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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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today, ukraine celebrates the day of remembrance and victory over nazism in the second world war. we honor all those who died with a moment of silence.
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we summarize the informative morning in ukraine. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. two explosions rang out in kharkiv - the head of the region oleg syniguv confirmed that the occupiers are attacking the city and the kharkiv district, according to the public. details will be announced in the next issues. meanwhile, in nine regions of ukraine there were problems with electricity supply after the morning russian attack. ukrenergo confirmed that it is possible turning off the lights throughout the territory of ukraine.
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today from 18:00 to 23:00 they emphasized that the restrictions will be evenly distributed across all regions, and the shutdown schedules will be published by local oblenergo. the company also noted that the shortage of electricity will be compensated by imports from eu countries. let me remind you that at night and at dawn, the russians shelled the infrastructure in the lviv, vinnytsia, kyiv, poltava, kirovohrad, zaporizhzhya and ivano-frankivsk regions. in particular, three thermoelectrics were seriously damaged. dtek station. this is already the fifth massed the russian missile-drone attack on ukrainian energy on march 22. a fire was extinguished in the lviv region after the russian dawn attack. around 5 o'clock in the morning. the invaders attacked the lviv region with 12 cruise missiles. they hit the energy generation facility in the chervonohrad district. there were two sources of ignition. at the time of the arrival of the rescuers, the square. the enemy also hit an energy facility in
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the stryi district, during the second attack an hour and a half later, the enemy again attacked the area with daggers. critical and residential infrastructure were not affected, he said the head of the region maksym kozytskyi. fortunately, there are no casualties. our air defense forces managed to destroy eight cruise missiles. and an eight-year-old child in kirovohrad was injured by russian shelling. - reported in the regional military administration. a critical infrastructure facility in the oleksandrivsky district was also damaged. there are 13 private houses and almost 30 garages in nivychchyna. in kyiv region, two victims of the russian attack: a 34-year-old man and a 62-year-old woman with multiple shrapnel wounds hospitalized in brovary district. falling debris was recorded in... four districts
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of the region, a private house and utility room were completely destroyed, another 14 houses and a car were damaged, and power lines were also damaged. in one of the villages there is a partial lack of electricity - said the head of kyiv ova, ruslan kravchenko. russian terrorists attacked kherson railway station in the morning. damaged infrastructure. we had to limit the movement of the kyiv-kherson-kyiv train. currently, it will run only to mykolaiv - said the head of the kherson region oleksandr prokudin. and at night, the russians shelled bilozerka. a 65-year-old woman died in her own apartment. a 40-year-old man and a 65-year-old woman were hospitalized in serious condition. during the day, the occupiers damaged more than 90 private houses and a high-rise building in the region. they also targeted an administrative building, an educational institution, a gas pipeline, and agricultural machinery.
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bus and cars. oligarch ihor kolomoisky was informed of the suspicion of ordering an intentional murder, the office of the prosecutor general and the national police said. they did not name the businessman's name, but they published it photo sources of ukrainian pravda and rfe/rl confirmed that we are talking about a well-known oligarch. according to the investigation, in august 2003, four men beat and injured a lawyer in feodosia. the victim survived, then the perpetrators were arrested. now the police have established evidence that confirms the identity of the customer. motive: revenge for rejection. work in an illegal environment. as you know, ihor kolomoiskyi has been in custody since last september on suspicion of fraud and property laundering. the supreme anti-corruption court of ukraine arrested in absentia the ex-head of the state
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property fund, dmytro sinychenko, - reports the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office. sinichenko is suspected of laundering more than 10 billion hryvnias. according to investigation data from 2019. until 2022, he headed a criminal group that illegally seized the funds of several state-owned enterprises. currently , the ex-official is on an international wanted list. aimed missiles at kryvyi rih. the security service of ukraine detained a 27-year-old resident of the dnipropetrovsk region who was traveling around the area to identify ukrainian equipment. sbu detained the perpetrator is hot. a mobile phone with electronic maps of the area with location markings for the preparation of an air attack was seized from him. a collaborator in custody faces up to 12 years in prison. this year, on may 8, ukraine simultaneously celebrates
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the day of remembrance and reconciliation, as well as the victory over nazism in the second world war. on this occasion , memorial events were held in lviv on the site of the former concentration camp. was there. our correspondent is natalya stareprava. natalia, i congratulate you, tell me. i congratulate khrystyna, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel espresso. so, near the memorial cross, which stands on the site of the former concentration camp, events have already taken place to honor the memory of the fallen soldiers and victims of the second world war. in particular , flowers were laid and lamps were lit. an ecumenical prayer was also held. the night memorial service was held by the high eminence of the city of lviv, representatives of the city council of the lviv regional military administration, representatives of law enforcement agencies, and caring lviv residents also came to the event. you can see that he himself is memorable the cross, as well as most of the participants of the event
