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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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in particular, this is about: the telethon is considering the possibility of expanding the production of content by the public broadcasting team in the context of the marathon for the first public broadcasting channel, as not a separate part of the public important main information association of the wartime telethon single news, subject to the approval of such a possibility by the relevant state authorities, taking into account all standards of the editorial policy of the public and opportunities of the country's largest network of correspondents throughout the country. before this... we saw how maryana bezugla, a deputy from the servant of the people, torpedoed, well, politically torpedoed the public channel and tried to prove that the public channel is a tv channel that eats a lot of money, that something should be done with it, and in general there is such an opinion that the public channel receives a lot of money, compared to a single telethon, so you have to think about something, i would never mention mariana bezang here, ladies and gentlemen, if this... this
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story did not resemble the story with the resignation of valery zaluzhny from the position of the head of the armed forces of ukraine , when maryana bezugla is three there for about four months, i was rocking the information space about the fact that the head should be removed. now this story is with the public, and we see that, that marker, which is important for our western partners, now someone is trying to reshape it, do something with it, so that later in the next report of the state department of the united states... of america, it appeared another point is that the ukrainian government does not allow the public broadcaster, which is independent of the ukrainian government, to develop. the reason, mrs. yulia, is that this story is with the public now unfolding before our eyes, what, what, what, actually, what is happening? well, a simple thing happens, if the public announced the exit from the telethon, which in fact, no one particularly watches. let's say it directly, right here
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the issue is that tv channels are losing their ratings, including because they are in a telethon, it seems that there was a recent study where about 30% of ukrainians watch a telethon, 70 get their information from telegram channels and others, or media resources, or telegram channels, and this very bad, because such information received from telegram channels can be very easily manipulated. so, the marathon survived itself, i think that all the tv channels understand this, just no one dares to leave this telethon first, and the authorities do not dare to dissolve the telethons, let media groups and media channels live their own lives and make their own content. society decided to take such an important and very heroic step, for which, in fact, it is being torpedoed by individual representatives, but i want to remind you that society was created
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exactly according to democratic principles, and it was also created to support democratic values ​​and independence of the media, so no one will definitely allow it to be closed, destroyed, no matter what maryana or other representatives say, individually, because it will be a huge marker not only for western partners, but for ukrainians about the strengthening of the dictatorship, i think that this is not necessary for anyone, and i hope that everyone will leave social issues alone and give them the opportunity to develop. thank you, mr. rostyslav, how do you see this whole story around the public, well, what is the goal, what is it the reason that the representatives have claims, well, the servant of the people faction is a pro-government, pro-presidential faction, and mariana stayed there or said that, well, she can't leave the servant of the people faction, because... well, it
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won't be there at all who should vote and work, and why exactly, why exactly do the servants of the people not like public affairs? well , look, we can talk about the facts, the last, especially a couple of months, we state that at least a little pluralism of opinions has begun to appear in society, for example, representatives of european solidarity, in telethon broadcasts can be seen only in the public slot. it seems that all three of us were invited at different times to a discussion there, and just like here on your channel, we exchanged arguments in the same way, absolutely keeping the frame of informational unity there and without crossing, within the limits of a civilized discussion, we could show society that there are different opinions about the way to do a joint thing, and it is obviously not liked, because it has never happened on other channels. except for representatives
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of the government and very rarely representatives of other factions, then very selectively, let's say far from all representatives of the factions, apparently for some reason decided that... even this, even just working according to standards, is too much, and therefore something must be done with them, and i think that colleagues are simply taking a step ahead in order to not to be simply eliminated from this marathon. what happens next? well, just the espresso tv channel, the direct tv channel, the fifth tv channel showed what it is like when three channels are arbitrarily deprived of digital broadcasting, the state department said this last year, it seems in the report, it... was, european institutions are talking about it, all the key ones, well, but nowadays they are telling us about some kind of media order, as the opposite of media chaos, which for some reason can be seen in banking if there is no marathon, but it’s all from the sly, actually the question
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is that this telethon has long since outlived its own, in my opinion, in my absolutely sincere belief and... what my colleagues in the public sector say, it is worth simply adopting and really moving to the fact that the channels present different positions independently, learned to hold a frame a long time ago, a long time ago it is clear what things need to be kept, what is called unity, and where to show that the authorities need to do better in order for ukraine to win. thank you, mr. rostyslav, mr. nikita, you, unlike... you know for sure, you know much more about the media space, you were a member of this media space, and you definitely understand very well that what is right and what is wrong with society, and obviously you could explain more competently if you articulated the claims from the team of servants of the people, how do you
