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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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applies to both individuals and legal entities in relation to citizens who carry out certain works in the border zone, and again, this applies to both ukrainians and foreigners, and first of all, it is the security of our border, because these changes concern the entire length of the state border of ukraine, both in the east, in the south, and in the west, in order for... our inspectors, our border guards to have the opportunity to clearly control the stay of people in the border strip, well, actually near the state border. lviv society asked people in the lviv region about these permits, there are such arguments, why do we need these passes, it is a humiliation of our dignity, people said, how can children come to their parents, and we have a residence permit here, i have lived here all my life, why do i now have to prove that i have the right to be here, and what about everyone else? fields, how
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to go to the store, because it is not always there in the village where people live, why should i be fined for it, if i live here, well, that is, the nature of people’s statements were, is it possible that the state border service listens to these arguments, there may be some mitigation for these people who have a residence permit and can show it in their passport, once again there is the legislation of ukraine, which determines the need to obtain such permits for staying in... the border strip, it must be understood that for those people who live in the border strip, such a permit is issued for an indefinite period, in fact they will not be issued for any separate term, as for example, for example for persons who are engaged to carry out work in the border strip, such such persons are issued a permit for a year, and of course those who plan to stay there for a certain period to... visit relatives,
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relatives, or for another purpose, including, possibly, recreation, must apply for a permit for the period they plan to stay in the border zone. once again, i would like to point out that the border guards, the state border service and our border protection agencies are fulfilling the requirements of the law in order to actually ensure security along the entire length of our border. and tell me about the situation on in transcarpathia, the water level in the tisza river has decreased, and on may 6, the news reported that the bodies of three drowned people had been found, have they been identified yet, do you have any information about this? well , there were two at once, well, we can say identified, the third person is still being identified, i would like to note that the day before that , another body of one person was also discovered in a thousand, it must
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be understood that the very people, the very persons who try to illegally cross the border , they somehow inexplicably relate to their life and health, hoping that they overcome this natural obstacle along which the state border line passes, they reject the danger that awaits them. because the mountain river, even though the water level has decreased somewhat at the moment, it still remains dangerous, because there are such gushes, there are tree roots, and there is a rapid current, which leads to the fact that people cannot enough strength to overcome this water obstacle, well, actually... quite
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often people who try to cross the border illegally, they turn, well let's say, for a favor to such criminal groups, who promise them assistance in illegally crossing the border, but actually these criminals have an even more frank influence on people's lives, their main task is to get rich, well, with their actions, violators, instead of to support ukraine, to support our defense forces. states, they are enriching these criminal groups, whom they once again promise assistance in illegally crossing the border, but instead they put people's lives in danger, so i advise everyone to refrain in general, from attempts to illegally cross the border, especially if they choose for themselves either the direction of the mountain rivers along which the border line passes, this applies to the tisza, and other... rivers in other areas,
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this also applies to difficult-to-access mountain areas , because not only the deaths of people along the mountain rivers were recorded. as well as in the mountains, when they were actually either freezing or exhausted. we also remember cases when people called the hotline of the state border service, calling for help, because they met with by wild animals, so in fact this is also one of the dangers that can await people during such illegal journeys, and actually, of course, that... an attempt to illegally cross the border is unacceptable, because ukraine and the state border service, including to ensure the proper proper protection of our border, because it is our responsibility also in the face of this violation of the law, and you have already
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emphasized this, mr. andrii, if you can briefly, but how often do you receive such appeals, maybe there about missing people, maybe there relatives and friends who know that a person tried to swim across the yew tree there... somehow pass through those mountains and that the person disappeared, and they inform you about this, for example, is there such a list of such missing persons? well, there are, of course , appeals to the state border service from parents or other relatives who state that they know that their loved one was planning to cross the border illegally, and in fact for a certain time she does not get in touch. one of these cases was a few days ago, when in fact we in... established the identity of the drowned man and combined it with the appeal received by our border unit, that in fact this is the person who tried to cross the border illegally, and actually lost his life because of his
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actions. thank you, mr. andrii, for joining. andriy demchenko, spokesperson of the state border service of ukraine, we talked about the border of lviv oblast and the situation on the tysk river. and in ukraine, there is a new scandal with a comedy show. studio kvartal 95 dedicated one of its issues to the work of the rivne trade center in its easter edition. like, for to transmit information, his employees use a special dpo cipher, which means touches, kisses and hugs. in particular, it is in this way that information is allegedly transferred between the head of the state central committee and subordinates, who for some reason all turned out to be women in the room. in return. a handshake between both sexes is considered an indecent gesture. oleksandra viktorovych, allow me to clarify. specify. my god, is this also for work? well, of course, for work. here she asks him if you can count on his support
