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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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certain things, for example, those collaborators or followers of putin, they are the bearers of three such symbolic things: the first is victory obsession and the cult of stalin, the winner, the second is the holy war, as the russian church says, and the third is the antimaidan, somehow they are all these three such indicators, they are correlated with each other, i reread it. a large number of testimonies of already convicted traitors of ukraine, and here they press precisely on such points. in this case, as i will ask the historian, here is actually half of the things in order to to refresh my memory, they were stolen by the soviet union from the germans, from the nazis, they simply put their pictures or their texts there. and this is the story with lebedev kumach. and sing, stand up, great country,
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can historians really confirm that this is also a stolen song, which was stolen from our kholonyyarov rebels, and then from the kryvorizka rebels of 1919, the song povstani rise up our people, or this fact, actually you as a historian can confirm it, it is half question, and the second is whether it is possible to flash all these russian characters. propaganda around the second world war and these narratives of stalinism. to be honest, i don't know specifically about this song. the only thing i can say is that we see even in the current situation that russia continues to steal, continues to steal including our songs, trying to use them for themselves. perhaps because the totalitarian atmosphere that prevails in russia, or in any totalitarian society, is simply not conducive to creativity. accordingly, the only thing they can do. it is something
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nice to steal in order to use it for yourself, because one's own creativity is obviously lacking. when we talk about may 8 and 9, it is extremely important, one component that we talked about with you is that in this way, by moving to may 8, ukraine integrates into the european coordinate system, into european values, but it is really no less important that what are you talking about, that we cut down another extremely important russian scrap in this way, because yes, on may 9. for russia, it is one of the most important holidays, it is one of the most important tools for keeping ukraine, ukraine in particular, in the orbit of its influence, and we have seen perfectly how it was used by russia long after the fall of the soviet union in 1991, at first it was just inertia when ukrainians celebrated may 9, and then this inertia was picked up by russian propaganda in order to continue to hold ukraine. as a part of the russian
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federation, and we saw how, after yanukovych came to power, they very quickly began to sift through any attempts, previous attempts, to rethink the second world war, then on the direct instructions of a traitor to ukraine and a russian agent in 2010, the minister of dmytro tabachnyk's education, the term great patriotic war was returned to the textbooks, instead of world war ii. then in... a military parade took place again on khreschatyk with the participation of the country's top leadership, then all the country's leadership did not wear red poppies, they wore st. george's ribbons, that is, through this cult on may 9 , pobedobesia clearly dragged us back into the soviet soviet-russian the past, so it is no coincidence that in the 14th year, when this so-called russian spring rested and unfolded, it took place precisely under these symbols, under st. george with ribbons, under red flags, therefore it is no accident... propaganda from then until now
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in its language uses the entire vocabulary of soviet propaganda from the time of the second world war, calling ukrainians nazis, calling the ukrainian army there punishers, and those terrorists who fight against the ukrainian army, calling them militiamen, that is, russia understands that this is the material that worked, at least for some ukrainians, thank god, now the number of such ukrainians is much smaller. in fact, this material has already been worked out, it does not work in ukraine, and it seems to me that today, for the first time this year, we finally gave up the tradition on may 9, it is important not only from the point of view of some kind of historical justice, it is important from the point of view of security, we processed another scrap, which kept ukraine close to russia, unfortunately, there remains another scrap, which we will obviously talk about with mykola, especially this week, when once again we are reminded that the parliament is still not... ready to consider
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the extremely important bill on the banning of the russian orthodox church of ukraine, this is also an absolutely commensurate tool to what was pobidobesiya and may 9, and it is probably one of... the last such institutionalized tools that russia has left to influence ukraine. we agree, mr. volodymyr, we understand that you and mr. mykola will talk about this, but we want our viewers to hear something, so i will ask about what steps we, ukrainians, our state should take now and at what pace, this is also important , to get rid of these sovky narratives, to forget about the eyes georiiv tapes, about the term great patriotic war, about victory day in that sense. which is laid by moscow and the kremlin in order to get rid of this mentality of the soviet union, so what to do now? well, it seems to me that we are getting rid of this mentality, especially now, when the russian-ukrainian war is going on, and our best ukrainians are dying, i think that very few people
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somehow want to wear the st. george ribbon, and it is prohibited according to the current law, we we do everything to get rid of it, but for... in order to to understand what we need to do, we need to carry out, because as i have already said, for me these are all elements of colonization, colonization, consciousness, colonization with the aim of destroying ukrainianness, and when you watch programs, for example, by the same tucker carlson, you know the american , well , a former journalist, and now a kind of right-wing activist who fully promotes the absence of european values, instead the russian position for... for american viewers, in order to change the position of the whole world, it is enough to look at who does he invite to his broadcast, whether it is the defender of the russian church in ukraine amsterdam, who does not defend the ukrainian church, but rather the connection with russia, or whether it is, say, dugin, the so-called
