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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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it comes in, the question is that this person controls the power in the russian federation, she is the center of power in the russian federation, she has a nuclear button, well, this is one of the aspects why vladimir putin will actually continue to be tolerated, the fact that he he also said what he was doing, well, it is clear that he is a man of war, while he is walking around this hall like this and these plebeians, excuse me, are applauding him, as if he is not... well, ah, the war will continue , well, it is probably necessary to realize this and build one's life on this very basis, when russians it's boring to die and kill, well, that's a big question, for now, well, it's clear what they have there for, sorry, according to the constitution, it's an old hand for him already, so a little more, he will still crack, but the nuance is, that according to the norms that they have in place, they... they will now
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have a reshuffle of the government, how will he rearrange this henhouse a little now, well , it probably makes sense to pay attention to it, to analyze it, but again it is clear that all people, they will be imprisoned for war, for fulfilling the will of this not-so-healthy one a person, that's all, but what other emotions, the fact that it rained and snowed there, well, that's how they are... part of russia is burning, part is sinking, and no one is particularly interested in it, i think that we are also not very much, well, putin asked my class teacher how she got to the kremlin in such bad weather, well, i could ask how she lives on the money he pays there, russia pays these pensioners, she is probably 90 there, if he is 71, then she is probably well over 90. if she was a cool
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leader at putin's, but this public, which was in the kremlin, which gathered for the so-called inauguration of the so-called president, there was also a fairly respectable age group, that is , there were not any young people there, well, except for the shaman there , this obsessive kremlin singer, but there, too, the audience was as if they had all come out of the mausoleum , i looked at this inauguration today and i understood, in principle, that this is probably the er... gerentocratic such a component of modern russia, it is probably so close to what happened under brezhnev, and we understand that this whole so the so-called elite the kremlin, well, they are not capable of generating anything else, that is, they are not capable of leading the country there, or will it ever be obvious to the russians, or are they used to living in the fact that they are... always ruled, this is not about
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age, here we are not talking about ageism, but about people who are not quite healthy and not quite adequate, and who do good only to the king, but today he has such an impression that they were crowned today and gundyaev said that he should rule until the end of the century , well , probably already in the kingdom of god there, well, somewhere there are some such assocs. i don't know, i have mausoleum, the end of the century, putin walking half-dead, half-alive, well , i had such associations, you had the same associations, what, what, what this audience is, well, there is already one, not quite young, well, you see, for a politician , putin's age is 70 years old, in principle it is permissible, the question is what is going on in their heads.
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indeed, the issue is not in the calendar, but in this biological one, and i didn’t just pay attention to his hand, because depending on which angle and light putin is filmed with, he is in many frames, some people there perceive that these are doppelgängers, trainees, but i think that you will agree with serhiy, that you know, well, anyone who worked. in television knows that depending on how it will be exposed, exposed light, a person can look plus 5 years plus 15 years in the frame, but according to such signs as wrinkles on the hands, the neck especially gives it away, well, we see that he is deep, as it is clear that this vertical of his, it is also aging, and in his environment, the closest circle, they are all 70 +. but how much
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more can they drink our blood and among others of the same russians, this is a big question, that is , i would draw attention to the fact that... there is ramzan akhmatovich, who seems to be visually one of the youngest among them, i am talking about kadyrov, but he wants to go to kharkiv and odesa, but the poor man himself barely climbed the stairs, so i'm a little worried for him, if only for this not to happen, we all want a maniac to go to the kremlin wall, and here such risks are for others. well, it is clear that the problem is not age, but the problem that their main idea is wrong, they are declaring something for the whole the world, that their meaning of their further rule is hostilities, and hostilities, war,
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war, bombs, bombs, bombs, and this is both horrifying and frightening, because you go outside, you see..." blue sky and sun, it seems to you that there should be more pacifism in the world, but in these affairs it is no longer of interest to anything other than that, and here is the problem, beyond any doubt, but here is putin, the fact that he is there today said, we will allow ourselves one quote that he seems to be ready for negotiations with the west, but only on equal terms, listen. that said, we do not give up dialogue with western countries, the choice is theirs whether they intend to continue trying to restrain the development of russia, to continue the policy of aggression, pressure on our country that has not stopped for years, or to look for a way to
