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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 10:30pm-10:59pm EEST

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we have a special view of events in ukraine and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. orman, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. on espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene, live. drone attacks, kamikaze. political analysis, objectively and... meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, shot! svobodalai, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions, on may 8, wednesday on the espresso tv channel, a special project for remembrance day and: victory over nazism, about the role
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of ukrainians in the second world war, about 10 years of the european tradition of commemorating remembrance day, about the red poppy and the first minute of peace, about the rejection of may 9 with parades and immortal regiments, about 10 years of decolonization, separation from the tsovk and how it helped our stability in modern war, the day of remembrance of the second world war through the prism of history, sociology, politicians. cultures in our special broadcast, your favorites presenters, extremely interesting guests, respected and respected experts throughout the day at espresso. a new model of memory, a new symbolism, a new us. may 8, a special espresso project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. poppies of memory. 10 years. see this week in the collaborators program. millions of hryvnias in state income. which of the traitors has already
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said goodbye to his property? i think that russian lands should go to russia. but how did the war reduce the number of kremlin sellers? these people became much less. greetings, i am olena kononenko. and this is the program collaborators are about those scoundrels who began to serve the occupiers at the call of their hearts and wallets. all traitors of our state should remember. if you want to help russia, be prepared not only to receive suspicion. but also say goodbye to property. recently, the ministry of justice of ukraine published a list of movable and immovable property, which was confiscated from individual collaborators in accordance with the decision of the national security council. more on that in today's issue. for the third year now , ukraine is fighting the external aggressor russia every second. cleansing from enemies, accomplices, occupiers continues both on the battlefield and in the deep rear. according to the president, although the war has become a real tragedy for ukraine. it helped to reduce the number
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of traitors, there are a lot of people, so according to the current legislation, these people became much less, well, the war itself, an honest war is a great tragedy, but the war definitely helps reduce the number of traitors in ukraine, where this is a fact, traitors are discovered almost every day , some are arrested, others receive suspicions and sentences for. our partisans arrange for some ambushes, and then liquidation is inevitable. in parallel with this, the national security and defense council is constantly working on the list of sanctioned persons who have been indicted for collaborative activities. the property of these sellers is charged to the state income. volodymyr saldo, gauleiter of the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region, is the most famous of the collaborators, whose property, acquired by hard treacherous work, has already been confiscated by the ministry of justice of ukraine. fake the governor is known not only in
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ukraine, but also in the swamps, because of his own stupidity in the summer of 2023, he became famous all over the world, when, after the russians blew up the kakhovka gez, the audience saw a tragicomic video where the balance stands against the background of a flooded new kakhovka, but says that there is no flooding in the city. people move calmly through the streets, i just drove through the streets, people are calm, gas stations are open, shops are open. saldo owned three in ukraine. plots, three apartments, non-residential premises, parking spaces, a separate residential building and a granite quarry in the zhytomyr region, all this ukrainian the ministry of justice confiscated for the benefit of the state, the collaborator paid for the betrayal not only with reputation and property, but also with his own health. in the summer of 2022, he was poisoned. for a long time, saldo was in the intensive care unit of the toxicology department of one of the hospitals in crimea. explosives also repeatedly detonated under the traitor's car. was torn off,
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an improvised explosive device filled with nuts and bolts was detonated, and it was detonated just as a patrol car, a patrol car, was leaving. in 2023 the malinovsky district court of odesa announced the sentence to this collaborator and sentenced him in absentia to 15 years of imprisonment, whether he will spend them behind bars depends only on the one who first grabs the traitor by the throat of law enforcement officers, special services or partisans, the probability of not reaching prison alive , well, very high. and this is another collaborator from the kherson region, albeit of a lower rank, the leader of the occupied new. here he is giving an interview to russian propagandists in march 2022 . all authorities are working, the city is whole, the city is clean. we have to save everything, we have to work, this is the main task, and everyone is working on it. leontsiv voluntarily
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went over to the side of the enemy in the first days of the war, despite the fact that he lived in abundance in ukraine and had a lot of property. for treason against ukraine, the ministry of justice confiscated his apartment in kyiv, on podil, a private house. in nova kakhovka, three avkivkas, a motor vessel, a trailer, an apartment in the luhansk region and 50% of ukrtrans-nadra. at the end of march of this year , leontiv was sentenced in absentia to 12 years of imprisonment. hello, russia! with property the collaborators of donetsk region and luhansk region also said goodbye. in particular, the ministry of justice confiscated the apartments of this traitor in the donetsk and kharkiv regions. a car, a plot of land, three residential private houses, seven non-residential buildings and corporate rights in seven enterprises. meet kateryna martyanova, a deputy of the so-called people's council of the terrorist dpr. they came to the conclusion that what is happening here is not an anti-terrorist operation like the harem people's council of the lpr. we talked
