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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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more information iro, we welcome you, we give you the floor, and we ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, well, in the issue i will tell you about the consequences of the rocket attack, and also about what threatens the employee of the state security department, who killed a teenager in the background of the kolya funicular in the capital, wait for more details, you will learn in the issue. 3 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention , a news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers, and let's start from the situation in kharkiv region, five people were injured as a result of the attack on kharkiv, among them three. children,
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the mayor of the city, ihor terekhov, announced this. the occupiers hit the territory of the educational institution, emergency services are working on the spot. kharkiv was shelled, unfortunately, a shrapnel rocket hit the stadium, where children were walking at that time, three wounded, two children in serious condition, now they are going to the hospital in an ambulance, one. one child is more or less normal, but also injured. today from 18:00 to 23:00 it is possible to turn off the lights throughout territory of ukraine, warned ukrenergo. there, it was emphasized that the restrictions will be evenly distributed across all regions, and the shutdown schedules will be published by local oblenergo. the company also noted that the shortage of electricity will be compensated by imports from eu countries. let me remind you, at night and in the morning. tank, the russians shelled
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the infrastructure in the lviv, vinnytsia, kyiv, poltava, kirovohrad, zaporizhia, and ivano-frankivsk regions. in particular, three thermal power plants of dtek were seriously damaged, the company reported. this is already the fifth massed the russian missile-drone attack on ukrainian energy on march 22. day of remembrance and victory over nazism in the second world war. zelensky took part in a commemorative event near the motherland monument. during the speech, the president compared nazism 80 years ago with the current russian terror. the head of state also presented awards on the occasion of the anniversary of the victory over nazism. as it was 80 years ago, the memory of the victory over nazism, not the ruins, should be left to mankind. and it will be, and may it never be. those who do not disappear from human memory
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whose courage, whose strength preserve life on earth, may cooperation and law prevail, which ensure normal, peaceful coexistence between peoples. the world is once again witnessing the revival of nazism, now under the russian president, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said. according to him, this nazism can only be stopped by joining forces in an anti-putin coalition. 80 years ago , millions of ukrainians fought to defeat nazism forever, but today ukrainians are again fighting against evil, which has reborn, has come again, and wants to destroy us again. the army is not human, who kills, tortures, erases peaceful cities and villages from the face of the earth. evil. the name of which is russian
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fascism, abbreviated rf. she helped the russians capture the capital. the security service exposed the traitor who in march 2022 gave the occupiers the geolocation of ukrainian defenders. the attacker was driving around the suburbs of kyiv and recorded strongholds, roadblocks and ukrainian firing positions on her phone. after the failure of the enemy's offensive, the traitor tried... to avoid justice, but failed. the police found the spy's cell phone phones with evidence. the traitor was arrested, she faces life imprisonment. he worked for the occupiers. the court sentenced the traitor of ukraine to 12 years in prison. according to the case file, the ex-serviceman gave the russians information about the lutsk military airfield. after collecting the data, the attacker tried to renew contacts with the ex. and active
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servicemen of the airport. the occupiers recruited a man back in 2020. the attacker sought out information about the number. and aircraft types, ordnance and armament, shelter placement, and location of engineering buildings at the airfield. he transferred all the collected data through established communication channels to an agent of the russian federation, an ex-pilot recruited by enemy special services. the latter was detained by counter-intelligence agents in march 20 at the border while trying to escape. safe escape or suicide. border guards rescued seven evaders . this was reported in the western regional office of the state border service. to get to neighboring hungary, the men tried to cross the river in a rubber boat. but, when they were exposed by the border guards, the intruders rushed to swim on their own, they were carried away by the current. the fugitives were pulled ashore and
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detained. the men paid about 7 thousand dollars to the shippers for such a route. law enforcement officers are currently looking for the organizers of the illegal scheme. the murder of a teenager in the capital's funicular. an employee of the state security department will be brought before the court. he faces life imprisonment, the state bureau of investigation reported. according to the materials of the investigation, on april 7, the official was in a state of alcohol and drug intoxication, began to cling to the passengers of the funicular. after getting out of the train, the suspect pushed the teenager through the window. the boy broke the glass with his head and received fatal neck injuries. teenager. died on the spot. the detainee was immediately suspended from performing his duties. his command provided full assistance in conducting urgent investigative actions. in the course of the investigation, the sbi investigators established that