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cooperation and peace. dialogue, including on issues of strategic stability, is possible, but not from a position of strength, without arrogance, snobbery, a sense of one's own exclusivity, and... such a peace, if there is no russia, in fact there are several of them, well, in recent years, it constantly emphasizes some russian exclusivity, the story about the negotiations, well, it already sounds recent, i don’t know how many 10 years, yesterday, sitting with the cabinet, what did he
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say, he said that we were led for us, we were forced to start a military special operation, that is, a war, because we save well , to be honest, this is what shocks me the most, they are manichela, he has such and such hands, when he talks about ukraine, you noticed that his facial expressions become very aggressive, you can see that this it really bothers him and turns him on, that is, on the one hand they are destroying ukrainian cities and villages to zero, on the other hand, he immediately talks about what we are protecting, and this is of course very somehow, in my opinion, sanctifying and just talking about his - morbid imagination, well, considering the fact that he spent 24 years actually devoting his entire political career after the kgb, or to serving in the fsb, because he
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was trying to somehow subjugate ukraine, and he was unable to do so, that is, he had already put everything in this life in order to ukraine did not exist as an independent state, so that ukraine... did not exist to make its own there, somehow president, there is yanukovych, he tried once, it didn't work, he got two maidans, so it's a painful, obvious question for him, isn't it? well, it is clear that the further fate of this regime and putin personally, as a person or not a person, in many aspects depends on what will happen next in the war, of course, if... conditionally speaking, they are here somewhere somehow pretend that they defeated everyone and killed everyone, well, this is just one schedule, but everyone understands that, that this is impossible, in fact, here is his bias in ukraine, it even surprising, because over the years, how much
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time i spend on these ukrainian-russian issues, everything he does, it only worsens and worsens and worsens, and now he understands. proved the situation when we will look at them through the scope, well, for the next generations, and this is all his work, but today there is reasoning even in russia. i will simply remind you that there were times when only from boryspil there were 10-15, and sometimes 20, that flew daily to the russian capital, respectively to their airports, that is, what
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are you talking about, what is the level of cooperation, communication, of business, the whole show factory, when i worked in moscow in the eighth year i started working, then every, every week some government delegations were sent to the nask post, it was our largest embassy abroad, and it was all thanks to his schizophrenia, well... it was reduced to the fact that they occupied ukrainian territories, they kill ukrainians, but historically the goal he set is unattainable, they are reaching for a nuclear bomb again for a reason, they don't like ukrainian f-16s, that is, let's do it again let's just talk out loud about how to be, sorry idiot and a moron to put, to arrange this political, geopolitical solitaire in such a way that he would kill... i don't know how many, well, probably tens of thousands of ukrainians, but as a result we are now switching to f-16, and we
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are doing it for free for the money of western partners, someone can imagine, well , that is, what needs to be done to bring the situation to such a level, well, actually, in my opinion, this speaks of his professional deformation, unsuitability, he does not like the maidans, any a person who, at least a little... could understand ukrainian everyone knew that the maidan was cool, of course, but for later, how is democracy, criticism, mistakes, stupidity, including the winners, and then the elections, and everyone knew very well that in the next elections , the so-called pro-russian political circle will have an advantage, who have unlimited loot, russian, they had the opportunity to get a majority in the council, get... their president, look at yanukovych and so on and so forth. what did he do? he first took
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all the pro-russian population from the ukrainian political space, well, by way of occupation territory then he began to kill and who was ready to vote for conditional oboeki and medvedchuk, well, that is, we know our history, and we are critical of our country, it is what it is, but if we look at the fact that... he wanted ukraine to join somehow, to be involved in some processes, now it is simply impossible, he made it impossible, and here they are, his goal will be to destroy the maximum number of citizens of our state, and literally before the so -called inauguration of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation and the ministry of defense started talking about holding exercises with the use of non-strategists. nuclear weapons, and the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation says that this is connected with belligerent
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statements from the west and actions to put pressure on russia. i will read, quote, or rather, the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, the regime in kyiv and its western inspirers should finally realize that their reckless steps are bringing the situation closer and closer to the accumulation of an explosive critical mass, we hope that this measure will cool the hot heads in the western capitals, will help. .. to be aware of possible catastrophic consequences the strategic risks generated by them and which prevent them from assisting the kyiv regime in its terrorist actions, as well as from being drawn into a direct armed confrontation with russia, i.e. russia went to war with ukraine, and now they are trying to say that someone is trying to attack them there, someone wants to use weapons against them, that is , they got into this military campaign. back in 2014, in 22, they went for escalation and