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local authorities. aha. oh, look, his hand. aha. this means that there will be support. the authors of the quarter obviously took something as the basis of this sketch. an old story, real from the rivne tsc, when its head at the time kissed two female subordinates in his office, the video about it was first published by the telegram channel of anatoliy sharia, this is a pro-russian blogger suspected of treason, who is currently in spain, the armed forces of ukraine said at the time , that the head of the rivne tsk allegedly wrote a report about his transfer to combat unit in his social networks, he hinted that the distribution of this video is revenge for the fact that he did not take bribes as a military commissar. despite the fact that the story has a real basis, many public people have condemned this quarter number. people's deputy solomiya bobrovska offered the residents of the neighborhood to work for several weeks at the tcc and said that it would be appropriate for them to apologize to the country. meanwhile, military officer yaryna chornogu said that she would turn to the people's deputies with a proposal to react legislatively to this
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precedent. in particular, it demands a ban the use of the pixel form in humorous shows and, as yaryna writes, contempt for the military, proposes to introduce administrative or even criminal charges. responsibility, i would like to note that we asked the kvartal 95 studio for a comment, but they replied that they refrained from commenting. lena chechenina, editor-in-chief of the antonina website, joined our broadcast. greetings, thanks for joining. congratulations. tell me what is wrong with this number, because the reason for its appearance is real footage from the hidden camera of the rivne tsk, that is, this is what happened relatively speaking, from the news, but we see what... publicity this number has gained, well, with this number , it is not the same as with the 95th quarter of the diesel show and with a large part of the humorous shows on our television, we are constantly on our website, on the media detector on antonina, we are a media tabloid, we constantly
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do these reviews and it constantly causes scandals, because the previous prussian, do you remember the 95th quarter , that was a wonderful scene. we found her too, and it happens all the time, and the 95th quarter and dieselshow are two inseparable shows that constantly fall into scandals in the last two years and sometimes earlier, but... i think the whole problem is that they do not understand what kind of jokes can cause such a huge resonance, because before this, before a full-scale invasion of them and there were worse jokes, we remember, some of them became scandalous, they allowed themselves to joke there about when mrs. ... there were jokes, and now they continue to joke like that, although with him
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as far as i understand, the head of the national council for television, radio and broadcasting already spoke about them, they were gathered by mrs. olga gersimyuk, and she wrote that she had a conversation with them, but something is not working out with them with this understanding, i think that they need some the consultant who will speak to them, the ethics consultant, may invite you. for this position, as an option. elena, to the post, to ms. gerasimyuk's post, she wrote that there was a meeting, there were 120 media, they talked about it, but it didn't help, and she called the number bullshit, this is a quote, well, tell me, in general, how, well, who should be this, you know, moral authority or ethical, because there is such an argument, people in the hall are laughing, i understand that there is a montage, it is not a live broadcast, nevertheless , people in the hall are laughing, and... by the way, in all these scandals there are also big complaints against people, because they criticize both the authors themselves and
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those people who sit in the hall and laugh at all these things, and i i think that after all, since we cannot introduce some kind of censorship there, and i think that we should only have to spend some time in order to work out some topics, well, which are not very appropriate for jokes. and some kind of supervision is needed from the state, i don’t know if it is possible now, from society, because in general, in practice, such things related to humor are quite subtle, and they are developed over years, and since we have this humorous sphere, it is very monotonous, especially on television, and she's so unkempt because she's always and quarter and desert show they did their jokes for their big bubble and... and to during the full-scale invasion, they were not particularly paid attention to, because many moments
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were also tolerated, but now they started to pay attention, and i think that we will simply have such conflicts, people will be generally dissatisfied, and that's the only way it will come to them over a period of time , or it won’t work, they will constantly find themselves in scandals, i don’t think that the channels will refuse these shows, because, for example, dieselshow is one of the most popular... in the reviews on antonina, you generally write about what else worse the situation, than in the 95th quarter, turns out to be scandal after scandal, the national council is already paying attention to it, nevertheless it all happens and what's more, the military is actually ridiculed in this way, because he is the hero of that sketch, i will name it in quotes, this is a tanker, this is a person who is in the ukrainian army until... he serves and has his merits there, and his name was revealed, and the video was spread, and the media
