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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EEST

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they are actively dealing with it, so the situation is stable, but still tense. thank you, mr. yevhen, yevhen bilov, the head of the volunteer organization rukh vilniy kharkiv was in direct contact with us now, and now we will include vadym denysenko, political expert, journalist, in our explanation. glory to ukraine, vadim. glory to the hero. well, yesterday putin once again appointed himself to the post. so we understand that the problem generally has several dimensions. but if, for example, to analyze this and that and all external paraphernalia, well, we understand that there is a certain consensus on the part of the russian elites regarding the lifelong, lifelong usurpation of power by putin in russia, accordingly, in your opinion, how can this affect russian aggression against ukraine? well, in principle , it is more important for us here that the consensus regarding the fact that putin is here for a long time is also among the western elites. that is, not only among the russian elites,
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but also among the western elites, the opinion that putin came for a long time is, unfortunately, dominant, and to fight against it, in the west too, at the moment, from my point of view, it is not that no one wants, and no one is even going to, in principle, ask the question about, is not going to ask the question about the fact that, obviously, after all, his life term should be shortened as much as possible, life will of course make its own corrections, but none the less the state'. at present, there is such and such a consensus among western elites regarding the continuation of the war on the territory of ukraine, we must also understand that as of now there are two points of view: the first point of view, and this is here is also very important, it is actually very important for us the consensus of the west that no one will accept vladimir putin's position on his plan to end the war, well, his plan to end the war is... the annexation of a large
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part of the territory of ukraine, and in principle ukraine, as a puppet part of the russian federation, if you really simplify what he wants, and not only that, he actually has much more interest now than just ukraine, but there is a consensus in the west at the moment that there are no similar proposals from putin, they do not go and are not ready to go and are not going to leave, this is a huge plus for us. on the other hand, the position of the team that forms now is ideological. templates of vladimir putin and those around him, and these are primarily the patrushev group, the chemidzov group, and it is possible that this is kienko together with the kovalchuks, they believe that now there is no need to make any concessions in the collective effort and it is necessary to press their position, in essence , the situation has entered into a crisis, i.e., on the one hand , neither ukraine nor the west accepts russia's position, russia says that we are from our we will not move away from our position. that
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's why these are the ones with whom we are there conditionally at the moment there is the seventh may 8, the day of putin's inauguration for the fifth term, the fifth and also the last term, the last, well, the last, because the elections do not make any sense from now on, that is, for us very what is important is that the most interesting thing about yesterday was that vladimir putin was the first to point out. well , the first decrees are meant after the inauguration, they were executed in the 36th year, i.e. the end of two double terms of office, i.e. they are now six years old the president is elected, that is, they count his term of office in 12 years, that is, in two terms after his election, that is, he showed the whole world and his entourage, first of all, that he plans to be here as long as possible, and what is no less important, no talk about offensive... what plan do
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ukrainian partners in the west have now, they have already accepted the fact that putin is for a long time, and what do you think is the plan they have now possible there in the short term for the coming years, is it to bide their time or drag out time , is it possible are there any other ways to this plan? well , look, i can only repeat once again that, firstly, they have come to terms with the fact that he has been around for a long time, unfortunately, they have no idea that he should be killed, destroyed, liquidated, moreover, i will say , that it is a huge problem for us that they have removed themselves from the information war on the territory of the russian federation, that is , the de facto collective defense has said that we will not conduct an information campaign on the territory of russia. this is despite the fact that russia
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unashamedly conducts its information campaigns counter and cyber companies on the territory of the european union and the united states of america. the only thing they have a consensus on, i repeat, and this is really very important for us, is that they do not agree and are not going to agree to that plan, well, it’s hard to say, to that plan for ending the war that vladimir putin is proposing , that is, as of now, we can say that a negotiation window is theoretically possible, which existed at the beginning of the year, which could open somewhere around the middle of the summer, it is de facto on today's moment... has already closed, and de facto, it is very difficult to say that it is possible this year, plus, on top of everything else, it became very clear that someone in ukraine likes it or does not like it, but unfortunately ,
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it will be incredibly difficult to solve this complex equation, to end, or even to suspend or freeze the war without china, that is, it is becoming increasingly clear, especially after china's visit to france, especially after certain things appear to be agreed between china and russia in beijing, and there will be only one agreement, that is, the russians made essentially unprecedented concessions to the chinese, and they need only one thing from china at the moment in the short-term perspective, so that china does not take any hard position after the end of the war, and gives putin leeway even there , at least for x months of the war, so from this point of view, unfortunately, we can only say one thing, that in principle... plan a, which is currently in place in russia, in the west, and in china itself, this is exclusively a continuation of the war and to see what and how it will unfold events on the battlefield. the geneva peace summit, and