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observe all this and how do you explain what is being discussed now and in ee? in the profile committee and at the level, well, in particular , the public one on the air of the tv channel, i don’t know, maybe on other channels as well, let’s go ahead, mr. sergey, let’s start with the fact that it is not correct to say that the servants want, because i am also a servant of the people, and the first thing i did was, of course, that it was not just me, because the committee is a collegial body, but i called a meeting of the committee, we analyzed this situation, we accepted an appeal for support. social, so i also think that it is correct to say that servants are just they protect public affairs so that they do not, well, no, no, let's say this, formulate a position based on the opinions of one deputy or a female deputy and do not
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take into account the position of other deputies, in particular mine. now regarding the public situation, so i think that we may not have enough air, because i took part in... negotiations, since this is the area of ​​​​responsibility of our committee, so there is no talk of exit, in fact, because you yourself quoted absolutely correctly, this joint statement of the channels that create the marathon is about actually expanding, well, to more one channel of the production of the only news format, that is, but this, by the way, raises the question of... again, which i have repeatedly raised, and you, mr. sergey, know, because you also had it on the air, about inclusiveness of this project, because i believe that i believe that everyone who can and is willing to produce content for unified news should do so, that is, everyone
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should be invited, the door should be opened to everyone, everyone who adheres to the standards and standards of both journalistic and editorial, to things, well... the press, by the way, as we know, that's it confirmed by many, well, until, as they say, studies, yes, reports, so it is stable, so among those who adhere to the standards, well, i think that inclusivity could help the marathon, as for the data of the marathon itself, then here colleagues, i will correct you a little, well, from the television point of view, look, if we now take the results of the marathon, yulia, they are actually a little worse than, than... you mentioned, it is not 30, it is 10, audience share, well , that is, audience coverage is 10, but if we let's take, let's take these 10, add, yes, indeed, sergey, i know that the disconnection from t2, but you have very good indicators in
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cable networks, in youtube and so on, then we can in principle understand approximately, so the audience coverage and for espresso, and for the fifth, and for the direct, if we add to 10, here are the indicators of espresso the fifth direct, we also add, by the way, we still forget, is quite popular, it cannot be mega-popular , because it is an information channel, the 24th lviv channel. means, and put all this in a heap, then we will get somewhere 14-16%. 14, 16% is the ceiling, friends, in ukraine , more than a total of 14-16% never watch information channels. and that's normal, in fact we are not much different, you should not think that if the marathon ceases to exist tomorrow, then the ratings of news programs there will immediately jump. no, they will not jump up, friends, in a situation when we have such a difficult situation at the front, i would
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still talk about the need to preserve this single news format, about preserving this unified information policy, national, not state, namely national, but it is clear that it would be better if it were more inclusive, but more than, you know, 14-16, i think we will not take it, and that's how it will be. god forbid that there would not be such, you know, upheavals, so that they would start watching it more, we have, we have to complete it, it is better for us, colleagues, and i wish it to all of us, that we only have such, only such news, so that the marathon of fright i wouldn't watch it again, it's because of pearls, only because of the victories, thank you, nikita poturaev, rostislav pavlenko and yuliya klymenko were guests of our program today, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program, i would like to remind you that throughout the entire broadcast we spent. we asked you about the following: are you satisfied with the work of the government of denys shmyhal? 6% - yes, 94% - no, these are the results
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of a television poll, and we also have the results of a poll on youtube, we have 8% yes, 92% no, it was the verdict of provia serhiy rudenko program, thank you for your attention, goodbye until tomorrow, until 20:00, i wish everyone good health, goodbye. there are discounts representing coco discounts in may for a long time cream 150 g 20% ​​in pharmacies plantain bam and savings, allergies are overcome by a few lions c3 lev c3 lev neo protects against the most common allergens there are discounts represented by coco may discounts on eurofast softcaps 20% in pharmacies plantain you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is
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the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets with us, and what the world lives on. and now about the fact that everything. two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postakhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechennya for information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many, natalka dyadenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of pride, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine. was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. on may 8, wednesday, the espresso tv channel will broadcast a special project dedicated to the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. about the role of ukrainians in the second world war. about 10 years of european. the traditions of commemorating the day of remembrance, about the red poppy and the first minute of peace, about the rejection of may 9 with parades and immortal regiments, about 10 years of decolonization, separation from the soviet union and how it helped our stability in modern war, commemoration of world war ii through the prism of history, sociology, politics, culture in our special broadcast, your favorite presenters, extremely interesting guests, respected... and respected experts throughout the day on espresso. a new model of memory, a new symbolism, a new us. may 8,
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a special espresso project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. poppies of memory. 10 years. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and impartial, you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is a big ether on the espress tv channel. my name is vasyl zima, as always, my colleagues and i will
