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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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with the eu that our neighbors should not mean our exclusion from the status of a potential candidate. now we have seen that the war in ukraine has brought us very close to our european partners, and this applies to the architecture of the entire european project. that is why it is important for europe that ukraine wins. so we didn't see it as a hard road, we didn't see it as a course change. and we are grateful that our european partners saw, saw our point of view, and when i say our, i mean both ukraine and moldova. the russian federation still has significant impact on life in moldova. how to reduce its impact. so, one thing i would like everyone to understand. it's what you know, it's like 2014. you know, we
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need time to change some of these situations. and you know, i talked about the attitude of society, but we see great instability now. we observe steps in one direction, and then steps back. so we 're still, i mentioned a little bit about hybrid warfare, because we're still seeing a lot of disinformation, propaganda, hybrid means. cyber attack, etc. and we know and our people know that russian propaganda, the way it works, makes people disillusioned with democracy and how democracy works, or disillusioned with the speed of european integration, or disillusioned with, for example, the speed of economic growth, or the speed of advancement on the front lines. we still
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have to deal with it, and it was only after the full-scale invasion of ukraine in 2022 that we began to build our resilience and our tools to combat this disinformation . we should have started in 2014, unfortunately we didn't have the political will then, so now we are working. we're also working on our tools to fight disinformation, to fight these hybrid approaches and hybrid warfare. so, we look forward to the sequel. of our partnership in this.
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the regions of transnistria and gagauzia remain a major unsolved problem. how do you assess such a threat and what do you see as the ways of development of events? yes, of course we have had this frozen conflict since '92. and i mentioned to you that we strongly insisted on neutrality, because we wanted the russian... in 1992 on at the osce summit in istanbul, russia undertook to withdraw its troops, but it never did. now we see a very interesting kind of balance, because now you know, both moldova and ukraine are making some efforts.
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a very small russian contingent, and you know, now we see that the border is closed. the transnistrian region is very dependent on trade with the eu, because now the majority of their trade is also with the european union. and this is the power of a kind of factors of economic gravity. thus we we see on the one hand so much more extremist formation, but then we also see economic needs. and we understand that in reality the benefits, even for people living in the transnistria region, may actually be more moderate and directed towards the west, but a lot will depend, and of course we realize this from the result. and probably
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the final decision and withdrawal of troops should be part of more. agreements in terms of the gagauz autonomy is an autonomous region, i think our challenges here are more related to working with the people there so that they understand how everything is in fact, and there is also a larger russian-speaking population there, so you know, they are very dependent on the content they see in russian, and we need to create better content in russian, but pro-european. to explain the values ​​that european civilization stands for, because in the gagauz autonomous region there are many projects and investments also from
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our european partners, so the problem lies in the capture by certain oligarchic groups and in the hybrid means of war used by the russian federation. so i'm sure and i hope that thanks improving communication, increasing resistance to these tools of hybrid warfare, we will be able to make sure that we maintain our pro-european path. by the way, the eu ambassador noted that there are options. the development of events, when moldova will become part of the union, while without these regions, what do you think about this? well, we saw the example of cyprus, and i think also during the epc european political summit,
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the european political community summit in bulboat, mr. borel even mentioned that we should not allow... why stop us, but at the same time, of course, we want the reintegration of the country and the support of all people in joining the eu, because this is actually a project of peace, it is a project of democracy, it is a project of human rights and freedom, so with these values... comes economic prosperity , so we must persevere and be sure that such attraction will also work for european integration. do you see the possibility of a conflict between moldova and the russian federation, is moldova ready for such
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a conflict and do you have the resources to fight it? as i have already mentioned, we are in hybrid war. and the real problem is our resistance to these methods, because if moldova changes its course by political means, then in fact no rockets need to be prepared. so it is equally dangerous. so the next few months are going to be very important to explain to people what is going on. and make sure that i don't even notice. you know, we need to persevere and we need to make sure that we continue our pro-european path. there are discounts represent
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coco discounts. in may, estezefin 15% in psarynsky, ban and oskad pharmacies. big ether vasyl zyma. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. now , yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrovecher, will speak in more detail about what happened in the world, please give me the floor. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. oleksandr, congratulations, please affection. and sports news. review of sports events by yevgenn postukhov. two hours in
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the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day. and. distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zema's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care. in the evening! on espresso. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. disciplinary cases are not timely, as vrp is sabotaging the cleaning of the system. exempts judges from responsibility, instead of dismissing them from office. but who turned out to be the record holder for closing the cases of unscrupulous judges? the judicial mafia controls the entire judicial system. watch thursday, may 9 at 5:45 p.m. the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. the football format
