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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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it is now that this is an attempt to scare rhetorically, well, it must be said that they are scaring on a very large scale by involving all possible intellectuals of some kind there, well, this all went on literally all day yesterday, all day today , that is, on all tv channels they tell the russian people what you were thinking six months ago... that just like that, we remembered something there, then forgot, no, we did not forget, putin is again entering his new presidential term with something that threatens the world nuclear war took a step on the ladder of escalation much higher, yes, this is a turning point, i would say, in our strategy in the ukrainian war, now russia, for which the outcome of the war in ukraine, definitely has... americans should be clear
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that a head-on collision between russia and countries nato in europe will mean, in particular, the possibility of strikes on american bases. and maybe on the territory of the united states of america itself. so that it will not be possible to sit down. i hope that they will be followed by other steps on the nuclear escalation ladder, such as training with a simulation of the european targets of strikes with strategic weapons, and there are further discussions about where else it is possible to conduct training, where it is possible to detonate a nuclear bomb, let it not be in siberia, well , somewhere... there near kamchatka, for example, well,
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that is, all these conversations, they resumed, again, these cries about nuclear escalation, and you know, what is interesting is that in fact, any escalation is constantly carried out by only russia, no one else, because only russia attacks neighboring countries, only russia uses its weapons all over world, the first, only russia is trying threaten someone with nuclear weapons. no one else does this, that is, all this is done by one crazy uncle, and around him are just as crazy as him, who, you know, the main thing is that they dream that if they threaten, the other side will somehow have enough sense , not to fight them with nuclear weapons, you know, this is all with such a sly wink, all these smiles... what are we going to tell you now, how
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we will attack everyone, how we will drop bombs on everyone, they will not dare, because they are not crazy, but we are, the russians say, we are crazy, and let everyone think how crazy we are, that is, all the hope that they will not be retaliated against, they say in russian, vain hope, because they have been told more than once that they will be retaliated, but no, they continue to hope that... that somehow america , which has the largest nuclear arsenal, somehow will not be used, and will give russia the opportunity to seize everything they want in europe. if suddenly we have to use nuclear weapons on targets in europe? just to the americans used nuclear weapons against the entire territory of russia in beloi. poland or
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germany, which supports the aggression in ukraine, to sacrifice their cities, i think the europeans also know this, and we did not remind them of this for too long. that is, there are no madmen in russia. that they threaten other countries with nuclear weapons and try to use tactical nuclear weapons, well, basically where, on the territory that they are trying to seize, yes , this is not madness, well, this is madness, of course, in general, all putinism is madness, this entire rashish world is absolute madness, and here is another facet of this madness, once again in that story about how putin imagines himself, and here in this same
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palace that he built for himself before the new presidential term, it is very vivid it can be seen from the fact that where he actually... prays and to whom he prays, because it turns out that he tries to pray to himself, that is, he somehow imagines himself that he is directly a god who, well, controls the fate of the world, and of course , well , if you knew, such ideas, you can’t have them, not that, well, what is it like to persuade a person to do something in this situation, well, in this situation, a person just needs to somehow ... and in order for these ideas to dissipate in her. here, vladimir putin talks to god. the icons here stand in full height, in the center you can see the image of christ, to the right of him is the mother of god, and to the left here you don't even have to guess. and so
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everything is written by the holy prince volodymyr. that is, this is the chapel of saint prince volodymyr. the fact that putin does not just associate himself with prince volodymyr, he already considers himself his reincarnation. submarine. the presidential fund allocates tens of millions of rubles for an ethno-opera about prince volodymyr with the singer shaman in the lead role, and putin even personally opened a huge monument just opposite the kremlin. i think there are no coincidences. this is called stasidia, on it you can sit and stand during long services. in ancient russian temples, these were erected for the tsars. they were called the royal place. let's just pause and imagine that vladimir putin, the supposedly democratically elected president that he
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pretends to be, a hired civil servant, an official, he built himself a crazy palace for 100 billion rubles and sits there in a dark room on... and listens to prayers, admiring the icon, as he thinks of himself. so, the main thing that putin, in principle, enters the new term with is these nuclear threats, this is the desire to force the world to recognize him, well, literally there, well, as godlike, and this is the desire. again, to give him ukraine, because you can't imagine yourself as saint volodymyr, if the country is separate, then what kind of saint volodymyr are you after that, where are you, and where exactly is volodymyr? volodymyr is in ukraine, not at all not in moscow, he is not in moscow, there is simply