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russian philosopher, who speaks there and in russia itself promotes the destruction of the essence of ukraine under modern philosophical slogans that are close to many people. people with right-wing views, whether it is durov, the founder of the russian television network, the network, the telegram data transmission network, whether it is putin himself, or it is many other people, here are all these people, they are trying this to push their ideology all over the world, they understood that we, as ukrainians, no matter how strong the pressure was, were able to withstand the attempt to wrap us in this ideology of the russian world and make us a part of the russian world. but in this way, when we resisted, they are trying to use all their resources, all their experience so that this russian peace will sharpen us from the outside so that we will not be able to build a normal ukraine, to convince the whole world that we do not exist, that we are a part of this russian world, it is very similar to
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nazi propaganda, which is like putin now claims that there are no ukrainians and that ukrainians are a center of evil, just as hitler once convinced the whole world that jews are a center. evil and supported anti-semitism, in the same way putin supports anti- ukrainian consequences, anti-ukrainian views, he copies hitler in everything, only he wants to destroy us, and we must be perfectly aware of this for ourselves, so the best way is for us to defend ourselves effectively and not just defend ourselves, to advance and not only in ukraine, everywhere in the world, to explain everywhere in the world that we are, that our values ​​are the same values, as in europeans, everywhere in the world explain that you cannot close your eyes. for putin now, as chamberlain once turned a blind eye to hitler, you cannot negotiate with evil, because then evil will destroy the whole world, these are the most important lessons, and these are the lessons that we ourselves have already learned, but we need to teach these lessons
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throughout world, and for this we need to be united and professional, forget about petty politics, and talk in principle about our security, about our... national security and everyone do everything for our victory, regardless from political positions, political views. thank you, mr. people's deputies, volodymyr yatrovych and mykola knyazhytskyi were on our airwaves, and this is a special project of commemoration, today throughout the day at different hours our colleagues and we will also involve people in the conversation who are actually competent and professionally able to explain , why today, why unification with europe. it is important, why may 8, and not may 9, is a special project of poppy memory, let me remind you,
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convenience, comfort and a beautiful, well-kept area, order light and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 999, call to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. there are discounts represented by coco may discounts on estezefin 15%. what to do when there will be a liver, alochol, and what for the bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. on may 8, wednesday, the espresso tv channel will broadcast a special project dedicated to the day of remembrance and victory over nazism, about the role of ukrainians in the second world war, about 10 years of europeans. the traditions of commemorating the day of remembrance, about the red poppy and the first minute of peace, about the rejection of may 9, with
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parades and immortal regiments, about 10 years of decolonization, breaking away from the scoop and how it helped our resilience in modern warfare, the day of remembrance of world war ii through the prism of history, sociology, politics, culture, in our special broadcast, your favorite presenters, extremely interesting guests, dear and respected experts, during the day on espresso. a new model of memory, a new symbolism, a new us. may 8, a special espresso project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. poppies of memory. 10 years. we are coming back, we already have the first such general report from our air force. so 76 means of air attack, 55 missiles and 21 drones. this is what the russians aimed for. today our air defense forces shot down 39 missiles and 20 drones in ukraine,
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we thank them for that, and we will actually analyze this situation with serhiy zgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense express. mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. slava, good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewer. mr. serhiy, i wanted to ask right away, among those combined strikes of different types of missiles, we see those that previously penetrated ukrainian air defense, this time they were destroyed, and these are four calibers. this is what they were dealing with on the kh-69, as a modernization of the kh-59, or we learned to shoot down, or things got better with our air defense, or are there any third explanations? well, actually, both the caliber and the khsh9 are cruise missiles that fly at speeds that allow them to destroy in significant numbers air defense means, the issue of detecting these... missiles, because these missiles, both the caliber and hzh9, have a lower flight path with
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a contour of the terrain, the altitude is quite low there, and this just, well, allows the enemy to plan such insidious directions of the missiles in areas, where sometimes they are simply difficult to notice, and here the effectiveness of shooting down these missiles primarily depends on the effectiveness of detection means, that is, on radio cation systems of one or another purpose. if the number of these missiles of the хх79 caliber type is increasing, destroyed, it means that we have, conditionally speaking, improved the density of the reaction field, that is, detection. those missiles, then it’s a matter of technology, because these missiles really, i repeat, are destroyed by a significant number of anti-aircraft defenses, unlike dagger-type missiles, which have hypersonic speeds there, relatively speaking, in certain sections of the trajectory, and this allows them to be destroyed only with a limited list of pipo means, to which we refer complexiot and
