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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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it's ready and unlike standard overall saws, strong saws are so convenient to use in hard-to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 999 with the possibility of free delivery, powerful strong saws, what you need, call. 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna parubiy is working in the studio. today , ukraine celebrates the day of remembrance and victory over nazism in the second world war, but now the world is once again witnessing a revival nazism, now russian. said
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the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. according to him, this nazism can only be stopped by joining forces in an anti-putin coalition. 80 years ago, millions of ukrainians fought to defeat nazism forever. but today , ukrainians are once again resisting the evil that has reborn, has come again, and wants to destroy us again. the inhuman army. which kills, tortures, erases from the face of the earth peaceful cities and villages, the evil whose name is russian fascism, abbreviated rf. and then about the consequences of the last massive attack by russian terrorists. seven regions of ukraine the invaders attacked at night and at dawn. the goal was our energy. the infrastructure in lvivska was shelled. vinnytsia,
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kyiv, poltava, kirovohrad, zaporizhia and ivano-frankivsk regions. three dtek thermal power plants were seriously damaged, the company reported. according to rescuers, about 30 residential buildings, public transport and cars in different regions of ukraine were also damaged. and in zaporizhzhia, the building of the fire and rescue department was vandalized. a fire was extinguished in lviv oblast after shelling. occupiers hit the generation facility in chervonohrad district. at the time of the rescuers' arrival, the fire area was 100 m2. also, the enemy hesitated over the energy facility in the stryi district. fortunately , there were no casualties - reported the head of the region, maksym kozytskyi. the russians attacked the lviv region with 12 cruise missiles, eight of which were destroyed by air defense forces. she suffered from russian shelling. an eight-year-old child in
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the kirovohrad region, the regional military administration reported. a critical infrastructure object was also damaged in oleksandrivsky district. there are 13 private houses and almost 30 garages in nivochchyna. in the kyiv region, two victims of the russian attack. a 34-year-old man and a 62-year-old woman with multiple shrapnel wounds were hospitalized in the brovar district. falling debris was recorded in four districts of the region, a private house and utility room were completely destroyed, another 14 houses and a car were damaged, electric grids were also damaged, electricity is partially missing in one of the villages, said the head of kyiv ova, ruslan kravchenko. in total, the russians launched 76 missiles and drones, 59 of them were destroyed by our defenders of the sky
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, the air force of ukraine reported. the occupiers attacked with ballistics, cruise missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, daggers and shaheds. targets were launched from the waters of the black sea, occupied crimea, part of the zaporizhzhia region, as well as the primorye-akhtar, tambov, saratov, and kursk regions of the russian federation. russian terrorists. kherson train station was attacked in the morning, the infrastructure was damaged, the movement of the kyiv-kherson kyiv train had to be restricted. currently, it will run only to mykolaiv, - said the head of the kherson region oleksandr prokudin. and at night, the russians shelled bilozerko. a 65-year-old woman died in her own apartment. a 40-year-old man and a 65-year-old woman were examined in serious condition. over the course of a day, the occupiers damaged
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more than 90 private houses and a high-rise building in... the region, and also targeted an administrative building, an educational institution, a gas pipeline, agricultural machinery, a bus and cars. a 42-year-old man was wounded in the dnipropetrovsk region, he was hospitalized with a shrapnel injury. at night the russians shelled the region five times with artillery and kamikaze drones - reported the head of the regional military administration , serhii lysak. they kissed in nikopol, marganetska and chervonogrigoriv communities. five private houses, two farm buildings, and cars were damaged. there is also a wounded person in zaporizhzhia, the russians attacked 11 settlements in the region with drones, aircraft and artillery, said the head of the regional military administration, ivan
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fedorov. as a result of shelling, 14 residential buildings of the occupants were destroyed, in total, per day the region was shelled almost 300 times. in temporarily occupied luhansk , the oil depot, where explosions rang out at midnight, continues to operate. local publications report five victims, as well as damaged power lines and a gas pipeline. the strike was confirmed by the leader of the terrorist lpr, leonid pasichnyk. the occupiers complain that the energy infrastructure has become a target for attakam missiles. the armed forces of ukraine have not yet officially commented on the attack. oligarch ihor kolomoiskyi was informed of the suspicion of ordering an intentional murder - the office said the prosecutor general's office and the national police. however, they did not name the businessman, but published a photo. sources of ukrainian pravda
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and rfe/rl confirmed that we are talking about a well-known oligarch. according to the investigation, in august 2003 , four men were beaten and wounded in feodosia. lawyer, the victim survived, then the perpetrators were arrested, now the police have established evidence confirming the identity of the customer. motive. revenge for refusing to cooperate with illegal cleanup. as you know, ihor kolomoiskyi has been in custody since september last year on suspicion of fraud and legalization of property. minus another 970 occupants. on the day of memory and victory over nazism. and in total, more than 477 thousand russian nazis have died in ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. also, yesterday , soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine burned 13 tanks and almost two dozen bmps, hit 30 art systems of invaders, as well as 40 cars and tanks
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and two units of special equipment. losses, the general staff adds, are approximate. russian flags of st. george. tapes, military uniforms, and other symbols declaring russia's war against ukraine were banned by the police berlin on may 8 and 9. the ban will apply near soviet memorials, dolcevelye reports. in addition, russian marches and military songs cannot be played. exceptions were made for world war ii veterans and diplomats. the russian embassy in germany called these restrictions discrimination. the call of the heart - a pre-premiere screening of a documentary film about refugees who left ukraine due to the full-scale russian invasion took place in kyiv.