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nothing there, he never had any relation to any, i don't know, from the village in the marshes, he was never there, he was not, this village in the marshes simply did not exist. .. called moscow at the time when there was saint volodymyr, therefore, without ukraine, all these ideas of putin about his greatness, they are simply zero , and the only way, well, actually to bring him to this zero again, is simply not to be afraid of his threats, because once again, well, look at this palace in gelinjik, what it is built, do you seriously think that a person is building it for the entire term of his presidency alone. in order for it to be demolished in a nuclear strike within a year? well, no, of course, that's not why these palaces are being built, that's not why, he collected everything there so lovingly in order to start
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a nuclear war, so there's no need for that, well, i think it's important, just look at this palace again once and understand, all this is one. the big bluff that has now been started, and who is more afraid of it, this needs to be said, because it is very symbolic that they have started again to talk about these nuclear threats after the elections took place, before that they were silent about them, because they perfectly understand that it scares the russians themselves more than the world around, because the world around it can really see where the missiles are moving , moreover, the world around can... respond to these missiles, but the russians cannot, and the russians have to live with this completely crazy uncle who builds himself palaces, who builds himself chapels, who prays to himself in these chapels, and who threatens nuclear weapons because he wants to
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equal to st. volodymyr. well , in the end, this is another bluff, well, it is designed exclusively for... the united states. and only the united states can adequately respond to it. i believe that this answer can only be one. it's just a promise. strike back, there is no other option here, succumbing to such a nuclear bluff is to continue it further, and in the end it will lead to the point that he will try to use something. the only way he didn't use any nukes is no to give in, not to react and not to show in any way that the world can be intimidated in this way. see you there are
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discounts represented by coco may discounts on edem 20% in pharmacies planstry bam and oskad there are discounts represented by coco may discounts on voltaren forte 20% in pharmacies planstry bam and oskad. on may 8, wednesday, the espresso tv channel will broadcast a special project dedicated to the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. about the role of ukrainians in the second world war. about 10 years of the european tradition of commemorating the day of remembrance, about the red poppy and the first minute of peace, about the rejection of may 9th with parades and immortal regiments, about 10 years of decolonization, breaking away from the tsovk and how it has helped our resilience in modern warfare. world war ii remembrance day through the prism of history, sociology, politics, culture in our special
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broadcast. your favorite presenters, extremely interesting guests, respected and respected experts, during the day on espresso. new model of memory, new symbolism, new us. may 8, a special espresso project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. poppies of memory. 10 years. hello, this is svoboda ranok, information project of radio liberty. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more
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top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can to express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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see this week in the collaborators program. millions of hryvnias in state income. which of the traitors has already said goodbye to his property? i think that russian lands should go to russia. but how did the war reduce the number of kremlin sellers? these people became much less. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is the collaborator program, about those scoundrels who began to serve the occupiers at the call of their hearts and wallets. all traitors of our state should remember: if you want to help russia, do so
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ready not only to receive suspicion, but also to say goodbye to property. recently, the ministry of justice of ukraine published a list of movable and immovable property, which was confiscated from individual collaborators in accordance with the decision of the national security council. more on that in today's issue. for the third year now , ukraine is fighting the external aggressor russia every second. cleansing from enemies, henchmen. of the occupiers continues both on the battlefield and in the deep rear. according to the president, although the war became a real tragedy for ukraine, it helped reduce the number traitors a lot of people. therefore, according to the current legislation, these people have become much less, well, the war itself, honestly, the war is a great tragedy, but the war definitely helps to reduce the number of traitors in ukraine, where it is a fact. traitors are discovered almost every day: some are arrested, others receive suspicions and
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sentences in absentia, some are ambushed by our partisans, and then liquidation is inevitable. in parallel with this, the national security and defense council is constantly working on the list of sanctioned persons who have been indicted for collaborative activities. the property of these sellers is charged to the state income. volodymyr saldo, gauleiter of the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region, is the most famous among the collaborators, whose property the ministry of justice of ukraine has already confiscated, acquired through the hard work of treachery. the fake governor is known not only in ukraine and the swamps. because of my own stupidity in the summer. in 2023, he became famous all over the world, when after the russians blew up the kakhovskaya gez, the audience saw a tragicomic video where the balance stands against the background of a new kakhovka flooded with water, but tells that in the city there are no floods. people are calmly moving through the streets, i just drove through the streets, people are calmly working gas stations, shops are working. saldo owns three
