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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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19 hryvnias call there are discounts presented by coco may discounts on valeriana bulgarian tablets. 10% at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads, it would be even better. we will have a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, man, we can imagine it, all this in informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion.
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border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. may 8, wednesday on espresso tv channel special project for memorial day. and victory over nazism, about the role of ukrainians in the second world war, about 10 years of the european tradition of commemorating the day of remembrance, about the red poppy and the first minute of peace, about the rejection of may 9 with parades and immortal regiments, about 10 years of decolonization, separation from tsovk and how it helped our resilience in modern warfare, world war ii remembrance day through the lens of history, sociology, and aviation. culture in
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our special broadcast, your favorite presenters, extremely interesting guests, dear and respected experts during the day on espresso. a new model of memory, a new symbolism, a new us. may 8th, a special espresso project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. poppies of memory. 10 years. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, the russian interventionists struck at... shuvasin in zaporizhzhia , a man was injured, a fire broke out. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration of the zaporizhzhia region, ivan fedorov. the russians carried out two airstrikes on the village of komishovakha in the zaporizhzhya district, with explosives buildings were damaged by the wave and debris, and a fire broke out. and another important piece of information: the air defense forces destroyed two missiles of the russian federation over odesa. this was reported in the air force, where it was noted that near... the enemy attacked odesa with rockets
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, soldiers of the odessa anti-aircraft missile brigade destroyed two kh-59 or kh-69 guided air missiles. yes, well, now we are adding nikopolshchyna. dmytro bychko, acting chairman of the nikopol district council , is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. dmytro. well, there is information that the russians interventionists struck nikopol this morning. they beat with artillery and a drone, in general, it was reasonable. that the situation is not just intolerable, it is constantly threatening, but if you please, please describe the situation with the shelling of nikopol and nikopol region during the last few days, well, we can say that these days, these nights, these mornings, these evenings , they are almost all the same, the same in that the enemy systematically, regularly and constantly attacks nikopol and the rural area around nikopol and the city. manganese, applying
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artillery, hail and a large number of drones. today, a person was wounded during the shelling, and in fact, we are talking about the fact that the enemy continues to terrorize, and in his terror he does not choose the methods where he shoots, that is, they also shoot at civilian objects, at residential buildings of the private sector , high-rise building, central part of the city, bedrooms, hospitals, enterprises, stadium. that is, in principle, these shellings are such a continuous terror of our nikopol district. at the same time, we can say that ours are heroic people, utility infrastructure continues to work, continues to help, accordingly provide appropriate services. therefore, we are very grateful to all residents of our district who continue to live and work and help the armed forces of ukraine. mr. dmytro, can you share with us what this average life looks like now. in this community, as well as in
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nikopol, in marganka and in other nearby settlements, because we understand that for more than two years these cities and these settlements, they are actually divided. only by the dnipro river, yes, and already on the other side rivers, unfortunately, there are now russian interventionists who occupied our territories, how is the educational process going now, how is business life going now, because we understand that in order for people to stay, there must be some kind of infrastructure , so it's banal, some shops, pharmacies and so on, well, of course, the war changed it very significantly. life for the citizens of our district, i can immediately say that life in our territories is a little different in different settlements, because, for example, the city of nikopol is the territory of residents who work, because of course it affected both large enterprises and small and medium-sized
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businesses, well, this is just one example, there was an epicenter, people worked, there is no epicenter , people do not work, people do not work, they the life of these families who worked in this business became. of these families, well, there are fewer, how many people are approximately left, what is the dynamics of emigration, is it possible that there are people who return, yes, i think that the dynamics of emigration is already stable, because, let’s say, there is a very large the confidence of the armed forces of ukraine that no seizure of our territories is possible, and this is such a confidence, that is why people return to nikopol, there is a certain percentage who leave, i can say that, if we are talking about the cities of nikko... i think that somewhere between 60 and 70% of those people who remained in our cities, which suffer the most from the shelling of the city itself, that number of people left, in the rural areas of a certain part of the nikopol
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district, even the number of residents increased due to the fact that they are safer areas, certain residents of nikopol moved there and live in these areas. therefore , the situation in the district is different. mr. dmytro, we would like to ask you something about the situation at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which is actually opposite the city of nikopol. we know that the last signals that reached us were about the fact that the russians are already launching drones directly over the reactors, and we would actually like to ask you if this is, or do you know, about the current situation for now at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. how often does the enemy resort to such actions? well, we can say that the zaporizhia nuclear power plant is actually a training ground for terrorists and the enemy, where they captured, where they store their military objects, you can say, from here they bury
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equipment, around it they built a nuclear power plant , they built fire lines from which they roam around nikopol every day, and we actually know the facts. on the residents of nikopol and where they simply use drones and attack drones in relation to civilian cars, just the community, citizens who are just passing through the streets and they are just, well, you can say that they are terrorizing , probably training on the residents of our district, so we can say that in that territory we definitely understand what a military facility is, which, on it's a pity, there is the largest nuclear power station in europe, which is surrounded by military weapons and equipment. thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro bychkov, acting chairman of the nikopol district council, a kind message from the chief of the chasovoyarsk city military the administration of serhii chaus. therefore, there are no