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the tape is based on the stories of women and children who found refuge abroad, her has already been shown at many film festivals, the film managed to get seven iconic awards, its goal is to raise funds for refugee families with the support of the charity fund our kind hearts. this movie, it's mostly about the early days, about people who left randomly, not knowing where, it's not at all the people who have, you know, as they say, a cushion, left with money, people who rushed. of these regions, simply not understanding where they rushed to, and the people who received them are also shown. this problem is very rarely opened today, and i i would like to reveal it in the full way that the refugees today, this is a very important
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issue, an important issue for our country, an important issue for them all to want to return home. and we ask for... support for our military, with your help we raised funds for cars and equipment for our defenders. two suvs for the gur air reconnaissance group and air defense forces - pickup. for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator for the transportation of fallen heroes have already arrived in ukraine, but they need preparation for combat services our goal is uah 12,000. together, we have already collected more than 70,000. so don't be indifferent. even the smallest donation makes a huge difference. you can see all the details on the screen. let's summarize the morning. read more at 12:00. on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your
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preferences. then my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika will continue the analysis. don't switch, stay with the espresso team. we are coming back, we will talk about kherson. further, because i will remind you that the russians shelled the railway station there, as a result of the attack, we had to change the schedule of trains, and we will now ask serhii nikitenko, the editor-in-chief of the publication most from kherson, about this. mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. what is the situation at the moment, has it already been possible to repair the railway track? well, in addition to the station, they also fired at night. residential areas yesterday there was a heavy shelling in the evening and at night there was a heavy shelling,
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there was a fire, the house was on fire, this has not yet been reported, but our correspondent saw it almost, well, almost from the balcony, well, in principle, on investigators are still working at the station, as i understand it, so far no details have been reported there, it is clear that the track, the building of the railway station itself, well, the visual bodies have been broken. what is inside yours, at the time of the attack on the territory of the station , were there people nearby in the room, how many were there and what happened to them? i don't hear the question, were the passengers at the station during the shelling? no, well , it was, i understand, early in the morning, and most likely the passenger train from kyiv has not yet arrived, it arrives a little later, fortunately, i understand, no one was injured civilly ugh, what about the workers, railway workers, mr. serhiy, do you hear, we
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are actually asking the railway workers, the station workers, well, so far there are no reports of injured and dead, fortunately, most likely, there were no casualties, ugh, and you we only yesterday they were talking about the russian railway. in the occupied part, for example, the kherson region, and the military told us that it is being rebuilt very quickly, so there is no point in beating about how quickly such flights in the right bank are quickly being restored, as the dsns officers say, that say the railway workers, well, they haven't commented yet, the railway workers haven't commented either. that they just reported about the shelling, but from experience we know that last time, during a strong shelling, the station
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received trains the very next day, that is, well, most likely they will resume traffic very quickly now, maybe the kyiv train will arrive tomorrow according to the horton schedule, so far people who were going to kalifor from mykolaiv by bus have been brought, and those who will leave in the evening to kyiv from the ukrzaliznytsia bus station will take to mykolaiv. aha. you said at the beginning that yesterday, in addition to this night-dawn attack on the station, there were also various attacks, but this is no longer reported in the media. you probably mean the all-ukrainian media, where, well, unfortunately, now they simply don't have time to report every shelling because there are so many of them. but yesterday's shelling, to what extent. were they powerful and what were they aiming for? well, first of all, we know that the russians started to use hailstones again for
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shelling populated areas, before that it was not so often, and it was not for a long time hailstorms and hurricanes, yesterday they shelled bilozerka from hailstones, there was a wounded woman, kherson was shelled, but with something very powerful, more, well, a quarter of houses were damaged there, it was some kind of... cluster rockets of some kind, or a hurricane, i don’t know i know, it's hard to say, and in principle, at night, they also heard in some areas of the city that they were shelling from hail once again. i repeat that this is not typical, the russians have not used hailstones for shelling populated areas for a long time, so massively, what do you associate this with, such changes, nothing, what do you associate such changes with? return to shelling with hail, it's hard to say, it's hard to say what it's connected with, well , maybe they brought a pike for hail, it's hard
