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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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for your attention, the news broadcast on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i will tell you about the most important events right now. 11 more children were returned home and managed to be taken out of the temporarily occupied kherson region. this was announced by the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. we are talking about two orphan girls aged 10 and 13, as well as four. boys and five girls aged from one year to 16. currently, children in a safe city receive the necessary medical and psychological assistance. the draft law on the mobilization of convicts was adopted in the verkhovna rada. about this people's deputies reported. the relevant decision was supported by 279 people's elected officials. yes, the document allows prisoners to be released for military service under a contract. however, this does not apply to those convicted
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of aggravated premeditated murder, sexual violence, terrorism and treason. it also does not apply to corrupt officials. the military unit will independently decide whether it is ready to mobilize the prisoner. now this document must be signed by the head of state and parliament. safe escape or suicide. border guards rescued seven evaders from thousands this was reported in the western regional office of the state border service. to get to neighboring hungary, the men tried to cross the river in a rubber boat. however, when they were exposed by the border guards, the perpetrators rushed to plot on their own. they were carried away by the current. the fugitives were pulled ashore and detained. the men paid about 7 thousand dollars to the shippers for such a route. law enforcement officers are currently looking for the organizers of the illegal scheme. he worked for
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the occupiers, the court sentenced the traitor of ukraine to 12 years in prison. according to the materials case, the ex-serviceman gave the russians information about the lutsk military airfield. in order to collect data, the attacker tried to renew contacts with former and active military personnel of the airport. the occupiers recruited a man back in 2020. the attacker sought information about the number and types of aircraft, military supplies and weapons, the placement of shelters and the location of engineering buildings at the airfield. he transferred all the collected data through established communication channels to an agent of the russian federation, an ex-pilot recruited by enemy special services. the latter was detained by counterintelligence officers in march 20 at the border while trying to escape. helped the russians capture. the capital. the
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security service exposed the traitor who in march 2022 gave the occupiers the geolocation of the ukrainian defenders. the attacker was driving around the suburbs of kyiv and recorded strongholds, roadblocks and ukrainian firing positions on her phone. after the failure of the enemy offensive, the traitor tried to avoid justice. however, it was not possible. law enforcement officers found mobile phones from the spy evidence the traitor was arrested, she is in danger. life imprisonment. oligarch ihor kolomoisky was informed of the suspicion of ordering an intentional murder, the office of the prosecutor general and the national police said. however, they did not name the businessman, but published a photo. sources of ukrainian pravda and rfe/rl confirmed that we are talking about a well-known oligarch. according to the investigation, in august 2003 there were four in feodosia. the men beat and injured
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the lawyer. the victim survived, then the perpetrators were arrested. now the police have established evidence, which confirm the identity of the customer. the motive is the insurrection of the refusal to cooperate in an illegal transaction. as you know, ihor kolomoiskyi has been in custody since last september on suspicion of fraud and property laundering. the usa has suspended the supply of bombs to israel, because they are afraid. that the idf will use them in rafah, reports politico. according to a senior administration official, the decision was made after analyzing possible supplies of weapons that the israeli army could use in the densely populated city. it is noted that the batch was to consist of 1,800 bombs weighing 900 kg and 1,700 bombs weighing 225 kg. landed without
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front landing gear, there was an incident with a fedex airlines cargo plane at the istanbul airport. the aircraft remained on the runway. so there were no casualties. fire engines immediately arrived at the scene of the accident. the boeing 767 was flying from charles de gaulle airport in paris. before landing, the pilots informed dispatchers that the front wheels were not deploying, so the plane was helped to land with guidance from the control tower. aircraft began to swim. in brazil, the airport bridge went under water. porto alegre, this happened due to heavy rains that led to large-scale flooding in the region. according to local media, the natural disaster destroyed numerous roads, bridges, residential and public buildings. huge destruction occurred in 235 settlements of the state of rio grande dusul. at least 40
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people have died, and dozens more are missing. may 9th. the feature film house of the word, an endless novel directed by taras tomenko, will be released in ukraine. the premiere of the film is being shown in kyiv today. our correspondent tetyana golunova also watched the tape, and she is now in direct contact with us. tanya, i congratulate you and i want to hear all the details from you, did the film impress you, and who did you see at the premiere? congratulations and i also congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. so today , the film the house of the word is being presented in the ukrainian house, the endless romance. it is based on real events. i already had time to watch the movie, but i didn't watch it to the end, because the movie is still in progress, and she lasts two hours. i would like to note that tomorrow this