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with the women's club about the life of the luhansk people's republic and what the club does. mp gizai, the ukrainian ministry of justice confiscated an apartment in luhansk and a plot of land in the kharkiv region, and she was left not only without land and housing, but also without her husband, historian and teacher oleksandr gizai. he died back in 2014 during an explosion in the luhansk administration building, when it was already captured by separatists. the so -called appalachians gave him a lavish funeral. no one thought that they would bury him today. the main task for today is to continue his business with the younger generation. here's who will definitely continue, and completes its work, in particular in the occupied luhansk region, then these are ukrainian patriots, sooner or later all traitors will end up either in prison or in the ground, both there
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and there, they will no longer need the property confiscated by ukraine. among the traitors who got rid of their real estate by the verdict of the ukrainian court, there are also those who until 2014 built a brilliant scientific career in crimea, free from invaders, and then supported the annexation of the peninsula by russia. this is andrii falaleev, doctor of technical sciences and head of the department. in 2020 , the occupiers appointed him the rector of the local pseudo-university the evening before , the prime minister of russia mykhailo mishustin signed an order appointing andrii falaleev to the post of rector of the crimean federal university. here, paleleev is conducting a tour of the university with a propaganda team, and... a portrait of putin hangs on the wall above his chair. here it is, you see, i have given you this sign, this time you take it off, i will give it to you, seriously. thank you very much. but putin's portrait did not help falaleev to stay in the rector's chair for long. only 3 years. in 2023, the occupation authorities themselves forced him
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free yourself everything is in the old russian tradition. russians do not abandon their own. in addition, the ukrainian ministry of justice also confiscated falaleev's apartment, but... don't be sad, andriy, the doors of the ukrainian prison are always open for you, surrender to our law enforcement officers and you will definitely have a place to live in the next 15 years. i believe that schools should order textbooks because they have learning, not politics. and this scientist is known to the general public. dmytro tabachnyk was the minister of education of ukraine under yanukovych. now is in the temporarily occupied territories. takes an active part in the material and technical support and functioning of the occupation administrations. here he is in august of last year speaking on the broadcast of the krym-24 propaganda channel dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of ukraine's independence. i think that russian
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lands should go to russia. and let us not criticize experts. as a historian, i believe that galicia is not ukrainian land. and the population there is far from ukrainian, so if ukraine is divided along historical borders, hungarians will remain full. the following property of the traitorous tobacconist is included in the state income: half of an apartment, five plots of land, a residential building near kyiv with an area of ​​673 m, cash in the amount of 144 thousand us dollars and rights of claim to cash in the amount of about 41 million hryvnias. for working for the enemy. the ex-minister of education was also sentenced in absentia to 15 years in prison. in total, the latest
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list of the ministry of justice includes 13 traitors and collaborators, from gauleiter to low-ranking officials in temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. these swindlers have already said goodbye to their apartments, houses, cars, land and money. i am sure that soon each of them will say goodbye to freedom, and some, perhaps, to life. the fate of those who... by their actions support the enemy is unpredictable, but always disastrous. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the progenitors of the kremlin, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week ether espresso. problems with the joints
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limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are bags with collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on the health of the bones. dolgit joints - improves motor functions. stretch your joints, move freely. allergy like a lion overpowering a lion. cetrilev nego protects against the most common allergens. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. children born in... these are boys who never
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cry. lemberg, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherniyka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine. missing in large areas of donbas. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. presenters, who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast,
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a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. bc pick-up, boys' pick-up, atv - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, a quad bike is the best solution for we encourage everyone to contribute by donating to collection from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of chasiv y. modern history does not have white spots, but first i will tell you a short and instructive
