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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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for the repair of armored vehicles, and uh, stay with the espresso tv channel, after all. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. today, from 18:00 to 23:00, power outages are possible throughout the territory of ukraine, ukrenergo warned. they emphasized that the restrictions will be evenly distributed across all regions. the company also noted that the shortage of electricity will be compensated by imports from eu countries. let me remind you, the russians fired. power facilities in lviv,
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vinnytsia, kyiv, poltava, kirovohrad, zaporizhzhia and ivano-frankivsk regions. in particular, three thermal power plants of dtek were seriously damaged, the company reported. this is already the fifth massive russian missile-drone attack on ukrainian energy since march 22. the number of injured as a result of the attack on kharkiv has increased. seven people were injured, including four. children they were hospitalized in serious condition. this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. the russians hit the stadium on the territory of the educational institution. as a result of the attack , the school and residential buildings were damaged. in place emergency services are working. returned home. eleven more children managed to be taken out of the temporarily occupied kherson region. this was announced by the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. it is about two orphan girls aged ten and ten. 13 years old, as well as about
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four boys and five girls aged from one year to 16. currently, children in a safe place receive the necessary medical and psychological assistance. the draft law on the mobilization of convicts was adopted in the verkhovna rada, people's deputies informed about it. the corresponding decision was supported by 279 people's deputies chosen ones therefore, the document allows prisoners to be released for military service under a contract, but this does not apply to those convicted of aggravated intentional murder, sexual violence, terrorism and treason. it also does not apply to corrupt officials. the military unit will independently decide whether it is ready to mobilize the prisoner. now this document must be signed by the head of the parliament and the president. safe escape or suicide. border guards saved. dodged in a hurry,
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it was reported in the western regional in order to get to neighboring hungary, the men tried to cross the river in a rubber boat, but when they were discovered by the border guards, the attackers rushed to swim on their own and were swept away by the current. the fugitives were pulled ashore and detained. for such a route, the men paid the ferrymen about 700 dollars. currently, law enforcement officers are looking for the organizers of the illegal activity. scheme in the economy will be needed, according to this principle, a resident of one of the de-occupied regions appropriated the marking for the field. the grandmother loaded her bike with warning signs of a mine, the state emergency service said. rescuers call on ukrainians not to repeat such acts. romania is ready to consider the transfer. this was stated by
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the country's president klaus iohannis after a meeting with the us leader joe biden in washington. romania currently has only one patriot battery in service, but president iohannis noted that the discussion was about another battery that is almost ready for use. president biden also mentioned about patriots for ukraine during our meeting, and i said i was open to discussion. but i have to discuss it in the supreme defense council of our country to see what we can offer and what we can get in return, because leaving romania without air defense is unacceptable. the free trade zone between serbia and china will start on july 1, oleksandr vucic said during the visit of the leader of the republic of china to belgrade. the two countries have signed 29 agreements that promote legal.
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regulatory and economic cooperation so serbia became the first european country to sign a free trade agreement with china. this is the first visit of sijin pinya to europe in 5 years. he visits the pro-russian countries of the continent, after that he will go to hungary. the us has suspended the supply of bombs to israel, fearing that the idf will use them in rafah. this was reported by politico. according to a high-ranking official of the administration, such a decision was made after analyzing possible supplies of weapons that the israeli army can use in densely populated place. it is noted that the batch was to consist of 1,800 bombs weighing 900 kg and 1,700 bombs weighing 225 kg. from now on, valery zaluzhnyi is an honorary citizen of kyiv. such
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a title was awarded to the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine by the kyiv council. zaluzhnyi became an honorary citizen of the capital for his services in protecting the sovereignty of ukraine and for repelling the enemy during the defense of kyiv. lina kostenko was also awarded the title of honorary citizen of the capital. let me remind you that valery zaluzhnyi became the ambassador to great britain in march. 10 years ago for the first time, ukraine joined the european tradition of commemorating the day of remembrance and reconciliation on may 8. we abandoned the concept of a great victory. instead, according to the european model of memory, they tried to return a person to... the unremarkable history of the war. this is exactly what ukrainian historians and politicians are discussing right now in the center of kyiv. our correspondent dmytro didora is at the event. dima, i welcome you and i am waiting for you to give me the details of what the experts were talking about.