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, came with the symbol of the poppy, which symbolizes a bloody trail with a trail from the circle. well, one of the participants ms. valentina shared. with us the memories of his father, who participated in the second world war, who survived captivity and miraculously managed to return home alive. the woman admits that she lives nearby, and when she often passed here, on the site of the former concentration camp, near the citadel , she found inscriptions that terrified her, so let's listen to her further, it is written in german in red paint, to eat ashes. semi-forbidden, for non-compliance means shooting. then, when ours had already left, we, i tried so hard, there, nothing could be read there, and i asked dad, there was such an inscription here, am
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i saying, they ate corpses there, well, the prisoners themselves said so, people went down with their minds, simply, they rushed to the wire, they knew that under e... especially in courles, the wire was under the current, under the current, they knew, but mortals are better, sometimes, we say, they woke up, and lay, well, already with with carved squiggles, i will add that a former concentration camp was really located near the citadel for prisoners of war, where the nazis received more than 280,000. prisoners and over 140,000 of them were killed or tortured. well, that's the news for the moment and i'll pass the floor to the studio. thank you natalia. our correspondent natalya serepravo told how lviv commemorates the victims of the second world war. this is the end of the issue and i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, stay tuned.
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today in the program is the verdict with serhii rudenko. russian atomic hysteria. in response to the military strengthening of ukraine. from the west, moscow threatens the world tactically nuclear weapons. are the allies ready for further escalation? peacemaker from the east. china has pledged to refrain from selling any weapons to russia and will strictly control the export of dual- purpose goods. results of xi jinping's visit to france. coronation of putin. the inaugural show in the kremlin was consecrated. the new six-year eternal rule of the russian dictator, why among
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the guests of the toxic event were representatives of several european countries. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii ordenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and ours. victory today we will talk about the situation on the eastern and southern fronts, the coronation of putin and the special role of china in the russian-ukrainian war. we will talk about this over the next hour with our guests, general serhii kryvonos and journalist roman tsimbalyuk. in the second part of our program, which will start in exactly one hour, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, mykyta peturaev, rostislav pavlenko and yulia kuzmenko. however, before how to start our big conversation. i suggest you watch a video of how the mace strike unit of the separate presidential brigade named after
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bohdan khmelnytsky smashed an enemy tank column with wild hornet drones. let's see.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please vote in our poll. we ask you about the following: are you satisfied with the work of the government of denys shmyhal? yes, no, everything is on youtube quite simple, either yes or no, if you have a special opinion, you can leave it in the comments below this video. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for the appropriate numbers. if you are satisfied with the work of the shmyhal government, 0800 211 381, not 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end. program, we will sum up the results of this vote, i want to introduce today's first guest, this is
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serhiy kryvonos, major general of the reserve, the first deputy commander of special operations forces in 2016-19, as deputy secretary of the national security council. mr. general, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, everyone, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. general, let's begin our conversation with an analysis of the situation. is taking place now on the eastern front, russia is leading, the russians are conducting offensive actions, and obviously, these offensive actions, they will expand, as general budanov says about it, in particular, as far as can be expected in the second half of may, at the beginning of june, the activation of the russians, on various in sections of the front, including in the north-east, it means sumy and kharkiv. separately, as regards sumy and kharkiv, in the coming days, the russians have a certain
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number of assets at the level of 5,000, which they have spread across the territory of the bryansk, belohorod and yakut regions, and this is clearly not enough to start offensive actions, but it can provide the ability to introduction of border fighting in order to withdraw our forces. means from the russian-ukrainian front, and they do this effectively enough, as far as concerns other divisions of the front that you are talking about, at the moment... the situation is quite difficult, the russians have a powerful advantage in the number of artillery, air superiority and the number of people who conduct offensive actions in certain areas of the front. and one of the main tasks that the authorities must solve now is not only
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providing the necessary number of weapons for our guys on the front line, but also providing them with people who could... change those people who are currently fighting in the okop. mr. general, how quickly and whether the authorities will be able to do this do. well, taking into account the fact that starting from may 18, the law on the introduction of changes to the mobilization legislation will come into effect, did the authorities not have to wait for this and roll out and chew this gum for the past six months, but simply implement the legislation that already existed, it is simply necessary was to the millimeter to the point of executing and replenishing the armed forces with mobilized people, you have already answered your own question, but in the meantime we will consider it a little more widely, because the issue of mobilization that the authorities talk about, for some reason, they always talk only about people who must be demobilized to military units,