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to say anything here, they're constantly shelling, they just alternate. different types of ammunition, so to say for sure, well, from what we know the areas where they hit, it's just random, because there were hardly any military facilities there, what you see around, that is, we will have delicious kherson tomatoes and this year's watermelons, everything is so easy, isn't it, well, i was in biloghirka a couple of weeks ago, it's so far... temporarily the occupied left bank, then biloghirka and novarantsovka, two settlements, they are fighting for the title of the watermelon capital, they say that this year even more kauns settled in biloghirka, and this is a completely destroyed settlement, we showed it several times, but just the other day it came out our last report is from there, people there are sowing
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watermelons, sowing tomatoes, they say that well... kyiv will most likely not export, but they promise to provide the right bank of the kherson region to local stones. and in general , they passed through all the expanses of melons and fields anti-mine inspection of some kind, in addition , something new is arriving all the time, in principle there may be unexploded shells, that is, how about safety. fields are being checked, now there are already more than a thousand. works in the right-bank kherson region, it ’s not very much, but a lot, er, heavy demining teams are working, we see, they are working, people demined many fields by their own efforts, just the other day we will have a report about how people specialists, not military, not cadets, clear their own fields, remove
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anti-tank mines, literally by hand, er, let's show how dangerous it is, well... a lot is polymined, it's just that i saw with my own eyes beyond the horizon lines of anti-tank mines that the russians, either with the help of some machines, or simply by hand, laid out, well, hundreds, thousands, scattered magnetic mines, mined everything around , a lot, a lot of this , almost every day there are reports about the detonation of agricultural machinery, well, that is, the situation is not easy, it is... and interesting people will be very bitter, because they will literally be watered with the blood of kherson farmers, but not blood is there enough water? and for the people, for the population, and for the irrigation of the fields, we understand that the kherson region is actually the region where everything grows, in fact all
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the food that a huge part of ukraine consumes during the summer, summer and autumn, well, you must understand that about... kherson oblast has always been non-irrigated, there are good lands, there are not as many floods there as not on the left bank, so almost nothing has changed there, there are problems with drinking water, there are also problems with fuel water, because after the level decreased kakhovska hes, the water has gone, now they are trying, especially there is water in the coastal points, the water level in the reservoirs has fallen, that is why there are problems, they spent the night in vorontsov, the soviets got into a holiday, the day when people are given water once a week, well, it is centralized, so everything is very difficult there, well, there is an underground water, but there are huge problems with water. mr. sergey, thank you for joining our air for information. serhii nikytenko , the editor-in-chief of the publication most from kherson, was with us,
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about the consequences of the russian shelling, about what the russians had started. already used again hails in kherson and about the destruction of the railway line this morning near the station and in connection with that certain changes in the timetable of trains to and from the city of kherson. meanwhile, we have information from energy experts this evening, they say from 60 to from 18 to 23 a possible restriction of household and industrial consumers throughout ukraine. we know that there is destruction... in nine regions due to today's dawn attack, they say that most likely, except for kharkiv oblast , they will still try not to make these... restrictions for industrial consumers, but us everyone, every ukrainian is asked during peak hours in the morning from 70 to 10, in the afternoon from 5 to
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22 to limit the maximum use of electrical appliances in order not to overload our energy system, as they say, in a word, if you plan to do laundry, postpone it for a week, and nothing or at night, so in the meantime we can talk to our guests, don't forget to let us know, because today with all those moscow-fascist rockets we keep forgetting to remind you about our gathering, in the meantime the executive director will talk to us institute of world politics yevhen magda, mr. yevhen, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. ivan, you see that you have decided to combine a drink and a buffet on the occasion of a lifetime coronation. tsar vladimir, i.e. putin, together with mass shootings, what other changes can be expected after putin
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has entered the kingdom for life? i think that after entering the kingdom, it will be approximately, most actively to act. more impetuously and act in a different way, uh, what, something interrupts us a little sound, more impetuously, and more it's rash, that is, on the eve of his so-called inauguration, he announced training of tactical nuclear weapons, after that his subordinate slaves from belarus also said, oh, we will do the same, so what? well , you know that training, and as the last one, we won't