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film will be released at the national box office. and this film is a story about ukrainian writers of the era of the executed revival, which there were. gathered under one roof, under the roof of one building, in order to force them to work for the system, and in 1927 the slovo building was built in kharkiv, it housed the most prominent ukrainian writers, they became participants in the experiment to make it possible to discover a new type of soviet writer. the picture tells about what later to these the most outstanding writers... one more author, namely volodymyr akimov, is settled in, and after his appearance in the house , such strange things begin. all its creators came to the premiere of the film, that is, of course, the director, screenwriter, cameraman, producer and actors. and, as the director of the film notes, it
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is worth watching at least so that people remember their history and pass it on to their descendants. let's hear him straight now. the never-ending novel is a film about a shot revival, about the incredible period in the life of ukraine, in the life of kharkiv , 20s and 30s, it is about the heyday of ukrainian art, ukrainian poetry, ukrainian music, ukrainian theater, it is a film about the drama of mykola khvylovy, about the drama of ukrainian writers, the most talented of a whole galaxy, a whole generation. the team spent 10 years creating this film, the premiere was supposed to take place in 2022, but the full-scale russian invasion prevented it, the scenes were shot in kharkiv and kyiv, and the main task was to convey, of course,
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that the atmosphere of the 1930s, how difficult it was to make it, let's hear the next comment, the main difficulty is in general... to make a stylistically balanced picture, especially when we are talking about historical cinema, costumed historical cinema, and of course this is not such a task simple, when the modern world is all around, and we want to recreate the 30s in ukraine, which in reality, unfortunately, were not so well described. the world premiere of this film took place at the 37th warsaw film festival in 2021, the ukrainian one at the mykolaychuk open festival on the 22nd, and tomorrow all ukrainians will be able to see it at the national box office
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tomorrow, may 9. that's all the info for now, so iro, i'm turning the ether over to you. thank you tanya, it was our correspondent tetyana golunova, and indeed. after all, there is no future without the past, we must know our history, so, as our correspondent just said, you can visit from tomorrow. and to see exactly where and in which cinemas the feature film is being shown, the house is a must do it and preferably bring your children too. that was all the news for this time, you can read more news on our website, follow us on social networks and watch us on youtube, we will see you at 6 pm, and now the chronicles of the war with olga len.
5:11 pm
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the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company. favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks live political analysis objectively and meaningfully,
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there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, freedom of life - frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. greetings, i'm olga lentse, chronicles of combat operations and we at espresso are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone . in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhya directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in any weather, day, night, and for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed that will deliver
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mobile repair groups and equipment to the combat zone, as well as a pneumatic hydraulic jack for operational... repair, well , in particular, of foreign military equipment, and this is very important, because there will be equipment , there will be something to fight for, so please join, look, there is a collection number, this is such an important thing, well, in principle, it is an important direction in general for such assistance to our soldiers at the front, it also depends to a large extent that there are all targets, healthy and could fight and beat the enemy, so please join. well, now let's quickly look at the battle map, what happened on the front in recent days, and then we will discuss it. map of hostilities for the period may 1-8, 2024. the armed forces
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of the russian federation lost their victory on may 9. despite the fact that the russians are conducting assaults along the entire front line with the hope of ... gaining at least some victory by may 9, the armed forces of ukraine still did not receive enough ammunition, but the situation at the front is mostly stabilized luhansk region, offensive on kupyansk. having captured kesrivka at the end of april, this week the rashists unexpectedly developed their offensive to the west and south. therefore, they occupied the village of kotlyarivka and advanced along the road to kupyansk, to which they still had the same 20 km. in addition, the armed forces withdrew from... a large section of the highway between krokhmalny and novoserivsky and entrenched themselves near berestovo. unexpectedly, near kupyansk itself, our soldiers captured several positions north of senkivka, which the russians have not been able to take for more than a year. tim at times, both the russian and ukrainian military leaders are actively talking about a possible attack from the belgorod and kursk regions on kharkiv and sumy. however, their
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grouping of troops in this direction increased by as much as 4,000. this is clearly not enough for an adult. offensive, and therefore, most likely, we are talking about raids deep into ukraine to distract our reserves. the russians trivially copied the tactics that the rdk implemented a few months ago. chasiv yar is preparing for victorious assaults. by may 9, as putin commanded, the russians not only failed took time, but did not even prepare the battlefield for a decisive attack on the city. in particular, near bohdanivka, their advance was very insignificant azsu on... managed to recapture one position south of the village from the enemy. defense forces continue to hold positions on the edge of ivanivskyi, which makes it impossible for the russians to carry out their favorite evasive maneuver. in klishchiivka and andriivka, our defense is also holding firm. since no one canceled putin's order, the occupiers will probably try to advance at
