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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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to control in general, public control works very well in this situation, when we show, well, it’s different, and then the heads, by the way, sometimes they still rely on the various regional commissions that they create there, as if we should give regional commissions they are allowed, because these are monuments of national importance, the law clearly states that local self-government bodies have the right and opportunity to do this, so they should and we should force them to comply with the law on decommunization, thank you. thank you, mrs. oksano savchuk, for being with us people's deputy of ukraine, indeed, the name of these monuments could be changed, many of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers went to liberate ukraine from the nazis and beyond, they went to liberate, then stalin wanted to take over europe, they paid with blood for freedom , and of course, many of them lie somewhere outside the borders of our state, maybe someone's graves have not been found, so this is an honor that should be, but my grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought, so there is no question here, but these stars and everything else, well, we we still have to understand that we live in ukraine and have
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renounce the soviet one, which at one time destroyed our state, the ukrainian people's republic at the beginning of the 20th century, literally in a moment of news: good evening, we are from ukraine, many interesting and important things are waiting for you at two o'clock the world of ukraine with yuri fizer starts , money during the war with oleksandr morchyvka, cultural news from and weather from natalka didenko, all this is ahead simply now news. our defenders of the sky destroyed two guided air missiles kh-59 and kh-69 in odesa. this was reported by air forces of the armed forces of ukraine. in the past, the russians tried to attack the southern regions from the black sea, but as we can see, fortunately for us, it was unsuccessful. thanks to the air defense of the armed forces. attempts were made to remove zelensky
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not from office, but from life before putin's inauguration, the security service of ukraine detained two colonels of the state security department for treachery. the perpetrators were part of the russian intelligence network, which was supervised directly from moscow. the colonels were looking for bodyguards who were close to the president to take zelensky hostage in order to later kill him. they also planned to liquidate the head of the security service of ukraine, vasyl malyuk , and the head of the main intelligence directorate. general kirill budanovak, the general also set me the task of probing the mood of the employees who were guarding the president's office, the task was to find people who would be able to
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block during any transition, or exit to the evening address to the office or... the square in front of the president's office , the curator had to hand over the task for the person who, in my opinion , would be ready to carry out this operation, it was the employees of the ninth department of the operational information department of the fifth service who oversaw the organization of the terrorist attack, namely maksym mishusstin, dmytro perlin, as well as oleksiy kornev. in particular, perlin in january 2022 became the curator of the moles, which were recruited even before the full-scale invasion of russia. the cabinet of ministers of ukraine has approved the procedure for obtaining fortifications, it is also about their maintenance and accounting, said prime minister of ukraine denys shmegal during the government meeting. according to him , it is important that the defensive lines are always in good condition, the local government will deal with this. well, the topic of
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what we already talked about with our guest today, the demining of the de-occupied kharkiv oblast near the dam in the izyum district, explosives technicians discovered a minefield. this was reported by the national police of ukraine, the law enforcement officers of the cities of zhytomyr region managed to successfully remove and neutralize the ammunition. farmers will now be able to safely cultivate the land in this area. well and another extension of martial law and mobilization for another 90 days, the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on national security supported the draft laws of the president of ukraine. tomorrow, they must be approved by the parliament during the meeting. let me remind you, this will already be the 11th decision regarding the continuation of mobilization and martial law since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation on the territory of ukraine. it will be valid until august 11 this year.
