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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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congratulations, on may 7, putin officially entered his fifth presidential term, let me remind you that at first he said that he would not even go for a third, and even we still remember how he spoke about it, like this for example, different people tend to fall for different things, some get addicted to tobacco, some, excuse me, gentlemen, to drugs, they say that the biggest addiction... i was never tempted to stay for a third term , well, there was no temptation , but there was not a fifth left, and in order that it was not enough it looks as if this is not the fifth term, they are constantly changing the constitution, then something is reset, then something else, so now it is considered that this is putin's first term as president under the new constitution, well, it can be 25 more times. .. to change
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and obviously announce each new term as such, that the first one, that’s what it is, the inauguration itself lasted about an hour, there was nothing particularly new that we had not seen, well , as always, all the slaves gathered, but actually there they were, who are around putin, maybe the rulers , all kinds of actors and so on and so on, but the biggest impression is that the main actor... of this inauguration was putin's car after all, because it was the only thing that was talked about when they talked about the preparation for the inauguration, as something important and extraordinary, that is, this auraus , on which putin drove the entire previous presidential term, was now shown and talked about as a literal achievement, that putin will ride a new one for the new presidential term. aurasi, and the changes there in this
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aurasi, only there is such an impression that in headlights, and that's all, well, let's listen, first, the aurus after a deep restyling, a completely new look of the car, we will find out what will surprise us, only we have the opportunity to compare the aurus that was used at the inauguration. 6 years ago with an updated car, what surprises await on the day of the inauguration. it is important which high-profile driver will work for the president. in what situations? i love it, it's a very good car, just such a headquarters on wheels, get ready to see and hear like never before. in addition, gundyaev was also pleased, well, that's it
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here is the patriarch of the russian orthodox church, who just absolutely, you know, even thoughtlessly wished putin to die as president. it is with you all your days, until the end of the age, as we say. i will boldly say: god grant that the end of the age also means the end of being in power. you have everything in order to carry out this great service to the motherland for a long time and successfully. but the most impressive gift for the inauguration was still given to putin by the opposition, because they found a video from putin's palace in glindjik, what will he be well, i don't know, he's probably
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been building it for five years or more and he can't build it, the first time he filmed a video about this palace about his plans, there was one, you know, like a 3d simulation of this palace, navalny also several years ago, and now it was found directly in this palace after the renovation of the interior, let me remind you, putin never lived there, but the interior is completely dry. changed after it was first shot by navalny film about him, so, after updating this interior, the opposition found somewhere footage from this palace and showed exactly how putin arranged it for himself, which is very important, here is putin, who is absolutely confused about his security, who is afraid of any kind of leakage of information about his personal life, here they literally showed his personal bedroom , well... and what can i say, let's
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see what's in putin's personal bedroom. the first living room, there is a huge mirror and a table for six guests, we found the same one, but in a slightly different color. for 2 million rubles, football is shown on tv, and nearby we see giant busts, to which, how it turned out that vladimir putin has a passion. from the first living room, we get directly into the bedroom, some furniture is still covered with a film so that there is no dust on it, but all the decor is already in place, even the bedspreads are arranged. a nice chest of drawers immediately catches your eye, it costs almost 4 million rubles, like two in voronezh, approximately. we also found a luxurious four-poster bed. the secret boudoir or second living room is also known as the sitting room, the entrance is right next to the headboard. outsiders are not allowed everywhere. we can see right away
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a huge chest of drawers, it costs 2.5 million rubles, opposite a very deep sofa covered with pillows, on which vladimir putin can climb with his legs, now the passage. to the bathroom, here we are greeted by a statue and a round jacuzzi with a huge mosaic panel. well, judging by everything, putin dreamed of starting the fifth presidential term not only in a new car, but also in a new palace in gelendzhik, but he probably won't start, because after it was shown to everyone, well, surely everything will have to be done again remodel. if compared to what... it was the previous one, then it becomes clear, well, where putin’s psyche has been moving for the past six years and where it has arrived, that is, well, you know, his madness can be seen in the way this palace was arranged and, in principle