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talk about the most important things. we will provide a lot of analytics, and we will also report on what is happening. during our broadcast, and we start with an announcement about collection we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporozhye directions . the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air, in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, battleships, a minibus is needed, which... will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumatic hydraulic jacks for operative repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. and i believe that we will be able to close this need for our military in the near future. well, more about what is happening at the front and around the front, we will talk with the director of the defense express agency and the host of the military summaries
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of the day serhii zgurets, who is already in touch with us. serhiy, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. good evening, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we will talk with our military about what is happening near bakhmut, and about the general assessment of the situation on the front line with our experts, about that in a moment. i'll start with the fact that over the past day, along the entire front line , there were slightly fewer clashes than the usual 90. of course, it can be concluded that the russian units are being exhausted, but so far it is still about certain regroupings of the enemy after significant losses in manpower and equipment, and each section of the front has its own special situation, and now we are joined by an artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the national guard of ukraine volodymyr rubizh
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nazarenko. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good day. mr. serhiy, good afternoon, studio, good afternoon tv viewers, thank you for the opportunity to join your broadcast. your brigade is currently operating in the bakhmut direction, according to the general staff, yesterday there were a little less enemy attacks than before and usually, but the statistics of the general staff is one thing, and the reality is another. so here's what 's been going on in your area for two days now and is there finally more ammunition that we can use on the enemy? well, first of all, we have to understand. what is meant by combat engagements in this sense, because actually combat engagements, even a counter-battery duel, a counter-battle, artillery shelling, mortar shelling, this is a collision when the enemy makes a fire impression, and aimed, not aimed, in the near, in the far rear , it is still the use of weapons that the enemy
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uses obviously for some purpose, whether it conducts artillery training, whether it conducts ... some preparatory actions or simply bombards, but it does not change the essence of the essence, it is in in any case, combat encounters are very difficult to count and somehow characterize and really say how many combat encounters there are and what exactly to put into the meaning of this statement, what are combat encounters? a combat encounter, when orcs become good orcs and when they are destroyed, these are also combats. collision, but when fpv drone is used, when used, any weapon that destroys an orc, this is firstly good news, and secondly, it is also a combat engagement, and in fact the enemy's losses are much higher, if you count, every actual firefight, every machine-gun line, everyone, every one, then
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in fact there were more and more skirmishes than stated, if you think that if you still count skirmishes as battles, when the enemy tries to advance and when he uses some small groups or accumulations of infantry, which are applied and try to advance using different tactics, either with light armor or with heavy armor try to advance and get repulsed when the defense force in most cases simply smashes these groups at the stage when they fit. even to of its zero lines, it is obvious that the enemy is really, i cannot say out loud that it is depleting, because the actions of the enemy are relatively chaotic, but with the improvement of... the weather that has taken place, a significant, let's say, the improvement of the weather that took place a week - two ago, obviously the enemy has become more active, because the better the weather, the more visible, the warmer,
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the more opportunities there are to carry out logistics, carry out movement, accumulation and somehow use those connections, in general, the tendency is that the occupying troops, their units , their brigades or formations, as they call themselves there, corps, division. regiments, battalions, groups, brigades, each, each of these units, each of their brigades has been given the task of exerting maximum pressure and trying to advance, but in most cases, i say again, their units are exhausted and suffer huge losses, indeed we must clearly understand, that for the enemy , the human resource is an unlimited resource, they can supply themselves and supply reserves of these... traffic jams, mobilize them, and moreover, unfortunately, we hear about some statements that that from the temporarily occupied territories they are also trying to mobilize ukrainians, who
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are actually held as slaves, and in principle there is a danger in this, but the key thing is that the enemy can afford relentless attempts to advance, and everything rests only on those reserves that they, as they quickly renew them after suffering huge... losses both in equipment, in manpower, and in artillery, in ammunition, perhaps the defense forces are ready for different developments of situations, different developments of events, and in any -which case, all assaults the enemy attempts during the build-up phase will be hit against the enemy . mr. volodymyr, thank you very much for these explanations, for what you are doing for our state, for our defense, i will remind our viewers that... this was volodymyr nazarenko, an artillery officer of the 4th brigade of the rubizh national guard. and then we will evaluate on a larger scale those changes that are taking place in all areas of the front, and
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we will be joined by viktor kevlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert of the center for defense strategies. now we are establishing a connection, and i will tell about the fact that, in fact , the enemy is trying to put pressure on our defense line in many areas. commander-in-chief syrsky yesterday, when commenting on the situation on the front line, singled out two directions, namely pokrovsky and kurakhivskyi, in these directions, as he said, the enemy is trying to push through our defenses, and the task of the armed forces actually remains unchanged under these conditions, it is primarily to ensure maintaining the positions held by our troops, causing... maximum losses to the enemy at this time as well to create the prerequisites for the formation of our reserves, and now we are joined by viktor kevlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert of the center