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the juvenile's life was taken due to hooligan motives, and therefore reclassified the suspicion. romania is ready to consider the transfer to ukraine of the patriot complex. this was stated by the president. of the country klaus iohannis after a meeting with the us leader joe biden in washington. currently , romania has only one patriot battery in service. however, president iohannis noted that the discussion was about another battery that is almost ready for use. president biden also mentioned patriots for ukraine during our meeting. and i said i'm open to discussion, but i have to discuss it in advance. defense of our country to see what we can offer and what we can get in return, because leaving the romanians without air defense is unacceptable. landed without front landing gear, there was an incident with a fedex
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airlines cargo plane at the istanbul airport. the aircraft remained on the runway, so there were no casualties. fire engines immediately arrived at the scene of the accident. the booing 767 was flying from charles de gaulle airport in paris. before landing, the pilots informed controllers that the front wheels were not deploying, so the plane was helped to land with guidance from the control tower. the planes began to float. in brazil , the airport in the city of porto alegre went under water. this happened due to heavy rains, which led to a large-scale. in the region, as reported by local media, the natural disaster destroyed numerous roads, bridges, residential and public buildings. huge destruction occurred in 235 settlements in the state of rio grande do sul. at least 40 people have died, and dozens more are
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missing. journalists were allowed to work in the premises of the verkhovna rada. the relevant order was signed by the speaker of parliament ruslan stepanchuk. therefore, in order to work, journalists will need to undergo re-accreditation, the procedure for which will be made public soon, it was reported on the website of the parliament. specially equipped workplaces were created for media representatives. however, no more than 30 journalists can be in the press center. and i want to remind you about our collection. with your help, we raised funds for cars and equipment for our defenders. two suvs. for the gur air reconnaissance group and air defense forces, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator for the transportation of fallen heroes. they have already arrived in ukraine, but they need training for military service. our goal is uah 120,000. and it remains to collect a little more
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than uah 40,000. so you see all the details on the screen, and i encourage you to join our gathering. that was the news for this time, you can read more on our website espresso tv, a short summary of the main thing: you will find our unique content on our social networks. on youtube our team is working so that you can see it already at 4 p.m an updated news release, and my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii will continue the ether in just a moment. thank you to iryna koval, thank you to our journalists. well, the russians attacked energy facilities in six ukrainian ones. regions and in the evening may introduce restrictions on consumption, the ministry of energy reports. i quote:
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now literally the enemy has massively attacked electricity generation and transmission facilities in poltava, kirovohrad, zaporizhzhia, lviv, ivano-frankivsk and vinnytsia regions. the consequences are clarified, about this and about another, maria tsaturyan, director of communications of ukrenergo. glory to ukraine, mrs. maria, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, i would like to ask you to elaborate now. information about restrictions on the supply of electricity, in general, if we talk about enemy strikes on electricity generation and distribution facilities? yes, indeed, the russians made another, massive, combined attack on energy facilities, tonight, their targets were ukrainian power plants and ukrenergo energy infrastructure facilities in the central region, because of this... evening 24 hours a day, the dispatch center of ukrenergo predicts a shortage of electricity in the system,
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a shortage of capacity, primarily as a result of missile and drone strikes on ukrainian power plants that directly produce electricity, therefore restrictions are possible primarily for industrial consumers and businesses, if even after these measures consumption continues increase in the evening hours, dispatch center of ukrenergo zmu'. will also apply the restrictions of household consumers of the population, when i am talking about the evening hours of the day - this is primarily 18 until 11 p.m. ms. maria, if we are talking about restrictions, should ukrainians be prepared for the fact that while our energy workers are working to somehow eliminate the consequences of these attacks, we may have to live according to certain blackout schedules. this may already become our everyday life, and i will say this, so far there are no reasons
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to introduce planned schedules of outages that will operate exactly, sorry for the taftology, according to the schedules and published daily on the official oblenergo pages, there are no reasons to believe that this will be the case, but it depends very much on intensity and frequency of russian attacks and damage capacity. energy facilities, so i would definitely advise ukrainians to prepare for the fact that after such massive attacks as there were today, it is worth preparing for the fact that there may be short-term interruptions in energy supply in certain hours of the day, when consumption in the country traditionally increases . for us, energy professionals, such peak hours, or we call them peak hours, are the morning hours from 7:00 am. to 11:00, also, as i said, evening with 60 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., so during these hours, it is advisable