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, those who made this video paid attention to it , absolute militarization, even of private space, that is, some kind of, you know, obsession with war. that is, the transformation of one's own dwelling into a glorification of war as such, well , let's also look, let's start with what used to be called the reading room, i will specifically show you what it looked like before, so that a lot has changed in a very characteristic way, before there was a kingdom of golden eagles and romantic frescoes, some very neutral subjects, landscapes, hunting, now soulless italian motifs. exchanged for something that vladimir putin really likes. this painting is called "battle for bagration flashes". it depicts one of the main events of the battle of borodino. another hangs to her right. this is a battle between russian and persian troops near yelisavetpol in 1826. on
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the other wall, there are two more paintings: one depicts the battle of sorokamish, the other is devoted to it the defeat of the khazars by svyatoslav, and the largest in the center. it is called, whoever comes to us with a sword will perish by the sword. it depicts alexander nevsky. the original painting hangs in the grand kremlin palace. admiral nakhimov and fyodor ushakov admire putin from the walls above the door at a height of 3.5 m, and between them hangs aivazovsky's painting of a view of a seaside town. sofas, buffets, tables and chairs for a million rubles pale in comparison to this french chandelier. it is made of golden-red crystal and weighs 336 kg. its value is 50 million. rubles, the same amount was allocated, for example, for the repair of all courtyards in kaluga and the overhaul of kamchad hospitals, there are two such chandeliers in this room, that is, 100 million rubles were spent only on chandeliers in one of the hundreds of rooms of the putin palace, furniture, judging by the inscriptions as if made in serbia, i have no
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doubt that it is all italian, as putin likes, and it was transported through serbia to bypass sanctions. we state putin's complete and final madness for the game. so, two signs of his new presidential term are a car and a palace, but there is a third one, which, well, you can to say that, you know, is more interesting and more important. the third sign was the announcement of the holding yesterday. tactical nuclear exercises, and what is interesting is that this rattling of another nuclear weapon is literally, well, some kind of hysteria around it, this is the second such attempt to approach such a direct, well, you know, some kind of epic
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nuclear intimidation, the first was about a year ago, we we remember, then there simonyan shouted that it was necessary to detonate... a nuclear bomb over siberia, then it really scared russian society, and therefore, before the elections, they simply forgot about him, shut up, did not talk about him, but the elections have passed and now, since no longer... nothing depends on anyone, here is the new swinging of the nuclear rod, and now it looks like this. supreme commander-in-chief putin ordered the general staff to conduct exercises with nuclear weapons by the missile unit of the southern military district with the involvement of aviation and naval forces. preparations for training have already begun, the ministry of defense reported. the russian army is preparing large-scale missile exercises
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connections of non-strategic nuclear forces. putin ordered maneuvers in response to threats and provocations from the countries of the collective action. the units will conduct training in the use of tactical nuclear weapons to protect the territorial integrity of the russian state. well, to make it clear that this is no longer some kind of ministry of defense fiction. that this is really putin, this is exactly what he is presenting, as such, you know, this is the beginning of his fifth term, piskov separately also told why this is now and why it is so important to them, and is directly related to is directly related to the latest threatening, provocative, inciting tensions on the continent due to a number of statements by european representatives, it is natural and... and the british foreign minister
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joined the us senators in these matters, senators, the readiness to send a military contingent to the territory of ukraine in order for them to participate in hostilities. these unprecedented statements, which have not yet been seen, require a very responsible, rapid response from our side. well, of course, it caused another round of nuclear hysteria among russian propagandists, well, soloyov, of course , came out with the biggest screams, squeals and squeaks. we have reached a new stage, this time for the first time we are raising the stakes. and if this bastard hits the crimean bridge, the nuclear response should be in the center of the cue.