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for defense strategies. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good evening, mr. sergey, thank you for the invitation. i have already made a certain preface regarding general syrskyi's statements yesterday about the two directions that he identified as the most important, as critical, pokrovsky and kurakhivskyi, and i would like you to assess how different the situation is in these two directions and how can you predict here further actions of the enemy? as for the pokrovsky direction, this is the same direction where the enemy wedged as much into our defense as possible. the 30th and 35th brigades of the enemy are advancing in the direction of ocheredyne novoaleksandrivka in the direction of novobakhmutivka sokil is advancing 430. the third newly formed regiment of the 27th division and the 55th brigade, but the pace of the offensive there dropped sharply and the commander of the enemy's 41st army was forced
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to enter battle of the 74th brigade, which was restoring combat capability, and has not finished this process to date. in the direction of arkhangelsk the 132nd brigade of donetsk separatists is advancing. in general, this direction pokrovsky today is the only one that is opposed. has a real chance to turn its tactical success into an operational one. the purpose of the enemy's actions here is to form the southern flank of the future operation to encircle turkey. in the kurakhovsky direction, the situation is as follows: from staromykhaivka, which is under the control of the enemy , the fifth and 110th brigades of the enemy are advancing in the direction of krasnohorovka. along the highway to kurakhovo they rush through georgiyivka. the third regiment of the 150th division, and because of the victory two regiments 242, 255th of the 20th division, behind them in readiness to develop a potential success. the 163rd regiment of the 150th
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division and the 96th regiment of the mobilization reserve, this is a kind of transfer base of human resources, the one of the regiments of the first echelon, which has greater losses, immediately receives replenishment at the expense of this regiment, the goal is to form the northern flank for further the encirclement of our troops in the coal mine, this is the situation, eh, and if we now assess the situation... in the bakhmut area and around the time of the yaru, because the officer gave you such a general picture related to the tactics of the enemy's actions, about what is happening in this area, and what can be expected in the enemy's actions in terms of advancing to the time of the ravine, what risks and opportunities the enemy has, how do we take this into account, and how can we assume that the time of the ravine is very important for the enemy, as evidenced by the fact that...
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the most combat-capable part of the armed forces of the russian federation, its airborne troops, is fighting here. so, the groups attacking the times are zvanov's 98th airborne division and the 11th separate airborne assault brigade. as an exchange of coins, there the seventh, so-called volunteer assault brigade, st. george and the no less strange 58th separate special battalion are present. the assignment of the first army corps, on the northern flank between bohdanivka and kalinovka, in the defense of the troops of the khortets group, 217-299 regiments of the 98th division were bogged down, on the southern flank in the ivanovo region , the 11th assault brigade committed suicide, and the 102nd regiment, 150 -th division, and in the north. in the south, for seven
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days in the month of may, the enemy's advance was 0 m, a somewhat gray zone was transformed, where 331 regiment, the same 98th division, they regularly attack the eastern corner of the chasovo ravine, someone runs to the novy quarter or the kanal microdistrict, takes a photo with the russian flag, dies here, in moscow they start talking about the capture of the chasovo ravine, this scheme works. in two weeks with regular irregularity. as for the enemy's exit to the pokrovsk-kostiantynka highway, now the enemy is about 16 km from this intersection, that is, formally it is fire control of artillery and unmanned systems, but this does not interfere today, especially logistics our group is in a time abyss, and if the enemy achieves something there, it will not
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mean any fatal consequences. for the defense of chasovo yar, because there are backup logistics routes. in general, all activity in the chasovo yaru area is the formation of the northern flank for the further encirclement of our tactical group, which is defending itself in the turetska area. mr. viktor, i cannot but ask about the dynamics of the enemy's actions regarding the accumulation of forces and resources there in the direction of kharkiv and sumy, because a number of our officials have already commented on this... what do you think? possibilities of the enemy's actions in these directions? quite strange things are happening there from a military point of view, first of all, the formation of the sever operational group of troops, which was headed by the commander of the new leningrad military district, general lapin, was started , the group included the 11th army corps from kaliningrad, the 44th army corps from karelia, and most likely to them...
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the 138th brigade of the sixth general military army will be transferred, the 44th corps is interestingly redeployed to all areas, the echelons arrive in the kursk region, are unloaded on very small, almost at stations unknown to anyone, where a minimum of people, a minimum of personnel and marching in the belgorod region to their concentration areas, what can all this mean, i think that the purpose is... the enemy should, first of all, distract the command of the forces defense from more important areas, to make it impossible to use, first of all , strategic reserves that may be needed in other and operational directions, and accordingly, the constant threat of conducting raids in the direction of kharkiv, in the direction of sumy will prompt our command to keep in the siverskyi, slobozhanskyi operational areas, a certain grouping of troops for...
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deterring this enemy.


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