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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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saw that tucker carlson, well, a well-known media personality, he interviews dugin, what do you think that means, yes, because it's durov, then dugin, well, before that, of course, the kremlin fuehrer, i think shocker, i think that tucker is continuing some kind of line that is being constructed for the possible arrival of trump, and that line is this. let's see who is in russia, not from the point of view of the liberal-democratic opposition, not from the point of view... that's for sure, that is, with whom to deal with, if, for example, we decide to move to a policy of containment with the russians, accordingly, it will be necessary to accept that they have some ideologues, politicians, that is, the point is that tucker is talking to dugin, the next step is to conventionally find some figure in the federation council or in the state duma of the russians and... conduct
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an interview, showing that it is clear that such a person will not be against war or a supporter of eternal peace according to immanuel kant, on the contrary, tucker is going to show the line with which one must continue to deal, if it is recognized that the russians in this form should sit in themselves and forever trade with iran. this is the logic of the meeting with dugin. and dugin played tucker quite thoughtfully and, as many write, portrayed an unorthodox crazy beard. persistently portrayed something that should please the extreme right wing of the republicans, i.e. portrayed a principled critic of liberal democracy, from, i would say , not orthodox, but radical-individualist positions, that is , the positions of texas isolationism, relatively speaking, so this is a rather important event. that is, dugin thus goes beyond the boundaries of what is called russian fascist discourse, and tries to build pe'. bridges
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of understanding, well, conditionally speaking, yes, well, in practice for, i don't know, six months, a year, and so on, that is, demonstrating that in fact it is about an attempt to form a new order based on right-wing values, right-conservative values, so i completely agree, that's how it is and there is, this attempt, no wonder, because many , knowing dugin, automatically continue to believe that this is a demonstration of russian fascism, in fact, the idea is that... to demonstrate that there is such a group with a proven position, which in the future would accommodate a republican administration, with recognizably anti-liberal but perfectly acceptable rhetoric that does not degenerate into madness. yes, that is, fascism with a human face, relatively speaking, that is, which can be sold or converted into some generally established and understandable forms. and if we talk, for example, about the real influence of dugin and all this codla, which is possible somehow and...
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formulating what is called, i don’t know, the discourse of the ruling party in the kremlin, still we must proceed from the opinion that the kremlin relies on not on carl schmidt's concept of sovereignty, for example, not on the philosopher ilyin, not on, as methodologists once wrote, shchedrovytskyi, who influenced the administration of the president, after all, we can clearly see from putin's texts, which he pronounces and which he publishes on his behalf, and because what patrushev says, that before us is simply without any depth... philosophy, as before, the classic discourse is really from the soviet textbook of the kgb of the ussr. with regard to foreign policy, it is very rude and at a lower level. indeed, various proactive, intellectual groups are coming up with something, someone to justify a union state with belarus, others to justify eurasia, in general. still others, for some reason, add various materials, some a slavic idea, some the opposite, to milov's idea of ​​community. zorda,
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central asia, but at the same time, regarding the whole party of the war on the mountain, i have doubts that they read ilyin at least carefully, they simply rely on a specific late-soviet party method, that we are in a state of struggle with the west, and how the west is using everyone else as a proxy against us, it's fundamental discourse, and they adjust everything according to it, dugin has a new campaign here, which never... they constantly write about the fact that the kremlin has only iran, north korea, and possibly china left. some say that there is an axis of evil, but moderate people say that china will not enter that axis of evil, and the kremlin will remain with iran and the dprk. in response, dugin comes on screen with tucker's help and tells us, "no, we see ourselves as part of it, too." have reached the doctrinal
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phase of what is called preparation for an existential war, or is that just the way it is for now a kind of rhetorical figure of aggression against ukraine. at the beginning of the february aggression of 2022, the very beginning, the entire blitzkrieg clearly demonstrated that this is exactly the format of the war, the purpose of which is the destruction of ukraine as a state, the overthrow of the government and the complete transformation of the government. after that came the period when the kremlin lost the initiative and could not achieve it, formulated the goals of the war differently, began to throw around different ideas that the goal could be this or that. but now we are once again in a situation where the kremlin is clear for more than six months says: this war is existential, that is, a war