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a large-scale invasion, and now it turns out that they want to show the whole west and ukraine that we suddenly what, we have tactical nuclear weapons that are in belarus, and today khrenin said that, by the way, these exercises will take place on the territory of belarus, regarding the use of tactical nuclear weapons, whether it is possible... it is difficult to predict, but still, whether putin can to go for the use of tactical nuclear weapons, or will this be the red line, crossing which, he will simply receive from the west. a tough enough answer, well, you see, the rhetoric of the west has changed a lot, and now, by and large, it is the west that outlines these red lines, but to the question whether they can detonate the bomb, they can or they can't, well actually 50/50, i'm not in favor of these approaches, that they won't
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do it, because it will lead to something and so on, well, we see that... they made a lot of illogical, absolutely stupid decisions, even from the point of view of the russian state, the fact that they are now hiding behind lukashenko, the republic of belarus is screwed, this is all for the benefit of the poor and the sick, they will be responsible for, because it is russian nuclear weapons and they will be responsible for respectively , the russians and vladimir putin, that's why i sometimes it seems that they want, well... you know, here is the west, they are still so very slow, and yes, and syaka, this is constantly this wording so that there is no escalation, and so on, and so on, they all after all, the west will be convinced that it is necessary to act more decisively, and when it says tactical nuclear weapons, well, that means it is the one that means tactical, and if
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so, i remember from the institute tactical, operational and, accordingly, strategic, strategic is for... for joseph biden, big long rockets that fly across the poles, operationally, these are just medium and short-range missiles, it seems that the military should be questioned here, but most likely i am right, it is that what is flying towards the french, and what kind of tactical nuclear weapon, well, this is probably the weapon , which flies to ukraine, or these weapons fall in some local areas, and i, sergey, you will ask... so that the audience understands from military experts, but first of all, we are probably talking about artillery ammunition, there is, again, i remember i think we were taught that there are these 203 peonies nuclear ammunition, there are artillery shells of smaller caliber, also with nuclear execution, i'm just wondering what this is all about, well
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, yesterday they hit one of our villages with a 1.5-ton bomb in the kharkiv region. they demolished an entire street, and i ask myself the question, if we consider the tactile equivalent, and this is not a nuclear explosion of tactical, tactical significance, well, precisely if we measure it in terms of consumables, so it seems to me that you are no longer stressing us with anything, and if they will leave, well, i don't know, let these americans the chinese, everyone else is thinking how to stop them, because in the grand scheme of things, if they want to destroy us, i, i am not very concerned about the question of how they will do it, will it be nuclear weapons, will it be fap5 or 9 or so on and so on so on, that's why we still need to look for some military-technical answers to all this, a few days ago, roman, the russian foreign ministry
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called on the carpet to... the lavov department, the ambassadors of great britain, france were told that suddenly british weapons would to fly towards the territory of the russian federation, then of course, russia reserves the right to strike british facilities on the territory of ukraine and outside ukraine. great britain did not comment on this in any way after that, in principle, david cameron clearly outlined the framework, which is that... we give the ukrainians british weapons, and these british weapons will fly to the territory of the russian federation, the french ambassador did not comment either, instead, the french president emmanuel macron considers russia's nervous reaction to the possibility of sending western troops to ukraine as evidence that his idea of ​​strategic uncertainty works, he said in
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an interview with the newspaper la tribune, strategic uncertainty means not to give too much. a lot of detail, on the contrary we should remove all the certainty, that is what creates the means of deterrence, russia's agitation shows that we are doing the right thing by leaving the door open to negotiations, otherwise we would be giving up on the international order based on law, as well as on peace and security , but i'm just interested in whether or not putin will dare to give an answer to the british for the storm shadov, which will fly over military facilities in russia, and this will probably happen soon, for some reason it seems so to me, well , the following comes out of these statements: well, first of all, crimea, this is ukraine, and actually the russians themselves. this was confirmed, because i flew to crimea several times, everyone emphasized that it was precisely these missiles, the air was surface, and ships were sunk there, and
