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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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war and the rhetoric of ensuring this war with all available resources, including human resources and treating human resources exclusively as cannon fodder. but you mentioned, i understand that you mentioned the notification of the sbu about the attempt on volodymyr zelenskyi. the sbu reported that they were allegedly preparing this terrorist attack, they call it a terrorist attack, well, from what they described, it really looks like a terrorist attack, and that it was supposed to happen as a gift before the day of the inauguration. you know very well the internal political schedules in russia as well as political tradition, you admit that they could really plan this murder on the day of putin's inauguration, i absolutely admit, remember the fate of anna politkovskaya, on her birthday, she was given a gift on putin's birthday, and there are actually a number of such examples, i absolutely ...
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i doubt that it could be so, uh, you know, today we were just talking about the fact that here is putin now, after the inauguration, he will position himself as a legitimate president, and when i have a five-year term from the moment inauguration of volodymyr zelenskyi, then russia will articulate to the world that zelenskyi is an illegitimate president, and our radio liberty political columnist vitaly portnikov allowed such a point of view that... er , presenting zelenskyi as an illegitimate president of the world, this way the kremlin gets even more , so to speak, cards in their hands or something, in order to kill zelensky, because they are killing not just the president, but such an ordinary person, an illegitimate one, and yes, this is what they are talking about, actually, what they are promoting now, well but in russia, there are no elections, but there were, you can say, well, as they say, western audiences. to us that there are falsifications, there
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are murders of political opponents and so on and so on, but the elections were held, ukraine at the same time is not holding elections, and therefore we are talking about a lack of legitimacy, a vacuum of legitimacy, and therefore we are talking about again still a shift from a special military operation to a counterterrorist operation, not necessarily with the fact that the fsb will manage all processes there, as it was in the previous one... in general, when the regime is activated counterterrorist operation, but with the aim of representing the heads of our state, key people in the security agencies, in the law enforcement agencies, the president of ukraine, as a completely illegitimate party, as a party that can be attacked, that can be eliminated there and so on, so here this person created who, and all this rhetoric and presence is separate, here you are now. showing on the screen there
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representatives of the special services of the russian federation, in the center of the composition was a girl from the zfsb, it seems that this is not accidental either, that is , in general, watching this inauguration, shortly before our broadcast, i felt such a very, very strong déjà vu, actually it felt like the second chechen war 2:0, ugh, maria, please tell me, what does coming to the inauguration of the representatives mean to you? of the states of the european union, i understand, it is not at the level of presidents and prime ministers, it is probably most likely, they were ambassadors, and nevertheless, no one drove them there by force, yes, some countries decided for themselves the decision not to be there, how is it explained, well, you know, it's hard for me to judge here, because i don't know what's going on there bilateral channels have happened in recent days, but i think that on the part of some, at least these countries, it is an attempt to preserve,
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an additional channel of communication, an additional option to prove a position, well, for example, with the same france, i can to assume that here the component of this decision was the recent visit of sydzenpin to macron, and here it could be, i only assume, about proving and the possibility of conveying certain messages in the future... regarding this meeting, certain messages, in general, which are related, which may be related to the prospect of peaceful settlement, certain messages, on which some countries still somehow hope to bet on at least leaving this channel of communication, but again, do i consider it appropriate on my part, do i consider it some kind of gesture, which today, when we see constant... arrows of our territory
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when we see such threatening statements that have absolutely complete coincidence with what is called genocide, which is described as genocide. i don't think it's an appropriate gesture and i think some channels anyway providing information, some channels for proving this position of the representatives of these countries, the ambassadors who came to this ceremony, they should be preserved, but the presence at the inauguration, which was more like a coronation, is also a kind of political gesture and a political retort, which is not very common today appropriate maria, thank you very much. maria kucharenko, an analyst of the come back alive foundation, we talked about the inauguration of vladimir putin and the prospects that await all of us, including after his inauguration. thank you very much. well , the previous speaker already mentioned this:
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european tour xi, chinese leader xi jinping came to europe for the first time in 5 years. this is quite an unusual tour. for example, sine went to brussels, where the leadership of the european union sits. he chose france, which is practically the only nuclear power in the european union. emmanuel macron and european commission president ursula fondeen, who was also at the meeting, put pressure on siji ping to use his influence with moscow to end the war in ukraine. the new york times writes about it. xi responded by allegedly rejecting the west's claims through china's cooperation with russia, they say that china is not even the initiator of this crisis, it is the crisis that the official beijing calls the war in ukraine. neither by its party nor by its participant. in addition to france, xi chose serbia and hungary as the countries for his visit. both states are called friendly to the kremlin and skeptical of the eu, despite the fact that, for example, hungary is a member of the european union. my
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colleague rostislav khotyn, an international columnist for radio liberty, is following the european tour of sidzypinna. rostislav good evening. please tell us what you notice. firstly during this tour that it's on now. stage and is there a place for ukraine? yes, there is a place for ukraine. ukraine is one of the two main, main topics of this visit. the first is , of course, trade relations between the european union and china. the european union is frightened by the large trade imbalance with china, completely chinese exports overwhelmed the european union with a large negative balance in the european union. in particular, china is now building up solar batteries and electric cars, that is, it is completely demolishing european ones. products are piling up, and on the other hand, china started an anti-deming investigation into french cognacs and other alcoholic beverages, that is, it is also such a lever of influence on the european union, and so far the promise of expectation that china will sign and buy
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50 european airbuses during this visit has not materialized its own for its airlines. ukraine was the second track, the second, so to speak, on the agenda of this visit, this tour, er... the war in ukraine, well, what would the europeans like, for china to put pressure on russia, so that it has stopped its aggression to not supply lethal weapons in any case, china says it does not supply, and dual -use goods, there goes chips can be semiconductors, and civilian drones that can be easily made and taken as parts for military drones, that is, that's all, well , he assured everyone in paris that he has no intention of giving weapons to russia in any case, but dual dual-use goods... well, they are ready to take a closer look, and macron also said at a joint press conference at sidzenpinu that the europeans will support ukraine as much as needed, that is, it is important that the chinese leader heard this message with his own ears, and also sidney pinh supported
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macron's initiative regarding such an olympic truce for the time of the paris summer olympics, which is the end of july, the beginning of august, and more. .. weeks, and then the paralympics until the end of august, that is , let's see if this truce will be like this, well , xijinpin supported it, rostislav, and you may remember the press reports before the full-scale invasion, when they said that the invasion won't be, then while the olympics are going on in china, because xi turned to putin with this proposal, well , i don't remember, it seems they met this condition, look, this will already be the fourth olympics, where it depends on how the kremlin will act. during the war, but not every time, everyone asks for it, so does georgia, the year 2008, that is, the olympics, we remember, and the sochi olympics passed, the winter olympics, the 14th year, when, and then, now there is another olympics,
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that is, he will attack, he will not attack, there will be peace, there will be no truce, that is , there is no trust in these truces, we know during the donbas war and a bread truce, and a school truce, and... a bell truce, an easter truce, a truce after a truce, now the olympic games are waiting, but they want to find out if the europeans really are serious, especially when putin is somewhere at the end of may. has to go to beijing for a visit, and they want everyone to somehow find out whether some kind of truce can really lead to peace with such a tentative stone, and for everyone to find out personally for putin during his visit to china, the russian leader, so that somehow it is to feel whether russia can really do something peace, there is also the question of what macron set himself as an ambitious goal privately, so to speak, to convince the chinese leader to send his representative to this... peace conference on zelenskyi's peace formula, which will be the first summit to be held in switzerland in mid-june,
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15 - on june 16, bürgenstock at the resort, and i will remind you that before this summit, which is supposed to be the inaugural, the first summit, there were already four meetings of political and security advisers, four meetings, of which only china took part in one last august in jidiv saudi arabia, and it is not known whether the chinese took great respect because of respect for ukraine, because of that pragmatic interest in saudi arabia, because of the fact that china imports saudi oil in huge quantities and plus is an intermediary in the normalization of relations . well, so far xi has been such , european diplomats say, such hints that maybe china will participate somehow, somehow would participate in this summit, just not at the highest level, not at the level of xizen ping or the prime minister of china, at least the minister of foreign affairs. would go, or the special representative of china on eurasian issues, lihui, that is, it would already be, because