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pti itself, so that blows with these daggers on to certain regions of ukraine, it was today, er... this suggests that we do not have patriot complexes everywhere, but in any case we see that the dynamics and quality of air defense work in ukraine remains sufficiently high, which suggests about the fact that the arrival of missiles to the patriot complexes and to other air defense means continues, which in general ensures just, well, sufficiently high indicators of the coverage of our airspace . yes, unfortunately, one dagger today so pro... broke through our defenses, mr. serhiy, we are not the first to observe this type of mass attacks, when they use everything they can, or having this experience, and when our monitoring channels also monitor what is happening in russia, is it possible to somehow prepare in advance and in this way improve the results of the downing, or is
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it all right, if it's about daggers, about ballistics, is it the same story every time? well , when we talk about the strategy of preparing to repel russian missile attacks, then we see a certain model of the enemy, which allows, of course, to prepare counter-models in answer, we know that we usually see the enemy stockpiling, first of all, missiles of the kha101 type, which continue to make up the left part of the offensive arsenal, then to these hastos. at first, of course, shaheds are added, and since recently a certain number of calibers, which were previously used in smaller quantities, and a certain number of x69 missiles have been added, that is, in general, this arsenal of the enemy is known with the addition of daggers, of course, and this precisely forms a model of repelling these means
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of attack, taking into account that , that the enemy usually, in addition to using these combined approaches, when several types of attack are usually used, different routes are also used in the same way, approaches of cruise missiles to certain objects that the enemy defines as priorities, but now we see that this is actually the fifth attack first of all, on our energy facilities that generate energy for our cities and facilities of the industrial structure, that is, relatively speaking , in a month and a half five... and attacks precisely on our theses, and this precisely indicates that the ukrainian side, as i understand it, taking into account these approaches of the enemy at a certain stage can provide increased cover of objects by generating infrastructure, using mobile air defense complexes, i hope that it was done this time as well, which allows, well, conditionally speaking,
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to provide the same cover as much as possible in our conditions. tes and igs, but we understand that so far the limited list and quantitative indicators do not allow us to fully cover all cities and all tes, and therefore precisely these constant negotiations with our partners about increasing air defense complexes for ukraine, they are currently ongoing, they are giving certain results, in particular we will recall italy’s recent statement there, regarding the readiness to hand over another samp t complex to us, and by the way, yesterday’s reports that romania is supposedly considering the possibility of handing over one patriot battery to us, they actually have four batteries have been ordered, one battery is on standby, and now the new battery, which was being prepared for transfer to romania from the manufacturer, can probably be transferred to ukraine. mr. sergey, look, you said
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that the entire conjuncture of various winged and ballistic and other missiles from the russian-fascist command. we know, some we know very well in general, because our fools, who were elected by wise voters, once handed over these tumbardiers together with kh-555 missiles, i think that some of them return to us only in the form of cartridges, but what new, this is what was used from december to february, at least you also researched it, i mean defense express, these are the missiles from pyongyang, north korean, well, there was a lot of noise about them yesterday. it was because reuters began to say something there, referring to the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine. what are your conclusions, these north korean missiles, they were shot down. are they more effective than this russian missile conch you are talking about? well, really, we anxiously
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watched whether north korean and then iranian missiles would be transferred to russia, and now we have statistics that north korea has indeed transferred 50, at least 50 missiles with the kn20 index to the russian federation. three we, when we talk about indexes, it's quite conventional, because it's difficult to investigate what exactly is happening in north korea, but at the same time, yesterday's reuters report with reference to the attorney general's office also uses this kn-23 index. actually, this is one of the korean missiles, which is a certain copy of the russian iskander, actually it is a missile that weighs about 3.5 tons. there are 7 m in length and the range, which in various guides varies between 700 and even 900 km, so the data that the general
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prosecutor provided to the agency indicates that, relatively speaking, the enemy used 50 missiles on the territory of ukraine, in fact , there were three missiles in the kyiv region, the rest there in a different way. regions, out of these 50 missiles , 21 missiles or fragments were investigated and the rest of the missiles either exploded in the air or hit places that were absolutely not related to er or civilian or military targets, that is, in fact, we are talking about that the effectiveness of the missiles, if we rely on the conclusions of the prosecutor general, is quite low, that is, some of them are blown up in... in the air, okay, mr. sergey, but there was more information about what is inside these north korean, sanctioned missiles,