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a submarine was burned, and the headquarters of the russian federation was destroyed. , and the english in this case deserve respect, because... it was no longer the case that they were to strike on russian territory, he said that let the ukrainians decide for themselves, this is their weapon, if they want to strike at voronezh, let them pretend, well, it seems to me that this is the only logical question during the war, because it is strange when those planes from the krasnodar region take off and bomb our cities with the same fabs that we have already mentioned, and if they are there, then they are in the house, no, they are not in the house and this is military logic, with the french it is also an interesting thing ... in my opinion , this rhetoric is cool, but somehow stage, if it is not confirmed by concrete actions, then the russians will simply, well
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, excuse me, start laughing and that's it, we still need to take some steps, and ours, you ask whether you are satisfied with shmyhal's government, the survey is on the program today, well, i b, to be honest... i said that we don't have shmyhal's government, we have zelenskyi's government, but that's how things turned out for us, but i'm not talking about that, i'm talking about the fact that our prime minister, he said , that we, lovingly waiting for ready to invite, who is ready to help us in any field of military, we everyone is welcome, but it's still a matter of rhetoric changing, let's just emphasize that two years ago, the things we hear now were... simply impossible, and now this uncertainty, well, i still i hope that it will lead to some kind of practical solution that
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they will cool down a little in terms of nuclear weapons, well, in terms of using all the means of damage that they have, and they use everything that they have, except nuclear weapons, well and macron uses every opportunity to to convince siddzhin pinya that... he should not give or export to russia goods of any dual purpose or military purpose and sidzhin pinya was in paris, there were talks with macron, and the head of the european commission, ursula fondeen, took part in these negotiations, she greeted the peaceful china's efforts, let's hear what she had to say. we call on the parties to resume interaction and dialogue, gradually build mutual trust and support an international peace conference at an appropriate time, with equal
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participation of all parties and fair discussion of all peace plans. we support the development of a balanced, effective and sustainable european security system. we agree that europe and china have a common interest in peace and security. we expect china to use all of it. irresponsible nuclear threat from russia, i am sure he will continue to do so against the background of constant nuclear threats from russia. roman, can china use all its influence on russia to put an end to russian aggression in ukraine? may. but the question is whether they will do so, you see, what our chinese friends and partners say, and maybe at some historical stage neighbors,
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they have such formulations that they seem to be for everything good, but also against everything bad, but well , excuse me, and ursula , and macron, these are their words, what the chinese promised, but i have not heard from the chinese such... our comrades of any such clear position in this case, that is, what he says, well, for now it works out, even it is unclear whether china will be represented at the peace summit to be held in switzerland in the second part of june, even this is not clear, and i do not think that there will be any sharp movements on the part of china, but... it seems that if you measure china's trade relations with the united states, china with the european union, then this just gives hope , what
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if you look at this half-witted... china will be right on the isolation of russia and we already see certain steps there and bank payments, but you see they have a common border, they can well find a way to supply it at all without any there without fixation, of course. thank you, roman, for the conversation, it was roman tsymbalyuk, my colleague, a journalist, a vlogger, a person who has 1,200 thousand subscribers on youtube. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. there are discounts, they represent coco discounts in may for tizin 20% in
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of sports events from. according to the weather for the day, i will come, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care. espresso in the evening. on may 8 - wednesday , the espresso tv channel will broadcast a special project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism, about the role of ukrainians in the second world war, about 10 years of the european tradition of commemorating remembrance day, about the red poppy and the first minute of peace, about the rejection of may 9 with parades and immortal regiments, about 10 years
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of decolonization. breaking away from the scoop and how it helped our resilience in modern warfare, world war ii remembrance day, through the lens of history, sociology, politics, culture on our special broadcast, your favorite presenters, extremely interesting guests, respected and respected experts, throughout the day on espresso. a new model of memory, a new symbolism, a new us. may 8, a special espresso project for the day of remembrance and victory over... nazism. poppies of memory. 10 years. exclusively on our air channel greetings, friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. war in the middle east. crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv. other. cities of ukraine,
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drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's win. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. congratulations, friends, the second part of the verdict program is on air on the tv channel. my name is serhiy rudenko. today in the issue. the uncertain status of the russian dictator. part of the world community refuses to recognize putin's legitimacy.
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what consequences will this have for the leader.


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