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changes the time of airing. from now on , you can immerse yourself in the football atmosphere every monday at 10:00 p.m. expert analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, a project, both for experienced fans and just for people who appreciate a non-committed view of... football, football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. every one who pilots uavs, understands it, cooks, treats, repairs. winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and
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return our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. les cheveux
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already drank for his fifth presidential term, let me remind you that at first he said that he would not even go for a third, and even we still remember how he spoke about it, that's how, for example, different people tend to fall on different things, someone gets addicted to tobacco, someone, sorry, gentlemen, to drugs, they say that the biggest addiction is to the government. i was not tempted to stay for a third term. never, never, well , there was no temptation, but there is no longer a fifth term left,
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and in order to make it look like it is not a fifth term, they constantly change the constitution, then something is reset there, then something else, therefore, now it is considered that this is putin's first term as president under the new constitution, well, maybe 25 more times change and obviously declare each new term as such that the first. that's it, the inauguration itself lasted about an hour, there was nothing particularly new that we hadn't seen , well, as always, all the slaves gathered , actually there are those around putin, maybe the rulers, all the actors there and so on and so forth similar, but the biggest impression is that the main actor of this inauguration was putin's car after all, because... this is the only thing that was talked about when they talked about the preparation for the inauguration, as something that
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well, the important and unique thing, that is, this aurus, on which putin drove the entire previous presidential term, was now shown and talked about as a literal achievement, that putin will ride a new aurus for the new presidential term, and the changes in this aurusi, that's the only impression there, in the headlights and that's all, well, let's listen, the first auurus after a deep restyling. a completely new look of the car, we will find out what surprises, only we have the opportunity to compare the aurus that was used at the inauguration 6 years ago with an updated car, what surprises await on inauguration day? it is important which high-profile
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driver will work for the president, well, this is the patriarch of the russian orthodox church, who just absolutely, you know, even without thinking, wished putin to die in office.
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but the most impressive gift for the inauguration was still given to putin by the opposition, because they found a video from putin's palace in glindzhik, which he was building, well, i don't know, he's probably been building it for five years or more and can't build it . first once i made a video about this palace about its plans, there was, you know, a 3d simulation of this palace. navalny a few years ago, and now it was found directly in this palace after the renovation of the interior, let me remind you, putin never lived there, but the interior was completely changed after navalny first filmed a film about him, so after the renovation of this interior, the opposition found footage from this palace somewhere and showed
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exactly how putin arranged it for himself, which is very important, here is putin, who is completely confused... for his own safety, who is afraid anyway, any leak of information about his personal life, here they literally showed his private bedroom. well, what can i say, let's see what's in putin's private bedroom? the first living room here is a huge mirror and a table for six guests, we found the same one, but in a slightly different color, for 2 million rubles, football is shown on the tv, and next to it we see a giant one... here it is still covered with a film so that there is no dust on it , but all the decor is already in place, even the wreaths are arranged. the handsome immediately catches the eye chest of drawers, it costs almost 4 million rubles, like two in voronezh, approximately. a luxurious bed with
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a canopy. we also found it easily, paid almost 6 million rubles for it. it is somewhere like payments for two. victims of shelling from belgorod residents. the secret boudoir, or second living room, is also known as the lounge . the entrance is right next to the headboard. outsiders are not allowed everywhere. we immediately see a huge chest of drawers, it costs 2.5 million rubles, opposite a very deep sofa covered with pillows, on which vladimir putin can climb with legs now we go to the bathroom. here we are greeted by statues and a round jacuzzi. with a huge mosaic panel, well, judging by everything, putin dreamed of starting his fifth presidential term not only in a new car, but also in a new palace in gelendzhik, but he probably won't start, because after it was shown to everyone, well, for sure , everything will have to be redone again, if you compare it with what
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happened before, then it becomes clear, well, where did the dog go. katina has been here for the last six years and where did she go, that is, well, you know, its madness can be seen in the way this palace was arranged, and in principle, those who made this video paid attention to it, the absolute militarization of even private space, that is, some kind of, you know, obsession with war, that is, the transformation of one's own home into... glorification of war as such, well , let's take a look, let's start with what used to be called the reading room, i will specifically show you what it looked like before, because a lot of things changed in a very characteristic way. previously, there was a kingdom of golden eagles and romantic frescoes, some very neutral plots, landscapes, hunting. now the soulless
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italian motifs have been replaced by something that vladimir putin really likes. this painting is called "battle for bagration flashes". it depicts one of the main events of the battle of borodino. another hangs to her right. this is a battle between russian and persian troops near yelisavetpol in 1826. svyatoslav, and in the center is the largest, it is called, whoever comes to us with a sword, will perish by the sword, it depicts alexander nevsky. the original painting hangs in the grand kremlin palace. from the walls above admiral nakhimov and fedy rushakov admire putin through the 3.5-meter door, and between them hangs aivazovsky's picture of a seaside town. sofas, buffets. tables and chairs for a million rubles pale in comparison to this french chandelier. it is made of golden-red crystal and weighs 336 kg.