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ukraine believes that it is a very serious key to influencing russia, almost the only country that, a foreign country, to which putin can listen, to which he can listen to russia, there is china, there is such a feeling in ukraine and in several other countries, rostislav, but what, what kind of route is this in general, well, with france , of course, a nuclear state, macron claims to... leadership in europe , although of course not of course, if you go to europe once every 5 years, it might make sense to go to brussels, which is basically the center of the european union, but nevertheless, other countries, hungary and serbia, and this is such a european tour c, france, hungary, serbia, well, serbia and hungary are such friends of the kremlin, on the other hand, apparently, they and china have many common interests, in particular economic and without the kremlin, but how do you explain it, well, i explain it by not you have to look at... the relations of hungary and serbia with russia, china is not very good at it takes into account, that is, for china, this is a green light,
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if these countries have normal relations with russia, then you can work there, then you can go there, but china has its own interest, first of all, both hungary and serbia are considered by china as key countries in europe for the promotion of its initiative, one belt, one road, for the promotion of its own exports, for serbia it is considered the key to access to the balkans and... after all , the chinese hub for expansion to the european union, and hungary in general is in the european union, that is, already a market then opens duty-free in the european union, so for china these countries are very important economically and politically as well, china wants to emphasize against the background, so to speak, of these statements and the background during the french stay, that you see, in the european union, in europe, other countries are wider in terms of positions. different positions on the war in ukraine, and hungary is not france, not macron, and
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vucic in serbia is not macron, that is, there are other opinions about the war in ukraine and the settlement, and what is a fair settlement of this war, so china submits itself during this visit in general, this is the bottom line, so to speak , the conclusion, he presents himself as such a global leader that it is necessary to negotiate with china even in those issues where china is supposedly located far away, as it is... in ukraine, that the key to influencing russia may lie in china , and the second point is that china presents itself as the leader of the global south , and it emphasizes in every way that many issues in the global south depend on it, and in particular these statements about the palestinians and the palestinian state along with israel must exist, and about navigation is free in the red sea, that is , these are the moments, such messages were also sent by china and to the global rising, that we stand for you, we. leader of the global south. rostyslav, thank you very much. rostislav khotyn, international columnist of radio liberty. we
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talked about xi jinping's visit, the first time in 5 years that the chinese leader came to europe. let's follow him as well. thank you all very much. that's it , svoboda live will be back on the air tomorrow. there are discounts represent coco. 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings there are discounts represent coco may discounts on paforte knife 15% in pharmacies plantain pam and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now
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we will be about the war to talk more, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world is living, now about what happened in the world, he will talk in more detail. two hours to catch up on economic news, time to talk about money during the war. oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, liena chechenii, for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day before last, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada. of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast winters a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the eighth of may. wednesday. the espresso tv channel is broadcasting a special project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. about the role
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of ukrainians in the second world war. about 10 years of the european tradition of commemorating remembrance day. about the red poppy and the first minute of peace, about the rejection of may 9 with parades and immortal regiments, about 10 years of decolonization, separation from the soviet union and how it helped our stability in the modern war, the day of remembrance of the second world war through the prism of history, sociology, politics, culture in our special broadcast. your favorite presenters, extremely interesting guests, respected and respected experts, during... espresso day. a new memory model. new symbols, new us. may 8. special espresso project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. poppies of memory. 10 years. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top