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congratulations, iro, and congratulations to our viewers as well. as noted by experts at the round table, after the acquisition of independence by ukraine did not take place this understanding of the victory in the second. world war, and in 2000 they passed a law that established exactly how ukrainians already perceived may 9, let's hear what was written in it, the law records specific practices, how the state sees respect, very important things are recorded, the name is great patriotic war, periodization and the soviet 41-45 itself, the term people is fixed. the winner, he is not clearly named anywhere, but it is clear from the context that it is the soviet one people. only in 2015 , the day of remembrance and reconciliation was established on may 8, and since then the opinion of ukrainians about victory day has been changing, and the attitude to
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may 9 has also been rethought by ukrainians, according to research. let's hear their results. may 9 is victory day. in the 12th year, 74% of the respondents perceived it, in the 22nd year, only 15, eh, as a day of remembrance for the victims of the war, may 9, in 2012, only 18% of people perceived it, in 2022, as many as 80. experts and understanding noted the day of remembrance and reconciliation in europe, that's where the meaning was sought the causes of these wars, therefore this... this slogan never again, it involves the very understanding of these causes of the first and second world wars. in the soviet union, they also tried to adhere to this slogan, never, again, while there were leaders in power who saw the consequences and saw the horrors of the second world
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war, but very later the soviet union already turned into this cult of victory frenzy and turning victory day into gas. we can repeat, this is exactly what the experts talked about at the round table today. iro. dimo, thank you to you, it was our correspondent dmytro didor, and i only have to remind you about the collection of the espresso tv channel, because with your help we were able to collect funds for cars and equipment for our defenders. two off-road vehicles for the air reconnaissance group and air defense forces, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator. for transporting fallen heroes. all these cars arrived in ukraine, but they need preparation for combat service. our goal is uah 120,000. and thanks to you, we were able to collect more than uah 70,000. so everyone
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you can now see the details on the screen. i ask you to support the collection and donate. such was the news at that time. you can do more. read on our website espresso tv, also a brief summary of the main things in our social networks, be sure to subscribe and watch our unique content on youtube, i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, i wish you a quiet evening and literally meet my colleague vasyl zima in a few minutes, problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with help long joints, these are packets of collagen and
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listen to yours. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. most. conversational format of ukraine in the evening prime. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing - every thursday at 9:15 p.m. , velikiy lviv speaks in the project, on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics. more important topics, still more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world
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, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko , every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. what to do when there will be... alohol liver, but what about the gallbladder? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. may 8, the day of commemoration of the second world war, commemoration of millions of ukrainians who fought, about millions of ukrainians who survived and millions who did not survive that war, never worked again, but we believe in our victory and remember... all our heroes. may 8: day of remembrance and victory over nazism in
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world war ii. good evening, we are from ukraine. glad to see you, i congratulate you, dear viewers, on the day of remembrance and reconciliation. greetings, my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, i am my colleagues, with you for the next hour and 45 minutes. and we have a rich broadcast today and we will have it. there will be a special project today, where we will talk about the second world war itself, a guest will be invited to us so that you learn and understand a lot of important information and learn, learn. a little more from what you already knew, well , we will start with the announcement of the collection, we ask you to join, we very much ask, i would even add from myself, to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles for the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions the recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone, neither ours nor yours,
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in the open air in any weather day and night, the actual war has no breaks and... weekends, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular, tanks, combat vehicles infantry, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus that will deliver to the combat zone, mobile, repair teams and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment, our goal is 500, 630,000 uah, i looked today, we were able to collect a little less than 60 000 hryvnias, actually we need to collect 10... times more, so i ask you to join, especially on the day of reconciliation and remembrance, on the day when we remember our ancestors who gave their lives and health for the victory over brown color, today our army and actually our whole country is fighting against the tricolor plague that putin brought to our land, and we really need this help, i