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of either, or, that is, either us, or them, or us, or the west and ukraine, it is a matter of life and death, in fact, this is the main obstacle, even for those who... would like to initiate some kind of peace negotiations, if you take the vatican or india or china, they all insist on this, because the kremlin, to any attempt to ask what is the meaning of the war, answers: we will not discuss this, because this war for us has existential meaning. that is why this remark of the minister of foreign affairs of china stood out to me rather important at the meeting with lavrov, because when he commented on this meeting with lavrov, china, quoting the minister of foreign affairs, wrote that from our that is, from the chinese point of view, war for russia has no practical meaning. what was meant by this is precisely what china does not see: an existential war is clear, it is a metaphysical war, it has no boundaries, it is rationally argued in a different way, and on the practical side, it is a destructive war that destroys, if you look
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with the eyes for china, not only for ukraine, this in itself is a colossal loss, but it destroys the mass various kinds of space, communications, global communications, and from that. in view of it, it has no practical meaning, but russia is conducting it, and that is why this existential war for the destruction of ukraine. well, you mentioned china, right? chancellor scholz visited china, president macron visited china, xi jinping's visit to france, hungary and serbia is currently being prepared. we understand that anthony blinkin visited xi jinping and also very clearly discussed a certain framework. i don't know what can be there. be in brackets as we speak about closed negotiations, but in any case, they are trying to stabilize china, but the question is, to what extent will china be ready to stabilize the kremlin? well это самый главный вопрос сейчас, so this is the most important question now, in my opinion, there is such a rather crude,
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naive point of view that china has completely taken russia's side in this conflict, it is behind russia's back the source of the conflict from different countries, different peoples, who... engage in any shady business, it doesn't matter if it's about the withdrawal of russian money through cryptocurrency and the withdrawal of colombian money mafia through crypto-currency, this is done by approximately the same people, just as they are engaged in any smuggling, through any sanctions barriers. this is such a darknet, it should be fought, but in any case it should not be equated with the chinese state position in relation to russia. thank you very much, dear oleksandr, for this extremely interesting and informative conversation, i want to remind our viewers that oleksandr morozov, publicist, political expert, who is currently working on espresso is in prague. the time of our program has run out, stay with the spresso tv channel.
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my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones, i wish you a peaceful and blessed easter. see this week in the collaborators program. millions of hryvnias in state income. which of the traitors has already said goodbye to his property. i think that russian lands should go to russia. but how did the war reduce the number of kremlin sellers? these people became much less. greetings, i am olena kononenko and this is the program collaborators. about those scoundrels who follow the call of the soul. wallets began to serve the occupiers, all traitors of our state should remember: if you want to help russia, be ready not only to receive suspicion, but also to say goodbye to property. recently, the ministry of justice of ukraine published a list of movable and immovable property, which
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was confiscated from individual collaborators in accordance with the decision of the national security council. more on that in today's issue. for the third year now , ukraine is fighting the external aggressor russia every second. cleansing from enemies, accomplices, occupiers continues both on the battlefield and in the deep rear. according to the president, although the war became a real tragedy for ukraine, it helped reduce the number of traitors. there are a lot of people, so according to the current legislation, these people have become much less, well, the war itself, honestly, the war is a great tragedy, but the war definitely helps to reduce traitors in ukraine, where it is a fact, traitors are discovered almost every day, some are arrested, others receive suspicions and sentences in absentia, some of them are ambushed by our partisans, and then liquidation inevitable in parallel with this, the national security and defense council is constantly
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working on the list of sanctioned persons who have been indicted for collaborative activities. the property of these sellers is charged to the state income. volodymyr saldo, gauleiter of the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region, is the most famous among the collaborators, whose property the ministry of justice of ukraine has already confiscated, acquired through hard work of treachery. the fake governor is known not only in ukraine and bolot. due to his own stupidity in the summer of 2023, he became famous throughout the world when after the russians blew up the kakhovskaya gez, the audience saw a tragicomic video where the balance stands against the background of a new kakhovka flooded with water, but says that there is no flooding in the city, people are calmly moving through the streets, i just drove through the streets, people are calmly working gas stations, shops are open. saldo owned three plots of land, three apartments, non-residential properties in ukraine. parking spaces, a separate residential building and a granite quarry in the zhytomyr region. all this