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to use electricity sparingly, not to turn on all powerful electrical appliances at the same time, it would also be very useful for the energy system if businesses consciously limited their electricity consumption, reformatted their work modes if possible, perhaps reduced would light the trading halls, if we are talking about trading centers and also reduce the use of energy-intensive devices that may be used for cooling or for some other production processes. it will greatly help the energy industry, which is currently working on the restoration and elimination of the consequences of missile attacks and the restoration of damaged energy facilities, and will reduce the load on the energy system. yes, mrs. maria, and we wanted to clarify. if we are talking about certain proportions, hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants,
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the enemy targeted them. well, how do the citizens of ukraine currently consume electricity, that is , mostly generated at nuclear power plants, or is there still a significant part that would was generated by both thermal and hydroelectric power stations? i would not like to go into details here about the operational situation in the energy system, this is a direct hint to the enemy, i would not like to... help them at all, but i can tell you that you are right, nuclear power plants have always been and are the basis of our energy system , the basis of generation in our energy. energy systems call it base generation, the thermal and hydroelectric power plants you just mentioned are mostly objects that are very necessary in the work especially in the evening and morning hours, when the consumption is maximum, they are able to very quickly raise the necessary power and change the modes of their work, as well as lower
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it, therefore, the goal of the enemy is to deliberately knock out the... energy-rich, this, we call it peak and semi-peak generation, maneuvering generation, which is able to quickly react to changes in consumption in the country in the evening and in the morning, that is why we are calling for savings at this hour, but currently the demand for electricity in the country is covered by ukrainian power plants of all types and types, not only nuclear, but also all other power plants are working, including in... solar power plants are working very actively, due to which the consumption is covered, plus we should not forget that our union with the european power system is such a significant vest for us and a significant technical support for us , we receive commercial electricity supply to ukraine, i mean the import of
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electricity, also ukrenergo, as the operator of the energy system, has the ability to attract emergency assistance, yes... emergency supply in case extreme such crisis situations in the system, in particular, as we did this morning, attracting emergency aid from european countries to cover consumption after a massive attack. thank you maria tsaturyan, ukrenergo's communications director, was a veteri espresso, and actually confirmed that, unfortunately, if there is excessive electricity consumption, we will have to make certain shutdowns in all regions evenly, so let's... save in order to this did not happen. we are going to take a break now, after it we will talk in more detail about actually today is a day of remembrance and reconciliation. we will have the inclusion of our correspondents, guests in the studio, we will analyze these 10 years, yes, which ones we actually start with the fact that we celebrate may 8, we do not celebrate may 9, the day of pobidubesia, and how we came to this, we
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order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 999 with the possibility of free delivery, powerful saws strong, what you need, call! today, ukraine celebrates both the day of victory over nazism and the day of remembrance and reconciliation . may 8 is a tragic and at the same time heroic day, millions of people gave their lives in the fight against nazism, and now we see pe'. relics, returning with other slogans in a different form, but the same ideas, ideas, trying to somehow destroy another nation and trying
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to introduce its own symbolism, but the key history, how we should be and how we should relate to the past. let's take a look at the story of our colleague emma stadnyk, the story is dedicated to how the celebration of the day of remembrance and reconciliation and victory day changed in ukraine. the 2014 revolution of dignity changed the political landscape of ukraine. in the spring of the same year, russia had already annexed crimea, in other cities of the country at the beginning of may, alarming events took place. hirkin's militants captured slovyansk, 42 ​​people were burned alive in the trade union building in odesa after a pro-russian rally. in the same year, the state refused to hold a may day parade in the capital. changes in state policy were initiated by the historian. politician, head of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance, volodymyr vietrovych. he gathered a group of fellow historians whose task was to rethink the narrative symbols associated with the second world war. instead