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call him kharkiv ultra, because mr. yevhen and i are constantly interrupting communication, these are important things, we want to discuss, we will now try to re-establish a more stable connection, i don't know, is this all happening to us today for the second time, and is it related in particular. it may well be zaporizhzhia is 100% actually nuances related to the shelling, by the way, the shelling is not abating, because already throughout the morning they announced an air alert several times in the east, in the north, it was a ballistic threat, two have already reported about the other, and at the moment at the moment, sumy region and kharkiv region, poltava region has also just turned red, and explosions are also being reported in sumy region, as well... the air force is being asked not to ignore the alarm signals, to take shelter, because we understand that what started this night can
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continue on and on, and in fact, the only thing that can help is to be in a relatively safe place, by the way, in addition to this more severe shelling of the civilian population of ukraine, which yevhen magda is talking about, it is also important now... will understand or after this inauguration, which became such a dilemma, because on the one hand it seems like a criminal is looking for him, and on the other hand, we arrived and we need to talk to someone, mr. yevgeny, we are actually trying now whether there will be a good sound or, that is, with by these nuclear exercises, you they just started telling us what will come of it, and at the same time you can tell us, and how now ... european leaders will come out of the dilemma that, on the one hand , a criminal must be brought to the hague, he is wanted, and on the other hand, our the ambassador went there to
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drink vodka. well, let's look at it, first of all, in the nuclear context, yes, which ones, where we left off. i believe that russia will try to play on nuclear nerves, because the use. elements of nuclear pressure, it has been carrying out since the fall of the 22nd year, not counting it the fact that in the spring of 22nd year it seized the zaporizhzhia npp and is trying to integrate it in every possible way into its energy system, this is the first time, and the second time, i, as far as i understand, spoke the wax. of the 22nd year about the fact that in russia the ukrainian leadership would be accused of trying
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to make a er... er, a dirty nuclear bomb, so- called, and now russia is trying to play on the fact that, in principle, many citizens the european union and the united states also have radiophobia, that is, the fear of being exposed to radiation. and fear in general nuclear war, it was formed for so long in many countries that, well, i think that the russians in their reflexive management know, they know what they are doing, unfortunately, and they are doing it quite actively, and for us it is, you know, ukraine after the chernobyl disaster , she
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is more resistant to these things, i would say... and this is quite obvious in my opinion, but the second thing is what i want to draw attention to, it is the fact that ukraine, well, is constantly under fire, and that's why it's even, i would say, they don't not direct these theses about a nuclear strike, that is , theses about the possibility of a nuclear strike, they are directed at the countries of nato and the european union. as for those representatives of the european union who appeared at putin's inauguration, well, they did not appear there of their own free will, of course, but they all appeared because they had the relevant directives, and it is obvious that the countries that one way or another can be called the weak links of the adverb.
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france, because they came, that is, macron gave the back, it was he who spoke, he spoke about the contingent, and now he gives, rolls everything back, the situation with france is the exception that proves the rule, because macron is trying to play aggressively on the one hand, and on the other. on which side he is trying to show that there may be different options, therefore the path for dialogue is not closed, that is why the french ambassador went to the inauguration of putin's inauguration, putin's inauguration to putin's office. macron is playing wide because he's in his second presidential term, he can afford it, and it's such, you know, a very
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vivid example of what... european politics can be, we see it as black and white is enough, but it is actually, well , i would say, it is not like that at all, that is , the european states can be said to have divided their roles, yes, everyone has their own tasks and is partly based on their own interests, reacting to the events in russia, and what should communication look like now in europe, in the world with russia? proceeding from their own interests, and from the fact that the war is going on, and we understand that some kind of economic ties, other ties, they will also take into account, and it will not always be actually in our ukrainian interests, all states proceed in their actions, proceed from their own interests, there are no exceptions here and there cannot be, well, you understand, although... there is
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a representative of the european union in matters of foreign policy, josep borel, but he cannot prohibit european states, members of the european union , to participate in this inauguration, pseudo-inauguration, in my opinion, that's why it's each, each country, it builds connections as it deems necessary. i don't think that there was any informal division of roles, and all this was somehow disclosed, i i think that... and therefore, accordingly, we should look at it, you know, with a certain skepticism on the one hand, on the other hand, remember our own interests and the promotion of the principle of nothing about ukraine without ukraine. well , apart from that main position, apart from the paradox that we are going to the inauguration, but in our pocket we have the hague demand to catch the criminal and bring him
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to the tribunal in the hague. one such e-e in


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