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was confiscated by the ukrainian ministry of justice for the benefit of the state. the collaborator paid for the betrayal not only with his reputation and property, but also with his own health. in the summer of 2022, he was poisoned. for a long time, saldo was in the intensive care unit of the toxicology department of one of the hospitals in crimea. explosives were also repeatedly detonated under the traitor's car. an improvised explosive device was detonated. a device filled with nuts and bolts, and it was blown up just as a patrol car was leaving. in november 2023 , the malinovsky district court of odesa announced the sentence to this collaborator and appointed in absentia punishment in the form of 15 years of imprisonment. whether he will put them behind bars depends only on the one who grabs the traitor by the throat first, law enforcement officers, special services or partisans, the probability of not getting to... prison alive is very high. and this is another collaborator from the kherson region, albeit of a lower
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rank, the head of the occupied new hovel, volodymyr leontiv. here he is giving an interview to russian propagandists in march 2022 . all authorities are working, the city is intact, the city is clean. we need to save everything, we need to work, this is the main task, and more everyone works with this. leontsiv voluntarily went over to the side of the enemy in the first days of the war, and this... despite the fact that he lived in abundance in ukraine, he had a lot of property. for treason against ukraine , the ministry of justice confiscated from him an apartment in kyiv on podil, a private house in nova kakhovka, three cars, a motor vessel, a trailer, an apartment in luhansk region and 50%, then in ukrtrans-nadra. at the end of march of this year , leontiv was sentenced in absentia to 12 years of imprisonment. hello russia! the collaborators of donetsk region and luhansk region also said goodbye to their property. in particular, this traitorous ministry of justice
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confiscated apartments in donetsk and kharkiv regions. a car, a plot of land, three residential private houses, seven non-residential buildings and corporate rights in seven enterprises. meet kateryna martyanova, a deputy of the so-called people's council of the terrorist dpr. they came to the conclusion that what is happening here is not an anti-terrorist operation, as ukraine claims, but a real civil war. kateryna martiyanova has been promoting anti-ukrainian theses for 10 years since the first invasion of the russian federation into ukraine. the traitor actively appeared on the air propaganda cannot be done in the temporarily occupied territories. on the channels novorosiya tv, oplod tv, narodne tv donbas, until the occupiers closed them down due to lack of funding. in the donetsk people's republic , 68 deputies from the public movement entered the people's council. donetsk republic. martyayanova has received awards from pushilin. and zakharchenko since 2014 has been actively involved in the creation of occupation authorities in
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donetsk. in 2022, she actively helped organize and hold illegal referendums, so now all her property in donetsk, makivka and kharkiv regions, according to the court decision, belong to the state. and this is the so -called kolega martyanova in the neighboring luhansk region. this is svitlana gizai, a deputy of the fake people's council of the lpr. we talked. we talked with the women's club about the life of the luhansk people's republic and what does the club do? ukrainian minyuz confiscated the apartment of the deputy. in luhansk and a plot of land in the kharkiv region, but she was left not only without land and housing, but also without her husband, historian and teacher oleksandr gizai. he died in in 2014, during the explosion in the luhansk administration building, when it was already captured by separatists. the so-called appalachians gave him a lavish funeral. no one thought that
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they would bury him today. the main task for today is that his case... here is who will definitely continue and finish his case, in particular in the occupied luhansk region, these are ukrainian patriots, sooner or later all traitors will end up either in prison or in the ground, and there and there, they will no longer need the property confiscated by ukraine. among the traitors who got rid real estate according to the verdict of the ukrainian court, there are also those who until 2014 built a brilliant scientific career in... the war against the invaders of crimea, and then supported the annexation of the peninsula by russia. this is andrii falaleev, doctor of technical sciences and head of the department. in 2020 , the occupiers appointed him rector of the local pseudo-university. the evening before , the prime minister of russia, mykhailo mishustin, signed an order on the appointment of andrii falaleev to the post of rector of the crimean federal university. here falaleev