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unfortunately, the youngest defender of azovstal, nazarii hryntsevich with the call sign hrinka, died at the front. he just turned one in march on the 21st year, the deputy commander of the azov brigade, major mykyta nattuchyn, reported the boy's death. zaryi, together with his brothers , held the defense in azovstal for 3 months, after which he was captured by the enemy. on september 22 , the soldier was returned from russian captivity . nazarrii has already returned to military service and founded the contact-12 unit with his comrades. nazarii was the commander of a platoon of optical observers, an eternal memory of the ukrainian soldier, who managed to do in 21 years. i'm kind of afraid to die, because i have my family, mine brother, sister there, to whom i leave them and so on, but there is such a moment that my life is worth nothing compared to the nation, i just treat myself there, when i am there at war,
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when i am on combat missions, i i treat myself as just a combat unit that must complete the combat task to the end and bring maximum benefit to it. for our common goal is victory for ukraine, so that you do not have, love mother, eat porridge and love ukraine, eternal honor and eternal memory, and great sorrow because the best sons of ukraine today give their lives in struggle for ukraine to continue to exist. the outstanding ukrainian children's choir shchedryh turned 53 years old today, it was founded by a craftswoman back in 1971 in kyiv. choral art of iryna sablina. currently , the group is led by her daughter, mariana sablina, with a generous repertoire of almost a thousand pieces of renaissance, baroque, classical, spiritual, spiritual, romantic and modern music. also folk songs of different countries of the world. today, the choir has more than 150 children
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of various ages. almost 55 best performers are part of the concert lineup. during his time existence shchedryk trained more than 2 thousand choristers. the children's choir received what... for the first time in 67 years, the lviv national opera presented a ballet by anatoly kosanatolsky. the collective of the kyiv opera presented an updated play based on the novel of the same name by the outstanding ivan franko. this is a story about lovers who went through trials and eventually returned to their home.
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artistic director petro kachanov prepared a combination of dance, singing and a symphony orchestra for the audience. another performance of the soychine krylo ballet will take place on may 8, next theater team will go to uzhgorod, this return, it is very important, especially in our time, when there is a war, we renounce tchaikovsky, we renounce russian composers, russian culture, and in the same way we demonstrate and show our, absolutely complete, er, talented, er, and competitively capable. i think that the highlight of this play is the idea itself, because in search of love, true love always triumphs, this is the highlight, and because we also have children participating in this play, it is also very interesting, because children, budding artists, this is a great incentive for them. having three young children,
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he went to the front, and when he lost his health, he became a military chaplain, now priest volodymyr is also at the front, but without a weapon. he supports the defenders and their relatives, about the way to god for men. told our journalists. god must always be trusted. god helps the weak, god helps those whom he chooses. and we see from this war, because in terms of resources, physically, russia is much stronger than us, but it cannot do anything to us, it is just god's help, god's providence in this. to god, - says volodymyr, he was pushed by the service. after participating in ato, he says, he began to change. the man turned to a psychologist, sought solace in a drink and finally found peace of mind in the word of god. i was working at the ingul mine at that time. i was an underground electric locomotive driver, mobilized in the 15th year, in february.
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at some point i decided that, well, let's just say, god called me. i had my first repentance in my life, as i later read in bibles, this is just the basis. basis subsequently , volodymyr served in the church and studied at the theological academy, and from the beginning of the great war he returned to the front again. there he received a concussion, and the miners' diseases worsened. was undergoing treatment, received an offer to become a chaplain, agreed without thinking, because he knew from his own experience the need for spiritual support. when you communicate with them, when a person comes, he does not see anything, you explain to him such simple things, religious, church, how to live, a person finds himself, and here are these eyes, when they start to glow, when life ignites in them, again, you understand that you are doing what you need to do. the chaplain is the spiritual support of the soldiers, relatives of the soldiers turn to the priest,
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mostly those who have survived the loss. when it so happens that that person dies, relatives and loved ones lose him, then we all go there so that our relatives and loved ones live, it is not necessary to die together with the soldiers, but we must take from them the courage that they had to go, protecting his state and live, even if there is already no strength to live there, then to live for that person who has left and is already looking at us from heaven. while in the rear, volodymyr does not leave his work, with the participation of the chaplain in the volunteer space, support circles were started, they are held for the families of the defenders and the soldiers themselves. he is a combat chaplain, he used to fight, so he can talk freely with returning soldiers. on various topics and they will not have this barrier that a person did not fight and therefore does not understand it, that is, in
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our support circles, they pass and we discuss various topics, from some household to religious issues. in war, says the chaplain: people turn to god more often than in peaceful life. volodymyr explains to the military that they are defending their own. therefore, the destruction of the enemy is not a sin, but the will of god. from kropyvnytskyi for the tv channel. and by the day of commemoration of the victory over nazism on the espresso tv channel, we are preparing a special project poppies of memory - 10 years. during the day of may 8, the tv channel will cover the topic of commemorating the second world war, the role and place of ukrainians in it in parallel with the current war and russian nazism. and ateru's guests, historians, sociologists, and politicians will talk about it. we will also talk about the world tradition on this day. red poppies on clothes. the leading tv channel espresso will also wear these symbols. we invite you, our
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viewers, to do the same. how to make a red poppy, we remind you in a video from the institute of national remembrance. you can view. the red poppy is a symbol of honoring all fallen heroes. it is very easy to make such a poppy yourself. it's even easier to wear. you will need three pieces of red. peter and one piece is black, this will be the center of the poppy, and it will symbolize the bullet mark. you will also need a butterfly clasp. such a fastener is sold in all hardware stores. you can stick a black circle on the fastener, or you can fasten the maf and so on. therefore , wait for our ater tomorrow, it will definitely be interesting and informative, no less interesting and informative, now yuriy fizar will talk about events outside ukraine, he is already with me, yuriy dobreve. please, you have the word. good evening to you, vasyl, and good evening to everyone who joined us at this time.