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guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and the other way around. connection, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety and yours, they boys from volyn have proved that everyone can be a warrior, they are strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with ... brothers until holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, cooks, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills drains documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. greetings, we are looking
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for this girl, her name is valentina baranova, she is 15 years old. valentina disappeared at the beginning of a full-scale invasion in the kherson region, in the hanichiv district, but, unfortunately, it is not known exactly in which settlement the girl lived. according to one of the versions, she could be taken to the territory of russia. but of course it is only assumptions, and valentina may be under control. territories in ukraine, for example, in the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region. so, i ask everyone who sees this video to look at the girl's face as carefully as possible. if you know anything about valentina baranova, don't delay and immediately call our hotline at the short number 11630. if you don't have
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the opportunity to call, you can always write to us on the website. or to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i am also very begging you repost this video. perhaps one of your friends or acquaintances will recognize valentina and help you find her or find out at least some information about her. do not remain indifferent and let's try to find valentina baranova together. in general, after a full-scale invasion , the search service for children arrived. thousands of wanted applications and a lot of boys and girls disappear during the occupation, of course, due to obvious reasons, the search process is in territories not controlled by ukraine. very complicated, in particular due to the lack of communication and paralyzed work of the police and services for children. however, general advice if you have a missing child in occupied
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territory is: if possible, by any means available, contact the police or magnolia children's services and report the missing child with any information you know that may assist in the search. collect data about the child, write it down. her full name, date of birth, circumstances and place of disappearance. of course, if possible, find photos of the child and report on its special features omens and circle communication. in the future, follow the instructions of the police or the counselors of the magnolia child tracing service. one of these girls who disappeared in the temporarily occupied territory is 17-year-old yulia kurbel. it's been more than two years. we are doing everything possible to find the girl, and now i will remind you of her story: yuli's relatives and her friend turned to us for help,
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unfortunately, she did not want to talk on camera, but in a private conversation she told some details that can be very useful in searching. so yulia kurbel disappeared in the city of severodonetsk, luhansk region. at the beginning of the war, yulia first made herself known, but in march 2020. in the 2nd year, when severe shelling began in severodonetsk, the connection with the girl was cut off, and since then , unfortunately, there is no news about her. at the same time, we know the exact address where yulia kurbel lived, it is severodonetsk, gagarina street 117a, and here is the actual photo of the house where yulia lived. and now i am addressing, first of all , the residents of occupied north donetsk. if suddenly you see this program on... the internet i ask you, if possible, to come to gagarin 117a and ask the residents of this building about 17-year-old yulia kurbel, does she
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still live there or where and with whom can she be now? if you find out anything about the fate of yulia kurbel, please contact us immediately on the free hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 116 30. but if you are under occupation and you do not have the opportunity. to call, you can always write to us in the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. however, at the same time, there is a very high probability that yulia already is not in severodonetsk. moreover, precisely at the beginning of march 2022, when the connection with the girl was broken, the evacuation of the civilian population was carried out in north donetsk, and it is possible that yuli and her parents managed to leave for another region or even abroad. so i'm asking everyone. please look at the face of yulia kurbel, she is 17 years old, she has light hair and light eyes. if you know anything about yulia or where she might be, call
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us on the hotline 116.30. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. the program of the ukrainian voice of america service, chas time, is broadcast from washington. i am maria prus. congratulations. us president joe biden said that the threat of anti-semitism in the world and in the us is growing. in his speech to commemorate the victims of the holocaust, he also called. not to downplay or ignore the horrors of both the genocide of the jewish people in the second world war and the october attack on israel by the hamas group, recognized by the united states and a number of countries around the world