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wrote about it, here, that they made fun of him in this way, in principle, without thinking about his family, relatives, about other employees of the tsc, you write everything about this in your materials, what should happen, maybe there, in short, the law should regulate it, or after all, so to speak , the moral authorities should talk about it, talk about it, and someday there will be order in this sense, i think that it cannot be regulated by law, because... it is impossible to prescribe there on which topic you can joke and which can't, especially since you can joke in different ways, even there is this skit with the head of the tsk, you can - in different ways, maybe it was possible to beat that shary, i don’t know how to think of it now, but i just know that every the situation is possible, it is possible to laugh at it more and less ethically, because here are the authors of these two shows, about which we are talking today, they are not used to joking like this, we see scandals all the time and they... after the previous scandal with this siskhadovsky, they they apologized, the actress apologized, and the two
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actors who played there apologized, but they in their texts, in principle, it was clear that they did not understand why they were run over, they did not even delete this number, it was trending on youtube, in including this release there were not deleted, i thank you for joining, i will emphasize once again that we are ready to listen to the representatives of the 95th quarter or the diesel show on the air, we are contacting these representatives, but while we see the result, they are not... joining, but lena chechenina , the editor-in-chief of the site antonina joined, thank you for this, have a nice, peaceful day, and representatives of ukraine alyona, lona and jeri hale from the composition... tereza maria made it to the finals of the european eurovision song contest, serbia also made it to the grand finals of the song contest, portugal, slovenia, lithuania, finland, goalkeeper croatia, ireland and luxembourg. now lona, lona and jerry hale will fight for the victory in the competition already in the final, it will be on may 11. write in the comments whether you followed, maybe watch these numbers on youtube, write whether you will follow them and be sure
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nazism in the second world war. thank you colleagues for your work. taking the baton, we know that there is a lot of damage across the country as a result of today's russian attack, six regions are reporting some damage to energy facilities, and it is now known that 350 rescuers are involved in liquidation of the consequences of these shellings, 100 units of equipment are also working, the ministry of internal affairs reports. in the meantime, we are adding to the conversation people's deputy of ukraine andrii osadchuk. mr. andrii, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning, mr. andrii, i wanted to ask you something about yesterday's main, inflated news, because the more i re-read it, re-watch it, the more questions there are, and there should be less. i am talking about the so-called report that the security service of ukraine exposed, as they say, a network of fsb agents,
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among our colonels of the state service guards who were preparing the murder. president zelenskyi, head of sbu malyuk and head of intelligence budanov, i immediately have a complex question, why for the second time the security service of ukraine calls two people a network, a network is a network, when they opened a network, they said that medvedchuk and shufrych are a network, we could not understand , what is hidden under this word, now the two are also being exposed, they call it a network, it is... definitely not a network, this is the first sub-question, and the second is how these colonels from the state security service passed the check. services security of ukraine that they are bona fide and not russian spies. well, first of all, i think that the details of this whole story should be commented on
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by the security service of ukraine, because these are all such sensitive issues, they made this announcement yesterday, but i hope that recent years have already taught us that the notification of the detention of those or other criminals, that's fine, but we're all interested in court verdicts that... will be passed by ukrainian courts there, and that will stand up in european courts, because there are many of these scoundrels, they are persons who are very knowledgeable in legal issues, and of course, they will use all tools to defend themselves, this is the peculiarity of attracting such comrades in the democratic system, which, in principle , still exists in ukraine, well, you know, the word here is... limit it is more of a media thing, because if i am not mistaken, there is no such expression in the criminal code, there is a concept of a crime committed
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by a group of persons, and two is already a group, that is why they probably rephrased it in this way, although i am convinced that there were some other people there, the service just doesn't want to and for sure do the right thing, which does not advertise all the details, but for you and me, as for citizens. what is important is that the main detainees are actually lieutenant colonels in the state security department, and on the one hand, that is, it is a very multi-layered story, on the one hand, of course, it is very cool that the sbu worked out this story, and indeed it was so , yesterday we had a working meeting with them, we briefly discussed it there, and it is so clear that the guys have been working for a long time, and in fact... uh, they did the main thing, they secured the military-political the leadership of ukraine from attempts that were actually being prepared, and they led these people not for a month,
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not for two, that is, it is not something, you know, they were caught in the act, it was a long enough operation, as far as i understood, but it is definitely important the second question you 're saying is not even how they passed the vetting, it's that in the fifth year of zelenskyi's presidency... we still have high-ranking representatives working for the russian agency, and that's a huge problem , that is, if they were just any there, i don't know, hired killers, who you know somewhere, sat on the roof with a rifle, with a scope and waited where they could shoot, one story is a bit cowboy, of course, but here we are talking about people whose official duties there were ties. to keep the top leadership of the country, this is the state security department, and of course, here volodymyr zelenskyy must first of all ask himself whether