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plots of land, three apartments, non-residential premises, parking spaces, and a detached house in ukraine. a house and a granite quarry in the zhytomyr region. all this was confiscated by the ukrainian ministry of justice for the benefit of the state. the collaborator paid for the betrayal not only with his reputation and property, but also with his own health. in the summer of 2022, he was poisoned. the balance was in intensive care for a long time toxicological department of one of the hospitals in crimea. explosives were also repeatedly detonated under the traitor's car. an improvised explosive device filled with nuts was detonated. in november 2023 , the malinovsky district court of odesa announced the sentence to this collaborator and sentenced him in absentia to 15 years of imprisonment, whether he will serve them behind bars depends only on the one who first grabs the traitor by
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the throat, law enforcement officers, special services or partisans, the probability of not reaching to prison alive, well, very much. tall, and this is another one volodymyr leontiev, a collaborator from the kherson region, albeit of a lesser rank, the head of the occupied new brothel, here he is giving an interview to russian propagandists in march 2022 . all authorities are working, the city is intact, the city is clean, we need to save everything, we need to work, this is the main task, and everyone is working on it. leontsiv voluntarily went over to the side of the enemy in the first days of the war, despite the fact that in ukraine he lived in... prosperity, had a lot of property. for treason against ukraine, the ministry of justice confiscated his apartment in kyiv on podil, a private house in nova kakhovka, three cars, a motor boat, a trailer, an apartment in the luhansk region and 50% of ukrtrans-nadra. at the end of march of this year , leontiv was sentenced in absentia to 12 years of imprisonment. hello russia.
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they also said goodbye to property... perants of donetsk region and luhansk region. in particular, from this traitor, the ministry of justice confiscated apartments in donetsk and kharkiv regions, a car, a plot of land, three residential private houses, seven non-residential buildings and corporate rights in seven enterprises. meet kateryna martiyanova, deputy of the so-called narodnaya councils of the terrorist dpr. they came to the conclusion that what is happening here is not an anti-terrorist operation, as ukraine claims, but a real civil war. kateryna's anti-ukrainian theses. tyanova has been promoting for 10 years since the first russian invasion of ukraine. the traitor actively appeared on the airwaves of propaganda shows in the temporarily occupied territories. on the channels novorosiya tv, oplod tv, narodne tv donbas, until the occupiers closed them down due to lack of funding. 68 deputies of the donetsk people's republic were elected to the people's council
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of public movement, donetsk republic. martyayanova has awards from pushilin and zakharchenko. in the 14th year, he took an active part in the creation of the occupation authorities in donetsk. in 2022, she actively helped organize and hold illegal referendums. so now all her property in donetsk, makiivka and kharkiv region belongs to the state according to the court decision. and this is the so- called colleague of martyanova from the neighboring luhansk region, this is svitlana gizai, a deputy of the fake people's council of the lpr. we talked to the female. vsk region and she remained not only without land and housing, but also without her husband, historian and teacher oleksandr gizai. he died back in 2014 during
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an explosion in the luhansk administration building, when it was already captured by separatists. the so -called appalachians gave him a lavish funeral. no one thought that they would bury him today. the main task for today is to continue his business with the younger generation. this is who will definitely continue and complete their work, in particular in the occupied luhansk region, these are ukrainian patriots, all traitors sooner or later will end up either in prison or in the ground, and there, and there, they will no longer need the property confiscated by ukraine. among the traitors who got rid of their real estate by the verdict of the ukrainian court, there are also those who until 2014 built a brilliant scientific career in crimea, free from invaders, and then... supported the annexation of the peninsula by russia. this is andrii falaleev, doctor of technical sciences and head of the department. in 2020 , the occupiers appointed him rector of the local pseudo-university. the evening before
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, the prime minister of russia mykhailo mishustin signed the order appointing andrii falaleev to the post of rector of the crimean federal university. here falaleyev is giving a tour of the university with propaganda zmi, above his chair there is a portrait of putin on the wall. here he is, you see. i am like this to you. the sign, this time you take it off, i will give it to you, seriously, thank you very much, but the portrait of putin did not help falaleev to sit in the rector's chair for a long time, only 3 years. in 2023, the occupying power itself forced him to release, all in the old russian tradition, russians do not abandon their own. in addition, the ukrainian ministry of justice also confiscated the apartment falaleeva. but don't be sad, andrii, the welcoming doors of the ukrainian prison are always open for you. surrender to our law enforcement officers, and you will definitely have a place to live for the next 15 years. i believe that schools should order textbooks because they are
