children, four cats, this is the maximum number of residences, we arrived there, and for a week more people arrived, people who escaped from the war, and eh... it so happened that five more artists gathered, and everyone experienced their stress, their fear in different ways, and what are the tools of artists, artistic, and everyone who painted, who i photographed, someone was filming a movie, at that anxious moment
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creativity and good people nearby helped to relieve stress, actually the photo shows those who lived in the building, we worried about each other, we became very close and eh... this is about the importance of hugs in these difficult times times, and although oleksandra had many exhibitions in ukraine and abroad borders, she has experience in the village for the first time, because she only recently moved to bilotserkivshchyna, the paintings presented at the exhibition are stories, if you approach and look at the photos carefully, you can find something unique and familiar for yourself. someone is bullied by a grandmother, somebody is bullied by small children, and somebody is bullied. women who gather together, everyone has their own emotions, here i am talking now, i have my favorite photos, i imagine, i have goosebumps, for the village, such exhibitions are a novelty, instead, everyone is happy to look at the photos, each picture, each, it a problem that surrounds us constantly to
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this day, a very emotional exhibition, i saw the first two paintings, tears immediately came to my eyes, because it is immediately felt. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. and i want to remind you about our collection. with your help, we raised funds for cars and equipment for our defenders. two off-road vehicles for the air reconnaissance group, the band and the air defense forces, as well as a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator for transportation were used. heroes, they have already arrived in ukraine, but need training for military service. so
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our goal is uah 120,000. and with your help, we have already collected almost half, so you can now see all the details on the screen and join the collection. such were the news at that time. you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch us. my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin barkovskii continue the broadcast. thank you to our colleague irina koval, thank you to the news editor, but as the information day of the 11:4 tv channel continues, we are working live ether marta olyarnyk and anti in the espresso studio. borkovskyi and we will add to our ater ivan kyrychevskyi, a military expert of defense-express. mr.
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ivan and i will analyze military news as usual. congratulations, mr. ivan, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. well, russia is terrorizing us again and terrorizing everyone with its nuclear threats. i mean these tactical tests, training, so to speak. we understand that kozyr is again in this form. nuclear warhead putin is trying to show and demonstrate to the whole world, the so -called ministry of defense of the russian federation has announced training on the practice and use of tactical nuclear weapons, what kind of weapon it is in general, if we explain to our viewers in practice what danger it can carry in the event that russia, a terrorist country still dare to use it? in general, i propose to start here with some strange points that... how the russians are conducting these exercises, of course, let's put it this way, there is no data, no matter how it should be
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in fact, that is, there is some kind of established algorithm, because they say, in the doctrinal documents of the russian army , some scenario is written in case of such exercises, but what they say is standard for the use of nuclear weapons of any kind, strategic or tactical in general , a special department in the general staff system is in charge there, but for some reason the ministry of defense of the russian federation is responsible for this, and that’s... on their behalf, well, that’s all there is, well, their head of state, putin , just instructed them to practice the use of tactical nuclear weapons, although this they are there, the question of healing is not life and death, but somehow it stands like this, well, that is , for now it is more like a political demonstration, well, a kind of revenge, that the whole world, in principle, decided to ignore putin's inauguration, regarding the fact that it is there on in practice, for weapons, tactical and strategic nuclear weapons, they differ among themselves , firstly... in the means of delivery to what range, well, and secondly, in power, in this case, if we speak, if the russians are really
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talking only about tactical nuclear weapons, then it is more about warheads for iskanders at a range of 500 km, well, there may be tactical nuclear air bombs, but there is a nuance in that they may also have, let ’s say, warheads for medium -range iskanders, winged iskanders, that’s what they already have more likely, already strategic nuclear weapons, and those missiles. which they use for kh-22, kh-101 bombers, well, what else do they have x55, well, this is also, if it were already a strategic nuclear weapon, so here, let’s say, predict in advance to what degree of insanity they can, to what degree of insanity this nuclear the russians can blackmail them, it’s difficult, but just in case, you need to talk about such a moment, covertly prepare there even to simulate the practice of nuclear weapons, the russians won’t be able to, even if , god forbid, they want to... screw a nuclear warhead onto some of the missiles , which will fly into our territory, well
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, there is no contact detonator on any of the russian missiles, it detonates and works there, don’t confuse us, mr. ivan, in simple language, when you resort to the tactics of the technical characteristics of those or other processes, well, i wanted you to immediately broadcast them in an understandable human language, roughly speaking, even if the russians deliver a nuclear warhead, we will be able to shoot it down, it will not work like russia did. they don’t think about it, well , because they have, well, that’s how missiles are made, to put it more simply, yes, but if we say, for example, this is the moment of preparation of certain ballistic missiles, for carrying tactical nuclear weapons, are similar processes somehow monitored with the help of, i don't know, the same satellites? in principle, very even are tracked, because in order to screw a nuclear warhead onto iskander, they need to unscrew an ordinary warhead from it, relatively speaking, from iskander, and to deliver a warhead, special vehicles are needed there, you know which ones are very visible from space, because it is a special convoy it should be, that is, it won't
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be the case that the russians are somewhere in the dungeons behind the garages, they can't do it under or in some kind of place? they can't, even if they find a hangar, it will still be noticeable that the russians are somewhere they brought a whole convoy of cars, you know, let’s call them special booths, that is, it will be for the satellite, unfortunately or fortunately, it is very clearly visible, there is even more that the russians can even specially just pretend that they are these cars for nuclear warheads they drive somewhere, pure poles, but without even picking up these nuclear warheads themselves, well, let's put it this way, they have to be driven in a special mode, just by loading the nuclear... you can't drive a car without a charge in the heat, because it might explode ahead of time or spoil, let's say yes, and on the territory of the russian federation, although of course we are against it, no one will be against it. mr. ivan, look, there is more information that belarus has decided to check the carriers of tactical nuclear weapons, belta writes about it. the division of the iskander operational-tactical complex of the su-25 aircraft task force will be subject to a sudden inspection.