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believe in you, the armed forces of ukraine believe in us, i am convinced that in the near future we will speed up . and we will be able to collect the necessary amount, you understand, the situation is all different, money problems, lack of finances, these are all there, but if you can, what you can give, and sometimes even a little more, please contribute and donate to the needs of the armed forces. well , about the situation at the front, about the situation related to weapons and many other important topics and issues that directly relate to the war, i will ask serhiy zgurets, director of the defensexpress agency and host of the military section. summaries of the day, serhiy, congratulations, you have the floor, please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our one section we will talk about individual details enemy missile attack on ukraine, about the possibility of receiving the patriot air defense system from romania and about the tactical nuclear exercises of russia and
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belarus, it seems that russia is getting quite nervous considering the scale of assistance to ukraine from the outside. europeans and americans. more on that in a moment. tonight, after an almost two-week pause, the enemy launched another such combined missile attack on ukraine. the enemy used 76 means of impression. there were sea-, land-, and air-based cruise missiles. there were shaheds, there were ballistic missiles. abrasion iskander and the airballistic dagger. the command of the air force reported that it was possible to intercept 57 targets, i.e. 75%. failed to shoot down ballistic missiles and dagger. we know that the enemy's main target was electricity generation and transmission facilities, and despite the powerful work of air defense, such
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are the hits to critical infrastructure facilities and ukrenergo. i was informed that in the evening there may be restrictions in the supply of electricity to household and industrial consumers throughout ukraine. about cruise missiles kha-101s, which were used the most in the attack, 45 flew and 33 were shot down. we received a photo of a shell from one of the missiles that was shot down near kyiv. now we will show this photo, and here are two of these important ones. details, the first thing is that the serial number of the downed missile shows that it was manufactured in the second quarter of the 24th year, that is, this kh101 missile was literally taken from the assembly line by the russians to strike ukraine, and the second feature of this kha-101 is that that there was a double warhead on it, that is, in fact, in
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addition to the warhead weighing 450 kg, there there was another one weighing 300... 10 kg, and the enemy began to create and use such missiles with a double warhead sometime in march, so we can say that he is trying to find such options for more effective strikes on our objects, but this missile was shot down by an air defense complex, none of the combat units detonated, and for this, of course , the question arises of strengthening our air defense system, ukraine is asking... to transfer more patriots to our partners, we know that we have three batteries of patriots, one more battery was promised to us by germany, the situation: concerns the patriots from israel, who are disarmed there for two months, so far this discussion with israel continues, but today it became known that romania
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can strengthen the defense of the ukrainian sky . the president of romania, after a meeting with the president of the united states, said that he is ready to discuss the possibility of providing ukraine with patriot air defense systems, but this will be after he has passed. there will be government meetings in my country, i will say that in romania, there are actually now one patriot battery, but three more have been ordered, so actually this ordered battery, which is the closest to the supply from the united states, can be transferred to ukraine, but these are political statements for now, we will see when they will be implemented in practice, then we will talk about the situation... with russia and belarus, because this unity of aid to ukraine from european countries, from the united states, the possibility of sending
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western troops to ukraine, as french president macron spoke about, britain's permission to use its long-range weapons, in particular, the stormshadow missile on russian territory, as well as the unblocking of aid from the united states, seems essential. the russian authorities, and against this background, the russian side announced the conduct of exercises with tactical nuclear weapons, and belarus even began conducting such exercises, what all this means, we will talk about this with our guest, we are joined by oleksiy yizhak, an expert of the national institute of strategic studies, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, in return, i congratulate you, and until then... russia is preparing to hold exercises with tactical nuclear weapons, and these exercises must take place in the district that is tangent to the borders of ukraine.