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russian occupiers on the territory of the chasovoyarsk community. chaus noted that about 700 people, 680 people live in the community and continue to live there, most of whom are the people of the deceased. i am quoting directly: today there are no occupiers on the territory of the community, but civilians still remain in the city. and chaus noted that the residents of chasovoy yar still have the opportunity to evacuate the city and added that people are receiving humanitarian aid. well, we're going to take a short break now, before that, i'll remind you of what's going on now here in this corner you see a qr code, actually, which will take you to the bank, where we are collecting 4 million in order to buy atvs for the evacuation of the wounded of the 93rd kholodny yar brigade, so please join as much as you can to of our fee, for convenience you can use either the qr codes you see on the screen, or use
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but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and... invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow see saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is. and the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for
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evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv iv. a couple of hours ago, the air defense forces shot down two guided missiles in the sky over odesa type x-59 and x-69. yes, i am quoting now from the air force report, well, in fact, it was around 2 p.m., soldiers of the odessa anti-aircraft missile brigade destroyed two enemy guided air missiles. well, thanks to our anti-aircraft forces, who are working extremely clearly. well... a few hours ago , the so-called inauguration of the russian dictator putin took place, which, as is known from
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radio liberty sources, was also attended by certain countries, members of the european union, belgium refused to come there at the last moment, and we know that there were diplomats of france, greece, cyprus, malta, hungary and slovakia. let's talk now about this, this, this sabbath, if, yes, i would call it that, in the kremlin, serhii. grumenko, candidate of historical sciences, expert of the ukrainian institute of the future is in touch with us. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. good day. glory to heroes. well, look, here... two key messages at once, yes: none of the western leaders went to this self-coronation of the russian dictator, which is a plus. the second message is that, after all, there were representations at the level of extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassadors. there is still a third point that i would like to talk to you about, and what it will actually mean for the russian
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ukrainian war, that is, putin has appointed himself to the position of dictator, that is, for... in general, no one has any special illusions about, yes so to speak, his powers, legitimacy and so on, but for him the main thing is to maintain power at any cost, accordingly , he also has the resources to maintain power, but one more moment, how will this affect the russian-ukrainian war? see, this is the one the very case when, unfortunately, there are actually no checkers and go, various things. of fundamental importance for the recognition of putin's legitimacy, whether western leaders come to meet with him, whether they are limited to ambassadors, or whether they do not send anyone at all, this is the formal external side of the matter, the real side of the matter is the maintenance or cancellation of interstate
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relations, the recognition or non-recognition of putin as president, and as far as we... have, so far only the european parliament has voted for a resolution refusing to recognize putin the legitimate president of the russian federation, as well as ukraine, as far as i understand, refuses to recognize putin as the legitimate president of russia. instead, the united states of america, as it became known, seems like yesterday, will continue to recognize putin. president and the absence of the american ambassador or the american president at the inauguration do not affect this in any way, because this is not a case where you can make a nice gesture and limit yourself to that, because if the united states stops recognizing putin as president, then other questions will arise about
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interstate agreements, about the possibility of severing diplomatic relations and... and everything like that, and for today, unfortunately, it must be understood that the united states is not ready to go this way. accordingly, from a purely formal point of view, the recognition or non-recognition of his president in the west will not affect the course of the russian-ukrainian war in any way. here the question is different: to what extent will this whole ceremony, to what extent his anointing as a tsar... in the kremlin will affect the internal state of russian society and the ability to support it, all these military exorcists against of ukraine. this is a separate question that should be approached from all sides, so far it is not possible to give an unequivocal answer whether russia will become stronger from may 7, 2024, or vice versa,
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it should be seen in perspective. mr. serhiy, i would also like to ask you... to clarify, in your opinion, why countries, partners, yes, that support ukraine, are still not ready, officially, yes, and so openly not to recognize putin, don't you think , which, in fact, is due to the fact that they still think about the fact that a stage may come when there will be certain negotiations processes, and if you can't close them. yes, this door, if we conditionally break diplomatic relations, do not recognize the russian dictator as legitimate, then in this case, well, if this option would be impossible, then i do not think so, this is the way it is, and unfortunately, we have heard it repeatedly , well, if not president biden, then
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at least his national security advisor sullivan, as well as a large number of other dignitaries. primarily european, that any war ends with negotiations, and this one is no exception, and sooner or later we will have to talk, and that is why collective bodies, such as the european parliament, can afford broad gestures, but specific presidents and prime ministers, who will have to communicate with the kremlin in any case, shy away from such decisions, and in the end we must understand that our western partners are just partners , not allies, and they should not be expected to put the interests of ukraine above their own, breaking off diplomatic... relations with russia, not recognizing putin as the president, ukraine clearly needs this more than the united states or european countries, so you shouldn't