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the inspection will be carried out in accordance with the time schedule established by lukashenko, the propaganda notes. but they do not specify what time period it is about. minister of defense of belarus, lieutenant general viktor khrenin stated that the so-called authorities plan to check the entire range of measures from the planning, preparation and use of strikes with tactical nuclear munitions. should we combine these maneuvers, which have just been announced in the russian federation, with those that will now take place on the territory of belarus, well , actually, for sure. i repeat my question, but aren't these certain signs that russia is preparing for something like this? well, the exact signs that the russians are preparing for something, it will be, if they really start delivering, that they are called by their term, i.e. real warheads and their storage facilities, which , by the way, are mainly located in the european
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part of the russian federation, should we combine these nuclear maneuvers on the territory of belarus with what the russians announced and more. than it is worth, well, purely because belarus does not have its own warheads, accordingly , even with what the belarusians have attributed to themselves, everything will be managed by the appropriate department of the general staff of the russian federation, here we can only add that the belarusians still appear kamikaze, well who work for lukashenko, because no one in the world thought of using the su-25 as a carrier of a tactical nuclear bomb, the subsonic plane is the su-25, well , purely because even if... drop a nuclear bomb over a certain regime, the subsonic plane from there will not have time to leave, so it turns out that , well, lukashenko demonstrates in this way that he seems to have pilots who are ready to fly without a ticket, well , somehow, because if you take other tactical aviation in the world, which is under nuclear bombs, well, the russians have supersonic planes, the americans have them f-35s are also supersonic, so in the case of
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the belarusians, it’s somehow so very strange that they decided on their own to stand under this nuclear ash, well, what kind of russians... scare everyone, look, mr. ivan, well, the kremlin got very excited because of supplying us with f-16s, yes, well, now i've opened the relevant auxiliary, uh, information resources, well, and it turns out that there can be aerial bombs, tactical nuclear weapons carriers, artillery shells, tactical missiles, anti-aircraft missiles and air-to-air missiles by... wind, that is, as far as i understand, very wide spectrum of possible threats, if we take seriously what the kremlin says and what they manifest, well, we will not neglect, we will not ignore, the key story, so to speak, is preparation, well, in your opinion, if talk, for example, about the enemy's use of tactical nuclear weapons
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on the battlefield, that is, they could actually use them even... projectiles, well, in theory, projectiles for pion guns of 203 mm caliber, they could have nuclear ones left in them, it even seems that there was a message that when there it seems that last summer it was a rebellion of the wagner pmc, that the wagner lechs did not get to the appropriate storage in the belohorod region of the russian federation, and plus, as far as is known, they had old 152 mm podsauge calibers there from soviet times, but did they keep the 152 -millimeter projectiles? podgetsii, this is an open question, the podpions have definitely kept it, for their part, they may even have, mostly, even aviation bombs, which, i apologize for the tautology , are dropped simply on the battlefield, and there was even a message that the russians... are creating a new a nuclear bomb simulator, that is, let’s call it that, a large explosive package in the form of an aircraft bomb, which is dropped over the test site and emits an equally powerful evidence, an explosive
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wave, the only thing that will differ from the use of classical nuclear weapons is that when a nuclear bomb simulator is detonated , accordingly there will be no radiation, by the way, the russians really claim and western researchers also claim that the russians have approximately several hundred nuclear warheads under the complex. 300 which in theory are these nuclear warheads are intended for moscow's air defense, although who knows what the russians can get into their heads, at least in terms of nuclear blackmail, because well, let's be clear, if the russians suddenly come up with an idea to start telling them that they can screw a nuclear warhead in there hit one of our cities, well that will cause a panic, uh, mr. ivan, look, the attorney general's office has given some statistics about missiles from north korea, and they say that... the news from them exploded in the air, as the comment actually says reuters, with reference to the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine, that all that has been studied so far
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is the wreckage of the 21st of approximately 50 north korean ballistic missiles that russia tried to use to strike ukraine, and they say that the last time the russians hit ukraine with such a kn-23 missile february 27. e total number of detected launches coincides with intelligence data, according to which north korea has delivered approximately 50 ballistic missiles to russia, that is, we understand that russia has had such missiles for about two months, even more than two months russia has already had such missiles does not apply, and what do you think, why, due to the fact that they did not justify themselves in terms of quality and russia refused them, or could there be some other reason for this? well, there may be several at once, and the reason you mentioned may really be the most important one, because... let's say this, unfortunately, for the russian iskanders to blow themselves up there on their own, this is not recorded. well, and there about this north korean kn-23, it was said that it is a direct copy