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the time of yar head-on without preparing the flanks, which can end in total disaster for them. this is indicated by a series of events, in particular, small reconnaissance groups of the occupiers have already begun to cross the canal, despite the fact that the armed forces assure that they have eliminated all of them, but in some areas there are still battles for access to the outskirts of the city, but they definitely have not been able to gain a foothold here. in addition, the enemy carried out powerful aerial bombardments and destroyed the city through the canal connecting the main part of the temporal ravine with the canal district. they blew up another bridge in ivanovsky to complicate logistics for... our troops, who hold part of this village. pokrovsk-toretsk front. on the postavdiyiv front, the situation finally began to resemble a certain stabilization of the front. this mostly concerns the southern section near umansky. here the enemy advanced almost 100 m in netaylovo and a couple of hundred meters in the direction of yasnobrodivka. in addition, the russians have occupied a gray zone south
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of pervomaisky, this will increase their pressure on the village of nevelske, in which the armed forces of ukraine. have been holding the defense for over a year and a half. after the occupation of semenivka and berdychiv on in this section of the front, the defense forces managed to completely stop the movement of the enemy to the west. the village of sokil, in which defensive positions were previously built, became an important area of ​​defense, so the occupiers did not manage to move far from the previously captured solovyovo. in addition, it was in this area that the armed forces managed to prevent the expansion of the enemy-controlled zone around the already completely occupied ochereteny. therefore, they are trying to bypass the village of sokil from the south and made their way for a kilometer in the direction of novopokrovsky. instead, north of the russians, albeit slowly, are still promoting this kind of reed. in the western direction, they approached a kilometer from the outskirts of novooleksandrivka, and from the north, after the capture of the zsu ceramics, they were forced to leave
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arkhangelsk as well, due to the fact that it was cut off from logistical routes, and the topography of the area did not allow to maintain defense here. the russians still have the choice of an offensive vector to the west, to pokrovsk or to the north to toretsk kostyantynivka. however, certain developments indicate that the armed forces are in control of the situation. in particular, she returned to the avdiyiv direction 110 brigade, which replenished its ammunition and immediately shot down the su-25. instead, the third assault brigade and the 47th brigade went on rest, and therefore they had such an opportunity. krasnohorivka 5 months after the complete occupation of maryanka, the rashists still cannot leave the borders of this destroyed city. their offensive in the western direction on georgiyivka was a complete failure. as well as the attack on the south, where their maximum success was the capture of the village of pobyeda, which had several dozen houses. therefore, the occupiers concentrated their efforts on the assault
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the city of krasnohorivka, which is north of maryanka. they are coming from two sides, from the east and the south. if the defense forces did not allow the enemy to enter the city from the eastern flank, then in the south the russians managed to gain a foothold in several quarters and regularly attack the central areas of krasnohorivka. at the same time, the armed forces also ... regularly knock out the enemy from there and push them back to the outskirts. after the occupation of novomykheilivka, the russians retreated to paraskoviivka and their westward movement stopped. in addition, it is obvious that they are preparing for a new assault on the coal miner. now our soldiers repulse all attacks, but the armed forces of the russian federation are preparing new reserves to take this strategic city for the defense of donetsk region. southern front - revision of counterattack results. offensive of the armed forces. the russians carried out a large-scale offensive in the berdyansk direction, where they stormed the harvest and staromaisk during the week. in a few days, they were able to occupy several
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of our positions near both villages and come a kilometer closer to their surroundings. however, it cost them very dearly, at least 23 units of armored vehicles, tanks, bmps and armored personnel carriers. despite the expansion of the gray zone in the central streets of the village of robotyne and the enemy's attempts to break through to the northern streets of the village of sili. defenses continue to control most of it, including the western and eastern parts of the settlement. on this part of the front, the enemy's armed forces also had the task of winning by may 9, having audited the results of the summer counterattack against the armed forces of ukraine, but to no avail. we win daily, death to enemies. well, now we have with us petro chernyk, a military expert, a colonel of the zsu. greetings sir. peter, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, and you know, let’s start with what actually happened tonight, this is such a combined missile, chain attack on ukraine, 55 missiles,
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21 attack drones, 39 missiles and 20 uavs shot down our defense forces, and the targets , in particular, well , it looks like... mainly energy goals, that is, energy, an attempt to knock out energy, and what do you think, is this psychological pressure, or does it have some practical meaning for the russians, well, that is , this one, you know, concentration on energy and concentration, well, unexpectedly in the summer, but not in the winter, and objectively there is nothing new, the enemy has been hitting our infrastructure and will continue to hit, why did he just now switch to... generating systems, because before that, as a rule, he did not use transformer systems, there is actually a certain strategic a sign, if it didn’t sound strangely positive, what it is, the enemy comes to the conclusion that