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to hear about what happened in the world during the past day. a lot happened. among other things, i will tell you that the west should not be afraid of russia - says estonian prime minister kaya kalas. when will the f-16s arrive in ukraine, but this time from the netherlands. well, russia was on fire. my name is yuriy fizar, this is world about ukraine, and i'm starting in a moment. well, let's start with this: sydzenpin promised to make maximum efforts to find ways to end the war in ukraine peacefully, but he did not say that this is a russian war, but at the same time he asked western leaders not to criticize him for the development of relations between the celestial empire and the aggressor country. xijin pin said this during a meeting with the president. of france by emmanuel macron at the elysee palace, mr. xi also called on
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the french leadership to jointly resist the beginning of a new cold war and bloc confrontation. at the same time, he also added that official beijing is ready to maintain strategic ties with paris, respect each other's core interests, and strengthen the strategic stability of bilateral relations. well, it is also interesting that sidzenpin. during a meeting with emmanuel macron, he said that he is ready to initiate the so-called olympic truce during the olympics in paris. well, according to him , the chinese government can come together with the government in france with an initiative to stop hostilities in all theaters everywhere in all places where these hostilities are currently taking place, well, let's see, to be honest , i like the initiative. but
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i'm sure that when there was still what was called an anti-terrorist operation, but it was still going on the war, then a... special forces operation, but then there were bread truces, some school truces on september 1, there were some other truces, but they were always there, they were always interrupted by the enemy, they were not large-scale shelling, but still the hostilities continued, it's the same here, understanding that we are talking about russia, well, it wasn't putin who promised a truce, relatively speaking, it was zhzipin who promised, well , to ensure it, and we will do it, he didn't will comply, i have not heard about it at all, here at all, the leaders of the countries of the european union should actively think... about how to support ukraine more actively and effectively, said german chancellor olaf scholz during a meeting with the prime ministers of the baltic states in riga. he emphasized that the ukrainian defense forces need to be given what they need most now, including air defense equipment. at the same time, the head of the german government
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announced that the bundeswehr is giving the third patriot complex from its warehouses and asked for allies and partners. do the same, carefully review your compositions as well. well then we will hear olaf scholz in direct speech. germany steadfastly stands by the side of the ukrainians so that they can protect themselves from russian aggression. russia miscalculated. instead of dividing europe and weakening nato, russia's war, which violates international law, has strengthened our unity and cohesion. germany, latvia, lithuania and estonia are determined to increase their support for ukraine, for example by increasing sanctions pressure on russia, as well as introducing safeguards that prevent it from circumventing existing limitation. by the way, at this press conference , the prime minister of estonia, kaia kalas, said
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that the western free world should not be afraid of putin, and should not be afraid, despite all the statements and threats that have been made, continue to make will probably still be coming from the kremlin, including the threat that we heard yesterday, and in particular over the last few days, that they would not rule out the use of nuclear weapons in response to any actions of the west there, but let's hear what exactly she said prime minister of estonia kaja kalas in her direct speech. russia has threatened nuclear...weapons before, and so far they've only been threats, can we be sure he won't use them? no, we can't, because the russians have done all kinds of crazy things before, but we have to understand why they threaten to force us to refrain from decisions we might otherwise make, so i believe
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we shouldn't fall for it. , and considering such a statement, they will not give in. the first f-16 fighters from the netherlands will begin to appear in ukraine this fall. such a statement was made by the head of the defense department of the kingdom, kaisa olongren. during a joint press conference with his lithuanian colleague laurinas kaschunas. she emphasized that this would happen according to the timetable agreed by the allies. at the same time, she emphasized that in addition to pilot training, official amsterdam also trains ground staff. and the planes themselves. minister kaisa olongren added that ukrainian pilots are now also undergoing training in denmark, the usa and other countries. and according to her, the first f-16 in ukraine should be provided denmark, and it will happen in the summer already this year. well, just to remind you, the netherlands