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of the north korean russian iskanda, but it turns out that it is somehow a copy, even if another has better flight range than the russian regionals, but blows up independently in the air somehow more often, but what could be another point, north korea, it plans to produce its own missiles, well, a little less than completely depends on external supplies of resources. but here then the question is why the russians decided to transfer, for example, resources to the north koreans for the production of new ballistic missiles, but if this is an optimistic version, a pessimistic version, well, there is also the question of what is possible, why would south korea not give us some weapons of its own there own production, or what they had left there from, let's say, supplies from russia, but there was its own specific page there, and maybe, if we go by the pessimistic version, then maybe the north koreans can there... in collusion with the kremlin to accumulate these missiles of its own in order to threaten south korea, and that south korea, like two years ago, was still inert in terms of finally handing over weapons to us, well, they say
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that they also have neighbors living next to them, accordingly, at least the means of air defense, south korean, which could be acquired ballistics, well, so as not to give us purely because north korea is stockpiling a missile. mr. ivan, look, today the information regarding the attempt on the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky was made public, yes , the information... two colonels of the state security service were detained extremely seriously, and accordingly they wanted to question you, the sbu officers indicated that they were there were supposed to lead to certain coordinates, launch, so to speak, ballistics, launch drones, and after that try to carry out an assassination, as far as such schemes in general, the enemy can to implement in... purely hypothetically in order to, well, conditionally speaking, warn all possible threatened schemes, that is,
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to send an agent there to establish the coordinates there, but unfortunately he always does it, here in this case it is obvious it is about the fact that according to certain coordinates it was necessary to establish, for example, the actual location of certain objects or certain persons of persons who may be there on these objects, well, as an illustration, mr. s' would seem to be there. energy facilities are already familiar to russians, but they, for example, constantly send some agency there to investigate, or well, for example, the degree of destruction, or what else can be just hit, or the degree to which these objects have been restored, well, that is, unfortunately, everything here the security service of ukraine described in its message that it is more than regularly used by the russians in order to harm us in one way or another, here the question is simply that the enemy managed to implement, let's say, his non-military task... to undertake so much close, no matter where would be to get there, this is the main problem. and what do you think, the fact that they tried to eliminate
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president zelensky with a missile strike of some kind. and not the possibility of some sabotage-reconnaissance group there or some other methods of liquidation, after all , a missile strike is chosen for a reason now, knowing that we have certain problems with missiles for air defense, well, this is not secret information, if only it were known so that we are waiting for help, whether they or they specifically chose this period right now in order to bypass our air defense as much as possible. and i think that the situation is a little optimistic in terms of why the russians did not go to the drg, well, because the format of the drg could have suffered a certain failure, let's call it that, well, because this, to put it mildly, is by no means the first , even a simple public announcement that our services somewhere there prevented an attempt on the head of the state, which was to be carried out by saboteurs there, so perhaps the russians considered that since their specially trained saboteurs there could not cope with such a task, it was better equip already, for example, a zircon or
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some other... um, a complex missile that should hit some object, but for the sake of justice, well, fortunately, with the help of the efforts of the western allies, the situation would improve , and there are statistics on the shooting down of precisely those missiles during the recent strikes in april, it shows that it was still possible to do something, so it is possible, even if the russians really followed such a logic, that the dergens failed there, once then you can use two missiles, especially since we formally have a problem with air defense three. well, it is unlikely that we would do step four there, it is unlikely that any important objects of the military-political administration would not be defended as they should be, so, well, it is good in this case that the russians miscalculated even at the stage of preparation. thank you, ivan karachevskyi, the military expert of defense express was in touch with us, now we are going on a short break, after it we will continue our broadcast, stay with espresso, the information day is in full swing, so we will get back to you in a few minutes.
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