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as terrorist. to me, never again means never forget. never forgetting means we must go on tell the story, we must continue to teach the truth. we must teach. our children and grandchildren, and the truth is that there is a risk that people will not know the truth, so when i was growing up, my father used to tell me and my sisters and brothers about the horrors of shoya at family dinners, so i attended yatvash as a senator , vice president and president, so i took my grandchildren with me to dachau so they could see the dangers of indifference, of complicit silence in the face of evil that people knew was happening. pouring president biden's holocaust remembrance day speech, presidential adviser stuart eisenstadt said congress has learned the lessons of the holocaust and world war ii by now
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providing aid. ukraine and israel. president biden and the bipartisan leadership of congress, led by speaker of the house, minority leader jeffries, and the senate, are to be congratulated for taking to heart the lessons of world war ii and the holocaust about the threat of unrepelled aggression. they continued to help ukraine in defense of democracy against vladimir putin, who repeatedly publicly distorted and abused. the topic of the holocaust and at the same time provided aid to israel, the moment of its greatest threat, the threat from hamas and other terrorists. the president of the united states, joe biden, recently received the president of romania, klaus iohannis, at the white house. among the topics of discussion were issues of cooperation within nato and euro-atlantic security. on thursday, iougannis will also meet with the speaker of the house of representatives, mike
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johnson. yulia yarmolenko follows the events in the white house. hello, yulia, what is it about? spoke the presidents during the meeting and how important was the topic of ukraine, the russian war in ukraine? yes, maria, this meeting was actually quite short, only 30 minutes, and the president of romania, klaus iohannis, had just left the grounds of the white house, but there was certainly a lot to be squeezed into those 30 minutes by the two leaders, and that was clear from their opening speeches before their meeting in the oval office. this is because the topic of ukraine was one of the central topics at their meeting. official thread visit is a celebration or commemoration of the 20th anniversary of romania's accession to nato, but from the words that came from president biden and from president iohannis, it became clear that both sides will talk about how the united states and romania are currently helping ukraine to resist russian aggression and what they can do in the future. actually, the president of the united
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states, joe biden, thanked. romania for leadership, for helping ukraine, said that romania plays a very important role in strengthening and guaranteeing the security of the eastern flank of nato, as well as a special role in guaranteeing the security of the black sea, and also thanked the fact that romania hosts not only the american military, who actually have their positions there, and also thanked the romanian president for the fact that romania opened the door to ukraine. refugees who had to flee from the russian war. let's actually listen to president biden. 20 years ago you joined nato, in my opinion, our countries have become even closer. we see that romanian and american troops serve side by side in nato countries, in particular in your country there are about 1,800 american troops there. thank you for that. we can see our work on strengthening the eastern
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flank. i want to thank mr. president for your leadership, especially in the black sea region, the help you provide to ukraine is really significant, the united support of the people of ukraine, you have accepted refugees and provided security assistance, facilitated the transportation of ukrainian grain, and i want to so that you know that the united states is committed to supporting you. and klaus iohannis also said before this meeting that it was very important the topic will also be... to restore world peace , and also, maria, we should not forget that the next nato summit, the nato anniversary summit, will be held here in washington in july, and so it was also important for these two leaders to align their clocks and before this summit. so, in fact, speaking about nato, johannis announced his intentions to nominate his candidacy for the post of nato secretary general. how are his chances assessed and what could this mean for ukraine? it's very interesting,
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actually, because we know that in order to... elect the next head of the general sec nato needs absolute consensus and the agreement of all 32 members of the alliance, and now there are two candidates, that is mark rutt, the prime minister of the netherlands, who is leaving office, and also that is the president of romania itself, klaus iohannis, who put forward his candidacy in march, when it became clear that mark ruta does not have enough support now, there are several countries that oppose his candidacy, actually hungary, slovakia, and at that time there was turkey, now turkey has changed its mind, and therefore many people said that this visit to washington would also be an attempt by klaus iohannis to win over, perhaps the support of president biden, but today john kirby said that president biden and the united states support mark rutt, as they have done before, as for what klaus iohannis wants to become nato secretary general, he says that it is very important to have the voice of the east in the alliance.


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