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offered, promised, didn't even offer, to hand over 24 f-16 fighters to ukraine and undertook to hand them over in fully combat-ready condition, that is , it sat down, flew, bombed and returned unharmed. there won't be any american, american troops in ukraine . thus, the official representative of the state department of the united states of america matthew miller commented on the sunday statement of the leader of the democrats in the house of representatives american congress. on the air of cbs news , he said that he does not rule out that at a certain point in time, american soldiers may appear on the territory of ukraine. so the day before in response to a question about this statement. of the united states joe biden, that he, as the head of the state, will not send
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the armed forces of the united states of america to ukraine. well , this statement ahead of time, more precisely on sunday evening according to american time, we had it from sunday to monday night, said hakeem jeffries, the leader of the democrats in the lower house of the american congress of communications. of the states america. the united states is not going to change the deployment of its nuclear deterrent forces against the background of russia's intention to conduct exercises to practice the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. this was stated by the coordinator of strategic communications of the white house security council, john kirby, during the briefing. the admiral called such a decision of the russian leadership unreasonable and irresponsible saber rattling, at the same time he emphasized that the united states will continue to actively monitor all movements of russian military space vehicles
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forces, and if there is a need, they will respond to them until there is no such need. not only the white house is reacting to yesterday's statement, which came from the kremlin, but also in the pentagon, this is the ministry of defense of the united states of america, the name is there. this statement is irresponsible rhetoric, so said the official representative of the pentagon, general patrick ryder, during the briefing, and he said that similar rhetoric from the side of moscow sounds more and more often and louder recently, while mr. general also said the same thing as john kirby from the white house about what is currently his the department does not record any... mines in the deployment of russia's strategic nuclear forces, well , you remember vasyl, it was very similar, also this rattling of nuclear weapons, these exercises were
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just before the invasion, a few months before the invasion, russia so loudly announced to the whole world about the fact that they are starting these exercises in order to show, and this is exactly what is happening now, vadym denysenko calculated that during the full-scale invasion, it is already 20 kinds of rattling. in the kremlin, that is, this is not the first, not the last, now of course, they are also busy with the supply of f-16 to of ukraine, stressed by the summit that was supposed to be held in switzerland, although they say that it is not important, in fact it is important for them, in general, by the way, i read a very interesting story yesterday that if this summit takes place and russia is not at it, then this will be the last thing that will overflow the cup of putin's patience, and lavrov may lose his post after that, as a person who failed to block this summit, so even this summit is important for them, of course, and what are the arguments, we will kill everyone yes, it's nothing. new, yes, but now, since we have already started about russia talk about putin, putin will continue, the so-called inauguration of the so-called president
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of the so-called russian federation provoked, could provoke a certain split between the leadership of the member states of the european union, the german press agency agency reported this with reference to sources in diplomatic circles. according to the information received by journalists. most of the ambassadors of the eu countries did not want to and did not attend this sabbath, although france, hungary and slovakia emphasized long before its beginning that they were thinking about whether sending their representatives to the kremlin, in their opinion, this will help keep communication channels with russia open. the representatives of these countries, which i mentioned, were talking about considering the possibility even a few days before this sabbath. to send their representatives, and today this sabbat took place, as usual, everything was very pathetic, once again confirmed putin as putin, and by