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story. dmytro zubov is a russian conscript soldier who in 2014 transported the buk anti-aircraft missile system towards the russian-ukrainian border. then the guy, who had literally a week left before demobilization, took several photos against the background of this air defense system and published them on his page in the vkontakte social network. and it would seem, well, what 's the matter, a russian soldier behind the wheel of a russian truck, carrying all relevant documents and waybills, transports russian weapons to the territory of the russian... federation. indeed, everything is fair and legal. that's just a beech with a photo. two weeks after publication, a malaysian airlines plane, now known as flight mh-17, was shot down. and dmytro zubov's photos to some extent told the investigation in which direction to look. my name is rudenko, and this is a review
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of an official military video. the mentioned example does not in any way concern the activities of official... sources of information, it is rather illustrates the ease with which classified information can become public. at the same time , the work of official sources to cover this or that topic so that secret information does not enter the public space, but simply refraining from comments and publications does not work here anymore, because it is necessary to talk about the war, to tell and show it, because it has already happened that the war - it is an important part of society's life, which affects... everyone, and no matter how cynical it sounds, even war should be told in an interesting way. what military profession do you think is the most creative? no, we are not talking about the press service or the conventional regimental band. we are talking about a saper, a person who must constantly
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invent new ways and techniques in his work, act outside the norm and always according to... and what is most important and difficult, to oppose new ways and non-standard methods of the enemy's work, love his work, constantly learn, be careful and never rush, because the joke that a sapper makes a mistake only once is not really a joke at all. artem, chief sergeant of the engineering and sapper platoon of the 31st separate mechanized brigade. channel defense committee of the armed forces of ukraine defenders of independence. a real sapper is when he understands what he is doing, understands what he approaches in his work, and the most important thing is to never rush in our business, it becomes very, very deplorable, because what he set, took two steps away, that's already consider it not yours, you have
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to approach it as an enemy, the first thing is to save life, don't run, don't... poop, everything is done thoughtfully, then everything will be fine, if you start running, they get nervous, it can lead to grief, war i am personally for my family, that they live in peace, that they are not there they were worried that they would come to them, well, first of all, my child is already grown up, i don't want her to see all of this and not even be here, i'd rather be here to protect her, let him do his... thing. war. war never changes. in fact, this proverb is only partly true. before the start of the full-scale invasion, oleksiy had no service experience at all. during the two years of the great war, he went from an ordinary gunner-driver to a company commander and earned
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the respect of the command and personnel. telling about the early days of the full-scale invasion, oleksii remembers that then. there was no time for any kind of training and training at all, but now recruits have time for it, but in training centers, mobilized people are given only basic knowledge, so to speak, a base, and combat experience can be gained only in battle, where to take cover, as dig in, how to interact with others, how to work in a team, who to listen to and where to run, this and much more should be taught by more experienced comrades, and oleksiy shares his experience with... both from the point of view of an ordinary fighter and from the position of a commander. kharkiv, bakhmut, zaporozhye direction. all this is the combat path of the 127th territorial defense brigade. that is, the baggage of experience is solid. and this experience says that war changes constantly and very quickly. therefore , the rules of struggle are also changing. one of the most such moments, there were many of them, everything
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basically filled up, well, such, probably, rather bakhmut, when we were attacked by wagner. "we stayed at the house there, there were three or four of us left, then during the day we were attacked there several times, that is, they repelled attacks, there were many in the zaporozhye direction such moments too, especially when the drone catches up with you and throws all kinds of explosive things at you, it's also unpleasant, some moments were such that it was also scary, everyone is afraid. well, if they are not afraid, then it is bad. how is a person different from an animal? a person has a tendency to worry about... loved ones and worry about their safety and comfort, even at the cost of his own comfort. when the full-scale aggression began, the pseudo-muzon fighter took care of his family and took them to
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a safe place, after which he joined the lav-zu when part of the kherson region was liberated, his family was able to return home, and now the wife of a serviceman has become a volunteer who sincerely helps her husband's unit a lot. in our present, there are many such stories of mutual support. it is very important to talk about them, it is equally important to take care of your subordinates, and the words of the hero of the plot do not need additional comments. i will never give my people a task that i cannot do myself. 60th separate ingulets brigade, commander of the muzon platoon. when we already they liberated, well, kherson region, most of kherson region, when it became calmer, my wife and child returned to our native place, the city, and are now there, so we are constantly in touch. even my wife is engaged in volunteering, so she constantly helps us, helps in repairing cars, everything related to volunteering is there, my wife does it, at the moment i have the position of platoon leader, i