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he was able to create a system that at least protected him in 5 years, and especially in the last two years of the war, because it turns out , what about him, let's say yes, an oversight regarding all these issues, well, we remember all these stories with there bakanov, with the leadership of the sbu. at the beginning of the invasion, which obviously worked for part of the leadership of the sbu, which obviously worked for the fsb, well, that's all, as it were, the links of the same chain, and now it turns out that even he himself is not safe, and neither is the military leadership, and for all of us, with you, this is a huge problem, because no matter how one feels about volodymyr zelenskyi, he is the president of ukraine, he is an institution, a fundamental institution of ukrainian statehood. and if with if something happens to him, it will be a huge problem for all of us, mr. andrii, but understand, understand us too, because we are people who survived an incredible assassination attempt on a chauffeur, which
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interrupted even the work at the un, and that is why we are quite skeptical about crazy stories, and this story is very strange in a stanislavsky way, and to finalize this question, well, we know that the most influential person in the world is also... yarmak is not on the hit list of the colonels of the odo and the fifth department of the fsb. seems somehow suspicious too. well, how am i? in part, the media person buys this idea of ​​yours, because of course they would have to add a certain surname yerk, although on the other hand it shows that the real interest in this person is probably less. well, one more time. i don't want to manipulate guesses and cast doubt on anything, i'm just telling you that yesterday i saw some people working on this
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story. from the service, and they look satisfied, almost as i saw them, i remember, by chance, we met on the day of the first explosion of the crimean brain, but they have such a characteristic smile on their faces, like usually they don’t smile, here they looked satisfied, well, we have two sides, two positions, mr. andriy, to another topic, just a few minutes before our conversation, i received a message: the recruiting center of the ukrainian army is already in lviv, they don’t issue here summons and so on and so on. and so on, and if we are talking about extradition, yes, a person receives a summons and wants to evade it, yes, unfortunately, there are still such situations, we know that new fines may be adopted this week, what they will be, what they may be for fines and for, actually, how these violations will be announced, well to be honest, i don't really like this whole story with the raising of fines, i remind you that fines still exist, that is, it is not something
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new, bringing to... responsibility for violating the rules of the draft, but i am very concerned, as a citizen, that that for decades, no one was engaged in accounting, and this is a huge problem, but god is with him, what people or state institutions did not do there 20-15 years ago, but of course it is very sad that in the first two years of the war, no one was particularly engaged in organizing military accounting, and in the grand scheme of things... the changes to the legislation on mobilization, which were discussed for so long in the verkhovna rada, which were approved, here somewhere, how many two or three weeks ago, they primarily concern military accounting, because we are in the third year of the war found themselves in a situation where the military command does not understand at all how many, where and what kind of people there are, what specialty, where and who can be recruited, they do not understand this, accordingly, under such conditions, it is generally impossible to do
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anything more or less adequate. and right now the ministry of defense is trying, general headquarters to put everything in order due to the changes that we, which the verkhovna rada adopted, but at the same time, of course, the military had a desire from the beginning of december, from the end of december last year, to tighten the nuts in a very soviet way and introduce, well, absolutely draconian tools punishment the first proposal, which came from the cabinet of ministers, had fines, something up to 200,000 hryvnias. well , in our legislature, there are no such fines at all for any offense, they wanted criminal liability there for refusing the vlk, they wanted the right to administrative arrest for 3 days, if someone does not like something from the employees of the tcc and so on, that is , the audience here must understand that the verkhovna rada greatly weakened all these whims that were from the ministry of defense, well, we significantly liberalized this story, but the fines have certainly been raised, compared to the existing ones, they
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have been raised somewhere... within four or five times, and as everyone has probably already learned, the higher level of fines for individuals will be from there the fork goes from 17 to 25,500 uah, which is actually a lot, but the good question is, what are these for? fines, so these fines for violating the rules of military accounting, and the rules of military accounting are a very, very voluminous story, and what i said in committee, what i don't like is that after the introduction of these high fines.. . and especially under the condition of their actual application without the presence of the offender, because this is what the general staff asked us to do, then in principle everyone can be fined, because i have not seen a single person in my life who would have fulfilled all of them in his lifetime. duties of a conscript, and there are such duties, such as, for example, reporting a change in education, a change in job, a change in position, or a change in status. thank you for
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your answer, andriy osachuk, people's deputy of ukraine, was in our group. now on the spresso chas noviny tv channel, khrystyna porobiy is ready to share information about the most important thing at the moment. thank you, colleagues, i will tell you the details of the night and morning attack of the russians on the ukrainian regions in the issue, in a moment, wait. news on the air espresso, i'm khrystyna porubiy, i'll talk about the most relevant at the moment. 59 air targets were destroyed by our defenders of the sky at night and at dawn. the russians launched 76 missiles and drones, the air force of ukraine reported. they attacked with ballistics, winged.
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with rockets, a dagger and shaheds.


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