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is conducting a tour of the university propagandist zmi, a portrait of putin hangs on the wall above his chair. here it is, you see, i have given you this sign, this time you take it off, i will give it to you, seriously, thank you very much. but putin's portrait did not help falaleev to stay in the rector's chair for long. only 3 years. in 2023, the occupation authorities themselves forced him to resign. everything is in the old russian tradition. russians do not abandon their own. in addition to this, the ukrainian ministry of justice also confiscated falaleev's apartment. but don't be sad, andriy, the door of the inn in... the prison is always for you open, surrender to our law enforcement officers, and you will definitely have a place to live for the next 15 years. i believe that schools should order textbooks because they have learning, not politics. and this scientist posipaka of the occupiers is known to the general public. dmytro tabachnyk was the minister of education of ukraine
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under yanukovych. now he is in the temporarily occupied territories, taking an active part in the logistics. provision and functioning of occupation administrations. here he is on air last august of the krym-24 propaganda channel dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of ukraine's independence. i think that russian lands should go to russia. and let the experts criticize me. as a historian, i believe that galicia is not ukrainian land. and the population is there. it is far from ukrainian, so if ukraine is divided along historical borders, hungarians will remain full. the poles and certainly the romanians will remain satisfied. according to the results of the lawsuit to the ministry of justice, vaks charged the following property of the traitor tobacconist to the state income: half of an apartment,
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five plots of land, a residential building under of kyiv in an area of ​​673 m2, cash in the amount. usa and the rights of claim to monetary funds in the amount of about uah 41 million. the ex-minister of education was also sentenced in absentia to 15 years in prison for working for the enemy. in total, the fresh list of the ministry of justice includes 13 traitors and collaborators, from gauleiter to low-ranking officials in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. these scoundrels have already said goodbye to their apartments, houses and cars, land and money. i am sure that soon each of them will say goodbye to freedom, and some, perhaps, with life the fate of those who support the enemy by their actions is unpredictable, but always disastrous. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin's progenitors, write to us at this email address or just on facebook,
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together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you on air in a week. greetings, good evening, i am myroslava barchuk, you are watching the program own names, it is a joint project of the ukrainian pen club and the tv channel. today we will talk about ivan and maria mykolaichuk and about their environment. the film environment that made poetic cinema, that lived in the 70s and 80s, what they lived, what they breathed, what they talked about, we will ask today. my guest, this is valentina kovalska, singer, researcher of ukrainian songs, ukrainian cultural heritage, song heritage, soloist of the golden keys trio, and most importantly, she is
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a person who was part of this environment, lived and breathed with this environment, mrs. valya, i congratulate you , good evening, good day, evening, so, so about the environment, about this is this world, which... we are only now beginning to discover and fully understand the world that made poetic cinema, let's talk about the mykolaichuk family, let's just start with the apartment, because now i remember the mykolaichuk family's four-room apartment , already the one that was on serafimovicha, now mykolaichuk on the birches, i did not find the main apartment on zhilyanska street, on zhilyanska street, what kind of apartment was it? who gathered there, what did you talk about there and what did you generally eat, drink, discuss? well you have to
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to say that marichka and ivan got married in 1962, and they had nowhere to live, and ivan was already, already a star, he had already starred in the film shadows of forgotten ancestors in the film dream, but after their marriage they lived in a dormitory . in the center on khreshchatyk there is such a passage, there was a huge apartment, somewhere with three rooms, and there was a dormitory for the choir of the verovka choir, and marichka and ivan slept there on a folding bed in the corridor, and this is because of the verovka choir, because marichka sang in the choir , because marichka sang in the rope choir, and ivan was sick there, and the director of the film came to him, divchenko, yes, the director of the film, this is the director, then the letter went missing with them, or is it his son , boris was filming him, or his father, he was ivan’s teacher, yes on the course, and he came, when he saw where ivan lives, how he is, where he sleeps in