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but this last point was only written in the previous law, in the existing law. that this is the transfer of the economy of ukraine to financing in the conditions of a special period or wartime, the transfer to the functioning of state authorities and enterprises of ukraine, and only then directly there was a question about the military units. the authorities absolutely did not fulfill the first three points then and do not fulfill them now, you know, they are somehow so selective about the implementation of the laws of ukraine. in fact, for... the law that was and existed in previous years, more than the working ones, everything was thought out and written in the blood of previous wars. the authorities do not deal with the issue of mobilization at all, and the issue of mobilization refers only to people who need to be called up, and this is a much broader complex, and first of all, when in the new law they determine that a huge
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number of officials who are in the bloated powerful official apparatus of ukraine. and this is not one hundred thousand men, a huge number of her representatives of others power structures, which are given er, you know, armor from the ability to fight at the front, certain citizens of ukraine have a question, why there is stubbornness for them, and why there is not for others, therefore the law must work one hundred percent during the war, and again - the same unpopular example for our government, when in israel at the beginning of the war a huge number of politicians... and together with their relatives went to fight. this is just an example of a citizen's attitude towards fulfilling his constitutional duty, regardless of his position. the same, as in the same great britain, one of the examples that even members of the royal family serve in hot spots, and we have had more than enough of these examples. the law must work for everyone, and when the government
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works according to the principle that the law is for its own, as it should be, for others, then it will never engage in mobilization, it is unpopular for it, it is unprofitable for it, and it is not interesting for it, so they and did not make decisions and tried to drag out the issue of the new law in order to divert the attention of the society from the problems that exist, then, that they adopted a new law, it is not a fact that it will work if they did not want to work with the previous one, that is, this thesis that this law in... establishes or gives some certain guidelines for justice in society, it does not correspond to reality, because we have a large category of officials, high-ranking officials, who are not subject to mobilization, justice is only among those who are lower in rank in society, and who are not in positions and there are no certain reservations, as i
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understand correctly, absolutely correct, eh sir general, on the background of... everything in the white house declared that the aid of the united states of america will allow ukraine to go on the offensive in 2025, this was stated by the financial times, the national security adviser to the president of the united states of america, jake sullivan, he says, well, he quotes jake's publication sullivan, he said that with washington's help again, kyiv will be able to hold its defense and ensure that ukraine survives. against the russian attack during the 24th year, indicating the scenario of the war next year, sullivan noted that ukraine intends to counteroffensive in the 25th year, well jakes. as a statesman, as a person who works in a state where the principles of fulfilling constitutional duties are sacred, he probably clearly understands
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that, in addition to what he can withstand for this year until the 25th year, the government must carry out active work in four directions , active work, first of all, this is the preparation of the population for the ability to defend itself in... the economy of ukraine to function in conditions of martial law, and the third is the fortification equipment of the territory of ukraine, and the fourth is the deployment on certain important positions of people, professionals who understand the issues of training. preparing and waging war in the country, well, if the complexes together with american help, it will work and then we can raise the issue of an offensive, without
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the implementation of these functions, without these things, no matter how much help they give us, we will not be able to, because even simple weapons , which the americans give us, must fall into the hands of the people, and these people must call three people. these people need to be trained, these people need to be motivated, without people the weapons will remain useless scrap metal, that is, mr. general, as far as i understand, we, we are not keeping up with the russians, the russians are doing it much faster, correct? well, we had 2 years, we could have taken it up more seriously already during the great war, i am not saying that in 19 years, certain processes related to the level of the country's educational capacity were frozen by the authorities. and stopped, so everything depends only on us, the fact that the russians are still ahead does not mean that we cannot catch up and
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overtake them, everything depends on us. mr. general, on the eve of the so-called inauguration president putin, the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation made several statements and warnings, in particular to great britain and france, they summoned the ambassadors in moscow and said that... if the weapons of great britain will hit the objects of the russian federation, on russian territory, how the head of the foreign ministry of great britain, david cameron, stated that russia reserves the right to retaliate against objects located on the territory of ukraine, meaning british and outside the borders, do you think putin will dare to strike great britain , if the armed forces of ukraine. using british weapons, i will hit objects, military objects located on the territory of russia. he will dare only in the event that