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american and other western elements and microcircuits, and how? yes indeed, we are talking about the fact that it also made it possible to make an analysis of these rockets, which indicate that the component element base is used there. civil purpose, but of european and american production, this suggests that, conditionally speaking, these countries, which are conditionally speaking, are under sanctions, can still use western or american electronics, but this is by the way also applies to russian missiles, because russian missiles also use civilian electronics in their military means of attack, which suggests that it is still quite difficult to ensure sanctions control, at the same time... returning to north korean missiles, i will say that , that only there two cases indicate that, out of the fifty launched missiles, these missiles,
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relatively speaking, hit the targets that they were not directed at, in particular there the kanatove airfield, the technical section of the kanatove airfield and one of the kremenchug areas of kremenchug oil refinery, the rest actually did not fulfill military objectives, but... but it is difficult to imagine that it is possible that even the army and our civilian cities were such targets for the enemy as means of terror, because , to put it mildly, we have about two hundreds of our people, two dozen of our people, who died from the impact of these north korean missiles and 115 people were injured, so in any case the threat from these missiles still exists, mr. sergey, we have one more short question, two good ones news in one that the ukrainian company... is developing such a 3-on ground drone and it will help deminers with demining, how much is this a new thing for us, because we understand that
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demining has been going on for more than two years, and actually, will it speed up the process, is it about civil infrastructure, or everything - still about the front-line zone and those fields, where actually, when we talk about the use of ground robotic platforms, this is really such an important trend that has been used. ukrainian army, we know that in total about 200 different platforms have been developed now, 50 of them are used in combat, this model is primarily intended for demining, it is an initiative development of a company that manufactures various civilian forklifts, now we see that it has engaged in such work for demining equipment. in fact, you can welcome this initiative, but now, i repeat, about fifty robots of various types are used on the front line for many
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missions. these are primarily missions there kemikaze, when these robots blow something up, when they are engaged in demining and demining, and we, by the way, we had examples when, relatively speaking, right now, under yea ivanovsk, our robotic platforms, which are helping the third, or rather the fifth assault brigade there , are carrying out means, measures to demining the territory, so that the enemy could not simply say thank you, because on with us vinnytsia is already in touch, and we thank you for the expertise. analysis by serhii zgurts, director of the information and consulting company defense express. andriy geshko, deputy of the vinnytsia regional council, is with us now. mr. andriy, glory to ukraine, and we immediately ask you to tell us about this one night as it passed in vinnytsia. do we know that there is damage? glory to the heroes, indeed, this night was not quiet in vinnytsia, vinnytsia has not heard such explosions for a long time, we have four hits in facilities that generated energy infrastructure,
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an energy facility. although the object was suspended a long time ago, but the enemy, i understand, chose such a tactic today, filled the earth completely, he decided to destroy this object to, as they say, to the foundation and even destroy the foundation, because this is not the first hitting and in fact any such it does not pose a threat to the infrastructure, but nevertheless, if we talk about restoration, it will simply drag out the restoration period for years, in fact, the object is completely destroyed today, and in order to restore it, it will take 2.5% years. three, even this is true even with all the fast pace, mr. andriy, we saw that they acted like this with the tesas near kharkiv, they do the same in western ukraine, in the western regions, do you have a program for the dispersal and restoration of objects other than these , which they destroy under the root, as you say, and the alternatives may be smaller, but so that, yes, to pass the test of the actual lack of electricity
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for... vinnytsia residents? of course, the involvement of private capital is indispensable here, and today in vinnytsia we already have six such private investors who are ready to invest in the so -called conservation of electricity, that is , such large battery substations, including those near the city of vinnytsia. also, we have four projects on aerial wind power plants, and i think that such projects will appear more and more. ugh. but today there wouldn't be any. an emergency power outage as a result of these shellings? not in vinnytsia region, but in the place where the object is located, there was a blackout of both water and electricity, but it was temporary for a short period of time. as for other infrastructure and people, is everything okay, or are there, unfortunately, victims? now the services are still working there, but at this moment we do not have information about the victims, and this is
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fortunate, because everything is still security. still there 24-hour facilities are being guarded, but so far there is no mention of victims, and that is good, one more short question, we have 30 seconds, on nights like today, do the people of vinnytsia, residents of the region use shelters, or do they take the ukrainian people lightly, mr. andrii, mr. andrii, did you hear us, bequeathed at a price of your own... well, unfortunately, we have to thank mr. andrii and say goodbye to mr. gishko, deputy of the vinnytsia regional council, about the consequences of this terrible night and the attacks on vinnytsia, the blow into the same object that is already derived from exploitation, that is, well, in fact, the classic work of the russians under the scorched earth. 9:00 is approaching, the time when we honor
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the memory of all those who died because of the russian invaders on our ukrainian land. a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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