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the way, 20 of the 27 countries of the european union said before this sabbat that they are not going for any conditions to participate in in it, but still seven, namely france, hungary, slovakia, cyprus, greece, and they talked about it, and probably belgium , they are not sure about belgium, they said that they could participate, did they all participate, i did not find confirmation, i found today , confirmation that representatives of france, diplomats of france, slovakia and hungary were present at this sabbath, where would we go without them, and what struck me the most was the ambassador of norway, but in norway they commented on the presence of their ambassador that they... they know that russia is now in the wrong place, they understand that russia is not currently on the wrong side of history, but for them, as russia's neighbors in the arctic, it is important to keep, once again, these
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channels of... communication with a terrorist country open, well, enough about putin, and finally about russia , in russia, a brick factory in smolensk was burning violently, they say, the bricks are not burning, but the factory is burning, the area of ​​the fire was 1,500 km, to extinguish it, reinforced squads of firefighters were thrown, together with a huge amount of equipment, according to eyewitnesses , two explosions were heard before the ignition, however the official authorities do not confirm this information... the roof of the building completely collapsed as a result of the fire, which was the cause of the fire, they are currently installing lighting, it is also unknown that it burned so strongly and beautifully, considering that, as i said, brick fire i don’t take it, they have everything now, we still have a minute to discuss a little bit, but they have all the factories that have certain capacities, they are repurposing... from
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military production, i think that there is definitely not an interesting brick there, although, i am reading the post on the inauguration, again in quotation marks, of putin it snowed for putin, an interesting sign, they like different signs over there in russia, maybe it already means the end, winter, death, something white, well, let it be, but vasyl, do you know if i read about this snow in one russian , well , i hope it's not the snow that fell somewhere in pitrepavsky kamchatka, yes, it's snow somewhere in moscow. we hope it is not the last, we hope it is not the last moscow snow of march, but it would be better if there was more snow, but in any case, in any case, and even better, this snow is melting due to the breakdowns of the heating lines, and by the way, yesterday you and i were just talking about the best thing in this story, if there can be something good in the history of the inauguration of putin
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by putin, it is that everything is obvious... this is his last inauguration, although you can invent another putin, another one putin, as in the movie the matrix, there were a lot of smith agents, and with whom neo fought, well, we are here in the role of neo-ukrainians, but there are a lot of these smith agents, and today, by the way, the bloomberg publication said, i don’t know , as far as it is involved in the political sense, because the edition after all, the powerful world powers are also involved to a certain extent, they also have their own interests to a certain extent, but they said that the russians have come to terms with putin's war against ukraine, but what is interesting is that they are again writing about the war... putin against ukraine, well, it's as if it is putin alone who is fighting, yes, you know, vasyl, that even in this situation i really do not like what we are saying, maybe this is the last inauguration of putin, well, maybe this is the last inauguration of physical putin, but it will still be the inauguration of collective putin, after putin will still have people from his entourage, after putin will have those who will continue, to his great regret, his ideology, the imperial ideology, the same patrushev, others from his circle, and there will be such inaugurations for
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the great. i once read sorokin's novel the oprichnik day, i think you also read it by russian writers, and i thought at the time that it was a fantasy, it describes the russia of the future tsar oprichnina and all that happened, let's say , during the time of the romanovs and during the time of ivan the terrible, there were still rurikovichs in the moscow kingdom, although the grozny was conditional rurikovich, and his origin is unknown there until the end, but in any case, and all this was described by sorokin in our time, there is a tsar-father, light and sunshine and everyone lives as if with gadgets, everything else... but this is still tsarist russia, the russia of old times not even the romanovs, but also ivan the terrible, and today you follow this and understand that, in principle , sorokin was obviously right. you know, vasyl, in the very end, i want to say that the only option, it seems to me, in my deep conviction, when there will be no more inauguration of putin, is when russia simply falls to pieces, that is what we wish and expect for it. on today i have everything in the world about ukraine section, everything is only for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further
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