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teaching. this is not politics. and this scientist posipak, the occupier, is known to the general public. dmytro tabachnyk was the minister of education of ukraine under yanukovych. now he is in the temporarily occupied territories, takes an active part in material and technical support and functioning. occupation administrations, here he is in august of last year speaking on the broadcast of the krym-24 propaganda channel dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of ukraine's independence. i think that russian lands should go to russia. and let the experts criticize me. as a historian, i believe that galicia is not ukrainian land. and the population there is far from ukrainian. therefore, if ukraine is divided along historical borders, hungarians will remain well-fed. the poles and certainly the romanians will remain satisfied. according to the results of the lawsuit
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to the ministry of justice, vaks collected the following from the state income the property of a traitorous tobacconist. half of an apartment, five plots of land, a residential building near kyiv with an area of ​​673 square meters. cash in the amount of 144 thousand us dollars. and right of claim to monetary funds in the amount of about uah 41 million. the ex-minister of education was also sentenced in absentia to 15 years in prison for working for the enemy. in general, the fresh list of the ministry of justice includes 13 traitors and collaborators, from gauleiter to low-ranking officials in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. these nobles have already said goodbye to with their apartments, houses, cars, land and money. i am sure that soon each of them will say goodbye to freedom, and some, perhaps, to life. the fate of those who support the enemy by their actions is unpredictable, but
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always disastrous. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about krem progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. congratulations, today i will talk about three children from of the kherson region, who have gone missing and whom we are trying to find. i will say right away that, unfortunately, not much is known about them, so we really hope for your concern and help. please look carefully. this is a video, and if you recognize any of the children that will be discussed, do not delay and immediately notify us on the hotline 116/30, that is,
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oleksiy. stella naydenova and bohdan kotenko. all of them disappeared during the occupation and nothing is known about them until now. the connection with oleksiy broke off at the very beginning of the war and more there was no news from him. we only know that he is 17 years old, and before the start of the full-scale invasion, he lived in the village of nova-zburivka in the skadovsky district of the kherson region. unfortunately, we do not know what happened to him and where the boy is now. and i emphasize once again that there really is a great hope that one of you will recognize oleksiy, so look at his face, if you suddenly know something about the boy, call the hotline of the child tracing service 116.30. we will be grateful for any information. and this is 14-year-old stela naydenova, she, like oleksii khrustalov, disappeared at
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the beginning of the full-scale. it happened in kherson, when the city was under russian occupation, since then there is no contact with her either , and the girl's whereabouts are unknown. unfortunately, it is possible that she could have been taken out or deported to russia. in general, the deportation of children is a component of the crime of genocide, so i would like to note that if you know of any crime against a child, in particular abduction or deportation, do not be indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report it to our site stopcrimeua. you can even do it anonymously. bohdan kotenko, 15 years old, also disappeared in kherson oblast, and we know that when the full-scale invasion began, he lived in skadovsk, kherson oblast. just like the situations with oleksiy khrustalov and stela naydenova, due to the fact
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that bohdan disappeared during the occupation, there is actually no information about him... but it is very important that we have his photo, and accordingly there is a chance that someone one of you will recognize him, so i ask once again, please look as carefully as possible into the face of oleksiy khrustalov, stela naydenova and bohdan kotenko, and first of all, i appeal to the residents of the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region, who can see this video on youtube, if you have information. about these children, who may still be in the kherson region, immediately inform us on the hotline 11630. if you are under occupation and you do not have the opportunity to call, you can contact us by writing in the chatbot of the child search service in telegram or on our website. let's not be indifferent and let's go together let's try to find oleksiy, stela and
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bohdan. and at the very end, i once again ask you to take just a few minutes of your time and go to the website of the children's search service. here in the "missing children of ukraine" section, you can see boys and girls who are currently wanted. look closely at their faces. i will be very grateful if you share information about missing children in your facebook or instagram, because, of course, the more people will see. about looking for a child, then there will be more chances to find him, and suddenly you recognize one of them, immediately call our hotline 11630, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just stop by. to the site and
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report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, appreciate the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder with brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together.


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