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the mentioned, so to speak, proposals and visions from the side of the collective event, we understand that russia will pursue its goals, military goals, goals and russia will not be at the geneva summit, but we understand that the position and a certain negotiating framework they can convey to her, on the other hand, how tough and how effective the position of those countries that will gather in switzerland will be, it will happen, well, approximately in a month, accordingly, we understand that the position is one story, and the readiness to go to specific additional steps, that's a little different, see. i think that if nothing extraordinary happens, well, it doesn't look like anything will happen, the geneva summit will only confirm this status quo that i'm talking about today, that the collective action does not accept, categorically does not accept the plan the end of vladimir
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putin's war, while they provided us with weapons for what they believe should be enough there until about the spring of 2025. and they observe this situation from another point of view sides, i repeat once again, a very important role in the end of this war will be assigned, and judging by everything will belong to the people's republic of china, as of now, china has voiced its vision and its attitude to the geneva conference by what they said about what to decide the issue needs to be discussed jointly between ukraine and russia, that is , at conferences where both ukraine and russia will be present. therefore, they do not place any bets on geneva, and in principle, they will continue to occupy such a self-serving position of a kind of observer who looks for by what is happening, including on
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the battlefield, that is, to say that now something will radically change in the collective action, well, i would really like to be wrong, but i... i don't see any prerequisites for this , mr. vadym, look, there was a statement by the deputy head of gurmo, vadym skibytsky, that practical negotiations between ukraine and russia can begin no earlier than in the second half of the 25th year, why do you think that actually, why do you think, why now our officials started talking about it publicly, officially, yes, at such an already publicly open level, is it really now... our authorities may see some other ways and ways to achieve peace, because you are saying that you currently do not see such prerequisites? well, in principle, from my point of view, mr. skibitsky outlined a very realistic picture.
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i would like to be more optimistic, i would believe that, after all, certain contours are theoretically, again, we are talking only about theoretical possibilities now, theoretically possible. will be at the beginning of 2025 year, but uh, nevertheless, the issue of the negotiation process has been practically removed from the agenda of 2024, and i repeat once again, the theoretical opportunity for this is the window, the window of opportunity for these negotiations, it existed, but in principle, unfortunately, there was a situation in which all parties, i mean russia, china, above all russia and china, played the game that does not allow to start even consultations regarding the start of negotiations at the moment. thank you, vadim denysenko , a political... expert journalist, was in touch with us. now we are going to take a short break and talk
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about xi jinping's visit to the european continent, an extremely important conversation, just wait a couple of minutes and we will be with you. honor traditions and be proud of your culture with unpack tv. we present a collection of modern embroidery. unique ukrainian embroidery in combination with the comfort of your favorite t-shirts. right at a nice price of only 299 hryvnias. men's and women's options - current trendy colors and double sizes from 44 to 62. vyshyvanka - it is always fashionable and always presentable. every day, in any situation, you will look amazing and feel incredible. our embroidered shirts are perfect both for the holiday and for every day. and all thanks to real embroidery in the national style. just look at the neat work. it is always beautiful and always appropriate. the collection includes men's and women's embroidered shirts and
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hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. may 8, memorial day. memory of the second world war, memory of millions of ukrainians who fought, millions of ukrainians who survived and millions who did not survive that war, never worked again, but we believe in our victory and remember all our heroes . may 8: day of remembrance and victory over nazism in druga world war join the ranks of the hundredth individual. mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our
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safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. the strong in spirit value the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our land meter by meter. land, stand up to the ranks hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. today, the enemy also struck vinnytsia, i am quoting now. emergencies center: a large-scale fire broke out in vidnychyna as a result of an enemy hit . 63 people, personnel and 18 pieces of equipment were involved in extinguishing the fire. well, this briefly indicates the seriousness of the blow, but, as we
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promised, we will now talk about the visit of the leader of the chinese communists xi jinping to european continent. artur kharitonov, president of the geoliberal-democratic league of ukraine, is already in touch with us. mr. arthur, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine. good day glory. well, xi continues his tour of europe, so we are all waiting for the results of this tour, and dying with impatience to understand whether china can become a moderator to end this war, and indeed, whether china wants to become one moderator, are you an observer... or these days according to the reports in the western press, how do you currently assess the interim results of this visit? it's too early to talk about anything, obviously there was a serious conversation between president macron and sidizenpin in france, the key points, they're behind the wheel of course, and we'll see the results of that conversation next month when