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he will no longer be able to return ukraine back to himself, and precisely the most striking destruction of the infrastructure is that they are trying to hit the underground gas storages precisely in stryshchna, why it is one of the largest repositories in general eastern europe has such gas reserves that countries such as the czech republic, slovakia and hungary can collectively live on them for several years. in the future, europe will definitely abandon european gas, but in general, neither the production nor the household sector will ever abandon it as a fuel, because it is the best fuel in terms of energy generation and practically does not exist, or rather has a very low coefficient of combustion products , and given that the production of very large volumes of gas, as well as reduced gas, begins in the northern shelf of norway is delivered from... america, we could be a very serious player in the market for its storage, but russia is trying to harm us, in the part that concerns the missile strikes last night
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, there is no novelty, i emphasize. they have not made any such wave before and, in my opinion, will continue to do so until the last day of this war. ugh. mr. peter, well, actually, about what is happening there in the sumy and kharkiv regions, well, the enemy continues to accumulate his forces in the border zone, now one of the last such according to the available data, it seems that in the belgorod region, it is about 33-35 thousand russians in kopychi. in the kursk region, 13-14, well , the total number there is calculated as about 50 thousand soldiers, well, as if this is not enough for an attack on kharkiv or there on sumy or somewhere there, as they constantly try to scare, but still this will they be allowed to do something and how can you predict what that might be, ie what can we expect? operations of
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the in-and-out type, what is in-and-out, really penetrated our territory for several years kilometers, we will be forced to engage in battles with them, and therefore divert some forces and means that could be useful directly on the battle line, in order to conventionally storm kharkiv, we need at least 100 thousand corps, at least, it cannot be less, why is this 40 km, which must be covered with battles, everything on the border itself is mined, fortified, they are a small widow. 10 years passed, this is five, it is up to 8 km in diameter, no more, they really took bakhmut, but they did not advance beyond bakhmut, the strategic heights, as they belonged to us, and belong to, have certain tactical successes in advancing several hundred meters, not to mention a few kilometers, how can such forces in 35,00 cover 40 km, well, in my opinion, this is nonsense, at the same time, you can’t expect anything from crazy people, and they can shock.
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let's recall the series in chornobayevka, where forces and means were stationed in one place more than 20 times, we destroyed them, and they stationed them again, and so on ad infinitum, until the brilliant kherson operation broke out. i am in no way disparaging the enemy, they really are can surrender to anything, but to claim that everything and sumy and kharkiv will be completely attacked is also incorrect. the need is at least, donate for repetition a hundred thousand corps in one direction not... not along the entire border line, these are three regions, kyiv, sumy and kharkiv, in one direction, and if all three directions, then we need another 300 plus, where are they take now? well, can they really take them, you tell them where to take them, and can they bring them there from somewhere deep in russia, it’s interesting, well, once again, all, all units are full-time, which are involved in fact, they announced the creation of 14 new mechanized divisions, 16 new...
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organized brigades and two combined armies, how much is it in terms of numerical potential, just somewhere up to 300 thousand, but there are several nuances, the first nuance is the so-called replacement, in april month, we destroyed 26 00 of them, and these indicators of 26/30 00 are just standard, starting from the fall of last year, so we destroy them, they need to be replaced, these are also people who should be brought into line, if they could so quickly create these units, then they would not shoot from far away. east a full brigade of marines and would not send it to ukraine, realizing that they will never be able to return it back, or in a strategic sense do they still have a margin of safety in terms of human resources, they have up to 3 million people the mobilization resource of kalashnikov assault rifles, the previous empire produced more than 100 million, of course there are no 100 million in warehouses, but kalashnikov assault rifles are still being produced, this
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production does not stop. there are still thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of tons of ammunition in warehouses, the cartridge and projectile factories are loaded to full capacity, that is, the infantry shafts are quite likely, and they will form them, but i do not share the view that the strongest and heaviest blows should take place at the end of may or the beginning of june, for such a magician to put people to i think it will take at least 3-4 months, if they manage to reach the declared figures for september. a month, then it will be a success for them, huh, that is, you don’t think that in may-june you can expect something like this, well, massive, i very, very correctly placed the accents, i didn’t i cancel that those 30, 15, 25 thousand can go on the attack, they can, and why can't they, they can, but what result will they achieve if they want to break through 40 km, well, this is a huge section of the march.


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