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the corridor with marichka, then somehow it happened that ivan was given an apartment on zhilyanskyi, a huge 20-meter room alone, and there are 20 of them, that's it it was just a holiday for marichka, for ivan, but ivan and marichka weren't really lined up there. because because all his course alone lived, a lot of people immediately appeared at the door, i was studying, i was still in the second year of the theater institute, and boris brandukov was there, he was there with his wife kateryna, ivan gavrylyuk was there with his wife myroslava, there were many more, maybe i didn't know them exactly , and osyka and his wife, too, that is, there was a good company there, which... marichka preached that sometimes she and ivan had to sleep in the bathtub altogether, sleep in the bathtub like that, but that was really the environment i got into,
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for it was a completely different world for me, because nina matvienko and i studied in the rope choir studio at the choir, then we were taken to the choir and there in the choir we met marichka, and we had an environment of ukrainian folk songs, we were into it, we grew into that song, we got into it... because, well, avdievskyi is incredible , a brilliant director, conductor, and myself and our desire, you know, to know more and more, to sing more and more ukrainian songs, and nina and i graduated from the studio, and marichka already worked in the choir, well, worked, but we knew that marichka had a husband , the incredible ivan mykolaichuk, and so we wanted to see him, so we, we... of course, they didn't really insist on marichka, but one day she invited us to come to zhelyansk, and here you come and who was there first, you remember, there was boris
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brandukov, there was ivan, well, with his wife, ivan gavrylyuk there was, uh, osyka, i remember exactly, he was with his wife, uh, well, maybe, and well, of course , ivan mykolaichuk, as always marichka set an incredible table with nothing. as ivan said, marichka can do anything with me, so we sat there, you know, i have never seen such free people, they are so beautiful there were so much freedom in their soul, in movements, in conversation, in everything, they were unchained, and this was the environment of ivan mykolaichko, it was his, it was his science, because i remember how he was. .. him, i saw him, er, in a railway overcoat, his father worked on the railway, and he was obviously given such a black overcoat, and ivan...
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walked in that overcoat with the collar turned up, here of course the handkerchief is like that , he is so handsome and of course, that's how he entered it, but how come, they tied it around his neck, i remember that he even has photos of him, where he is wearing a scarf on his neck, a scarf around his neck, yes , he is in a shirt, sometimes some of the boys, and some of the boys started to walk the same way, ivan was just incredibly handsome, and we sat modestly at the table. looked at everyone, and then ivan said: girls, sing like that, you know, i don’t know if it’s god’s way or something, that nina sang in sopranos in the choir, i sang in the first violas, and marichka in second altos with their incredible, deep, timbrally beautiful voice, and we sang for the first time in this house, sang for the first time, and we knew
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one song, from the beginning. until the end of all your parts, oh, come on, little green one, widow lyon, little one, what a wonderful song, he heard it too, i know that he, he is not, if someone in the company faked, then he would just step on that person, he is scary , he was terrible at first, because he was first of all a musician, takokonsky, it is true, a music school, but the conducting department and here he heard you, that's how he heard you, they were silent for some reason when we finished this song. there was such silence, you know, there was, and in this silence suddenly ivan says, well, girls, you are mine, and after that you started, that's exactly what we became, we became a part, we became a part of that family, there was nothing there without us, we came to our place, if marichka was gathering guests there, then we helped her, nina's husband, petro gonchar, had already started going there, and we always sat at
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the table. ivan, you know, ivan was the master of everything, he didn't eat, he only treated everyone at the table, yes, eat, eat, eat, eat, that's how he was, you know, there was so much in him , you know, and to kindness and heights well, everyone asked me recently, ivan is a country boy, what a country boy he is, he is a country boy... he was an aristocrat, everything he wore, everything looked very aristocratic on him, so, you know, this posture is beautiful, his look, and his conversation, and his special vision of the world, all this made him very happy, ivan, but on the other hand, also maria mykolaichuk, for me it was, but i don't remember a single time that... .
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my mother and i were there in their family and either no one lived there, or there were no people, or not there were some children, nephews, grandchildren, brothers, cousins, and so on, that is, but this, this should also be all, not every woman could stand it, yes, but marichka mykolaychuk accepted everything, first of all, ivan's entire family she accepted mykolaichuk as her family, yes, and all his friends, she... accepted as her own and a constant this and that whole huge company that crowded in the house, she was also very hospitable, yes, marichka, that, well, that’s separate, of course , it was such, you know, a phenomenon of femininity and devotion, i already said that marichka had two wings, one wing is song, and the second wing is ivan mykolech, her husband ivan, she left him for him.


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