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the peace summit starts, because it's definitely about china gave instructions to russia. to stop their war, this is demanded by absolutely everyone, both the leadership of the european union and president biden, and these conversations are in the region, the indo-pacific, that is, everyone is waiting for a decision from the prc, and it is likely that china will make this decision otherwise will be announced during the planned visit of putin to beijing, and as for other points, what they could talk about, of course, it is precisely about the elements of deterrence, macron is generally known for his special... diplomatic style, he took xi jinping to hungary there, well they they said there, then xi jinping will already deal with expansionary goals, only 10 documents are planned in hungary and about strengthening their cooperation, there will also be a stop in serbia, well, in my opinion, in a certain way, china is simply mastering its territories in europe already at that time
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a state when there will be no war in europe, that is, in ukraine. dear mr. arthur, well, on the other hand, we can see how... only technically, so to speak, technically, xijin ping played with the reasons why he did not go to the self-appointment procedure of putin's self-appointment to moscow, that is, we understand that chinese diplomacy is very old, very wise and so to speak, if they don't do something, but do something else, it means something, in any case, we understand that xi jinping and his protocol service could not but know when putin will be on his own to push crown, that's right, but still chose his schedule, and ignored the de facto presence at an important event for putin. yes, yes, with the sound just really sisim pinton did not arrive. the only thing i have great doubts about is that chinese diplomacy is wise, or something, ancient, because it is
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communist diplomacy, chinese-style soviet diplomacy. but one should not exaggerate their abilities to some kind of wisdom. another question is that everyone simply did not take the time to go to their vassal in moscow, well, because the event is too small for him, as if the vassal had come to him on his own, and this had been done for a long time. on the other hand , there are obviously high-ranking actean representatives in moscow, their ambassador works there, the ambassador of the russian people's republic of china, who in fact can be equated with the minister of russian affairs, he has titanic such... power over the kremlin there, and he made many statements in favor of the russians these days, including about the conference that china offers for ukraine and for russia as part of the negotiations, it is also not yet known who will arrive at the so-called russian parade, so that there were such coincidences, and in the media about the possible arrival in moscow of the minister of defense of the people's republic of china,
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well, let's see, this does not mean that their relations are somehow there... on the contrary, they will only intensify, another issue is that china is simply demonstrating your attitude to what russia is, russia is only one of the vassals, and everything that is done is done so that russia will continue to be subordinate to petino. mr. artur, please tell me, what do you think, can russia wage war against ukraine on its own, if china is one way or another, maybe under certain circumstances will change its position on the war that russia has unleashed in ukraine. can we say that china's role is decisive in whether russia will be able to lead this aggression? on the persuasion of the intelligence of the united states of russia? it will be very difficult to fight a war without chinese help, it is critical, this is what the us command in the indo-pacific confirms, and which is the most critical and important for the united
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states, for its national security, in my opinion, russia is also not capable of waging a full-scale war without chinese help, well, at least because from the very beginning china was the umbilical cord that fed russia at all levels, today we have 90% of microelectronics that is supplied from the people's republic of china for... the military industry, and also 70% of machine tools are supplied for russia from china , for the production of weapons, and this is not to mention their insane trade of 240 billion dollars a year, investments and in general all-round support, well sish has never hidden that russia has a comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era, as it is called, according to the chinese legislation, but also his personal status - limitless boundless friendship between russia and china, well... of course, this friendship includes all-round assistance for russia in the war. that is why it is difficult to expect that china will somehow break off relations with russia, or stop supplies,
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another issue is that under the pressure of democracy, in the current situation, china can order russia to stop hostilities. well, mr. arthur, you know, this is also quite a debatable story, but, as they say, we will wait and see, in particular, when we talk about comprehensive support from the chinese people republic, russian. aggression, so we understand that there are certain stop letters, and the united states secretary of state anthony blinken once again reminded the chinese, so to speak, what a very specific economic response of the west can be, let's not, as you rightly noted, overestimate china's economic power, yes we understand that the chinese economic bubble can be successfully torpedoed at a certain moment, so to speak, well, beijing knows this and is afraid of it in principle, and that is why they insist on... one or another big, big bargain, first of all with the west , and not with the russian federation, but going back to the extremely important point that you mentioned when we talk about the chinese
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so-called, why, well, the so-called peace initiatives, because the chinese so-called plan, well, it's about everything and nothing , but the chinese would rather go to geneva, well, they won't be present there, but maybe there will be some other initiative. from the chinese side, is it there, do you think, is it traceable, in what format and so on? the chinese economy is already experiencing a considerable crisis, the largest in 30 years years, there is a huge outflow of capital from the prc, foreign investments have fallen by 87% in the 23rd year, china is also experiencing an unprecedented level of deflation, the collapse of the real estate market, unemployment among young people and a general loss of international trust, no one wants to do business with china , and this already mediates their crisis, and this bubble, well, if it hasn't burst yet, it's in the process, and one way or another it will be fragile.