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of russian, we can repeat, the slogan of the victory over nazism became the all-european never again, and the new symbol instead of red flags and st. george's ribbons, the red poppy, widespread in europe as a symbol of victory and memory. on may 8, 2015, the ukrainian institute of national remembrance and the ministry of culture. initiated an important international action: the first minute of peace, those present honored the dead with a minute of silence, so the creators of the new ukrainian memory policy began to prepare society for the transfer of the date of commemoration of victory day from the soviet may 9 to the historically reliable european may 8. at the same time, president poroshenko by his decree established a new state holiday - the day of remembrance and reconciliation. two years later in in 2017, the st. george tape was outlawed. the deputies supported anton gerashchenko's bill. the ban on the production and promotion of this post-soviet symbol in ukraine. however, the final breakthrough in public consciousness occurred after february 24, 2022 . it was then that the whole world
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saw with its own eyes. terrible consequences of the russian war. at the ukrainian institute of national remembrance in 2022, the slogan of the day of remembrance and reconciliation for the day of victory over nazism in the second world war was interpreted under modern events. it it sounded: we defeated the nazis, we will also defeat the rashists. in april 2022, more than 20 deputies led by volodymyr vietrovych registered draft law number 7297 on amendments to some laws of ukraine regarding the perpetuation of the victory over nazism in the second world war. provided for canceling victory day on may 9, moving the day off to may 8, establishing a new public holiday commemorating the victory over nazism in world war ii, and also recommended to president volodymyr zelensky to declare may 9 as europe day, however, the approval of the project crashed due to blocking by the bank. the reasons for this position of the president and his office are still unknown, but the initiative was delayed for more than a year. on may 8, 2023, president volodymyr zelenskyy submitted
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a proposed document to the verkhovna rada. practically the same as vitorovich's project. he filed a statement to withdraw his draft law and called on fellow deputies to support the president's draft, recalling the words of stepan bandera. our victory is the victory of our ideas. ema stednyk, espresso tv channel. well, and accordingly today president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy made an extremely resonant address, in particular, dedicated to the day of remembrance and victory, and he drew relevant parallels. with the current russian aggression, i quote the president of ukraine: the crimes of the nazis are committed under the russian flag, the difference is formal, the new wehrmacht, which invaded ukraine, wears a double-headed eagle on its sleeves, new faus, these are calibers and daggers, a new luftwaffe, migies, sushki, a new zetka swastika, the new hitler youth, the youth army, there are dozens of such parallels, hundreds of such imitations. if the modern kremlin resembles the third reich in everything, so its end must be identical.
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in new nuremberg, in the city of gaza, the hague, i apologize, but we will talk in more detail about the symbols, both today and about the symbols of this soviet victory, which tomorrow will be in the kremlin, why the ukrainians have finally given up on it, the way we came before that, and what should we do with what is happening there in the kremlin, because we understand that their idealism of racism will continue. her mission in their lives is actually to spread it on the entire planet, so this is a serious challenge to the entire civilized world. rostyslav luzhetsky, artist, public figure, director of komora publishing house in our studio. mr. rostyslav, we congratulate you, thank you for coming today to talk about this important topic, because we, relatively speaking, you know, still schoolboys, we only 10 years ago came to the point that we finally reconsidered the events that took place in 20th
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century, and for... now ukrainians, at least the latest data from the kyiv international institute of sociology indicate that for the most part, ukrainians still rethink this day, victory day, among ukrainians, it is no longer so popular, its support has decreased by almost 50% over the past 10 years, these are high numbers, what do you think this is actually related to the trend, why ukrainians are still rethinking, well , we understand, in the last two years it is clear, yes, but... for example, we take a look at eight years, when we had a war in donbas, when there was an occupation of crimea, but again after all, it was not customary for us to call it a war, we called it whatever we wanted, but that's it full-scale aggression was not opened. thank you for the questions, well, the fact is that there is a certain inertia, that at first we are the older part of people, somehow it was more difficult for them to come to terms with the fact that this is all, well, already seeing what
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is happening, that it is necessary. to somehow change, the point is that the flow of these very symbols and these paradigms that created empires is quite frequent, you see, we can also see fascist germany and the soviet union, how they sometimes used each other and flowed symbols and narratives, and russia is behaving now as well as what was actually done after the 45th year. that it is smooth from the day of victory to the moment of what you are talking about, we can repeat the example, that is , a new symbol was created that showed only our own aggression, and everyone should be afraid of us, and we can really repeat to you that we we want, this genocide, barbarism and murder, and actually we came to the understanding that we have to change it in our own right.


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