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expect them to go for it. yes, mr. sergey, this is, so to speak, before putin’s first best attack on the same target, so we understand that russia can prepare this or that provocation, and the climate and atmosphere in general can change in relation to this moment of putin’s legitimization, although b... maybe it is the moment of his recognition for, so to speak , the default plus or minus of some legal one, well, it was part of his certain bargains, if you take this and that unrestrained fascism of russia, as far as you think, they are far can come in, that is, here are the questions of aesthetics, here are the questions, well, i'm not talking about her algorithms for making certain decisions and so on. that is, the impression is that they are no longer ashamed of anything, and the train is moving in the direction that at one time was stopped as far back as may 1945. well, in the end, i don't see
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any possibilities within the russian society for something, or someone, to restrain this movement and the direction it has been given, well, let alone the coming to power of putin himself, but at least it is there. .. for the 11-12th year, after which russia began to rapidly the collapse of all previous gains and the development of first authoritarianism, and now outright totalitarianism, i think that this process will continue, well, yes, absolutely not an exception, and i do not rule out that approximately to the state that germany has reached, well, i am not sure , what is there... in the 44th year, well, until the 42nd year, it is clearly visible, on the other hand, you just have to understand that the mass repressions in the totalitarian regimes of the middle of the 20th
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century had one of the reasons for the lack of wide communication, that is , it was necessary indeed her millions of sacrifices, so that the rest of the population is gripped by fear, now the murder of one er... oppositionist, thanks to the media, including, and maybe even for the most part, thanks to the media not controlled by the kremlin, has a greater informational effect than the silent murder of 100,000 people there. obviously, from this point of view, putin can and does not need to transition to such a large-scale repressive regime, which was in the soviet union there since 1933. after the 47th and, let's say, which was in germany, starting from the 43rd year. it seems to me that he
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the regime of late stalinism, which russia has already achieved, will deepen, without any special such movements and leaps, although perhaps i am too optimistic, it is russia here that can... wait, wait for any solutions, for the return of corporal punishment in schools , and the arrest of gays, in fact, this is a more than obvious prospect in today's russia, but the mass shootings of millions of people, well, maybe, it seems to me that it will not come to that yet. mr. serhiy, i have a question for you, you mentioned that that our partners have different... interests than ours. at this moment, for some reason, i remembered a documentary series that i recently saw on netflix, called the turning point, the atomic bomb and the cold
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war. and in this documentary, i clearly saw for myself how our, let's say, civilized world, as we usually call it, actually looks at russia's war against ukraine now, and i had the idea that the west is actually trying to bide its time. that is, the west does not know what to do with putin, and as an alternative, they are trying just now, let us drag out the time, so that there is no specific escalation, or rather in the world, and perhaps the physical death of putin can change the course of history, as it was, for example, after the death of stalin, do you really think that now the world is somewhere in is moving in this direction, when he is just trying to drag out time and wait for some favorable moment, how can this vertical of the russian empire be somehow redirected, or it will change by itself, one thing
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i know for sure is that... that does not exist no collective action as it represents russian propaganda, there are several countries, several groups of countries, several groups of elites in them, who cannot agree on how to deal with russia, and it is obvious that there are also hawks, bigger hawks, of course, there, say, part of the polish the elites, part of the british elites, in america, for example , unfortunately for us, they're dominated by, well, i wouldn't call them doves, but still, they're not the hawks that we'd like them to be, and in the end, that's what that even countries and elites in the west cannot agree among themselves on the future of russia and leads to the result you described, that nothing really changes, that is , the west supports ukraine to such an extent that ukraine does not fall victim to russia in this war.
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but the west does not do anything to actually weaken russia or put it on the brink of existence, and most likely will not do anything, because the preservation of an integral and united russia is the imperative that has been going on since 1918. in that year, the united states recognized only the independence of finland and poland, the rest of the countries that formed. on the plains of the russian empire, were deprived even of the opportunity for american recognition, and ukraine, in particular, and perhaps this became not least the reason why ukraine failed to maintain its independence, well, this is how the united states has been acting since the 18th year, they are always against the disintegration of russia , this is a rut from which you simply cannot jump out. it's not even a question,
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about, not a question. the key problem with the collapse of russia more than 100 years ago was that they still decided to recognize the bolsheviks instead of suppressing the bolshevik scum at the proper level. well, but, but, this it would be a long story. thank you mr. serhiy for this extremely interesting analysis. serhiy gromenko, candidate of historical sciences, expert of the ukrainian institute of the future, spoke about russia. and, by the way, ursula funderlaijen's statement is that... she wants to dominate the european continent, this is not a theoretical threat, but a declared goal, that's what the president of the european commission actually said, reports ukrinform, and we're not even here with her somehow let's argue, because in fact russia makes it clear to everyone what it wants and the latest news for today is on an information point for recruitment to the ukrainian army has opened at the central railway station of kyiv, where
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any... person from any region can apply, whoever will be at the kyiv station, then you can come back, for today we have everything, we marta liardyk, we say goodbye and see you soon on the air. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention a news release on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. our defenders of the sky destroyed two guided air missiles, kh-59 and kh-69 in odesa. this was reported by air forces at noon, the russians tried to attack the southern regions from the black sea.
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remove zelensky before the inauguration.


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