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a huge number of er relatives, children, officials, er, russian politicians, will be taken out of britain, their property that belongs in britain will be taken from them, a huge amount of er money will be taken from them, which is in british... in the banks, then russia has nothing to lose, it can do it, at this stage britain has a powerful propeller, which at any moment it can spin to the russians in britain and it will be over quickly enough, so eh, from my point of view it's a bluff about nothing so far, because you can say anything, but if you have leverage in the hands of your opponents, then there's no point in bluffing . another statement that was commented on by the ministry of foreign affairs of russia of the russian federation is macron's statement that in the event
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of a critical situation on the russian-ukrainian front and a breakthrough of this front, french troops may appear there to fight on the side of ukraine. or defend ukraine. macron later already stated that france is not at war with russia or the russian people, we have no desire to change the regime in moscow - the french leader emphasized, and today we saw that the representative of france was at the so -called inauguration of the so-called putin, what do you think macron is afraid of when he takes one step forward and then two steps back? the french economy is quite powerfully united with certain areas of the russian economy. federation and even the issue of joint ventures for extraction and its transportation and processing of liquefied gas, this
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just more to france, that's why... that's why one of the examples is when the french voted with their entire parliament to lift sanctions on a french-russian company for work on liquefied gas processing, so there is always an economic interest behind any of these statements, as well as others there are more than enough examples where russia is important for france. regarding the possibility of president macron to introduce ukrainian troops on the territory, french troops on the territory. ukraine does not have any problems at all as far as military units are concerned foreign legion, it does not require any parliamentary permission for such things, so the french want to be both smart and good in certain political nuances, and do not want to lose the market for raw materials, because they still continue to buy the same oil through third countries the already reworked russian and many other things through third countries, that is why his... desire to appear in
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the eyes of both the world community and the russian community, to be good for those and for those is understandable, because, you know, he has no choice, he does not want , quarrel with russia, but in the meantime has already shown himself to be a champion for ukraine, and it is quite difficult to sit on two chairs with one ass, absolutely sure, mr. general, one news that arrived literally these days is that... the russian federation will conduct exercises using nuclear non-strategic weapons, today it became known that this will take place on the territory of belarus, this was stated by the minister of defense of the republic of belarus viktor khrenin, the same khrenin who assured our minister of defense oleksiy reznikov on february 22, 2022 that from russian troops will not go to belarus, so this khrenin confirmed that these exercises
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will take place on the territory of the republic. belarus, and there is a reaction from washington, and they say that so far they do not see signs of the possible use of nuclear weapons by the russian federation against ukraine. this was stated by the spokesman of the state department of the united states of america, matthew miller. let's hear what miller said: russian nuclear rhetoric has been reckless and irresponsible throughout the conflict, but we see no reason to change. these own nuclear forces in response to these statements, since there are no signs that russia is preparing to use nuclear weapons in ukraine. mr. general, for two years there has been a lot of speculation on the part of the russian federation that they may use tactical nuclear weapons, and this was said in the context of the fact that if something threatens our territory, they
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consider their... territories to be occupied crimea and temporarily occupied regions of kherson, zaporizhzhia, donetsk and luhansk regions, then we say that we can use tactical nuclear weapons, but theoretically, the use of these tactical nuclear weapons, what would lead to what consequences for russia? well, the western countries have more than enough high-precision weapons, and they clearly know all the coordinates. the storage of nuclear weapons of the russian federation and to carry out pre-emptive strikes if necessary, at certain moments and to land their special forces at the signals of the storage of nuclear weapons, does not create any problems for the country, therefore , once again , nato reacts quite calmly to the nuclear blackmail and bluff of the russian federation, but at the same time holds gunpowder dry in their cases. it was yesterday. and
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the day before yesterday, mr. general, xi jinping, the leader of china, visited paris, and he held talks with french president emmanuel macron and convinced that china would refrain from selling any weapons to the russian federation, macron, after meeting with xi jinping, thanked him for the obligation to refrain from helping putin. let's listen to what emmanuel macron said. we respect the long-standing ties between china and russia, as well as the efforts made over decades to stabilization of these relations. given this difficult history, we welcome the commitment of the chinese authorities to refrain from selling any arms or aid to moscow and to strictly control the export of dual- use goods. mr. general, could there be more...


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