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will never give you that a task that i cannot do myself, and first i will go, and then it was me, i did everything, that's why you can do it, after all, a personal example is given, a bar is set, and then people go on, well, he was able to, and i can, that's why everything will be fine, that's how it is. as long as everything works normally, connections are usually not noticed, and vice versa, as soon as the connection disappears, everyone remembers it. another example of a family unit and even a whole dynasty is represented by the 45th separate artillery brigade. meet: victor and bohdan, father and son, signalmen. the elder is an experienced specialist, he served served a term in the signal forces and in civilian life worked for a long time in his specialty. victor troops from the first days of the full-scale invasion. and, as is probably already clear, works in his full-time profession. in 2023, his son signed a contract with the armed forces. after studying abroad, in particular, bohdan also became a signalman. during
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the war, i worked for 20 years in communications. studied communications, served conscript service in communications, worked in communications at ukrtelecom. before the war, i actually worked at an enterprise that produces animal fodder. our main job is to provide our unit with radio communication and the communication of our unit with others, the signalman himself is never seen, but his work is noticed immediately after the communication is lost, without communication the army cannot act, cannot make decisions, cannot exist at all, this is a very important type of army, not only it. he is very important in the army and in civilian life, and why am i now here , the enemy has come to my house, how can i be in another place, it
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could not be otherwise. a deep trench, high-quality equipment and modern weapons increase the chances of winning the battle, but all this is instantly lost. sense when a fighter is wounded, because then something else becomes important: timely pre-medical assistance, operative evacuation and the skill of the hands of medics at the stabilization point. it is worth noting that currently the percentage of soldiers who die due to lack of medical care in the armed forces is much, i repeat, much lower than in the russian army, but it is also worth noting that this result does not just fall from the sky. it is exhausting and dedicated work of the relevant personnel. people who many are without exaggeration owes life to doctors. the 68th separate hunter brigade has published a video on its youtube channel dedicated to the work
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of the brigade's medical service in general and the stabilization point in particular. we all get tired, we all want to rest. all my people, ordinary people, both quarrel here and reconcile here. the realization comes that we are one family here, we are in one, on one. we swim slowly, then somehow people begin to rub themselves, to humiliate each other, mud, dirt, blood and the extent of the injury, the work lasted somewhere from 10 o'clock in the evening and somewhere until one o'clock 60 in the morning, no one behind us even thinks that it's hard for him there, it's not hard, you have to selflessly with full dedication... do your job, when you work very intensively, you don't have time to think that it's hard for you, because usually, when it's a big...
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intensity of work, you have about 10-15 minutes to just drink water and then go to work. on the continuation of the medical topic, yes, of course, providing timely help, stabilizing the wounded and taking him to the hospital is critically important, because it is often a matter of saving life, and it is necessary to solve this issue here and now, but about the fact that... not everyone thinks about it later. after treatment in the hospital , servicemen face the problem of restoring functionality. it takes a lot of time, sometimes six months or even more. rehabilitative treatment aims to restore the body after an acute period and often makes it possible to avoid the initial disability or prevent further deterioration of the condition. simply put: rehabilitation after severe injuries is a rather
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long and complicated process that lies. somewhere on boundaries between physical education, psychology and even mathematics, because there are no identical or typical injuries, each case requires an individual approach, so to speak, an individual program that takes into account many different factors, the video of the 114th territorial defense brigade, specifically about rehabilitation. our taibolyt project will soon be a year old, and to date , more than 200 patients have passed through our hands with... a month, we started with 35, and this, in my opinion, is an achievement, we are now working more on the areas of rehabilitation, room kinesiotherapy, and here i am indebted to our military hub, kyiv, our specialists are unique people with work experience, our massage therapist and rehabilitator, practitioner of tibetan and chinese medicine, oleg vyetrov, they are
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unique in the sense that they provide individually to everyone a program for stretching the spine, for restoring the musculoskeletal system, and in our room we tried very hard, we collected the most modern equipment that is available today. education and training, history and combat, bright personalities, professions and interesting stories individual people. the army is a state within a state, and the army always has something to talk about. the volume of... information generated by the military is huge, so i remind you, this is not the final and it is definitely not a parade, this is a review of the official military video. i traditionally encourage you to like this video, subscribe to the channel where you saw it, and if you wish, leave comments. see you next week. goodbye.
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putin's inauguration took place in russia, in ukraine they announced the exposure of a network of agents who allegedly prepared the assassination of volodymyr zelensky the sbu claims that zelensky's murder was intended to be a gift to vladimir putin before his inauguration. there are many unanswered questions in this story, let's try. to find them, but we start from the front, where russia captured another village. my name is vlasta lazur, this is svoboda live. so, the front. the russian military reported on the capture of the village of ocheretyn. it happened over the weekend. until now, the ukrainian military has neither confirmed nor denied these reports.


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