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training has already started there, today there are su-25 aircraft, iskander otrk missiles, i would like to ask you, because you have been doing research related to the concept of strategic nuclear deterrence for a long time. here, russia and belarus begin to use tactical nuclear weapons, or shall we say, the mention of these weapons, as an element of influence on the western world, which will be, conditionally speaking, the consequences of such actions, what is the political and technical side of these exercises, what is important to understand in this current situation? well, i'll start with a little note, you mentioned the kha-101, which has a dual warhead, here... obviously, they're converting this missile from strategic to non-strategic, because the dual warhead means that the range is shorter, and here it should be noted, it is perhaps important, that
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even when the soviet union and the united states were first agreeing on the start treaty, even start-1, there was such an agreement that cruise missiles will not be equipped with main parts that are separated, so... russia is returning somewhere back to those times, in the 80s, in the 70s, something like that, well, in general, this is the movement of russia somewhere in the opposite direction, so i think, from this point of view and you can consider what they are doing now, regarding the exercises, they are trying to bring back the fear of nuclear weapons, and we see how this is happening, putin is declaring, and lukashenko seems to be doing something... and there are a lot of strange things , if we speak technically, well, for example, these trainings are complex iskander plus sud 25, well, well, iskander, yes
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iskander, there is probably the main part for iskander, but the su-25, it should be recalled that when it was just discussed, there were inconsistencies, when lukashenko and putin did not understand what kind of aircraft would actually be dual purpose, court-25 must be said, they are special. were created so that they were non-nuclear, precisely, precisely in a non-nuclear form they existed in the soviet union, and the fact that such a nuclear role is attributed to them now, well, that is also strange, but in general, if we talk about all these absurdities, they are about , what russia wants, well it is now trying to close the gap, it was more or less clear that no matter how our partners treated russia's threats, in principle there was an understanding that nato countries would not be directly involved in this war, weapons would be supplied like that, but, but nor
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will there be weapons in... actually on the territory of russia, and not its own troops in ukraine, and now we see that the united states adheres, they, as they say, do not encourage the use of their nuclear weapons, their weapons on the territory of russia and their troops, it remains such a taboo, but france and the united kingdom, they are crossing this red line, the united kingdom said that it is possible to use their missiles against russia on the territory of russia, and... there were even reports that there is already a foreign legion in ukraine, and this is the impression that russia is this gap is trying to be closed, and this means that they are preparing in this way , from my point of view, for the nato summit, for what will be written in the final declaration, they are very afraid of blurring this red line, that nato is not a participant in the war,
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in here in... you singled out primarily the european component of deterrence, which russia is trying to implement with such political and military measures in the format of exercises, but it seems that yesterday there was a statement by the ministry of foreign affairs of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, which, in my opinion, is clearly aimed at the united states, there they talked about the united states on the one hand supplying. long-range missile attacks on ukraine, then the fact that they are increasing multifaceted missile threats to our country in other places, and that the russians say they will respond in kind by building similar missile systems. i would like to ask you what this is actually about, what mirror things the russian
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federation is trying to talk about now, and how it will affect it. on relations with the american side, and perhaps what missiles or models of new weapons the russian federation is hinting at? well, from the fact that on the surface it is very difficult to imagine how russia can catch up with the united states in the framework of nuclear rearmament, which is now in the united states continues, and russia has already done it, well, years there in the last decade, she did it, now there is no money for new rearmament. i think from the fact that on the surface it could be about equipping a new generation of american missiles instead of the atacnus that are coming, i will just say that the atacnus, they were never nuclear, they were planned to be nuclear, they had lancets before them, which were nuclear , then there were still no attacks, but now the prsm missile, precision strike missile,
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prsm, it can be. nuclear and in principle in the united states there are conversations that they can even bring back the ground version of tamahawk with nuclear equipment, which was in the 80s, if, if there are such threats from russia, well, at least it is possible, i do not rule out that they are again talking about another version of the iskanders, a long-range or a ground version calibres, that they can also equip nuclear weapons, but these are still statements. nothing else, well, it’s hard to imagine what else they mean, but within the framework of such statements, what symmetry, i think, cruise missiles, cruise missiles and ground attack missiles, they are something else there they want to make a symmetrical one, and technically now the russian federation is capable, in particular, there, well , quickly enough, to ensure the build-up of such a missile potential there, relying precisely on the daggers there, perhaps in...
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arranged for iskander, or zircons there, which can also become there in in the format of the terrestrial version, to what extent does this direction now help the russian federation? well, in certain quantities, in demonstration quantities, well , could be just like korean missiles, just like iranian shaheds, just like, well individual zirconium launches, that's possible, i just highly doubt that any of these missiles have, well, have... reliable, reliable nuclear equipment, still, all of these missiles, they came after they were at all many nuclear programs and tests have been stopped, the only thing that can be said is that for sure for calibers and for iskander mm, well, there may be old, old ammunition that was made there for oka back in soviet times for their various there...


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