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its value is 50 million rubles. the same amount was allocated, for example, for the repair of all yards in kaluga and the capital repair of kamchatka hospitals. there are two such chandeliers in this room, that is, 100 million rubles were spent only on the chandeliers in one of putinskyi’s hundreds of rooms the palace the furniture, judging by the inscriptions, seems to be made in serbia, i have no doubt that it is all italian, as putin likes, and it was brought through serbia to bypass sanctions. we state the complete and final madness of putin on the basis of his own greatness. he naturally sits and sees himself as the successor to the ushakov and nakhimov case, the new alexander nevsky under the chandeliers for 200 million rubles. so, two signs of his new presidential term. a car and a palace, but there is a third one, which, well, you can say that, you know, is more interesting and more important. the third sign was the announcement yesterday,
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the holding of tactical nuclear exercises, and what is interesting is that this rattling of nuclear weapons is another, er, literally, well, some kind of hysteria around it, er, this is the second such attempt to approach such a direct, well, you know, ... of some kind of epic nuclear intimidation, the first one was already about a year ago, we remember, then simonyan was shouting about the need to detonate a nuclear bomb over siberia, then it scared russian society very much, and therefore before the elections about it they simply forgot, shut up, did not speak, but the elections have passed and now, since nothing depends on anyone, there is a new wave of the nuclear rod. and now it looks like this. supreme commander-in-chief putin ordered the general staff to conduct exercises with nuclear weapons, a missile compound
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of the southern military district, involving aviation and naval forces . preparations for training have already begun, the ministry of defense reported. training of missile units of non-strategic nuclear forces. putin ordered maneuvers in response to threats and provocations from countries collective event. the units will conduct training in the use of tactical nuclear weapons to protect the territorial integrity of the russian state. well, just to make it clear that this is not some defense ministry inventing something, that this is really putin, this is exactly what he... presents as such, you know, the beginning of his fifth term, piskov separately as well told why this is now and why it is so important to them, and is
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directly related to the latest threatening, provocative, inciting tensions on the continent, due to a series of statements by european representatives, this is of course both president macron and the minister of foreign affairs. joined the us senators in these cases, senators, the readiness to send a military contingent to the territory of ukraine in order for them to participate in hostilities . these unprecedented statements, which have never been seen before , require a very responsible and rapid response from our side. well, of course, this caused in... another round of nuclear hysteria among russian propagandists, well, among soloyov, of course, with the largest such shouted, squealed and squeaked. and if
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this bastard hits the crimean bridge, the nuclear response should be in the center of kyiv. nuclear tactical nuclear weapons at the location of the khokhla government. putin said clearly and clearly what will happen if the west does not understand. the west gave these missiles. west. west that's why they have to wash off the blood with soup. yesterday they told the british, but these missiles were given by the americans, which means the americans, all the bastards who supply western weapons. and the french, everyone should clearly understand what will happen, everyone. once warned clearly that will happen, they did not understand. directly, the french were told: no need, let's go to
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war. with the fact that this is really happy news that nuclear war is approaching, well, this is probably what the russians should be happy about first of all, because it is they who are bringing nuclear war closer to them, first of all, again, something they never think about that waving a nuclear blower, well, it draws the same response, but you see, it makes the propagandists very, very happy.
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today is such a day that the soul rejoices. the morning began that the training is held in the southern military district for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. great news, it's long overdue, it's even more fun. the ambassador of great britain was joyfully told to his forehead that we have the right, if they do not retract their words, to hit any object of great britain in the whole world. overall great. the third news: any f-16 aircraft will be considered in ukraine as a carrier of nuclear weapons. a nuclear strike on a carrier of nuclear weapons, and it must be done, then all the hotheads will fly away instantly. well, that is, in fact, putin, the russians they are trying to return the war to the state
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when they are hitting ukraine without... a machine, and somehow nothing is flying over the territory of russia, and these hysterical screams and screams, they are just talking about returning to what is beautiful for them the way of waging war, when ukraine is suffering, and there is no answer for russia, the russians live in peace, harmony, and in general nothing somehow bypasses them, nothing threatens them, well, you know, an attempt to shove this... war bait that they squeezed back into the tube, well, that's how it all looks, and this have already announced that something so incredible, something so extraordinary, although in fact, well , there is also a statement from western countries that they did not see someone redeploying nuclear warheads somewhere, that is, it looks like this is actually another imitation, well, at least that
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’s how it is... now that this is an attempt to scare rhetorically, well, it must be said that they scare on a very large scale, with the involvement of all possible intellectuals of some kind , some kind of intellectuals, and this all went on literally yesterday all day, today all day, i.e. on all the tv channels are telling the russian people what you thought six months ago, that we remembered something just like that, then we didn't forget, putin is again entering his new presidential term with the fact that he threatens the world with a nuclear war, they took a step much higher on the ladder of escalation, this is the turning point, i would say, in our strategy in the ukrainian war. now russia, for which the outcome of the war in ukraine, certainly has a much more
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important meaning. the rise of the conflict in ukraine.


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