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will happen, they did not understand, they directly once warned clearly about what they told the french: no need, let's go to war. on february 24, 2024, putin clearly and clearly said that everything will happen to them, they receive such an answer from... well, even
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deputy horulov temporarily came out of his drinking and also very happily jumped out with the fact that what a really happy news that nuclear war is approaching, well, this is probably what the russians should be happy about first of all, because... this is bringing nuclear war closer to them, first of all , again, something they never think about is that waving a nuclear blower, well, it attracts the same response, but you see, it makes the propagandists very, very happy, today is such a day that the soul is happy, the morning began that the training is being conducted in the southern military camp district on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, great. news: it's about time, it's even more fun. the ambassador of great britain was joyfully
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told to his forehead that we have the right, if they do not retract their words, to hit any object of great britain in the whole world. overall great. the third news: any f-16 aircraft will be considered in ukraine as a carrier of nuclear weapons. on the carrier of nuclear weapons of nuclei. well, that is, in fact, putin is russian. they are trying to return the war to the state when they are constantly attacking ukraine, but somehow nothing is happening on the territory of russia flies in, and these hysterical screams and screams, they are talking about exactly that, about returning to that beautiful way of waging war for them, when ukraine is suffering, and
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there is no answer for russia, the russians live in peace, harmony, and they are nothing at all somehow does not go around, they are not against anything. well, you know, an attempt to put the paste of war that they squeezed back into the tube, well, that's how it all looks, and it's already been announced as something so incredible, something so extraordinary, although in fact, well, there is also a statement from western countries about what they are not they saw that someone redeployed nuclear warheads somewhere, that is, it looks like this is another... really an imitation, well , at least that’s how it is now, that it’s an attempt to scare rhetorically right there, and i must say that they scare very much on a large scale, with the involvement of all possible intellectuals of some type, some and all, and this all went on literally all day yesterday,
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all day today, that is, they are telling the russian people on all tv channels. what were you thinking six months ago, that just like that, we are there they remembered something, then they forgot, no, they did not forget, putin is entering his new presidential term again with the fact that he threatens the world with a nuclear war, they have taken a step on the ladder of escalation much higher, this is the turning point, i would say, in our war strategy. the war in ukraine, of course, is much more important than for all the countries of the west combined , it is beginning to dictate its terms. it should be clear to the americans that a head-on collision between russia and nato countries in europe will mean, in particular, the possibility of strikes on
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american bases, and possibly on the territory of the united states of america itself. so that no one will be able to sit down. i hope they will be followed by other steps on the nuclear escalation ladder. for example, training with simulation of tasks on european targets, strikes with strategic weapons. well, there are further talks about where else it is possible to conduct training, where it is possible to detonate a nuclear bomb, let it be there. not siberia, well , somewhere near kamchatka, for example, well, that is, all these conversations, they repeated, again, these cries about nuclear escalation, and you know, here is what is interesting, that in fact, any escalation is constantly carried out by only russia, no one else, because only russia attacks neighboring countries,
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only russia uses its weapons all over the world, first, only russia tries to ... threaten someone with nuclear weapons, no one else does that , that is, all this is done by one insane uncle, and around him are just as insane as him, who, you know, the main thing is that they dream that if they threaten, somehow the other side will have the sense not to fight with them nuclear weapons, you know, that's all such a cunning undersea... with all these smiles, what, well, now we will tell here how we will attack everyone, how we will throw bombs at everyone, and they will not dare, because they are not crazy, but we are, so the russians say, we crazy, and let everyone think how crazy we are, that is, all the hope that they will not receive a response, they tell the russians, vain hope,
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because they were told more than once that they will receive a response, but no. continue to hope that america , which has the largest nuclear power, will somehow self-destruct arsenal, somehow america's nuclear arsenal will not be used, and will give russia the opportunity to capture everything they want in europe. if suddenly we have to use nuclear weapons on targets in europe? just for the americans to use nuclear weapons. madmen who hate their country and who are ready to defend a conventionally worn-out poland or germany should sit against the entire territory of russia in the white house and the pentagon.