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as for the initiatives, well, we do not yet know whether the prc will volunteer to be present at the peace summit, so far there is a lot of pressure to do so to beijing in order for such a decision to be made, in the event that a high-chinese representation appears in switzerland at the same level. and bossy will obviously not arrive there, this will be a positive signal, it means that there is a certain agreement, cisk worked and on china regarding the collapse of the russian war. the alternative plan, xi makes clear , is a ukrainian peace conference, which they call that, which is recognized by both ukraine and russia, but then they do not reveal anything about it , probably china will promote this narrative, but again, it is worth watch sequentially, what will happen, because... these processes will unfold very quickly from the beginning of june and, in principle, on the eve of the opening of the g7 summit, which will be a few
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days before the peace summit, it will already be clear what and how. mr. arthur, who do you think should be present at this summit, in the event that china does agree, because we understand that it is conditional to come and shine the face, anyone can be there, the same lihuei, but from a different point of view on the other hand, we understand that... that it has to achieve practical results be a serious figure that will be represented there by official beijing, well, if we talk about the realism of what will be good for us, it's probably them, because they will send you when they intend to make some decisions, that was very clear can be seen during the negotiations regarding the near east, when wang yi dropped everything and came to president alsi in egypt for a few days to talk about palestine. and then the format of the palestinian peace conference was agreed upon by both the united states and the people's republic of china, that is, there are common denominators, in fact, this a positive signal, it was the same during
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such sweating. the negotiations between jake sullivan, the national security adviser in the white house and ivan and in bangkok, also critical negotiations that were related to the direction of ukraine, and now we have the consequences of negotiations that were quite successful for the united states, that is, for us, so yes, it will be good , if such a representation appears there, if lihui is there, this is really a story about consecrating a face, and it is unlikely that it will lead to any constructive consequences, will it appear there sijin ping, no, it is unlikely that he will appear, but i... if this idea about the ukrainian peace conference is promoted in any of the formats, because it may be called differently, well, it may appear there, because in reality we have to talk it is xi, it is not important to talk to putin here, because he receives instructions from the prc, well, it is often said that russia is under the external control of china, that is, they told us something about it, but now they themselves found themselves in
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the fact that they invented for us. "look, we would also like to comment on how much actively, the president, prime minister of hungary viktor orbán can, so to speak, perform certain technical tasks on the part of the people's republic of china. well, in any case , xi jinping praised viktor orbán's government for, mind you, i quote, for an independent foreign policy. well, today sidzin pin should arrive in hungary after visiting serbia." quoting from... sidzinpin: together we went through difficulties, together we challenged power politics against the backdrop of unstable international relations. we found our own way for sovereign states to independently carry out friendly exchanges with other countries. that's right. you have a word. undoubtedly, hungary will serve and has served for a long time as a proxy for the prc, as well as for russia, this is a question for the orbán government, which has a considerable
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interest. to the promotion of everything chinese, because it's just economic benefits, they make money on it. in general, orbán often visits beijing. we remember that he was at the forum of the lynpoyasno shlyach program in october, where putin was the main star. well, there is nothing surprising in this. what europe needs very much prepare for the fact that hungary can function as a proxy. and the chinese expansion into serbia should also be a reason why you should not rush to make a decision. regarding the accession of serbia to any democratic blocs. we thank you. artur kharitonov, president of the holiberal democratic league of ukraine was eteri espresso. we still have time to inform you about important events, there is the reaction of the eu to the appearance of certain european diplomats at the so-called inauguration of putin. the eu says that this does not undermine support for ukraine. about it on briefing in brussels on wednesday, the spokesperson
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of the foreign policy said. service of sprstan, and actually he said that this event in moscow was rather a matter of protocol, including the invitation of ambassadors to countries around the world. most of the eu member states decided not to participate in this event. well, in the meantime, the verkhovna rada approved the presidential decrees on the extension of martial law and general mobilization until august 11, 2024 . this was reported by people's deputy zheleznyak. for 339 national elections. and accordingly the council approved the presidential decree on the continuation of mobilization. zheleznyak reminded that this was the 11th vote of the parliament for the continuation of the martial law and, accordingly, for the mobilization processes. more news will be shared by our colleagues, we actually pass the floor to irina koval in order to find out more information, iro, we congratulate you, we pass the floor to you, and we ask you
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to tell us briefly about what. will be discussed in this issue. thank you, marta, well, in the issue i will tell about the consequences of the missile attack, and also about what threatens the management employee of the state guard, who killed a teenager in the capital's funicular funicular, wait for more details, you will learn in the issue. 3:00 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention , a news broadcast on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers, i will start with the situation in the kharkiv region, five people were injured as a result of the attack on kharkiv, among them three.


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