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that is, in russia they are not crazy that they threaten other countries with nuclear weapons and try to use tactical nuclear weapons, well, in fact where on those territories. which they are trying to capture, yes, it is not madness, well, it is madness, of course, in general, all potenism is madness, this whole racist world is absolute madness, and here is another guarantee of madness, again in that story about how putin imagines himself, and this is very evident in the same palace that he built for himself before the new presidential term. but because of that, where does he actually pray and to whom does he pray, because it turns out that he tries to pray to himself, that is, he himself he somehow imagines that he is directly a god who
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controls the fate of the world, and of course, well, if you only knew, you can't imagine them , not that you can persuade a person to do something in this situation, well, not in this one. .. situations, a person must be beaten in some way in order to dispel these ideas in him. here, vladimir putin talks to god. the icons here stand in full height, in the center you can see the image of christ, to the right of him is the mother of god, and to the left here you don't even have to guess, and so everything is written by saint prince volodymyr. that is, this the chapel of st. prince volodymyr, the fact that putin does not simply associate himself with prince volodymyr. already considers himself his reincarnation or reincarnation, there is no doubt. he organizes commemorative events in honor of the prince, calls him by his name "submarine
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". the presidential fund allocates tens of millions of rubles for an ethno-opera about prince volodymyr with the singer shaman in the lead role, and putin even personally opened a huge monument, just opposite the kremlin. i... i think there are no coincidences. this is called stasidia, you can sit on it and stand during long services. in ancient russian temples, these were erected for the tsars. they were called the royal place. let's just pause and imagine that vladimir putin is the supposedly democratically elected president he pretends to be, a hired civil servant, an official, he built himself a crazy palace for 100 billion rubles. and sits there in a dark room on a throne and listens to prayers, admiring the icon, as he thinks of himself, himself. so, the main thing with which putin
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, in principle, enters the new term is these nuclear threats, this desire to force the world to that he be recognized, well, literally there, well, as god-like. and this is a desire, once again, that ukraine be given to him, because you can't imagine yourself as saint volodymyr, if ukraine is separate, then what kind of saint volodymyr are you after that, where are you, and where exactly is volodymyr? volodymyr is in ukraine, but not in moscow, he is not in moscow, there is simply nothing there, he has never had any relationship with any, i don't know, village in the swamps, he has never been there, it's not just him. this village in boloty, which is called moscow, did not exist in that the time when there was saint volodymyr. therefore, without ukraine , all of putin's ideas about his greatness are simply zero. and the only
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way, actually , to bring him back to zero, is simply not to be afraid of his threats, because once again, well, look at this palace in the gelinjik that he built, do you seriously think that a person has been building it for a long time ? is he his presidential one so that he will be destroyed in a nuclear strike there within a year? well, no, of course, that's not why these palaces are being built, that's not why he collected everything there for himself so lovingly in order to start a nuclear war, so there is no need for that, well, i think, just look at this palace again and you will understand. it's all one big bluff that has been started now, and who is more afraid of it, this needs to be said, because it is very symbolic that they started
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talking again... about these nuclear threats, after all , after the elections took place, before that they they were silent about them, because they perfectly understand that this scares the russians themselves more than the world around them, because the world around them can really see where they are going missiles, moreover, the world around can respond to these missiles, but the russians cannot, and the russians have to live with this completely crazy uncle who builds himself palaces, who builds... himself chapels, who prays to himself in these chapels , and who threatens nuclear weapons, because he wants to match st. volodymyr. well, after all, this is yet another bluff, well, it is designed exclusively for the united states. and only the united states can adequately respond to it. i believe that this
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answer can only be one. it's just a promise to strike back, there is no other option here. to succumb to such a nuclear bluff is to continue it further, and in the end it will lead to the point that he will try to use something. the only way for him not to use any nuclear weapons is not to give in, not to react. and in no way to show that the world can be intimidated in this way. see you lakal fix reliably fixes, my dentist advised me, it also reduces inflammation of the gums, and the price is good, economical lakaka fix. fm.
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